Water-soluble polymers, which perform various usefulWater-soluble polymers, which perform various useful functions such as thickening, gelling, flocculating, rheology modifying and

Post on 25-Mar-2020






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Water-soluble polymers, which perform various useful

functions such as thickening, gelling, flocculating, rheology

modifying and stabilizing in any given application, are used

for a wide variety of applications including food processing,

water treatment, paper, enhanced oil and natural gas

recovery, mineral processing, detergents, textiles, personal

care products, pharmaceuticals, petroleum production, and

surface coatings.

Water-soluble polymers can be categorized into the

following three groups:

• Synthetic, which are produced by the polymerization of monomers

synthesized from petroleum- or natural gas–derived raw materials

• Semisynthetic, which are manufactured by chemical derivatization of

natural organic materials, generally polysaccharides such as cellulose

• Natural, including microbial-, plant- and animal-derived materials


Water-soluble polymers are used primarily to disperse, suspend

(thicken and gel), or stabilize particulate matter. However, they may

perform any of the following functions:



Dispersing, suspending, stabilizing

Film forming


Lubrication and friction reduction

Rheology modification and control

Thickening, gelling


Water soluble polymers cover a wide range of highly varied families

of products of natural or synthetic origin, and have numerous uses. A

water soluble polymer is a polymer that can be diluted in water, with

or without the assistance of co solvents and neutralizing agents, to

form transparent solutions. They may be classified into two types,

totally synthetic polymers and natural products together with their

chemically modified derivatives and further can be grouped into

three main headings; naturally occurring, semi synthetic and

completely synthetic polymers.



The water based polymers are quick drying non inflammable, having

mild odour and more environmentally acceptability than any other

polymers. Most conventional coating polymers at present can be

produced in a form that will allow them to be solubilized in water.

These include alkydes, polyesters, acrylics epoxies. There are various

types of polymerization methods of water soluble polymers such as

bulk polymerization, solution polymerization, copolymerization,

emulsion polymerization and suspension polymerization. Water

soluble polymers are used widely as stabilizers or protective colloids in

emulsion polymerization.

Its most common use are gum acacia, starch either etherified or in

its degraded form, dextrin, polyvinyl alchohol and hydroxyethyl

cellulose. Polymers find many applications in oil recovery and

production, including areas such as; drilling fluids, cementation of

well bore, reservoir fracturing, controlling fluid flow in the reservoir

and multistage processes of oil production and refining. The water

soluble polymers market encompasses several categories, including

starch, cellulose ethers, polyvinylacetate, polyvinyl alcohol and

other synthetic water soluble polymers. The starch market is the




This book basically deals with flow characteristics of water soluble

polymer solutions, emulsion polymerization, water reducible resins,

silicone modified alkyds and polyesters, cross linking of water soluble

coatings, formulation of water soluble coatings, trouble shooting with

water soluble polymers, acrylic solution resins, polyvinylpyrrolidone,

commercial uses: compounding and formulating adhesives, methods

of polymerization, methods for polymerization of acrylamide,

fabrication of water soluble polymers, excluded volume interactions

of neutral polymers etc.


The book covers classification of water soluble

polymers, processes, properties, uses and applications

of water soluble polymers with lot of other

information. This book will be very resourceful for new

entrepreneurs, existing units, technocrats, researchers

and technical libraries.


Continued growth in water-soluble polymers is expected during 2012–

2017. In general, demand for water-soluble polymers is growing at rates

near or slightly higher than the gross domestic product (GDP),

particularly in regions with expanding manufacturing sectors of the


Water treatment dominated the application market and accounted for

more than 20% of the total market in 2012. Detergents & household

products are anticipated to grow at CAGR of 5.6% from 2013 to 2019

owing to increasing penetration of FMCG companies especially in the

high GDP BRICS countries.

Furthermore, the growing shale gas drilling activities is one of the

major factors driving the demand for water soluble polymers in

petroleum applications. Paper making is another key market for

water soluble polymers. Other water soluble polymer applications

include Adhesives, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, textiles etc.



Table of Contents

Cla s s ifica tio n

S y nthe tic Po ly m e rs

Na tura l Pro duc ts a nd the ir De riv a tiv e s

Pro pe rtie s o f Ce llulo s e Ethe rs

De gre e o f Po ly m e riza tio n

De gre e o f S ubs titutio n

Mo la r S ubs titutio n

Applica tio n

Ba s ic Co nce pts o f Rhe o lo gy

Flo w Cha ra c te ris tic s o f Wa te r S o luble Po ly m e r S o lutio ns

Thixo tro py

Us e s

La te x Pa ints

Em uls io n Po ly m e riza tio n

Othe r Applica tio ns


His to ry

Wa te r-s o luble Po ly m e rs

Ma le inize d Dry ing Oils

Alky d Re s ins

Acry lic -m o difie d Wa te r-s o luble A lky ds

Po ly e s te rs

S ilico ne -m o difie d A lky ds a nd Po ly e s te rs

Epo xy Re s ins

Acry lic s

Am ino Re s ins

Othe r Wa te r-s o luble Po ly m e rs

Vis co s ity Cha ra c te ris tic s

Am ine s

Vis co s ity

Dry ing

S ta bility

Glo s s


Fo a m Co ntro l

Co lo ur Re te ntio n

To xo c ity

Va ria tio n o f Am ine Le v e ls

Co s o lv e nts

Co upling Effic ie ncy

Vis co s ity

S ta bility

Dry ing Pro pe rtie s

Fo a m Co ntro l

Drie rs fo r A ir Dry a nd Fo rce Dry S y s te m s

Cro s s -linking o f Wa te r-s o luble Co a tings

Additiv e s fo r Co a tings

Drie rs a nd Drie r Acce le ra to rs

S urfa c ta nts

Flo w Mo difie rs

Thixo tro pe s a nd Thicke ne rs


Vo la tile Additiv e s

Pigm e nts

Fo rm ula tio n o f Wa te r-s o luble Co a tings

S o lubiliza tio n o f Po ly m e rs

Tro uble S ho o ting w ith Wa te r-s o luble Po ly m e rs

Ve hic le S e pa ra tio n

Lo w Opa c ity

Pho to gra phing o f S urfa ce De fe c ts

Vis co s ity Va ria tio ns

Fo a m ing a nd A ir Entra pm e nt

S a gs a nd Runs

Po o r Flo w , Le v e lling a nd Ora nge Pe e l

Lo w Glo s s a nd Mic ro Wrinkle s

Flo o ding a nd Flo a ting

Cra te ring a nd Pinho ling

Pic ture Fra m ing a nd Fa t Edge s

Blis te ring a nd S o lv e nt Po pping


Te rm ino lo gy

Ba ckbo ne Mo no m e rs

S y nthe s is

Additio n Po ly m e riza tio n

Co po ly m e riza tio n

The rm o pla s tic Ac ry lic s

S e le c tio n o f Mo no m e r

S o lutio n Po ly m e riza tio n

Pro pe rtie s a nd End Us e s

The rm o s e tting Acry lic s

S e le c tio n o f Mo no m e r

Cla s s ifica tio n a nd Pro pe rtie s

Acry la m ide Co po ly m e rs

Ac id Co po ly m e rs

Hy dro xy Co po ly m e rs

Curing Re a c tio ns


Aque o us S o lutio n Acry lic s

No n-Aque o us Dis pe rs io ns (NAD)

Intro duc tio n

Che m ica l Na ture

Phy s ica l Pro pe rtie s

Ma nufa c ture

To xico lo gica l Pro pe rtie s

PVP Film s

Co m pa tib ilitie s

Future De v e lo pm e nts

Applica tio n o f PVP

Pha rm a cy

Me dic ine

Be v e ra ge s


Co s m e tics a nd To ile trie s

Te xtile s

Pa pe r

Adhe s iv e s

De te rge nts a nd S o a ps

Po ly m e rs a nd Po ly m e riza tio n

Agricultura l

Pho to gra phy a nd Litho gra phy

Intro duc tio n

Che m ica l Na ture

Phy s ica l Pro pe rtie s

Ma nufa c ture

Bio lo gica l/To xico lo gica l Pro pe rtie s

Rhe o lo gica l Pro pe rtie s

Additiv e s /Exte nde rs


Applica tio ns

Applica tio n Pro ce dure s

Co m m e rc ia l Us e s : Co m po unding a nd fo rm ula ting

Adhe s iv e s

Indus tria l S upplie s

Co ns truc tio ns Pro duc ts

Pa ints a nd Pa int Re m o v e rs

Pha rm a ce utica ls

Printing Pro duc ts

S o a p, De te rge nts , a nd Pe rs o na l Ca re Pro duc ts

Wa te r-S o luble Film s

Co m m e rc ia l Us e s : Pro ce s s ing A ids

Binde r

Co a tings a nd S ize s

Dis pe rs a nt

Flo ccula tio n

Hy dro dy na m ic Dra g Re duc tio n


The rm o pla s tic s Ma nufa c ture s

Thicke ning/Rhe o lo gy Co ntro l

Wa te r Re te ntio n

Indus trie s Us ing Po ly e thy le ne Oxide

Fo rm ula tio ns

Alum inum a nd Me ta l Cle a ne r

Ca la m ine Lo tio n

De nture Fle xa tiv e Po w de r

De te rge nt Ba rs

De te rge nt Liquid

Litho gra phic Pre s s Da m pe ning Fluid

Mic ro Enca ps ula tio n

Pa int a nd Va rnis h Re m o v e r

Thicke ne d Ace tic Ac id

Thicke ne d Hy dro chlo ric Ac id (Muria tric Ac id)

Thicke ne d S ulfuric Ac id


Rubbe r Lubrica nt (Fo r Mo unting o f Tire s )

To o thpa s te s

Acry la m ide

Initia tio n Me tho ds

S ingle Co m po ne nt Initia to rs

Re do x Initia to rs

Me cha nis m o f Initia tio n

De pe nde nce o f Po ly m e riza tio n o n Te m pe ra ture

Pro pa ga tio n a nd Te rm ina tio n

Effe c t o f pH

Effe c t o f Mo no m e r Co nce ntra tio n

Effe c t o f Po ly m e riza tio n Me dium

Ino rga nic S a lts

Effe c t o f S urfa c ta nts

Na ture o f the Te rm ina tio n Pro ce s s


S ubs titute d Acry la m ide s

He a t o f Po ly m e riza tio n

Me tho ds fo r Po ly m e riza tio n o f Acry la m ide

Acry lic a nd Me tha cry lic Ac ids

Effe c t o f pH

Effe c t o f Po ly m e riza tio n Me dium

N-v iny l Py rro lido ne (NVP)

Othe r Wa te r S o luble Po ly m e rs

Viny l A lky l Ethe rs

Ethy le ne Oxide (Cy c lic Ethe r)

Ethy le ne Im ine

Co nc lus io ns

Cro s s -Linking w ith Func tio na l Gro ups

Cro s s -Linking by Hy dro ge n Bo nding


Effe c ts o f Cro s s -Linking o n the Phy s ica l Pro pe rtie s o f

Po ly m e rs

Princ ipa l Ty pe s o f Wa te r-s o luble Po ly m e rs

De te rm ina tio n o f Cro s s -linking De ns ity

Che m ica l Re a c tio ns o f Wa te r S o luble Po ly m e rs

Re a c tio ns o f Ce llulo s e a nd S ta rch

S truc ture a nd Cro s s -Linking Re a c tio ns o f Pro te ins

Cro s s -Linking Re a c tio ns Inv o lv ing Me ta l Io ns

Extrus io n

Mo lding

Ca le nde ring

The rm o fo rm ing

Bo nding

Fo a m s

Pla s tis o l Pro ce s s ing


Co m po und Ingre die nts

Pla s tic ize d Po ly (v iny l Chlo ride )

Pla s tis o ls

Te chnique s

Bulk Po ly m e riza tio n

Effe c t o f Oxy ge n

S o lutio n Po ly m e riza tio n

Cha in Tra ns fe r a nd Mo le cula r-We ight Co ntro l

Co po ly m e riza tio n

Indus tria l Ma nufa c ture

Em uls io n Po ly m e riza tio n

S us pe ns io n Po ly m e riza tio n

S o lutio n a nd Bulk Po ly m e riza tio n


S truc ture

Pro pe rty Va lue s

Te s ting

S pe c ifica tio ns

De gra da tio n a nd S ta biliza tio n

Expe rim e nta l Te chnique s

The o ry

Co m pa ris o n w ith Aque o us S o lutio ns

Po s s ib le Re a s o ns fo r the De v ia tio ns

The Hy dro pho bic Inte ra c tio n

Ev ide nce fo r Hy dro pho bic Inte ra c tio n fo r Po ly o xy e thy le ne

S o lutio ns

Aggre ga tio n

Co nfo rm a tio n


Mo la r Ma s s a nd Its Dis tributio n

Pre pa ra tiv e Fra c tio na tio n

Mo la r Ma s s Me a s ure m e nt

Re fe re nce Me tho ds

S o lutio n Vis co s ity

Ana ly tica l S ize -e xc lus io n Chro m a to gra phy

Cha ra c te riza tio n o f Po ly a c ry la m ide

S co pe a nd Cla s s ifica tio n

The rm o dy na m ic Fo rm a lis m

Expe rim e nta l Da ta

Hy dro pho bic Effe c ts

Co nce ntra te d S o lutio ns

No n-Equilibriuy Be ha v io ur: Bo und a nd Unfre e za ble

Wa te r


Tim e De pe nde nt Pro pe rtie s

Co nc lus io ns

The Phe no m e no lo gica l Appro a ch

The The o re tica l Appro a ch

Inte ra c tio n o f Po ly m e rs w ith Wa te r

(i) Hy dro pho bic Inte ra c tio ns

(ii) Hy dro philic Inte ra c tio ns

Inte ra c tio n w ith Io ns

Inte ra c tio n w ith S urfa c ta nts

Ge ne ra l The rm o dy na m ic Re la tio ns hips


Expre s s io n o f Che m ica l Po te ntia ls in Te rm s o f

Co m po s itio n

Bina ry (One -S o lute ) a nd Te rna ry (Tw o -S o lute ) S y s te m s

Co ns e que nce s o f No n-Ide a lity

Exc lude d-Vo lum e Inte ra c tio n o f Po ly m e rs

Appro xim a te Expre s s io n o f Av a ila b le Vo lum e

Effe c t o f Co nce ntra tio n o n the Co nfigura tio n o f Cha in -

Po ly m e rs

S o m e Expe rim e nta l Exa m ple s

The o re tica l Pre dic tio ns

Expe rim e nta l Me tho ds

(a ) Ma cro s co pic Inte rfa ce s

(b) Pa rticula te Dis pe rs io ns

Expe rim e nta l Re s ults

Ge ne ra l

Film S o lubility a nd S w e lling in Wa te r

S o lubility in Orga nic S o lv e nts

Pro pe rtie s o f Po ly v iny l A lco ho l Film s

Ge lling a nd Pre c ip ita tio n o f Po ly v iny l A lco ho l

Co nc lus io n

The Attra c tiv e Inte ra c tio n

Ge ne ra l Me tho ds fo r Im pa rting Co llo id S ta bility

S te ric S ta biliza tio n

The Phe no m e no lo gy o f Flo ccula tio n

Inde ntifica tio n o f the Critica l Flo ccula tio n Po int

No te s o n the The ta -po int

Cla s s ifica tio n o f S te rica lly S ta bilize d Dis pe rs io ns

The Unim po rta nce o f Dis pe rs io n Fo rce s in Inc ip ie nt

Flo ccula tio n


Qua lita tiv e Dis cus s io n o f the Origins o f S te ric

S ta biliza tio n

No n-Aque o us (a nd s o m e a que o us ) Dis pe rs io ns

Aque o us Dis pe rs io ns

Qua ntita tiv e Ca lcula tio n o f Re puls iv e Po te ntia l Ene rgy

Enha nce d S te ric S ta biliza tio n

Ela s tic S te ric S ta biliza tio n in Po ly m e r Me lts

He te ro s te ric S ta biliza tio n

De ple tio n S ta biliza tio n

S che m a tic Re pre s e nta tio n o f the Effe c ts o f Ide a lize d

High Mo le cula r We ight Po ly m e r

Ads o rptio n Be ha v io ur o f Wa te r-S o luble Po ly m e rs

a . Ads o rptio n o n Mo de l TM Po ly m e r Dis pe rs io ns

b. Ads o rptio n o n Ino rga nic Dis pe rs io ns

c . Effe c t o f Lo w Mo le cula r We ight S urfa c ta nts o n

Ads o rptio n


Inte ra c tio ns o f Wa te r-S o luble Po ly m e rs w ith S urfa c ta nts

Effe c ts o f Wa te r-S o luble Po ly m e rs Adde d to Dis pe rs io ns

Wa te r-S o luble Po ly m e rs a s S ta bilize rs in Dis pe rs io n

Po ly m e riza tio n

a . Te chno lo gica l As pe c ts

b. The Func tio n o f WS Ps in Po ly m e riz ing Dis pe rs io ns

Na ture o f Po ly m e ric Flo ccula nts

Bridging Flo ccula tio n

Ads o rptio n Me cha nis m s

Flo ccula tio n by Bridging

Kine tic As pe c ts o f Bridging Flo ccula tio n

Cha rge Ne utra liza tio n

Co nc lus io n


S truc ture o f S y nthe tic Hy dro ge ls

Pre pa ra tio n

S w e lling o f Ge ls

S urfa ce Pro pe rtie s

Inte rpre ta tio n o f Re s ults

Co nce ntra te d S o lutio ns

Po ly m e r Ne tw o rks

S urfa ce a nd Inte rfa c ia l Rhe o lo gica l Be ha v io ur

Ty pe s o f Wa te r-S o luble Po ly m e rs


Te chno lo gica l As pe c ts

S c ie ntific As pe c ts

Inte ra c tio n Fo rce s

Ope ra tio ns Em plo y ing Po ly m e rs

Drilling Fluids

Ce m e nting Fluids

Fra c turing Fluids

Mo bility Co ntro l fo r Wa te r Flo o d Re co v e ry

Po ly m e rs Em plo y e d in Re s e rv o ir Pre pa ra tio n a nd Oil

Re co v e ry

Ce llulo s e De riv a tiv e s

Na tura lly Occurring Gum s a nd the ir De riv a tiv e s

S ta rch a nd Its De riv a tiv e s

Acry la m ide Po ly m e rs

Oil Pro duc tio n Po ly m e rs

S ca le Fo rm a tio n


Co rro s io n Inhibito rs

De m uls ifie rs

Po ly m e rs Us e d The ra pe utica lly /Pro phy la c tica lly

Bio m e dica l/Pro s the tic Us e s

Pha rm a ce utica l Applica tio ns

Pro ce s s ing a nd Fo rm ula tio n A ids ; Dis inte gra nts

Ta ble t Co a ting

Micro e nca ps ula tio n

S us ta ine d Drug De liv e ry

De gra da tio n

Dis inte gra tio n a nd Dis s o lutio n o f Po ly m e rs

Diffus io n

Drug Co m ple xing Age nts

S ta biliza tio n o f Dis pe rs io ns /Co ntro lle d Flo ccula tio n

Co nc lus io n


His to rica l Cha nge s in De m a nd

S e le c tio n o f Ra w Ma te ria ls

Mo no m e rs

Ra nge o f Pro duc ts

Re s in Em uls io ns : The rm o pla s tic Ty pe

Po ly v iny l Ace ta te Em uls io ns

Viny l Ace ta te - Acry lic Co po ly m e rs

S ty re ne Acry lic Co po ly m e r Em uls io ns

Viny l Ace ta te - Ve o v a Co po ly m e rs

Acry lic Em uls io ns

Film Fo rm ing Me cha nis m

Intro duc tio n


(1 ) De finitio n

(2 ) Dis pe rs io n Be ha v io ur

(3 ) Film Fo rm a tio n

Che m ica l Cla s s ifica tio n

(1 ) Anio nic

(2 ) Ca tio nic

(3 ) No nio nic

Pre pa ra tio n Pro ce dure s

(1 ) Ace to ne Pro ce s s

(2 ) Pre po ly m e r Mixing Pro ce s s

(3 ) Ho t-Me lt Pro ce s s

(4 ) Ke ta m ine /Ke ta z ine Pro ce s s

(5 ) S e lf-Dis pe rs ing o f S o lids


Che m ica l Cro s s linking

(1 ) Blo cke d Is o cy a na te s

(2 ) Ra dia tio n Induce d Cro s s linking

(3 ) Cro s s linking w ith Me la m ine /Fo rm a lde hy de Re s in

(4 ) Az irid ine s

(5 ) Zirco nium Co m po unds

Fa c to rs Influe nc ing Pe rfo rm a nce

(1 ) Ty pe o f Po ly o ls

(2 ) Ty pe o f Is o cy a na te s

(3 ) NCO/OH Ra tio

(4 ) Effe c t o f Pe nda nt Func tio na lity

(5 ) Effe c t o f Ca ta ly s ts

(6 ) Pa rtic le S ize

(7 ) Gla s s Tra ns itio n Te m pe ra ture (Tg)

(8 ) Mo le cula r We ight

(9 ) Inte rm o le cula r Fo rce s

(1 0 ) Cro s s linking De ns ity


Re ce nt Adv a nce s

(1 ) Im pro v e m e nt in S to ra ge S ta bility

(2 ) Im pro v e m e m t in Wa te r a nd Che m ica l Re s is ta nce

(3 ) Im pro v e m e nt in Me cha nica l Pro pe rtie s

(4 ) lm pro v e m e nt in Othe r Im po rta nt Pro pe rtie s

Co m bina tio n o f PUD w ith a c ry lic s

Cha ra c te ris a tio n o f Aque o us PUDs

(1 ) Abra s io n Re s is ta nce

(2 ) S o lv e nt Re s is ta nce

(3 ) The rm a l Ana ly s is

(4 ) Fo urie r Tra ns fo rm - Infra Re d S pe c tro s co py (FT-IR)

Applica tio ns

The Future

Ackno w le dgm e nt


Intro duc tio n

Fo rm ula ting Princ ip le s

Pigm e nts

Additiv e s

Binde rs

Acry lic s /Viny ls /Viny l-Acry lic Em uls io ns

Po ly ure tha ne Dis pe rs io ns

Cro s s Linking

Epo xy Dis pe rs io ns

Mis ce lla ne o us S y s te m s

Co nc lus io n



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Sectors We Cover Cont…

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o Printing Inks

o Packaging Based Projects

o Perfumes, Cosmetics And Flavours

o Power Generation Based Projects & Renewable Energy Based Projects

o Pharmaceuticals And Drugs

o Plantations, Farming And Cultivations

o Plastic Film, Plastic Waste And Plastic Compounds

o Plastic, PVC, PET, HDPE, LDPE Etc.


Sectors We Cover Cont…

o Potato And Potato Based Projects

o Printing And Packaging

o Real Estate, Leisure And Hospitality

o Rubber And Rubber Products

o Soaps And Detergents

o Stationary Products

o Spices And Snacks Food

o Steel & Steel Products

o Textile Auxiliary And Chemicals


Sectors We Cover Cont…

o Township & Residential Complex

o Textiles And Readymade Garments

o Waste Management & Recycling

o Wood & Wood Products

o Water Industry(Packaged Drinking Water & Mineral


o Wire & Cable


Contact us

Niir Project Consultancy Services

106-E, Kamla Nagar, New Delhi-110007, India.

Email: npcs.ei@gmail.com , info@entrepreneurindia.co

Tel: +91-11-23843955, 23845654, 23845886

Mobile: +91-9811043595

Fax: +91-11-23841561

Website :






www.niir.org www.entrepreneurindia.co

For more information,

visit us at: www.entrepreneurindia.co

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