Warsaw Agricultural University Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Environmental Restoration

Post on 30-Jan-2016






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Warsaw Agricultural University Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Environmental Restoration Cooperation proposition Prof. Dr. Stefan Ignar. Biebrza National Park. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Warsaw Agricultural University

Department of Hydraulic Engineering and

Environmental Restoration

Cooperation proposition

Prof. Dr. Stefan Ignar

Biebrza National ParkEstablished in 1993, the Biebrza National Park is the largest Polish national park of total area of 59 233 ha. It is located in the Northeast part of Poland and includes 15 547 ha of forests, 18 182 ha of agricultural lands, and 25 494 ha of wetlands - the most valuable habitats of the park - the famous Biebrza marshes. The area of 3 936 ha is under strict protection including the Czerwone Bagno or Red Bog at the Grzędy Forest District. Unique in Europe for its marshes and peatlands, as well as its highly diversified fauna, especially birds- the Park was designated as a wetland site of global significance and is under the protection of the RAMSAR Convention.

DHEER experience1. PIN MATRA 1- Man and nature at Biebrza; integration and

dissemination of knowledge for sustainable nature management- 2001-2004


WAU, IMUZ, BPN, PAŻ, WWF, Alterra, Utrecht University

2. PIN MATRA 2 - Multifunctional use of Polish peatlands –

a chance for preserving biodiversit - 2004-2006


WAU, Utrecht

3. Hydrological changes influence on wetlands ecosystems - Polish-Belgium bilateral project -2002-2004

4. Center of Excellence in wetlands hydrology- WETHYDRO – 5th EU Framework Programme – 2003-2005 The objective of the WETHYDRO project was growth of scientific potential of Department of Hydraulics Engineering and Environmental Restoration (DHEER) through increased international cooperation and expanding its role as the regional centre of excellence in wetland hydrology

Two main subjects are of the scientific research interest of the Centre, namely: hydrological modelling of wetlands and coupling the hydrological knowledge with ecological and management issues

The Centre development was achieved by: staff exchange, networking and training with leading specialists and research centres of EU and NAS countries.

Extensive meadows and pastures:

• 1. Water condition

• 2. Peat-soil conditions

• 3. Conditions for sustainable management

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