Volume - 2 - Issue 6 September 2014 · Soumen De, PMP soumen@pmibangalorechapter.org Page 1 EEddiittoorr’’ss NNoottee ... are hard-copy documents, emails, conferences, webinars,

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Thanks and Best Wishes

Soumen De, PMP


Page 1

Editor’s NoteEditor’s NoteDear Friends,

Warm Greetings from the PMI Bangalore India Chapter!

The Chapter is once again abuzz with PMPC 2014 activities. PMPC, acronym for Project

Management Practitioners Conference (PMPC) is the flagship event on Project

Management, organized every year by PMI Bangalore India Chapter. It is the largest and th ndmost popular Project Management conference to be held from 20 -22 November 2014 at Bangalore.

PMPC demonstrates the Chapter's commitment to serve the professional community with a structured

knowledge sharing platform. PMPC is the confluence of professionals who feel passionate about making a

difference to their personal and professional lives by learning from Subject Matter Experts, Business &

Thought Leaders and Project Management Practitioners. We are living in an era where speed has become

synonymous with progress, where technology gadgets have become our new sense organs, where health

care has reached the corners of the country, where banking and retailing have moved from brick and

mortar buildings to hand held networked devices, information is no more a prized possession of handful of

experts, hence it is an apt time we recognized the role of Project Management in transforming our lives.

That is the thought behind choosing “ARCHITECTING PROJECT MANAGEMENT for transforming

lives…” as the theme for PMPC 2014. The conference will present how advancements in technology,

manufacturing, health care, education, social sector etc. have touched our lives and made permanent

impact in the way we live, study, collaborate or do business. A strong and enduring vision backed by sound

Project Management practices is the key to unleash the potential from such innovative and transformative

initiatives. PMPC, like any other Chapter events is primarily driven by volunteers. Like myself, many

volunteers are working hand in hand to carry out a detailed planning and then carrying out the execution

of various tasks allocated to them. It is good to see the deep sense of motivation and commitment

pervading in the PMPC meetings, where volunteers, debate, discuss, argue and thrash out the details in

the best interest of giving the conference delegates a great learning experience from the event. It is also a

good place to get a hands on training on your leadership and influencing skills. Volunteers also savors

satisfaction and self fulfilment from doing something that make a positive difference to our PM community.

If you need to participate in the volunteering work at Chapter, please do feel free to communicate with us.

Happy Reading.

Chapter News

Editorial Board

Volume - 2 - Issue 6 September 2014

-Capt. L. N. Prasad

Q. This is a decision making

process which has similarity with

how basketball or football players

exchange the ball to get to their

goal of shooting the ball through

opponent's basket (or goal post)

Chapter News

- Capt. L. N. Prasad

Simple Steps for Effective

Project . . .

- Sameer Murdeshwar

A Reflection on the Project

Management . . .

- Manjunatha

Innovation or R & D Project

How can we . . .

- Soumen De

The Lighter side of PM

- Rajiv





Continued on Page 8...

PM Footprints: th On 14 August 2014

Mr. Dwarki Rao and Mr. Ajay Kumar from HP

Global e-Business Operations Pvt. Ltd.,

spoke on the topic "Lean IT - Designed to

Deliver" A case study.

The talk showcased how implementation of

Lean in information technology (IT)

services domain across multiple

geographies of

India, US,


delivered a

25% capacity

savings (FTE)

in 16 weeks,

through effective process model

transformation and creating a culture of

continuous improvement.

thOn 28 August 2014, Mr. Sameer S. Raawat,

Chief Catalyst, Suxess Multiplierz--

Innovation and

Growth Catalyst.

Spoke on the topic

"Myth of Project

End dates --

Creating Value

Beyond it”. The

session explored opportunities of creating

greater value for all the stakeholders

Murali Santhanam, PMP

Namita Gupta, PMP, PMI-ACP


Shikha Vaidh, PMP, PMI-ACP

Soumen De, PMP

Vittal Vijayakumar, PMP

2 Page

Volume - 2 - Issue 6 September 2014

Simple Steps for Effective ProjectCommunications Management

A typical Communications Plan contains

the following elements (Refer Figure 2) –

Step 2 –Disseminating information helps

ensures that the Communications Plan is

implemented on

schedule and that

the right

information reaches

the right people.

Building a


matrix, a variation

of the popular

responsibility assignment or RACI matrix,

can define the flow of project information

from sender to receiver. A supporting tool

is a robust information retrieval system,

in the form of a secure and organized

database, designed for faster access to

project information.

In any project, more than half the

information is disseminated verbally.

Maintaining project meeting notes and

distributing them to

attendees can help

capture what was said

in these meetings.

Other formats to

distribute information

are hard-copy

documents, emails,

conferences, webinars, and internal


Step 3 - Reporting effectiveness and

measurement helps keep stakeholders

informed with the latest updates on the

project's performance such as costs,

schedules, project risk and project

quality. Four popular reporting

communications formats are –

Status reports on how the project is

performing currently

Progress reports on the milestones

achieved so far and details on pending


Forecasting and scoping reports to dict

the end date for the project, with

details on whether the project is being

run within deadlines and constraints,

predict the end date for the project, with

details on whether the project is being

run within deadlines and constraints

Quality and Risk reports on the results

of quality testing and analysis, and risk

identification and mitigation

To help define the process of project

communications reporting and measuring

communications effectiveness, inputs

from the project plan can be taken.

Another tip would be to document all

activities and work results to prepare

reports for teams. Performance review

meetings can be scheduled to note down

and measure the success of the project.

Step 4 - Closing project communications

– At the end of each process as well as

that of the whole project, closure is

required to document results and receive

a sign-off from stakeholders and

customers. This step involves the

following aspects –

Analysis of project's success / failure

Documentation of the project and its


Project archives

Lessons learned document for future


Clear, consistent and simple

communications is key for a project to

function efficiently. Keeping these steps in

mind, a project manager can effectively

ensure that the project has been

executed and the final deliverable is in

line with the expectations of stakeholders

and the customer.

Great communication is a Project

Manager's most important skill. With

teams facing a barrage of information at

work, it is sometimes challenging for

Project Managers to sustain an effective

communication process with their teams

and stakeholders. A well-constructed and

executed Project Communications Plan

can positively influence team motivation,

and increase the level of purpose and

dedication for projects.

This article focuses on how a Project

Manager can build an effective Project

Communications Management plan for a

project in four easy steps (Refer figure

1). It is based on the author's experience

of working with diverse teams on various

projects, speaking to many Project

Managers and colleagues, and

supplemented by general Project

Management research.

Figure 1.

Step 1 –Planning Project Communications

is done at the start of a project plan after

stakeholder requirements for

communications are identified, the type

and format of communication needed is

finalized, and a schedule is developed.

Some factors to help build a plan are –

Overall project structure

Role of stakeholders

Business units involved in the project

Project team members and their


Type of communication for various

audiences – customers, internal-only,

and industry

Sameer Murdeshwar

Simple Steps for Effective ProjectCommunications Management

PM Article

Figure 2

Page 3

Volume - 2 - Issue 6 September 2014

Manjunatha, PMP

2. Planning:

3. Execution:

a. Similarities:

I. Estimation needs to be as accurate as

possible before execution else it would

lead to a lot of delay and cost overrun

during the execution and completion of

the project.

ii. Spend sufficient time in planning. This

will help to reduce the rework during

execution, implementation and in

completing the project on time. We had

spent around 3 months on planning and

had 6 different layout diagrams before we

finalized the main one. Once finalized,

created 3D View to have the reference for

execution. Below is the 3D view example

b. Differences:

I. In IT Projects, During Estimation of the

project effort and cost normally we refer

the past history of similar projects and

take into account the buffer to have

estimations. In case of Construction

projects, this can be applicable only from

schedule perspective but not for cost. We

need to get the current market rates for

the accurate cost estimation.

a. Similarities:

I. Quality comes with Cost. We always,

need to have tradeoff between the Cost

and Quality for Materials required for

project. In construction the Major portion

of budget goes in Steel, Granite, Wood

and electrical items. In an IT Project, it

is for License of Software's, Hardware's

like Server, client etc.

Above photos shows how the quality of

the construction is carried out. We need

to ensure that the good quality raw

materials are procured at right time from

right vendors. Also, the mason and his

team should be well experienced in this

type of project.

b. Differences:

I. When there is a rework at construction,

it is very evident. It might be electrical

wiring to be redone for UPS or working

again on Tiles which were initially not laid

properly etc. Where as in the IT projects

rework will not be so evident.

ii. Managing the team members in the

construction project will be difficult as

their maturity and behavior standards

would vary from every individual as they

are all from different background, where

as in most of IT projects, people are

matured and trained individuals and most

importantly they are professionals at

work place.

a. Similarities

I. Always look for the Critical Path

activities and give more importance to

that. This is applicable in any type of

project. Always give importance to the

critical activity of the day.

ii. One of the main points to be noted in

the Construction project, in particular for

cost control, is to ensure that the

Engineer we hire is well aware about the

quality of raw materials available, its

location and availability at reasonable

4. Monitoring and Control:

Project by definition in any field i.e.

Construction or IT needs to have defined

Start and end date. In my experience,

when managing Construction and IT

projects, there are some similarities and

some differences. As a full-time IT

professional, I got an opportunity to

manage Project of constructing my own

house. It's an excellent experience for

me to manage the construction of two

storied independent house along with the

official responsibilities of managing IT

Projects. The key challenge was to

complete the construction within 12

months, with acceptable cost variance

and good quality. By applying good

Project Management Principles, I was

able to complete this project successfully,

meeting key challenges.

Let's look into the similarities and

differences of managing construction and

IT Projects by going through different

phases of project.

a. Similarities:

I. Key decisions are to be made right at

the beginning like selecting the Engineer,

Architect, type of Contract etc. Similarly

in IT Projects, key decisions include

identifying stakeholders like Architects,

Program Managers and Engineering

Managers etc.

ii. While identifying the Construction

Engineer, we obtain multiple quotations

and generally tempted to go with the

least quotation. We don't study all the

quotations in detail. In my experience, I

did not go with the least quote as I

enquired about the raw materials cost

available in market and went with the

quote which is in line with the market

rates. Similarly in IT Projects, when we

have the quotes from different vendors

especially in MNCs having development

activities spread across multiple

locations, we need to use a more

practical evaluation in deciding the best

quote rather than go with the least quote.

1. Initiating:

Continued on Page 6...

A Reflection on the Project Management Principles

for Construction Industry and IT Industry - A Case Study

A Reflection on the Project Management Principles

for Construction Industry and IT Industry - A Case StudyPM Article

4 Page

Volume - 2 - Issue 6 September 2014

Innovation or R&D Project: How can we Managethe Conflict of Creative and Business Needs

Soumen De, PMP

viable idea from Phase 1, into a prototype

and then pilot it quickly to demonstrate

business potential? Will the “Sales and

Marketing” person in Phase 3 be able to

get a promising customer response by

commercializing the product prototyped

in Phase2?

There are no easy answers to the

questions highlighted above. Matter gets

more complicated, when we realize that

the Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)

and motivating factors of a Researcher in

phase 1 (see fig 1) may be completely

different from the Engineer in phase 2. It

is also a fact that the educational

background of Researcher (typically

Masters or Phd degree) will be always

different from that of Engineer (typically

Bachelors or Master degree). Another

layer of challenge will come from the fact

that the resources (Researchers,

Engineers) PM has to manage will have a

dual responsibility towards the functional

manager and towards the PM.

We know that a project is temporary

endeavour that it has a defined beginning

and end in time, and therefore defined

scope and resources. An innovation

project team often includes people who

don't usually work together and come

from different functions across multiple


Can the Innovation be managed

better by adopting PM processes?

A R&D project undertaken by an

enterprise will convert the idea

(invention) into a commercial proposition

(innovation). As the name R&D implies:

R-Research is supposed to produce the

new ideas or invention and D-

Development is supposed to take the

output of research and make it into a

commercially viable product or service. In

other words “D-Development” process

converts invention into innovation.

The business context in which we operate

can be best described by four terms –

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and

Ambiguity (VUCA). Under this scenario if

a company turnarounds research idea

into a commercial proposition faster, the

better it would be placed to sustain

profitability. This is only possible if the

company follows a structured process to

carry out innovation. A simple process to

carry out innovation can be represented

as shown in figure 1.

The cycle time from Phase 1 to Phase 3 is

getting shorter every year because of

competitive pressures and VUCA factors

mentioned earlier. A good innovation

project needs 'novel' ideas (and related

proof of concepts) which can only be

done by incorporating high level of

creativity. The question then comes up,

can we get original creative or innovative

ideas by bounding the project team with

the constraints of time and cost. Can you

define the scope of the idea “upfront” and

still expect to get high levels of creativity.

Think of asking a famous painter to make

an 'original' painting for you by defining

the time and scope and you can

imagine the reaction you would get from

her. But business cannot afford to give

the unconstrained time/scope/cost to the

innovation team to come out with the

most innovative product. Company will

then miss the bus by the time the

innovation product comes out.

Can we bring out a very creative and

innovative product by managing it with

project management process? Will the

Project Management processes that PM

will adopt accelerate Innovation or stifle

Creativity? Process tells people what to

do—the actions, the order, and the

expected results. A good process should

have built in inspection, monitoring and

control system that will acknowledge

deviation from the 'expected' results. If

the results are not as anticipated, the

process is analyzed and altered to bring

its results back to acceptable values.

Neither the end product nor the granular

breakdown of the steps will be known at

the start of a typical radical Innovation

project. If the end product is known or

steps are absolutely clear at the

beginning, then people (both internal and

external) will not trust the 'novelty' of the

new product. Besides, the KPI's for

Researchers are not about compliance

with the processes, but about churning

out a 'novel' idea. So they would not care

about the processes proposed by the PM.

So the skeptics would say, 'Process' not

only stifles creativity, but also innovation,

passion, imagination and creativity—as it

should; otherwise, it would fail to serve a

purpose of blooming a 'novel' idea. John

Scully of Apple had rightly observed:

“Management and creativity might even

be considered antithetical states. While

management demands consensus,

control, certainty, and the status quo,

creativity thrives on the opposite:

instinct, uncertainty, freedom and

iconoclasm” [5]

Can the “Researcher” in Phase 1 come

out with a viable idea within a finite time?

Can the “Engineer” in Phase 2 convert the

Innovation or R&D Project: How can we Managethe Conflict of Creative and Business Needs

Continued on Page 5...

PM Article

Page 5

Volume - 2 - Issue 6 September 2014

Innovation or R&D Project ... continued from Page 4

Supply Chain – How it is created and

delivered to the market

Target Customer – To whom it is


Technology Innovation

The common perception is that a good

innovation is always a technology

innovation. Technology change can

produce innovation in three distinct ways.

Product and Service offerings – A new

product or feature to cater to a customer


Process Technologies - A new process or

improvement in existing process to

manufacture the product

Enabling Technologies – A new method

or tool that can be applied in a suitable

way to cater to a customer need

The PM needs to then understand if this

is “Push” type or a “Pull” type innovation

project. The “buy-in” from top

management will always be stronger for

the “Pull” type of innovation project

• Push Innovation: Here the

Researcher goes through existing

literature and presents some fuzzy or

'high-level' idea of the technology that

needs to be developed for a possible

business benefit and requests for

organizational resources to achieve that.

Here the feasibility of the new idea is not

very clear and needs some time to get


• Pull Innovation: Here the

Management carries out some external

environment scanning or competitive

benchmarking and proposes development

of a new technology. Here the

management is already committed to the

project deliverables and is ready to

provide organizational resources to

support the project. The feasibility of the

new idea and relative documents are

relatively clearer than the push method.

Any organization will always try to deploy

more resources for ongoing operations

and much less for innovations as

Step 2 - Project Organization and


represented. So a PM needs to

understand how many resources would

be made available for the innovation

project given the demand of organization

to press more resources for 'operations'

or routine work. PM needs to have a

strong networking, especially with top

management and influencing skills to

impress the top management on the

business criticality of the project, so that

she gets most of her requested

resources. If resources are difficult to

get, PM can form a team having a mix of

full timers versus part timers.

As we know the PM has to deliver the

scope of the project and have the

responsibility to satisfy the different

needs: tasks needs, team needs and

individual needs of both dedicated and

shared team shown earlier in figure 4.

Given the conflicting needs, PM can

address them effectively by

demonstrating a range of interpersonal

skills such as leadership, influencing,

political, trust building, negotiation etc.

This is also useful for Step 2 needs. In

order to accelerate the idea generation

process and to make sure the idea will

have less chances to 'fail' when handed

over to Phase 2 team, the PM can involve

the stakeholders from Phase 2 (who

would integrate the application) and

Phase 3 (who would the end users of this

application) early into the project.

If already not there, PM needs to

generate Management “pull” in the

project. Without this “pull” the PM will

find herself going against the tide in

trying to manage the different

constraints, including need to balance the

creativity and business needs. Once the

'Pull' process in enabled, the PM should

be able to test out the presence of

technical risk, if any by creating a flexible

platform and staffing it with people who

can work closely with Researchers from

Phase 1. The mantra for the successful

rapid prototyping would be to “Fail Early

and Fail Cheap (FEFC)

Step 3 – Project Management and


Step 4 – Problem Solving and Rapid


This makes the team a highly matrixed

team. The key to adopt a process to

manage innovation is to acknowledge

that the “ideas” have to move through an

'innovation funnel' to make it to

commercialization. This is shown in

figure 2.

In figure 2, each 'square' represents an

idea with its shade representing the

amount of 'lack of clarity' or 'fuzziness' in

the idea (color white representing that

the idea has zero clarity to black

representing idea having maximum

clarity). As can be seen, in Phase 1, there

will be many ideas especially those ideas

which lacks clarity. It will be at times

Researcher's 'free-expression-of-thought'

and they will be profoundly attached to

their ideas. While acknowledging those

biases/preferences, PM has to still

maximize the number of good ideas

generated in Phase 1, and then follow an

effective pruning process to take one or

two ideas through the funnel into Phase

2. In Phase 2, the idea needs to be

rapidly prototyped and risks uncovered. If

necessary, the idea can go through

several rounds of iteration with the team

in Phase 1. Once it is robust enough and

demonstrates business potential, the idea

is pushed through the funnel for mass

production and commercialization.

Given the different uncertainties involved,

The PM can adopt the following project

management framework (Steps 1 to 6) to

maximize the chances to making the

innovation project a success

The PM should first identify whether it is

a business innovation or technology

innovation project. This will help her to

identify the key stakeholders, timing

priorities and identify the 'Big Picture” of

the project to keep the team together.

Business Process Innovation

This describes how company creates,

sells and delivers value to the customer.

Business change can produce innovation

in three distinct ways.

Value proposition – What is sold and

delivered to the market

Step1: Generate Project Definition

Continued on Page 7...

6 Page

Volume - 2 - Issue 6 September 2014

cost otherwise, project will tend to have a

high cost overshoot. This is one of the high

Risk for the project.

In Case of IT projects, the knowledge

about the product, domain by the Project

Manager and the good architect will help in

controlling the cost of the project.

iii. Anticipate that there will always be risk

of delay in raw material during execution

of the project. For instance, there was

delay in raw material availability like Sand

due to Strike from Sand suppliers

Association. We had to use our buffers in

terms of acceptable delays so that the

strike will be withdrawn. It all depends on

your project priority and cost/schedule

trade off

iv. Do expect there would be an increase in

overall cost with respect to the planned at

the end of the Construction project. This

might be due to changes in the cost of raw

materials or choosing a slightly higher cost

material for better quality than originally

planned. Similarly in IT Projects, Variation

of cost could be due to large number of

defects found during testing or late

additional of scope which customer feels a

A Reflection on the Project ... continued from Page 3

must, not finding out the implicit requirements


b. Differences:

I. Cost spending from the beginning to the end

of the project is different. In case of

Construction, money spending will be very high

towards end . Where as in IT, it will be High

during the execution and will come down during


ii. In construction project, we had a good

Estimate with the defined quality .During

execution; we tempted to do gold plating which

leads to cost overshoot. Hence biweekly once,

looked into the expenditure, status of completion

with respect to cost, which gave lot of control on

the cost. Normally in IT industry, the Cost will

not play major role compare to schedule and

quality during the execution unless it is a fixed

cost project

a. Similarities

I. In Construction projects, the project

completion is accompanied by the House

warming celebration which is the tradition

globally. Similarly in IT projects, we call it a

5. Closing:

release Celebration which is done

by going for outing or having some

gifts like T shirt, Bags with Project


b. Differences:

I. In Construction projects, the End

date of completion not only

depends on the all planned work

completion but also, on the good

dates to carry out the House

Warming as per calendar. In my

case, the project could have been

completed in 11 months; however

we went slowly during completion

as there were no good dates to

have the House warming function.

In Case of IT Projects, There are

no such dates we normally look for

and depend on the need of the


To Summarize, project might be

from different fields i.e.

construction, IT project. What

matters is, how efficiently and

effectively the Project Management

principles are inculcated in every

step of the Project to excel finally.

A. “Catchball" is a very popular

decision-making where information and

ideas go back and forth, thrown about,

running up and down an organization in

a mutually participative manner. In

other words it is a business process of

floating ideas and comments around in

an iterative manner. The name

'catchball' comes from the metaphor of

tossing an idea back and forth, much

like you might with a football.

In Lean, the catchball process, 1.

refines ideas, 2. promotes buy-in from

the front line, 3. encourages creativity

and 4. helps create a continuous

improvement culture.

As the catchball process progresses,

each person involved has an

opportunity to add his or her ideas.

[Source - Internet]

How to Write an Angry MemoHow to Write an Angry Memo

We've all been there. Something

unpleasant happens and you need to

respond right away. Sit down and write

that angry memo. Use every ounce of

vitriol, and get all those aggressions down

on paper. Now what? Put it in a drawer.

This is the best career advice I ever

received, and it came from my first boss.

In my first professional position I had an

office with a desk, an electric typewriter

and a rotary-dial phone. It was a long time

ago. But wait there's more . . .

Wait. Wait until you've calmed down. Wait

for an hour, wait for a day, but wait. Now,

write the memo again. It will be less angry.

Put that one in the drawer. Write it again.

Repeat. How do you know when to stop?

After some number of drafts you will end

up with a positive document instead of a

negative one. Something along the lines of

Heather Simmons, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"How can we work together to solve this

problem?" Now you can send it.

This is the written equivalent of counting

to ten. Few people can sustain an

intense level of negative emotion for

very long.

Having written down your anger, you

have worked through your frustration,

and you are now ready to approach the

problem constructively. And the more

time that passes, the more you realize

that there are two sides to every


Sending the angry memo (or email) will

only exacerbate the problem, and you

will almost certainly regret it from the

moment you hit the "send" button. But

you really don't want to make it worse,

you want to fix it. So wait.

Page 7

Volume - 2 - Issue 6 September 2014

Step 5 – Senior Management Review and Control

Step 6 – Real Time Monitoring and Mid- Course Control

The Phase 1 stage may be internally divided into one or two more sub steps,

and same may be the case with Phase 2 and Phase 3 stages. PM needs to seek

Senior Management and project sponsor support through regular management

review and control. Like many organization do suitable go/no decisions needs

to be taken at each phase. This will make sure necessary course corrections

are done if the project steers away from the management vision.

The PM needs to

continuously scan for

deviations from original

assumptions and

investigate whether course

corrections needs to

happen. Small deviations

can be addressed by

updating project

management plan. However

large deviations needs to be

communicated to key stakeholders and a consensus needs to be achieved on

whether those deviations can be best addressed by adjustment of project

management plan or by winding up the present

project and starting it all over again as a new

project as shown in figure 3. Sometime starting all

over again has more merit than providing Band-

Aid fixes. But PM needs to make sure she gets to

this decision point (of starting all over again) fast

enough before lots of organization investment has

been made. Refer FEFC mantra of Step 4.

Critics argue how one plan certainty of the R&D

project outcome when the project by its very

definition needs one to explore the possible

results. What they don't realize is that those

structures can actually enhance creativity, if the

processes and the metric to measure those

processes are built in the right way. The inherent

uncertainty in R&D projects is more of a reason to

plan than to avoid it.

Reference- Balancing the creativity need and the business

need of a R&D or Innovation project with project

management [PMI National Conference 2013]


Innovation or R&D Project ... continued from Page 5

Appreciation from Overseas

Lt. Col. L. Shri Harsha, (Retd), PgMP, PMP, Director – Academic Relations

of the Chapter conducted a 4 day workshop for US Navy personal at the

Office of the Commander, Logistics Group, Western Pacific, based in

Singapore from 08 – 11 Sep 2014. The delivery of the training was been

appreciated by the participants. The maintenance of the fleet spread

over the entire region is critical for the operational readiness of the Navy

in the region, which has to be executed with precision. The Chapter is

proud of his professionalism and dedication.

Lt. Col. L. Shri Harsha (Retd) with some of the participants (Left)

and the feedback form (bottom).

PM Accomplishments

8 Page

Volume - 2 - Issue 6 September 2014

PMI Bangalore India Chapter# 13, Suryastan Apartments, Andree Road, Shanthi Nagar,Bangalore - 560 027, Karnataka, India

Contactus@pmibangalorechapter.orgT +91 80 6583 3671, +91 80 2211 5772, +91 98868 14078http://www.pmibangalorechapter.org

ValueWorks; mail@valueworks.co.in

PM Essence


“The mission of PM Essence is to facilitate the exchange of information among professionals in the field of

project and program management, provide them with practical tools and techniques, and serve as a

forum for discussion of emerging trends and issues in project management. PM Essence is YOUR

Newsletter and Bangalore Chapter welcomes story ideas and/or suggestions to make it still better. More

information can be found on the Chapter's website.”

All articles in PM Essence are the views of the authors and not necessarily those of PMI or PMI Bangalore

India Chapter. Unless otherwise specified, it is assumed that the senders have done due diligence in

getting necessary copyright and official clearance in respect of all letters and articles sent to PM Essence

for publication. PMI Bangalore India Chapter is not responsible for loss, damage, or any other injury to

unsolicited manuscripts or other material.

The Lighter Side of PM

We like to hear

what you think!!

Please complete the sentence below

with your thoughts in 10-15 words and

send them to

The best entry will win attractive

goodies from PMI Bangalore India


This edition's slogan

Please provide your response by

th29 September 2014

Chapter will select the best slogan and

felicitate the winner during a Chapter



“It is essential for any PM to

manage stakeholders

expectation as/because

.................................... ”

(customers, organisations and project team members) within the Project

Management Framework. The talk focused on product / solution life cycle,

Organisational capabilities and value and Learning's gained by project team members

aspects of a project:

rd On 23 August 2014, The Chapter along with Rotary Bangalore

West conducted a one day workshop on Agile program titled "Agile Scrum in a day-

Learn by doing was organised”. The one day workshop was intended to introduce the

participants to the fundamentals of Agile principles, concepts and practices of Agile

Scrum. Nearly 52 members participated in this program.

Agile Program:

Chapter News ... continued from Page 1

th ndPMI Bangalore Chapter announces PMPC 2014 from 20 -22

November at Nimhans Convention Centre, Bangalore.

This year's theme is "Architecting Project Management for

transforming lives". Please mark your calendar and stay tuned

for further announcements from the Chapter.

In our last edition, we had asked you to

express your thoughts in

10-15 words to continue the following


and the best response is . . .

and the Winner is

It's said that Project Manager

spends 90% of his/her time in

communication because


continuous & right communication

at right time to right stakeholders

is a key to success of a project.”

Kapil Goel, PMP

Article Contribution

This monthly newsletter is a forum where everyone can contribute through articles on Project

Management and related topics. You can also claim PDUs for your contribution under category D

(Creating new project management knowledge). Additionally it helps you in improving your

writing skills. Use this opportunity and excel in the field of Project Management.

You can send your Articles or route your queries to

Please note that you do not need to be a PMI or Chapter member to contribute articles for Essence

and participate in monthly slogan competition. All are welcome.


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