We Are Nowhere

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    We Are Nowhere

    Please Wake UpMatthew Trask

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    Matthew Trask

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    The Stars

    Half of a Life


    The Lovers Waltz


    To Live

    Paid in Full


    SuicideNight Bred

    Someone Who Cared

    In The Way

    To Have

    To Hold

    National Pride



    Falling Down

    The Electric Buzz of Electric ChildrenErasure


    The Suburbs


    To Die




    The End

    The Spirit of Times

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    The Stars

    Each eve I stare above,

    a wide-eyed stupefaction

    fills my heart.

    The moons gleaming light cast a warm palm upon the Earth

    as it hangs, a Blue marble in the blanket of space.

    it waits, wrapped up inside the black tarp

    hidden In the pocket of god.

    I look with a child like glare,

    feeling as well as seeing.

    Knowing, but not yet understanding

    the universe of grand reality before me.

    I hark back to the bedtime stories of great exploration

    and remember the globe placed upon my mantle.

    A spotted canvas lit a pale white

    with fountains of color hidden beyond vision.

    The orchestra of life rings in my ears,

    as all of time exists in front of me.

    The youth of a million years

    holds within that single view.

    Like a thousand eyes

    they watch over us on the land below

    as we watch them change.

    We evolve, create and grow

    as we search for true meaning.

    The stars hold my message.The stars hold my truth.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    Half of a Life

    One man walks a fine line

    treading the gap between two worldsas fear of losing one grips

    and vows to never let go.

    With that thought in mind

    the man packs a bag and leaves both worlds

    hoping and skipping beyond

    the crack betwixt the lives seals.

    This man had endured all eventualities

    had suffered all pains,like a time traveler he saw all of life

    yet somehow his diary is only half full.

    A true understanding of him

    cannot be had without the end to his story

    as the end fundamentally answers the questions

    we so seek ultimate answers to.

    This man is us all

    treading our lives carefully

    as if to keep a balance between worlds

    and to not stumble into something more.

    In death we will understand

    the final moments of this mans life

    meant nothing to the years preceding

    because its not ever after death that matters.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    Across Great Plains he traversed

    fighting the will of storms and threading

    the eye of a needle.

    He lifted his hood to block sand and sun

    as he pushed on

    only bread and water in his bag.

    A woman stood by his side

    each step they took together

    attached by a bond greater than love.

    Their journey was to be long

    an arduous miles to walk

    each other's embrace the only comfort.

    A sea of loneliness stretched forth

    and a single star guided them through lives,

    as their past forked and unraveled behind.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    The Lovers Waltz

    Now they dance towards a cloud of uncertainty,

    their bones aflame with burning embers

    of passion and desire

    to craft and create and birth a new world

    like the world found at Atlantics edge

    hosting little but the child like skin of new borns

    unconscious to the ideas of truth

    yet strangely ignorant to the problems of us.

    Instead these men and women and children

    live at peace with little artificial emotion

    and awake with the world in a way that we find cold,

    our cynical minds have left us a alone

    in a state of loss forever like those whom aren't written

    in the stones of past minds, they are but etchings

    fading in the minds of us

    as tomorrow grows father from our reach.

    A halos light lifts from our self enlightened souls

    as we wallow in our bitter ignorance

    and fear the wrath of what we have neglected

    like a child, unwanted and unloved but needed

    to fulfill a part within

    that crafts our core, soft and warm

    to be molded to cry tears of any sort

    and to leave behind a wealth of ink and blood

    though knowledge is a legacy fought best for.

    They taught us so much in our little time,

    as lovers we held each other closer that eve

    as we were more connected to the life of earth and sea

    and the wind had calmed and the rain had washed fear,our brows furrowed and backs arched, we soared with vast wings

    towards our future together as man and woman

    and we will make a stand for our love

    and we will waltz a dance so placid that the seas will stop void

    and our bleak facade will crumble showing potential.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    We live in a world of weak and strong.

    Some seek to strike at the heart.

    Others wish to do good while others wrong.

    Is it possible for us to gain new life from this?

    This building has weak foundations and will thus crumble.

    Better design may have prevented the destruction

    but in the end we all die.

    What is the reason for evolution?

    The reason for mankind to move from one day to the next.

    Surely that reason rests at the heart of humanity.

    But if death is an inevitable caller,

    waiting with its knell poised age to take our souls from our bodies

    and to bury us under a mount of earth six feet deep.

    Why change and improve.

    The truth is feel is far away.

    But I rest in one simple idea:

    Life is more than death.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    To Live

    A gentle man sits on a stool,

    His crooked fingers rest on crooked keys.

    He listens to the wind as it brushes his ear

    And he focuses on the worn wood in front of him.

    Then he begins to play.

    First the cords are melancholic

    And the man is sad.

    We see this as he is hunched over the piano hiding face.

    His is the beard of a desolate man

    Left alone in a cycle of neglect on the side of the road.

    Rain splashed and alone,

    This man is nothing as society sees him.

    Though this nothing sits at the piano and mourns.

    He mourns a life lost to love

    And he lists his failures unashamedly

    As he has now been forgiven.

    This man then stands, kicking the stool from beneath him.

    We see his torrid and scarred body

    And the tattoos that tell years

    As he stands by the piano

    No longer mourning the past,

    But instead playing a melody of tomorrow

    And hoping that it can grow from his arid lands

    As the tree does in fallout.

    So this man is to die?

    This man and his weathered pianoIn the wilderness and green pastures of life.

    No, this man is to live as he has reason to.

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    Paid in Full

    Money leaks, corrupts and seeds hate.

    Banks steal, cheat and get away with murder,

    leaving little men to starve on the little they have.

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    Her face awash with a popular mask

    though sadness is caked beneath

    the narcissistic facade.

    Then she crumbles from the tower to the ground,

    scrambling to retain her Kingdom

    as it separates and breaks.

    Here abstract morals

    crush fear into her mind

    as those who once loved her

    fire flames of distrust and disinterest.

    Now she is nothing but a hollow shell,

    left alone to work for love and life.

    Once the Queen bowing to none

    has now left and grand reality has struck.

    She is a human without beautiful talent.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    A fingers prick.

    A light stab to the skin.

    How it feels to be torn from another.

    That thought pops into mind

    as consideration for death fades.

    Ill never do it.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    Night Bred

    From my door, a thin shaft of light glows.

    A saber striking the dark,

    breaking the concentration of a sleepless mother.

    I am up as the night serves me better.

    In day the light distracts

    from what dark allows focus.

    I grow, change and feel the dark

    although the music I hear exudes light.

    Now I am happy and the night is partly responsible.

    I am alive and breathing.

    My heart beats to the drum of life

    and that pain is numbed.

    For I am bred in the dark of night

    and as I sit here, the warm LCD shadow cast on my face,

    I know who I am.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    Someone who cared

    For Her,

    Know one said Id adjust straight away.

    Your dainty smile and full lips

    went unnoticed and my being inept

    made me fall short.

    Id furrow my brow and hope

    that someone would find me.

    That my loneliness would soon

    fade like the damp winds of spring.

    Warm and close, when nobody else was

    at my side to help me through.

    To call you perfect would be

    a disservice to your artistry.

    That open way in which you talk

    frank about your thoughts.

    Your delicate face merely masks the

    stone, strong woman beneath.

    Some part of me wishes

    I was stronger than this.

    My words of anonymity.

    My vague string of ideas collating.

    I wish I were able to tell you this.

    Although my feelings I assume arent shared

    I feel good knowing you cared.

    You have helped me, I am better now.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    In the way

    To you I say, Im sorry,

    Im sorry that awkwardness prevents the words

    from escaping the perpetual hold of mind.

    I fear that she wont know my love

    as cowardice and lacking confidence hinder speech.

    Force me into confrontation and Id lieand squirm until I was free from the bounds of situation.

    As I lay my head to pillow my mind froths with thoughts

    and they build a delicate picture of her smile.

    Beneath my fear I know I have it.

    The spark to tell her she is the piece Im missing.

    To myself, I say Im sorry.

    Ill get out of your way some day.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    To Have

    So much you gave me.

    A small package to tightly dense with beauty

    and passion that body lusts for you

    and mind loves you.

    Your words true and eyes steeped in mystique

    yet ideas are laid out for all to see.

    Opinions and feelings arent bottled withinbut thrown into the world to be battle with by others.

    I wish my words would allow me to tell you directly.

    Instead I sit here Night Bred and alone

    with only my thoughts as a brush,

    painting a picture of you on the page.

    Artists yearn for their one muse.

    A muse, which I have found.

    Words cant justify you for what you are.

    The most sublime vixen to ever be seen by man.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    To Hold

    To be with you would be satisfaction enough.

    Some men want more than they can ever have

    and live lives so large that the littler man is broken

    to shards of person and self scattered to the winds

    and left to burn in the sultry sounds of hell.

    Though I lust and desire I need only one thing.

    Tis you, my oxygen.

    You I need to have and to hold.

    Men know not how to treat their woman.

    Only objects with which to abuse and then throw to the wind.

    Beneath their veneer of sly love exists a false faade

    needed to cover their one true lust.

    I feel deeper than face value

    I may have a false faade but I know what I feel.

    And what I feel I more than just lust.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    National Pride

    I see them wear their flag upon their sleeve

    And march forth with their hearts full of pride.

    I glare on with a lorum ipsum badge pinned to my flesh

    And I stand still with a heart full of envy.

    The mountains encroach like prison walls

    And the perpetual sky thick with endless grey

    Dulls the blade of inspiration

    And draws the bow of melancholy.

    Though, when sun embraces valleys of green

    And the smell of fresh cut grass fills the air,

    My heart swells with pride

    And I look out at the land of my fathers

    And wholesome humility brushes over me

    For I am thankful for my place in this world.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    For those lost to war and violence

    In memorium today for yesterday.

    Whom once walked are now firmly within

    as earth has become a grave for those lost.

    A young girl tossed aside like rubble

    burnt and branded an outcast

    to be killed in a fire of hate.

    A man lives to hurt and maim

    And for those who stood against

    We say thank you.

    Today we live free,

    as the tyranny of yesterday

    lives in the hearts of the fallen.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    The face of the clock stares back.

    An eye peering forth into the future.

    The small hand strikes away seconds of life

    and the large hand, hours.

    We wait until the day when our clock stops.

    The day when those hands no longer tick.

    The instance when time is frozen.

    A perpetual hold on the second and the hour.

    Time is ticking along.

    So much is wasted.

    We strive to understand our symbiotic relationship

    as it clocks on, leaving us in its wake.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    Falling Down

    Down I fall.

    Out of control.

    A leaf in fall.

    Loosing to gravity.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    The Electric Buzz of Electric Children

    The night alight with sound

    from broken hearts adrift in loss

    each other and love we found.

    Yesterday has broken me

    yet tomorrow seems to grow brighter

    as you found me at the bottom of the ditch and set me free.

    The rumble in our stomach churns

    and the smell of rich sonic heaven lusts inside

    and with each road walked and each corner turned,

    We know who we are together.

    A pair of dancing children still flaming with a virgin light

    who spread illustrious wings readying to take sweet flight.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    If I had a line through which another line struck

    Id have nothing.

    This was how I expressed thoughts and feelings.

    An erasure that leaves me alone with but scribbles on a page.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    The Suburbs

    Desperate housewives make light of their inequities

    as husbands scrupulously mask their infidelity.

    A keen eye may notice those who once were lovers

    are now mere shells cutting at their wrists

    for a chance to feel again.

    Companionship for loves sake is an overrated pleasure

    as it is sex that drives society.

    Primal urges focus the intent of our neighbors

    as malicious misery echoes through the plastic streets.

    We all feel pain and younger than most often hurt more,

    but as our end draws near I ask one thing;

    Do you really know what happens in suburbia?

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    For lovers

    Sam and Lilly forever,:

    etched upon the wall.

    A string of words that love a lifetime

    like a thousand pictures.

    The flick of the R

    The hook of the L

    The cave of the S

    They exist to capture a story

    In a string of five words.

    Graffiti on the walls of their hearts.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    To Die

    The gentle man sits upon his box.

    He sips his brew and grins tenderly

    As poesys and sunflowers are tossed six feet within.

    He almost laughs at the concept.

    Men hold the hands of their women

    And they gather around the gentle man

    Celebrating the joy of his passion

    And never mourning passing loss.

    His night is the dawn of a memorys day.

    Gone in body but not in spirit

    As hearts and minds hold his paternal image.

    His music echos his life in the ears ofus all.

    He sits on his box

    resting his crooked fingers on the crooked keys,

    as his sons and daughters gather round his burning fire

    and sing songs of life and love.

    This green pasture has flourished

    And the tree has grown in fall

    And the blanket of brown has faded to reveal

    His grave.

    The flowers rest on the unmarked mound

    And his song is stabbed into the grass.

    Though he is gone we hear his voice.

    The final crack on the piano.

    The gentle man hasnt died.

    To die is to live.This man who, in life, wandered and taught,

    Left a mark that scratched deep into the skin of the earth.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    The match struck like conversation.

    The defining stop at the sentences cliff

    Becomes a patient ball of light.

    It hangs upon the edge of the world.

    On the tip of a tongue.

    It waits for the perfect moment,

    Before the fire hits its fuse

    And the sky is born a beautiful bright.

    The fireworks end is but a beginning.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    Hilltops in the distance sit wearing hats of snow

    Glancing like wise men upon the people below.

    I stare from the window of class at their faces

    The mills poking like flowers from their caps.

    These hilltops look on with disappointed brow

    As I engage them in a staring contest.

    Farmhouses glare back at me as pupils

    And a beard of trees provides a veneer of respectability.

    With an attitude of angst and beat

    Id turn from the hilltops, blissful in my arrogance

    As they silently judged me at the gates of hell

    Waiting for my passing to be mourned.

    Questions burned on the tip of my tongue

    And my identity unraveled before me like a tapestry of lies

    Hiding the truth from me beneath age.

    Id grow lost and weary as their eyes burned into the back of my head.

    A thousand years past and I remained fixed to that position

    Still under the stone of the hilltops.

    Slowly theyd pile around my feet until I drown.

    Seeds of doubt flourish and my judgment had come.

    I leave and return home a new man,

    Sweating and breathing following exertion.

    Id place bare feet on the cold floor

    Looking out with tired but open eyes,

    As the world grew in front of me

    And the once dark future became bright.

    The hilltops smiled, holding their caps to their chests

    As I marched proudly on their backs.

    Towards my new dawn I broke

    Until I saw them all, lined like gems in a ring.

    The bounds of family faded and I fell into line,

    Grieving no more as I had gained back what Id lost.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere



    A half written story on a tablet melting in the sea.

    They race upon the highway of children,

    And the tapestry unravels further in front

    Showing tomorrow solidifying.

    The pen hangs over the page with bated breath

    And future knocks on the door.

    Life had been dormant under a wealth of control.

    Now an eruption has set it free to bite at my heels,

    Challenging my path and editing my world.

    Still they hang in my mind

    Like baubles on a Christmas tree,

    Glinting beautifully in the silver light,

    But pulling on the branches on which they sit.

    The songs prepare you for loneliness

    But its true brutality cuts when the tapestry leaves dark

    What you need to be light.

    My body aches and pulls for something

    To hold and acknowledge its reality.

    Skin tingles and hands tremble

    As sexuality beckons with its mirror of imperfection.

    Sands move on, corroding the one who never arrived

    As she wonders through and beyond,

    Unknowing of my arrow struck like erasure

    Through the poetry of love.

    Avoidance is my fear of red faced scorn

    Though lust drives a sense of passionLost on a forbidden fruit to be left on the tree.

    A ripe red apple, smiling in the light.

    Blood courses through me as her fall hair

    Lands gracefully on her shoulders.

    Her lips like red pillows underlining a blinding smile

    And growing out to her fair and soft cheeks.

    My chest pulled forward like a compass pointing to its true north

    Yearning to hold her and to love her.A glass barrier of situation grew

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    And like the slow drip of water, drove one moonstruck.

    Childhood was but a memory

    Passing by in the wing mirror as we drove into the sunset,

    A romantic notion filled with fiction

    As the sun was as dark as charcoal

    And the open eyes began to grow heavy

    Closing under duress.

    Seasons past and frailty set in.

    My mind crumbled like a castle made of sand.

    My pillow became stained with blotted loss

    And reality struck like lightening

    Electrifying my soul to the brink.

    Putrefying all romanticism within my ideology.

    Tomorrow maybe growing clearer,

    But its ship is to be captained and crewed by one man.

    One man alone, holding a torn map

    And a compass that points only towards what you need most.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    The End

    The final full stop

    On the final page

    Of the final chapter

    Of the final novel,

    Of humanity

    Is placed with a sigh

    By a lonely man

    Who sings a hymn.

    Goodbye echoes,

    As pen and paper

    Are still.

    The man looks up

    At grey heavens

    And sees his back

    Firm and disillusioned.

    The failures are struck

    Like names on a list

    Off the face of the earth.

    The garden has rotted

    From its wholesome core

    And has left a heap

    Steaming and brewing

    As it sits stoic

    In its labored filth.

    The man leaves the book

    And walks off the cliff.

    The wind glides by

    And his hair is softened

    And his arms outstretched

    And his eyes closed.

    His naked body falls

    And fallsUntil the horns of hell

    Take hold.

    His baby soft flesh,

    Blemish free,

    Is cut and torn from his bones

    And he is bled arid

    By the razors blow.

    Teased by a glimpse of life,

    He is beaten without death.

    He is broken with out healingAnd he is chained to the rod

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    That runs the length of his spine.

    He awaits the sodomites

    The murderers, the rapists

    The child molesters,

    The politicians, the lawyers,

    The actors, bankers,

    The fraudsters,

    The Muslims, the Hindus,

    The Buddhists,

    The violent, the weak,

    The strong, the tepid

    And he awaits the mirror.

    The mirror of sin

    That balances his mind

    And baths him in truth.

    Then the cycle begins again

    And mercy shall not come.

    The embers slither up his legs,

    Biting at the flesh and cooking the bone.

    Then an arm reaches from darkness

    Into thick, murky light.

    The arm of freedom offers salvation.

    The way is clear and hell grows distant.

    Suddenly the garden grows fresh roots

    And his skin is baby smooth

    And the sky pale blue.

    He sees his body healed in the pool

    And then his lover stands.

    The hand then grows a body

    And then a face.

    You deserve freedom speaks the face.

    The face then fades

    And the garden solidifies.

    The mirage of his lovers naked being

    Grows tangible and he runs.The man whose full stop ended life

    Had now found peace in the garden.

    Where flames had bitten his thighs,

    He found his lovers hands.

    Where blades had cut his chest,

    He found his lovers lips.

    Where pain had once flayed

    He found his lovers pleasure.

    This sin that so hung around his neck

    Had been revealed,And it had beauty beyond all dreamt of.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    Then the man placed the rope by the side of the book

    And he placed the pen between the two.

    The blotch that punctuated his ending

    Became a comma, breathing new life into his tomorrow.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    The Spirit of Times

    Be the best of us

    As you sit there on your stool

    Listening intently

    Though fidgeting indefinitely.

    The zeitgeist evades you,

    Always Reeling in eternal optimism

    And always forgetting the past

    As the future calls.

    The spark sets alight a burning flame

    That we watch with mouths a gape

    And eyes wide and glazed with awe.

    Making hate not love, you live.

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


    Ifyouve read this collection ofbeginners poetry let me take this chance to

    thank you. If you liked it please share it with anyone and everyone. Print it off

    and give it to your family. Give a copy to your dog or cat or anything. I hope

    you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it!

    Copyright Matthew Trask 2013

  • 7/30/2019 We Are Nowhere


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