W SCHEDULE - Amazon S3 · Receipts for Week of January 22, 2017 Budget Offering $7,689.55 Building 970.00 Supper 73.00 Return to Budget 410.00 Total Offering $9,142.55 Receipts for

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state street baptist church

Church Staff

Dr. Chet Andrews Senior Pastor


Rev. Bobby Baston Minister to Youth & Children


Mr. Jed Stevens Worship & Administrative Pastor


Shirley Best Financial Secretary


Terra Kelly Administrative Secretary



SUNDAY 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship 6:00 pm Pastor Visits with the Deacons of the Week

MONDAY 11:00 am Church Staff Meeting

TUESDAY 8:00 am Handy Hands Ministry 10:00 am Pastoral Meeting

WEDNESDAY 7:30 am Flip-It 5:20 pm Family Supper Line Opens 5:45 pm Preschool & Children Choirs 6:00 pm Youth Games / Worship 6:00 pm Adult Prayer Service 6:30 pm Preschool & Children Mission Friends, G.A.’s R.A.’s 6:45 pm Adult Choir Practice


8:30 am Church Office Hours to 12:30 pm

1420 State Street Cayce, SC 29033

Office - 803 796-6123

Website: www.statestreetbaptist.org

Volume 73, No. 2 February 1, 2017



David Herring Baptism 1-1-17

Marilyn Smith Transfer of letter


We are happy to announce that plans are in place

to begin a Bible Study for Women sponsored by

the Grace Sunday School Class entitled

"Redeemed". The Seven Session Study begins on

Sunday, February 12, 2017 at State Street Church!

We will begin at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall

of the church and continue on Sunday nights.

Hope Andrews (Dr. Chet's wife) will lead the

study and Mary Burkett will be the "back up" if Hope has to be out. The

study is open to women of all ages, members and nonmembers. The

study has a video for each session and there will be a book for each

participant. We will ask for a voluntary $5.00 contribution for the book.

The promotional material states the following:

"In this 7-session Bible Study, Angela Thomas-Pharr explores the practical

side of redemption and what it means to experience the grace to live every

day better than before. In this study you will discover the beautiful theology

of being redeemed and what it means for your everyday life."

We are excited about the study and hope that you will not only

participate but will help get the word out and invite any women who

might be interested. You may call the church office to sign up or notify

Ann Malpass at malpassat@aol.com or 803-622-0566.

Frances Branham Transfer of letter


Homeless Ministry: Sunday, February 19, 10 am -1 pm , Finley Park

Youth Camping Trip: April 8-10

Chet’s Chat

Dr. Chet Andrews Senior Pastor

I know a lot of people are saying that our country is divided

now more than ever. A lot of what we see on the news and

on the internet would certainly seem to confirm that.

However, I am not so sure. Humanity has been divided since

Adam and Eve rebelled against God. The great divide

between humanity and God, because of sin, is the main

contributor that makes humanity divided against itself. The

good news is that God has given the Church the “Ministry of

Reconciliation.” “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new

creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! All

this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ

and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was

reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting

people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the

message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s

ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal

through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled

to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so

that in him we might become the righteousness of God” 2

Corinthians 5:11-21. We, as Believers, get the joy of sharing

the Gospel with others! And since February is seen as the

month of love with Valentine’s Day being on the 14th, how

about we love our neighbors, co-workers, and classmates

with the most authentic type of love possible; the love of

Christ! I know that can be frightening and even intimidating,

but remember the words of John when he said, “…God is

love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

This is how love is made complete among us so that we will

have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are

like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives

out fear…” 1 John 4:16-18)

Upcoming opportunities to invest in and invite others to attend:

• Mid-Winter Banquet in the Fellowship Hall on Friday,

February 17, at 7:00 pm. The cost will be $10.00 per


• “Art to Heart” with Bill Cox coming up Sunday, March 5

from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. (Invite EVERYONE!!! This event will

include a FREE family snack supper!!)



Deacons of the Week

2/5/17-2/11/17 Johnny Dowd, Weldon Fallaw

2/12/17- 2/18/17 Chris Harmon, Rodney Howell

2/19/17-2/25/17 Marion Hutson, Hugh Martin

2/26/17-3/4/17 Charles McGlamery, Scott Robertson


This will be our first “First Night” activity of the year. Start thinking about who you want to invite to hear

the gospel presented in this unique way.

This is a reminder about the Aiken Women’s

Heart Board Annual Heart Show in Aiken on

Saturday, February 25. We will meet at the church

at 11:45 am and will leave at noon. The show is at

2:00 pm. We’ll eat a Dutch treat dinner after the

show at Old McDonald’s Fish Camp. The cost for

gas will be $5.00 per person. If you cannot attend

please let Babs know as soon as possible (606-

3485) so that we can find someone to go in your

place. The title of this year’s show is “It’s

Amore?!!!” We still have one ticket left.

Thank You Notes, cont.

We are grateful and thankful for all the caring, loving, people that have taken care of us through the years. Gus White Dear Church Family, We would like to thank you for all the prayers, calls, cards, and actos of kindness shown to Mom and us duing these past months of her life. Your visits meant so much to her as did the prayer quilt. She devoted her life to Jesus Christ here at State Street and enjoyed serving with you. We appreciate your sharing your remembrances of her life with us. In Christian Love, Virginia, Hugh, and Greg On behalf of everyone at Brookland-Cayce High School, I would like to thank you for your very generous sponsorship of our football team during the 2016 football season. The Brookland-Cayce football team had its greatest season since the 1966 State Championship Team with a trip to the Lower State finals, a 12-2 record and a Region 5-AAA Championship. We are very proud of all of our BEARCATS. Without your financial help, it would have been impossible to accomplish these things. Our young men competed with the finest equipment and uniforms available and had a pre-game meal before all 14 games. Thank you again and I hope you will continue to support the BEARCATS next season. We hope to win it all in 2017! With very best regards, Rusty Charpia, Athletic Director/Head Football Coach

Thank you for the beautiful peace lily at Mom’s service. Thank you for your prayers and the wonderful gathering for coffee and cake after the service. Mom loved her church family and served many years. Thank you for being there for me and my family. Ilove SSBC!

Vicki Shafer & Family

Dear State Street Family, Thank you so much for providing insurance for our family! For over the past year, my job has been very uncertain. Several co-workers have been let go with talks of more lay-offs to come. I have applied for other jobs and have been offered some, but declined due to the various reasons. You have no idea how much I appreciate the fact that the “weight of providing insurance” has been lifted. I don’t mind working and I don’t mind working in order to have insurance coverage. I just wanted you all to know how thankful I am and that I realize we are blessed beyond (way beyond) what we deserve!

God Bless, Britley (Baston)

The calendar tells us that Christmas and New Years has already passed; but the sweet memories that came with these dates will long be remembered with me.

Thank you for every prayer and for each expression of tenderness. To the Bethany Class, I cherish their friendship and I have so many memories to keep them every fresh in my heart. Thanks for the lovely prayer quilt. It shows love in action. Thanks to Bonnie for so many lovely meals, even on Christmas Day. My precious children had a flu bug and I could not be exposed to it. Thanks to the precious little children that came and sang for me. Thanks to everyone, especially Toni Fields and Jim Cox. He is Bonnie’s brother, but he is my buddy.

My humble thanks to our precious Jesus for it all.

Bess Cushman


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Sunday School & Worship Attendance Report

Sunday School Visitors Worship Jan. 1 155 3 188

Jan. 8 147 8 188

Jan. 15 187 8 208

Jan. 22 162 6 168

Jan. 29 184 7

Facts & Figures

YTD budget receipts through Dec. 2016 $179,680.20 YTD budget expenses through Dec. 2016 $197,103.64

YTD surplus or (deficit) $(17,423.44)

Receipts for End of Year, 2016

Budget Offering $6,133.00 Building 1,620.00 Lottie Moon 330.00 God’s Helping Hands 10.00 Memorials 550.00 Total Offering $8,643.00

Receipts for Week of January 1, 2017

Budget Offering $6,565.35 Building 1,769.95 Lottie Moon 546.03 Memorials 380.00 Total Offering $9,261.33

Receipts for Week of January 8, 2017

Budget Offering $11,643.65 Building 1,252.00 Suppers 66.00 Rent 300.00 Memorials 1,135.00 Return to Budget 65.00 Total Offering $14,461.65

Receipts for Week of January 15, 2017

Budget Offering $10,205.10 Building 2,380.25 God’s Helping Hands 20.00 Rent 950.00 Supper 74.00 Return to Budget 320.00

Total Offering $13,949.35

Receipts for Week of January 22, 2017

Budget Offering $7,689.55 Building 970.00 Supper 73.00 Return to Budget 410.00

Total Offering $9,142.55

Receipts for Week of January 29, 2017

Budget Offering $8,147.31 Building 835.31 Supper 59.00 Lottie Moon 500.00

Total Offering $9,541.62

(Building / Renovations Fund Update)

3-Year Commitment Total - $452,283.65 Contributions Received as of 1/29/17


Tithes & Offerings

March Newsletter Deadline

Friday, February 17

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