Welcome Smiths Wood! Amy-Jai Wilson. Lessons Art English maths dt music geography history French/Spanish it drama.

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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  • Welcome Smiths Wood! Amy-Jai Wilson
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  • Lessons Art English maths dt music geography history French/Spanish it drama
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  • uniform No trainers aloud No accessory's on girls shoes No jewellery (only small stud earrings and a watch) No body piercings Red pe top Black pe shorts
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  • Houses Ash - Mr Collins Bay- Mr O'Conner Elm- Mrs O'Dowd Yew- Mrs hews
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  • Homework Smiths wood sports college has launched show my homework the uks no.1 web based calendar and for tracking and monitoring homework. To access your homework you will be given a login and password then when you start smiths wood. On show my homework your teacher and parents will also be able to access your homework.
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  • Outdoor activities Duke of endingbrugh Archery Girls snowboarding Bmx racing Premier league year 7 Year 7 climbing club Smiths wood climbing club Year 6 climbing club football
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  • Vivo Smiths wood sports college works with vivo the leading online schools rewards scheme, to award students for hard work,100% attendance and for making good progress. Pupils are awarded with points which they can then use in an online shop and buy everything from pens and key rings tom mobile vouchers and gaming accsersories.Vivo awards are given by every member of staff in the college. You will be told when they have arrived, you will be asked to go to one of the offices to collect your items at break, lunch or after school.
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  • Parent pay Were pleased to announce that we will shortly be accepting payments online for items such as dinner money, school trips and uniform. Using a secure website called parent pay you will be able to pay online using credit or debit card or at local stores displaying the parent pay logo. Parent pay will be our preferred method of making payments to school. This means that you can not go to the canteen expecting to put your dinner money on because you cant, this also counts for trips.
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  • Contact us Address: smiths wood sports college Windward way Smiths wood Birmingham B360ue Telephone:01217884100 Email: office@smiths-wood.Solihull.skh.uk
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  • lessons

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