Web Development with AngularJS, NodeJS and ExpressJS

Post on 08-Jan-2017






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Laboratory of Databases and Web Applications

Web development usingExpress, Node, Angular

João Rocha da Silva (FEUP InfoLab, room I123) Contact: joaorosilva@gmail.com


1. The MEAN Stack2. NodeJS

High-performance Javascript-based runtime environment

3. ExpressJS

An MVC web applications framework

4. AngularJS

Google framework for client apps in the browser

5. Live coding session + questions



● JavaScript “on the server side”

● Built on Google’s Chrome V8 Javascript engine○ Compiles JavaScript code to native machine code instead of

interpreting in real time

● Vibrant open-source community○ Huge ecosystem of free libraries

NodeJS (continued)

● Single thread, event-driven ○ Asynchronous, nonblocking I/O (i.e. not blocking the main thread)

○ Numerous & simultaneous I/O operations become faster

● Very low memory consumption vs PHP, for example○ Single process ○ Many more simultaneous connections per server instance

○ Node sleeps when there is nothing to be done

● Multicore support also available for clusters

In https://nodejs.org/en/about/http://blog.soulserv.net/tag/node-js-vs-php/

// Load the http module to create an http server.

var http = require('http');

// Configure our HTTP server to respond with Hello World to all requests.

var server = http.createServer(function (request, response) {

response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});

response.end("Hello World\n");


// Listen on port 8000, IP defaults to


// Put a friendly message on the terminal

console.log("Server running at");

In https://nodejs.org/en/about/


Image from http://javascript.tutorialhorizon.com/2014/09/19/understanding-expressjs-middleware-with-a-visual-example/

id username firstname surname

1 joao João Rocha

Example: Listing all users

Database table

● The NodeJS Web Server

● The ExpressJS framework and MVC○ Routes (“Controllers”)○ DB access with Sequelize

○ Templating using Embedded

JavaScript (Views)

● AngularJS for client side JS apps○ Views○ Controllers○ Services vs. Factories

Route (JS)

GET /users/all ->


//1. Fetch from DBUser.findAll(…

//2. Render viewres.render(

‘users/all’,{ users : users}





"id" : 1,

"username" : "joao",

"firstname" : "João",

"surname" : "Rocha"




<h1>Viewing users</h1>

<% for (var user in users… ) { %>

Username : <%=user.username%>

First Name:<%=users.firstname%>

<% } %></html>

Model Route View

Client requests

Return Object array

Database Querying APIModel


Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for NodeJS

● User “Class”

“One for each DB table”

● Instances

“One for each table row”

Sequelize is a promise-based ORM for Node.js and io.

js. It supports the dialects PostgreSQL, MySQL,

MariaDB, SQLite and MSSQL and features solid

transaction support, relations, read replication and


Sequelize API Docs: http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/api/model/#findalloptions-promisearrayinstance

Lots of libraries on the ecosystem

Package manager for the webCSS, JS, HTML, Images...

BowerPackage manager for NodeJSLibraries

Node Package Manager



● HTML is good for presenting information○ But NOT good for storing it

● jQuery uses the DOM to store information, and you need to set and get by element ID (usually)○ Huge side effects as the code grows and different parts of the web

page are modified at the same time by many events

○ Harder and harder to debug and maintain

● No one likes to maintain spaghetti code...

● Angular separates business logic and data from the presentation

○ Services and Factories for data access and storage○ Views for presentation○ Controllers are the “glue” between data and presentation○ Routes switch between Views (Single Page Application)

AngularJS (cont’d)

AngularJS + ExpressJS are good friends

● Excellent for supporting Mobile Apps + Web site○ Implement a single JSON-based API○ Consume JSON on mobile devices

○ Same JSON can be used to generate HTML on the client

○ No need to test two separate APIs, because the site itself uses the “mobile” API

Live coding session

Code for this presentation available athttps://github.com/silvae86/lbaw_2016_tutorial

Joao Rocha da Silva is just finishing an Informatics Engineering PhD at FEUP. He specializes on research data management, applying the latest Semantic Web Technologies to the adequate preservation and discovery of research data assets.

He is experienced in many programming languages (Javascript-Node, PHP with MVC frameworks, Ruby on Rails, J2EE, etc etc) running on the major operating systems (everyday Mac user). Regardless of language, he is a quick learner that can adapt to any new technology quickly and effectively.

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