What if? What if this darkness is not the darkness of the ...

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Welcome to Roland Park Presbyterian Church. We’re glad you’re here!

What if? What if this darkness is not the darkness of the tomb,

but the darkness of the womb?

~ Valarie Kaur

Easter Sunday

April 16, 2017


Easter Sunday

April 16, 2017 10:30 AM


Music of Preparation

Ryan Satmary & Josh Carr, trumpet; Joshua Fleming, French horn;

Richard Segovia, trombone; Zachary Fotte, bass trombone

Fanfare on A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Martin Luther

arr. Jameson

Easter Anthem William Billings

Arr. Wernick

Today God’s Only-Gotten Son J. S. Bach

The Day of Resurrection LANCASHIRE

Arr. Green

Exsultate Deo Alessandro Scarlatti

Chancel Soloists

Sing aloud to God our strength;

shout for joy to the God of Jacob. Alleluia!

Words of Welcome

Thank you for joining us today. We hope that today’s service will be meaningful for you.

Prayer request cards and welcome cards are located in the pews.

Please feel free to fill one out and place it in the offering plate later in the service.

Also, please join us for a time of fellowship following today’s service

(in the Fellowship Room located on this level adjacent to the narthex).


One: The tomb is dark, but empty

Many: The one you are looking for has overcome the darkness

One: The stone has been rolled away

Many: The one you are looking for has overcome death

One: The burial clothes are put aside

Many: The one you are looking for is alive!

One: Christ is Risen!

Many: Christ is Risen Indeed!

All: Let us worship our Risen Savior!

*HYMN #232 Jesus Christ is Risen Today EASTER HYMN

Choir only verse 2 arr. Mawby, Hopson & Collister

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (adapted from N.T. Wright)

Loving God, we confess that though you make us for spirituality, we wallow in

introspection; though you make us for joy, we settle for pleasure; though you make

us for justice, we clamor for vengeance; though you make us for relationship, we

insist on our own way; though you make us for beauty, we are satisfied with


But new creation has already begun and through it we are called to leave behind,

in the tomb, all that belongs to the brokenness and incompleteness of the present

world; to follow Jesus Christ into the new world, God's new world, which the

Creator has thrown open before us. Amen.

Time for Silent Prayer and Reflection


One: Let us proclaim the good news of God’s story to one another:

All: Christ is Risen! The tomb is empty. New life is ours.

Thanks be to God. Amen.


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, amen.



ANTHEM Antiphon Ralph Vaughan Williams

from Five Mystical Songs arr. Ligotti

Chancel Choir, Brass and Organ

Let all the world in every corner sing: My God and King.

The heavens are not too high, His praise may thither fly;

The earth is not too low, His praises there may grow.

Let all the world in every corner sing: My God and King.

The Church with psalms must shout, No door can keep them out;

But above all, the heart Must bear the longest part.

Let all the world in every corner sing: My God and King! (George Herbert)


GOD’S STORY Luke 24: 1-12

But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices

that they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they

went in, they did not find the body. While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two

men in dazzling clothes stood beside them. The women were terrified and bowed their

faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among

the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in

Galilee, that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, and be crucified, and on

the third day rise again." Then they remembered his words, and returning from the

tomb, they told all this to the eleven and to all the rest. Now it was Mary Magdalene,

Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them who told this to the

apostles. But these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them.

But Peter got up and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths

by themselves; then he went home, amazed at what had happened.

One: For the Word of God in Scripture,

For the Word of God among us,

For the Word of God within us,

All: Thanks be to God.

MESSAGE The Tomb of New Life Pastor Hanna

*HYMN #240 Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks ALLELUIA NO. 1

arr. Collister


During the prayer there will be a time for you to give voice to your own prayers,

after which the leader will say, “Lord, in your mercy,” or “Lord, we give thanks,”

and the entire congregation responds, “Hear our prayer.”


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will

be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive

us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but

deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever.



Offertory Thine is the Glory JUDAS MACCABEUS

Chancel Handbell Choir arr. McChesney


Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below;

Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication

*HYMN #245 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today! LLANFAIR

arr. Bankson


POSTLUDE Toccata (Fifth Symphony) Charles-Marie Widor

SUNDAY, April 23, 2017 10:30 am Worship

Scripture: Luke 24: 13-35

Message: Our Hearts Burning Within Us


FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED: Turn your T-Coil on. Sitting in the first four rows

or near a wall will strengthen your reception. If you experience problems, speak to the


CHILDREN ARE ALWAYS WELCOME IN WORSHIP. If parents feel they need to

leave the sanctuary with their children, they may go to the Fellowship Room and listen to

the service via the sound system.

CHILDCARE is provided every Sunday for infants and toddlers in the Crib Room

located through the Fellowship Room turning left down the hall.

STORYBOOK BIBLES, STUDENT BIBLES, and preschool-level picture books are

available on the front pews and on the bookshelf in the back section. Please help yourself

to these resources.

HEAD USHER: David McDonough

LITURGIST: Ginny Rutherford

GREETER: Howard Rutherford

IN OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS TODAY: We look to our Lord for strength

and healing. We look to each other to see our Lord in action. We remember all those in

harm’s way, refugees and people in conflict, and facing new challenges. Among our

church family: Darryl Fritze (Wayne Fritze’s brother), Paula Belt, Darlene George,

Courtney Sieck, Charlie Macsherry (father of Caroline Mapp), Maria Wilson (mother

of Karen Olsen), the sister and niece of Holden McAleer and their family, J. Gary

Glover, Liz LeBlanc, Nancy Taylor, Jim and Loretta Sailors (parents of Bill Sailors),

Barbara Harris (grandmother of Phoebe Evans Letocha), John Evans (uncle of Dan

Evans), the Russell family, Sam Robles, the friends and loved ones of Bernice Magner

and David & Danny Guillaume along with the staff and children of Kay Papa Nou &

Unity House.

The gift of Easter Flowers is given to the Glory of God and…

In loving memory of George Tasker by the Abraham family

In loving memory of Mrs. Ruth L. Billett by her great grandchildren

In loving memory of Dr. and Mr. W. Kennedy Waller by Jean Waller Brune

In loving memory of Carol Lynn Buttner and Dr. John P. Latchaw, Jr.

by Joan D. Buttner

In loving memory of Elizabeth Ziska by Leneida Crawford

In loving memory of my grandparents, Audene & William Hughes and Florence &

Herbert George by Julie Evans

In loving memory of Rev. & Mrs. Carroll Fritze, Dr. Rodney S. Billett, Mrs.

Vaughan Ayres by the Fritze family

In thanksgiving for our loving family by Tracy Froh

In loving memory of Edward & Alys Gardiner by Connie Gardiner

In thanksgiving for the Evans and Cochran families for all their help in getting us

moved by Darlene and Austin George

In loving memory of our parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Glover and Mr. & Mrs. Harold

T. Prothro by the J. Gary Glover family

In loving memory of Layda Gallo by Amy Lutzky

In loving memory of Edith and Roy Quigley and Jean S. Waller

by Janice and Kent Moore

In loving memory of John S. Martin, Sr. by David Patterson

In loving memory of Debbie Decker by Fatima Petersen and Lynne Witham

In honor of Daniel, Alexandria and Benjamin Provost Wolfgang

by their parents, with love

In loving memory of Beverly Lewis, Dora Corbett and Helen Johnson

by the Robles family

In thanksgiving for our family by David and Courtney Sieck

In thanksgiving for Mark Hanna by Barrie and Richard Sigler

In loving memory of my parents, Mr. & Mrs. L.F. Kreyer & sister, Virginia by

Adrienne Toland

In loving memory of my dear father, Richard Triptow by Donna Triptow

In loving memory of Margie Spangler by Donald Young

The gift of Easter Music is given to the Glory of God and…

In thanksgiving for our wonderful congregation by the Abraham family

In honor of Margaret Budd and Phillip Collister by Jean Waller Brune

In thanksgiving for my treasured years as RPPC organist by Margaret Budd

In loving memory of Raymond C. Dannettel and Adlaid B. Dannettel

by Joan D. Buttner

In thanksgiving for the John G. Cochran family and the Ross A. Cochran family

by Elaine Cochran

In honor of Margaret Budd by Phillip Collister

In memory of Barbara Collister by Phillip Collister

In honor of Lewis Ziska by Leneida Crawford

In thanksgiving for John G. Evans by Dan Evans

In loving memory of family members by Jennie Lee and Hobie Fowlkes

In thanksgiving for Holden McAleer by Ashley Friedman & family

In thanksgiving for Barrie Sigler by Meghan Friedman & family

In loving memory of Margaret E. Fritze by her great grandchildren

In loving memory of Gerald Nicol & Donald Froh by Tracy Froh

In honor of Elaine Cochran by Darlene and Austin George

In loving memory of our parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Glover and Mr. & Mrs. Harold

T. Prothro by the J. Gary Glover family

In loving memory of William Henry and Mr. & Mrs. Norman Swayne

by Nancy Swayne Henry

In thanksgiving for our wonderful musicians by Dave & Katherine Hurst

In loving memory of Claybourn and Anna Langlotz by Clay Langlotz

In loving memory of my grandparents by Amy Lutzky

In honor of the RPPC Choir by Janice and Kent Moore

In loving memory of the Beck family, the Gothe family, Marie Patron and

Virginia Thompson by the Patron family

In thanksgiving for Jessica Lynne Campbell Witham by Fatima Petersen

In loving memory of Georgia Provost Luke and Icic Baker

by the Provost Wolfgang family

In loving memory of Harold Beard by the Robles family

In honor of our grandchildren: Erin, Anna, Grace, Alex, Faith and Kat

by Howard and Ginny Rutherford

In thanksgiving for Margaret Budd by Barrie and Richard Sigler

In honor of Margaret Budd by George and Mary Ellen Thomsen

In loving memory of my husband, William E. Toland by Adrienne Toland

In honor of the caring congregation of RPPC by Donna Triptow

Church Staff

Mark W. Hanna, Pastor pastor@rolandparkchurch.org

Phillip Collister, Director of Music pcollister@towson.edu

Margaret Budd, Organist mlbudd@gmail.com

Jennifer Ronald, Office and Communications Manager office@rolandparkchurch.org

Caroline Mapp, Bookkeeper bookkeeper@rolandparkchurch.org

Tony Mason, Saturday Sexton

Session Board of Deacons

Matt Bay, Treasurer (2017*) Tiffany Abraham (2018*)

Jackie Capecci (2019*) Beth Bishop (2017*)

Laura Cochran (2017*) Mary Carey (2019**)

Rick Froh (2019**) Shirley Dailey (2018*)

Sharon Halm (2018**) Julie Evans (2017**)

Richard Letocha, Clerk of Session (2018*) Catherine McCabe (2017**)

Jim Lyall (2018*) Ryan Poag, Moderator (2017**)

Matt Marsh (2018*) Bill Sailors (2018**)

David McDonough (2017**) Alyson Taylor (2018**)

David Patron (2017**)

Quincey Renwick (2019**)

Mark W. Hanna, Moderator

Youth Deacons

Zach Lutzky

* indicates 1st term, ** 2nd term Annelise Olsen

An inclusive and welcoming congregation

of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Presbytery of Baltimore.


Phone// 410.889.2001 Fax// 410.889.2000

office@rolandparkchurch.org ~ www.rolandparkchurch.org

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00am -2:30pm

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