Votinq - Wednesday, Thursday - Concordia University · 2019-12-10 · Votinq - Wednesday, Thursday ^ 1 ' 7 SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY Time - Between 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. library MAR

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Votinq - Wednesday, Thursday^ 1 ' 7 SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS

UNIVERSITYTime - Between 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. library

MAR 6 1969

Place - Hall Bldg... MezzanineMONTREAL

Norris Bldg.... 3rd Floor

Bill Schwartz

- C o m m e rce III- E x te rn a l V ic e -P re s id e n t, C o m m e rce S tu ­d e n ts ' A sso c ia tio n .- D ire c to r, C o rp o ra tio n o f Business A d m in is ­tra t io n a n d C o m m e rce S tu d e n ts .- D e le g a te , U G E Q C C N , 6 7 -6 8- S tu d e n ts ' L e g is la tiv e C o u n c il re p re s e n ta t iv e- S tu d e n t R e p re s e n ta tiv e , F in a n c ia l A id R evi­s ion B oard .- M e m b e r o f th e S ir G e o rg e R e s to ra tio n C o m ­m itte e .

P rog ram 6 9 -7 0- c o -o rd in a tio n o f s tu d e n t re p re s e n ta t io n on U n iv e rs ity c o m m itte e s .- fu r th e r e x p lo ra t io n o f p re -re g is tra t io n .- seek g re a te r o p p o r tu n ity fo r s u m m e r e v e n ­in g re g is tra t io n fo r D ay D iv is io n s tu d e n ts .- c o -o rd in a tio n o f e ffo r ts to a l le v ia te s tu d e n t h o u s in g p ro b le m .- in v e s t ig a t io n o f c re a tio n o f a n in te rn a l lo a n - b u rs a ry sys te m .- in c re a se d ho u rs o f L ib ra ry usage .- in tro d u c t io n o f s u m m e r e m p lo y m e n t ser­v ice .- e f f ic ie n t m a n a g e m e n t o f f in a n c e s .- e s ta b lis h m e n t o f F in a n c ia l C o n tro l C o m m it­tee .- re -e x a m in a t io n o f s tu d e n t o ff ic e fa c il it ie s .- re - in tro d u c tio n o f In te rn a t io n a l Fe s tiva l if f in a n c ia l ly fe a s ib le .- a t te m p t to o b ta in h ig h e r q u a l i ty v e n d in g m a ­c h in e serv ice .- g re a te r c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d p a r t ic ip a t io n w i th s tu d e n ts in N o rr is B u ild in g .- m o re e x te n s iv e c o n ta c t w i th M o n tre a l a n d Q uebec p u b lic ; a n d o th e r C a n a d ia n u n iv e r ­s ities.- e s ta b lis h m e n t o f e f f ic ie n t, p ro fe s s io n a l p u ­b lic re la t io n s serv ice .- in v e s t ig a t io n in to th e In c o rp o ra tio n o f th e S tu d e n ts ' A ssoc ia tion .

Ken Wax man

Q u a lif ic a tio n s ;OP-ED w e ird a n d n o n -e d ito rB la ckb o a rd m o n ito r G ra d e IIIN a tu ra l Science 2 1 0 a n d E ng lish 211 g ra d u a teW in n e r sm ile , m u s ta ch eN O O KYACTIVE IRRESPONSIBILITY

Proposals:D e s tru c tio n o f a ll sacred c o w s b y h ir in g S hocke tA b o lit io n o f th e SLC, w i th m y s e lf to be c ro w n e d E m pero r.In tro d u c tio n o f F e u d a lism w ith a ll ra n ks a n d p r iv ile g e s th e re - in : fees to b y p a id by th e t i t le sys tem o r L o tte ry V o lo n ta x .A H e rz n e g o v e n ia n H a te D ay to u n ite a ll b ic k e r in g s tu d e n ts to g e th e r w i th one h a te o b je c t.In s t itu t io n o f C a n n ib a lis m in th e C a fe te r ia ( i f it h a s n 't a lre a d y been d o n e )D e se g re g a tio n o f b a th ro o m fa c il it ie s .E xp a n s io n o f th e school, by fo rce it neces­sa ry , ta k in g o v e r th e G u y M e tro S ta tio n a n d G u y T o w e rs b u ild in g .G e t rid o f a ll c o m p u te rs in s te a d h ire o n e o ld m a n a c c o u n ta n t w i th a v e ry sh a rp p e nc il.B e tte r u t i l iz a t io n o f B io lo g y G re e n h o u se f a ­c ilit ie s .A b o lit io n o f A th le t ic D e p a rtm e n t in s te a d g iv e m o n e y to th e L ib ra ry o r fo r th e p ro m o tio n o f S n a ff le .E xecu tio n o f a l l d issen te rs in S G W U p a rk in g lo t by f i r in g sq u a d a t 1 :0 0 P .M .A b o lish W in te r C a rn iv a l in s te a d use fu n d s to b r in g som e m u s ic to th e C a m p u s o r S u m m e r.



Carlyle 6. Williams

P la tfo rm :


1. A ll b y - la w s w h ic h p ro h ib it f irs t yea r s tu d e n ts fro m ru n n in g fo r o ff ic e in th e S tu d e n ts ' A ssoc ia tion m u s t be a b o lish e d . For th is re ason m a n y im p o r ta n t pos itions in C o m m e rce , Science, a n d E n g in e e rin g w e re a c c la im e d th e f irs t y e a r s tu d e n ts w h o th e C .R .S .A . ra n in the se fa cu ltie s w e re d is q u a lif ie d . Do th e y n o t p a y $ 1 5 .0 0 a n d also' to b e io n g to th e S tu d e n ts ' As­so c ia tio n ?

2. The $ 1 5 . fee c h a rg e d by th e Associa­t io n , has to be a b o lis h e d . The fee lev ied by th e fa c u lty A ssoc ia tions a n d m o ney co lle c te d fro m fu n d d r ive s , w o u ld be s u ff ic ie n t to m e e t th e f in a n c ia l expenses o f th e S. A.

3. Ir re le v e n t o ff ice s w o u ld be rep laced b y a d v is o ry c o m m itte e s .

• • o

S.A. Executive V.P.

S.A. Education V.P.

S.A. External

Brian M c lve r

P la tfo rm

Congress fo r the Reorganization o f the S tudents' Association.1. Reorganization o f the Students' As­sociation.2. Abolition of the present $15.00 Stu­dents' Association fee.3. Formulate a Student Association especially for students.

As Finance V.P. I shall be respon­sible fo r the procuring o f funds for the Association.

I shall also be responsible fo r pre­senting p re lim inary, and fina l Students' Association budgets.

This is an extensive task, but i f I am elected as a C.R.S.A. candidate , I w ill devote, a ll the tim e necessary.

P la tfo rm

W ill represent the University in any m atte r th a t w ill affect S.G.W.U. d i­rectly. And w ill investigate the pos­s ib ility o f jo in ing CUS (Canadian Union of Students).

Q u a lifica tio n s

2nd year Science StudentExternal o f the S.S.A. (Science Stu­

dents' Association)Bilingual.

John Denis A lla n H ilto n- Arts III- Editor, S tudent Handbook, 67-68- S tudent representative, University Athletics Council, 67-68, 68-69- Co-author, "Proposed University G overnm ent", a submission to the Joint Com m ittee on University A f­fairs, 68-69- Co-author, "Code of Student Dis­c ip line ", a submission to the Uni­versity Council, February 1969- Executive Assistant to the Presi­dent, 68-69- External V ice-President, Students' Association, February 1969- M em ber o f Sir George Restoration Com m ittee.

P rogram 6 9 -7 0- co-ordination o f student represen­ta tion on U niversity committees- fu rthe r exp lo ration o f pre-registra­tion- seek greater opportun ity for sum­mer evening reg istra tion for Day Di­vision students- establishm ent o f e ffic ient, profes­sional public re lations service- investigation into the Incorporation of the S tudents' Association.

Steve S chneiderCommerce III- Co-Chairm an, U niversity O rien ta ­tion, 68 - 69- M em ber o f Principal's Com m ittee on U niversity O rien ta tion , 68 - 69- Chairm an, Summer Employm ent C om m ittee, 68 - 69- M em ber, S tudent' A ffa irs O ffice, 69- M em ber, C ultura l Com m ittee, 67- Publicity C hairm an, Christmas Ball, 67- M em ber o f the Sir George Resto­ration C om m ittee.

P rog ram 6 9 -7 0- co-ordination o f student represen­ta tion on University committees- fu rthe r exp lo ration o f pre-registra­tion- seek greater opportun ity fo r sum­mer evening registration for Day Di­vision students- co-ordination of e fforts to a llev ia te student housing problem- investigation o f creation o f an in ­ternal loan-bursary system- increased hours of Library usage- introduction o f sum mer em ploym ent service- e ffic ien t m anagem ent of finances- establishm ent o f Financial Control Com m ittee

P la tfo rm1. Reorganization of the Students' As­sociation2. Abolition o f present $15.00 S tudents' Association fee3. Formulate a S tudents' Association, tha t directly concerns students.

If the "Congress for a Reorgani­zation o f the Students' Association" is elected, it w ill enable us to devote a ll our efforts tow a rd student concerns instead of f inanc ia l m atters.

As Executive Secretary, I w ill chan­nel a ll my efforts in co-ordination w ith the S tudent Legislative Council in order to effect the changes outlined in our p la tfo rm .

Irw in L itvack

Q u a lif ic a tio n s1. Executive-Assistant to the Student A ffa irs Vice President, 1968-692. Executive-Assistant to the Internal Vice President, 1967-683. A dm in is tra tive Director o f SLOC, 19694. M em ber o f a sub-com m ittee o f the Food Services Policy C om m ittee, 1968-695. M em ber o f the Parking sub-com­m ittee fo r the University Council on Student Life, 1968-696. Chief Returning O fficer S.A., 1968- 697. C hairm an, SGWU-SA "D rug Semi­n a r", February 19698. O m budsm an S.A. 1968-69.

P la tfo rm1. To help bu ild and perpetuate the name of SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY2. To increase com m unications w ith other universities3. To increase com m unications w ith the G overnm ent4. To organize trans-a tlan tic trips for the sum m er o f 1970.

G u y M ora z in

P la tfo rm

Congress fo r the Reorganization of the Students' Association.1. Reorganization o f the S. A.2. Abolition o f the present $15. S.A. fees.3. To fo rm u la te a Students' Association especially fo r the students.

As externa l V.P. it w ill be my in ­ten tion to co-operate fu lly w ith the congress for the reorganization of the S tudents' Association. In th is w ay necessary reforms m ay be in itia ted so th a t the S.A. w ou ld become a re- levent part of the U niversity Society, and w ill also endeavour to fo rm u la te a new Provincial Students' Association th a t w ou ld e ffective ly represent the m a jo rity o f Quebec Students.

N o rm a n Lazare- Arts III- Features Editor, THE GEORGIAN,67-68- Associate Editor, S tudent Handbook,67-68- Chairm an, Academic Program Com­m ittee, 68-69- Executive Vice-President, ASA, 68- Co-author o f "S tuden t D isciplinary Procedures", a submission to Uni­versity Council, February, 1969-• M em ber o f the Sir George Resto­ration C om m ittee.

P rogram 6 9 -7 0- co-ordination o f student represen­ta tion on University committees- fu rthe r exp lo ration o f pre-registra­tion- seek greater opportun ity for sum­mer evening registration for Day Di­vision students- co-ordination o f e fforts to a llev ia te student housing problem- investigation of creation o f an in ­ternal loan-bursary system- increased hours o f Library usage- in troduction of sum mer em ploym ent service- e ffic ien t m anagem ent o f finances- establishm ent o f Financial Control C om m ittee- re -exam ination of student office fa ­cilities

Selvon N anan

P la tfo rmCongress fo r the reorganization of the S.A.

P arty P la tfo rm1. Reorganize the S. A.2. Abolition o f the present $15.00 S.A.fees.3. To fo rm u la te an S.A. especially for the students.

Personal P la tfo rmIf elected, I w ill w ork towards the

structura l changes outlined in the par­ty p la tform .

Full education of the University C om m unity before top level decisions.

More solid and effective commu­nication between students and execu­tive.

M axim um use o f ava ilab le facilities - T.V., Radio S.G., for better com­m unication to students.

B ernard M a g n a n Q u a lif ic a tio n s

- speak flue n t French- M em ber, SUB com m ittee (Dalhousie University)- Chairm an, Dalhousie Men's Residen­ce Film Society- m ember, Education Board (S.G.W.U. 1968-69)- m ember, "M ir ro r o f Our Crises" C om m ittee ( S.G.W.U. 1968-69)- Treasurer, Spanish C lub (1968-69 )- Chairm an, pro-tem , Internationa l Students Association (1968-69)

P rio rities- Im provem ent of PUBLIC RELA­TIONS betw een students and the pub­lic a t large- C o-ordination o f the various Student Employm ent Services ava ilab le through the S.L.C.- Work closely w ith Student A ffa irs V.P. for the establishm ent o f a t least, a jo in t housing program m e w ith the other universities- Work to fu lly im plem ent an Inter­na tiona l Students Association- Revamping o f O rienta tion Process.

Believing th a t the on ly concrete pro­mise a candidate can make is to carry out the responsibilities of his position to the best o f his ab ilities; I have de­cided to set m yself the above prio­rities w hich I w il l try to im plem ent w h ile a t the same tim e w ork ing in conjunction w ith my colleagues on the executive o f the S.L.C.

C h r is t ia n D u fo u rn a u d

S.A. Internal V.P.



M arc Fagen

A b o u t th e C a n d id a te :1. Third year science, m ajoring in m athem atics.2. Secretary o f Science Students As­sociation.3. Science representative a t Board of Governors.4. S tudent o rien ta tion leader fo r Arts and Science groups.5. Presently em ployed as partim e Zoology 222 dem onstrator and m ath. 451 marker.6. P artic ipant a t S.L.O.C.7. Sincere desire to w ork fo r and w ith students.

P la tfo rm :To make the S tudent Association re levant to the needs of students.1. C om m unication groups.2. S tudent Loans.3. S tudent Co-op.4. Travel agency.5. Psychiatric clinic6. Set-up o ff campus Coffee House.7. S.L.O.C. - S tudent Lab On Com­m unication.8. O rganize S.G.W.U. Compudate.9. Rochdale Conference.10. Extended student parking tim e around campus.1 1. Report to students on the workings of the cafe teria .12. Drug conference.

Marc Fagen is ready to answer questions on the points m entioned in his p la tfo rm , a t any tim e.

Bruce Innes

P la tfo rm :Congress for the re-organization o f the Students; Association.

1. Re-organize the Students' As­sociation

2. Abolition o f the present $15.00S.A. fee.

3. Formulate a S tudents' Associa­tion especially fo r the students.

If elected as Student A ffa irs V.P. I w ill w o rk fo r the structura l changes ou tlined in our p la tfo rm .

I shall set up a com m ittee res­ponsible for the socio-economic problems of student life .

I shall also be responsible for in fo rm ation concerning, loans, bursa­ries, and S tudent housing.

A la n S. Z w e ig- Arts IIIExecutive Assistant to the President68-69- M anag ing Editor, the georgian67-68- M em ber o f Com m unications Board,68-69- Editor, S tudent Handbook, 68-69- merrtber o f Sir George Restoratior C om m ittee

P rogram 6 9 -7 0- co-ordination o f student representa­tion on U niversity committees- fu rthe r exp lo ration o f pre-registra­tion- seek greate r opportun ity fo r summer evening registration for Day Division students.- co-ord ination o f e fforts to a llev ia te student housing problem- investigation o f creation o f an in ­ternal loan-bursary system- increased hours o f Library usage- in troduction o f sum m er em ploym ent service- effic ient m anagem ent o f finances- re -exam ination o f student office facilities- .a ttem pt to ob ta in h igher q u a lity vending machine service- g reate r com m unication and pa rtic i­pation w ith students in Norris Building- more extensive contact w ith M on t­real and Quebec public; and other C anadian universities.- establishm ent o f effic ient, profes­sional public re lations service- investigation into the Incorporation o f the Students' Association

K e n n e th F itz -A n d re w s

F acu lty - C om m erce III

M a jo r - AccountacyAims as Interna l Vice-President

A) Better channels of com munica­tion between clubs

B) More intensive club pa rtic ipa­tion and student partic ipation in affa irs on campus.

C) More student pa rtic ipation and awareness w ith problems directly a ffecting the student.

Examples:i) In form ation about choice o f new

principal.ii) Faculty - Students - A dm in is tra ­

tion re la tions on campus.D) Contestant has no a ffilia tio ns or

allegiances to any pa rticu lar group or organization on campus.

E) Very concerned about student housing problems.

F) More effective channels of com­m unication be tw een adm in is tra tion and students.

M ik e G o ld fie ld- Commerce III- Executive Assistant to the Internal Vice-President- S tudent Representative on Faculty- Adm inistration Theater Com m ittee- Program C o-ordinator o f the Stu­dents' Association

Director o f Public Relations of C ultura l activ ities 67-68- M em ber of the Sir George Restora­tion Com m ittee.

P rogram 6 9 -7 0- co-ordination of student representa­tion on University committees.- fu rthe r exp lo ration o f pre-registra­tion.- seek greater opportun ity fo r summer evening registration for Day Division students.- co-ordination of efforts to a llev ia te student housing problem.- investigation o f creation o f an in te r­nal loan-bursary system.- increased hours o f Library usage.- in troduction o f sum mer em ploym ent service.- e ffic ient m anagem ent o f finances.- re -exam ination of student office facilities.- a tte m p t to obta in higher qua lity vending machine service.- greater com m unication and partic i­pation w ith students in Norris Build­ing.- more extensive contact w ith M ont­real and Quebec public; and other Canadian universities.- establishm ent o f e ffic ient, profes­sional public re lations service.

S.A. Internal V.P. Athletic Council Representives



H a rry K irschrter

P la tfo rm ,

1. Reorganization o f the S.A.2. A bolition o f the present $15. S.A. fees.3. To fo rm u la te a S.A. especially for the students.

Personal P la tfo rmis pointless to proceed constructive­ly before a sound founda tion has been established. Therefore I believe steps should be taken to :

1. set up a system by w hich the stu­dents o f th is U niversity w ill be fu r­nished w ith objective in fo rm ation concerning any events w ith in the com­m un ity . I believe th is measure w ill go a long w a y in preventing a m ajor crisis such as the com m unity has recently experienced.

2. A Student C om pla in t Board should be set up to provide an uncomplicated channai of appeal between students, facu lty and adm in is tra tion .

Dave W allace Leonard "B la c k ie " Chase D oug las H ogg Steve R ichm an

Q u a lif ic a tio n s3rd year arts, m a joring in psychology.

P la tfo rmcreased com m unication between the executive a t a ll levels and the student body.

Facilita ting the desires o f a student to be heard by the setting up of de fin ite channals th rough w hich a student m ay speak.

In d e p e n d e n t-m o d e ra te .

C om m erce III

P la tfo rmPropose to increase and «4itute a greater varie ty o f spor' he in te r­m ural program inclu instructionin a ll types of sport i as sw im ­m ing, squash, tenn ' Jm inton andhockey. There w ; ava ilab le toevery student a ac tiv ity th a the or she can par


1) Re-organization o f the Students As­sociation2) Abolition o f present $15.00 S.A. Fee3) Formulate a S.A. especially for the students.

The abo lition o f $15. ?ee w ou ld in no w a y a ffect spor Sir George. Since I have 6 yer ^ h j^ p e rie n c e in athletics, both in administrativecapacity, and as o ete, I am cap­able of w ork ing * Js more student pa rtic ipation \ r detics both as spectators and ^s.

M em ber o f y S w im m ing Team.



S.L.C. Ombudsman A.S.A. President

Robert C ockerton

Q u a lif ic a tio n sThird year honours po litica l science.

M em ber of ad hoc com m ittee to study the po litica l science departm ent.

Experience in com m unications w ith the instructiona l media office for three years.

Extensive lega l background.

PolicyTo use the office o f the om budsm an

to m edia te and to cam paign fo r a bet­ter use o f the various offices o f the students association.

To study w ays and means by which these positions can become more m eaning fu l to students, th a t they re­present the interests o f the students and not the interests o f the office ho ld ­ers.

To bring any and a ll disputes to the highest a u tho rity ava ilab le in order' to bring about the most equ itab le so­lu tion possible.

To open channels th a t have been closed previously and above a ll to make students aw are o f the possibi­lities o f the ir representation.

Joe Prokosh

P la tfo rmCongress fo r the re-organization

of the S tudents' Association.1. Re-organization o f the Students' As­sociation.2. Abolition of the $15. Student fee.3. Formulate a student association e- specially fo r the students.

The role o f the O m budsm an in the Students' Association is unique.

If elected, I am charged w ith the responsib ility o f acting as a m ediator between students and facu lty.

In a re-organized students' asso­ciation, in conjunction w ith a ll parties concerned. I can add relevance, to a now irre levan t Association.

Eric B. A dam sRepresentative Com m unication Team

Q u a lif ic a tio n s1. Third year geography major.2. Active m em ber o f Arts Students Association.3. Assistant Director o f the '6 8 -'69 Arts Course Guide.4. Director-Editor '6 9 - '7 0 Geography Departm ent Course G uide.5. Treasurer Geographic Society 1968- 69.

P ledgeTo direct the efforts o f the Arts Students' Association, both executive and student members, in the interest and w e lfa re o f a ll Arts students and to ensure a genuine representation o f a ll Arts students on the Student Legislative Council.

P rio rities1. Representative Com m unication Platform .2. To upgrade the revelancy o f the questionnaire and genera lly, im prove the Course Guide th a t it m ay become an effective means o f criticizing the course content and teaching o f the s ta ff o f the Arts Faculty.3. Active support and partic ipation in an Arts Week - a co-ordinated edu­cational program th a t w ill encompass an interested Arts departm ent.4. A beneficia l program for Arts stu­dents a t the low est possible cost.

T ibo r Juke lev ics


M a rv in Rotrand

P la tfo rm

Congress for the reorganization of the Students' Association.1. Reorganization o f the Students' As­sociation.2. Abolition o f the $15.00 S.A. fee.3. Formulate a student Association especially for the students.

If elected, I w ou ld w ork in close collaboration w ith the entire Student Body, to decentralize and reorganize* the S tudents' Association.

The A.S.A. can meet a ll the expenses necessary fo r its reorganization.

I w o u ld also w ork w ith the Presi­dents o f other facu lty Associations in an a tte m p t to add relevence to the S tudents' Association.

John A im ers Joshua Bach

John Aimers is cam paign ing on a p la tfo rm o f peace, order, and good governm ent, on campus. He w ill w ork to prevent a m ino rity , aided by elected student representatives, from ever again succeeding in shutting the Uni­versity to a ll students. A dm in is tra tion- student and student governm ent-stu- dent re la tions must be im proved - a d ia logue in itia te d between opposing groups, ra ther than a shouting match, and long-overdue appeal and com­p la in t procedures in itia te d and ra tified by members o f the University Com­m unity. As Student A ffa irs V.P., he w ill prod the A dm in is tra tion on these subjects, and the more practical prob­lems such as the construction of a student residence and parking lot. Abo­ve a ll, he w ill see YOU are consulted as to how YOUR m oney is spent, in a balanced, e fficen tly-run A.S.A. He w ill stay in th is position if elected, and do the best job he can.

He doesn't promise miracles, but, w illin g to serve you, the electorate, 'he w o n 't fa il you .'

Q u a lif ic a tio n s

- M em ber of the Education Board;- M em ber o f the Experim ental Pro­grams C om m ittee;- M em ber of the ad hoc com m ittee fo r the new course, M irror o f ourCrisis;- M em ber o f the Research Com m ittee on the U niversity Build ing Com m ittee;- C entennia l Exchange Student.

P la tfo rm

To dim in ish the problems of Arts students a t Registration;- To im prove and expand the Arts Course Guide for the year 1970-1971;- To enable a ll students to take sum­mer courses;- To create, fo r arts students, an E- mergency Loan.Fund, to be adm in is­tered by the Dean of Students office;- To create a Student Advisory Sys­tem, e lim in a ting some o f the problems of mass education.

Congress for the reorganization of the S tudents' Association.1. Reorganization o f the Students' As­sociation.2. Abolition of the $15. S.A. fees.3. Formulate a Students' Association especially for the students.

The office o f V.P. S tudent A ffa irs can become qu ite effective w ith re­organiza tion.

W orking in conjunction w ith other members o f the S tudents' Association and the students themselves, there is no lim it, as to how much can be done in the f ig h t aga inst the socio­economic problems o f student life.

Q u a lif ic a tio n s1. Chairm an of the M ontreal Red Cross Youth Advisory Comm ittee.2. Active m ember o f S.G.W.U.L.C.3. Quebec de legate to Rendez-vous '67.4. Active m em ber R.C.Y. A lum ni.5. Centennia l Traveller.6. Honourary m em ber o f H igh School Students Council.7. Editor of High School Newspaper.

P rio rities1. Representative Com m unication p la t­form .2. The establishm ent o f an Arts Stu­dents' Association summer em ploy­ment agency.3. To active ly partic ipate in the crea­tion of a student co-op housing pro­gram.4. To organize a com plaint commis­sion along w ith a com m ittee to act in an in te rm ed iary capacity between students and adm in is tra tion .5. To he lp establish an em ergency stu­dent loan fund for Arts students.

- A lthough it w ou ld be qu ite routine and appropria te to list the mahy ideas Sid has concerning library facilities, registration d ifficu lties, parking prob­lems, and cafe teria nightmares; he w ou ld ra ther emphasize w hat he feels to bes. the param ount issue at Sir George a g row ing communications gap between the th ird floor oligarchy and the general student body. Running as the independent representative of the student body, Sid hopes, as Student A ffairs Vice-President, would be to bridge this illogical gap, and in so doing, return the responsibilities of student a ffa irs to the students of Sir George.



J o h n a th a n Fisher G lo ria K o lke r Sid M ilech

Representative C om m unicationP la tfo rm



A.S.A. Executive V.P.

A.S.A. Internal



Representative Com m unications

Q u a lif ic a tio n s1. Active m em ber o f Arts Students' Association.2. Jun io r Public Relation O fficer Expo '67.3. B ilingual.4. Active m em ber o f S.G.W.U.L.A.C.

P rio rities!, To ensure th rough com m unication th a t Sir George W illiam s Arts Faculty becomes be tte r know n in academic circles.2. An Arts Students Association w here ALL op in ions w ill be represented.3. ONE co-ord inated /A rts Week w here a ll interested Departments are represented and not SEVERAL abor-' tive a ffa irs .

A le x C. C ars ley

Q u a lif ic a tio n s1. Vice-President Education (A .S .A .)2. Treasurer o f Education Board3. Co-Chairm an o f Ad Hoc Com m ittee on Arts I. CEGEP Parallel program.4. M em ber o f Arts Faculty Council.5. M em ber o f Search Com m ittee to choose a new Dean o f Arts.6. C hairm an of com m ittee to inves­tiga te reg istra tion.7. M em ber o f Ad Hoc Com m ittee on statem ents 1 and 2.

P la tfo rmCOMMUNICATIONS: to be tter the

lines of in fo rm ation through 1) m onth ly bu lle tins, 2) im m edia te bu lle tins on any and a ll v ita l news. 3) top ica l dis­cussion groups on a w eekly basis w ith guest speakers and students. 4 ) An Arts Handbook for clubs and com m it­tees w h ich are open to Arts Students.

EMPLOYMENT AGENCY: An a-gency w hich w ill be able to de liver part tim e jobs by w in te r 6 9 /7 0 and fu ll tim e em ploym ent by summer 1970.

STUDENT FACULTY ADVISORY BOARD: An effective m ethod forstudents to discuss the ir academic hopes and problems w ith a professor in the student's fie ld o f study.

V a le n tin a Rusedski

P la tfo rmCongress fo r the reorganization of

the Students' Association.1. Reorganize the Students' Associa­tion.2. Abolition o f the present m andatory $15.00 S.A. fee.3. Formulation o f the Students' As­sociation especially fo r the students.

V a len tina Rusedski under the Con­gress fo r the Reorganization of the Students' Association, w ill endeavour, if elected Executive Vice-President o f the Arts Students' Association, to make effective the above stated p la t­form . These policies can only become effective th rough a un ified and coor­d ina ted S tudents' Association. V a len­tina w ill perform a ll functions in this office in the best interest o f a ll stu­dents. However, it is up to you, the students, to elect the representatives o f the Congress fo r the reorganization o f the S tudents' Association in order to make your voice heard and acknow ­ledged in a ll aspects o f the Sir George W illiam s University complex.

Chuck Zittner B arry K a tz



P la tfo rmCongress fo r the re-O rganization o f the S tudents' Association.1. Re-O rganization of the S. A.2. Abolition o f the present S.A. fe3. Formulate a S tudents' Associatic especially for the students.

If elected, toge the r w ith the oth Education V. Presidents, I w ou ld for a S tudent Education C om m ittee, whi< shall be responsible for a ll education A ffa irs re levant to the Students' A sociation.

Also, I w ou ld w ork to implemei the charges m entioned in our p la tfo rr

Q u a lif ic a tio n s1. Pol. Sc. and Ec. M ajor.2. M em ber o f Pol. Sc. Society.3. Elected A.S.A. Social Science Rep.4. Treasurer o f Campus Political par­ty-5. A.S.A. Delegate to in te rna tiona l conference.6. C ontribu te r to campus publications.7. S.G. de legate to a na tiona l students convention.

P la tfo rm1. Fiscal responsib ility -a) tig h te r supervision of disburse­ments.b) accurate inventory o f A.S.A. office equ ipm ent and furnishings.

Proposals:1. Creation o f a list o f club signing officers and the ir signatures so tha t unauthorized cheque requisitions can­not be passed.2. A.S.A. Books ava ilab le for student inspection.3. Investigation in to A.S.A. service charge, in an a ttem p t to low er A.S.A. service charge.

P la tfo rm

Congress for the re-organization of the Students' Association1. Re-organization of the Students' As­sociation.2. Abolition of the present $15. Student Association fee.3. Formulate a Student Association especially for the student.

If elected as Arts Internal V.P. I w ou ld w ork together w ith the other Internal V.P.'s from the other fac­ulties to decentralise the Internal structure o f the Students' Association. A com m ittee o f Internals comprising o f the Internal Vice Presidents of Arts, Science, Commerce and Engi­neering w ill be very much more e f­fective than the isolated and arachaic Vice Presidency of Arts.

Rose Tekel



Ian Samis

D av id C. M od d leRepresentative Comm unication

P latform

Q u a lif ic a tio n s1. Treasurer o f High School Club.2. Active in Youth Groups.3. M em ber o f I.V.C.F.4. M em ber o f the G arnet Singers.5. W orking tow ards Philosophy and English Honours programe.6. M em ber o f Sir George W restling team.

P la tfo rm1. Representative Com m unication p la tform .2. To see the Arts Executive im pa rtia l mediators be tw een students and a d ­m in istra tion .3. To look into the q u a lity of education a t S.G.W.U. and q u a lity o f courses.4. To see th a t Arts Students are w e ll enough inform ed to partic ipate in un i­versity functions.

M o tiv a tio nThe students apa thy in th is un iver­

sity led me to the decision th a t to vote in this un iversity is not enough, but th a t one must get deeply involved to accomplish anyth ing constructive.

John D oug lasM em ber o f Representative

C om m unication Team

Joel S ilver

Purpose in S eeking O fficeTo w ork fo r a w id e r selection of

pertinent courses, a continuation o f the course gu ide, includ ing the extent of w ork involved w ith in each course; to ins titu te a m ajor's and honours counselling program w ith co-operation of facu lty members. To in fo rm firs t- year arts students as to course pro­grams.

E xperiencePresident Debating Society, Presi­dent C urrent Events Club, Ass. Editor School New spaper (M onklands High School).

W ho Am I?I am 22 years old, a history major, currently in th ird year plan to even­tua lly teach un iversity.

Prom iseO nly to sincerely and honestly w ork fo r the bene fit o f a ll Arts students in enabling them to get the courses they w a n t as w e ll as a broader w ork ing a rrangem ent w ith a ll Arts Faculty members.


I '

6 /g e o rg ia n e lec tion su p p le m e n t, T uesday, M a rch 4 , 1969

A.S.A. External V.P. A.S.A Ombudsman A.S.A. Secretary

Birks Bova ird C y ril RyanV

B rian Stock

P la tfo rm

D av id C ro w e ll Dona Cockerton

Q u a lif ic a tio n s1. President o f S tudent's Council 66-672. Extensive you th w ork as co-ordin­ator, p lann ing director and organizer.3. Experience as publications chair­man and ed itor o f Spectrum.4. Public re lations w o rk fo r large corporation.5. Panelist on T.V. series.6. Active m em ber o f I.M.O.

Q u a lifica tio n s

2nd year English Honours.

3 years experience w ith a legal firm .

Experience in persor* :ce of a large firm .

V. Pres, and P' high-schoolstudent council.

Quebec d e l '^ to International Youth Confer . the United Nations

"Yo' O'A.S.M ^ J ^ e o r g ia n Players..XTn

a t N ew A.S.ACan ty p T ,nd take minutes,

P la tfo rm Student apa thy is a direct symptom o f insuffic ient and ineffic ient commu­nications betw een A.S.A. Executive and A.S.A. students.

A.S.A. Social Science Representative

"Representative C om m unications"

Q u a lif ic a tio n s1. Political Sciehce M ajor.2. A ttended French University.3. W inter C arn ival Executive.4. M em ber o f 1967-68 Course Guide.5. M em ber of H igh School Debating Society.

P la tfo rm1. To convey to the public w h a t todays un iversity student rea lly is and w h a t he stands for.2. In itia te com m unication w ith other un iversity Arts Associations.3. In ter-un ivers ity seminars on com­m unication breakdowns.

P la tfo rm

Congress for the Reorganization of the S tudents' Association.1. Reorganization o f the Students' As­sociation.2. Abolition o f the $15. S.A. fee.3. Formulate a S tudents' Association especially for the students.

The V.P. External o f the Arts Stu­dents' Association is responsible for a ll the exte rna l re lations o f the A.S. A.

I w ou ld m a in ta in good exte rna l re­presentation w h ich w ou ld be v ita l to a reorganized S tudents' Association.

He th inks it w ou ld be interesting to have an intercollegate Arts Students' Association w hich could am ong other th ings organize speaker tours (cheap­er rates) as w e ll as various sympo­siums.

He advocates low ering o f ASA fees (there is $10,000 le ft from thisyear).

Q u a lif ic a tio n sA fter being h igh ly active in high school w here he helped organize am ong other, th ings M ontreal's firs t senior class o rgan iza tion and W agar's 1st W inter Festival, he worked for three years. The added experience gained w o rk in g w ith people from the business w orld w as put to good use here a t Sir George w here he w as a m ember of the fo llo w in g committees.1. Ad Hoc for Arts 1.2. Experim ental ed. com mittee.

In th is his firs t year he became executive sec'ty o f education.

P la tfo rm :The office o f O m bud .as beencreated to ensure a ll Arts stu­dents have the W ^ V n it y to a ir the ir grievances p - V f pa rtic ipa te fu lly in student

We m .rantee th a t a ll studentsl i e i i ’ l u i n e e i i i u i u i i > i u u c i i i »

be r e p r v ^ ^ jd by the A.S.A. execut­ive. Comn jn ic a tio n betw een students, facu lty and adm in is tra tion is the most im po rtan t issue; and apa thy must be replaced by invo lvem ent and a w a re ­ness.

As a candidate I p ledge to exert e f­fo rt to establish be tter and more e f­fective com m unication, am ong a ll un i­versity levels. We m ust not be content to lis tent to on ly the vocal m ino rity - as your O m budsm an I p ledge to provide a ll Arts students — the silent and the vocal w ith effective repre­sentation.

P h ilip R. C o vsho ff

Q u a lif ic a tio n s

1. 3rd year Arts Student Political Science - Economic major.2. Active M em ber o f Political Science Society, Economics Society.3. Has strong facu lty ties.

P la tfo rm

No promises - just ac tio n !

Law rence F riedm an

Q u a lif ic a tio n s

1) Third year Political Science Stu­dent ( Honours)2) M em ber o f the Education Board3) M em ber o f S tudent Advisory Com­m ittee4) M em ber of Building C om m ittee5) Advisory C om m ittee for "M irro r of O ur Crises"

P la tfo rm

1) To im prove de partm ent Representa­tion and see th a t the student's voice be more adequa te ly heard on dept, council2 ) Ind iv idua l students should have more and easier access to professors regard ing academic questions and problems.3) To create S tudent Advisory Sys­tem.4) To l i f t restriction on tak ing sum ­mer courses.5) To form an Emergency Loan Fund fo r students in need o f financia l aid.

Issa K ho ury

Q u a lif ic a tio n s

a) Third year economicsb) B ilingualc) V.P. Liberal C lubd) Chairm an o f Study on Discrim ina­tione) M em ber o f Cercle Fran qa is and Film Society.f) Assisted on Arts Course Guide 1967-68.

P la tfo rm

- Independent C and idate- C onsultation of Arts Students on controversial issues.- W ill act as a w atchdog on approp ria ­tion o f A.S.A. monies.- Support the S tudent Summer Em­p loym ent Agency if it can be w e ll organized.- Better com m unication w ith in the university.- Opposes a salary for the A.S.A. President.

Terry C o llins

Q u a lif ic a tio n s

Third year Science student, honor­ing in m athem atics Academic Honors List 1966-7, 1967-8 President o f the 1968 G arnet Key Society.

P la tfo rmThe Science S.A. w ill be a. non­

po litica l body, dedicated to represent­ing and benefiting all Science students.

Im m ediate eva lua tion report on the relevancy o f the Science S.A... Stu­dents w ill be polled v ia a question­naire.

A m onth ly new s-le tte r w ill be m a il­ed to a ll Science students in fo rm ing them o f decisions made by the ir Ex­ecutive and lis ting current events.

Regular open meetings o f the Science S.A. on v ita l issues.

Will establish be tter re lations be­tw een students and facu lty.

Will encourage interested students to become involved, i.e. fu ll Science Week program etc.

Budget, Constitu tion o f the ScienceS.A. and a program o f events w ill be subm itted to an open m eeting o f the SSA in September or October for a p ­proval.

Law rence V a tch

Q u a lif ic a tio n s1) President & founder o f the Physics Club.2) Public Relations Chairman of theS.G.W.U. In terna tiona l debating tou rn­am ent3) Physics M a jo r-th ird year Science.

^4) I g ive a Damn!P la tfo rm

1) O rganization o f Tutorial Services for a ll Students.2) Freshman in fo rm ation service at registration to help new students choose the ir courses and inform them of required prerequisites for advanced courses.3) N ew constitu tion as first order of business o f the new year.4) Greater representation on the science facu lty council.5) Co-ordination of departm ental student representatives.6) T ighter fiscal policy - i.e. tigh te r control o f expenditures "rem em ber the p layboy d u b " .7) Better Relations between students and outside companies - i.e. seminars to in fo rm students o f career and professional opportunities.8) M onth ly bu lle tins to inform the stu­dents of the activ ities of the Science Students' Association.

S.S.A.Exec.V.P. S.S.A. Treasurer S.S.A. Secretary

A lla n W eis's G e ra ld C h irno m as Peter M a c w ill ia m G ordo n M a rje riso n Lew is O lishansky



Q UALIFICATIO NS1) Third year science student2) M athem atics M ajor3) M athem atics marker4 ) I GIVE A D A M N !!!

P la tfo rm

I. O rganization of Tutoria l Services fo r a ll students.

2. Freshman in fo rm ation service a t reg istra tion to help new students choose the ir courses and inform them o f required p r e r e q u is i t e s a d v a n c ­ed courses.

3. N ew c o n s t i tu t i r ^ V ^ r<rst order of business o f the n e v \ y *

4. G reater ^ ^ ,n t a t io n on the Science F a c u l * / y ,d l.

5. C o-r £ V ^ .o n of departm enta l s tu d e n tr ^ j ^ n t a t i v e s .

6. T i^ i r ^ r fiscal policy - i.e. tig h te r control o f expenditures "R e­m em ber the Playboy C lub ".

7. Better re lations between students and outside companies - i.e. sem in­ars to in fo rm students of career and professional opportunities.

8. M o n th ly bu lle tins to in fo rm the students o f the activ ities o f the science students' association.

Q u a lif ic a tio n s :

1) Vice President and co-founder o f physics club

2) Banquet cha irm an o f S.G.W.U. In te rna tiona l D ebating Tournam ent

3) Physics and M a th M ajor4) GIVE A DAM N!

P la tfo rm1) O rganization of tu to ria l servicesfor a ll students.

2) Freshman in fo rm ation service a t reg istra tion to help new students choose the ir courses and inform them o f required prerequisites fo r advanc­ed courses.

3) N ew constitu tion as firs t order o f business o f the new year.

4 ) G reater representation on the science facu lty council.

5) Co-ordination o f departm enta l student representatives.

6) T ighter fiscal policy - i.e. tigh te r control o f expenditures "R em em ber the p layboy c lu b "

7) Better Relations between stu­dents and outside companies - i.e. seminars to in fo rm students o f car­reer and professional opportunities.

8) M on th ly bu llitens to in fo rm the students o f the activ ities o f the science students' association.

Q u a lif ic a tio n s .

com puter

experience w ith

3rd year Sciencem ajor - nonem inor - m ath, physics,

science.3 years business

Air C anada.

P la tfo rmTo w ork for the good o f a ll students

in general and science students in particu lar. I feel I could be o f use to the students in the role o f Treasurer.I feel th a t being apath ic was not he lp ­ing the un iversity com m unity and th a t if I could do som ething to help I w ou ld w ork for the com m unity to the best of my a b ility .

Q u a lif ic a tio n s

Second year Science student m a jor­ing in m athem atics m inoring in engiish.

P la tfo rmIm provem ent o f com m unication be­

tw een students and the ir Associa­tion by publish ing a m onth ly news­le tte r and posting o f m inutes o f Science S.A. meetings on the 4 th . and 7th. floors.

Increase in club activities. Higher budget for Science clubs.

Open, publicized meetings o f the Science S.A...

Q u a lif ic a tio n s1) Third year science student.

2) Honors M athem atics3) Blood Drive (Publicity)4) M arker fo r the m ath. dept.5) I GIVE A DAMN!

P la tfo rm1. O rganization o f Tutorial Services

for a ll students.2. Freshman in fo rm ation service

a t registration to help new students choose the ir courses and inform them of required prerequisites for advanc­ed courses.

3. N ew constitution as first order o f business o f the new year.

4. Greater representation on the Science Faculty Council.

5. Co-ordination o f departm enta l student representatives.

6. T ighter fiscal policy - i.e. tigh te r control o f expenditures "Rem ember the Playboy C lub ".

7. Better relations between students and outside companies - i.e. seminars to in fo rm students o f career and pro­fessional opportunities.

8. M onth ly bu lle tins to in form the students o f the activ ities of the science students' association.

S.S.A. Ext. V.P. S.S.A. Int. V.P. C.S.A. Pres. C.S.A.Exec.V.P. C.S.AJreasurer

E. G ra h a m D ouga ll Q u a lif ic a tio n s

1) Third year science student2) M ajor in chem istry3) Treasurer S tudent C hapter Che­

mical Institu te o f Canada.4) I GIVE A DAMN!

P la tfo rm1. O rganization o f Tutoria l Services

for a ll students.2. Freshman in fo rm r - V ' service

at reg istra tion to h e l r ^ ^ ^ students choose the ir courses .orm themof required pr^ es for ad ­vanced courses

3. N ew c r - ^ ^ ^ T j r business o ' * year.

* jn as firs t order of

4. C representation on theScience k V ^ r y Council.

5. C o-ordination o f de partm enta l student representatives.

6. T ighter fiscal policy - i.e. tigh te r control o f expenditures "R em em ber the Playboy C lub".

7. Better re lations betw een students and outside companies - i.e. seminars to in fo rm students o f career and professional opportunities.

8. M on th ly bu lle tins to in fo rm the students o f the activ ities of the science students' association.

D a v id S h a ffe r Q u a lif ic a tio n s .

1) Third year science student.2) M a th /physics m ajor3) Treasurer and co-founder phy­

sics club4) M a th M alker5) I GIVE A DAM N!

P la tfo rm1. O rganization of Tutoria l Services

for a ll students.2. Freshman in fo rm ' ion service

at registration to hel* ■ ’ students choose the ir course* ^ E j^ T ifo rm them of required for advancedcourses.

3. N ew r A V ! io n a t firs t order of business w year.

4. representaton on theS c ie n c v ^^u lty Council.

5. C u-ordination of departm enta l student representatives.

6. T ighter fiscal policy - i.e. tigh te r control o f expenditures "Rem em ber the Playboy C lub ".

7. Better re lations between students and outside companies - i.e. seminars to in fo rm students of career and pro­fessional opportunities.

8. M o n th ly bu lle tins to in fo rm the students o f the activ ities o f the science students' association.

W ayne L. E dw ard s


In th is regard, it is our a im to fa ­c ilita te and to promote increased dia logue and rapport am ongst the stu­dent body and facu lty o f our Com­merce Faculty, and w ith a ll other members o f the Sir George W illiam s U niversity com m unity.


We w ill ob ta in coverar ̂ in these media to in fo rm the 9 vsity po­pu la tion o f the event* .iv ities ofthe Commerce Facu*'

(2 ) THE COMM A G "We w ill d sponsor an in ­

form al Com ^riodical.(3 ) T ' ' 0 < ORGEWe \ >tain the services o f this

media in * ie Norris Building to inform Commerce students and facu lty of events occurring in the University.

b) PARTICIPATIONIn th is m a tte r, it is our a im to

encourage " a l l " Commerce students to become interested in the w orkings of " th e ir " facu lty . We shall:

B ern ie Schroder

Q u a lif ic a tio n sAJniversity council representive for Commerce Students- Co-chairman Prof N igh t- m em ber A.I.E.S.E.C. 67-68- m em ber of Economics Club 66-67- de lagate to C.E.S. A.C. C r ^ ^ ence- active pa rtic ipan t ir ^ ^ ^ jm m erce activities.

- v rReasons fo r S' j p o s it io n :The lack o f I ' / V ricipation by a ll students o ' / V / n m m e r c e Facultv hstudents or ^ ^ , o m m e r c e Faculty has

position.led me the above m entioned


TeamInd iv idua lP latform

N a th e n F ink leste in

Q u a lif ic a tio n s

- Accounting M ajor- Treasurer o f Business Seminar 68- Financial Chairm an o f ^ ^ nagement Dept. Confrence.

Accounting exr^% S r obtained through sum mer e .ient.- M em ber o f A. I ̂968


TeamIndiv idualP latform

C.S.A.Secretary C.S.A. Ext V.P. C.S.A. Int. V.P. Social Co-Chairman

G ra e m e Forsyth M a rk H oerig B arry E. K a tso f

Q u a lif ic a tio n s

Q u a lif ic a ti-4 years business exp ' - Co-chairman


is exp

o :A desire S ' \b e tw t ^ ^ ^ e n t s and facu lty.

B ilingual- four years experience in prior to re tu rn ing to un iversity- experienced in managem** >t


po s ition n * f% \V : .y occupies a

the un iversity en- to it';

^ek ing po s itioncloser re lation

Reasons fo rThe Com m '*,

uniquev iro rr g ^ f V ^ ' t o it 's close association w ith un iversity a t large, and the business w orld in particu lar. I feel I can m ake a m ean ing fu l and positive contribution to the developm ent o f this association through the position I am seeking.

Q u a lif ic a tio n s- H igh School Students Con- Business Seminar C < 6 6 - 6 7- Sports Quorum i ^ V a n 67-68- Business Co-chairman

67-6 8 . r- Chai, vsiness Seminar 68-69- Chain f ^ i Students C om m ittee Fac­u lty Conference 68-69.

Annarosam arian Lambchops and Throckmorton Gyntax

Q ualifica tions - self evident, see photo

possible, w e intend to organize a 'N ude Appreciation C lub' tha t w ill seek ou* members from all corners o ftF ersity.Program °

As our in itia l program , w e intend to show our contem pt for the new 1 _ f ) ^ *eepvers ity regulations th a t for*-‘ . j u s events as Carnival w ill again incopulation. As a resul

seeping w ith trad ition , such notor-

expect some surprises Blood Drive.

:>i4v year s

Apart from the active, responsible pa rtic ipa tion of as m any students as

elude the usual debauchery tha t has made Carnival synonymous w ith Chavcer's Canterbury tales.

Remember, it is better to have lov­ed and lost than never to have lost at all.

ilsilALL students will answ er questions 1-8 (incl.)

I l l

ARTS students will answ er questions 9-15 (incl.)• •

“ WmV* • •&■> ft' ft

SCIENCE students will answ er questions 16-18/ * I \( in c l.)

COM MERCE and ENGINEERING slates have been acclaimed.


COMMERCE students vote in the Norris Building (3rd floor)

Arts, Engineering, Fine Arts and Science students vote in the Hall Building (M ezzanine).* Published by the Students' Association, Charles Retbel, C h ie f Returning O fficer.



v 'Imm

■ M l

. . . "

top related