
Welcome to the Wallace Legacy. I’ve decided to give up on the Legacy I was doing before. (something I’m really not surprised at), but I want to keep the characters. So, here’s a brand new legacy.

This is our founder Bohemian Rhapsody Wallace, known only as Bo. He is the son of Amaranth and Gwen Wallace. He is also my favorite Sim of all time.

Bo’s family has the tradition of marrying the matchmaker. There’s just one problem…

Bo is pretty darn gay.

So, Bo will not be following the family tradition. Now that introductions are out of the way, this is where Bo will be living. Isn’t it lovely?

“Not really.”

Shut up, Bo.

This is the layout. Like his grandmother Ariadne before him, Bo has a love for a specific color. Ariadne’s was pink. Bo’s, as you can see, is blue.

Quickly changed Bo’s clothes to something more appropriate. I think he looks much better.

“The pants are a little tight.”

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

To get this legacy started, I had Bo call his college sweetheart (he dropped out; can you really say your surprised?) Sullivan. The man

just let himself in. At least he’s making himself at home.

“Hey, Bo, lovin’ the pants.”

See, Bo, see?

“Yeah, shut up.”

“I’m just going to be over here on the computer, okay?”

“Oh, yeah, sure, whatever, I’m just going to eat my sandwich.”

Ah, young love.

After he ate what I’m sure was a very delicious sandwich-

“I love olive loaf.”

Gross. Anyway, I made him ask Sullivan to move in. Sullivan happily agreed.

After Sullivan moved in, the two quickly rekindled their romance.

“I have an odd fascination with your nose. Can I touch it?”

Funny. I say the same thing about Matt Smith.

Yep. Pretty darn gay.

While the two young men were in the throws of unbridled passion, some neighbors arrived the welcome them to the neighborhood. This is Jihoon Hsu, Bo’s uncle. He’s married to Bo’s aunt America.

This is Luna Lovegood. Or Longbottom. She was married to Neville. Actually, she’s been married to Harry Potter, then Neville Longbottom, then had triplets by Harry, and now she’s in a relationship with Ginny Weasley.

Seriously, I should write soap operas.

And this is Amethyst. She’s left over from the other Legacy. She didn’t get her moment to really shine.

Bo and Sullivan paid them little mind.

So little mind that Bo just up and proposed in the middle of them.

“Sully, I need a co-founder. We’re in love. Marry me?”

“Of course I will!”


Well, that was delightfully easy. And very straight-forward.

What would a wedding be without a party? The guest list includes Bo’s parents Amaranth and Gwen, his grandparents Ariadne and Kana, his little half-brother Barracuda, my Simself Jessie, and her daughters Piper, Bo’s best friend, and Isadora, Bo’s half-sister. Whew.

“Amaranth is smokin’!”

Careful, Piper, he’s your half-sister’s father. Plus, he’s already romanced three women.

The two stood at the wedding arch, with Bo being in hilarious formal wear, while the guests took their seats. And while-sigh-Kana and Barracuda played Rock, Paper, Scissors.

“Haha! You lose, sucker!”

Kana, that’s your grandson.

And now for the main event, the “I do”s.

“Sully, this rings legally binds you to this legacy. You can never back out.”

“Whatever you say, darling.”

How romantic.

And the deal was sealed with a kiss. There was applause. Piper couldn’t look.

Cake time!

“Open wide, Sully!”

“No problem, dar-RAGHRGLE!”

“There ya go, sport!”

Called it! I knew he’d be a face stuffer!

“You know, I like older men…”

Piper, no! Amaranth, don’t even start!

“I’d like to toast to my Sully. I couldn’t do this legacy without him.”

“To Sully!”

“Mm, Amaranth is hot.”

Okay, Jessie, one, you only slept with him after your husband died and it resulted in Isadora, two, your husband is alive again, albeit zombified, and three, no.

The party was a success. Bo and Sullivan returned inside for some intimate time.

Also, Bo is very attractive. And, yes, his formal wear is still hilarious.

“Sully wasn’t complaining.”

Sweetie, Sullivan wouldn’t notice if you were wearing a clown suit.

And this legacy is officially on the road!

Joking aside, they really are a lovely couple. Bo is my absolute favorite Sim and he and Sullivan can’t keep their hands off each other. After they have kids, this will probably become annoying, but they are still very cute.

“Hello, world! I have had Woohoo and it is a marvelous thing! I am ready to start the day!”

Bo’s happy.

“I feel funny.”

Too bad that’s about to change.

“Whoa-ho-ho! Must’ve had too many burgers!”

Bo, you’re pregnant.

“Aw, you idiot, guys can’t get pregnant!”

Poor, naïve fool.

“Now that I’ve put on weight, I guess there’s no shame in eating more burgers.”

The baby will like that.

“Guys can’t get pregnant!”

You’re a fool.

The baby bump-

“Weight gain.”

Idiot-didn’t affect Bo and Sullivan’s love life.

“More to love!

That’s the spirit, Sulls.

And this is where we hit a snag. Around this time, Bo was supposed to get his second baby bump. I had hoped this would convince him that I was right. No such luck.

Apparently, there was a glitch, and there was no bump. Now, he’s even more convinced it’s just body fat. Did you hear that sound? That is my head banging against the keyboard.

Idiot though he is, I love it when he plays in the bathtub. He makes the best faces. I love this Sim.

“I’m digging the fat! The fat that is simply fat and nothing more!”

You make me want to make flies devour your flesh. Lucky for you, I won’t, but you’re teetering on the edge.

Because he hasn’t been in this legacy much, this is what Sullivan does. He’s in law enforcement.

He’s just not as interesting as Bo. He’s just here for his genetics.

And as Bo played with his jump rope, no doubt trying to burn off the fat that he is still blissfully unaware that is from a baby, trouble was brewing just a few blocks away, on the property of his childhood home…

“She thinks she can stop me because she cancelled Amaranth’s legacy, but she’s wrong. You’re my last hope, Barry. You need to get close to Bo and gain his trust. Don’t fail me. I won’t raise another failure.”

“I’ll do whatever you want, Mommy! I promise I won’t let you down!”

What exactly does Barracuda’s mother have planned? Who exactly is she? What did she mean by “another failure”? Exactly how clunky was that exposition and why am I asking so many questions I already know the answer to?

On a closer to home note, will Bo finally have his baby? Find out in the next installment of the Wallace Legacy!

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