
Week 2

Geoffrey yeboah



THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF As a group we wanted to be creative in the ways in which we created our short film .Our main focus for our short film is to reinvent bringing a traditional pre school tale to a modern young audience . We plan on being creative through our use of mis en scene ,sound, visual ,camera angles as we feel this would enable us to connect with our target audience Londoners 16-21.

What we plan to keep

In our adaption of the boy who cried wolf we plan to keep the moral behind the story but making it relevant to our target audience teenagers from London aged between 16-21 .


• We plan on having two main characters in our short film at this moment we have not decided on the names for the characters but will references them as boy and girl until a suitable name has been found .the characters we have chosen go against the traditional fable as for our short film we have chosen a boy and a girl this is because we felt it would help keep the attention of the audience as our target audience our both male and female it would interest our demographic to see how the original fable can be applied to a female and a male .

LOCATION ANS SETTING Our group decided in order to connect our London demographic to our short film the location and setting would have to be relevant to the short film . As London is a built up urban area we thought we would use stereotypes to heavily influence the characterisation of the characters in the location they are in. in England especially south London there is a huge stereotypes of young adults in built up urban areas that they are deviant individuals' so this would be a perfect place to put our two male and female characters . Our group debated on whether we would have more than one location but we decided that we would have most of our filming done inside the flat as we would be able to focus and be more experimental with the camera angles ,sound and mis en scene

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