Wealth Masters International document for Prospective Members

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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Creating True Wealth in a Boom or Bust economy


Wealth Masters Creating True Wealth in a Boom or Bust economy

I have the simplest tastes.

I am always satisfied with the best - Oscar Wilde


Who is Wealth Masters International?

What Services do we offer?

What Products do we provide?

Who recommends us?

A glimpse at our Private Investment Returns

Why you Need us?

Contact Details.

Mr. Kip Herriage

Co-Founder and CEO of Wealth Masters International

Who is Wealth

Masters? Wealth Masters International (WMI) is “The world’s premiere wealth creation

and lifestyle design company”, with over 20,000 Members in 142 countries

around the world.

Founded by Kip Herriage and Karl Bessie in January 2005, the Houston

Texas and Oslo Norway based company provide First Class Financial

Education commensurate with that given to the Rockefeller’s; the

Kennedy’s; the Rothschild’s – the Financial Dynasty ruling families of this

world. Simply put, it is the opportunity to rub shoulders with the World’s

most elite Financial Genius’s, and learn how money REALLY works in this


Kip Herriage’s Wall Street title is “The Nostradamus of Investing”.

He is Founder/Publisher and editor of the top performing international

investment newsletter The Vertical Research Advisory, used by multi-

millionaires and thousands of subscribers globally to fine tune both their

business and personal financial affairs. As the author of the insiders

playbook “CrashProof Prosperity; Becoming Wealthy in the Age of Risk” Kip

outlines the very real risks and massive opportunities from the coming $50

Trillion Wealth Transfer.

From humble beginnings to a 15 year career on Wall Street, Kip became the

youngest Vice President of Oppenheimer Holdings, the 2nd largest Financial

House in America. Kip managed over $70 million and helped take seven

companies public. In 2005 Kip co-founded a world class consulting firm

from scratch; Wealth Masters International, now valued at over $100

million…in less than 6 years. Over the last decade plus, Kip predicted the

dot-com crash, recommended gold at $300/ounce and silver at $5/ounce,

forecast the Chinese Miracle, and warned of the coming $50 Trillion Wealth

Transfer, along with the debt/subprime crisis and stock market/real

estate/banking/economic meltdown of 2008.

Kip is now forecasting that over the next 3 years we will see the largest

transfer of wealth in history, and that those that follow the “old paradigm”

will be left in poverty, while those that learn the “secrets of the new

paradigm” will become the Buffets, Jobs and Rockefellers of the future.

“The lack of wealth education is crippling

the individual and our global economies”. Kip Herriage

Where does one gain access to “Financial Education? Our schools don’t

teach it. Books only inform. Our jobs don’t teach it.

If you were to have access to opportunities and education that only the

ultra wealthy have access to would how would that change your

financial future?

Up until now this type of financial education was reserved for the top 1% of the ultra wealthy on the planet, that was until two men, Kip Herriage and Carl Bessie, Co-Founders of Wealth Masters International decided to create a company that would change all that forever and for the better.

The advantages of aligning with WMI, has never been more perfect than right now. "I had worked in the financial services industry for many years and became completely disenchanted with seeing the rich get richer while the average Joe did not even have access to the financial information to allow them to make choices to get ahead. My solution was to leave the financial industry altogether and create a financial education company that would allow anyone who desired and wanted access to the top 1% of information once reserved for the ultra wealthy to have access to it despite their current net worth," says Kip.

There has never been better timing to become involved with WMI, especially with the current global economic issues that we are all witnessing. This company provides current up to date financial education and access to opportunities that up until now were only obtained from the ultra rich.

WMI also offers the most lucrative compensation plan in the industry and when you begin generating income you can immediately take action and invest in the information and opportunities that you will learn about at all the live events, increasing your income even more. It has been proven that your net-worth is dictated by your network. Who you surround yourself with and who you know is a large contributing factor to who you are and who you will become.

When you align yourself with WMI you enter into a network and community of millionaires and Billionaires all sharing opportunities on how to best navigate our current global economic climate. "I was in the financial services industry for 10 years and never did I have access to the opportunities and information that I do today with my alliance with Wealth Masters International," says Andrew Cass, former Mortgage Broker. Wealth Masters International is a company and community that are delivering the most cutting edge financial education and opportunities as we move forward into what is now a fast changing financial climate.

We are in the midst of witnessing a 50 Trillion dollar transfer of wealth over the next 5-10 years. Wealth Master International is at the leading edge of supporting its members sharing with them the resources and tools to allow them to take part in sharing in this epic wealth transfer. This transfer of wealth is in the midst of taking place, the question you want to ask yourself is, how well positioned are you to take part in this wealth transfer, and more importantly, how do you plan on giving back to your family, friends and community as you grow your net worth?

What Services do

Wealth Masters


Essentially WMI provides three services to our Members in the arena of

Wealth Creation.

1. A First Class Financial Education to ensure that Members have the skills

to create Wealth in a Bear or Bull Market. True Wealth means being

able to create wealth that will last for generations to come. It means you

will be given tools and opportunities to enable you to protect your assets

from the impact of the pending global credit crisis. By acting on and

implementing this knowledge you will be armed to survive and thrive

through this perilous period of our history.

2. You will be given access to private investments through our global

Billionaire WMI Alliances. These investments are highly lucrative and

not offered to the general public.

3. If you are accepted into our Membership, you will be given the

opportunity to earn Consulting Fees ranging from US$1000 to US$9000

per sale, depending on your entry level into the Membership.

In addition, we also provide the very latest in Health Education, especially in

Longevity and Anti-aging products, and extensive personal development

programs. We are the only true Lifestyle Design Company in the world.

Some Members join as Members Only. Some members join as Consulting

Members and share this business with those they deem suitable.

What Products do

Wealth Masters


1. mpower + m1 Masters Program: US$1995 Life Membership

For most people, there is a significant difference between their financial goals and the actual state of their personal finances. Most of us simply don't know how we got off track or how to get back on. It's easy to become overwhelmed when thinking about all of these financial concerns, because most of us have never been taught to make pro-active financial decisions. We tend to put off making financial decisions until we think it's too late. The Mpower and m1 Masters Program provides you with true, tested solutions to these challenges, and helps establish your financial foundation. It's never too late to start!

2. m2 Wealth Conference: US$9,995 Life Membership

The m2 Wealth Conference will provide you with all of the information, expertise, and tools needed to grow your money just like the most affluent do. The truly wealthy know how to grow their net worth and literally make money in their sleep. The m2 Wealth Conference will help you understand exactly how they do it! During this luxurious four day m2 Wealth conference, you will learn that it's not just how much you earn, but what you learn that creates lasting wealth. Events are held in Hawaii, Bahamas, Rome, Las Vegas and similar exotic locations. This level is the first level for investing.

3. m3 Private Wealth Group US$19,995 Life Membership Lifestyle is about more than just money. With your financial house in order, you can finally take yourself to the next level of life, truly living!

The m3 Private Wealth Group, a luxurious retreat with the best of the best the world's most beautiful locations, will place its members on the road to unprecedented accomplishments, personal fulfillment, and a life of complete prosperity and abundance. You can materialize the life you visualize. Live a life without regrets, how and where you choose. Build a life of fulfilling relationships, abundance, peace of mind, and true happiness. Provide a legacy for your children. This is how life is intended to be lived, and the m3 Private Wealth Group is designed to show you how to tap into the abundance all around you! Some investments are exclusive to this level of Membership

Invitation is strictly by invitation only

Mpower Program: Your First 30 Days To Wealth, Health And Wisdom

Getting Started. For those who need an affordable fresh start (and a little friendly push!) we've created the introductory mPOWER financial literacy series. This information-packed four-disc CD and DVD starter set gives you a cross section of the most critical basic insights from the powerful m1 Masters Program curriculum and gets you started on the first 30 days of the 100-day 1% Solution. Our proprietary mPOWER system literally "empowers" you with the courage to begin your Wealth Masters journey and start creating the life of your dreams. Here are just a few of the life-changing benefits that come bundled with the innovative WMI mPOWER educational program:

First steps on a new path to a life of unlimited wealth, health and wisdom Secrets of the $50 Trillion Wealth Transfer now underway around the

globe A VIP preview of the success experts in the m1 Masters Program A 30-day online curriculum of powerful self improvement action steps Access to the full Wealth Accelerator online money management system Opportunities for special savings on advanced Wealth Masters growth

resources Entry-level access to an entrepreneurial system with unlimited income

potential Insider tips on finance, personal development and alternative wellness

from expert self-made millionaires like Kip Herriage, Karl Bessey, Wayne Allyn Root, G. Edward Griffin, Deanna Latson and Peter Bielagus

No Other Financial Literacy Tool Delivers Value Like This

In addition to the informational value of the Wealth, Health and Wisdom content you receive, the Wealth Masters mPOWER Program also includes a fully automated web-based financial management system called The Wealth Accelerator. You'd have to pay anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 for the software alone, but our secure, private system is included FREE with your mPOWER Program. The Wealth Accelerator enables you to:

Eliminate debt in 8 to 12 years, including mortgages, credit cards, car loans, student loans, medical bills and more.

Save over $200,000 in interest payments (average reported by users). Automate your budgeting and financial planning. Plan wisely for large or long-term objectives like college or retirement. Integrate all of your banking and bill paying activities in one safe, secure

and organized online environment.

m1 Masters Program: The Life of Your Dreams Is Waiting For You

Now in its third edition, WMI's m1 Masters Program is a powerful interactive financial education system that walks you through a step-by-step life transformation in 100 days. The program includes nearly 20 hours of audio and video content in a 15-disc instructional CD and DVD collection. These are not just the opinions of an individual - they're the same time-tested wealth creation strategies used for centuries by the top 1% of the population.

The 15 expert presenters in this educational series (most of whom are self-made multi-millionaires in their own right) have over 250 years of combined expertise as the world's top thought-leaders in money management, personal development and alternative wellness. It would take hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars for you to seek out these resources on your own. We've done the screening for you and these are trustworthy information sources you can rely on with confidence.

Experience the Power of WMI's Signature Program

In addition to the incredible value of the Wealth, Health and Wisdom content you receive, the m1 Masters Program also includes a private online curriculum of daily action assignments to keep you on track, a complete network of alliance experts in credit restoration, debt reduction, investment principles, asset protection, privacy management and tax strategies AND a fully automated web-based financial management system called The Wealth Accelerator that enables you to:

Eliminate debt in 8 to 12 years, including mortgages, credit cards, car loans, student loans, medical bills and more.

Save over $200,000 in interest payments (average reported by users). Automate your budgeting and financial planning. Plan wisely for large or long-term objectives like college or retirement. Integrate all of your banking and bill paying activities in one safe, secure

and organized online environment.

m1 Masters Program (contd.) So Why Do We Call It The 1% Solution?

If you commit to making the recommended one percent improvements in wealth, health and wisdom every day without exception for the duration of the program, your life experience will inevitably be 100% better in 100 days. We're so confident in the life-changing value of this program that we back it with a 100-day money back guarantee. We're going to state this as plainly as we can right up front -- no other educational product in the world today

offers the complete transformational power you'll experience in the m1 Masters Program. We can say that because of the real life results other m1 users are experiencing:

The "college education" you never received in total financial literacy. Holistic balance of Wealth, Health and Wisdom principles. Proven strategies to create and protect lasting abundance. Fast-track methods to eliminate debt. Insights from the world's top abundance experts. Clear direction on how to prosper during any economic downturn. Personal growth and development. Managing and maintaining great credit scores. Understanding the history of money, central banks and inflation. Strategic tax planning and ethical tax reduction. Avoiding the risks of real estate. Understanding the history, principles and future of investing. Personal vision statements and effective goal setting. How to avoid sliding into poverty with the disappearing middle class. Understanding precious metals as a true store of wealth. Achieving total wellness through alternative health and nutrition.

What Value Would You Place On Knowledge Like This?

Since our inception in 2005, Wealth Masters International has invested millions into researching and developing the content of the m1 Masters Program. Here in one powerful program we've assembled everything you need for peak performance in every major area of your life - Wealth, Health and Wisdom. What are you waiting for? You can start creating the life of your dreams right now.

Wealth Masters m2 Conferences:

m2 Wealth Conference: Taking Prosperity To The Next Level

Building on the essential financial education you receive in the m1, WMI's m2 Wealth Conference connects you with to the world's most successful wealth creation, personal development and alternative wellness experts in an intensive live conference setting. The instant you arrive it will become clear to you that you're about to experience something unlike any other event you've ever attended. During this four day growth experience you'll interact in person with expert presenters you heard and saw in the m1, plus additional high-performance success coaches in virtually every aspect of Wealth, Health and Wisdom. These are not academics or theoreticians - they are real world practitioners who have created massive success and wealth for themselves and for others with a verifiable long-term track record. Since our company's inception in 2005, not one participant has come back to us after live event to say that they did not receive full value and more from the experience. Here's why:

How you can easily create unlimited prosperity as the wealthy do. Learn wealth creation strategies of the top 1% of the world's elite. Use the law of attraction to accumulate millions. Leave the "old" paradigm and graduate to the "new" paradigm. Eliminate all debt in 8-12 years while saving hundreds of thousands. Build the body of your dreams in three months or less. Understand the hidden rules of the Federal Reserve and money creation. Discover how to profit from the coming period of hyperinflation. Gain access to select private investment opportunities. Develop the mindset and success habits of a multimillionaire. Learn the truth about 9/11, private clubs and secret societies. Become a world citizen with insights on global wealth creation. Master the investment, research and due diligence skills of the wealthy. Lay the foundation to become your own banker and create generational

wealth. Find opportunities to give back and create lasting wealth in others.

This Information Was Once Carefully Guarded By A Select Few

Throughout history, the secrets of true and lasting abundance you'll learn at the m2 were once reserved only for the world's wealthiest elite - passed on privately from one generation to the next. The m2 makes it possible for you to achieve a level of mastery you may never have conceived or believed was attainable - in your finances, in your health, in your business and in your relationships. Not only will you be exposed to a whole new level of learning at the m2, you'll empowered to put it into practice with a whole new level of clarity about where you're headed in life.

The m2 Wealth Conference will provide you with all of the information, expertise, and tools needed to GROW your money and use it to reach your GOALS just as the most affluent have done for centuries. The truly wealthy know how to expand their net worth and literally make money while they sleep. The m2 Wealth Conference will help you understand exactly how they do it! As you interact in luxurious surroundings with success-minded achievers, you'll discover that it's not just how much you EARN, but what you LEARN that creates lasting prosperity. Never before has so much life-changing information, so many resources, and so many financial opportunities been put in such easy reach in one location.

Wall Street Doesn't Want You To Know That The Game Is Rigged.

Investments are a vital key to long-term financial stability and prosperity, but it's often difficult to figure out exactly what to invest in, and how and when to do it. By the time the main stream media reports a financial trend, the truly wealthy have already made their plays and moved on to the next big thing. The sad reality is that the average person without hundreds of thousands or even millions to invest will NEVER have access to the same wealth creation opportunities available to those who are already among the super-rich. The objective of the life-changing m2 experience is to level the investment playing field and provide you with the access and knowledge you need to grow your money as you never thought possible. Your m2 Wealth experience will teach you how to make investments the way the ultra-wealthy do, becoming your own investment expert in ways that Forbes and Money Magazine could never provide. The m2 Wealth Conference is a MUST for anyone who wants to be able to understand and act on market trends to generate unprecedented profits.

You Won't Find Value Like This Anywhere Else.

Nowhere else will you encounter a concentration of thought leaders and success experts like the ones you'll meet at the m2 Wealth Conference. No other event connects you with self-made multimillionaires with this level of cutting-edge influence in world economics, politics, business, precious metals, investment strategies and alternative health - all with a 20+ year track record of success in every subject area. You will truly be learning from the best as you form your own success mastermind group. In a very short time, your m2 Wealth Conference ticket investment will earn you exponential multiples of its face value in lasting abundance and you owe it to yourself and to the ones you love to commit to this transformational experience today.

A brief glimpse into our M2 Wealth Masters Conferences -


m3 Private Wealth Group:

Once you have your financial foundation in place through the m1 and m2, you're ready to look beyond material wealth to explore advanced applications of the Wealth, Health and Wisdom principles you've learned. If you think of the m1 as the bachelor's degree in wealth creation you never had the opportunity to earn and the m2 as the master's

degree, the m3 would be the equivalent of your PhD in prosperity. This is what the m3 Private Wealth Group is all about... not an arrival, but the beginning of a lifelong journey of abundance... at a whole new level of clarity and purpose you never imagined before.

An Unmatched Opportunity For Personal Transformation

The m3 lifestyle retreat is held annually in a luxurious five star resort location intended to free you up physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for a transformational growth experience. Surrounded by beauty, luxury and tranquility, you'll have privileged access to the most sought-after success coaches, trend forecasters, entrepreneurial visionaries, wealth creation strategists and alternative wellness experts from around the globe. Some are household names you'll recognize and others have only been known to the world's wealthiest elite until WMI lifted the veil and gathered them all in one place. Here are just a few of the distinctions that make the m3 experience unlike any other self improvement journey you've ever taken:

Immerse yourself in a self-fulfilling vision of abundance. Surround yourself with a true millionaire's mastermind group. Develop the 360 degree vision of a true multi-millionaire. Become a world citizen with insights on global wealth creation. Easily create unlimited prosperity as the wealthy do through information. Master the investment, research and due diligence skills of the wealthy. Use the law of attraction to accumulate millions. Learn what intelligent leverage is and how to use it. Apply advanced wealth creation strategies of world's wealthiest 1%. Gain access to advanced, high-yield precious metals strategies. Turn stock market losses into six and seven figure results. Get early insight on select private placement and IPO opportunities. Turn unintended market consequences into seven figure wealth. Leave the "old" paradigm and graduate to the "new" paradigm. Position yourself to profit from the coming wave of hyperinflation. Learn the truth about 9/11, private clubs and secret societies. Become your own banker create and protect generational wealth. Build the body of your dreams in three months or less. Gain philanthropic power to create success and wealth in others.

No Other Organization Offers An Experience Like This.

Wealth, Health and Wisdom is more than just a slogan in Wealth Masters culture. It's the holistic distinction that sets us apart from any other developmental or entrepreneurial initiative on the planet. One of the core teachings we promote (based on centuries of accumulated wisdom from the world's most enlightened thinkers) is that real abundance means a great deal more than just amassing a large personal fortune. To achieve lasting quality of life, you also need the VIBRANT HEALTH necessary to enjoy your money, the INSIGHT to grow and protect it, and the ENLIGHTENMENT to do good with it in the world. Our stated vision and guiding purpose is to create 500 enlightened millionaires and we want YOU to be one of them. The m3 Private Wealth Group is the pinnacle of the WMI product line, backed by a debt-free, integrity-driven company and an unprecedented assembly of alliance partners that are free of all conflicts of interest.

How Much Prosperity Are You Prepared To Receive?

Whether it's abundance or lack, prosperity or poverty, you materialize the life you visualize. The m3 Private Wealth Group experience was created for those who are serious about manifesting generational wealth in the seven-to-multiple-seven-figures. By immersing participants in the holistic experience of abundance in an intensive five day retreat setting, awareness is raised to an entirely new level. Building on the practical knowledge gained through the m1 and m2, the m3 provides the illumination necessary act decisively and consistently on this knowledge with clarity and purpose. You can now focus beyond material wealth and begin to fully inhabit the life of luxury, happiness and fulfillment you desire. The m3 connects you in a direct and personal way with possibility thinkers who are successfully tapping into this kind of abundance on a daily basis.

These statements may sound bold, but we're prepared to back them up with the real world results experienced by our members. Never in our company history has anyone come to us to say that they did not receive full value and more at one of our live events or asked for a refund. The only way to fully understand the power of this event to change your life is to experience it for yourself. Contact your m3 consultant for more information on this transformational experience.

Who Recommends

and Endorses WMI? Kip Herriage has handpicked an elite global group of Billionaires and

Millionaire Alliances, who train us face to face at our events, and assist us to

acquire a billionaire mindset. Members also have the opportunity to rub

shoulders with these financial genius’s at social occasions during our events.

This coaching aspect alone is worth a fortune to members. This is just a small

selection of our extensive range of endorsers and presenters.

Mike Maloney: GoldSilver.com Mike Maloney is the owner and founder of GoldSilver.com and has been the precious metals investment advisor to Robert Kiyosaki, who is the author of one of the most successful financial books in history, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Maloney himself is the author of Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver, which is a part of Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad’s Advisors series of books. With his recommendations, he will prepare you with what lies ahead by providing education on monetary history and the global economy. This is him presenting at our Wealth Masters International events.


Gerald Celente: The World’s No.1 Financial Trends Forecaster for 35 years. www.trendresearch.com “In this economic era Wealth Masters is vital to anyone that wants to weather the storm” - http://youtu.be/wQgzj328JRo

Wayne Allyn Root: 2012 Candidate for the USA Presidential Office. Wayne Allyn Root is an American entrepreneur, television producer, and best-selling author. Root began his career as a professional sports handicapper, based in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was the 2008 United States Libertarian Party vice-presidential nominee. He is currently considered the frontrunner for the 2012 Libertarian President of the USA nomination. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cN6n-OLCMA – part1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cN6n-OLCMA – part2.

John Perkins: Chief Economist & Author As a former chief economist at Chas. T. Main, Perkins says that he "was an 'economic hit man' for 10 years, helping US intelligence agencies and multinational corporations cajole and blackmail foreign leaders into serving US foreign policy and awarding lucrative contracts to US business.

“Wealth Masters is a great opportunity for education. People are coming here to get educated to understand what’s going on in the world and then to use that knowledge and understanding to create their business, their own opportunities, and have this huge impact on the world in the meantime”


Sanford C. Botkin: Attorney and IRS TaxTrainer Sanford C. Botkin, Attorney and Certified Public Accountant is Chief Executive Officer and Principal Lecturer of the Tax Reduction Institute based in the Washington, DC area. During the past ten years, Mr. Botkin has taught more than 50,000 taxpayers how to save over $300 million on their taxes with his seminar. He consistently earns rave reviews for his clear and humorous presentations.

Prior to joining the Tax Reduction Institute, Mr. Botkin spent three years in the tax department of the international accounting firm, Touche Ross. He

has extensive financial and legal experience, including five years as a legal specialist in the Office of Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service. Mr. Botkin has authored numerous technical articles for national publications, lectured to various professional and trade groups, and has served as an Adjunct Professor of accounting and law at the University of Maryland and Columbia Union College. Mr. Botkin’s outstanding teaching ability has consistently earned him excellent ratings. In fact, Mr. Botkin was one of eight attorneys selected by the Internal Revenue Service to train all new attorneys to the Internal Revenue Service’s Corporate Tax Division. Mr. Botkin is a member of the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He is also a “Distinguished Real Estate Instructor” and is listed in Who’s Who in Business. Sandy is the author of the bestselling book Lower Your Taxes Big Time. This is Sandy presenting at a Wealth Masters International event.


G. Edward Griffin is an American film producer, historian, author and

political lecturer, investigating and documenting the acts and intentions of the shadow governments and global capitalists which control our world. He has many successful titles to his credit but is perhaps best known as the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994), a critique of much modern economic theory and practice, specifically the Federal Reserve System, and is currently investing the Chemtrails which are currently poisoning our people and environments all over the world. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand. He has dealt with such diverse subjects as archaeology and ancient Earth history, the Federal Reserve System and international banking, terrorism, internal subversion, the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations. His better-known works

include The Creature from Jekyll Island, World without Cancer, The Discovery of Noah’s Ark, Moles in High Places, The Open Gates of Troy, No Place to Hide, The Capitalist Conspiracy, More Deadly than War, The Grand Design, The Great Prison Break, and The Fearful Master .


A glimpse at our

Private WMI

Investment Returns

Most Investors have no idea or control over where their source of information

comes from. Getting your financial information from conventional media

sources such as Forbes, The Wall Street Journal and FOX and CNN channels

is YEARS behind our Wealth Masters communities Top Secret resources. WMI

Members have a MAJOR advantage over the general public, and the results

speak for themselves. Here are just a small selection of our Wealth Masters

Investment (WMI) Results over the past 7 consecutive years. These were

private investments available ONLY to our WMI Members. And some of our

new investments are even more exciting.

Asia Info - 400% ROI (Return on Investment)

Ivanhoe Mining - 1400% ROI

Dynergy - 520% ROI

Ege Petroleum - 320% ROI

Silver - 500% ROI

Vista Gold Australia 330% ROI

NeoMedia - 700% ROI

WMI Members know how to CAPITALISE on emerging trends - what to move

on and more importantly WHEN to move on our investments, so no

speculation. We have the most elite Team in the world when it comes to safe

and highly lucrative investing. Most people would never have access to this

information because it is fiercely protected, closed and guarded.

Why do you

Need us?

You might well ask "Why do people need this information?"

The reason why people all over the world are storming into this Wealth Masters International (WMI) business - they have seen challenging times ahead, and they want to really prepare themselves so that they can prosper and thrive. Mind if I give a bit of a review...? There is going to be in the next few years a $50 Trillion Wealth transfer, and it is going to happen right under the noses of the financially ignorant - 99% of the world’s population. The income gap between the rich and the rest of the US population has become so wide, and is growing so fast, that it might eventually threaten the stability of democratic capitalism itself. It is the lack of financial education in America that has made the United States go from the richest country in the world to the biggest debtor nation in history, so quickly.

If America were a Business - - Assets = $50 trillion - Liabilities = $93 trillion - Shortfall = $43 trillion $143,000 per person $576,000 per family of four. Washington is lying about consumer price inflation, reportedly only 4.2% a year, even while average inflation is 11.8% - which means you'll have to earn twice as much in 8 years to maintain today's standard of living!

Now if this is the financial situation in the USA, it is also means the domino effect will affect Canada, UK and Europe, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore ... the list continues infinitum. Every country in the world is linked to the World economy and it is all about to collapse.

If you know what to invest in, and we do, then you will make a fortune. Otherwise 99.99% of the world’s population will likely to become bankrupt overnight when this global credit crisis hits.

Studies indicate that the average 50 year old has saved less than $50,000. $50,000 invested at 10% for 10 years - just $130,000

You will need over $1 million in savings to generate a $3,000 monthly income. And that is without inflation.

The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind set - Wealth creators and empathizes, pattern recognizers and meaning makers. These people will now reap society's richest rewards and share its greatest joys.

In the next two years, our business, Wealth Masters International, will grow 500 Enlightened Millionaires, one person at a time. They will be in the 1% of the world's population with the Wealth Education; the Income; and the Ground floor Investment available only to the mega rich families, which will give YOU those huge ROI, so that you and your loved ones can have the Dream Lifestyle you so Desire. If you work with us in this Wealth community, you will have the very Best Coaching on Wealth Creation; Health and Wisdom available on the planet today. Our co-founder Kip Herriage was a Wall Street Broker, caring for a $70 million portfolio daily. We are the only ones qualified to educate people at this elite level - and no one will be able to ever fool you again - you will understand World markets from the core level.

Trading in 142 countries including USA Canada UK Dubai Europe Singapore Hong Kong China Brunei Africa

Malaysia Caribbean Middle East Australasia

As a former McDonalds franchise owner, I am aware that everyone needs this information. Financial ignorance brings worldwide poverty and suffering, and makes everyone “set their financial bar” far too low to achieve the financial freedom everybody truly deserves. However, those who will be mostly drawn to join us include: –

People who understand that to survive the looming global credit crisis, they will need a Billionaire education and mindset; and continued access to the top economic and financial minds on the planet to thrive and prosper.

Those people hungry for a 6 or 7 figure income; elite Wealth Education and highly lucrative Investment Opportunities.

Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Big Thinkers

Major Investors.

Financial Planners and advisors.

Property Developers and Real Estate Brokers

Stock Brokers and Investors.

Life Coaches and Networkers.

Lawyers & Accountants

Franchisees who want the income without the large debt level.

People who want to retire and know their future is financially secure.

People who lost money on the Stock Market.

Baby Boomers who want the Ultimate Lifestyle Business.

Millionaires wanting to get to the next level. Kip is much in demand with this group.

People who want their money to work as hard as they do.

I look forward to you joining our dynamic international team, and reaping the rich rewards for yourself.

Best regards, LINDA SHOOTING STAAR ROSS M +61 400168156

E Linda.Shooting.Staar@gmail.com | W WMInow.com/LindaRoss

The World’s Most Expensive Cognac

To bear the name “cognac”, this 300-year-old spirit must be produced from a specific blend of grapes, distilled twice in copper stills and then aged for at least two years in French oak casks– and that’s just for the cheap stuff. The liquid is made, quite literally, from the waters of life and some collectors have dedicated the finances of their own lives to its pursuit. Here is the three most expensive Cognacs in the world.

1. $2 million – Henri IV, Cognac Grande Champagne

An elixir mixed since 1776 by the direct descendants of King Henri IV, each batch of Henri IV Dudognon

Heritage is aged in a barrel for more than 100 years and capped inside a 24-karat gold-dipped and 6,500

diamond-bejeweled bottle.

2. $200,000 – Hennessy Beaute du Siecle Cognac

Insert a bronze key, turn, and Hennessy’s Baccarat crystal-bottled Beaute du Siecle rises up on a tray. Housed

in a melted aluminum and mirrored glass case this mixture is blended from Hennessy’s reserves of 47 to 100-

year-old cognacs.

3. $55,000 – Remy Martin Cognac Black Pearl Louis XIII

When you swish Remy Martin’s deep amber-colored Black Pearl Louis XIII around in your mouth, you’re

actually tasting 1,200 40 to 100-year old cognacs blended together. The swill is said to smell of flowers, fruits

and spices, its flavor a mixture of ginger, cinnamon and Cuban cigars.

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