Week 4, Term 3 15 August 2017 - St Johns School Mairangi Bay€¦ · The Haiku poem below written by George Fairlie, in Rm 6, is just one example of our talented writers. ... GALA

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Newsletter - Week 4, Term 3 15 August 2017

Kia ora whanau “You can do anything if you only believe” Chloe Yu, Room 1

On Sunday my husband and I felt so fortunate to share in the first Holy Communion celebrations with 47 of St John’s children and their very proud families. This was such a beautiful occasion and so well organised by our wonderful Liz at the parish and her team of tireless helpers. The Mass is all that more special for having Father Raphael and Father Marchellino celebrating as they know our children so well. We are a very blessed faith family. Chloe from Room 1 often brings me little quotes and words of wisdom. I thought the above one was really appropriate considering the creative week that our children experienced last week. I have been absolutely amazed by the talent that exists within our school. Children have shared their visual art, their creative writing, their drama and musical talent – such rich, authentic learning opportunities. Many of our Year 6 children have been sharing their writing with me via Google docs. The Haiku poem below written by George Fairlie, in Rm 6, is just one example of our talented writers.

Winter Stark, Fragile beauty

Branches heavy with snow, ice Precious fleeting

Autumn Fall has pungency

Like hard; summers fullness crushed Anoints the late year

Summer Hulking waves to surf

Racing the silk blue fishes Seeking the starfish


Pink blooms on the tree Released from winter's cold spell

Spring has been set free

COMMUNITY RESPONSE TO COMMUNICATION SURVEY Overall the survey indicated that the community are well satisfied with our current communication systems. The survey highlighted that the school website is in need of an upgrade in order to make it more user friendly and informative. Introducing a school app was also mentioned in several survey responses to access the newsletter and other school information from mobile phones. The office/administration staff, received high accolades for their warmth and kindness to the children and their knowledge of the school. Teachers were commended for their quality practice. Overall the community is enjoying the change of leadership and indicate that they are ready and looking forward to seeing our school move further toward innovative practice [technology in learning]. Thank you to all the families who participated in this survey. Your ideas, opinions and suggestions will be taken into consideration when planning for 2018. KAPA HAKA Please note there is no Kapa Haka this Thursday, 17th August. It will resume next week as normal.

OUR FIRST MURAL Next time you are passing the Junior sandpit, take a moment to enjoy the stunning mural created by our extension Art group who have been taught by Mrs Taylor. The group are working on more of these masterpieces to brighten up our school.

St John’s School Arts & Peace Week 2017 Last week, we celebrated our bi-annual Arts Week in conjunction with Peace Week. 2017 is an especially important year for Schools' Peace Week, as it is also the 30th anniversary of the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament and Arms Control Act 1987.

The staff and students enjoyed learning about Nuclear-free NZ and reading peace-themed stories. Every student painted a recycled river-rock, inspired by a story called “Only One You’ by Lynda Kranz which celebrates individuality and diversity. The school came together on Friday morning to lay the rocks in a special Peace ceremony. The ceremony opened in prayer, included singing with Mrs Mountjoy and culminated in the school community forming the CND peace symbol on the Tiger Turf.

Other activities around the school included: drumming workshops with Fraser Bruce from The Rhythm Centre; singing performances from Gemma Goldstein; co-operative games run by the peer mediators; paper crane making; a Senior School visit to see ‘Bugsy Malone’ at Rosmini College; a concert featuring past students (and current staff!); and various other art and peace activities in classrooms. Many thanks to all the staff and families who helped make this a truly memorable week.

2018 SCHOOL START AND FINISH DATES Earlier in the year the Board of Trustees ratified the Senior Leadership Team’s recommendation of school start and finish dates for 2018. Specific term dates for 2018 will be published later this year. You may like to make a note now of the start and finish dates of the school year which are: School closes for 2017 15th December at midday School opens in 2018 for pupils 7th February School closes for 2018 20th December at midday

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION On Sunday 47 of our children celebrated their First Holy Communion. We keep the children and their families in our prayers and pray that the memory of this special celebration will remain with them forever.

Sebastian Moore, Isabella Murphy, Marcus Nakasha, Annatolia Palu,

Daniel Park, Joseph Pidgeon, Gabriel Rendle, Brooke Ritson, Matthew Rubianto, Jacob Russell, Phoebe

Sagar, Yann Scott, Aimee Shanahan, Oscar Smith, Sophie Smith, Matthew Smytheman, Leo Spencer,

Libby Stevenson, Ashlyn Stevenson, Elliott Straka, Coen Tyler, Zachary Walpert, Emily Ward, Tara

Watson, Ciara Wild, Zachary Williams.

PTFA QUIZ NIGHT Gather your team of parents and friends together for a night of fantastic fun and entertainment on Friday, 25th of August at 7.30pm. Full details and the ticket order form were published in last week’s newsletter which is available on the website – www.stjohnsmairangibay.school.nz

GALA NEWS #2 The flyer from the PTFA coming home with today’s newsletter keeps you informed of progress to date and includes a timeline for Term 3. Sponsorship and support feature in this newsletter. Your early response allows the Gala Committee to move ahead with their planning and we thank the Committee for all the hard work that is going on behind the scenes at this time and each family form returned earns 1,000 House Points.

CONGRATULATIONS TO… Sports Players of the Day… Reagan Smith, Lachlan Drury, Tara Watson, Vasken Wartanian, Ava Murphy, Emily Ward, Cameron Simpson, Pearla Raffo, Ruby Lockwood, Elena Rotaeche, Oscar Reade, Emma Neill, Thomas Neill, Olive Sagar, Libby Stevenson, Ashlyn Stevenson, Ashley Smith, Charlotte McKewen, Ellie Hasler, Tia Juma, Althea Arnesto, Clara Park, Caitlin McKemmish, Matthew Sayegh, Sophie Smith, Charlotte Moore, Leon Holden, Tala Goddard, Kate Lim, Mia Williams, Karney Prendergast. Also to our other Achievers… Zachary Taylor (soccer Tournament Winner ECB 9th Grade), Szi Halpin, Richelle Feng, Ryan Percy (swimming), Daragh Bonnici (1st place, 10-12 yrs, Performing Arts competition across Auckland – dance).

SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHS Next Tuesday, 22nd August. The following school teams will be having their photo taken - Netball, Hockey, Basketball, Flippaball and the School Representative teams for Swimming, Basketball, Soccer and Rugby including Rippa teams. All children will need to have their sports uniform at school for the photos. They will be photographed in the uniform they play in. If you are a Coach or Manager you are welcome to come and be included in the photograph. Photos will begin at 9am promptly and we envisage that they will be over by 10.30am. Unfortunately we are unable to give coaches and managers more precise times for the individual photographs. Touch Rugby team photos will be taken on 31st October, the same day as our School and Individual photos. All photos will be available to order with your individual shoot key early November. Details will follow closer to that time.

Noah Anderson, Mark Andre, Natasha Andre,

Klara Augenstein Batten, Noah Buhmann, Peter Duong,

Richelle Feng, McKayla Fuentes, Ruby Gabriel, Olivia Gestro,

Olivia Hanosh, Alexandra Bull, Lykke Carter, Isabella Chandler,

Samuel Cross, Cameron Davey, Heath Dei-Conti, Deina Inocencio,

Sebastian Kennedy, Charlotte Kristantoro, Amelia Kwok,

ST. JOHN’S SCHOOL PTFA ADIDAS SCHOOL FUN-RUN Yesterday the children brought home information about the PTFA Fun-Run. Please help your child to create their student profile page to get the most out of the fundraiser. See www.schoolfunrun.co.nz Volunteers are needed on the day, Wednesday, 30th August and if you can help please call Vivian on 021 225 3536 or email office@stjohnsmairangibay.school.nz and we will pass your message to her.

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