Why Do I Use Twitter?

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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Why I use Twitter as part of my PhD research.


I’ve been interested in computer-mediated communication for a while…

…it allows me to stay in

contactwith others,

independent of time or distance

Twitter reminds me a bit of online chat during the late 1980s… as the community grows, interactions and topics become more numerous…

But Twitter limits each tweet to 140 characters… encouraging concision of expression and innovative techniques…

Tweets can link to other content… blogs, news items, presentations, streamed content… it’s a bit “meta”

Sometimes it’s the sense of connection that is most important…

For example, as a PhD researcher I work alone most of the time… It is liberating to tap into international conversations on topics of interest, at times that work for me…

Some discussions get a bit “vigorous”… which is exciting, but I find I need to think carefully about what I say before I hit the “tweet” button…

…it can be easy to embarrass yourself… adopting a reflective approach helps to avoid this, and besides, helps to fine-tune ideas…

Information overload can also be an issue…


There’s also a risk you’ll encounter abusive or baiting behaviour (“trolling”) arising from discussions involving controversies … (this has neverhappened to me) but I’ve observedthe twitter community willmobilise support whenneeded

Mostly though, Twitter is fun… sometimes it’s hilarious!

@MsCastan:I had “depresso” … I ran out of coffee


Twitter for me has been mostly inspirational…

I’ve engaged with dozens of thinkers involved in areas that intersect with my research…

I’ve collaborated with some of these and co-authored presentations and articles with them

I’ve received generous advice, tips, and leads, to help me with my research

I’ve been encouraged & supported to speak about my work at international events…

I’ve been constructively confronted about my ideas…

In other words, through Twitter I ampart of a community of practice…

sometimes it is a community of inquiry…in which I am engaged in purposeful

discussions with knowledgeable interlocutors…

aimed toward acquiring or improving onknowledge, directed to specific purposes…

or…sometimes generating fresh insights,

identification of new purposes…

Just thinking about it now…

Takes me to my“happy place”!

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