WELCOME TO First Grade Miss Munoz SCHOOL ATTENDANCE / I will pick up students at 7:30am on the playground / Students are tardy after 8:00am / 3 tardies.

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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First Grade


First Grade

Miss MunozMiss Munoz


I will pick up students at 7:30am on the playground

Students are tardy after 8:00am 3 tardies = 1 absence Students will be dismissed from

classroom at 3:00pm. If you are planning to pick-up your child

early, please report to the office first.

I will pick up students at 7:30am on the playground

Students are tardy after 8:00am 3 tardies = 1 absence Students will be dismissed from

classroom at 3:00pm. If you are planning to pick-up your child

early, please report to the office first.

Bell ScheduleBell Schedule

School is from 7:30am – 3:00pm Must be ready for instruction time at

8:00am. Check monthly calendar for early

dismissal times at 1:00 / usually spirit dress days. Spirit dress is blue jeans with a black or

brown belt, spirit shirt and tennis shoes.

School is from 7:30am – 3:00pm Must be ready for instruction time at

8:00am. Check monthly calendar for early

dismissal times at 1:00 / usually spirit dress days. Spirit dress is blue jeans with a black or

brown belt, spirit shirt and tennis shoes.

Feeling sick?Feeling sick?

Please do not send children to school sick. Teacher can not administer any medicine,

all medication must be sent to office. Make sure your child’s information in the

office is correct Allergies or any other medical information Medication Contact information

Please do not send children to school sick. Teacher can not administer any medicine,

all medication must be sent to office. Make sure your child’s information in the

office is correct Allergies or any other medical information Medication Contact information

School RulesSchool Rules Dress code: As explained in handbook Classroom Rules

Follow all school and classroom rules Obey the teacher’s and/or adult’s directions

the 1st time given. Respect each other and their property Keep hands and feet to yourself Name calling and bullying will not be


Dress code: As explained in handbook Classroom Rules

Follow all school and classroom rules Obey the teacher’s and/or adult’s directions

the 1st time given. Respect each other and their property Keep hands and feet to yourself Name calling and bullying will not be


Classroom Consequences and Rewards

Classroom Consequences and Rewards

Consequences 1st offense: Verbal Warning 2nd offense: time out 3rd offense:

Teacher/Student Conference, call home, loss of privilege of fun activity.

4th offense: Teacher/Student/Parent Conference

5th offense: Referral to Administration

Consequences 1st offense: Verbal Warning 2nd offense: time out 3rd offense:

Teacher/Student Conference, call home, loss of privilege of fun activity.

4th offense: Teacher/Student/Parent Conference

5th offense: Referral to Administration

Rewards Verbal praise Positive note or

call home Participate in fun

activities Treats will be

given Free time

Rewards Verbal praise Positive note or

call home Participate in fun

activities Treats will be

given Free time

Schools OutSchools Out Pick-up students in classroom at 3:00pm. At 3:15 I will walk students to after school

care in cafeteria If someone else is picking up your child

please let me know. Call office or send a written note with your

child. Students are not permitted to leave

school grounds, cross the street, or meet their parents in the parking lot.

Pick-up students in classroom at 3:00pm. At 3:15 I will walk students to after school

care in cafeteria If someone else is picking up your child

please let me know. Call office or send a written note with your

child. Students are not permitted to leave

school grounds, cross the street, or meet their parents in the parking lot.

Homework Homework Students will have homework Monday – Thursday.

Please check green homework folders everyday and school website (stpatrickelpaso.org) weekly for homework assignments, letters, memos, etc.

Homework is important. It teaches them responsibility and reinforces

what we are doing in class. Every Friday we will have a Spelling Test Every Friday there will be a folder sent home with

their graded class work for the week. Please return it on Monday.

Students will have homework Monday – Thursday. Please check green homework folders everyday

and school website (stpatrickelpaso.org) weekly for homework assignments, letters, memos, etc.

Homework is important. It teaches them responsibility and reinforces

what we are doing in class. Every Friday we will have a Spelling Test Every Friday there will be a folder sent home with

their graded class work for the week. Please return it on Monday.


It is optional if you want to bring a treat for the whole class on your child’s birthday at 2:45pm.

It is optional if you want to bring a treat for the whole class on your child’s birthday at 2:45pm.

Mass DaysMass Days

We will have Mass on a weekly basis. You are welcomed to join us; however your child must sit with his/her class.

Mass begins at 8:30am. Check monthly calendar for Mass days.

Dress code is as follows and also in school handbook.

We will have Mass on a weekly basis. You are welcomed to join us; however your child must sit with his/her class.

Mass begins at 8:30am. Check monthly calendar for Mass days.

Dress code is as follows and also in school handbook.

Girls Mass AttireGirls Mass Attire

Girls---Uniform skirt, white button blouse, knee high socks in white, navy blue, or hunter green, blue or green girl tie (optional), black or brown dress shoes and, if needed, hunter green sweater (sold through Dennis Uniforms). No sweatshirts

Girls---Uniform skirt, white button blouse, knee high socks in white, navy blue, or hunter green, blue or green girl tie (optional), black or brown dress shoes and, if needed, hunter green sweater (sold through Dennis Uniforms). No sweatshirts

Boys Mass AttireBoys Mass Attire Boys---Khaki pants, white button long or

short sleeve shirt, black or brown belt, black or brown shoes, tie in navy blue, hunter green or appropriate combination of the two colors (navy blue and hunter green) ONLY. Ties in any other color is NOT considered appropriate. And, if needed, hunter green sweater (sold through Dennis Uniforms) or blue blazer. Blue blazer for middle school boys encouraged. No sweatshirts.

Boys---Khaki pants, white button long or short sleeve shirt, black or brown belt, black or brown shoes, tie in navy blue, hunter green or appropriate combination of the two colors (navy blue and hunter green) ONLY. Ties in any other color is NOT considered appropriate. And, if needed, hunter green sweater (sold through Dennis Uniforms) or blue blazer. Blue blazer for middle school boys encouraged. No sweatshirts.


If you have any concerns, I can be reached at (915) 532-4142 or email me at: imunoz@stpatrickelpaso.org

I am looking forward to an exciting year.


If you have any concerns, I can be reached at (915) 532-4142 or email me at: imunoz@stpatrickelpaso.org

I am looking forward to an exciting year.

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