WIP_101 Things I learned in Worksearch 2.0

Post on 10-May-2015






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First created in 2011, I shared this with the network as a compilation of all the things I have learned working with them and working on my own Worksearch.


......Think don’t


How long have I got...

Kubler Ross Get off as quickly as possible

Feel the fear then have a good cry

Build a community

Use the shower to your advantage

Don’t miss an opportunity





Selfishness is the best reason to cooperate



What was the happiest moment of your life? The saddest?

Who was the most important person in your life? Can you tell me

about him or her?

Who has been the biggest influence on your life? What lessons

did that person teach you?

Who has been the kindest to you in your life?

It’s been said that after they pass away, the most important people

in our lives “live within us.” Is there anyone from your past that

lives within you?

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

What is your earliest memory?

Are there any words of wisdom you’d like to pass along to me?

What are you proudest of in your life?

When in life have you felt most alone?

How has your life been different than what you’d imagined?

How would you like to be remembered?

Do you have any regrets?

What does your future hold?

Know the rules...Know your rights

Get financial advise

Become your own PR agency

Send Thank You cards

Push yourself

Ignore others advice

By the way this is not advice just what I have learned...

Hang out with oddballs

Go to art galleries

Stand Up and deliver

Sell, sell, sell

Buy, buy, buy

Go on a holiday

Copy others

Love your wife:

Love your kids

Spend time in parks

Tear up your cv

Meet stressed out former colleagues

Return every email by the end of the day

Return every phone call

Do interviews

Say no to job offers

Take profit shares

Go on courses

Create a home office

Write a blog

Build a website

Email famous people

Become a celebrity

Get clients

Find new interests

Think Design

Go to events

Are you IN

Know how to use LinkedIn

Professional photo shoot

Make yourself attractive

Follow up relentlessly

Take lots of breaks

Never give up

Look to the US

Look to Europe

Write everything down

Philosophy...... Do you have one?

Ring your former boss and say thanks

Be confident

Be compelling

Make friends

Make enemies

Keep it simple

Stay fit

Don't drink to much

Eat well

Start something

Be curious

Spend time in libraries

Dress up

Write your own cv,letters

Find out what you want

Spend time with yourself

Know your meaning/purpose

Think like a project manager

Know the answer to “so tell me about yourself”

Don't make excuses

Don't give out

Ignore media, frontline, joe duffy

Get to know lots of people

Don't be afraid

Perfect your answers....

How’s things? shit

Everything starts with an idea

We move through negative spaces and dwell in positive spaces

There is no plan

Its not about you

Persistence trumps talent

Use denial and reward to enrich your experience

Think strengths not weaknesses

Leave an imprint

Be realistic... Do what is


Know your values

Don’t Think of an Elephant?

Learn the art of possibility


Draw and paint

Magazines versus Newspapers

Change your language

Verbalise your intentions

Add training photo from ND



Supported by:


A regular activity performed in exchange for

payment, especially as one's trade, occupation,

or profession, a position in which one is



Being Unexpected

Exerting yourself

Doing something mental

Do something physical

Having a purpose

Finding a necessity

Finding a path you have never walked down before

Doing an activity you have never done before

Setting a goal Making a promise

Having an effect on someoneHaving an outcome

Being desired

Being expected

No Jobs Crisis!

Know your values and frame the debate........






“Redundant”No longer needed or useful;


“Unemployed”Out of work, especially

involuntarily; jobless, Not

being used; idle.

“Out of Work”Who is?




Love DoingReally good at

Who am I?

SkillsPast – Present - Future

Achievements“something accomplished, especially

by superior ability, special effort, great courage etc”


.....it’s technical and..........

......it’s tactical..........

Action Steps


Back burner

Listen Wait Look See Hear


Extra stuff

• www.ted.com

• www.creatdev.tumblr.com

• www.dontfeedtheanimals

• www.worksearch20.com

• www.sethgodin.typepad.com

• www.the99percent.com

• www.lifehacker.com

• Google Reader

• Google Alerts

Top 10 tips

• Become a master storyteller

• Practice restraint

• Embrace constraints

• Think with a beginners mind

• Leave your ego at the door

• Focus on the experience

• Do communication not rainforestation

• Obsess about ideas not tools

• Clarify your intention

• Sharpen your vision & curiosity and learn from the lessons around you





Friday 10am – 12.30pm Digital Exchange


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