Web based social media for civil society advocacy

Post on 07-May-2015






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Web based social media for civil society advocacy


Social media for advocacy and audience engagement

Sanjana Hattotuwa

TED FellowArchitect and Curator, Groundviews

social media landscape

social media landscape today



youtube alone

• 48 hours of video are uploaded every minute, resulting in nearly 8 years of content uploaded every day

• Over 3 billion videos are viewed a day

• Users upload the equivalent of 240,000 full-length films every week

• More video is uploaded to YouTube in one month than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years

time is your enemy

think of design, style & technology

1. Title: Simple, short, captivating, SEO friendly (issue, region, country, actor) keywords, spend some time

2. Post: Use sections, block-quotes, use categories or tags, images and photography (attribute!), link to other sites, embed social media, be focussed, add to conversation

3. Other post hooks: Call to action, petition or poll

4. Language: Clear, concise, captivating, challenge creatively

5. Style: Prose and satire to poetry and haiku

6. iOS & Apple: No Flash, publish and design for mobile

7. Strategy: Time publication (and republication on social media, e.g. for SL and US audiences), reference older posts and output

think of social media ecosystem

• Think of social media ecosystem and pitch the story accordingly:

1.Reach: Blog, RSS

2.Social media: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, MailChimp

3.Added value: Google Maps, TimeToast, Bundlr or Storify, Wordle, ThinkLink

4.Tie ins: Picasa, Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo


leverage social networking twitter

twitter in journalism

twitter in two characters

@ #

twitter for newsrooms


leverage social networking via facebook1 billion users

more people spend time on facebook

augment reach via facebook

example of social media reachgroundviews.org/2012/04/23/bigoted-monks-and-militant-mobs-is-this-buddhism-in-sri-lanka-today/

readers across media, under 24 hours

• Facebook : 12% of 426*245 = 12,524 (out of a potential reach of 104,370)

• Twitter : 44*126 = 5,544

• Blog post : 3,991

• Conservative minimum reach of blog post: 22,059 (excluding email, RSS)

create a facebook page

read facebook resources for media

complement & connect

google maps, flickr, timelines

youtube, vimeo

example of timeline on llrchttp://groundviews.org/2012/08/03/sri-lankas-llrc-a-timeline-from-inception-to-implementation

take home

take home

• Think beyond text. Online is not print.

• Think beyond prose. Online can be satire, verse, haiku!

• Think of photos, audio, video. Rich media tells stories, adds context.

• Think of crowd-sourcing & open journalism - the audience are the producers.

• Don’t suggest you know everything. Use the community to add value to story.

• Link to other stories online, they add value.

• Use new platforms to connect, deliver, archive, present.

Thank yousanjanah@gmail.com

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