Webroot Web Security SaaS A Better Approach to Web Security Paul Jakobsen Webroot, Inc.

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Webroot Web Security SaaS A Better Approach to Web Security

Paul JakobsenWebroot, Inc.

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM



• About Webroot• The Evolving Threat Landscape• The Shift to Security as a Service• Webroot Web Security SaaS• Q&A

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM



• About Webroot• The Evolving Threat Landscape• The Shift to Security as a Service• Webroot Web Security SaaS• Q&A

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM


About Webroot

• Largest Private Security Company in NorthAmerica▪ Years in Business: 11▪ Employees: 340+▪ Headquarters: Boulder, Colorado▪ Sales and Support Offices: US, UK, France,

Germany, Australia, & Japan▪ Growth: Avg. 40% Net Income Growth (YoY) since


• Broad Security Portfolio:• Business:

• SaaS: Email, Archiving and Web Security Solutions• Endpoint: Antispyware and Antivirus Solutions

• Consumer:• Anti-Spyware: Webroot Spy Sweeper• Consumer suites: Webroot AntiVirus, Internet

Security Essentials• Parental controls, personal privacy, online back-up


Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM



• About Webroot• The Evolving Threat Landscape• The Shift to Security as a Service• Webroot Web Security SaaS• Q&A

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Evolving Threat Landscape

► Rise in Web 2.0 Applications

►Major Source of Data Loss

Internet Use Model has Changed

► IT Spending in Decline

► Lack of IT Resources to Handle Threat Environment

Economic Turmoil

► Email Threats Focused on Spam

► Hackers/Malware Writers Now Focused on Web

Web is Primary Attack Vector

► Traditionally Targeted at Employee Productivity

► Low Adoption of Web Security Solutions

Shift in Market Focus

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Threat Landscape: Shift in Email Threats

• Decrease in Malware Delivered via Email

• Increase in Spam as a Percentage of Email Traffic

7 Source: Sophos/Webroot, 2008

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Threat Landscape: Increase in Web Attacks; Insufficient Protection



Source: Webroot, 2008

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Threat Landscape:The Number of Malicious Sites is Increasing

• Percentage of Google search queries that resulted in at least one malicious URL


Source: “All Your iFRAMEs Point to Us,” Google, Feb. 4, 2008

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Web 2.0 Presents New Challenges

• Social and Participatory Dimensions Create New Risks▪ Web mail/Web postings account for 37% of information leaks (IDC,


▪ 62% of companies allow access to social networking sites (Gartner 2008)

▪ MySpace, Facebook and Bebo have become vehicles for distributing malware


Social Networking

Content Syndication

Content Sharing



Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Changing Economic Environment

• IT Departments Are Being Forced to React


Source: Webroot, 2008

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

IT Security Departments Already Stretched


Source: Forrester, Enterprise And SMB Security Survey, North America And Europe, Q3 2007

Top Challenges for IT Security Departments

IT organizations are struggling to handle the complex nature of today’s threat environment!

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM



• About Webroot• The Evolving Threat Landscape• The Shift to Security as a Service• Webroot Web Security SaaS• Q&A

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

SaaS is Not New – Business Runs on SaaS


CRM ContentManagement

Web Collaboration

Storage/Archiving HR/Payroll

Vulnerability Assessment

“The appeal is obvious: SaaS is quicker, easier and cheaper to deploy than traditional software, which means technology budgets can be focused on providing competitive advantage, rather than maintenance.” – The Economist, April 20, 2006.

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Cost Advantages of SaaS

“SaaS can reduce the cost of implementing and supporting an application by 60 percent and lower an organization’s TCO by 5 to 7 percent.”

Source: Gartner: TCO of Traditional Software Distribution vs. Application Virtualization. April 16, 2008.

Sources: Software and Information Industry Association (2006) and Webroot (2008)

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Advantages Over On-Premise Solutions


SaaS On-Premise

No hardware/software to purchase or mange

Hardware purchase and management required

Easy to deploy Lengthy deployment process

Lower total cost of ownershipHigh capital and replacement


Application managed by experts

On-site management required

Easy to scale/unlimited capacity

Additional HW purchase required

Flexible platform – ability to add/subtract technologies

No flexibilityDifficult to change configuration

Guaranteed service performance (SLAs)

No guarantee if HW/SW fails

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Convergence of SaaS and Security


Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM



• About Webroot• The Evolving Threat Landscape• The Shift to Security as a Service• Webroot Web Security SaaS• Q&A

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM


Webroot Security ApproachCustomer



Webroot Endpoint Security

Web Traffic

Email Traffic

Webroot Security Software as a Service (SaaS)

Threat Protection


Business Enablemen


•URL Filtering•Message Continuity•Mobile User Protection

Data Security

•Content Scanning•Application Control•Encryption


•Archiving•Compliance Dictionaries•Secure Storage

Webroot Email Security SaaS

Webroot Web Security SaaS

Mobile Users

•Anti-Virus•Anti-Spyware•Application Control

Webroot Global Datacenter Network

Webroot Archive Service

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Webroot Web Security SaaS


Content Host

Inbound Web Traffic




Webroot Security SaaSDatacenter

Outbound Scanning - URL Filtering by Policy - URL Allow/Deny Lists - Application Control - File Type Blocking - ‘Scan Ahead’ Search

Inbound Scanning - Virus Scanning - Spyware Scanning - Phishing Site Analysis - Content Control

Outbound Web Traffic


Clean Web


Mobile Users

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Web Security SaaS Features & Benefits


Features Benefits

Inbound scanning for virus, spyware, phishing attacks

Block viruses and spyware before they infect your network

Seamless authentication for roaming end-users

Apply security policy to mobile users, regardless of location

URL filtering/custom allow and deny lists

Enforce company Internet acceptable user policies

Application and file type blocking

Prevent loss of company and personal data

Intuitive web management portal

Easy to set and manage end-user policies and report on


Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM


Web Admin Console: Dashboard

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM


Web Admin Console: Policy Creation

• Control web access policies based on site category and time period

• Allow, deny, or coached access

• Customized allow and deny lists

• Set access based on account, group, or individual user

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM


Web Admin Console: Reporting

• Real-time Management Dashboard▪ Top categories▪ Spyware/malware

sites▪ Top search terms

• Ad-hoc and Scheduled Reporting▪ Reports based on:

• Bandwidth• Site category/URL• Time frame• Account, Group or

User level reporting

▪ Compare group data▪ Graphical reports▪ Scheduled for

delivery as PDF

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM


Web Threat Protection: Anti-spyware and Anti-virus

• Webroot Anti-spyware▪Powered by Webroot Spy

Sweeper technology▪Automated spyware

detection▪Blocks URLs with malware

characteristics▪Only SaaS solution with an

integrated anti-spyware engine

• Anti-virus Protection▪Signature detection

guarantees 100% virus protection

▪Heuristics protect against zero-day attacks

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Web Filtering: URL Filtering Engine

• URL database of over 25+ million websites

▪Constantly updated

• Flexible policy management based on:▪12 main categories▪96 sub-categories

• URL reputational analysis▪Block URL’s based on site reputation

and potentially malicious behavior

• Create customized allow/deny lists for greater protection


Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Web Filtering: ‘Scan Ahead’ Search

• Apply Internet use policy to search results

• Results are color coded to denote access

• Access policy based on individual user


Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM


Web Filtering: Custom Blocked/Coached Pages

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Web Filtering: Anti-phishing

• Advanced heuristics analyze website behavior to protect against new phishing attacks


Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM

Web Filtering: Proxy Bypass Sites

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM


Roaming User Protection

• Apply Internet use and security policy to mobile users• No additional hardware or server software to manage• Enables roaming user authentication from anywhere

without having to establish VPN connection• Integrated component of service

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM


Global Coverage and Infrastructure

Webroot Software, Inc. Friday, April 21, 2023

The Best Security in an Unsecured World.TM


Paul JakobsenWebrootpjakobsen@webroot.com


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