WIAT Weekly

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Spring 2013 "What is a Text" Final Project



By Michelle Collins

Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate



Ingredients3 eggs1 1/4 cups packed light brown sugar1 cup granulated sugar1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract1 12-ounce jar creamy peanut butter1 stick butter, softened1/2 cup multi-colored chocolate candies1/2 cup chocolate chips1/4 cup raisins, optional2 teaspoons baking soda4 1/2 cups quick-cooking oatmeal (not instant)

DirectionsPreheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper or nonstick baking mats.

In a very large mixing bowl, combine the eggs and sugars. Mix well. Add the salt, vanilla, peanut butter, and butter. Mix well. Stir in the chocolate candies, chocolate chips, raisins, if using, baking soda, and oatmeal. Drop by tablespoons 2 inches apart onto the prepared cookie sheets.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Do not overbake. Let stand for about 3 minutes before trans-ferring to wire racks to cool. When cool, store in large resealable plastic bags.


Tallahassee, Florida --

A freezing night in January more than 30 years ago changed the sleepy college town of Tallahassee forever.

That night a man on the run from murder charges out west killed two FSU students and severely injured three more. Ted Bundy’s first attacks came at the Chi Omega sorority house. When FSU and Tallahassee Police got the call that frigid Sunday morning, it didn’t sound that alarming:

“I Got a call from FSU dispatch that two girls had been hurt in a fight at the Chi Omega house” says former FSU Police Sergeant Bill Taylor. But as Taylor and fellow FSU officer Ray Crew pulled up and went inside along with TPD’s officer Oscar Brannon, they quickly realized it was much more.

A young woman named Nita Neary met them and said she’d seen a man run out the front door, a man she later identified at the trial as Ted Bundy.

Taylor and Crew started a search and were alerted to something upstairs.

Crew says, “I went upstairs and that’s when I found the young girl, Karen Chandler, at the top of the stairs and she was severely injured. She was coherent enough that I was able to ask some questions. She said she’d been in the room with her roommate and had been attacked.”

Her roommate Kathy Kleiner was badly hurt and incoherent.

Crew then went to Margaret Bowman’s room:

“I opened the door turned on the light and observed the crime scene. She was deceased,” says Crew.

Across the hall was Lisa Levy’s room.

Taylor says, “The EMT’s and I started working on her, trying to revive her, but it was too long since she had stopped breathing.”

Lisa had been terribly beaten and sexually assaulted.

As the injured girls were rushed to the hospital, FSU, Tallahas-see Police and Leon County Sheriff ’s deputies rushed to secure the campus and try to catch a killer, but Bundy wasn’t finished with his attacks.

After leaving the Chi Omega house, he went just a few blocks away to a home on Dunwoody Street that had been made into two apartments. There he slipped into the quarters of Cheryl Thomas.

Cheryl’s friend Debbie Touchton lived in the other apartment and says she heard strange sounds coming from Cheryl’s side and when Cheryl wouldn’t answer the phone, called police.

Debbie says, “I heard a very strange pounding noise. The house was up on blocks and it sounded like someone was underneath the house pounding.”

Cheryl Thomas doesn’t remember much from that night. “ During the night I heard a noise, but I’d adopted a kitten so I assumed it was the kitten and just passed out.”

Cheryl says she didn’t wake up until a day or two later at the hospital.. her parents by her bedside.

That’s when she learned the extent of her injuries. Cheryl says, “I was bludgeoned by a club that Bundy came through the window with, he fractured my skull in 5 places, broke my jaw. One skull fracture severed my hearing nerve”

She would never hear again in that left ear.

Bundy was put behind bars, exactly one month after the Chi Omega attacks in Tallahassee.

Ted Bundy:Florida State University Murders






By Ara Shirinyan

Germany is great.Good food, better beer, healthy atmos,Beautiful scenery, culture, entertainment, historyGo there if possible.

This is a sterotype that is true—The beer in Germany is great.Even the cheap stuff tastes better than A lot of the swill you getIn the States.

It has been said that moving to GermanyIs great for beer drinkers,History buffs and the insatiably


Germany is great if you like trains.

Germany is great!The people, the beer,The places,TransportSure I will visit again!

Yes, Germany is great ! Did you like the ‘ bratwurst ‘? I find it great that we( English/Brits)are finally finding out

Germany is Great


Germany is great if you like trains.

Germany is great!The people, the beer,The places,TransportSure I will visit again!

Yes, Germany is great ! Did you like the ‘ bratwurst ‘? I find it great that we( English/Brits)are finally finding out

that Germany is great

They treat you like you are one of their own.All the food is beautiful and the landscape Is even better!Germany is great!

The Catholic Church in GermanyIs great in its social activities:During their ‘ad Limina’ visits,Bishops Largely from Africa –Tell me with gratitude

The realistic map, the industry and resources,The military units, the technologies and

The sheer thrill of invadingThe Soviet Union as Germany is great.

In contrast,The genetic & cultural differenceBetween China and Germany Is great

The atmosphere in Germany is greatAnd it’s just like Africa here –There is beautiful sunshine and it’s Absolutely magnificent

Germany is Great


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