Welcome to Worship at First Presbyterian Church · 2 Welcome to Worship at First Presbyterian Church Neenah, Wisconsin We’re delighted that you’re here! With the open arms of Christ,

Post on 25-Mar-2018






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Welcome to Worship at First Presbyterian Church

Neenah, Wisconsin

We’re delighted that you’re here! With the open arms of Christ, we welcome persons of every age,

ability, race, or ethnicity fully into the life of the church, recognizing and respecting all sexual

orientations and gender identities.

Large print bulletins (with hymns included) are available. Please ask an usher.

Hearing Assistance: First Presbyterian has a hearing loop for hearing aid users equipped with

T-coils. Brochures explaining this feature are available in the pews. There are also head phones

available in the Narthex, (aka the entryway) if you don’t have hearing aids.

Childcare (infants and toddlers through 2 years old) is available in the nursery located across from

the Library. We welcome infants and small children in worship, but if your child needs care or

becomes uncomfortable during the service, feel free to leave and return as you wish. The audio

portion of the second service can be heard in the Chapel, where you and your child are also welcome.

Worship bags with activities, and Bibles for children are available near the entrances of the

Chapel and the Sanctuary.

Wee Worship: At the option of their parents, children ages three years through first grade are invited

to gather in the Wee Worship room next to the Library immediately following the Time for Children

at the second service (a teacher will lead them there). Wee Worship provides an environment for

young children to learn, experience, and participate in worship in a developmentally appropriate

way. When we celebrate a Baptism or Communion, children will be brought back to the Sanctuary

right after the sermon so that they can participate. If their parents prefer, children may be taken to the

Nursery instead of returning to Worship.

Online Connections: You can learn more about us at www.firstpresneenah.org, and Like us on

Facebook, www.facebook.com/FirstPresNeenah, for updates on church activities.

Today’s Ministers of Welcome:

Greeters: Deacon Nancy Beyer and Elder Anne Bennett.

Ushers: Faye and Dan Wells at the 8:00 a.m. service.

Coffee Host: Will Volkman.


Service for the Lord’s Day Third Sunday in Lent

March 4, 2018 8:00 and 10:15 a.m.

As the prelude begins, please prepare quietly for worship

and be sure all cell phones are turned off.

Prelude Dearest Jesus, at Your Word arr. Paul Manz

Chorale Prelude on Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier J. S. Bach

Introit, Hymn 414 (sing twice) Be Still and Know That I Am God PSALM 46

Moment of Stillness

* Call to Worship

God is merciful and gracious,

slow to anger and abounding in love.

The law of our God revives the soul;

the word of God makes the simple wise.

Let us worship God.

* Hymn 451 Open My Eyes, That I May See OPEN MY EYES

* Prayer of Confession

God our Redeemer, we confess that we are stubborn people. You give us your law to

guide us, but we seek the wisdom of the world. You send us teachers to instruct us, but

we turn a deaf ear. You give us one another as companions, but we go our own way.

Forgive us, O God. Stop us in our tracks, and help us turn around. Open our ears to all

the ways in which you speak to us; and open our hearts to be changed.

(Moment for silent prayers of confession)


* Sung Confession - Hymn 213 (Stanza 2) In the Cross of Christ I Glory RATHBUN

Assurance of Pardon

* Response – Hymn 475 (Stanza 3) Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing NETTLETON

O to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be!

Let that grace now, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee.

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love;

here’s my heart; O take and seal it; seal it for thy courts above.

* The Peace

The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

And also with you.

(Please share the Peace with your neighbor saying: “The peace of Christ be with you,” and

the neighbor responding, “And also with you.”)

Welcome and Invitation to Our Church Life

(Please sign and pass the Fellowship Pads, noting other names as they are returned, and greet

one another after the service.)

A Time for Children

(After A Time for Children those who are 3 yrs – 1st grade may follow a teacher to the Wee

Worship room.)


Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Readings

1 Samuel 3:1-18 Pew Bible (OT) p. 247

Proverbs 15:1-7 Pew Bible (OT) p. 597

A soft answer turns away wrath,

but a harsh word stirs up anger.

The tongue of the wise dispenses knowledge,

but the mouths of fools pour out folly.

The eyes of the LORD are in every place,

keeping watch on the evil and the good.

A gentle tongue is a tree of life,

but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.

A fool despises a parent’s instruction,

but the one who heeds admonition is prudent.

In the house of the righteous there is much treasure,

but trouble befalls the income of the wicked.

The lips of the wise spread knowledge;

not so the minds of fools.

John 15:12-17 Pew Bible (NT) p. 109

Response: For the word of God in Scripture,

for the word of God among us,

for the word of God within us,

Thanks be to God!

Sermon Soul Feast: Companions on the Journey Terry Hamilton-Poore

* Hymn 727 Will You Let Me Be Your Servant THE SERVANT SONG

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

(Following the words, “God, in your mercy,” the response is “Hear our prayers.”)

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be

done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our

debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from

evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Sharing Our Gifts and Offerings

Offertory Meditation on an English Tune (8:00) arr. Mark Albrecht

Expectans expectavi (10:15) Charles Wood

Chancel Choir


Anthem Notes:

This morning’s anthem is a staple of the early 20th

century Anglican anthem tradition. Listen

for the contrast of simple harmony in the opening and closing sections versus the complicated,

perhaps mystical middle section. The composer Charles Wood (1866-1926) was an Irishman

who studied at the Royal College of Music and Cambridge, where he then taught for years. The

title, in Latin, is the first phrase of Psalm 40, “I waited patiently for the Lord,” so titled by the

poet of the text, Charles H. Sorley, a Scotsman who studied at Cambridge. In fitting with this

week’s chapter on spiritual direction, the text here describes a soul who is ready to discern

God’s call and follow: “With parted lips and outstretched hands,/And listening ears, Thy

servant stands,/Call Thou early, call Thou late,/To Thy great service dedicate.”

* Response – Hymn 223 (Stanza 4) When I Survey the Wondrous Cross HAMBURG

Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small;

love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.

The Sacrament of Communion

Invitation to the Table

The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Loving God, through your goodness we have this bread and wine to offer, which earth has

given and human hands have made. May we know your presence in the sharing of this bread,

so that we may know your touch in all bread, all matter. We celebrate the life that Jesus has

shared among his community through the centuries, and shares with us now.

Made one in Christ and one with each other, we offer these gifts and with them,

ourselves, a living sacrifice.

With angels and martyrs and all of your people in every time and place, we join our voices in a

song of praise.


*Hymn 552 Holy, Holy, Holy LAND OF REST

[The words of institution]

As we gather here, O God, send your Spirit upon this bread and this cup, and send your Spirit

upon us.

Fill us with the fullness of Jesus, and send us forth as his body, given to the world

for hope and healing.

In your name and for your sake we ask it, our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, one God, now

and forever. Amen.

Sharing the Bread and Cup

At the indication of the usher, please come forward. Take a piece of bread from the plate, dip it

in the juice, and eat. The center station has gluten-free bread. If it is difficult for you to come

forward, remain seated, and a server will come to you.

Hymn during Communion 525 Let Us Break Bread Together LET US BREAK BREAD

Let us break bread together on our knees; let us break bread together on our knees.

When I fall on my knees, with my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me.

2) Let us drink wine together…

3) Let us praise God together…


At this table we have tasted your goodness, O God.

Send us forth with our own goodness restored. Amen.


* Hymn 748 Go with Us, Lord TALLIS’ CANON

(instructions for the 10:15 a.m. service only:

sing together once, then as a canon twice,

pulpit side, lectern side, choir)

Go with us, Lord, and guide the way through this and

every coming day, that in your Spirit

strong and true our lives may be our gift to you.

* Charge and Benediction

* Response – Hymn 568 Amen AMEN (Haugen)

Postlude Toccata Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck


*Those who are able are invited to stand.

Please join us for coffee and conversation in the Church Parlor.

Join our next Friend’s Class on Friday, March 16th

at Noon for a St. Patrick’s style lunch followed

by a presentation led by Tom Hoare, former Brigade Captain. Tom will tell us the 117-year history of

our neighbors, the Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade. Reservations are needed for lunch and can be made by

calling Sue Lenz (722-3503) or Ginnie Westover (725-3600). The cost for lunch is $7.

If you enjoy piecing squares together, the TLC Quilting Ministries has just that project for you. We

provide the fabric, batting, backing, and quilting – all we ask of you is to design, cut, and sew a top!

There is no timeline for getting quilts completed. For questions, please call or text Amy Cebulski

(757-0694). Hands to help, hearts to give.


Remember a Loved One with Flowers for Easter Providing flowers for Easter Sunday is a beautiful way to remember or honor your loved ones. If you

would like to contribute to the beautiful flowers that adorn our church for Easter, please fill out the

form below and forward, along with your payment, to the Church Office by Palm Sunday, March


. Please indicate below if you wish to designate your gift.

Your Name:

Designated Name:

In honor of In memory of (Check one)

Your Name:

Designated Name:

In honor of In memory of (Check one)

Suggested donation for Easter flowers is $10.00 each. Checks should be made payable to First

Presbyterian Church. Please write “Easter Flowers” on the memo line.

Holy Week Palm Sunday, March 25

8:00 a.m. worship service in the Chapel

10:15 a.m. worship service in the Sanctuary

Maundy Thursday, March 29

7:00 p.m. worship service in the Chapel

Good Friday, March 30

5:30 p.m. Taizé worship service in the Chapel

Easter Sunday, April 1

8:00 a.m. worship service in the Sanctuary

9:00 a.m. Brunch in the Fellowship Hall

10:15 a.m. worship service in the Sanctuary



9:00 – 10:00 a.m. The 3rd

Soulful Sunday of Lent: The Gift of Spiritual Direction

Adult and Soul Feast Chapter 8 (SPY Room 2nd



Grade to 12th

Grade Led by: Gina Struensee


Grade to 8th

Grade Faith Questions & Hot Chocolate

Meet at the Information Desk

Pre-K to 5th Grade FaithTime

March 11th

The 4th Soulful Sunday of Lent: The Spirit of Hospitality

Adult Soul Feast Chapter 9 (SPY Room 2nd


Led by: Marilyn Paulson


Grade to 12th

Grade PancakeFest (Fellowship Hall)


Grade to 8th

Grade Galatians 1:6 (JOY Room)

Pre-K to 5th Grade Faithtime! Snack Packs (Fellowship Hall)

FaithTime begins with MY (Musical Youth) Worship. Children and Youth are shepherded

to FaithTime following MY Worship.

Immediately following the ‘Time for Children’ portion of the 10:15 a.m. service

Pre-K to 2nd

Grade Wee Worship (March 4th

) – Ten Best Ways to Live

Wee Worship (March 11th) – Mary Anoints Jesus

Please stop by the information desk in the lobby if you have any questions about education

Join us on Saturday, March 17th

(St. Patrick’s Day) for the annual Progressive Dinner! This is a much-loved event that has been part of First Presbyterian’s history for over 40 years! We

will start with appetizers at Karl and Mya Volkman’s home at 5:30 p.m. Then, all attendees will

travel to the church where a special Irish Feast will be served - Irish Beef Stew, Green Salad, Irish

Soda Bread and such delectable desserts that it will make those who can’t attend green with envy!

Sign up today to reserve your place at the table and enjoy an evening of great food, conversation and


Forms are due to the church office by Sunday, February 26th and are available online at

www.firstpresneenah.org, on the info desk or call the church office (725-4391). The cost per person

is $8. Dietary restrictions can be accommodated. Childcare provided upon request – contact Gina

Struensee (gstruensee@firstpresneenah.org).



Sunday, March 4


Sunday in Lent/Communion

8:00 a.m. Worship in the Chapel

9:00 a.m. FaithTime & Adult Ed

9:15 a.m. Chancel Choir

10:15 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary

Noisy Offering

12:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Outreach

Brookfield Assisted Living

5:00 p.m. JOY Fellowship

5:15 p.m. SPY Fellowship

7:00 p.m. Session

Monday, March 5 6:30 p.m. Membership Mtg

Tuesday, March 6 10:00 a.m. Friendship Circle

6:00 p.m. PNC Mtg

6:30 p.m. Happy Friends

7:00 p.m. Finance Mtg

Wednesday, March 7

9:00 a.m. Knitting Circle

4:30 p.m. Building & Grounds Mtg

5:00 p.m. Worship Mtg

5:30 p.m. Wonderful Wednesday

6:00 p.m. Praise Ringers

7:15 p.m. Chancel Choir

Thursday, March 8 5:00 p.m. Yoga 5:30 p.m. Parent Café

Friday, March 9

6:30 a.m. Men’s Fellowship Group

Sunday, March 11


Sunday in Lent/Daylight Saving

Time Begins

8:00 a.m. Worship in the Chapel

8:30 a.m. Pancakefest

9:00 a.m. FaithTime & Adult Ed

9:15 a.m. Chancel Choir

10:15 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary

“Y” Worship

11:30 a.m. PNC Mtg

Bible Study

Monday, March 12 1:30 p.m. Textbook Bible Study

6:30 p.m. Mission & Outreach Mtg

Wednesday, March 14

9:30 a.m. Book Study

5:30 p.m. Wonderful Wednesday

6:00 p.m. Praise Ringers

7:15 p.m. Chancel Choir

Thursday, March 15 5:00 p.m. Yoga 5:30 p.m. Parent Café

7:00 p.m. Caregivers Support Group

Friday, March 16

6:30 a.m. Men’s Fellowship Group

12:00 p.m. Friend’s Class

6:45 p.m. Confirmation Class to visit

Moses Montefiore Synagogue

Saturday, March 17 5:30 p.m. Progressive Dinner


Would you like to receive our newsletter via email?

Contact the church office (725-4391 or firstpresneenah@firstpresneenah.org) to

sign-up and receive the latest news on your computer or mobile device.

All rights reserved. Reprinted under OneLicense.net, License A-716949

First Presbyterian Church 200 Church St., Neenah WI 54956

Phone: 920.725.4391 Website: www.firstpresneenah.org

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstPresNeenah

Interim Pastor: Terry Hamilton-Poore

Associate Pastor: Paul Huxtable

Director of Christian Education: Gina Struensee

Director of Music: Steve Sieck

Organist: Blake Doss

Handbell Program & FaithTime Music

Coordinator: David Pecsi

Youth Handbell Choir: Tanya Schroeder

FaithTime Music Coordinator: Stephanie Sundberg

Parish Nurse: Susan Jares

Finance & HR Coordinator: Laurie Stafford

Office Administration Coordinator: Cindy Kreis

Office Assistant: Michelle Weber

Facilities Maintenance Coordinator: David Schuhart

Housekeeper: Emily Buksyk

Sunday Morning Coordinator: Kathy Quale

Nursery Caregivers: Michelle Lewis and

Nikki Van Herwynen

Pastoral Care: Because of HIPAA laws and privacy regulations, the church does not always

hear about hospitalizations of our members. If you or family members experience a

hospitalization, illness, or other need for pastoral care, please call the church office so that

the pastors and parish nurse may be alerted.

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