What i had in mind

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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What does God have in mind for you.


What I had in Mind

What I had in Mind

What would it be like to be a famous sportstar?

What I had in Mind

Everybody knowing youBut not many really knowing you

deeply known

What I had in Mind

It is so important to feel that someone knows you - deeply

talk wounded

What I had in Mind

The wounded heart says ‘If you really knew me you wouldn’t love me’

❖ Shame❖ Guilt❖ Loneliness


What I had in Mind

I wonder if at the deepest soul place of the suicidal is a cry to be known, loved and valued.


What I had in Mind

Robin Williams

‘My battles with addiction definitely shaped how I am now. They really made me deeply appreciate human contact. And the value of friends and family, how precious that is’.charlotte

What I had in Mind

Charlotte Dawson2 days before her death

Tweet:Ok this city is too weird. Going to sleep. If I don't wake up @jothornely gets all my shoes & clothes. You are all witness to this.

God connection

What I had in Mind

Did they have people help them connect into what God has in mind for them?


What I had in Mind

How much do you allow others to really know you?

Masks, projections and pretenses.

‘This now I want to be known by others’

start conversation

What I had in Mind

What we need is conversations.

Conversations where we truly feel known


What I had in Mind

A conversation is started between God and Jeremiah

What I had in Mind

The words of Jeremiah son of Hilkiah, of the priests who were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin,

What I had in Mind

to whom the word of the Lord came in the days of King Josiah son of Amon of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign.

What I had in Mind

It came also in the days of King Jehoiakim son of Josiah of Judah, and until the end of the eleventh year of King Zedekiah son of Josiah of Judah, until the captivity of Jerusalem in the fifth month.

What I had in Mind

Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:1-5

some points

What I had in Mind

Some points❖ Time captured and time

uncapturable➢ Period of time, fixed and known

v 1-3 640 - 570 BC➢ Period of time, unfixed, beyond

our comprehension v 4, 5

What I had in Mind

Some points❖ God takes the initiative to come to

Jeremiah➢ God takes the first step

We cannot attain the presence of God. We’re already totally in the presence of God. What’s absent is awareness. David G. Benner

What I had in Mind

Some points❖ God knows us even before

conceptionFor it was you who formed my

inward parts; you knit me together in my

mother’s womb.Psalm 139

What I had in Mind

Some points

God has chosen us

... before you were born I consecrated you (set apart)

A person is not the keyboard of a piano on which circumstances play hit-parade tunes. Eugene Peterson

What I had in Mind

Some points

God gave

... I appointed you a prophet to the nations.

The word appointed literally means “gave”

Before Jeremiah ever got it together he was given away. Eugene Petersonchoice

What I had in Mind

There is a choice

We not puppets to Gods plans


What I had in Mind

A story from Eugene Peterson from Run with the Horses: The Quest for Life at Its Best

What I had in Mind

There is a rocky cliff on the shoreline of the Montana lake where I live part of each summer.

There are breaks in the rock face in which tree swallows make their nest.

What I had in Mind

For several weeks one summer, I watched the swallows in swift flight collect insects barely above the surface of the water then dive into the cavities in the cliff, feeding first their mates and then their newly hatched chicks.

What I had in Mind

Near one of the cracks in the cliff face, a dead branch stretched about four feet over the water.

One day I was delighted to see three new swallows sitting side by side on this branch.

What I had in Mind

The parents made wide, sweeping, insect-gathering circuits over the water and then returned to the enormous cavities that those little birds became as they opened their beaks for a feeding.

What I had in Mind

This went on for a couple of hours until the parents decided they had had enough of it.

One adult swallow got alongside the chicks and started shoving them out toward the end of the branch – pushing, pushing, pushing.

What I had in Mind

The end one fell off. Somewhere between the branch and the water four feet below, the wings started working, and the fledgling was off on his own.

Then the second one.

The third was not to be bullied.

What I had in Mind

At the last possible moment his grip on the branch loosened just enough so that he swung downward, then tightened again, bulldog tenacious.

The parent was without sentiment.

What I had in Mind

He pecked at the desperately clinging talons until it was more painful for the poor chick to hang on than risk the insecurities of flying.

The grip was released and the inexperienced wings began pumping.

What I had in Mind

The mature swallow knew what the chick did not – that it would fly – that there was no danger in making it do what it was perfectly designed to do.

What I had in Mind

Birds have feet and can walk.

Birds have talons and can grasp a branch securely.

They can walk; they can cling.

But flying is their characteristic action, and not until they fly are they living at their best, gracefully and beautifully.


What I had in Mind

Does God have a purpose for me?


For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Jeremiah 29:11


What I had in Mind

Do I have a choice in all of this?


We all have a choice

live outside

What I had in Mind

Do we live at times outside of 'What God had in mind’ for us?


We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Recalculating route


What I had in Mind

I wonder what God has in mind for you?

What I had in Mind

was you

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