Will the Real Barbie Please Stand Up?

Post on 13-Sep-2014






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Some questions to think about as you view these images: Why are some of these dolls controversial?

What cultures and values do each of these dolls represent?

Which of these Barbie dolls would you feel comfortable allowing your children to play with?

Which would you not allow your children to play with?

Why don’t some of these dolls appear in stores?

Did you feel angry or offended when viewing any of these dolls?

Why are there fewer Ken dolls than Barbie dolls?

This is the original 1959 Barbie.

This is Christie, the first Black Barbie, circa 1968. She is a simply a tinted version of the original White Barbie.

I’m not sure what year Oreo Barbie came out. She lacks cultural features also, and some folks were offended by the implied message (i.e., this Barbie is really white on the inside, just like an Oreo).

Mattel has since tried to create dolls which reflect more cultural diversity.

I don’t know if these are official or not.

Some official collections have been more successful than others. What do you think about the Black Label Collection below?

Fulla is not a Mattel Barbie, but she is a “real” doll, in the sense that she is mass produced and sold in stores. On the right we see Fulla posing next to Barbie. What similarities and differences do you notice? Do you assume that Barbie is Christian?

Mattel did not make clergy Barbies. Above is someone’s version of an Episcopalian minister Barbie. On the right is someone’s version of a Unitarian minister Barbie.

What are your thoughts on a clergy Barbie?

How about an atheist Barbie?

I don’t expect Mattel to release this doll in the near future.

Or this one. This is a deaf Jewish lesbian Barbie.

Butch Barbie probably won’t be out soon, either.

Apparently NASCAR Barbie made the cut, though.

And it’s OK for Barbie to be a Marine!

Here Barbie has her own pink rifle! Why didn’t Mattel think of that?

Or this?

Or this?

Or this? Apparently Barbie can only be like a man in certain ways.

For example, Mattel seems to believe that women can be CEOs, just like men. In the real world, however, while women are often CEOs of not-for-profit companies, there are few CEOs of a Fortune 500 companies who are women. And perhaps even fewer who wear such short skirts to work.

Mattel is also apparently hopeful that some day we will have a female President.

Here we see that Barbie can be a doctor! Notice that she is a pediatrician, not a neurologist or heart surgeon.

Though Barbie can deliver Babies, she is apparently unable to have them. This is Midge. Mattel sold her a part of the Happy Family collection and made it clear

she was married. I don’t know if the braids are original.

The cigarettes, beer, and mac and cheese I believe are not original. Do you think Mattel would release these dolls as part of their Happy Family collection?

These jobs are more like jobs for women, plus they keep Barbie in shape.

I think there might actually be a tattoo Barbie. These aren’t official, however.

Apparently, tattoos are not the only thing Barbie has been hiding…

Barbie likes to stay in shape so she can wear outfits like this. Mattel did release this one: Black Canary Barbie. Some dubbed it the S&M Barbie.

Goth Barbie doesn’t seem to have made the cut, however.

Despite the fact that the average American woman is a size 14 , I doubt we will see Barbies that look like this on shelves any time soon.

Or like this.

Or like this. Barbie has been around for over 50 years, but she never ages.

Though Barbie can’t grow old, she can still use a wheelchair. Oh wait, it’s not really Barbie: it’s a “friend of Barbie.”

This one is Barbie. It is unclear, though, if this is a deaf Barbie or just a sign language Barbie.

A group of health care professionals sent the idea for the Barbie pictured above to Mattel; Mattel responded by saying that they

do not accept outside ideas for dolls.

Mattel probably won’t like this idea then, either.

Or this one.

Here we have Barbie… …and Ken!

The Dynamic Duo!

This is the original Ken. I don’t recognize him. Where are his washboard abs and muscular legs?

Ken has gone through many changes over the years, too.

Ken shows us that it’s OK to be metrosexual.

I wonder how many still expect Ken to be heterosexual, though?

Insert your own Barbie or Ken doll here.

Assembled by Janice Carello

All images retrieved from images.google.com

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