· Web viewnoticed the dark handsome stranger from the time she got on the plane until the time she was trying to find a ride to get to her hotel.

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Book Club and Group Questionnaire

Newly released August 1, 2019

Available on Amazon.comHeart of Detroit Series - Standalone

Price: $9.99 | Page Count: 229Book Size: 6x9

 ISBN: 9781086684681

Daddy’s Girl © 2019 Sylvia Hubbard Model & Backdrop Photography from

All rights reserved.Check out more of this author’s book at

About BookBeing an entrepreneur was all she really wanted, but even Onnilissa’s mother felt a woman needed a job and to let the dreams of owning a business go by the wayside. Matter of fact, she had just lost a boyfriend due to her determination to become an entrepreneur.

To her surprise, the father she had never met left her with the majority stock to his company, which she realized she could cash in to acquire the money to start her business. In order to facilitate getting her hands on the money, Onnilissa must fly to Detroit, murder capital of the world and according to her mother where filthy men go to die.

Onnilissa noticed the dark handsome stranger from the time she got on the plane until the time she was trying to find a ride to get to her hotel.

“There are no rides,” he said standing next to his private car. “Not for several hours. I live here and I fly in late at night all the time. Would you like a ride?”

The offer was innocent and genuine. She hadn’t had that in a long time and by the time they arrived at her hotel, she was inviting him up. It was one night, with a stranger, right?

And that’s where her life starts to change.

ExcerptTitan looked intensely at her with that appreciative worshipful glare.

“Avoiding me doesn’t help the situation, Lissa. Why don’t we just get what’s going on with us out of our system and then go on with our lives?”

“Are you sick?”“According to your mother, yes, I am.”Shocked, she asked, “You knew my mother?”“I was only fifteen at the time, but yes.”“YOU’RE FIFTY YEARS OLD!” she exclaimed, shooting up to her feet.Everyone in the area turned around to look at them and he took her hand

and gently put her back in the seat. “I don’t think Australia heard you,” he said with a chuckle. “I’m forty-eight.”“You’re … you’re old… you don’t look-” Titan put a finger to her lips. “I bet I don’t fuck old either, Lissa, but that’s

beside the point. I still want you and damn our relationship, I want you to understand, I won’t stop until I’m sated.”

“You’re insane too. Did my mother tell you that?”“That didn’t stop her from trying to crawl in my bed.”She shot to her feet again. “You were a child! My mother-”He stood up too and that serious glare came to his eyes. “Lissa, if we’re

going to discuss this you’re going to have to calm down.”“I can’t!” She stomped her foot. “I can’t think straight because-”Suddenly, he pulled her in his arms and his lips took hers so possessive

she didn’t have time to realize what was happening but immediately responded to the passion that flooded her system. The high injected into her veins from the kiss seared to her soul. And her lips had a mind of their own, acquiescing to his will and loving how wonderful he could kiss.

Damn, the man knew how to use his lips and she wondered how they would feel on other parts of her body much lower than her lips.

The thought made her push away from him slightly, but not out of his arms.

“Calm?” he asked worriedly.She only nodded because she couldn’t find her voice. Slowly he let her go and she sank back down in the chair. He sat back beside her and leaned to her. “Stop thinking about the moral

premise of this. It’s only going to make you upset.”“If I don’t think of the morality of this, Titan, I’m going to hell.”“Good,” he said with another sensual chuckle. “You can join me, Lissa,

now give me your boarding pass.”She didn’t know why, but she obeyed. He took her pass up to the desk by the gate and spoke to the attendant.

The woman nodded at whatever he was saying to her, took Onnilissa’s boarding pass and then typed something up in the computer. In a few minutes, the attendant handed a newly printed boarding pass to Titan and he promptly returned to Onnilissa.

Right after he left the desk, the attendant announced first class boarding.“Let’s go, Lissa,” he said picking up her bag. “That’s us.”She looked down at the new boarding pass and her seat had been

changed to first class and most likely right beside Titan Parker.

Discussion Questions What are your thoughts on how Onnilissa reacted to Titan when

they initially met? Have you ever had feelings for a relative or family member? If

so, did you act on it? Did you think Titan's disconnect with the Hearts is justifiable?

Have you ever ignored parts of your family because of drama? How do you feel about Onnilissa's loyalty to her mother? Why do you think Regina pledged loyalty to Onnilissa? If you had one question for the author what would it be?

About AuthorDetroit Author & Founder of Motown Writers, Sylvia Hubbard has independently published over 40 novels. As an avid blogger, Sylvia has received numerous awards and recognition for her work, plus has had five #1 Bestsellers. She also a speaker, literary encourager & busy mompreneur expert.



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