Wayside Newsletter Advent 2011

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Waysides Advent Newsletter


Advent 2011

In this issue:

1 The Principal’s Report

3 Our Returning Staff

4 Introducing our New Staff

6 Why Wayside really went Wi-Fi Free

6 24 hour Adoration for Mrs. Kazcmarek

7 Academic Successes

8 All Saints’ Day

Wayside AcademyNewsletter, Advent 2011

Editors: A. Parker C. Ward

Photos: C. Ward K. Podkowa

Design & Layout: P. Baklinski


The Principal’s ReportHello Friends of W a y s i d e Academy,

May you share in the blessings of this Advent Season.

Welcome to our 16th year! We b e g a n t h i s s c h o o l y e a r

with great excitement on at least two fronts: our curriculum and our staff. Four years ago, in order to better teach the minds, hearts and souls of our children – to teach in an authentically Catholic way – Wayside Academy declared that we would

begin building our curriculum using a more classical approach.

There are a few subtle (and not so subtle) differences between a classical approach to education and some of the more recent approaches to educat ion. Wayside’s classical approach focuses on mastering the essential tools of learning: reading, writing, math as well as the classical language of Latin - building towards logical thinking and debate in the upper years. The pursuit of virtue, of course, is always at the forefront. In this, subjects whenever possible are integrated (not separated) in order for the student to come to understand a more complete picture of “the good, the true and the beautiful”. Our teachers are far more

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Adam Parker, Principal


The Principal’s Report Cont.interested in evaluating the student’s knowledge of, and ability to use, these fundamental skills than to teach towards any form of testing. Moreover, classical education, in one form or another, has been around for at least 2,500 years; it has formed the greatest thinkers of our past and is making a strong resurgence – especially in the United States.

On Friday, September 2nd we ‘unveiled’ our newly re-constructed classical curriculum. Over the course of the last school year, each part of our curriculum was reviewed, analyzed and f i na l l y com p i l ed i n t o a cohes i ve documen t f rom K i n d e r g a r t e n t o G r a d e 12 . We h i r e d a l e a d i n g classical education expert, Andrew Kern of the CiRCE Institute in Concord, North Caro l i na , t o rev iew t he document as well as offer professional development for our staff. Mr. Kern raved about what we have collectively accomplished – telling us that this feat is rare within the 100 or so North American schools that he has worked with.

Complementing the new curriculum document, we are excited to have hired five new staff members which we have featured in this newsletter: Mr. Nathan Freeman, Mr. Krzysztof Podkowa, Miss Amy Dudman, Professor Jim McKay, and Mrs. Carolyn Parker. Although it is newsworthy to tell you about the new teachers, there is a bigger, richer, story with regard to our staff: the return of our dedicated veteran elementary teachers: Miss Jill Vanderhulst, Mrs. Rosalie Verkin, Miss Martha Marrocco, and Miss Ceara Corkery. Despite remuneration that is significantly less than their peers teaching at other schools (with no benefit package), Wayside Academy’s returning staff have stood the test of time, remaining faithful and steadfast to the vision of the school and the families that Wayside serves.

T h i s y e a r , w e e s p e c i a l l y c e l e b r a t e t h e accomplishments of the longest standing staff member in Wayside’s history, Miss Jill Vanderhulst,

who is in her tenth year of teaching at the school. Last year she played the leading role in compiling our curriculum document. She has become one of the most knowledgeable classical educators at the elementary level, which is the reason she has been promoted to the position of lead elementary teacher.

Finally, we are blessed with the return of our three teaching volunteers, Father Damian Smullen (High School Rel ig ion) , Father Jean P ier re P i lon

(Elementary Religion) and Mrs. Mary Marrocco (High School Calculus).

It is difficult for me to put into words the importance of these accomplishments and what they mean for Christian education in this country. Between the staff and the curriculum, I am convinced that what is being offered at

Wayside is a gem - not just in Peterborough. What has been slowly and carefully developed at Wayside has great importance for the future of Chr is t ian educat ion in al l of Canada. Our curriculum is steeped in Catholic tradition. It educates while it feeds the soul with the truths that the Church offers. We know of no other school offering what Wayside does throughout all of Canada. Most admirable is that the building of this school has been done by the heroic efforts of many– all who share a common vision of restoring and rebuilding the grandeur, richness and spiritual

“Mr. Kern raved about what we have collectively

accomplished – telling us that this feat is rare within the 100 or so North American schools

that he has worked with.”

Andrew Kern with Adam Parker

essentials of Christendom. How so much has come from such a humb le endeavou r suc h a s Wayside Academy can only be a testament to God Himself.

With all of the good that is happening within the walls of Wayside Academy, we still have our chal lenges. Despi te the blessing of new families joining Wayside this school year (and more on the way), our enrolment has decreased for the first time in many years. This means that our reliance on fund-raising and donations has increased from approximately $120,000 per year to this year’s great challenge of $180,000! Frankly, although we have worked very hard to build this school to the success that it is, we need your help more than

ever to build up what He is calling us to do. Please offer what you can.

We are humbled to know that our ex i s t e n ce i s r e l i a n t on t h e generosity, support and goodwill of so many. With hard work, c o n t i n u a l p r a ye r a n d yo u r e c o n o m i c s u p p o r t Wa y s i d e Academy will continue to prosper

well into the future!


Adam Parker, Principal

“our reliance on fund-raising and donations has increased from

approximately $120,000 per year to

this year’s great challenge of $180,000!”

Our Returning Staff

Miss Ceara


Mrs. Catherine Ward

Miss Jill

Vanderhulst Father Damian Smullen

Miss Martha Marrocco

Mrs. Rosalie VerkinFather Jean

Pierre Pilon - 3 -- 2 -

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Along with his teaching experience and teaching awards, Mr. Freeman is fluent in seven languages and has three master degrees: German Studies (University of Kentucky), Classics (University of Kentucky) and Christian T h o u g h t ( R e f o r m e d Theological Seminary).

In the midst of all of my education, which has taken

me around the world and back again, I have never lost sight of my goal: to be involved in a truly great classical education. You might well imagine then my delight at being

asked to teach at Wayside Academy, an institution unlike any other that I know of. It is pristine in its academic goals, and pure in its nurture of souls. The point where these two cross is virtue, and that is the primary focus of the school. Whether it be in regard to the theological virtues of faith and love, or the intellectual virtues of keen and discerning minds, Wayside is exceptional. I truly believe that the education at Wayside Academy represents an avant garde. It is my belief that Wayside Academy is and shall be the paradigm for emulation of both primary and secondary education in the future, not only for Catholics, but for all who have even a remote desire to rediscover the beautiful, the good and the true. This is the mission to which God has called us.

It is my pleasure to serve in the capacity in which I have

been called.

Introducing our New Staff

Mr. Nathan Freeman High School Arts &

Latin Teacher

Mr. Podkowa has a master degree in biochemistry (University of Western Ontario) and a bachelor degree in educa t ion (University of Toronto). He has eagerly taken on the challenge of building our high school math and science program.

When I first arrived at Wayside Academy, a few things struck me right away:

a joyous atmosphere; a strong sense of community; and above all I was amazed that the children prayed the Angelus at noon--a good part of it in Latin! On my next visit I saw the whole school participating in the choir; not just

standing there, but performing beautiful music! Although I knew my workload this year was to be substantial, I was convinced I was going to a good place.

After two months of teaching at the school, I only hope that my students have learned as much from me as I have from them. Please do not misunderstand; I am not trying to idolize my students. I simply think that they are excellent young people and it is a pleasure to work with them.

Lastly and most importantly, it gives me joy to see the students having strong convictions about their faith. It is astounding to see the maturity of their faith. They will be tried and tested, I am certain of that, but the foundation they receive in their homes and at this school, will surely help them overcome the trials and make them great

leaders wherever their paths may lead.

Mr. Krzysztof Podkowa High School Math &

Science Teacher

Professor McKay is a renowned conductor, as well as a professional bassoonist. Mr. McKay was the Chair of the Depar tment of Music Performance Studies in the Don Wright Faculty of Music at the University of Western Ontario. He has been music director o f t h e H a m i l t o n Symphony for the past 17 years.

The first performance of the Wayside Choir singing for Mass at St. Mary's Church in Campbellford was a

wonderful experience. The choir performed brilliantly after only three weeks of rehearsals! I am sure that the Holy Spirit was with us on that Sunday as He was with me when I first encountered the Wayside choir last spring. I was introduced to Mr. Parker on another occasion and having learned that I was a retired professor of music and an administrator for 40 years at York and Western universities, Mr. Parker asked me if I could assist the choir at Wayside. I agreed to attend a choir rehearsal last May where I intended simply to listen. Immediately their spirit captured mine! I know of no other non-choir school that has the entire student body from Grades 1 to 12 performing sacred music as a choir once a week! I consider myself most fortunate to be with you for the

greater glory of praising the Lord with music!

Professor Jim McKay Sacred Music Director

Miss Dudman has a m a s t e r d e g r e e i n European Archaeology ( O x f o r d U n i v e r s i t y , U K ) , a s w e l l a s a ba c he l o r deg ree i n e d u c a t i o n ( T r e n t Universi ty). She also brings a passion and t a l en t i n t he v i s ua l arts.

Having the flexibility to e x p l o r e t e a c h a b l e

moments as they occur and to fully integrate our students’ studies across subject areas are just a few of the many and exceptional benefits of

t each ing t he C lass i ca l cu r r i cu lum here a t Wayside. Every day I spend with the students, my co l leagues , and members o f t he Ways ide communi ty, I learn valuable lessons about teaching, about people, and about what it means to live life in a manner that truly celebrates our Faith and the greatness of Our Heavenly Father.

Needless to say, I look forward to each day at Wayside with enthusiasm and an open heart and mind. It is my hope that this wonderful institution will continue to grow and welcome more students

and their families into our community.

Miss Amy Dudman Grade 7 & 8 Teacher

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M r s . P a r k e r h a s a b a c h e l o r d e g r e e i n science (Trent University) and experience teaching i n t h e U S A a n d homeschooling. She is the creator and author of W a y s i d e ’ s u n i q u e e l e m e n t a r y s c i e n c e curriculum. Carolyn also played a major role in the r e c e n t r e v i e w a n d c o m p i l a t i o n o f o u r curriculum document.

Let me share with you one typical month in our elementary science program. Six Grade 1 & 2 students happily march out the back doors of this humble school, and on into the vegetable gardens. We proceed to dig up a spadeful of soil; we all lie on our stomachs in the sunshine, discuss and draw what we see – rich earth, ivory coloured roots, a few ants, a tiny snail, many earthworm tunnels and, yes, a few earthworms! We collect six worms, and traipse back to the classroom (not forgetting to genuflect as we pass by the chapel). Inside, the students encircle a round table, each with their own juicy earthworm on a pie pan, their nature journal, a pencil and a hand lens. We then

proceed to talk about what we see and feel. There are many expressive outbursts! Even the outbursts verging on disgust are easily turned into “scientific observation” with a little gentle nudging. It is then time to “record” what has been observed into their nature journals. The next day we read a few whimsical stories which “trick” the children into learning about the life of an earthworm. Later, we read a poem or two about the earthworm, and we watch as they tunnel through soil in Mason jars. We share many questions and thoughts about these lowly farmers God has given us.

How, some of you may ask, can this pass as “science”? If one stops to consider what “real” science is all about, in a nut shell it consists primarily of asking, observing, recording, classifying, and experimenting. And, in an age appropriate way, our scientists are subtly learning how to do all these things by ‘messing about’ with God’s creatures - without text books, movies, or smart boards, without fancy equipment, without dull homework or tears – just some dirt, a worm, a hand lens and a few quality pieces of literature…and six (I mean seven) curious minds!

If we do not nurture our children's natural curiosity, wonder and excitement towards God's creation, how can we expect them to become excellent scientists?

And all this to His glory.

Mrs. Carolyn Parker Elementary Science


Academic SuccessesWe celebrate the academic successes of two members of our school. Mr. Will Pemberton, who taught the high school arts at Wayside for many years and now serves on Wayside’s Board of Directors, was recently awarded the most prestigious award for graduating honours students at Trent University: the Symons Medal. Mr. Pemberton has catapulted his academic career into

the renowned Medieval Doctorate program at the University of Toronto. Heather Mason, the first high school graduate from Wayside Academy in 2007, has advanced upon her bachelor degree at Trent University by beginning graduate studies at the prestigious

University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

Introducing our New Staff Cont.

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Why Wayside really went FreeYou may have recently seen Wayside Academy in a variety of national, regional and local media reports as we were noted as being the “second school in Ontario to go WiFi-free.” Regard less , t he rea l s t o r y w i t h Wayside Academy i s n o t t h a t w e d e c i d e d t o eliminate WiFi from our school solely because of the potential health risks, rather our school does not allow students to use any electronic device during school hours. Instead, we focus our pursuits on things that are real: personal contact, engaging in the natural world and delving into excellent literature.

Many of our interviewers were stunned by our approach towards minimizing (but not eliminating) the exposure of our students to the virtual world. As we

look to ourselves a n d t h e w o r l d around us, we can see how easy it is to misuse the virtual world and how this misuse leads to a d isconnect ion –

instead of a connection – with the world and our purpose in it. And as we gaze, day after day, at the joyful faces of the children in the halls of Wayside Academy, we can see that our approach is not leaving

them ‘the worse for wear’!

“we focus our pursuits on things that are real: personal contact, engaging in the natural

world and delving into excellent literature”

24 hour Adoration for Mrs. KaczmarekOn September 28th, due to the worsening c o n d i t i o n o f A n n a Kaczmarek, mother of three Wayside students, the staff and students with the support of Fr. Pilon and other priests decided to undertake a 24 hour Adoration on behalf of the severely ill Mrs. Kaczmarek. High school s tudents and d e v o t e d t e a c h e r s remained at the school and kept vigil through the entire night and into the morning. Parents, friends and volunteers also participated throughout the night. Principal Adam Parker, who was with the Kaczmarek family at the hospital said that when the Adoration began a strong spiritual presence could be felt in the ICU hospital room and that Anna began to warm and regain colour. Prior to this, the doctors had been preparing the family for Anna’s death.

During their time at the school for the vigil, the students were joyful to take part in Adoration and went well

beyond their duty as young Catholics to pray. This is another testimony to the spiritual formation young men and women receive at Wayside Academy.

Mrs. Kaczmarek continues to battle in the Palliative Care ward of the Peterborough Regional Hospital with a cancer that the doctors refer to as ‘terminal’. Five weeks ago, the doctors predicted that Anna had only days, not weeks, to live. Please join us in prayer for Mrs.

Kaczmarek and her most faithful family.

Wayside Academy575 Centre Line, Peterborough, ON K9J 6X5 705.749.3658www.waysideacademy.org

PrincipalAdam Parker

Administrative Asst.Catherine Ward

Biology Field StationDr. David Beresford

Clergy in ServiceFr. Jean-Pierre Pilon Fr. Damian Smullen

FacultyCeara CorkeryMartha MarroccoRosalie VerkinJill VanderhulstAmy DudmanNathan FreemanKrzysztof PodkowaCarolyn ParkerProfessor McKayMary Marrocco

Board of DirectorsMaureen BrandBrian DoucetteDon EllisChristine QuigleyMike WhitfieldWill Pemberton

All Saints’ Day

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Teaching the mind, tending the soul, and deepening the experience of the Good, the True and the Beautiful.

K. — Gr. 12


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