White paper: How member organisations are using social and community today

Post on 28-Jan-2018






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We can’t bash people over the head with a stick, we have to wait for them to go away and get excited about it.

How member organisations are using social and

community today white paper

JULY 2013

An organisation told us

A collection of people brought together by a shared interest constitutes a community

On 17 July, nine member and publishing organisations met for a breakfast briefing at the top of the

Gherkin to discuss how member organisations are using social and community today.

We drafted a white paper following the event. Some of the findings are in the Slideshare. For more, download the white paper http://bit.ly/147TFrM

Deeson Member Communications

Disgruntled members can set up their own unofficial collaborative spaces

It’s felt that members are too busy to engage online

The question is not, “Are your members there for you?”

But, “Are you there for your members?”

Organisations are deleting abandoned accounts.

Average activity levels are between five and 10 tweets per day

An overarching strategy and central control are important for social media success.

Managing regional demand for independent Twitter accounts is a challenge

Identify which platforms work the best for your members. Organisations

are being dismissive about Facebook

Poor internal communications have resulted in one organisation sending 31 emails each month to members from different teams

Many organisations are siloed and require a cultural shift

The internal culture is often one of the biggest challenges.

Members are confused about what their organisation should be doing

Determine who you are and why you exist.

The digital revolution is leaving organisations feeling vulnerable and struggling with their reasons for being

As a journalist you want to get closer to online communities

Organisations are making money out of conversations online.

Real life and online work together.

Face-to-face conversations should transfer to online seamlessly

If you only curate conversations on third-party spaces, they dictate how you do that.

Move towards keeping members in your owned space

It’s difficult getting social taken seriously for investment

Organisations find it hard to think of members as customers

Customer service needs to be at the heart of the offer to members.

Value is not always just about visible conversations.

Lurkers have importance

Organisations are fearful of attracting trolls

How you handle the difficult conversations is important.

Make the most of advocates.

Treat the vocal minority like gold dust It’s about

turning the negative into a positive.

Need help? Send us an email: hello@deeson.co.uk

Download the white paper: http://bit.ly/147TFrM

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