Why too many people unhealthy nowadays | #SciChallenge2017

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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SOME FACTORS• There are seven established factors that raise the risk of ill-

health and these are all measured by the Health Survey for England.They are: smoking, binge drinking, low fruit and vegetable consumption, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol (a lack of physical activity is a factor in the last three).

• In England, an incredible 93% have at least one risk factor. Over a third have three or more.

• As you can see most of all factors result from diet and lifestyle.

--We wanted to point out most important thing which leds people to be ill, be unhealthy then be unhappy.

PROCESSED FOOD• The word “processed” often causes some confusion, to clarify this

you must be able to compare if food is mechanically processed or chemically processed. • If it’s a single ingredient food with no added chemicals, then it

doesn’t matter if it’s been ground or put into a jar. It’s still real food.• However foods that have been chemically processed and made

solely from refined ingredients and artificial substances, are what is generally known as “processed food.”

•Here are some ways that processed foods are bad for your health.

High Sugar In Processed Food Processed foods are usually loaded

with added sugar… or its evil twin, High Fructose Corn Syrup. It is well known that sugar, when consumed in excess, is seriously harmful.

As we all know, sugar is “empty” calories – it has no essential nutrients, but a large amount of energy. But empty calories are really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the harmful effects of sugar…

• Many studies show that sugar can have devastating effects on metabolism that go way beyond its calorie content.

• Not surprisingly, sugar consumption is strongly associated with some of the world’s leading killers… including heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer.

It can lead to insulin resistance, high triglycerides, increased levels of the harmful cholesterol and increased fat accumulation in the liver and abdominal cavity.

A team of researchers at the University of North Carolina conducted a detailed survey of the packaged foods and drinks.

When they looked at every individual processed food in the store, 68 percent had added sugar. Some of those products are more obvious sugary foods, but not all. The list includes many sauces, soups, fruit juices and even meat products.

•honibake•honi bake•honi-bake•honi flake•honi-flake•invert sugar•inverted sugar•isoglucose•isomaltulose•kona ame•kona-ame•lactose•liquid sweetener•malt•malt sweetener•malt syrup•maltose•maple•maple sugar•maple syrup•mizu ame

•agave juice•agave nectar•agave sap•agave syrup•beet sugar•brown rice syrup•brown sugar•cane juice•cane sugar•cane syrup•clintose•confectioners powdered sugar•confectioners sugar•corn glucose syrup•corn sweet•corn sweetener•corn syrup•date sugar•dextrose•drimol

•dri mol•dri-mol•drisweet•dri sweet•dri-sweet•dried raisin sweetener•edible lactose•flo malt•flo-malt•flomalt•fructose•fructose sweetener•glaze and icing sugar•glaze icing sugar•golden syrup•gomme•granular sweetener•granulated sugar•hi-fructose corn syrup•high fructose corn syrup•honey

•mizu-ame•mizuame•molasses•nulomoline•powdered sugar•rice syrup•sorghum•sorghum syrup•starch sweetener•sucanat•sucrose•sucrovert•sugar beet•sugar invert•sweet n neat•table sugar•treacle•trehalose•tru sweet•turbinado sugar•versatose

Words That Really Just Mean ‘Added Sugar’

“HYPER REWARDING”• Many processed foods have been engineered

to be so incredibly “rewarding” to the brain, that they overpower anything we might have come across in nature.

• We have complicated mechanisms in our bodies and brains that are supposed to regulate energy balance (how much we eat and how much we burn) – which, until very recently in evolutionary history, worked to keep us at a healthy weight.

• There is quite a lot of evidence that the reward value of foods can bypass the innate defense mechanism and make us start eating much more than we need, so much that it starts to compromise our health.

• This is also known as the “food reward hypothesis of obesity.”

• The truth is, processed foods are so incredibly rewarding to our brains that they affect our thoughts and behavior, making us eat more and more until eventually we become sick.

• Good food is good, but foods that are engineered to be hyper rewarding, effectively short circuiting our innate brakes against overconsumption, are NOT good.


Most highly processed foods are loaded with artificial chemicals, including flavorants, texturants, colorants and preservatives.

If you look at the ingredients label for a processed, packaged food, chances are that you won’t have a clue what some of the ingredients are.

This is an example of a processed food, an Atkins Advantage bar, which is actually marketed as a low-carb friendly health food.

ADDICTIONThe “hyper rewarding” nature of processed foods can have serious consequences for some people.Some people can literally become addicted to this stuff and completely lose control over their consumption.

They’ve had their brain biochemistry hijacked by the intense dopamine release that occurs in the brain when they eat these foods.

This is actually supported by many studies. Sugar and highly rewarding junk foods activate the same areas in the brain as drugs of abuse like cocaine.


There are many nutrients found in whole foods that are not found in processed foods. The more processed foods you eat, the less you will get of these nutrients.

•Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.•Eating a diet rich in some vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against certain types of cancers.•Diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as some vegetables and fruits, may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

•Eating vegetables and fruits rich in potassium as part of an overall healthy diet may lower blood pressure, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.•Eating foods such as vegetables that are lower in calories per cup instead of some other higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to lower calorie intake.

FIBER Fiber, especially soluble, fermentable fiber, has various benefits. One of the main ones is that it functions as a prebiotic, feeding the friendly bacteria in the intestine .

There is also evidence that fiber can slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and help us feel more satisfied with fewer calories . Soluble fiber can also help treat many cases of constipation, which is a very common problem today. The fiber that is found naturally in foods is often lost during processing, or intentionally removed. Therefore, most processed foods are very low in fiber.


Processed foods are often high in unhealthy fats.They usually contain cheap fats, refined seed- and vegetable oils (like soybean oil) that are often hydrogenated… which turns them into trans fats.Vegetable oils are extremely unhealthy and most people are eating way too much of them already.These fats contain excessive amounts of Omega-6 fatty acids, which can drive oxidation and inflammation in the body .

Several studies show that when people eat more of these oils, they have a significantly increased risk of heart disease, which is the most common cause of death in Western countries today .If the fats are hydrogenated, that makes them even worse. Hydrogenated (trans) fats are among the nastiest, unhealthiest substances you can put into your body .The best way to avoid seed oils and trans fats is to avoid processed foods. Eat real fats like butter, coconut oil and olive oil instead.


Most of the things we talked about are also valid for fast food.Moreover, a study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition showed that eating commercial baked goods (doughnuts, croissants, and, yes, even bran muffins) and fast food (pizza, hamburgers, and hot dogs) may be linked to depression. The study determined that people who eat fast food are 51 percent more likely to develop depression than those who eat little to no fast food. It was also found that the more fast food study participants consumed, the more likely they were to develop depression.

When we replace real, traditional foods like butter, meat and vegetables with crappy, processed junk foods, we get fat and sick.Real food is the key to good health and also key to hapiness, processed food is not.

In Conclusion

Reference List• https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/22/upshot/it-isnt-


• http://www.bbc.com/news/health-20511602• https://authoritynutrition.com/9-ways-that-processed-

foods-are-killing-people/• https://www.choosemyplate.gov/vegetables-nutrients-



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