What Equipment Is Required To Learn Easy Knitting?

Post on 17-May-2015






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Knitting does require very little equipment for any one garment, but it must be the best if you are to attain the greatest enjoyment and relaxation from your endeavor - although good equipment alone will not automatically

result in perfect work. For example, if your knitting needles are too heavy, too rigid or too pliable, or if the needles have blunt points that split the yarn, or for that

matter, sharp points that hurt your fingers, knitting becomes a chore and the finished garment will reflect this. Due to all the factors noted in the example, it is advisable to get precision-tapered knitting needles. The precision-

tapered needles points are designed to slide easily through the stitches without splitting the yarn, have good balance, are light in weight, and are flexible enough to permit long

hours of work without tiring the hands and shoulders.

There are a variety of good knitting needles on the market today, some of which are:

• Silvalume (special aluminum alloy with a smooth permanent finish that does not soil light-colored yarns and

is a firm needle.• Luxite (a plastic-like material) is more flexible• Tonewood is a highly polished hard

wood, but usually is only available in larger sizes of needles (for ribbons or very bulky yarns or for a loose

mesh effect).

Knitting needles are made in single-point, double-point, or circular types. Often the single-point knitting needles are referred to as straight needles and are used for any back-and-forth knitting. Double-point needles (Sock needles) are often recommended for many knitted pieces where seams would detract from appearance and fit; also for

neckline finishes and many other purposes.

Circular knitting needles are used for many different types of work. They may be used for sleeves, round-neck ribbing, and small garments, sometimes for making

sweaters, coats, skirts, and dresses.

Strange as this may sound, whether or not you crochet, knitting equipment is not complete without a few crochet hooks. These crochet hooks are necessary for finishing a

knitted garment and for picking up "lost" stitches.

The following knitting aids are not necessary, but are designed to easier complete some little tasks necessary to

the working, finishing, and adding to the proper fit of garments.

1. Yarn needle - to sew the seams of knitted garments and for wool embroidery

2. Knit Count - by twisting the little dials, you can easily keep count of rows as you make them

3. Stitch holders - to hold stitches securely when not in use. They are available in aluminum and plastic materials, in small, medium, and large sizes. There are also Midget

Stitch Holders which are ideal for holding a very small number of stitches.

4. Cable stitch holder - the curve holds the stitches securely, making cable stitching easier. Use the holder in

all cases when instructions call for a spare needle. The size is just right for all types of yarn, regardless of the size of

knitting needle you are using.

5. Yarn bobbins - for multi-color knitting and argyle socks. These yarn bobbins allow the yarn to unwind smoothly

and evenly; lock and unlock the yarn as wanted. This knitting aid prevents knots and tangles as well as holding a

generous quantity of yarn.

6. Ring markers - to slip onto the needle to mark work into designated sections for increases or decreases, etc.

Invaluable when making skirts or sweaters where counting of stitches is difficult.

7. Knit Chek - designed to check stitch and row gauge more easily and accurately. The importance of checking your

gauge cannot be overemphasized.

8. Tape measure

9. Scissors

10. Transparent 6-inch ruler

11. Nail file and emery board (for catchy fingernails)

12. Blunt-pointed tapestry needles

13. Notebook and pencil

14. Small transparent case to keep all easily lost items within easy reach

Most of the above-noted things that are necessary for the home knitter are available to you in your own home; some

you have to purchase.

Just a few hints on equipment before you go shopping (if you haven't already) - if your equipment is old, keep steel needles and hoods from rusting by putting them in a long,

covered bottle with a small piece of camphor (available from any Watkins dealer) wrapped in cloth.

Wooden needles that develop rough and catchy spots can be remedied by dipping a very slightly dampened cloth in

a fine-grain kitchen cleanser and rub your needle with this. Let the needle dry thoroughly, then rub off all the dry

cleanser with a rough cloth and polish by rubbing hard with a thick fold of waxed paper.

When your fingers get sore when working with harsh or knotty yarn cut the finger from an old kid glove and slip it

over the offended finger - amazing how that works!

Always listen for hints wherever you go - keep track of them and note them somewhere. You never know when

these tips and/or hints may come in handy.

Do you home knit any garments, and if so, what is your most useful tip for the beginning home knitter?


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