Winderous 20140529

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Winderous 20140529


DU TOITSKLOOF KRAAI KOKKEDOOR: Gaan kuier dié winter by Du Toitskloof, en geniet ’n ete by dieFairtrade­geïnspireerde eetplek, Be Fair Deli. En die eintlike rede vir jou besoek, ’n teugie aan een van dietalle waarde­vir­geld­wyne op Du Toitskloof se wynlys. Drie gelukkige Enjoy Winederous­lesers kan diémaand elk twee kiste van Du Toitskloof se 2014 Sauvignon Blanc wen. Bernard Kotze, die handelsmerkbe­stuurder van Du Toitskloof, sê mens moet vergeet van reëls as dit by kos en wyn kom. “Niemand weet beteras jy waarvan jy hou nie. Vergeet van wit wyn by wit vleis of rooiwyn by rooivleis, vergeet van al hierdieraaiselagtige reëls as dit by kos en wyn kom. Dit is mens­geskape mites. Drink wyn omdat dit vir jou lekkeris en drink dit saam met kos ­ want die ervaring sal onvergeetlik wees, solank dit volgens jou eie reëls is.”Du Toitskloof is die wynborg van Kokkedoor en Marius Louw , uitvoerende hoof van Du Toitskloof Wines, sêdie vennootskap tussen dié Rawsonville­gebaseerde wynmakery en Kokkedoor is oor die benutting van dieenergie van twee bekende handelsmerke en die verhoging van die profiel en gewildheid van beide in dieproses. “Du Toitskloof is gemik op die bevordering van unieke Suid­Afrikaanse wyn en koskulture op ‘n ver­maaklike en insiggewende manier en dis waarom hul verbind is tot die borgskap van Kokkedoor vir die vol­gende drie jaar. ’n Enjoy Winederous­leser kan nou deel word van dié reis deur self by Du Toitskloof te gaankuier en op eie bodem die 2014 Sauvignon Blanc te proe.

WEN MET DURBANVILLE HILLS SE TOP­TIEN DINGE OM TE DOEN IN KAAPSTAD: Twee gelukkige EnjoyWinederous­lesers kan elk ’n prys ter waarde van R1 300 wen. Die prys behels ’n middagete vir vier mense byDurbanville Hills se restaurant, twee kaartjies om die ondergrondse toere in Kaapstad te beleef en een geskenkbe­wys van “The Book Lounge” in Kaapstad. Wen ’n dag waartydens jy en ’n maat van die Top­10 uitsoekplekke inKaapstad met Durbanville Hills­Wyne kan ervaar, en ontdek van die onbekende juwele van die Moederstad. DieDurbanville Hills­kelder, skaars 20 minute se ry van die middestad, bied vergesigte oor Tafelbaai en Robbeneiland,met Tafelberg in die agtergrond. Die unieke ligging van sy wingerde teen hellings en in valleie, sy meso­klimate ,die verskeidenheid van grondtipes en die ysige suidooster wat koel, klam lug van Valsbaai bring en oor die winger­de stort, skep die ideale toestande vir die maak van uitsonderlike, volgeurige wyne waarvan die aard en karakteronlosmaaklik dié van die Durbanville­area is. Die lys van die tien mees gesogte ervarings is; Durbanville Hills­Wynevir die uitsig en sauvignon blanc; 2. Die Old Biscuit Mill vir organiese en handgeskepte kosse 3.Kampsbaai sestrand 4. Ondergrondse toer van Kaapstad 5. Langstraat vir ongewone inkopies en ’n aandjie uit 6.What if theWorld vir alternatiewe plaaslike kuns 7. Die Labia­teater vir dokumentêre, buitelandse en kunsflieks 8. ’n Staptogteen sonsondergang op teen Duiwelspiek om Kaapstad te sien, gebaai in maanlig 9. Fietsry op die Seepunt­prome­nade 10. The Book Lounge vir seldsame en interessante vondste.

On Friday 13 June at 15:00, the Landmark Foundation will unveil avery unique statue of a leopard made from ‘gin­traps’ at CreationWines as part of the Fynarts Festival. This unveiling is a result of Crea­tion becoming a predator­friendly farm and work­ing with the Landmark Foundationin protecting the Cape Leopard inthe surrounding mountainous are­as of the Hemel and Aarde. Thisevent unites all the unique ele­ments of the Overberg, namelyconservation, wine and art intoone concept and function. Formore information or to attend theevent, contact Salome on 028212 1107 or email salome@cre­

Dis hoogwinter en tyd vir kuier voor die kaggelen heel gepas fokus Enjoy Winederous op dieStellenbosch­wynroete. Daar is soveel wonderlikekelders in die Boland en Overberg om te be­soek, waar begin mens? Maar ons nooi deson­danks graag ons lesers om op eie stoom die resvan die kaggels met kelders te gaan besoek.Dankie aan Tokara vir ons pragtige voorbladfo­to. Dan bied ons ook dié maand talle kompeti­sies aan ­ skryf gerus in en staan die kans omeen van die lekker pryse te wen. Besoek onsFacebook­blad by Enjoy Winederous en deel jul­le nuus op twitter by @enjoywinederous. Blyknus en warm tot volgende maand. ANNETTE


Antwoord die vol­gende vraag, enstaan die kansom vir jou en ’nmaat ’n onver­geetlike dag inKaapstad tewen.Vraag: Wat­ter wind waaivan Valsbaai enstort koue, klamlug oor Durbanvil­le Hills se winger­de? SMS jou ant­woord na 33679.SMS kos R1.50.Die wenners salgebel word.

Beantwoord diémaklike vraag,wie is die tweeaanbieders en be­oordelaar vanKokkedoor. SMS jouantwoord na33679. SMS­kostebeloop R1.50. Diekompetisie sluitop 24 Junie. Diewenners sal gebelword.• Die twee­de reeks van Kok­kedoor word Don­derdae om 20:00op kykNet uitge­saai. Volg DuToitskloof op @DuToitskloof Winesvir alle nuus engebeure oor Kok­kedoor.

FromWorcester toWacky toWinederous,andback

The first annual “Enjoy Winederous” Amazing Wine Race is planned forSaturday 9 August. This exciting event will pit the skills of teams of fouragainst a range of wacky tasks dreamed up by the 25 wineries situatedin the scenic winelands around Stellenbosch and Paarl. Tasks range fromthe educational like wine pairings, a wine quiz, wine blending and identi­fying certain wine varietals; to the physical, like barrel rolling, a cellartreasure hunt and boules; to name a few. Although perfect for a corpo­rate or team­building exercise, a group of friends can have a lot of funtoo competing informally against each other! The entry fee is R1 800 perteam, which includes morning coffee and a briefing session, the team kits,all the tastings and entertainment for the day, the prizes and the prize­giving dinner at the end of the day. A percentage of the profits raisedwill be donated to a local charity. Teams can book their places or find outmore by contacting Björn van Oort at or021 981 0216 during office hours.

Shiraz and Charcu­terie; a culinarymatch made in heav­en! Don’t miss outon the opportunity toexperience thesetaste sensations atthis year’s Feast ofShiraz & Charcuterie@ Hartenberg onSaturday 7 Junefrom 12:00 to 17:00.Sample some of SA’sfinest Shiraz’s pairedwith delectable arti­sanal fare. This isthe perfect opportu­nity to taste Harten­berg’s internationallyacclaimed Shirazwines, which includethe Hartenberg Es­tate Shiraz, the limit­ed release GravelHill and the popular,The DoorkeeperShiraz. And to en­sure you don’t gohungry chefs fromvarious restaurants,bistros and cafés willwork their magic asthey prepare delicious food to entice palates and complement this beauti­ful varietal. These offerings will be complemented with a fantastic selec­tion of freshly baked breads and olives. Tickets are available directly at a cost of R180 per person, and include your en­trance fee as well as wine tastings. For further information please call021 865 2541.

For one night only, the NH Lord Charles Hotel inSomerset West will be transformed into a Helderbergtreasure chest of the finest wines and food stemmingfrom the region, when the sixth annual Taste the Hel­derberg pulls out all the stops on Thursday 12 June.Tickets for Taste the Helderberg 2014 cost R70 perperson and are limited to 500 as the show is kept in­timate for guests to socialise with the wine makersand chefs without feeling cramped. The ticket includesan elegantly branded wine glass and access to tast­ing some of the best wines in the country. Doors willbe open from 17:00 to 21:00. During the evening,guests can relax in cosy chill areas or make use ofthe hotel’s restaurant for dinner. Pre­bookings for therestaurant are recommended to avoid disappointment.Call 021 855 1040 to make a reservation. For moreinformation on Taste the Helderberg 2014 or call 021 886 4310.

The Worcester Wine & Olive Route,with its 11 wine cellars and threeolive estates, not only boasts someof the best wine and olive productsin South Africa, but offers the in­creasing number of visitors to theregion great variety and value formoney, too. The Route offers eighttour itineraries which visitors canundertake on a self­guided basis,or, if preferred, a tour guide andshuttle is available for their conven­ience. There are also a number ofgood restaurants, delis and farmstalls on the various routes; ensur­ing no­one goes hungry along theway. And, once visitors have finished their wine and olive tastings there are many other activities that can maketheir stay in the region even more enjoyable. Some of these are: fishing, 4 x 4 routes, boating, canoeing, hikingand mountain­biking. Some of the wine awards garnered by members of the Worcester Wine & Olive route areas follows: The prestigious Diners Club Winemaker of the Year 2013, Christiaan Groenewald with his 2011Arendskloof Tannat­Syrah; two wines among the Classic Wine Top Six Chenin Blanc in South Africa; the 5­starwinner, Albertus Viljoen Chenin Blanc 2012 and 4­star Alvi’s Drift Chenin Blanc 2013; the Grand Wine Producerof the Year Cellar, Nuy Cellar; the Best Value Wine Cellar in South Africa overall, De Wet Cellar plus manymore. And, when it comes to the olive estates on the route, the numerous international awards they’ve wonmean that visitors will be able to sample truly world­class products. On top of this, a variety of excellent oliveproducts can be bought at the three olive estates.So, when you’re next in the mood to titillate your palate withfine wine and olive products which offer excellent value for money as well, pay the Worcester Wine & OliveRoute a visit. We’ve no doubt that once you do you’ll want to linger a little longer. For more information, visitour website: 0 023 342 8710 | 072 096 9355,

It’s time to celebrate the annual Wacky WineWeekend, this year to be held from 5 to 8June. There is something for everyone with:‘Seriously Wine Thursday’, ‘Wine Up Friday’,‘Full On Wacky Saturday’ or ‘Wine DownSunday’. ‘Seriously Wine Thursday’ promisesto inspire wine aficionados with a range oftailor­made activities, for instance: masterwine­tastings, exquisite wine and food­pair­ings, educational wine presentations and pri­vate tastings with the Valley’s most esteemedwine makers. Or perhaps you’d just like tounwind and embrace their line­up of fun­filledactivities such as the river cruises, cheese andolive tastings, barrel tastings, performing art­ists, as well as the gastronomic extravaganzaof oysters, abalone, freshly baked breads, su­shi and other deli and fresh produce delights.Contact the Robertson Wine Valley on (023)626 3167 or email manager@robertson­ Visit the Wacky Wine Week­end website.

AYAMA:Little Italy on the

foothills of Paardeberg

The Paardeberg between Paarl andMalmesbury is a fairly unknown regionof the Cape Winelands. But don’t mis­judge thequalityofwineswhicharepro­duced here.

AndMichela Dalpiaz, wine maker and co-own-er of Ayama Wines, is a shining example of this,producing an array of top quality wines from thepicturesque foothills of the Paardeberg.

Michela immediately fell in love with the CapeWinelands on her first visit to South Africa. It feltlike coming home, she says.And it wasn’t long before she enticed her hus-

band,Attilio, andbusiness partners, to buy the pic-turesque Slent Farm in the heart of the Paardeberg.Slent, now home to Ayama Wines, has a wide

variety of soils, micro-climates and altitudes abovesea level,whichareagreatblessing toawine farm-er. It is a perfect location for chenin blanc and

shiraz, but on this farm,many crops can begrown, making it a bonusfor Michela and Attilowho will grow just aboutanything for culinarypur-poses.Aftermuchresearch in-

to both cultivation andmarketing, it was decid-ed to focus on what areuniquely South Africancultivars – pinotage andchenin blanc.“When we came to see Slent the first time in

January2004,previousownerChrisNewopeneda bottle of Chenin Blanc from their own grapesfor us at 10:00 in the morning, which blew meaway. Although I had tasted some French andSouth African chenin blanc before, this had spe-cial flavoursand I immediately thought the varietalhad great potential in this area,” says Michela.And Michela’s passion for producing great

chenin blancs paid off when she last year wonthe trophy for thebest cheninblanc,Ayama2012,at the Paarl Shiraz Chenin Blanc Challenge.But Ayama’s red wines do not take back seat

at all.Although she produces an excellent array of

classic reds such as merlot, shiraz and CabernetSauvignon, she believes that South Africa’s truepotential lies in the indigenous vine, pinotage.“I believe that pinotage is the future of South

African wine. It was a total new cultivar to meand I was not sure what to do with it. But withthe help of Giorgio della Cia (for many years ac-claimed wine maker at Meerlust), I started under-standing how tomanage pinotage.And he taughtme it should be treated like a white wine and nota typical red.”Ayama’spinotage is definitely subtle,with fruiti-

ness, a hint of banana flavours, and it is in perfectharmony with the soft oak and smooth tannins.A medium-bodied and accessible wine.But one of the big surprises of Ayama, is the

magnificent array of MCC’s which Michela pro-duces. And not only one, but a trio of MCC spar-kling wines.“I absolutely love Italian bubbles and couldn’t

find theexactmatch inSouthAfrica, sowedecidedto make our own. A recent score of 93 points in

the“50GreatSparklingWinesof theWorld”publi-cation for the Rosé, as well as a 4-star rating inPlatter’s 2014, and a Gold at the 2013MCC chal-lenge for the Brut 2009, seem to prove the correct-ness of the decision, ” says Michela.She produces a Blanc de Blancs which is 100%

Chardonnay,Brutwhich is54%PinotNoirand46%Chardonnay and then the salmon coloured Rosé,which is made up of the classical varietals and alittle bit of Pinotage for a local twist.Apart from Michela’s range of Ayama wines,

she also boasts a fun-filled Baboon range consist-ing of amongst others, Baboon’s Cheek Viognierand Baboon’s Cuddle Pinotage. And not only isthe contents hereof of top quality, but thewhimsicalBaboon’s Back Shiraz won the illustrious Harper’sDesign 2013 Gold Medal for label design.Surprisingly, they have not yet produced Italian

styledwines, but this is in the pipe-line. For the pastfew years they have been going through the ardu-ous process of having vermentino vine cuttings le-gally enter the country, undergo quarantine, prop-agation and these are now at last being cultivatedfor harvest in the next few years. This is the firstvermentino, a white wine cultivar, to be broughtinto South Africa.But Michela and Attilo’s quest does not begin

and end with wine. Nine hectares of olive treeshave been planted: Mission, frantoio, leccino andcoratino, and olive oil have now been added tothe Ayama range.And soon on themenuwill be organic European

vegetableswhichwill begrownatAyama.Michelasaid that one thing that they very much miss fromItaly is the wide variety of fresh produce which isreadily available. Thus, they are well on their wayto establishing a little Italy on the slopes of thePaardeberg.

who will grow just about

Michela and Attilio Dalpiaz are making fine wines on theslopes of the Paardeberg.

Being Italian, Michela and Attilio have an absolute passion for food. After all,good food and wine is an integral part of Italian life. And with them, a mealis not just a meal, but a celebration of all things that are good.

One of Michela’s signature dishes is her veal stew, a robust, no nonsense,splendid Italian family dish. And perfect to treat dad on on Father’s Day.* Father’s day competition: Join Ayama Wines and La Masseria to celebrate Father’sDay this year in fine style! A lucky family can win a buffet lunch for four (two adults and twochildren) on Sunday 15 June at this popular Italian Country Kitchen and Deli (off the R44 betweenStellenbosch and Somerset West) with Ayama wines and live music to liven up the atmosphere.There’s lots of space for kids to play and the venue is extremely child friendly. After the laid-backlunch, take home a complimentary bottle of Ayama Baboon’s Cuddle Pinotage and AyamaOliveOil to enjoy afterwards. To enter you must visit the Ayama Wines and Enjoy Winederous face-book pages and click on like (an extra bottle of wine if you are the winner too!) and answerthis easy question: What is the name of the wine to take home? SMS your answer to 33679by Monday 2 June. The winner will be phoned.

Port enMuskadelverknus die koue kolle


Die eerste donkerwolkehet swaar reënge­bring en die kaggelhout staan opgestapel,reg om winterwarmte te verskaf. En wan­neer die Kapenaars hitte soek,word ’n bot­tel Port of Muskadel nader­gesleep om diekoue kolle te verknus, daardie plekke watnie deur elektriese komberse, skoothondeof lang onderbroeke bereik kan word nie.

Ek telegternieonderhullenie,enditwordmetbeskei-denheid gesê. Want ek drink heeljaar Port en Muska-del, omdat dit ván Suid-Afrika se beste wyne is.Ons praat hier van gefortifiseerde wyne, met ander

woorde hulle word versterkmet die byvoeg van spiritusof brandewyn. En die versterking word nie gedoen omdie eindproduk ekstra woema te gee nie – alhoewel’n bietjie fut nog niemand skade berokken het nie –maar is ’n belangrike faktor om die wyn se vrug ensoetgeit te behou.Hoe verskil Port en Muskadel?Beginnende by Port, en hier word die druiwe gepars

engegis,net soosmetdiemaakvanwyn.Maarhalfpaddeur die gistingproses word die spiritus of brandewynby die wyn gegooi, en die sterk, hoë alkohol van diespiritus sorg dat die gistingproses in sy spore gestuitword. Tydens gisting word suiker in alkohol omskep.Maar stop jy die gisting halfpad deur, word die druiwese suiker in diewyn behou. En so het jy Port se lippelek-lekker vrugtige soet geur.Muskadel werk anders. Eerstens gebruik jy net Mus-

cat de Frontignan-druiwe, lieflike goedwat soos blom-me en heuning proe. En geen wag vir die gisprosesomdie spiritus by te gooi nie.Neewatwou,metMuska-delneukonssommerdie spiritusbydiegeparstedruiweof die druiwesap voor gisting begin. Nou kan geenverdere gisting en vreet van suiker plaasvind nie, dussit jy met daardie lieflike ryk, vrugtige, soet trekke.Jerepiko word nesMuskadel gemaak, maar jy word

nie tot Muscat de Frontignan-druiwe beperk nie.Suid-AfrikamagniedienaamPortgebruiknieweens

’n klomp regulasies vanuit Europa, maar die prosesis dieselfde as in Portugal waar hierdie dranksoort ont-staan het.Soos vroeër genoem, beskou ek Muskadel en Port

as ván Suid-Afrika se beste wyne. Dit smaak my onswarm son het ’n manier om daardie druiwe ryp te kryop die manier wat die maak van ’n briljante gefortifi-seerde wyn verlang.Dit iswerklikmoeilik omgoeieMuskadel-produsente

uit te sonder, maar as jy deur die Du Toitskloof-tonnelry, rigting Robertson, is dit nog moeiliker om ’n swakMuskadel raak te drink. Nuy en Badsberg bly wel tweepersoonlike gunstelinge, en as jy een van eersgenoem-de se oesjare uit die 1990’s kry, wag daar vir jou ’nsmaaksensasie soos min. Ryk, soos goeie vrugtekoek,met geure van rosyntjies, groenvye en ’n trek tabaken leer.DiePort-manne,weer,hetCalitzdorphul eiegemaak

en die koper kan verseker wees dat enige Port van Bo-plaas of De Krans met weergalose kennis en sorg ge-maak word. Probeer veral die tanerige (“tawny”) Port.Hierdie wyn word vir jare in eikehoutvate gebêre enkry so ’n goue, sonsondergang-kleur met kompleksegeure van spesery, droë vrugte en neute. Dit is soosom die son sonder lipstiffie te soen.Net een versoek: drink jou Muskadel of Port uit ’n

ordentlike ruim wynglas wat jou die kans gee om diearoma en smaak ten volle te waardeer. Dis nie warmtein jou hart daai nie, nou is dit ’n lied.

Emile Joubert is ’n ge­nieter van wyn, ietswaarmee hy heeldagwerk as wynbemar­kerskonsultant en­skrywer.


TjeersAyama veal/beef stew with porcini(Serves 4 people)Ingredients:For the Stew:800 g Soft Stewing beef or veal, cutinto cubes5 tablespoons Ayama olive oil½ cup white wineBeef or vegetable stock1 tbsp flour1 rib celery1 carrot1 medium onionSalt and ground pepper to tasteFor the Porcini sauce:400 g Porcini mushrooms (cleaned,peeled and cut into slices)*1-2 garlic cloves2 tablespoons Ayama olive oil2 tablespoons chopped Italian pars-leyPreparationFinely chop the onion, carrot and celery. In a non-stick pan, place 5 tablespoons

Ayama extra virgin olive oil and fry the carrot, celery and onion until soft.Add the meat cubes and when they start to brown add a spoonful of flour,

sifted directly into the pan and stirring constantly. Allow it to cook for a fewminutes,then add the wine and continue cooking gently for about 40 minutes, coveringthe pan with a lid, and leaving a small space for ventilation. During cooking,

if it getsdry,addmeatorvegetable stockwhenev-er necessary.Start the mushroom sauce by placing two ta-

blespoons of oil and the crushed garlic into apan. Then add the prepared mushrooms, cookover high heat for a few minutes and then addthe finely chopped parsley and remove from theheat.Fiveminutesbefore theendof thecookingperi-

od for the meat, add mushrooms to it. Stir gentlyand finish cooking. Seasonwith salt and pepper.Serve the stewwith fresh bread ormashed po-

tatoes. In winter soft polenta is a perfect match.*Fresh Porcini mushrooms can be replaced

with button, brown or Portabello mushrooms, oramixture thereof. Dried Porcini canalso be used.The earthiness of the stew and mushrooms is

enhancedwith theAyamaBaboon’sCuddlePino-tage.

Ayama’s whimsical Baboonrange.

Michela’s hearty Ayama veal stewwith Porcini, paired with a glass ofAyama Pinotage, there is no betterway of celebrating Father’s Day.

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