Week 6 final project (1)

Post on 11-Jan-2017






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Importance of Technology in our Education

EDU 620Geraldine Lee

January 10, 2017Instructor: Dr. Robert William

Community Event Coordinator: Geraldine Lee

Universal Design For Learning Audience

● All students (and even adults) learn differently.

● Various ways of presenting information, visually, verbally and hands-on.

● Visual aids will be colorful, creative and handmade with facts and statistics.

● Hands-on experiences will include miniature whiteboards, a computer, a SmartBoard and an iPad for the audience to use.

Three Major Principles of UDL

∗ Multiple means of representation

∗ Multiple means of action and expression

∗ Multiple means of engagement

Universal Design for Learning


∗Use of the computer and the interactive SmartBoard

∗Explanation how programs like Khan Academy can be used

∗Answer any questions or concerns the audience has about the program, and explain how I would use it in the classroom

Station 1:Universal Design for Learning

(UDL) Demonstration

∗All students learn differently, and some may need specific accommodations

∗Meeting needs of those with disabilities

∗Meeting the needs of those whom do not speak our language of origin

∗Any other accommodations necessary are essential, and can be done through UDL

Universal Design for Learning


∗Explanation of sample lesson

∗Use of SmartBoard, individual miniature whiteboards, and exploration of computer programs

∗All three principles of UDL are discovered through this interaction

∗Any questions or concerns will be address by audience

Universal Design for LearningInteraction 

The mission statement for the Clark Elementary School District is to promise student success through integrating technology to reach graduation, and to provide students with a pathway to a future career path.

Mission and Beliefs

∗To ensure that students will engage in meaningful contributions throughout their educational experience using technology to learn and identify their own personal future goals.

∗To provide students with motivation and encouragement to strive for success towards graduation, and to provide students with various avenues for students to explore their future career options.

Technology and UDL for All Learners

All courses and programs offered will have technology integrated within.

∗ Elementary

Mathematics, English Language Arts and Science

∗ Middle School

Computer Literacy, Performing Arts, and Photography

∗ High School

Industrial and Technology Education (CTE), Business and Marketing, and Work Experience Preparation Program

Station 2:

Courses and Program Offerings

Work Experience Preparation Program

21st Century Skills ICT Literacy Outcomes Use technology as a tool to research

Use digital technologies

Use digital technologieKey 21st- Century Themes

∗ Global Awareness

∗ Learning and Innovation Skills

∗ Communication and Collaboration

∗ Information, Media and Technology Skills

Media Literacy

∗ Life and Career Skills

∗ Initiative and Self-Direction

21st-Century Skills Acquisition and Employability

Tools: Computer or iPad

Students learn about programs they can use in future career opportunities, such as social media websites.

Interaction: Display programs that students would use in these environments

Valuable to future career goals for students when they can achieve mastery in specific programs they will use in future careers.

Station 3:

Tools and Interaction

∗Increase professional development for student future

∗Increase student ability to work with various means of technology

∗Will prepare students to transition into the 21st-century working environment

∗Creates a sense of diversity within students to enhance creativity and innovation.

New Technology

CAST. (2014, July 31). UDL Connect. Retrieved May 15, 2015, from National center on universal design for

learning: http://www.UDL.org.

Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.). Framework

for 21st century learning. Retrieved from http://www.p21.org/our-work/p21-framework

Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.). ICT Literacy. Retrieved

from http://www.p21.org/about-us/p21-framework/350


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