
WhereIsMyTransport SAFIPA Conference Presentation

WhereIsMyTransport, transport solutions to create a sustainable tomorrow, today!

Who are we?


WhereIsMyTransport, transport solutions to create a sustainable tomorrow, today!

V1 V1.5 V2 V2.5 V2.6

State of Intellectual Property

WhereIsMyTransport, transport solutions to create a sustainable tomorrow, today!

Post SAFIPA Funding

WhereIsMyTransport, transport solutions to create a sustainable tomorrow, today!

Finalise SAFIPA Project

WhereIsMyTransport, transport solutions to create a sustainable tomorrow, today!

Got First Customer

Reached Sustainability

Interviewing Interns

The Future Gain Further Customers First Fulltime Employee Take On Investment 3rd Birthday, October 27th

WhereIsMyTransport, transport solutions to create a sustainable tomorrow, today!

Gain Further Customers

First Fulltime Employee

Take On Investment

3rd Birthday, October 27th

Sneak Peak

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