
The era in which we are born is the era for which we are responsible

The modern period of Catholic Social teaching began more than 100 years ago.

In 1891, Pope Leo XIII published an encyclical letter, Rerum Novarum

about the conditions of the working classes following the Industrial

Revolution in Europe. Since then, the Catholic Church has

published a number of notable documents dealing with social justice

The teachings were interested in Social Justice because the Good

News of Jesus demands application to the social settings that humanity found itself in


Rerum Novarum(The conditions of labour)

Otto Lilenthal begins to test winged

gliders, made from cloth stretched over willow frameworks

The first commercial submarine cable was laid

between England and France in 1891. It could

only carry one telephone call at a time

Technology changes the way that human labour is carried out

The fashionable riding habit of the time with a 38 inch bust and 23 inch waist. The cost is $38.50

wages and the access to goods and services

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The movement of people to find work and a new life

The right to work, receive a just wage from employers, possess private property


Quadragesimo Anno(The Reconstruction of the Social Order)

Economic systems and the unequal distribution of wealth

Goods and services and their impact on society

needs and wants

The impact of the economic depression


Mater et Magistra (Christianity and Social progress)

Global cultural shifts

Cuba and US relations

heightens the threat of

Nuclear War

Berlin Wall constructed

Large sums of money spent on arms


Increasing gap between

rich and poor countries

Workers participation and collective

bargaining as an aid for the


1963Pacem in Terris

(Peace on Earth)

1965Guadium et Spes(The Pastoral Constitution

of the Church in the Modern World)

war, peace and economics

1967Popularum Progressio

(The Development of People)

What is Development?

1971Octogesima Adveniens

(A call to action)

the role of women


urbanisation and the environment

People participate actively in their social and economic


1975Evangelii Nuntiandi

(Evangelisation in the Modern World)

Use the modern media

to spread the Church teachings on peace, justice and development

The Gospel message is the liberation of all peoples

1979Redemptor Hominis(Redeemer of Humankind)

Promotes observance of the United Nations Declaration on

Human Rights

Exploitation of the earth community

Stop the distribution of armaments

Distribution of armaments, terrorism, torture, violence

1981Laborem Exercens

(On Human Work)

Encourages a spirituality of work

1987Sollicitudo Rei Socialis

(On Social Concern)

1988Christifideles Laici

(The Lay Faithful)

The prophetic role of the laity


Working for justice and solidarity in public life

1991Centesimus Annus

(the Centenary Year)

Written for the 100th anniversary of

Rerum Novarum

it focused on

Creating solid foundations for human rights

the advancement of the poor constituting a great opportunity for the moral, cultural and

economic growth of all humanity

the social nature of humans is not totally fulfilled by the state, since they rightfully

belong to other groups

During the 1990s and early 2000 many more documents,

statements and letters have been produced addressing the rapid

changes occurring in the world.

1990Peace with God the creator

Peace with all creation

“In our day, there is a growing awareness that world peace is threatened not only by the arms race, regional conflicts and continued injustices among peoples and nations, but also by a lack

of due respect for nature”

1991 papal letter

“The Giver of Life”

There is a serious and disturbing phenomenon of widespread destruction of human lives either in the womb or in old age. Just as a century ago it was the workers who had their rights oppressed and the Church came to their defence proclaiming

the sacrosanct rights of that person as a worker, so now, when another category of person is being oppressed in the

fundamental right to life the church feels duty bound to speak out with the same courage on behalf of those who

“have no voice”

1995 papal Lenten message

“Literacy is an essential duty

for humanity’s future”

Illiteracy deprives a great number of poor people of many possibilities and true freedom. A person who can neither read or write finds great difficulties in making use of modern work methods as well as

suffering humiliation, exploitation and all kinds of suffering

1995 papal message on the 50th anniversary of the bombing of

Nagasaki and Hiroshima

It is in human hearts that war or reconciliation begins. A society worthy of the person is not built by destroying the person, by repression or discrimination. The lesson of World War II has not been learned completely and yet remains as a warning for the next millennium

1996 Papal address to the world food summit

Food security results from

an ethic of solidarity

We must seek the solutions together so that we no longer have, side by side, the starving and the wealthy, those

who lack the necessary means to live and those who lavishly waste them

1997 Papal address to

International science and space conference

Science is all the more fruitful when it helps us to acknowledge the link between the beauty and order of the universe and the

dignity of the human person – the reflections of the creative brilliance of God

1997 Lenten papal message

Developing a special concern for the poor

The family, as the basic cell of society has a full right to housing adequate to its needs so that it can develop a genuine

domestic communion.

When I think of the homeless I think of refugees, victims of war and economic disaster, those forced to migrate for economic reasons, families evicted

from their homes and elderly on pensions

2001John Paul II calls for an ecological conversion

If one looks at the regions of our planet, one realises immediately that humanity has disappointed the divine expectation. It is necessary, therefore, to stimulate and sustain the “ecological conversion”. It is not only a physical ecology at stake but a human ecology that will render the life of creatures more dignified, protecting the radical good of life in all its manifestations and preparing an environment for future generations that is closer to the plan of the creator

The joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of the people of our time,

especially the poor or afflicted, are the joys and hopes, the grief and anguish

of the followers of Christ as well Guadium et Spes

(the Church in the modern world)

December 7, 1965

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