What is Cosmetic Dentistry - Yellowpages.com · 2017-05-22 · What is Cosmetic Dentistry? People notice a beautiful smile. There social bonding gesture. Your smile is the total center

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What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

People notice a beautiful smile. There

social bonding gesture. Your smile is the total center of expression and when it

dazzles, you exude confidence,

procedures can enhance your smile to

Here is what cosmetic dentistry can do for you:

• Close gaps between teeth

• Whiten discoloured or stained teeth

• Repair chipped, broken or worn teeth

• Reposition crowded teeth

• Lengthen or shorten uneven teeth

• Replace a missing tooth or teeth

• Replace old metal fillings

• Cosmetic dentistry covers a multitude of procedures that improves the beauty

and health of your smile.

Am I a Candidate for Cosmetic D

• If you’re self-conscious about your smile or unhappy with the appearance of your

teeth, you may be a candidate for cosmetic dentistry.

• Do you ever smile with your mouth closed or hide your smile behind your hand to

prevent others from seeing

• Does the appearance or colour of your teeth embarrass you?

• Do you avoid smiling because you do not want people to see your teeth?

• Do you have old metal fillings in your back teeth?

If you answered yes to any of

the above, you may be a

candidate for cosmetic

dentistry. In fact, anyone who

is unhappy with the

appearance of his or her smile

is a candidate for cosmetic


An enhanced smile will not

only make you look good on

the outside, but also feel good

about yourself on the inside

and more confident too!

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

People notice a beautiful smile. There’s no doubt that a smile is your most important

gesture. Your smile is the total center of expression and when it

dazzles, you exude confidence, happiness and joy. Toda

procedures can enhance your smile to its white, straight, beautiful best.

Here is what cosmetic dentistry can do for you:

Close gaps between teeth

Whiten discoloured or stained teeth

Repair chipped, broken or worn teeth

sition crowded teeth

Lengthen or shorten uneven teeth

Replace a missing tooth or teeth

Replace old metal fillings

Cosmetic dentistry covers a multitude of procedures that improves the beauty


Am I a Candidate for Cosmetic Dentistry?

conscious about your smile or unhappy with the appearance of your

be a candidate for cosmetic dentistry.

Do you ever smile with your mouth closed or hide your smile behind your hand to

from seeing your teeth?

Does the appearance or colour of your teeth embarrass you?

Do you avoid smiling because you do not want people to see your teeth?

Do you have old metal fillings in your back teeth?

If you answered yes to any of

the above, you may be a

didate for cosmetic

anyone who

appearance of his or her smile

is a candidate for cosmetic

An enhanced smile will not

only make you look good on

the outside, but also feel good

yourself on the inside

and more confident too!

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

s no doubt that a smile is your most important

gesture. Your smile is the total center of expression and when it

happiness and joy. Today’s advanced cosmetic

straight, beautiful best.

Cosmetic dentistry covers a multitude of procedures that improves the beauty

conscious about your smile or unhappy with the appearance of your

be a candidate for cosmetic dentistry.

Do you ever smile with your mouth closed or hide your smile behind your hand to

Does the appearance or colour of your teeth embarrass you?

Do you avoid smiling because you do not want people to see your teeth?

Do you have old metal fillings in your back teeth?

s no doubt that a smile is your most important

gesture. Your smile is the total center of expression and when it

s advanced cosmetic

Cosmetic dentistry covers a multitude of procedures that improves the beauty

conscious about your smile or unhappy with the appearance of your

Do you ever smile with your mouth closed or hide your smile behind your hand to

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