Washoe County Department of Social Services

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Washoe County Department of Social Services

“Placing our Children’s Safety First”



This guide is designed to give you general information regarding Child Protective Services (CPS) and the court process as it relates to cases where children have been placed into protective custody. It is important for you to understand the process so you can fully participate with CPS to achieve a safe and permanent home for your child. If you have specific questions about your case, you can talk to the CPS social worker assigned to you, his supervisor, and/or your lawyer. This handbook provides general information about your rights and responsibilities. It is NOT intended as a substitute for legal advice. Social workers cannot provide you legal advice or counsel.

CONTENTS Page1. What is Child Protective Services? 1

2. How did CPS hear about me? 1

3. What is child abuse and neglect? 1

4. Is discipline considered abuse? 2

5. What happens during a CPS investigation? 2

6. Do I have to let the CPS social worker in my home? 3

7. What information am I entitled to during the investigation? 3

8. What are the possible outcomes of a CPS investigation? 3

9. Can I appeal the outcome of the CPS investigation? 3

10. What is a safety plan? 3

11. What is a case plan? 4

12. What happens if my child is placed into protective custody? 4

13. Can I visit my child if he or she is in protective custody? 5

14. When & where can I get a lawyer? 5

15. What is a protective custody hearing? 6

16. What happens if my child is not returned after the Protective Custody Hearing? 6

17. What is concurrent planning? 8

18. How do I get my child back? 9

19. How much time do I have to get my child back? 9

20. What is a Termination of Parental Rights Hearing? 9

21. Are you of Native American descent? 7

22. What can I do if I disagree with my CPS social worker? 7

23. What is a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)? 7

24. Overview of WCDSS/Court Process 11

25. WCDSS office location and phone numbers

Resources and contact information



Washoe County Department of Social Services (also called Child Protective Services, CPS or Social Services) is required by Nevada law to investigate reports of suspected child abuse and neglect. The goal of CPS is to protect children from harm, or risk of harm, and to make sure that children live in safe homes. The actions taken by Social Services are determined by each family’s situation. Washoe County Department of Social Services must make efforts to help families overcome problems while the children remain in the home, but sometimes children must be removed from their homes to ensure their safety. If children are removed from their homes, parents will be asked to participate in a case plan to fix the problems that make it unsafe for children. If the parents are unable to overcome the problems, the law requires CPS to find another permanent home for the child or the children. A permanent home is arranged through guardianship or adoption with a relative, friend, foster parent or an approved adoptive parent.

Any legal action taken by Social Services takes place in Family Court as a civil matter, not a criminal matter. The police may investigate child abuse and neglect, but it is a separate process from a CPS investigation. The police and the criminal division of the District Attorney’s Office make the decision to arrest or file criminal charges, not Social Services. The child welfare system is very complicated. Keep asking questions of your social worker and attorney. Additional resources are located at the end of this pamphlet.


Any person who believes a child is being abused or neglected may make a report to CPS or the police. Additionally, Nevada law requires certain people to make reports of

suspected child abuse or neglect. Some mandated reporters are doctors, dentists, nurses, hospital personnel, daycare providers, clergy, social workers, teachers and counselors. Mandated reporters can be charged with a misdemeanor if they fail to report suspected child abuse or neglect.


WHAT IS CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT? Chapter 432B of the Nevada Revised Statutes defines several types of child abuse and neglect:

Physical Injury (NRS 432B.090): A non-accidental injury to a child including bruises, cuts, bite marks, burns and broken bones. An injury is non-accidental if it is reasonably foreseeable, even though it was not intended.

Mental Injury (NRS 432B.070): An injury to a child’s intellectual, psychological or emotional condition causing impairment of a child’s normal range of performance or behavior.

Sexual Abuse or Exploitation (NRS 432B.100 & 432B.110): Any sexual activity with a child, including fondling and lewdness, or encouraging or allowing a child to view pornographic material or engage in prostitution or pornography.

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Negligent Treatment or Maltreatment (NRS 432B.140): Abandonment or failure to provide a child with proper care, control or supervision, food, education, shelter, medical care or other care a child needs for his well being. This could include not having a safe home or leaving a young child alone or with someone who cannot or does not properly care for a child. Using or being under the influence of drugs in the presence of the child or while caring for children may be considered neglect.


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Reasonable discipline is not considered abuse or neglect. In determining what is reasonable, many factors must be considered, such as:

• The child’s age; • The child’s physical or psychological

conditions or disabilities; • The frequency and duration of the

discipline; • The location of the physical discipline

(buttocks vs. face); • The use of an instrument (belt, cord,

whip etc.); and • The results of the discipline (Was there

an injury?)

Nevada law allows a parent or guardian to “spank” his or her child as a form of discipline. If an injury or bruise is left as a result of the “spanking” the discipline may be considered unreasonable.

A parent or guardian is responsible for the abuse or neglect of a child if he or she causes or allows the abuse or neglect.


CPS must investigate reports of alleged child abuse or neglect. The allegations and the child’s age are factors that determine how quickly an investigation is started.

The social worker gathers information regarding the alleged abuse or neglect by interviewing the child, the child’s caretaker, siblings, the parent(s) or guardian(s) and others who may have information about the family’s situation. The social worker may also gather information from other sources, such as other CPS agencies, law enforcement, medical and school personnel. Based upon the facts of the case, a decision is made about the child’s safety and the level of intervention required. If the child’s safety is in danger, the child may be placed into protective custody. If the child’s safety is not in danger but there is need for services, the social worker may offer services to the family while leaving the child with the parents or guardians. Nevada law allows a CPS social worker to interview a child about allegations of abuse or neglect without the permission and outside the presence of the parent or guardian.

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You are not required to let the CPS social worker into your home or answer questions. But because Nevada law requires social services to investigate allegations of abuse and/or neglect, the CPS social worker may request that the police obtain a search warrant to enter your home to check on your child.


Nevada Revised Statutes 432B.290

During your initial contact with Social Services, the CPS social worker will tell you the allegations made against you. You will also be provided a copy of this booklet, which outlines the CPS process. Specific legal questions should be directed to your attorney as the social worker cannot provide legal advice. Upon your request, Social Services will provide you with a written summary of the allegations made against you. Social Services will not and cannot release the name of the reporting party. Additionally, upon your request, you are entitled to a copy of any written or recorded statement made by you regarding the allegations of abuse or neglect.



After the investigation is complete, CPS must determine if abuse or neglect occurred and how to address the problem. Here are the possibilities:

• CPS may decide that abuse or neglect

has not occurred (“unsubstantiated”). The case may be closed without further intervention.

• CPS may decide that abuse or neglect has not occurred (“unsubstantiated”), but the family is in need of services. With parent approval, the case is kept open for voluntary services.

• CPS may decide that abuse or neglect occurred (“substantiated”). Several things can happen depending on the child’s safety:

If the child can remain safely in the

home without court involvement, the parent(s) or guardian(s) will be asked to participate in a case plan or a safety plan.

If the child’s safety requires

immediate action and court involvement, CPS will place your child into protective custody. The parent(s) or guardian(s) will be required to participate in a case plan, unless the Court orders that CPS does not have to offer services to the parent(s) or guardian(s).


Yes. At the conclusion of each investigation, you will be sent a letter telling you the outcome of the investigation. You may appeal the outcome by following the directions in this letter.


A safety plan may be developed with you and your family to keep your child safely in your home. A safety plan differs from a case plan in that it is short-term and does not include traditional treatment (therapy). Safety plans immediately make changes in the household making it safe for the child to remain home instead of being placed into foster care. For example, the parents work full-time but do not have day care. The CPS worker will attempt to develop a safety plan with the parents so the children are not left alone while the parents work. Each family is different; not every family needs or will benefit from a safety plan. Some families will have a case plan without ever having a safety plan. Some families will have a safety

plan and a case plan. Some families will not have a case plan or a safety plan and the case will be closed. A safety plan is an agreement between you and Social Services to keep your child safe. You must follow the terms of the agreement or your child may be removed from your home and placed into protective custody.

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All families receiving services from CPS must have case plans. Case plans are sometimes referred to as “service plans” or “permanency plans”. You should be involved in writing your case plan; older children should be involved, too. You may also include anyone else you feel is important to your family’s success such as a relative, a church member, a counselor, a family friend or your attorney. A case plan is designed to keep everyone focused on the services necessary to keep your child safe. The case plan should include the following:

• The reason your family is involved with CPS;

• The goals for you and your child; • The strengths and needs of you and

your child; • The activities you, Social Services and

your team will be responsible for completing; and

• The amount of time each person will have to complete their assigned task.

If your child has not been removed from your home, you may be asked to complete a case plan to help your child remain safely at home. If your child has been removed from your

home, the case plan will tell you why he was removed and what needs to happen in order for him to return home. A case plan is a “working document” that changes during your involvement with Social Services. If the court is involved, the court will review your case plan and any changes. You should be aware that the court might order you to do additional things that are not listed in the case plan. A case plan can be changed as many times as necessary but must be reviewed at least every six (6) months. No changes should occur in your case plan without your knowledge. Talk to your worker if you think your case plan should be reviewed. You will be given a copy of your case plan. A case plan is an agreement between you and Social Services. When you sign the case plan, it means that you agree to do what is being asked of you. If you don’t agree with it or part of it, tell your social worker before signing the case plan. You may come up with a solution to your concern. If not, you can sign the parts of the case plan you do agree with and then discuss your concerns regarding the rest of your case plan with your attorney or the judge at your next hearing. WHAT HAPPENS IF MY CHILD IS PLACED


A CPS social worker or police officer can place a child into protective custody if he or she believes immediate action is needed to protect a child from abuse or neglect. You will receive written notice listing the date, time and place for the Protective Custody Hearing. Nevada law requires a hearing be held within 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) after a child has been placed into protective custody.

A child taken into protective custody must be placed into an emergency shelter, a licensed

foster home or with a suitable relative. In determining a relative’s suitability, Social Services considers the condition of the relative’s home, criminal background, history of abuse or neglect, substance abuse history, ability and willingness to protect the child from the parent (or guardian) and cooperation with the case plan developed by the social worker and the family. It is important for you to provide information about your relatives early in your case so that the relative’s suitability can be evaluated. If it is determined that the child will be safe while living with your relative, placement will be made. Relatives must follow the guidelines provided by the social worker and the judge. If not, your child may be removed from the relative’s home and placed into a licensed foster home or facility. When a relative lives in a different state, social services in their state will make the decision about whether their home will be safe for your child by completing a home study.

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PROTECTIVE CUSTODY? Yes! You and your social worker should develop a visitation plan, which outlines the days, times and locations for visitation. Depending on the circumstances of your case, visits may be supervised. Visits will be denied only when the child’s safety is in jeopardy. The court will also review visitation plans and either approve or deny them.

Keep in mind that visitation is a time to visit with your child, not to discuss issues in your case with your child or social worker. Frequent visits are important to you and your child. Your child needs you to be involved in his or her life! It is important that you show up for the visits and that you are on time. Children are confused, angry and hurt when their parents do not attend visits.

WHEN & WHERE CAN I GET A LAWYER? Although the court will not provide a public defender for the Protective Custody Hearing, you have the right to hire an attorney. You may ask the judge for a continuance of the Protective Custody Hearing so you can hire a lawyer. You can find a lawyer in the telephone book or by calling the lawyer referral service of the State Bar of Nevada at 1-800-789-5747. If your case is not resolved at the Protective Custody Hearing, you may apply for a public defender. Following the Protective Custody Hearing, you will be served with a legal document called a Petition for Hearing and an Application for Appointment of Public Defender. You must complete the application and return it to the court immediately. If you qualify for a public defender, the court will send you an Order Appointing Public Defender. The Public Defender’s office will contact you by mail to arrange a time to meet with you. If you do not qualify for public defender services and want an attorney to represent you at future hearings, you must hire one.

It is important that you tell your social worker and attorney of address and telephone number changes.

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Nevada Revised Statutes 432B.470 During the Protective Custody Hearing, the social worker explains to the judge why your child was placed into protective custody. The social worker will also give the judge relevant information learned during the investigation. You are then given a chance to talk to the judge. Based on the facts, the judge decides if your child will remain in protective custody or be released to you.

If the judge decides that your child should remain in protective custody, the judge will issue a Protective Custody Order. Protective Custody Orders last for only ten (10) days. If the problems are fixed during these ten (10) days, Social Services may return your child to your custody. If it is necessary to keep custody of your child for more than ten (10) days, then Social Services must file a legal document called a Petition for Hearing in Family Court. During this time, Social Services will continue to work with you to solve the problems that caused the abuse or neglect. Your child will live with a foster family or with a suitable relative, or, in some cases, with you. You must get permission from Social Services before you travel out of the area or allow new people to move into your home if your child is living with you while Social Services has custody of your child.

Social Services has the responsibility to make sure that your child is safe and receives proper care. Your involvement in your child’s medical, dental and educational care is important. Talk to your social worker about any concerns you have regarding your child’s care.



Adjudicatory Hearing Nevada Revised Statutes 432B.530

If Social Services believes your child is in need of protection and that court involvement is necessary, Social Services will file a legal document called a Petition for Hearing. You will be served with the Petition for Hearing and an Order Upon Petition. The Order Upon Petition provides the date and time for the next hearing. This hearing is called the Adjudicatory Hearing.

The Petition for Hearing lists the reasons why Social Services thinks your child is in need of protection. At the Adjudicatory Hearing you will be asked to do one of the following:

(1) Admit that all or some of the allegations are true; or

(2) Choose not to comment; or (3) Deny the allegations and ask for an

Evidentiary Hearing (a trial).

If you admit that the allegations are true or choose not to comment, the judge will decide if your child has been abused or neglected.

If you deny the allegations in the Petition for Hearing and request an Evidentiary Hearing (a trial), a new court date is set.

Evidentiary Hearing

Prior to the Evidentiary Hearing, the court may hold a Settlement Conference. The goal of a Settlement Conference is to solve disagreements without going to trial. If an agreement cannot be reached at the Settlement Conference, the case will proceed to the Evidentiary Hearing. During the Evidentiary Hearing, Social Services will present evidence and witnesses in support of the allegations in the Petition for Hearing. You have the right to question the witnesses and the evidence. You may also present your own evidence and witnesses. Social Services must prove the allegations by a “preponderance of evidence.” This means that it is more likely that the allegations are true than not true.

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At the end of the hearing, the judge decides whether abuse or neglect has occurred and if your child is in need of protection. The judge then proceeds to the dispositional portion of the hearing.

Dispositional Hearing Nevada Revised Statutes 432B.530

This hearing is usually held two to three weeks after the Adjudicatory Hearing or Evidentiary Hearing. The social worker writes a court report detailing the condition of your home, your child’s progress in school, the mental, physical and social background of your family, and the progress made on the case plan (see How do I get my child back?). The report also makes recommendations for services and activities to ensure your child’s safety.

You will be provided a copy of the court report prior to the hearing. Talk to your social worker about any concerns you have about the report. You may also talk to the judge about your concerns during the hearing.

During the hearing, the judge will give you a chance to discuss any issues you believe are important. At the end of the hearing, the judge decides where your child will live and what you and Social Services must do to reach the case plan goal.

If your child is placed in emergency shelter or foster care, you will be ordered to pay child support. Talk to your attorney or the judge if you feel that repaying those costs will interfere with your ability to provide an adequate and safe home for your child.

Multidisciplinary Team Meeting (MDT)

About three months after the Protective Custody Hearing, a MDT is held between you, your social worker, a deputy district attorney, your attorney, your child (if age appropriate) and the foster family or relative placement of your child. Ask your social worker to invite others you think are important to your family’s success. The MDT is a chance to review your case plan and the progress made on the case plan. It is also a time to let everyone know what is helpful to your family’s success. It is important for you to attend this meeting because it replaces a formal court hearing.

Review Hearing Nevada Revised Statutes 432B.580

The court reviews the progress of your case six months after your child is removed from your home. Your social worker sends an updated report to the judge describing the progress made on your case plan. You will receive a copy of the report prior to the hearing. Again, discuss any concerns about the report with the social worker. You may also raise your concerns with the judge during the hearing.

At the end of the hearing the judge will decide if it is safe to return your child to your home. If the judge does not feel it is safe to return your child home, you and Social Services will be ordered to keep working on your case plan. If the judge believes your child will be safe returning to your home, the judge may order your child home. Custody of your child may or may not be returned to you depending on your family situation.

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Permanency Hearing Nevada Revised Statutes 432B.590

Federal and state laws require Social Services to find a safe, appropriate and permanent home for any child placed into foster care. A Permanency Hearing must be held within 12 months after a child is removed from his or her home. At this hearing, the court orders a permanent plan for your child. The permanent plan depends on the facts of each case.

A permanent plan is one of the following:

• Reunification with the parent or

guardian; • Adoption; • Permanent guardianship; or • Permanent custody of the child with a

fit and willing relative; or • Another planned living arrangement.

Sometimes the judge will order a concurrent plan (see “What is Concurrent Planning?”). If the court orders an adoption plan for your child, Social Services must petition the court for a hearing to terminate your parental rights. You must show significant progress on your case plan prior to the permanency hearing or the judge may choose a different permanent plan (other than reunification) for your child such as guardianship or adoption.


Concurrent planning reduces the number of moves and amount of time a child spends in foster care. Concurrent planning means that two different goals will be identified and worked on at the same time. For example, one plan is to have your child returned home (also known as “reunification”) while the back-up plan is for the child to live in another home (through guardianship or adoption) in case the child cannot return to your care. The decision to use concurrent planning is based on many factors including: the age of your child, previous CPS history, and the length of time your child has been out of your home as well as your willingness and ability to make the changes necessary to provide a safe home. Not every family is involved in concurrent planning. It just depends on your family situation.

If concurrent planning will happen with your family, it will be discussed with you and be included in your case plan.

HOW DO I GET MY CHILD BACK? Unless the court orders differently, the goal of Social Services is to reunify you and your child. Prior to the Adjudicatory Hearing, you will be assigned a permanency social worker. This new social worker and the assessment social worker will develop a case plan with you. The case plan identifies what you and Social Services must do to provide a safe environment for your child. It is important for you to take an active role in creating your case plan. It is important for you to maintain contact with your social worker because your permanency social worker will assist you in achieving your case plan goals.

Your participation in the services identified by safety plans, case plans and court orders is how you show that it is safe and appropriate to have your child returned to your care. (See “What is a Case Plan?” and “What is a Safety Plan?” for more information.) In order to reunify with your child, you must make significant progress on the case plan prior to the permanency hearing.

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Federal and state laws require Social Services to find a safe, appropriate and permanent home for a child who is in foster care. The court decides if a child will be returned to the

parent or placed for adoption, permanent guardianship or permanent custody with a relative within 12 months after the child is placed into protective custody. There is a presumption that parental rights should be terminated and the child placed for adoption if the child that has been in foster care for 14 out of any 20 consecutive months. Because of time limits, it is very important for you to:

• Maintain contact with your social worker;

• Develop a case plan; • Participate in services; and • Show the court that you have made

substantial progress in your case plan to ensure that it is safe and appropriate to return your child home.



Parents whose children are in the custody of Social Services still have their parental rights. Parents are entitled to information about their child’s medical, emotional and scholastic needs and achievement. Unless safety is a concern, parents should participate in school meetings and attend their child’s medical, dental and therapy appointments. The purpose of a Termination of Parental Rights Hearing is to decide if parental rights to a child should end. In Nevada, Social Services must file a Termination of Parental Rights Petition if a child has been in foster care 14 of any 20 consecutive months. By terminating parental rights, a child may be placed with another family for adoption. There are some exceptions to filing for a Termination of Parental Rights Hearing. If your case is heading for a Termination of Parental Rights Hearing talk to your attorney about your options.


Native American families have additional protections under federal and state law (Nevada Revised Statutes 432B.425). The federal law is called the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). If you or your child is affiliated with any federally recognized Indian tribe, inform your social worker immediately.

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SOCIAL WORKER? Open discussions with your social worker usually solve disagreements. If not, you may contact your social worker’s supervisor. You may also raise concerns with your lawyer and the judge. However, it is best if you attempt to fix the problem with your social worker so you don’t have to wait for a court hearing.


The court may appoint a CASA to your child. CASAs are volunteers from the community. The CASA’s role is to act as an advocate for your child’s best interests and report to the court your child’s progress while in custody of Washoe County Department of Social Services.

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OVERVIEW OF WCDSS/COURT PROCESS 1. CPS receives a report alleging child abuse

or neglect. 2. CPS investigates the allegations. 3. CPS decides what action is needed to

protect the child from abuse or neglect.

4. CPS may close the case, offer services or place the child into protective custody and pursue court involvement.

5. Protective Custody Hearing. This hearing is

held within 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) after a child is placed into protective custody. Parents will receive written notice of the allegations and the date and time and place of the hearing. During the hearing, the judge decides whether or not the child should remain in the custody of Social Services

• If the judge decides that the child

should not remain in protective custody, CPS may offer voluntary services, or close the case

• If the child remains in protective

custody, CPS continues the investigation, and works with the family to fix the problems that make it unsafe for the child to be at home. Then, CPS determines whether further court action is necessary.

CPS may offer a voluntary case

plan if further court action is NOT necessary; or

CPS will file a Petition For Hearing

if further court action is necessary. Parents will be served with the Petition for Hearing and the Order Upon Petition.

6. Adjudicatory Hearing. This hearing is

usually held within 30 days of the child’s removal from the home. The parents may admit, make no comment or deny the allegations in the Petition for Hearing.

• When parents admit to the allegations or choose not to comment, the judge decides if the child has been abused or neglected.

• When parents deny the allegations, the

case is set for an Evidentiary Hearing. Before the Evidentiary Hearing occurs, the court may hold a Settlement Conference.

If the judge determines that the

allegations are not true, the judge returns the child to the parents.

If the judge determines that the

child is a victim of abuse or neglect and in need of protection, the case moves to the Dispositional Hearing.

7. Dispositional Hearing. The court report is

reviewed and everyone gets a chance to talk to the judge. The judge then decides where the child will live and what Social Services and the parents must do to reach the case plan goal.

8. Review Hearing. The court reviews

progress made by the parents and Social Services since the last hearing. If it is safe for the child to return home, the court may dismiss the case. If the family requires more services, another hearing will be scheduled and the child will remain in Social Services’ custody.

9. Permanency Hearing. At this hearing, the

judge must order a permanency plan for a child who has been in foster care for 14 of any 20 consecutive months.

• If the parents have made significant

progress and it is safe for the child to return home, the permanency plan will continue to be reunification.

• If the parents have not made significant

progress and it is not safe for the child to return home, the court will order a permanency plan such as adoption or permanent guardianship.

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350 S. Center Street, Suite 280 Reno, NV 89501

Mailing Address:

Washoe County Department of Social Services P.O. Box 11130

Reno, NV 89520-0027


Administration 785-5641

Child Welfare

Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect/ Investigations

785-8600 Permanency and Adoptions:

337-4400 Voluntary Services/Child Care Services/Foster Care

Licensing and Recruitment 785-5641

Clinical Services


Adult Services Health Care Assistance/General Assistance



Washoe Legal Services

650 Tahoe Street Reno, NV 89509 (775) 329-2727

Fax: (775) 324-5509 Email: info @washoelegalservices.org


Nevada Division of Child and Family Services Systems Advocate 711 E. Fifth Street

Carson City, NV 89701-5092 (775) 684-4456

Washoe County Public Defender

One California Street Reno, NV 89501 (775) 337-4800

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