Wild Sagittarius Zodiac Sign.docx

Post on 07-Feb-2023






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All you need to know about me!!!
Wild, feisty, independent and exciting, Sagittarian women are arguably the wild child of the zodiac. Adventurous, fun loving, sociable and friendly, they are typically determined to live life to the fullest. This is an honest woman, a straight shooter who speaks her mind.
Whatever the situation of life may be – Sagittarians have an interesting way of perceiving them. Their witty nature and a crazy sense of humor make them live through the challenges of life with ease.21 Nov 2018
Her presence can be loud The presence of a Sagittarius woman can be loud. This can prove to be intimidating for a shy or introverted partner, but that is just how she is when she is in love. Her comfort with her partner is so high she will not shy away from owning the place.
A stellar way to attract a Sagittarius is to be a stimulating, but light, conversationalist. She loves to spend time with people who are curious about the world. Sagittarius is a fire sign and wants to be inspired first and foremost. If you want to engage her, tell her about your passions and make her laugh.
Some people may think they're odd, but Sagittarius women get jealous very rarely. Because they are happy and open, people usually develop an envy of them. ... It's hard to keep this woman as it is, not to mention having her beside you of she gets jealous. Easy-going, she'll jump into bed with you sooner than you expect.
What To Do When A Sagittarius Woman Ignores You – Avoid Doing These Things!
1. 1.1 1. Send Cute Texts.
2. 1.2 2. Say You're Really Sorry.
3. 1.3 3. Send Funny Videos.
4. 1.4 4. Keep Trying To Call Her.
5. 1.5 5. Order Some Food To Her Place.
6. 1.6 6. Wait For Her To Reach Out.
7. 1.7 7. Pay Attention To Her Social Media.
Spontaneity makes a Sagittarius happy. Sagittarius likes to take things one day at a time and they don't enjoy making a ton of plans. They prefer to be spontaneous and think outside of the box. Sagittarius will never 'pencil you in', they'll simply call you up at the last minute to say they're on their way over.
Their strategic abilities allow Sagittarius to make the most of their time, and that usually makes them successful and wealthy. Regarding Sagittarius money matters, these people understand the importance of money. They will make sure to earn enough to support their lifestyle and also take care of their family.
This makes Sagittarius signs the “soul and truth-seekers of the zodiac.” They tend to view relationships as a way to get answers to life's deeper mysteries. One of their most attractive traits is their ability to see the bigger picture. You're one of a handful of signs who are universally loved.
Sagittarian Females need to see you hurt if you hurt them. When you hurt them they instantly develop a strong repressive feature in their mind to help them cope with the pain. Though they may want to call you and cry, they won't. ... Thing about Sagittarius is that their love is temporary, not eternal.
However, among the signs Sagittarius is most compatible with, lovely Libra is the #1 match for Sagittarius. Actually, Sagittarius/Libra is one of the best matches in the zodiac. Aries and Gemini also make good partners for the archer.
Part of Sagittarius' luck is because it's ruled by the planet Jupiter. If one is born when Jupiter is in Sagittarius, they are born under a lucky star. The combination of these two allows one to have not just luck, but good fortune. ... You can trust a Sagittarius to tell you what they think or feel.
Sagittarians should eat a high protein diet, with lots of broiled poultry and fish, fresh vegetables and fruit such as beets, tomatoes, plums, cherries, oranges, and lemons , eggs, yogurt, brown rice, and whole wheat. They should drink lots of pure water, eat four mini-meals a day rather than three large ones.
This makes some people believe that Sagittarius is more of a loner sign. It doesn't help that the second they meet someone, they already know whether or not they want to be friends with them. They're not unfriendly, they just know who's worth their time and who isn't.
No, we are not kidding. Since Sagittarius is not an aggressive fighter, there will be no yelling or shouting, but they will actually cling to your weakest logic and pin you down. You may also have a hard time explaining your logic to a Sagittarius, as this sun sign usually believes it is always right.
Sagittarius loves being free and on her own, which is why she won't meet her soulmate until she's around 28. She doesn't even want to think about commitment until her mid-20s, so it only makes sense that her soulmate wouldn't show up until she was starting a new phase in her life.
How to Attract a Sagittarius Woman
1. SHOW YOU HAVE A GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR. The number one rule for attracting a Sagittarius woman is to make her laugh - and by this we mean a rip-roaring, rumbustious belly laugh, not just a polite little giggle. ...
Physically Expressive Emotions are not a Sagittarius woman's strong suit; she shows her love in physical ways. She'll flirt and turn on all her feminine charms and behave in sultry ways. She'll take your hand and won't be hesitant to hug or even give you a little kiss.
She can't be held down by any controlling and possessive behaviours. It's likely she will refuse to take any responsibility for the separation. She will blame her partner and throw words. She might change her tune and try to win her partner back.
Sags can be hard workers who enjoy what they do, but are too often let down by the fact that they're not very good at anything. Understandably, this can easily lead to frustration, boredom and substance abuse. A bored Sag is very susceptible to developing habits that can only result in death or rehab.
Because of her adventurous nature, a Sagittarius female is an exciting friend to have. She is very sociable and loves trying new things, so expect to hang out at different restaurants and entertainment venues on a regular basis. She is warm, outgoing, and hilarious, which allows her to get along with anyone.
A Sagittarius is the known hunter of the zodiac, with its element being fire. While they may not be leading the charge in the grouping of zodiac signs of known traits like “the most stubborn signs,” “highly emotional signs,” or “these signs have a hard time forgiving and will seek revenge,” they can fall into different groups of popular traits.
Sags have their  traits or qualities  that are more like a moral code for them than a set of “rules.” These traits or moral codes that every Sagittarius have are what you will want to know and understand if you’re going to have and keep any relationship with them.
You may think that anyone born under this sign or has this sign-in part of their birth chart can be easily walked all over without speaking up for themselves due to their easier going attitude. You will be in for a rude awakening if you believe that someone born under this sign will not retaliate in any way.
While this sign may not be leading the charge in know groups that many zodiac signs fall into, for example, “never double-cross” or “they are indecisive,” they do lead in one fundamental group: “being free-spirited.” Having a relationship with a Sag can be fun and random.
On the other hand, that relationship can be slightly stressful and end quickly if you don’t follow these rules listed below.
One thing a Sagittarius never lacks in doing is  following their passion . Be it in their professional or personal life. They do what their heart and their free-spirited natural tells them to go and do.
If they are struggling to find their place in professional life, they do what seems “like a good idea at the time” while searching for their “calling.” Telling them or someone who they love that they lack passion is like saying to them or someone they love that they are not allowed to breathe air. Passion runs in their blood.
While it can seem that a Sag may live by the seat of their pants, they want to live their life by what feels right for them that’s achieved through a somewhat planned out plan.
No one likes to be lied to, let alone  be cheated on . Anyone under any zodiac sign would hate this happening to them. So why do they hate more than say some other signs? Only because it all falls under another category for a Sag, fakeness!
To lie to them or around them brings a nasty cloud of falsehood that they hate touching their energy. To cheat on a Sag or to do something around a Sag that involves cheating is beyond acceptable. In their eyes, there is no reason to lie, to be fake, or to hurt someone.
Consider this to be part of the “10 commandments” for a Sagittarius that you do not break. A  healthy and happy relationship  or friendship is what they want and need.
If the zodiac signs had a modern product to represent them,  the Sagittarius sign  would have an energy drink or  coffee brand logo  attached to it. They never stay still! Do not be caught off guard if they have multiple projects going on around the house at different stages, especially when they are stressed.
Its common knowledge that rest is good for the body and the mind. There are scientific articles out there proving it. However, to a Sagittarius, a few too many nights of “Netflix and chill” can make one into a couch potato, and they hate that.
If you want to have a good relationship with anyone born under this sign, make sure that you have a healthy balance between relaxation and adventure.
Anyone born under this sign will never fall into the straight lace, always predictable lifestyle. You would be wasting your breath if you tried to talk them into having a life that they do not want.
Sags are the type of people who believe in fate. Letting fate take its course can be viewed as a massive influence on their wild nature and how they navigate through life. Think of them having more a rough draft outline of how their life will go then a final draft.
On the other hand, do not think that someone with Sagittarius in their chart or as their sun sign can not be faithful or have long and happy, fulfilling relationships because they absolutely can. Just plan on your life to be filled with more adventure at times than others.
They hate when people exclude them from any discussion that could affect them or the ones they love. And, in general, they hate secrets! They will gladly talk your ear off if you let them because they have so much information that they are passionate about. They want to share and be social.
One thing you should also do is if you want to get them a gift for a special occasion but are not sure what to get them, ask their family, lover, or friends when they are not in the room. If you are texting someone for a gift idea, make sure a Sag is not near them if the gift is for them.
While taking these extra steps may seem like extra work, but it will not make them feel like you are helping keep secrets from them and getting them out of the conversation. It will save both of you the feeling of resentment.
You might want to rethink that command.
One thing a  Sagittarius  can not stand being said to them or around them is being told what they can or can not do. The immediate thought that comes to them is, “what right is it of you to say that?”
If you want them to do something, it is better to suggest it or to make them believe that it was their idea in the first place.
Be it a little white lie or worse, keeping any secrets from a Sag will irate them to no end. To have a healthy relationship with them would require you to be upfront with about what is going on and to let them in on what is going on even if it adds unwanted stress.
You will be happier in the end if you don’t exclude them or take it to your grave.
It would be an understatement to say that someone with this sign in their chart is not up for debate at the drop of a hat. They hate when people tell them they are wrong when there are no facts to back up that claim up.
It does not matter if you have a different opinion or not, if you have no facts to back it or ethical reasons why you disagree, they will prove or at least say you are wrong.
Having a boring life drives this sign crazy. Life should be filled with adventure and seeing where the wind or in this sign’s case, fate takes them. The same goes for the friendships and personal relationships Sags have. They hate when someone takes the fun out of something they hold dear.
If you need them to slow down or to take a day off if you will from their busy schedule, they have you on, suggest a night in, but still doing something that they enjoy. This way, you can get time to relax, and they don’t feel like you are trying to change them.
Broken promises translate to being untrustworthy and lying to a Sag. It is different if something uncontrollable comes up, but if you can’t keep your promises or break your word, then it is best not to issue them in the first place.
While it may not make sense to some, being lied to and suffering the disappointments from broken promises hurts Sags deeper then what people give them credit.
Unless forced, Sags will not do business with or associate with  fake people . This goes back to them not wanting to deal with anyone who cheats, lies, and which only give out empty promises. This fakeness is toxic, and Sagittarius is astute enough to notice this.
Be it people or animals, to harm others unnecessarily for any reason is uncalled for and cruel. Hurting others is something unjust and unforgivable in their eyes.
After you have read all these moral codes that Sags have, you will have a better understanding of the mindset of a Sag. Be it their sun sign or somewhere in their birth chart, everyone who has this zodiac sign somewhere in their chart will have some of these pet peeves that irritate them.
Sagittarius can make great friends and passionate lovers due to their free spirit and their love for adventure. Do not be scared off by believing that they cannot have faithful and fulfilling relationships because of their wild nature. They can make great partners and friends.
The secret of Sagittarius' power lies in its willingness to be nourished by everything. Into its wide embrace flow a cornucopia of blessings —good fortune and abundance, wisdom and tolerance, optimism and faith. Sagittarius is one of the two signs from which the ancients believed souls left the world.
How To Love A Sagittarius Woman
1. Make sure she has plenty of alone time. ...
2. Prove to her that you have a great sense of humor. ...
3. Don't be anything other than yourself. ...
4. Be prepared to be a little weird. ...
5. Express yourself without being passive-aggressive. ...
6. Have your own life separate from hers. ...
7. Show her your compassionate side.
Sagittarius - An Apology Comes With A Joke They tend to joke around. ... The apology will be light-hearted or will come with a joke. However, that does not make their way of apologizing any less sincere. This is just part of their nature
The witty, sarcastic and quick on its feet Sagittarius is undoubtedly one of the most intelligent signs of the zodiac universe. ... This is how they gain their inimitable intelligence and the taste for living one day a time, without planning for the indefinite future.
At their best, a Sagittarius is extremely loyal, strong and faithful to their beliefs. They have a variety of interests and they are extremely diverse human beings. They will always make something work because they will never give up when things get tough.
This sign will definitely have a rivalry with Pisces and Aquarius. Sagittarius people want to solve problems and move on, but Pisces wants to hold on to the same thing which makes them offended.
The best match for Sagittarius appears to be another Sagittarius, as well as Aries for Sagittarian men, while Pisces, Taurus, and in some cases, Gemini may be less auspicious matches. However, Sagittarians who find themselves romantically entangled with one of the less compatible signs should not despair.
ith Sagittarians, flirting it's a more complicated situation, because while they may appear keen and interested at a first glance, it's just that, a surface fascination with what appeared as a potential love interest. There is no time to worry with them. It's all a game of lights and shadows.
As long as you didn't make her jealous, Sagittarius is the easiest to apologize to. She's pretty understanding about EVERYTHING. She takes life lightly, so you have to seriously mess up to piss her off! Just be as sincere as possible, make her laugh and you should be set!
Born between November 22 - December 21, Sagittarius zodiac signs are most compatible with air and fire signs. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius zodiac signs are soulmates who mentally stimulate Sagittarius in matters related to love and romance.
Sagittarians are lucky enough to have four lucky numbers, much more than other signs. Their lucky numbers are 3, 6, 8 and 5.
Sagittarius' Lucky Color Is Blue.
Sagittarius loves being in control of their own lives, and enjoys the feeling of being free. As a result of their free-spirited personality, they might find it difficult to establish (and maintain) long-term relationships.
Sagittarius: Beer Sagittarius, you are known for your free and fun spirit. You are extremely optimistic and have a great sense of humor. Just like beer, the spirit of any get-together instantly boosts when you're added to the mix.
Sagittarius spirit animal is the owl. The owl, like Sagittarius, is driven, energetic, passionate, and also quite hard to nail down to one specific type. They move with the wind, so to speak.
Sagittarians love nature and the outdoors. They are likely to have a wide selection of interests and hobbies. Some of these would involve writing, camping, adventure sports and trying out new things.
If a Sagittarius is upset, just walk out of the room. This sign will not take advice, and they certainly won't be calmed down by another. Give them space and they'll return of their own time.
Sagittarius has an oval face that is shaped nicely. The nose has good proportions. Their eyes are open, genuine and they tell everything. Sagittarian eyes are full of merriment; the eyes are shinny and happy, yet they're quick to notice everything that is going on around them.
Sagittarians are optimistic, lovers of freedom, hilarious, fair-minded, honest and intellectual. They are spontaneous and…

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