We are - Knowledge Wizards€¦ · 6 Customer Leadership 22 Presentation and Pitching Skills 7 Customer Orientation 23 Problem Solving 8 Competency Based Interviewing Skills 24 Professionalism

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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We are

We work with select Multinationals and Fortune 500 clients for holistic end to end performance enhancement solutions spread over 3 to 12 months in areas of Leadership, Managerial & Personal Effectiveness and Sales.

Our unique TraC (Train and Coach) model integrates Corporate Training & Executive Coaching to deliver long term impact for organizations and individuals.

A boutique 15 year old L&D Company driven by a passion to make organizations and individuals succeed.

Practice Areas

Executive Coaching

• Shining Leadership Skills & Executive Presence (Gravitas) (for CXOs)

• Executive Coaching & Mentoring (for Senior management)

• Performance coaching (for High Potentials)

• Sales coaching for Managers (for Individuals and Groups)

Behavioral Training

• Leadership

• Managerial Effectiveness

• Personal Effectiveness

• Sales Effectiveness

Content Development Life Cycle Approach

Use People Development Framework

Delivery methodology:

Concept> Activity> Learning

Trap>Actions Plan

Leadership Journey Model

Using TraC

Guerilla Learning Support &







Our 5 Step Training Process

Requirements/ Vision Documents

Content Outline

Content Research

Content Fixes

Content Review

Content Development

Content Review Industry Expert

Content Review -Content Head

Content Review by Client

Final Content Fixes

Content Sign Off and Hand Off

• Resolve Comments by Industry Experts and Clients

• Check Content Accuracy

• Verify Content Adequacy

• Slide Deck (PPT)• Participants Guide (PG)• Action Learning Plan

• Does the content accurately cover the specific need

• Are examples adequate

• Does the content accurately cover the specific need

• Are content guidelinestemplates correctly used

• Assure Needs• Evaluate

objectives to be covered.

• List objectives, topic titles• Specific Strategies/List

content chunks• Define Assessments

• Identify work done before• Trends and development• Models and Theories

• Review adequacy and accuracy

• Final Refinement and Fixes

• Sign off of all deliverablesand hand over to client

1. Content Development Lifecycle

2. People Development Framework

Set 2 Set 3 Set 4






Journey Approach

Continued LearningWeekly

Leadership WorkshopQuarterly

Learning ReviewQuarterly












Icon Legend Assessment Article Video Application of Learning Leadership Workshop Learning ReviewCoaching



Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

Level 0




Campus Hires

Set 1

3 a) Workshop Delivery Methodology

Workshop Post Assessment

Help participants create and commit to an action plan with timelines and measures of success

Ask participants to trap the learnings after each module completion

Initiate participants to practice the concept using role-play, group discussion, brainstorming/game

Explain theoretical concept using minimum slides, videos and story-telling

Workshop Pre-Assessment

3 b) Post Delivery Overview

Create individual/group

action plans basis

workshop learnings

Assign projects



Guerilla Action Support

on predetermined goals

using assigned projects

Run follow up sessions

on alternate months

(as required)

Email & online interim


Alternate monthly

evaluation, course

correction &

performance reports to


Submit project

completion report and


Provide Certification of

Completion to

successful participants

4. Leadership Journey Framework

Set 2 Set 3 Set 4Launch

Icon Legend Assessment Article Video Application of Learning Leadership Workshop Learning ReviewCoaching











Self Leadership Kundali

• Leading in situations

• Management Styles & their Application

• Adaptability to various maturity levels

• Managerial Responses

• Creativity & Innovation

• Decision Making & Problem Solving

Driving Business Success

• Strategic Thinking

• Business Acumen

• Changing Self / Habit Loop

• Driving Change









JulCourse Certification

Building Better Relationships

• Customer Centricity

• Internal & External Customer management

• Goal Alignment & Motivation

• Conflict Management

Team Performance


• Verbal Communications

• Presentation Skills

• Coaching• Counselling• Mentoring

• Team Building

• Team Motivation

• Driving Accountability & Ownership

• Influencing & Negotiation Skills

• Emotional Intelligence for managing self

• Emotional intelligence for managing others

5. Guerila Learning Support

Guided by Mentors

At User’s Pace

With Realtime Examples

To capture Reflection

To make learning InteractiveWith Linked Modules

After Course Connect Sessions

Thoughts &Reflections

Feedback & Guidance

Two WayCommunication

Learner Platform

1st WeekLaunch Mailer

3rd WeekReview the full course

online and fill in reflections

5th WeekSME Connect Session and

Introduction of AOL

6th WeekSent Article

7th WeekSent Video

8th WeekSubmission of Application of


9th WeekLeadership


10th and 11th

WeekRevisiting Concepts


12th WeekCertification and Closure of Moule

Coaching Methodology

Coaching Agreement:

Sign off on scope of work and shareholder expectations

Coaching delivery

of 4 sessions of 90 minutes for each goal, once a fortnight

Meeting with coachee

to build rapport and understand needs

Self understanding of coachee

through assessment and introspection exercise

Selection of 3 goals

and defining their measurement indices. Buy-

in by stakeholders

Quarterly feedback

to stakeholders

Final assessment & Coaching completion report

after one year to stakeholders

Module Name

1 Big Picture Thinking 17 Negotiation Skills

2 Business Communication 18 Personal Branding

3 Communication Mastery 19 Persuade with Power

4 Contextual Leadership 20 Planning and Organizing

5 Critical and Logical Thinking 21 Power of Networking

6 Customer Leadership 22 Presentation and Pitching Skills

7 Customer Orientation 23 Problem Solving

8 Competency Based Interviewing Skills 24 Professionalism

9 Emotional Intelligence 25 Project Management Fundamentals

10 Giving and Receiving Feedback 26 Result Orientation

11Handling Conflicts & Difficult Conversations

27 Selling Skills

12 Impactful Presentations 28 Strategic Thinking

13 Influencing and Negotiation Skills 29 Team Building

14 Influence & Responsibility 30 Team Work and Collaboration

15 Managing Change 31 Team Leadership

16 Motivating Self & Others 32 The Art of Delegation

Module List

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Module Name

33 Leadership Development Plan

34 Campus to Corporate for GETs

35 Time Management

36 Design Thinking

37 Train the Trainer

Module List

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Big Picture Thinking

Train your brain to think big

What participants will learn

• What is Big Picture Thinking?

• Importance of Big Picture Thinking

• The Big Picture Thinking Process

• Barriers to Big Picture Thinking

• Benefits of Big Picture Thinking

• Traits of a Big Picture Thinker

• How to improve Big Picture Thinking

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

• Declutter their mind

• Consider alternatives and think strategically

• Develop big picture thinking outlook

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Business CommunicationHow to communicate effectively in business

• The communication process – Verbal, Non-verbal and Listening

• Recognizing the importance of communication as a life-long learning


• Communicating professionally during challenging times

• Practicing listening, writing and speaking skills

• Building trusted relationships

• Reduction in misunderstandings because of incorrect communication

• Increase in speed of resolving issues

• Better interpersonal relationships

• Renewed enthusiasm in interacting and communicating with each


What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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The key skill to enhance performance and build trusted relationships

Communication Mastery

• Understand the communication process

• Understand the 7 C’s of communication

• Know the importance of communication in an organization

• Understand what is noise in communication modes of communication

• Learn about the various barriers to communication

• Understand the difference between listening and hearing

• Build trusted relationships

• Effective verbal and written communication

• Different strategies of communication for different situations and stakeholders

• Reduction in misunderstandings because of incorrect communication

• Increase in speed of resolving issues and better interpersonal relationships

• Renewed enthusiasm in interacting and communicating with each other

• Smooth hosting and participation in the tele and video conference call meetings

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Use different strokes (styles) for different folks to build a solid team

Contextual Leadership

• Identify your leadership styles

• Learn the four types of leadership styles

• Assess the readiness level of your team members

• Apply the right leadership style with the readiness level of the team


• Develop team members from one readiness level to next level

• Identify current performance and future potentials

• Learn the concept of performance contracting

• Using the right style with the readiness level of the team member Understand

team members development needs and help them develop

• Apply leadership tools in day to day situations

• Move team members from one level of performance to the next level.

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Strategies in decision making

Critical and Logical Learning

• What is Thinking?

• Types of Thinking

• Aspects of Critical Thinking

• Why Think Critically?

• Barriers to Critical Thinking

• What is Result Orientation?

• Process Oriented Vs. Result Oriented

• Steps to Being Result Oriented

• Will gather and evaluate information to think critically

• Keep an open mind

• Look at options for being result oriented

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Aligning your organization to customer satisfaction and service

Customer Leadership

• Evolution of products and services

• How customer values adapt and behave for products, delivery

systems and services with time and technology

• How customer expectations have evolved

• Why is customer focus a leadership issue

• Role of a leader in defining customer leadership

• Ten key customer-focused leadership principles

• Handling service failure

• 4 Dimensions of Customer Service

• Effective Partnership

• Principles of Service Design

• Shift in customer service satisfaction and service

• Shift in empathy component in observable terms

• Proactive approach towards resolving customer issues

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

What participants will learn

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Judging your performance through your customers

Customer Orientation

• Definition of Customer Orientation

• Why good Customer Orientation is life blood for a company

• Stories of Dread And Delight (in Customer Orientation) as opposed to

day-to-day occurrence

• Characteristics of good Customer Orientation – friendliness, empathy,

accuracy, professionalism, promptness and honesty

• Handling angry and upset customer (vocal and relatively quiet)

• Skills practice (handling different customer scenarios)

• How to develop customer focus and be their preferred choice

• Shift in customer service orientation

• Shift in empathy component in observable terms

• Enhanced skill in dealing with angry and customer behavior (internal

and external)

• Proactive approach towards resolving customer issues

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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The interviewing technique you should be using

Competency Based Interviewing Skills

• Importance of hiring the right people

• Why behavioural interviewing

• Define the technique of competency based behavioural interviews (CBI)

• Compare different types of interviewing techniques

• Understand the various questioning techniques

• Analyse different methodologies of CBI

• Demonstrate the step by step CBI technique of interviews

• Conduct practice interviews

• Effective process for creating competency requirements for a position

• Effectively apply the principles of CBI for screening and selecting the right

candidate for the job

• Enhance professional interviewing skills

• Define a defensible evaluation process for selection of candidates

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Enhance your personal effectiveness by becoming emotionally intelligent

Emotional Intelligence

• Understand the relevance Emotional Intelligence at work

• Learn the neuro-science of our brain and manage perception

• Develop self awareness and learn to mange emotions effectively

• Use Emotional Intelligence to stay motivated and achieve goals

• Build relationship by recognizing emotions of others

• Enhance empathy skills for ongoing effectiveness with self and others

• Handling stressful work situations better by managing emotions

• Not getting carried away by emotions thereby minimizing


• Knowing when to apply own strength and when to draw on the

strengths of others within the team

• Improved relationship with colleagues

• Ability to motivate self and others to achieve personal and

organizational goals

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Building constructive communication for enhancing performance

Giving and Receiving Feedback

• Need for feedback

• Body language in feedback

• Characteristics of good feedback

• Sandwich Technique

• SBI Tool

• Creating a culture of feedback

• Common mistakes and action plan

• Pursue actively to receive feedback

• Give structured, empathic, objective feedback

• Enhance performance of self and others

• Create a conducive environment for open interaction

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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From conflict to connection

Handling Conflicts & Difficult Conversations

• Understand what is Conflict?

• Understand the Types and Causes of Conflict?

• Understand the Five Conflict-Handling Modes

• Learn how people react to conflict

• Understand your personal conflict style

• Develop strategies for dealing with conflict

• Manage difficult conversations

• Ability to identify and steer conflicts and close them quickly

• How to close conflicts in a sensible, fairly and efficient manner

• How to understand conflicts and leverage the energy derived from


• How to listen through conflicts and reflect with good intent

• Ability to engage and manage difficult conversations

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Three Rules To Form a Pyramid


Enhance your personal effectiveness by becoming emotionally intelligent

Impactful Presentations

• Prepare presentations that inform, infer and persuade

• To develop the ability to communicate complex ideas and data in a clear,

concise, complete and correct way, which is easily understood and absorbed

by the reader

• To identify personal strengths and areas for development in presentation

delivery skills

• Become more competent and confident while delivering formal and

informal presentation

• To apply these skills in real work applications

• Prepare structured presentation

• Show confidence in presentation

• Handle different types of audience and keep their interest alive

• Influence in decision making by making inspiring presentations

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Use your influence skills to successfully negotiate

Influencing and Negotiation Skills

• Understand the 3 Ps of Social Influence

• Learn how to influence through persuasion

• Explain the Six principles of persuasion

• Understand what is negotiation?

• List components of negotiation

• Planning and preparation

• Negotiation strategies and tactics

• Ability to use influence through persuasion

• Ability to plan and strategize effectively for negotiation

• Ability to prioritize effectively

• More confident and assured behavior

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Use influence more than authority

Influence & Responsibility

• Understanding Influence and Assertiveness

• Importance and Benefits

• How to be Assertive

• Learning to say ‘No’

• Myths about Assertiveness

• Scenario based Insights

• Using clout in an appropriate manner

• Ability in adopting dynamically

• Ability to prioritize effectively

• Clarity in accepting tasks and responsibilities

• More confident and assured behavior

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Handle transitions

Managing Change

• What is change?

• Inevitability of change

• Factors that bring about change

• Types of change

• Managing change

• The change process

• Skills of a change leader

• Leading change programmatically

• Painting a powerful vision of the change outcome

• Agility in adapting dynamically

• Clarity in assigning tasks and responsibilities

• Impassionate review of progress

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Motivating self and other to perform

Motivating Self & Others

• Use of Johari window & SWOT analysis

• Understand self-confidence & ways to build it

• How to be assertive at work to drive performance

• Ways to stay motivated at work

• Set standards for self

• Be self–motivated

• Be ready to set standards for self, take initiative, meet performance standards

• Constantly challenge self

• Take ownership to deliver performance par excellence

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Finding solutions that are acceptable to both the sides

Negotiation Skills

• Explain the phases and skills involved in a typical complex negotiation

• Prepare and plan in a systematic, flexible and effective way

• Use a greater awareness of your own and others’ behavior to negotiate

more effectively

• Win-win thinking

• Preparing for Negotiation

• Understanding BAFTA and WAP

• Separate people from the problem

• Focus on interests, not positions

• Invent options for mutual gain

• Insist on using objective criteria

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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How you look + How you act + How you speak = Your personal brand

Personal Branding

• Understand how to create a Positive Professional Image

• Understand what is a Personal Brand

• Elements of Personal Brand

• Understand how to create your Personal Brand

• A Positive Professional Image

• Appropriate Dressing

• Looking the part

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Persuade as opposed to “I will tell you”

Persuade with Power

• How to expand your locus of control

• 3Ps of social influence

• Science of persuasion

• Tools for persuasion

• Communicate and influence more effectively

• Demonstrate increased flexibility in influencing situations

• Develop and maintain rapport with others quickly and effectively

• Look at new and more effective approach

• Increase in confidence in handling difficult situations and during confrontations

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Understand Impact of Planning on Personal and Organization growth

Planning & Organizing

• Neuroscience behind why we procrastinate

• Pillars of Planning And Organizing

• Time Management Matrix

• Prioritization

• Delegation

• Manage their tasks and meet the timelines as per plan

• Be composed in stressful plan changes

• Meet customer priorities and reduce customer escalation on planning and


• Improve productivity of the team

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Get connected

Power of Networking

• About networking

• How to network in your workplace

• Understand professional networks

• Nurturing networks

• Build long term professional relationships

• Gain insights into how things ‘really work’ inside other

organizations or fields of business.

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Creating a Basic Presentation• Use Company Standard Presentation template• Transfer notes from outlines• Choose “Internal” or “confidential”• Use customer logo, if needed after approval• Avoid covering logo, title line and ©footnote at

bottom• Avoid adding unnecessary information to


Pitching and Presenting with Confidence

Presentation and Pitching Skills

• What is the meaning of Pitching Skills?

• What is the significance of pitching in business?

• What are the points to bear in mind before making a pitch?

• What are the plus points of an effective pitch?

• How to handle objections in pitching?

• What are the basics of creating a good presentation

• Tips and tricks

• How to prepare for contingencies

• How to use body language to your advantage (7 powerful body

language tips)

• Confidently prepare for a pitch

• Confidently present pitching solutions

• Confidently handle objections in pitching?

• Prepare structured presentation

• Show confidence in presentation

• Handle different types of audience and keep their interest alive

• Influence in decision making by making inspiring presentations

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Working towards a solution

Problem Solving

• Define and Re-define the problem

• Fish-bone analysis

• Formulate creative approaches

• Divergent and convergent thinking

• Generate ideas – innovate

• Evaluate ideas and shortlist

• Draw up an action plan

• Just do it! (implement the ideas)

• How to solve problems and achieve set goals

• How to break down problems to understand them in a better way

• Generate and evaluate ideas for effective solutions

• Difference between following process ‘in head’ and simply following it

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Knowing when to do it, how to do it and doing it


• Who is a professional?

• Characteristics and qualities of a professional

• What defines professionalism?

• How is professionalism measured?

• Unprofessional behaviours

• Professionalism from the customer’s perspective and from the team’s


• Clearly differentiate between professional and unprofessional behavior

• Practice/demonstrate professional behaviours with team and customers

• Enhanced professional working relationship with all key stakeholders

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Proactive project management = fewer problems

Project Management Fundamentals

• About the three dimensions of project management

• The five phases of a project lifecycle based on the PMI framework

• Tools and templates to successfully execute your projects (awareness)

• Develop greater confidence in planning, scoping and managing projects

• Gain a deeper understanding of core project management competencies

• Build a project management plan with your project team in a emulated project environment

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Critical and logical thinking for Result Orientation

Results Orientation

• The Mind-set of Getting Things Done

• Result Oriented Vs. Process Oriented

• Art of questioning

• How to develop Problem Analysing Skills

• Achieving efficient, timely, quality results by directing efforts on

expected outcomes

• Addressing immediate client/organization needs

• Having a strategic overlook

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Identify, generate, influence a need or a want

Selling Skills

• About the sales process

• Pre-work and prospecting

• Uncovering needs

• Proposing solutions

• Handling objections

• Closing

• Greater understanding of what makes a customer buy

• Focused and confident approach towards customers

• Discovering customer needs not shared explicitly

• Handling customer objections effectively

• Closing the deals efficiently

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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Thinking conceptually, imaginatively, systematically and opportunistically

Strategic Thinking

• Why is Strategic Thinking a challenge?

• Strategic thinking journey

• What is Strategic Thinking?

• Visualizing the Field, Detecting Patterns and Creating


• Implementing the Strategy

• Traits of a strategic thinker

• Min-shift towards strategic thinking

• Committed approach to taking an active role in developing successful

strategies for the business

• Have greater confidence in their ability to drive and/or contribute to the

strategic agenda

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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You don’t build a business, you build a team

Team Building

• Team and Teamwork

• Difference between Team and a Group

• Stages of team evolution

• Team Synergy and why Teamwork fails

• Thinking Collaboratively and collaborative language

• Applying the concept of teamwork

• Experiencing crucial elements of teamwork

• Demonstrating how each one of us can become more

valuable team members

• Identifying our role in a team

• Think collaboratively

• Implement collaborative concepts and models in their workplace

• Communicate effectively and clearly

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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You don’t build a business, you build a team

Team Work and Collaboration

• Importance of teamwork – within the current business context

• Characteristics of a successful team

• How to build and manage a team

• Key Elements of Collaboration

• Models of Collaboration

• Governance of Collaboration

• Challenges and barriers in successful teamwork

• Methodologies and processes to drive a team to successfully

achieve the desired goal

• 5 Cs of a successful team

• Think collaboratively

• Implement collaborative concepts and models in their workplace

• Communicate effectively and clearly

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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What a team leader must be and do

Team Leadership

• Understand what a Champion Team is all about

• Identify the characteristics of a Champion Team

• Understand the role of a Leader in building the team

• Use Dunham and Pierce’s Leadership Model to build Leadership

• Understand how to imbibe Leadership Qualities

• Build a champion team and not a team of champions

• Establish shared ownership for outcomes / results

• Help team members achieve their full potential

• Motivate and inspire team

• Help build a self managed team

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviours will they show

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You can do anything, but not everything

The Art of Delegation

• What is Delegation

• Three levels of Delegation

• Steps to Delegation

• Understanding Empowerment

• What and when to delegate

• Barriers to Delegation

• What not to Delegate

• Give better instructions for better results

• Follow the right steps to delegate

• Empower team members

• Recognize common delegation pitfalls and avoid them

What participants will learn

What demonstrable behaviourswill they show

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A complete pathway for developing a Leadership Pipeline

Leadership Development Program


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1. Situational Leadership

2. Leadership Powers

3. Leadership Charisma

4. Leading Change

5. Leading Teams

6. Being a motivational Leader

7. Leading negotiations

8. Building a success leadership mindset

9. Powerful Leadership Communications

10. Sustaining the Leadership Journey


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• Understanding the Corporate Environment

• Projecting a positive image

• Grooming & First impressions

• Working as teams

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• The difference in work responsibilities

• From being managed to self-management

• Setting goals for oneself

• Understanding requirements of the corporate world

• Setting expectations from corporate world

• Managing oneself

• Ethics at work

• The first few weeks at work

• Making the most at your workplace

• Office behaviour and etiquette

Campus to CorporateTransitioning from student to corporate life


Time is never enough to complete work, its skills which complete it

Time Management

• Manage time effectively

• Prioritize correctly

• Manage work competently

• Become more dependable

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• Awareness of the influence of others in their time management

• How they can actively contribute themselves to not being snowed

under by the paper avalanche.

• That the speed with which tasks are being carried out not always

complies with the priorities that should be set.

• Urgent / Important Matrix

• Time Wasters and Distractions

• Do things right the first time

• The Power of delegation

• Self Management and Multi - tasking


Design Thinking is a design methodology that helps solve problems using a human-centred approach

Design Thinking

• Moving at speed to generate ideas

• Bring cross functional teams into the conversation

• Leading to faster innovation

• And more meaningful outcomes

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• Empathise - Know the people you're designing for, so you

understand their needs better.

• Define - The big, meaty problem you want to solve for your

business, customer or end-user

• Ideate - Come up with different solutions that might be useful to


• Prototype - Turn ideas into realistic mockups that you can test.

• Test - Share your prototype and gain invaluable feedback from the

people that matter.


An intensive course for professional trainers

Train the Trainer

• Participants will be able to learn sufficient tools and techniques

required to effectively give powerful presentations and handle

participants at various levels.

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• Elements of Verbal Communication & Listening

• Body Language

• Elements of preparation & delivery

• Delivery skills elements

• Questioning techniques

• Handling participants

• Using various training methodologies, ways and aids - when to use them

• Design lesson plan and presentation material.

• Planning & managing logistics of the program

• Practice presentations with live feedback and video recording



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Participant Guide Sample (PG)

Module Components

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Collateral(Visual Learning Aid)

Action Learning Plan Sample (Implementation in Real Life)

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Module Components

Rakesh has worked for 20+ years in the corporate sector, rapidly moving from frontline

to CXO levels. Since then, he has been worked in Learning & Development for 15 years

Trained 25,000+ participants; delivered 3,000+ training days; Coached 200+ clients in

1500+ hours

Education & Certifications:

• ICF Certified Executive Coach (ACC)

• Certified Global Coach – Betterup, USA

• Certified Executive Coach – Neuroleadership Group

• Certified Quantum Business Consultant (U.K.)

• Certified Trainer – Persona Global, USA (Persuasive Communicator, Persuasive Sales

Person, Teambuilding, Transition to Management, Coaching & Mentoring

• WIN Sales, Europe - India Licensee

Professional Experience:

• Chief Mentor – Knowledge Wizards

• President – NeuroLeadership Group (South Asia)

• CEO - Jaguar Land Rover - AMP Motors, Delhi

• CEO – Audi Hyderabad

• Founder Director -Training and Consulting Group, Hyd.

• Director – Adayana Learning Solutions, Hyderabad

• Head of Sales (Sleepwell Comfort Products, Hyd.

• GM - Sales (Essar Commvision Limited, Chandigarh)

• Branch Head – Automotive Manufacturers Ltd.

Major Projects:

• Basic & Advanced Leadership

• Managerial Effectiveness

• Sales Excellence

• Negotiation Skills

• Emotional Intelligence

• Change Management

• Creativity & Innovation

• Conflict Management

• Work Life Balance

Interests : Mentoring, Yoga & Meditation

Key Clients:

Dr. Reddy’s Labs


Ernst & Young

CNH Industrial


Nissan International AG

LNJ Bhilwara Group

Oxford University Press

Max Life



Area of Expertise:

Executive Coaching

Group Coaching

Leadership Training

Business Consulting

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