What's Wrong With Your Admissions Process?

Post on 27-May-2015






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Struggling with complicated, disparate tools and processes in your admissions department? Learn about the simple 5-point checklist you should employ when evaluating a new enrollment management solution. For more information, visit: http://ow.ly/ugUPn



Let’s start with a simple premise:

There is a better way of managing admissions than the way you’re managing it right now.

It’s notyour fault

You didn’t select the complicated, disparate set of tools and processes you wrestle with every day.

You didn’t decide to keep all the data you need in different silos, so that it’s hard to locate and difficult to integrate.

Data that could be used to better personalize communications

To build relationships with students,

To understand the

mix of applicants

And to ensurethe right kind

of people

You didn’t choose to do more with less.

And you certainly don’t remember saying,

“Hey, this works great, we’ll make it through with what we have.”


It’s notyour fault

You know that, and so do we.

So let’s try a second premise:

You need to hit your numbers, every year. The health of the institution depends on it.

At the same time, this isn’t ever purely a numbers game.

You want to attract and recruit the right mix of students.

And that’s tough when competition and fees are rising, and candidate numbers are falling.

In fact, balancing your goals for enrollment numbers and enrollment quality might feel downright impossible.

One way to achieve your goals is by dramatically increasing the effectiveness of the whole admissions process, for you and for your future students.

What if everyone involved in that process had a complete, single view of each student?

No more dark corners,

No more information silos,

No more dropped balls.

Instead, a way to deliver a truly tailored approach.

Every time.

One platform to orchestrate all communications through the right channels at the right time.

Easy-to-use dashboards to give you a real-time snapshot of how you’re progressing toward your targets.

Enrollment probability and predictive modeling to help you identify your ideal suspects.

Automated workflows and templates that enable you to do more with less.

And because the big picture is as important as getting students in the door, this personalized insight would work to your advantage right across the student lifecycle (and beyond).

So you could improve retention now, and alumni relations later.

We thought you’d like the sound of that.


There’s a new approach to admissions and recruiting that turns the old-school processes on their head.

If you’re determined to invest in a better way, here’s a simple 5-point checklist.

Insist on a solution that:

Gives you power to reach your best-fit students - with the right message, at the right time.

So you can identify the best applicants earlier and communicate effectively through every step of the application process.

Lets you focus on applicants — not on administration.

With automated and integrated workflows and templates, you and your team are more responsive and more productive.

Provides the ability to track performance — and drive results.

Enables real-time visibility of your entire prospect and applicant pool and campaign performance, so you can focus energy on the most effective strategies.

All while breaking down information silos.

By having power to share integrated student data and assign tasks across the entire team.

In a flexible, cloud-based system you and IT will love.

And that lets you each get on with what you do best.  (Woo-hoo!).

So you see, there is a better way of managing admissions:

Talk to us to find out what 250 institutions have already learned.

a better way

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