Washington as President. Five things you don’t know about George Washington.

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Washington as President

Five things you don’t know about George Washington

Five things you don’t know about George Washington

1. Washington was a terrific dancer.

Five things you don’t know about George Washington

2. He was afraid of being buried alive.

Five things you don’t know about George Washington

3. He owned America’s largest whiskey distillery.

Five things you don’t know about George Washington

4. He developed dental problems from cracking walnuts with his teeth.

Five things you don’t know about George Washington

5. His dentures weren’t made of wood.

Chosen by the Electoral College

1. Group selected by the states to elect the president.

Washington’s “precedents”

Washington’s “precedents”

Definition - A precedent is something done for the very first time.

Washington’s “precedents”

1. “Mr. President”

Washington’s “precedents”

1. “Mr. President”

2. Established a cabinet – the heads of various departments who advise the president.

During the summer of 1789 Congress set up three departments in the executive branch of government.




The Department of State was headed by Thomas Jefferson and it dealt with relations with foreign nations.

The Department of Treasury was headed by Alexander Hamilton and it dealt with the nation’s finances.

The Department of War was headed by Henry Knox and it dealt with the protection of the nation.

He also appointed an attorney general,

Edmund Randolph, who would handle the government’s legal affairs. This group of men became known as his cabinet.

Obama's cabinet

Washington’s “precedents”

1. “Mr. President”

2. Established a cabinet – the heads of various departments who advise the president.

3. Organized the Judicial Branch.

Washington’s “precedents”

4. Vetoing bills.

Washington’s “precedents”

4. Vetoing bills.

5. Two terms of office.

Washington’s “precedents”

4. Vetoing bills.

5. Two terms of office.

6. Farewell address – First president to give a “goodbye” speech. He offered advice.

Interesting Facts about George

On his deathbed, Washington instructed his secretary to wait two days before burying him, just to make sure he was really dead. Apparently, Washington wanted to avoid being buried alive, a fate he believed had befallen a number of historical persons.

Interesting Facts about George

George Washington was the only president who did not live in Washington D.C.

George Washington never shook hands with people.

Interesting Facts about George

At age 57, George Washington had all his teeth pulled out.

George’s first set of dentures were made from cow’s teeth.  Later, he had a second pair made of hippopotamus ivory

Interesting Facts about George

George Washington loved horses and was an excellent rider.

According to Newsweek, 14 percent of all pre-school children think George Washington is still sitting in the oval office.

Interesting Facts about George

George Washington is the only one of America’s founding fathers to free his slaves.  He freed all 124 of his slaves in his will, and left enough money in his estate to care for all of them for decades after his death.

Judiciary Act of 1789

Congress Set up the Nation’s Court System by creating a strong and independent national judiciary

Established the Supreme Court and lower federal courts

District courts and courts of appeals

Bill of Rights added in 1791

The people were afraid of a government with too much power so they insisted on adding a Bill of Rights to the constitution.

12 were proposed by congress 10 were ratified by the states

Strengthening the Economy

Owed France and Netherlands for loans during the war

Owed millions of dollars to private citizens - bonds

Hamilton wanted to pay off state debtsSouth didn’t owe as much so they

didn’t think it was fair.

Strengthening the Economy

Compromise – South agreed to pay off state debts, Hamilton agreed to support the moving of the capitol

Hamilton proposed a National Bank– Jefferson and Madison opposed– Washington sided with Hamilton

Strengthening the Economy

Hamilton proposed protective tariffs (tax on imports)– To raise money for the national

government and protect American industry from foreign competition

– South had little industry to protect so they opposed protective tariffs,

Strengthening the Economy

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison opposed most of Hamilton’s ideas

Hamilton (Federalist) – favored merchants, bankers, speculators, stronger government

Jefferson/Madison (Democratic-Republicans) favored farmers and laborers, more limited government

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