Welcome Peter Sharp University of Sydney. © ABC “First Fleet” arrived 26 th January 1788.

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“First Fleet” arrived 26 th January 1788


Welcome Peter Sharp University of Sydney ABC First Fleet arrived 26 th January 1788 Governor Phillip, reporting to London in May 1788: The great labour in clearing the ground will not permit more than eight acres to be sown this year with wheat and barley. At the same time the immense number of ants and field-mice will render our crops very uncertain. A small amount of grain was harvested in July Wheat planting moved west to Parramatta in 1789. Great Exhibitions London 1852 Paris 1855 Wheat from Cawdor Gold Medal for Sheaf of Wheat Crystal Palace Palais de l'Industrie Cawdor PBI Parramatta State Library of New South Wales Spica Bencubbin Dural Nobody is qualified to become a statesman who is entirely ignorant of the problem of wheat. Socrates (469 399 BC) Athenian philosopher Newspaper editors are men who separate the wheat from the chaff, and then print the chaff. Adlai E. Stevenson ( ) Governor of Illinois We had grain but no mills, so I designed a special mill of wood so we could make flour. Mikhail Kalashnikov ( ) Creator of AK-47 A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou. Omar Khayym ( ) Persian polymath If you have extraordinary bread and extraordinary butter, it's hard to beat bread and butter. Jacques Ppin (1935) French chef wheat trigo bl vete graan grano gwenith Weizen buday Weess tritiko frumento penice nisu gandum weit hvete danh t grau blat koring pszenica , hvede ga dum cruithneacht hveiti ngano - grur bza ( . .)

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