virRti - UoN Repository

Post on 14-Mar-2023






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C1*000 IPREE I35TSTJTl-A.3SrOE“ vtTB TD Annua OTAMma. isd WDinam a*t«u«bw« « p«f» i„„i,ii______ -

a*HB 3BA»T

vir Rti* the leader.



NAlBOm, SATURHAV. MaKi U .i.N.. JOM MmfFTiANEous Advertisements

FORSAli -(CM(i).nuiip. bfTd TouIcniM A m1«. Ui •«:)>' M <bU8« Iw •wtablv. .1aljo liw .,««.•, Tb. Slip.


F.O. •« W,.iSwgWKoi.DA'OO.,

ea. Viclori* BliZsKlN B.C4

UAUJD&V — DUWUJS^ -^1 l h.‘ i-iwial clianiw on -uiwli' lOiiv Ilf the

»oetilv ..<lillon of the •' E. A. .-iUnaaMi ' anfM folliv.v:

tCenjraA Ufiauda !• Cu -lleewhere aoCto

FjbriatfT I VletcT,


PUS 11, 1W19.jouninat Ko of >U t»l« U.........

HAUldo?, of D»d^. irmadwQ of tbo l«l» B.t Ki»-dortok Hollidoj, fint '

, OBlf •

Frsnk Oomo

pBNS nf founi »«€** inv I Mt^lrr .n.t 1 r.Ul«l. m. W/-. .t Dim end AlrtUU um

Annli* Molo.

PrlS^,d"^o^art£:mHwa M>pl7 t>»wl»»

SbR AdTstbeMris.SSWi BUMI, iHPiaiii.

F0RSA1£. (Cirii).Uorrlna IJ<»1m.el Um Ulo PMvIok Arthoi Ttniillen Beelta Dulldlnnl ud u' **

Ooofl.Loadce WiM“TlUf ; cit, 'Bmm', A«at letOEHIW—PBICB. — In

^d^Doo^Ui ClirWp of Uieioi ud KilhlMB Loun Prioo. of Chobhim. B<in*7.

pOUJiAKS'S Po-» ^p. ^“f'"....

jasswuted,nLrt^at Wii\«d. u

a tticuoa „,1 r, ubl'Ui-

V,llv I,.”' Wh'l'■j, •:,rj

. » Ivn LT*.. &r--Itl Sr-fJOI/DBK B»U SMd Wfcoet, ” mdoJ oad «fimeir»1 18/-

! p.r *» Ih... rid> wtth orier.b DEATHS.rntip pwloM to pehUeith*.aariBi

mono Pi.r.'.p'or, ■loi.p V I) Hoi 7«4 \aiT<.M


.oiiini Ai IHIioliatli

islul ud -Mn

I tbo bod. M lAJld


iUi^hirr of ' I«ioa

WEfJtI.V Umuoo 'v baloAOd G-^« AtifUsbse ife-■ci,rH

ff»A;'r.a'2rs.r„‘dlioSa Sta. a»/-. B»tli»r

SSi:: lit..Ml-r~*j sTr:'s,«-is£

- :_Rho.lecif Dhl, Ar*. flOIJ-.Amn Vkloip. Pno. 4/

ii. -.-.“rKOK SALE. s:/sS..r. :r —Ul: ftri, Uk* 8oW,DAILY

T^^rr-w-.liM at Oi Wadi, a • InaUai of > liaa dltb « mUd---------- ---

CtoVaiT. A1 lU »<«• --I

LoeiUr. jftrlj’ Niro Mora.


NiUro Cbidii A. X>I-KJi‘beatB nal lOilSiU WO/.I

SO I mi HI 3£0/-. Ml Mill«0/-, flff froiiltod. Kmlro-Boy.

Doi too. NilroW.

BIRTHS. Hbwiro.

U Nibaro.Idd., & ■.‘SK■n.s,»!.»IB •ol SpUioi Do*Prod •Bd

00l.I.I‘''ls ^P-td''*. - • P't'Bealin*. Bn«liod •Uro bjod3L'»4th *8D>j^

Wrlli.-^i MttS'viS.r Si

f,nin A

LTJNN -«n l« Ploa. Crolrol nido , Oert. tlo..!. opponOi Mr. 8oB< SiueW.

Mii.iro. M«e "Staadad."Id i-EUTTt.-!.'qiHB itM ■^ ilhrof Wi

a lad Uiiel

HildiL«U1. . diulhlrr . Mrob

OMOth'l ---------

MrolBl^Xa";‘'Tui«n-UAXWBIJ.-AI alitoo. w. fSHB-B. Uanro £of J.

!Ss?LV/S‘is; Hold. -Hajab-.. A Biailed el u. •ool AppiT W. CiU..engagements.w“<srrT.,“!S___Aaroimro LU.----------iTlX'ss ssr'!sr.o-,ii“»sr-

■»)wiw.D»rrea A kii biro onard rod

pOPPKB Ptrow Orowa fro*^ -leeted Proeeh WadoB leed,ttwipliAUd. 12 rod 15 roeolbi


plroo s=,:S"-r Vrol lorI Mro WitUa NeliT BMro. Irow

icTSs;Drolaa. diettria

SSSSt^^' wv.^ ll njjd^KlM la April

Roto. -WU

a L-^.*SJTod,£!

•“‘“'".'"’Tir'iZ,0 p™cll.-*Ilj

ifoiiAtta MO a

ir 'as ffiii- ^

win be Mat

Mn W,■39 MT.whlKCi'



IMVd Prirro* at•od Mtrr lyrlirro -if. Rariae

fnrti fallLaaaridp. Mae AtUBlw. I RUaM.Sf


.MOUWELFOG. .kmcmmssi m



t'AlC^ t'OK 6ALE Fhik for SiJe.-(CaNi)fOK SAa (Cmi.,

i2Csv..;.,Dm ?0

14W^ IMilKiK T'Olm luiltar' p,rf«'. roBdltton

• Itb ill ucf<n>irl'.. 4 u • laUI'x-a l^na jlut flit'll £ISi>. <>w|ti-r ImtIdk K*‘DVt end of Hnnli.

T K. II. tUmiaa. TO. Ki>iL


^ m U..M 9

.JUnllUAd iaLAiu.

m^' ba iAu<to. at * IfocWa

C*i inrhia. 27 miln from ,vIlrMUuu (nm ttOi. v>

UonnlMma A<flWJSrAChMaCdst

Orinte « IhMiit;.Will There be a Joint

Administration.<flw Diln Cron .V'tkn

am* rtidy lapla

. pZ.. Slf’^r « CMtoTweH; Utm.GiFe^N^Spol ■ RriTfeHapi(]i,“|wnllt7, IrouUti

Kiter food IMU . nraatd Uune buuat, alat>li>, tJUr luD IflXUea, inilbuiUilMK |ud<D. iTUil vitbSIU kr scraice by IM ttna DMr tUalion, wtU wittmL ttaaatt* •RKvibU road. Spgif lUjat K. a Wird, Nairaib*.


Ji.Mitbi ia ih* atrotaia al Ut.^alt SUaarbwk Howl. | i-hrt

M\otl auiloB Uaara. < Wnu Hutht^liad

luil> ' MANADim. undnr •.bna ‘ * eatiilc :>>v> arm.ubu I rial

R*1-KRIBW,^ «fttt t»n yaoii* cWld. Ux naiMu. euK 4ui>a< aalar; rwioitwl.

No 65S5,

to l-Kk!■

•sd (Moi at ibo nooaufa imt-

Kroya. lurlrallod

araUc U per AuanaFob. »•.TV acUalkTtTtl^'t^’Drib*

MbiMtoithaBriWite -Dm" laatiw <rilb lb* raoeutloB of ” — Caael. haat - •Hanaaol-

ANO&EGirPTUK KEOmATIONS. DoalApply Vao- "Hi.ivdard,” ,Th« JUlIu tU

‘^AUiutan'’ Urn - in»f

wllb th* podet »hip

rUoriUbDiv. Fobruarj S7.Udyneath (Mm. ElUot-

I.ynn) had to moko a foT««i landing on the Izvita Flatu on aeeotiDt ut oil trouble in bor machine.

.‘Ibe Al natire h

].ady Heath who i* dying from Pretoria to Cairo on an A\ro Avian wasexiveet- ed to leave Tabom on March t and to arrive at Kisnmu on the same day. She was then expectetl to fly from Kisudiu to Nairobi on Match 2.

^UelonFw Tbt Brtak Wl Crate AMihcrSudtedTmAfrT.

UaalilM . Umlorol anaagunnl.HIM:EUJUi£OU.\ elan

iteeii hea^- loo*V. and a. Hn __via" Is slandlng by. TJ?

A ratal DaUy.Feb. m. ■■

Liteboats which pul mtt from Rye rotumod dtra a vain, nightlong MM, tor Ac survlvore otw

Alcantara’" whow OtlS ......'..^>40 10 20. OmII

iiir/ 'XHSWAU.. Am Ua«b.

,.,9.rp-H M.I.otUiM u> Ue. MpKlOly •*.... .h.^. .V..... al..

uoo Mm. 1*1 Tot, M«bl*. Ho

UuuM. • ■ ^

fflHR ebiA I., il...

fs.;'.*:’ud ihnw **0

ku olfeared that there

of life.piutniad icskn tb. Urn. SBb*~)grnlly Sir■un»iro rttnuy ai.

PretMUd Party is«*U*{* tadLnw^. Frb

toiaad k Loaka aad?^ a. to lb. oouM of lb« Ai.4to-Es.ptka iW'irSlalkaa >Uab. hnatTrr. ai* baltorrf to W p.m-~lug, Ml-rrly

Sir Aun«a ~ ’ ’m lha Boua* r4 Crnimoat

lb. nrubbour-

•alary rtqalKd a^

•akaol iu, obildmi MS'‘'Hltn.ltM‘/‘'NriroM. fnun U;- »*• .d ai abicb nuanu

.-hwK- Q.VE Saior aad^oM

.'.si;. |Apply wllb MpiM of t«Un.ji'is.'oi.'iss,’ -

E.UI.N....... . . _________________noj^ ^aluHay April lib. ObquIHBK Manager on aharing

a.m. Ooir (‘oiaprlKtoa.

pent the night inlUt.

nX Drltlab Ikreliayiridaluludr (l.eCVBamtary. dMlinal Ih. prrAvrt inrlalk® to a prir*!. virw and ei-

relua .bouto ba b(l > ..liwipM aierau »rl Uunlrr Bai ni

Tarty Iradera and -t-. bKaean tb# nmitor. pMhi. ant bod ttoyd. tb< BrtliabII<b Comauun— —.......... .

SJ'XS’...Kl .Ikram pubJnbn anolbi r

eMTatuna poUiabad up to tba pa-

a Caalar-• cry Ikx.liful, vui.baalil.}. I JuJdpr Inir ; nab .'l.o.«lata i.u>. piutml lui rii-rk Kiut «Sm. Tankutorl) !>"• ‘o'

aide—goal |minf aii .h. je.i to type rouad. Ninaty aora. cd mfln liiBoniala plantad^appioa Imi. ol

l>palCbamb.r’.a.B la Ibr iTodoelloa. TVs IIm

ei COMra dratUtod to Mneltoe atblbltton aad lb« T.ood<« CetDiy Cnaii«U prabIMird-£ DOGS WANTED. foaadlJ far

Briiab fonMI bri

uaW ba aaa abla to lay paper# tba aubieM ol tba Angto-


1 prlrata rtm a qaetitoBa IB

Rouaa of ComiTM«a today.AL8ATIAK Wdf Ito, km i i.r.n:h. ..Id pura bred yedk

IMrien. .

ll'parlniMit N'.rin - KIrlor.l eli.l Klleli- lUelllrU

.b « netlAnI foi gannal iiifonnv {L llui llitt the Kapaanl r.'rMI HU r tlonwU11-.rlo.r.|frota;il.Ma-TU

■' in». Furr.i.T.-Ill ti. fmur>-br ■lalloiirrl at Keptaael. T kabu. ipii Mt. Hf.... •••'Hanl . for.................urinable torra Kapur ■an ba pre^ to Clptagal aeo iiRlbiirily lu|& planta oblilnnl from Mta br

aU.. olitalntU. from at KlOile.

P0« OtTup by tbevTovbrli It Is feaAd that

othera have {lemhod.The nnl iuliinbllo

eolliiion was ao 8 received al B.40 p.m night but a later mea eanoelled the S.O.S.. ^rlng that all r and that lifoboala ' renuired.

Thia resulted in

rrpKtd in Ibr erpitlT* a ikia *!««b« II hod bean (Wfoaed

mueiratrIt had bMa ippaerd by

huttoola. Rkdei^The paper doelarra tbat tba fro- vard Treaty Uiwen. Dritaia aad Etorpi wtU be efftettea after tea durini vbbh period tba Dri- liab nnpalioo *11] tai

brlvren Bule- twea rtauMted to ontt. to the nntmmrate ol atou M otber partt ol

Eiaplrt rrnardini tba Uca. quHltoae pul to Ur. BaM-

wia taciMrtlap iho apprdataBaBt al

llnll.llnr Snii.lo).T-iitil. '»lh. ID .Mi.r.l

^RTatatiES. Far a boBday !

IWrl-.^^br ’

the■ir TO.KIUK I .111! • ri but order*

Toiin. Ilrl Afaiaat.

ead cd laa ymi tba spea- Itoo *01 bt lubtuitud la tba Lea- ^ ol NaUana U^ Migiaainaat ia

25^-"*.’“.15’ Tha Cam

S-rtiThia eupfarie


eonpetaat Knra- Uaritoburi. Fab. 98. Lady Hoalh has related at

Bulawayo a thrilling aiory ol her experiences on the Insita FTaM when she forced to descend and epeut the night in a nativa hut.

Overcome hy the heatand an nilar'k of snnstruke, shn shut off her engine white living at 6,000 leet taD.1 level. . ccsHfully and found imcmisoi

-<he will resui 1.1 day f..r I.ivii

Ifotna 6rcr.1ary'epaM. ladyAortl ’ hr nnorirnertl

aad ta^Srally tba Britrab

--------.ia thamal •»aUa ol tba atnal 1. Bol

HST Thrrr hirtbrt qurrtimi very

jd Sir Auatao Cbanberkht oa «bMof two houra before

sent from shore.. of tbe dadaralioe Britton, Ec^ will

in Eeyptlan leAery. *U1 euppret Fopl.on

thr Lrmt of Naltone

^lauuruty Af. l'<>nMryii..r «t fVieato.

d^UN tt^t* ol rrrry drarrtp- N^iioa. i.nJrr . It moolb.

Etrary rooifoK ^AXTBD alnglrohargi. of tuMwuntry a«i

wilb Itooraitnrnt Ing of labour and Oeae- ing. A|.plyV«..b.,N«.


obiMtton to thepr.WrtM| natnrr. lb. llriihb n m; U. U ..:i-r..i i-n.liup

• drfaitin- rirru-.imst. riurdly, K«.pi

• iib Bnr..k a.lo.P.»irthl.. oanrii

biutor. I

»/• (Ti.i'inolrl. Mabb latt>"Rafflai

AUCTIONF.ER8 Uaiinr'''. Rairitti 1SFyrhrlliw.url.T ctbli f,r.. ■i


London, February 9B. In pAssiiiK a vnrdiet'

1 hr drowning al tl Immest'on the vicflm of U " Alcantara," iho sIcBiiier which •lunk mllision in a fog off Du ness on Feiiniary M,. Curoiiorsaid he failed tpsave lives.

They snn_" ’ a Uttlo mom of o lc#.s of ihemselves

y th. tx.>ty ■■ ilrud oliuvo •ame down sue-

was Inter; ssrr iuV:,- ann.i..l.u.. NrirobI

rdinlealralTrad ▼ALUEB8.Sa.rrbrllraBritota-i POWUM. ileath

^ {tpA'I'.. UtilCtu ■r.kl.l.e lu Ihit T»..k»li}lh« Trrriloey, Krnya

Colony. li|i*B<to. Njraaltn.'V Xan- dhnr an.l ih.' Scyriull-*. «h.i m not rlnaily uielrirnllK.'l. air r. garatol I'l rr|«rt In ihr Swi.- Ooniutole. T-0. Bo» 117. Tuin

k TTS^ lilSIIU :5' lUdw.i AlMnoi i'



hu iuf.-nnrd 0.*t if thr

lo net tm!l In srrrrmrnt. will luTT I..T h.ind. Irr.

tturerruiUK thr f.-ur w'-ealhri te-

Fcnign Smeiary.0 111- winlty, aaar F.-..|i>nt.hnnd.iu.


SirUATlOKS WANTED. PtfUdr, Brilala to i-miinur ikr •iiiwm» of Mt.m»l .mlEb->pi .olv to watrlinlr |rr.'m tiwaii.* with tb. r'nunt r-t Bn-laia


her flighlS»rwnt r«.h* afternB'tonefST’-r:..;:orar K)or.>.rdc. T“, snavEYORS to i.lovhs agents


l.rriri .fpr*- maintriunrr of BHilih

•mad pototo, o( Eppi •too. the mat

. t^.^Sirinr M

Aaotbar Xbadata.

New^per Tint. •t'aomelhitig -WM i .n the Russian ship

!havethtM| ofothnn K

BOARD & RESfOEKCE. fr.1 it ui nulr^ upon . nehl.----------------------- to tura. 10 p>ir-

rial ptnSt n hr-..g-Hv: FOB miB KLUORItoo of forrign ....

and thr lulura of ' tbe Bodui.

NAIROUlP O boxAilVHIiTIliKIt (SrnUiaao) Ihcon year. (Niloiiiil rapari- ta bandllnii all eotuUitoiu of or almUar pililkia.'in^atl rtfrratteea glvro wllttna to ye aaywboru in Africa. Morgiut. a/o. Ulaeklawa and Drown, Dot4eS. Nairobi


std Fii country aad aatolpnl.■S’appi, •^"'wa*'! I maiwIatHd

ut“y"lriH 'hC« tba taal aettla-

Tha bale Icr

S£f,£sw;-wlU ba laealtod that ,

UcM aae an noBouiectnewt___pubUabad to the .Bret that a h<f oawapaprr oombina wm brins

by Lord llnlbrrorii- lor tba piupuaa of rrratinr n trrira ofthTpoabm.' of Sir W a line. wcUi a

fnrltoa el of 4a. Auction Sale SIS "'’iJSSdtoa •'ll.II. Pi pm

tb. irprllilon of tba onfot- ».ray, Sir

Chaatbattobi laU'that tba

x-dSr.'.-.'.ls',In ftoeralaTy. Qur*tk« m thIa “Witoalj^^Mth S pnlr*!*--- ■■Su‘"Srin*b if!

WANTED.flMUl abaig* tar adm

' .*• Ill tb... ciluiTUit ia la. to. •I BU^Word., or a Irar.wo ..I

tor meKaaca add# Ibtl tol- a yraarnl ptoona rf rluel- Ambatador at BcHte.f uuat of tb. fini

la retard la th. Coo 0 Lord LtojJ nod

Taaba. witb oeieeaKAal '


that tbe

Td^U •!#(# wbMBmwii Piaha to aub- fwtt. to tba Rppttoa

bile lha atatemroic

Al Gii' Ii!itni:a Saw Mills near Igaiiga A^QITKEirT or nSK itnooiD.Saturday, lOtta March al 2 p.m.on instructions from the Adminialmtor-Qoneral, I'gunda, uiilewi ptoviously sold \>y private iroalv, we

will nell by i’ublic Auction, the cnttie mechioory, timber and mtings of tbe Saw Mills rylindcr nortablo .’Steniii Kn ning machine. Posho itiill. i Sawyers' and Carpeuter*'I'orcl Lorry. FortI Uox Ilodj;Chevrolet’Ixtrrios, USA!Parts. Eight Hamnli Carts and qtianUiy of ipoie wUeols ana 24 head of entUo. Also one 4 Roomed Comi- gated Iron llungslow and niithoueee.

J. B. Fuley. XAd., P.0, Uo.c 23, .linja, AiiotioDoore and Official Ilroltera

Moderata itwtn. Leobo. Itouter longAitalcr approMkinit bM caabtod

Pa^!*!^ l^^(7tl^\Vald^ia awaR ol th. pmpMa of tb.

QUFFBK. BiltoblaP. tha Fbrr-.iglit yran'

ry. Apply Voueber 6493. "Staodard.’’ Nairobi.

apnienea rtottN/^■niBtao.l wantnj 5«)''------ 1 of uBnUintial UM. pAHNO bumi. in the lUirii-

aw arm tuilnbl. for lanOa e«d haaitby baaaUtal, . ,

jEi, : 1 : e«tUation Teriaa eiaderaU


Itorlin, Feb.Tbe Dillhh Uuvinuaaut .

aalied the ilrnnan Ito.riMti

i-ZB’k'i'.:,A later taraaaie tlaUa 1^411


Saw«. ;'’7SW Imd

■auntaln-c (each, alt

-a the meanliota .41 puhkahra a aaw ntaton aimtiar tn FI AJiram’t but IbW tba BriUb tm>pa aiS al Ibeir pnant ataWoi yrao. aad that Cftrpi tbe npht u ecmelude internal, rentwanla ao.1 a(air«. but pobttotl in be •uljn.ited fir r ’

Plw- KS:Jgiiie,.SawTools. Office Fumilure.

Car. Fordsoii Tnutor, Two Side Car. Motor 8pM

•halKalnilit net iieemar} Tru^AtkflicTcMNr.PoalUoo •late

Wortaigr, rlrb •oil. good laltour. Pteaae iwnd full

■piani.r'190. DanrwSstaain

BwabU.. •tar. Andy

I f.* Seawill ban la the appvinlia.-..

•Dlrllunt~ Kuii.l>.ld kael llrlllah Amht*ud.>r at Xi aliirr JFif. prettoiii (0 -wbU l.el.l .Hvh.rn.illr nrp.dnl!BaBt“ M-Trral I'OUtilriH. brlnp Q .rASaiwa at Deriln at Ibj: break of 1b. (Iraal War. K

keep.PamImb. Luvibwa FJtA..POBBOAm A XAm

BSDDCno*.: ? A lain rBMaap. add* that Mr. tViluio pmd.toer of tba Aim '*riawo' in a ti pl) I.> »> Aud-i lato (tal.. that tbe ae* laitod hy fiir A — afth. Ahn

Dritlah •n.iapl to inertTO LET GKKHAN fatntr. SApet^ otd.

^ married, aaritintt poaitkm ao toriter fuwi aa taaMgar. AppU-

af a farm La Oori

i'-ffltrONU-RANI) Trarior I., i« iT feel roiinin* order. Priea^l


lir't.ab ..ppn .-I leg lar {.The lh«tmau«r*l!»o*ra1 fore.

" a ladtmton IB tba ralaa pnt <AllaBIto trtaphony lo a taiieo

.IIA.I. .11 (.ondun ihx after ing e Ha arid a ebaaa MWria. Are. <

waa u/a yrt potribl. but ha hopnl .t miyhl k, (ourd pOMKi, „ n-. dura tbf rate in the Dear lutot.

■ Dritlih OSetoi Wir-lem tterrir.

A PUUtHANT Haaw la Paik dN i.ind. Nrimbl.

weak to April far eU»w wm Ib.r rm

• tU aetiwl alnrt-AMkiudSwdei. UteEvIoFM.od lo the l.aaaaniie ConlrtaBa^NtwM lt»-F.b. 1«S, and ’

driefite at tbe nrmi^‘k'u

Ibe nriliab Kmpire.A War 1*0.

Two tod JS.gcBAi .1^ tan

Fnntoon Traeter, I ha rhMp. Ato. IlmOlM Ixiog lltoek pmlmad.


Apply In nwibtr and Oa.. BdoreL 91. aeaka

ahamba. 10 •onihi' raparfener. ftotoll rtari- iag aalary. willing and ke*r araAer. Writ. Youeiber Ne.

Big Ben Heard In the # WUfls ol Africa.

and Ih. ahendag of Catell tit 111. efftoee. Ik re. tot lOrtele todlMted n> / a)n tbat nc (•nr rtpaellr

Ur. WDaos


QmuM uraismATioR ** rvnruLpintlJd .wkacd pnritlon on


Allitada 0000 B.. bealthy,

,V7a -til. rttiipmaal eqaal e,..h11.hM orehkM Apply Has T..n« on aaplteatton to ''■>


w'aim^ (If Olft.fif ri. t' (.’ihf.KSA llBugby. Feb 99

Tba TraiualUatie rad»-leto-

iti»i Ao !>l<

Berlin, PATha faaaiil tote P-iri rt

Brian. Drittah Bbtb CnmmiArmM oa Inlrr-AUIed nUnalaad H-yh

.. who dJdd tuJdenly took pJaeaalCd.trtila

6S<M. ••StandarkV NaInbI Th. .toalh >• aa Prtoea Uehaowaky.

break o<

Bri&hRAcrSfara.SfaTNak'uru \yANTlD, perilkei. Karat

Manacer, atnrrirnced fwwralf.inr.ine, full I an.l ear*, age 1 KmiTA VaimH Vnnrh.r NalroM.

WtotiiMd.) n.gbt trou. iaia> p ... u. Ml to lb. B.Rf Kaperiun'nlat iUlwt Ware rtotmafenl .e. th •hot »a'e c-

S;. TrakBOltarriet aopvlwri 1.) yuu. Tb.

itoo rink'..g 7riU p u>. ta US'.

Berlin, February 2I>.Au oflloia] blAlemeiil rc-

ganlinir the Nnrop Cavell flloi state* tbat Nut Cavell was ahot hy a pta< tnon of soldiers and that Ahe .

Tbe slate niH> (hat fnvd to fire officer abut with A revolrer

ibr rnaal (Kiere in. |»rtly ftimub*

tto wae. t IJehoawayb n oiamat.

br a ibioiqib

ol tbe

kM.ledr- I*riat^l‘art, writ#

Baabt. .eo.runlilte:idrirt ... Hoard of TVadrt arid

BO in|.wtBari«r ol tba Rrilnb Mpital htvMtrtI

{ rrORKK 1... o« to* i: 4 bu fitat. priM

jnka. nomum-i

btoekbolB I eatito eitaaitsn; trilb Pfariia pointH

Brilaln in 1919 ind i •I lha Ifna ofhia

Itoa »A0

kar’s:-:*.-''•eM.rdins hrmv aad n."ilh. Nj

.tUf^altoUn* Apply


m.otonrlto but ImK“a Tt’mW* ”*

;'|&ANTRD poTlner la minager t” andlakehalfabwafaatoeaad iMkto farm. Etomhoc DWrirt. y|Ut|0. appl-T K. if. tVonllhi'rpr,

tba Drilkb Portmaaier appM.ia-.‘ka^tr?he^iy

X«aat Btoht froau toSO p.m. to tnidnigfat local t.iue lo J>e Ainrtwoe Rbnrt Wwto Stalina «AI>. Hebeaea Y«k Thr rrecra-nm. eooriated of And elaea ehambto mw

I'imi^t have beet) parfnru.Ml wHhla ten ftot '.V

' bouaanJ milM .. .

baaPrutoian Ilona, of i war-laya !l h rr-alW1 hto .leparsoto Angori II ftoraiao Aabawia.tor, «

miriilng bard tai

■m rnrrtalne hto tn-hoiial

•n .lih> Sfr.! miMtobnl

Ito amnuBi ol lha a** ra^ Tendon mnkid by i.iisih.yMriia>l

nient flatlv <l«- soWier re

anil that the .Niime CAvell

AT STUD anHrt. Amoog tbe tela- of eottWrtWe teeeirtd hy

.i. the Oa«> .-Rririib nor'al

S.'lo 109

1 ft W

air»o-a m aorerMtuUt. iM'iri Wirtlaaa Saralea.

-h, wi twenty-ftra miitirm. Mrtliaa.—Bri.T^srsjr.'ar'rz

.aa dto frtft. Ortn: Tara of Wa-br.'.^.r^t'my.':::^ L»f.o««ab.r...«!.. hi MWV JrBriawr, ^ Ntom rnri rnn->l towperiioulan aad prioaa writB tot—

AnDUUnASinD, P.O. Bna1(n..ltakiib..iijar H

<mDvrTSS EAST AMilQAIt tTAIIDARB rammst mrr ii fiATVnDAT, tUBL-n I. INKumm




Britain only EncouraKin* Men Ukely to Succeed.

mn Of Mranw'vs.««» fAcrs.IiiMn lirtinlfl n-a^ Dm to Ftar ■(

Mato Dtotoi* DantoM. .

nnoeAL ^1wnnBain aim *iB£nswr.fiMiriiil Dim d ha

WMkdlkttia^■n ■ isafft: F«bni4i7 97.

bM bMD used.ImJ pufpoB^ is

oonnexioD «iU> ^ public iMue «< Um 41,000.000 dol- Uia lou lamed by ao Ame-

l^ruvinoe of


Wv lalaiiLAiUhtrOwM

Allied On>ression of Auslruns in Sooth Tyrol



Tokit., M) 94 , 0M(dn<B8 ruar.

Unteet BC-

hbvt been ncogtiiBed throughout the whole world es the best that are Obtain. able. SSSaremadeby hand one at a tune. Made in Landon bf AJIDATH TOBACCO OOMPATn*. UMim>.

I^aboto. rebruary RiiiiiMiNew York, Trisriiiui


tea&fto. «h»thetr artinittw.

With •Aumeysnta the tire voIrSDo la Jepu si­tuated M mflm from Toklu broke iaio eruption ye day afleruDoo for tke

''C'",.hu,i«<l f^nn the crater

The property in the rounilink’ rUlHgttot liu

•.paaite .. i—~ »n for

BmaU Taka SIfM to than Fhl Haai landtdta.Luboa, February”?

Following (be diecorery; of a bomb ia the Eallway woriu at Barmro, tbe Police bare made thirteen arreate and baA-e aneartb- ed quaatitiee of bomb* aod vral natertat indudfag rifle* and dum dum bullets.

The Pdioe bare captured

Shwr. day. 9^10*. to*IiU*Sa 1b. Kotpii. h} arr. "

firsttw bdtaU of theIl..,b7, T.t.r»iy « Bueno* Aine.A quarter page atlvenite-

it which aae been "tele- viaed" appear* in the new*

^ “^e erent 1» also intereet- iug a« foreabadowing tbe probable future melbod of Byndioatiou of bonds issued br American nvndtcalM

I which hare hilherio re- ser\-ed portions of the iksues lor separate olTeriiur* by

At llntoM- cd roSKto..* 1'-’“.' mmmi the Mnacfld mMiifts ri Mm« Hill ttln cbjwt "I tabtoh '«•i tilted tkn »•

IlnoM. a.

CdiBf Uw Iran bdtaan o<

?S^S.3'3h.le.- b>3ra not rrablMM, «

lieeii tol an>l ibd la-rrifietl

Hint tor iWmen.

inlisbitaiii.Tp to the present no

-ties are recorded« tnlAioe n< Am. ta I7SB wliM • dt.

Crayto br -bn raart. In»«i Itfl L-rayAa lak dm on r lUit UeM nt rtm 1 an o'eteh Ibto


UndW i.BMlIcittoMl AH Ur .A tk. BomlTilln {Cou. Wialwr). «fee amnl lb. wcwrf rrMl.i.e.

I'ccidH in Paris. February 97 The newspaper* here a

closely watching the / tro-Itallan dluptite

I l-ebmiy lYnmriB nt

Wis^-AUB-u> tbt AuHrino CUmbtr

lil«n 0< In' g.will In

?,ssr;.w.vsyr. nonicr til

■nun >U niwCt S'

The "People accii«e* Signor Mussolini of trump ing up the affair in order lo detract attention from the incident into which the league of Nations is at pre­sent enquiring, namely smuggled machine gun part* recmtlv discovered on the Anelro-Himmrt tier, alleged to haTo been coosigned from Italy to Hungary

The ■' Volonte ", how- thal Signor Mue-

auoceed in bis ind* DOW that

two tronblesome his hands instead

EB(iir* to drairtbln M

nadia Uf w n H'ri


K gang allegenl to be rse- pontilde for tbe sbootiDg ofof n frawfi>]*clnad liint.bdatd

.■lln«M TV pfnnMIl tBOO,000 nanI nttrssn ul nnb. rl *ul*.*^w

S? the two y Feitniary 94a tsmitaUn niftt.

Biaklrf3 IV BriUiiABtriesFar.A triitlS O'raro*. n:^’ n») Kr Knlb Sot

Vinnisn. rnbrtwn W Un„.l.r tun rUMiV I'knaclUr tbil

I, B Amrrr. inn, nnid l4n

Numerous CointnuoisteHi. B.d> Tbn Itnlaii^ tUdniBenn Smith

a dsn. tV'iWBMr

tov sad bit .ttcoiiUn.i VM

.g tha Oteiininai fc.

•jSSJvSrtMb wipest. nhouM txattl •"•o B«c

Iwra m lOB la Ibc drM llw.


fflS*TV nod hna SB dtidh-intai (RO ta no fl tl to HmV. I BillM ia abwnnlme.. toltb Mdra beotreoabei »d biinnd to n >mI bton

Omtiuaaaal ha to an fron-cat IiSSTi" B. A nudwd ■' BraM


Ftir -bn pMl iMjthI—r, iweth. nintl.T bad utad tbin

Enilnnd nn

nuicbntonly Ei^bedaA £35,000. A lilw Ttoaa. Bnaawin tart Iba TwaU o( IV Ilallaa Miatotar. h to Vlinrnd m PnrilnmnBt clnlnn, to

aoliiu^?not atVmpt but 0 he hs« faffair* on....of one

RNH if Ukv.mnehiat tw d ItortbAfe

cblttlT b> tnnhlr Blnor Munnediai

!tfS5»i'-rS• EMi!™ dnnniy rn. -ititadn in . TVi.

mi TBAia HAiD lAiotr* roB DiriBair goucnoinim-hiBc hnd.loC’rd•nd Sir rhibp CualJn '[.ti'M tbi pFMideal tif IV flonH id irmAt

in IV Brirnl Inia Uprto nmrni nt B.rininilin

lUy (nnntod « rralr. Thnlr rrnlint w«rn wnlaoaid at IV kltJaa by IV Vent ntidinritin

iV 84ht Omtl..

DO nnitniy Ml .nnh cf llnltoa •beOn tbe contrary.

GauloU " BOM In the Aus­trian proteete the hidden Influence of Germany work­ing lor an Austro-Qenn union.

■1.1 tinoi.H to nrturd iVl Dr Btoprl’n

■pnnrb IB rnriininnni to ntrv-lly totlUa tv pr^ ........................

Ilnai nnd

Tnbingnll I t&Mn yfa™ IBta ncmial M

'•;„s tti- “,"Z“■'.H

I Ito-rVnV« .csl..r>r..d

imfTW'nm.pi nri W-.«. f » llic tVfi c' 1-1,•mMalias lo CU.nVI

tnutae Hmira i' cbwsn] Ibn Oo'-' podinliBD td Ibn .m—•Tfr H n. fWtcHcn,.naVnty SracHnry ta IV MimMiy a( UlKtir ia itvir >>nn pninfd ""t Ihnt tV Brtltobd.lHrnlcn|(iW ''ffs.-i.itr-ar,'"nnl n tt-«l« but n drnli l«»" lun

n. tMOlinori

BoMBifrEkdiaa. liiL•toenfl Itotto*.” i/rU nVnil



V hnd nmeed nilHi at Cn- nhntmnd UBTvdr. cP,«^(^L«el-i SOSBCT.I Hiat M Win


V lUard oMind by nl Sir rendwtok WV


■hn IioHM£>V»*'yDhratofCnm. Hu Hni«ty tV Kh>« «V .tih IV Qunao rtoltad IV Brtitok la-

mill. toNT Innt iu(bt .

acaa nod n aamn dual •lepi uadcr Ibc Vtliebt;*..^

in* lim. bmtinns;. .."insUr UeCcranah.

It bit ta V addna Uini Binkl.r iacldrnlnllt mndn tha fiml noti- tlnp iVbt Iran. Iiondr* ta Itamn nV nV. tV Innliml lotl-Vf Vf MM RoidaV and lBd,n. TV Intlnr V n.-*a»pJtobnd ta ta.rn dnt> wLich :• at IU.U an rpacb-inaiBi vbli.r----- -

Thn nnwapnpnrn nto* -b . .ti-n

tbn TMVfd rd tv Smith I ranrutod nad l«in nolbio*Ofllcitl Wirrto

or mTVbUoMias

«v Hwawy talo HtalomaHt with that Maynsllita.

B, dclnrad- • Wn iw md r«- pUTd to raid. bnvuM in our t.c- tVrr am •! Ibto mom«l »*»»-


Ensinad or — “, in Cnnnd*. - OoTtmmnal Vrn ordnr-

[[Wthni » mnaUaN l« u«^ OhrtM.

Usydi e( tb* Air.

Biigby, FH., 01.It u nUtad tbn tbn rrconAnble

CBThundnidtulriaa Fair Ibnra rtann ta IV Fair | •mall bmioainn toe

['■sranABB-(or braakfnta V ta Cn. - MaiHnburi Fab

H In naaounend Ibnt Si, W Tboraton ban rralfanri IV t pnlnbip of IV W-dwntafMV r.™lly

fHrWminm- hM bran IfccS=

(I-b.) ..........

la FU|hl Wcbilorto aROpInnn ■a fUmrate Tmpby

in SnplMnW, and Hitob In

SSiSWS’.-i.-r.iSrjSvonJ os M. to M V (tran s■bird lank ol n............................«r«wd rmwd on i

Tbn cniiv will V Vnptad ta a metae bo« nblrh .ill •- driimn b) ,.n F.iuili>bmt>n, Xian Cardaira

'." .bieb It to tad

l-Uambar <d Cnmmaroa ua i asaaad [aillallra. BtoUap ded ' TVt* oonld V w

, of BriliaH talantri

"iSinn nmnate. P.ltS.B. rriooipal of tv Wh-

Um os tbn but tinsa of di^l ta

is;'"!'—Hr A 6 CataTtaCnr, KC. u

tv nil known LMdm btamtar.wV

Ba wan bon b ISSa' aV wm wiasatad M IV ^Pcrlb .ic'dem;

Munpb.{rinir•aaoal la Inadcu.. «.***eVta. u*|.

tVrrIart- Sir Anbur Html Maitlaad,

m with ao'a.tottiie dtopby The Bias Vi >,01 i

uJ BinWrr of UVur. avakbiHalVm.tiM at Ib­id Bdbtxinli Van

ot MnlSr-niattaa. AVtan. Oig-Cv St-ltonbomb bon ISRS to. lev M-m


Pridraaor of

1SS2 ratredman! bop-d t -i riardlu Id iodiiidt oanni r.-:

in* w V^tai.It^rs*Tba Sapirt aeidna Va Iwalia

. -U^a ratio to Jatoal taa ta fo. ■utd to to ranardad an tV MS“'_SSr‘o."$rinaK,

.1ii Sarrlo. SuE,.™,!-!;;;'tv Ooimar On-ml

lliiiiir. Februan 51_________ baa orrrtakcB Rink-

lar la Iba lata lap of lua woodartui nifbl. Titodar. V Wl Port Darwia, North Auatnlia. wVn>V UatM oe Wadmmdny. (or Clos-

t. but waa (cn«l In land ool- 'iMUbeB liarskd ASSSfT.I Cbsmnn aod w.l[ n on by S-dnay, Pebroary »•

£ •Ckataurn i. a Wwoahip aid^ M OTwVv] IV 'ptaac bad Itad ^ | ooo milM Mrlh slj£rm/.pr.'«"s2rwS3J:it rrairrday. — Biittoh WVtoaa SWriea.

_ il id A-Brittok OSrtol Winiraa

ui. w w«iIV bltawtag wi

at «V Iota alAtai Sto P. Wtoa to lo dtlpTb*. V

StUS"IV Acan.(baot.) ...

Si^r.'-SiU'iuMjaa*{ ........... 14.tWS

tbVyfirtVa--aVrafl far naml ot

ta IVIto Ve-

'ta t^ esas.IVSaVtae ta UU itad M

ao tntaodntabe ta and akrhna to

s.’s'Sher^s-fi-atjsL;l-Tttnaot Wain

VAHriaihry.-STcJiifya;a. nad IV

TotatalVniatdbyMtarelioa may V allrfbutad to tV parwealita d Hr *■ B. Oatayet Oarr wVfc a Ktas'r Otanaai aad cm. tSv

V,tUa otorotak. tSita aomplrliai Stirtd Iram Utadoa.


All IV oxiotrin rd tha world Uttar Ambamadara or

I paid IVir bmift* ta IVllasiato'

CnaFiBtoa new Utatabita ««i thto Mb

ta IV fata Mfta » n ta IV aoa VM

Bsfbr. Fabcuan V TaaStaday'a npiM Ibu RfakV

had taadr a farvd laodiat cetaidr oa hto way to kto

BMtkar’a boma at tlundabars Bed aoeBnard. Two boon V toll ftwl Darwta. RiakSar waa ta(btad at KaUterba aod vlhiii( MVP **• VaH of him .mb1 l<^ day. Antoty V bin aaMr had

a aaircb by arniptooaa

lata.• MkitoliT, ntairad wm IV

mmbwbi IV rtntatl liVral

^Mreaa d IV lAinl nriral (•Hr. Oomyta Oarr tacfr*-*

lahnal rata Imm T.tOt at lb. ci«mi »vtv let

5'ciSliXa-S^Srty taBaHvd tka


Waal>fa>ctae.PatwtaaT«. IVm a. t—ari dan «TV Pa*il &emditaa baa aO- «| i,t pw atal ft tktoi to

taMtad «V lasViaut lAaa laa- Maaan. Onodytn i •tan aboadd V ramptoaad wHHa tom diBy tVa iVy wiot anaMtob-

Ualbouioa, Fall- ^ TI.' nt Rv. >fT S «

tb» PtoV. bu anaou^ ” l5rl"Hlnkl»r ta ata


MappingInyiatota W p«»ySUartki. rssb'Uimwb •IfaaV *Vd S^W. I, i« tag» fa.«.n «

SS." d »tVA^saSiXa




1 { llifr. foU «T., .■.^DiTterAitvnlMlt^raUU*

■ M Wl. iirt -How Viral builds for LIFEtflSUFFECIS OF THEJUKLfrfERSlAN BORE


I--B. 1. tUaUrt”I


ly Dr.•■UtaUl lutaUUtr.-'

Tbm bm; b» mmo pRfla h ------------• •>- a<*4iM'> •Unw

hi.1 « • quruioa RUk. H. th. pvUmi ■»( bn. M

' ■ Im^rtabb U»« toulkWOr-fa)

[ub' <■ .'piiiMti. ih.'r iT'nU b. tap-

hftinici WM CewMraMm Erfoei MuaUcBM .nrt l>''

lb.« »'< T*'• art. •*“

■ ' • oh. d

Y*. K.. BmU Bt* mta bnUd.

if ih UwCbtoDisdifain Aak. ifiBCmaciGudibiCa. BwfUatladbtonlM


ou mxmst aamt.Uiedos '

___ ll.hi.ioOdf. -bob

y.h aliiuxH

•implr. •Iirnl>} immicnnu la fr>antf7 woiild n^uln

• ppcynW I" lb. t"' "*

•rb. pciruktft^ nvtJtor,.n"Arss: >»brokon lU bonk» tie*r Ihj mouth l.ll*inBhiil«i *niJ BtKHll 80 A-illfUJW noofiod ^ ^

It )H n»lim«l«t thAl ».000 Chlncw


nimh^rh'Ti. •

, ti rO-DAT» bj . bnritb> Bouw of Co(Mm

•Joonlof(ijc tai h picfup. (

Krijulry ii raibcra of


OkuTbM. XduiO. .

AB|k>-IlKl)W Trot) K»IMI iu/ UpJt. »ll*'

l-i lU Bnl-ili t<h| tb tei'

ih« r,otonin.Officeraanectlnii


0<BiRW>aiwHolt C

ta ebaneur. nitoDach It i> pvbrtly (Mow OiM cbenrtiT

hi ll.F'a . hi«h

lisnl Willm euuitnl h

to(. ^Ini lb. TIhoinclM* uxl.i::v phptou . eocTiiml utilbnnrb ntilw.. rtUrf tut. of lb. I


tgM.nm u.(M Cbala. boout to W oo .auiueb.Irttiloo, r«bni«J I), flrtrnry "ho 111" cct

llpul. R»!w»» Admln-liuonoot prapOMd. b. eddwl


riiU} un.1 lb. Fofdjin iuoll ol IbccfBity ilit"

S of* K'-rp,;* VI.tie Oblnta*. "•>■> '• I"*"’’*'’ wJu I/wlon « »»•" o’''

aid; .pflM KJtiiiw to Alfii put of «-m. cl

Ihrf l.i.oi-l poMCMtonIt ol

r. Inflffertlnrmljmlinn

lb.t the

£=&' of tb. Iis<

Amur i'eM tb.!1. Mvwti bul tw«n ‘ -M'Hlr'SS.a-.,ruBthM lb. protwttT of lb-- Cooiwni tlaiM>).

if Ih. ptiBcipl. iaof taei td tbU ennkwh ihti

u (olnr wdStp oft AQ,l vhf.. e ptopci

Uniinl Ku ....... -KliraiJ u4 CoOiwB

n*h»BiP AiMteo ChuaberlUD iiib Pwelm Soctotor.

Uioiild b>u put foto H thu

(ounddtoo o< •< Mur. of,tf’. In the almilr Ibo Updxtol I>.p«trn.otliopBird

Priu. dpcUriMAdminl.•AitoJnl

U II. w*. bon to tb. ■>*.. to IM .rutk ol Admlrd in Hur-AdiDinil bo f

put ol Puck,tknl h« k find '« .tM «eni lb. offRuiM from Ibc

wbfeb of tb» Knn Ooriwnttnt draw

tnlloe ••

pngiM toTM Ortflael

l-MUkAM' 0«HUUI}AMn.

who Mo pew1 Aw

ofI. to Mitok eloMunpM p«vp )b>cnbtbi.p

h pie .iitk It ha

Lmdon, FebruaryM n.YuUrday a .ardiet lor iatf.UOb Mopfiil*. and a .p«lal jury

■s,-* -s-i^

of mnUl dkoau. who,7iUaUla d J.appotoiadtolb.

ibo Chill. .lUton andand lade* andA

lb. «a ihdl nel

H,nbiul ih.m to fiwrtoo Joi.i** thn and Ibee wwo w*

that poliop.

Bpertau* d a dndy•blu d ih. h d mydtalocyi fb* ■Ptoriw "Hiioddf

f natlW that on October SS. I>M a . by lb. Vomlpi

OtOee 10 ibe Berirt of Bn"** 1" the FInorlpff Ict- liy Mr (In-Bcipy

Ih. H'PP'I.ry... .............. dmim'ltPi'p..Iraiul.b ami piiblirnli.n

hupuip Ih. .iibj-cl of

It rwrrtlab).

‘.7,ii-be Abinrbwl

OnmnuiderAmtfT aaldTbomwm-.

S^ate^CPi^nuTtol Nani A.O C.

>o tb. KUm ^ ^ ,Capt. Edward Rutcii

Buaell Kean. 0-B . >

IKat U (be Cotony no piorklm d that kind b

dlbouah ka uffwkfto to

brepKaljtoiHun African and dcnlcped bb Uicina to •b. aoknea cd t particular I totoptof to nunity Iba iMc maerab baa lap bdor. a

be bee

rneoib Id mod o bul It

parid We torn............... . „ fOunlPT ------- ----lb»tindoclK. al.eo and wW

1** i;belMr known tor retard

> Iba aid ol Iba' pseiutoloTi a proiknu oceaeion pdnlad

drlKt and w. bop. tbU,of Ka dotka. Hoeteiv-

Co.,Mcoin.I Ilf Ibe !^'oi^rcry In lltM. nd joined

,. Briiob Aotarcilo ^rp^l-w Ibaaf Slal." tt.llH) l.,n.(to.audleoeo of mwficaJ

ttlonlloriJapanese Dcctwns.peelpoll Ibootbl to Iba pw*l«n Wi oleuiy Id balora Oordoo ard win not find H ddlWlI to Btmi;tti.0 tb. nudml th. Cdocte to • unridua

uiltnl uotninUldI ,, : SiOill. ...J •Bd-cbdbn Bcalorby t“.

otoinhribd nim-.brr it Rri.!.. ,S.Susc“~S pulpirblera ufurllxn—


AitfiAISilkBaiKY. erheakb bdw, cAct of Virol 0(IteitorT

r.1 1.Mc.ilovi'il-- lot WhllHlWV. a few

• Kidli

Tb. noeniI. apnin."! Mr Orceoty

Win. M lb. 1.10 Sir \• Trowe. a r.?irini>M Uirf»r-8iw

lary at lb. ffrwdtn nfflc., diwH-


POWB* ni H*in>8 or DIMPBraiST MIBOlim. • Iba

!rw«"oi' Mr MuL-nivP Hmdl.j

rndLS«U.>y of Rlo'e ‘O' *’'*•Pirn ABuie Mr. It)." "ho


by tb. additloo of oOecra knowbdl. and

on maktos and ol III. and Ih.

Vhd ia Ibc only food ■«*tMd tolMPto rmliin ud a Fppinck erf to.

TUSOCOII atuTta-8 aor..tCTJy OOnuraKK OFTHl

ZttLlAM ABXTb. ofn.t.1 arron

lend..a|VTokyo, F.hpu^

^aooot detdoptncsl tendeT (v:- .^rly imiurtaBl and eucntial a l4fb aUndad of totaUtato... eb>- ptoW and ptlpaU and pddiu mocu tiy and UtodlM. U In doing u. bo baa clolbod hla l1liri1p.lioo< to taem. wMeb are perhapa ualimDiir ro the lay mind, bo ha. naecrlJH!-

toad, quite oUu liie kelicl.

pr-ilou. aok p



Bneneial mwefatoc to. ppyeWored mental ptobkm.■biu

r.irl.oMrud aai

’d Ih- IndermdMW m*'( AOiaOT.I , Ftorury w- VIROLw!*w ct rwdThe doato la amipunoad

S, 51. K...-WV »ndmf the lorciw during lha

Fmirn Ofll-. durln* ss. THB FOOD OP UPHfollow-fo.wn l-p-i

duetimmoirtrr and that he

'rSjrifeS'K d-fihaPoh".^Ak Oitfraid Hodeity.Mfiainre Calvin ipiMsg to the fama of nbiib k fw pi-vktor The (T.Bodty. nf ppiupv. will b. Iiow to^ktrrr«lk« th'vch

"'wo 'btto^ lotticrol ilw M

u ___Pnm. Mniklw f.'velH.row to.ffrusAu or oov&oor.

elary ol lb. »

of lb. Ferdff. f«o. -k* •f*"^ .nd >1- A F. iV

M«toi OtoWnl dgeBUe. Ud,BaUilLuf., OcYci-ineBt tad. KADtOSl. tay» OakBp.• Bp. Btorte hi** • Can. '•

5r=£fe,”5“£'SW “r*-5 ^^■STvissr

:ssurr. SBOOVS OXABaint«tBiuiuip, ^^ie.inU.1

U^Til Aero Club of Kenya.Ihrtk Aliiai Wit.MKM—Fin. oFnATWw a


I mado ' Iroomri» be bilroduoed by Cmo£^ ttlr


^Miufdilkmaz Friday ea a wfn d with mnlttiijc

•BidMiy ol a Bvfoptoii a. Tb- M..i>lruto tod Iba. . optodn lb" '■

clear udI and bo Ibno-

t'lilly i.f -n .cfetiiiw! li rto

fOO, I r C Pout adaltod


tk:iti' “rs kfep.lkii, hto urtiod e^Jlligd-. --I'Wlng eerto Hr-w K 1.

Bumber ol eotoa 9,JCfl,<» ^am a of lb. .ketordp


-4ii£i‘a'iiiu»^srr ACHOFLin* TO VbxuaiTOIT orlukm good

- ?*Th. lird dtok wilh to.touD kedgn dtowij™:

.kail tou> Ibeui

z m ir-MiiT™ iisii'-iSrii'S':;.7'iwsrt

V -----------,.......... poBoy.Immlgpida pockrt. At lot 11..

lb. Cofaoy t- t... _ _ j to u* Ural Ib-t e

_____ ^Ily AIM to. to. bord-nrp.pnii.rbllilT placed ope-- ‘.been Ptddenc. k Africa- He alio polnU

Umbcii■i.r^'ssa-'ifss Boma, Frbpua^t tohabond fill in ptotA

^to**bo», and Ti.p b. dakheei .boot IS. M o« FtowuP Tbi. to to. "Soy.•hclto. Handbcnk." uneoikd to

• Uto Mdory of Ibi.- i.l'.'hlau VO to itoi*. onri ti.btr

It toe Ilol

DuiaM tp. bdnt Itoupd to .11 munbiti pod thei, Uibacr^tln. he T—SIP« £ •JSrn uf Ito Lop.

^ uiy ofklal ktoem.-Uut

iTtr,iMwxn Bownw TO Bzm>>h’wo to^d■totkM. twcl


Tk. *»|dfT.HSiJuJ^eu^ s'^ 'jif.'umieriokMiby.

^•ss ardtont .liirtole of Ibo (Mcoy .toMpiprim Cor ICVbd ud-;meeu uttm-A

u k dd.^

Tbk tellowo to. TopMlo^S^!S«t5rTT..3S'^

p,„ to. ppkcdpd F^ . ..... —___ wblch wocll Uurrnkdd be dmUb k anri'er

• ba qitole. «too.i«ply

.eu-iwd baring retui^•* Iran b<.

bmm tosl ion rf b:.

■ d fotdgti --------

ka of toMO torw of toa Board.

Wto iMMiMinl

niwehwt orUd Bhm OM-to- ki'i.'sss.-irst of tok pohliI toa Rad A

----------- — . Tb. primtwo dHtbng. pod fi...

•■■ni IWpterion, wnkpice Tb. I

be repd to the .m. •'torcpd b. tb-

of kw Ipi-b. .1 Ih- rcpiwtlon


U toquvj tod b. I HAWLEY & Co.BOX W7. NAIEOBI

Buck Waggons

.wub.”f{.Ciiul7‘«i iv-y-.ssriSTts.?.?^'.™.l. k. lull.

25-’X.- ditvld Ih.l -■ fwibvito immiptot.tOd

lyade.°TE7S^T2;: .2into in Ibk Moo. who. a hrUf p-fiod


sr.riS-Tx’^T’Tt;imiw .ad *~'j‘« {’*".'P' ' • ' Jitol'oli^ ad Bdtoller to toe

HepekMfUFnLTWjM atpeckl htod a cl,.fljilBalTiw- plr.. £60a mdSeknt tadfeatiM U»l Ikw k

, ryitpcnTh.. Tm» Mj. 5.: *23.^1*-'’» Oiarba C.

K.BX. O.M.Mr, S. If.

make uea <d ~ Im h'. prlede

r.- sTI day. Imprlioewwnl.

«Ud>■miKnu Bunnm^ ahitbauab joobh**'

d tarkt-AMB nWITBT Ig, cd ton Oow- tuuiiiiud|»w/naTtSf S.

,1 H^S.iT^lSS;-

Scotch Carts£25iJT3

fSJtol^fc’ammlVw wdoin* ad35J7d«.ta "(«« • •put d

rr,^v. II. w.Eitc'sasyHMchaU ..pehm oel IbalFt«w to.Mr ‘Jotoi nunMi

pn. P.MO. -fco.**bu hd a .«.!*« ol a

_____IS BenM.I... -wmkm Maduoemn.' tPPto taahfa*. "

LuMnVa kdPd of M.t-sISiK.

bmlhaaktoh damurU mep b.toe BtfUto

SLk-v' .


NAn’yVSHA.l»n •)»7irti n b*«' t«n

«ad Uh mu *» Irw,

LASTfltOREUEPFnOM MwiDiv. F» r. imRHEl^ATISM>->’1 btra bKB

nullmWa Irrt fa m, lUat Ia?tl ud

tbtateukJa-n—>tl> l U3

Presumed Depth Has Been (JrcatK ENjiRgeratcd. =?;|

u« U..

itkPSi;,9 that |Maa* aad>taM


'••rn,,. uut ai0.lM» Iba Britkb lUapua

o* <>P<a7 atoaa IhM data ■------------------ W>b.p,

^ «>.U« lapm auat la Kaatm Al-Tb. UniMb ba ahla 10 _

• u Haahmsr-iP.WJI, fflWOOUPHIC SURVEY. 1Uia #aat am u^l,; "lb rid iba Kopo,

la Um


alw bo mlauUtad w:<Mmnld ba a^' m,num dIoat

riwo pariod lot IbaTZProbable Effects oo lake Lerei of Wsler ffitoirals for IrriptiM. Uuioe Itat Map thai omt to

■ abaapv hrm ottolMl>aB»4*

'opaan madieaJ aaiaBei. IU tba mlbdraval ol a IIfKtj baa ■doptodprapaiuHt Iba baaliag <dl udnad friut ol U>. apdao-si.r.-.';

)oar Ibara vwi'd be a ann«a

c;n-ada ff.iomiTiniro ■a>.i'.loJ

Iba flm’’(ir '*" *“**"boapiUI -ijrr ,oU(tod

laaolilM* ia la abarja, up l.p> ' in u talaaUT. lUto ahuld toaaaw i ooV-pari... iMItoaal, .««odh '

» «p bouiul .bar. U.;

. Hdiraaba ami (Im bail racaidad M i3h.,U.«

prd. J'lt anialod n Maad K iac a

(ba lip. tH-r lb* trm ol Iba I«ba d.Mh chUiont ana

114 tool. Il baa bwn thmi(bl pro-viwip tbal Iba -..........— ■*-•'*•of l.ala S'aWa*.r-lth^ariho,d ol^

’’’"■caaot (Irecwp’a boob " Tba V.Ufaa and Oaidoc. ol Bari

>0 IBB.Ua at


Uba and H baa btcn oona I darlmbka to InraitiEala

I'jdnbffiphiaEverlasting GearaTb^ss^’iSu^^i.’rT'nSii'^ r^k uid UiS^'S’iS^

aod Ih. lsdiloii(aUe vork ot toodlad ^ ^pooartul nsplr. Upnap RdW

ba_ padoaU)'ot laaaaiiod aa tba. aaafni la oaapora-

aura at (be Ukr 'r eppraaubed . “iWlTl’s

rnSmfit (bo lab I

abof. (itolml'r .itb Iba

and (ba bmplulillp oo Ihe lo>d aod tvIoio.' laVa ao that Iba afltal that

aaj d^ianiun' ol oatar .oubl ba V'tilp to hota uii|ln I. aal.maud.

n mil ba ramaratairad (ha( Ur. lanria. dlrietor nt briirallao la Iba1‘uiou of IkallU iL.....;..- (loll ip arbarr.a

ril^ bmuta.prerKlad tar all lapari mUinf •lap » raaldaiiaa dariii|;rtb.i3

faa( aod Ibar.

• la tbo and tbit

rm. tba iraat autbnritp. alaraa that it U poarilda UaaUp a^

a mau leam Ibru. ba Ojaam Im tbociiao

lake '.ould limtoad at ej! iMl. proridio. tba „

tkto aod ol load; tblidlp ».• apo­dal lapor boapKala ba aatabliphad to .bM. ril hiraaUaa lapam «ho------------------e:; U ao tbaU ba

Itf fiknowofliobaiiKd.It abouU ba aipUiDad Ifaol u

acn-loot it a luit mad bp and txm. It tatoom lU ^lit, ol

inlactira atapawbara (ha

?'n'3SJSrjj!^rss'^4Sa'^ ■Afrita."

The aia. ol tba

Ti-ijnrmiiin Iml 73 aauora mOea. At Iba aranjakYW' (bo ana la Tt.T

,sr.'.r. ol ooadlUapt of drillaallu dUbadI tba baaliois“rr.a to divart wi

!ridat Rlrar for cm mm cf tb

loot in daplb.

sa.,7.~irriptMi.«n MMABt MU 00.’ maU aomr u

a, taal to daplbmn.n.t rim. gb Join Barm. 0. a baa rmnltp prrpand a idinnu •« brnia tr (hr parpoao ot rloaai art- (larnont Tliia aohtoia am mut-

Ibka ItaiTtoha''

aapbaalbnadloaol. IHa (toda, omilartobl. . mtobaWof (U ritfa c«

to OblpTtDudlbaptolaptouM

Kaapa aKbaufb tb«.IbaKa

allbaCoaat aad lapan an aba the Klbapn

“3aaaaatof Ibat durUthan Mnov * Dunmrsa. totalOMtioK cl

ripariu (». «bo W ' Ml

■VnHful n(t>«n| (Ko’.Srot .blob neb a ardione .enU bare ca tba laral of Uba NaKaaba At Ibal omrdo* rorwurmiea arith Iba pro pnaal in a tn lM taRp .aa aa-

TIPTONSJ^Yt-llpw lube! T

ot^t^Ial coupup bm Iba __ ________tba Ooloop an (mtaaourabla toataab abem

w aaoood. (bat b « lam to Itpuli lour

• aatoa loot CM. nocubknatldp l.ISt.fnO MT^Irai: ol

nlniiouin loni

arn--l<>r(. It difrrrtK'o of '

ALUU PBODOOTB. (bar. ia MlHXM tva-faal Irrol l.ffiB.Mn « atari that the

•d-.diaaoao. ra. p«,pb acaMtotol wilb lapamp aod It bm ut I

boas retlitta that ii oaiau w u> dt to Kaopa w that tba ptobo-

CABP BBANDlaba ot Arm U lbaini ban atn-lam .ould bare teeab) poctionato affacu <u LSa IttaJ uf (ba Uaa.

Kr J<^ lUmadra

and tba iiX ’.x.i at I.euD Tim niR.:

la .bbb••r-i«,-toda rd (bo riabl abtouia. '• MtomUp balplol

^ SOUBTUD 4 OUtVa, LTD. VonVbn, Kalnb). Xitonu. Entnplk. JIaH

Katin. Oeanu)ea DlifJuw 4 Broa-, Kib


{k4w l,u(np Sod*) BODA

It -..•.im pr. I.Al.- (I,..*-.I.u-.o, It aunottiiul, .01 la (ha fuKirt La bdhnrvl bp (bo (mnula-

'^Mila • ** P'~^-tnab'riU drlritn-xt lo it aa a nala- ral toatora la ol Imprrtanaa to Ibr acmraitoitp at a .hola. 1( la owaa-

anJiiaU (ba a4«rt .blab up^artoul if aabmo mold ban

u anouirp ha. r-oonOp barn aon-

^ ptb!3*aaa^n*ilI-oi. Kumula lanaaUlp. Tba mrb cd larartlpatbai mi rriTah

Halod l.p tba kiodana at Mr. McCVm .bo (auad bit rnotaa bail tor iba puipoaa of tfinkinc amind- Isfo aod bhnaaH tpanl nuah (iiaa to r'lptto* Iba boat.

noLakiLamL Bao^. ol (ba lonl at Imka

r!i^T^.r .0^ISO* abcrilbmbto IBIl

' ISU. TV- kml at (ha I-ako

--b’ii:-nanamatn-ima and

CTO.m acn-f'ai fltiaOtotlani lo

billippropoan tV .tibdnm) bc^atul and aneouFa(ln(. In Kmpic' ftet par I

of Pubb-aacthorilm Ibat

h'lii-aaha. .liVut boda olSCHOUTEN’SJCOURTESY

'hat tbo otaiiraum lOaol .bir*

ooitoWn .baai tboIs fact rditiralp

UUABULAB SODATba Pramiv LadlM' bp III iKto I

a atandanl tbiiao ioUomd

poralKii ]-ar annuo baa ' (o l-< iXSfU Inolua II . IV««I;1a fraa inrfaeo of

hopatdaa.. IHtoCLEASBBB.r™,* -i-to. tba objml 'lallnp and tba

of tba tooboa aflv a nn loni pran and vb* Mtoal mtdd V'Sbalv to UtokJcun. TTa

bS:n^ adranlapaa to oHp 11 amiatad pu trip .0 Iba aulp .r,,,^


period or radoetian Crescent Brand Ua atlaotioaCocnbiDcd wiih the

SKILLof cxperls form ihe stiffidard d

ifiraa to lUIL^rnr

•a abam U 1038. Ihwttba EiUmaiaa a ptvridad to

ot 0,000hm.



:«b and (barMaallp dimaii yn, bp pur.

Barntd.. I. aab^^ (rriaala 900 arm .blab

The Wheel of the World.don metn U •aa H baa boon 1 aii-Ma. Tp ha

I tortaooa aboold V laid, toa..■ ralua of dntlnllo

fottodloba > the ula akla IV laba bu

aa M par out. at a aa didamtord br

nulrr, ir &II.83 Inclma. It rrifard i. h.d lo ralntall on IV laba ttarit H il found lhal (ha arrra^

bp aTaporall/-B par tanem al mau Ion! la ISI.fCfl aen-lart- That Kfun ia t-a<ilTalrnt to a ~ cd in rublo frm par (fntird Ibroufbuvl (ha ptar.

Tba aaman fn-tii the laba (rm ia unknon but nual V c

fnabaru ot (be labe alrar, (barrfon. Ibat (be

araraia lnBaa par anonm ielo tba laka muat brJa nma of 173 ri.bii- trrt-pr^arroiid. Tba I—h ^b^inifTlo law aaiilpaia aa l/IO.flOO and bp an.4l.r u I/I8.nv>. TV olkali- nltp durlmtaa .lib (ha voinma of

^ tW .airr anl la lihalp *** • - Udmitohnurn dun.

la.Al jlA

our success ofinOOLNESS



PuCru to. roikw


Hoinb. silfe.n pollap aad Waving tor

aelbmiaa V Diruior ot PubV Wcrki buih a leper atalton miboat ntirrlDp

oTi*taatIriala of

mu ZM (nt IV

IttIT tv raoBTUI u- .VI wVow lau praauad •> U Uadlu, (jp^ Mjm

ruwral b-di.. WtaalaldK:nuuol lalaatlou Di.Uuapila)i aad Upar Ba- Mada

FOR SALE.I'bone aa.II. tbc asnuaoa ol (boata

Potnr sad H*a<l nibbor Orying mMhioo saiUble for oopn.Djj« ^«8P


Oadd. «V ■■ 'TP»

.u M raara od ad)0tord tv patotia« mrba iM

nghtsulh 7o*r Ol SublletUoD. '-iTaadA Uodad. I iwwlliura!! aldarabU

BriUsh South Africa Annual

1927 • 28.

«nd MrBp m*url*i,«It tram pu- flood diaaVv

tabourhoa .Mllim. *3oa IV UV i. : tteaaipaaalri fuo topalVr .hh IV lake bottom. Aa IVdutaka to ml_____ '_____■a upoard to ma^ntkto iM

(Va^ to auaraptarUlT

to OatoVr 1BI7 wbaa d at ASaB.M feat abrrrr krai TVtotoV Ird up (o IV told ot 1037 aau •"

‘ - a Ir. intiwa Vk. ” ■ *■

ran <a -•eMOOMBA

■ l•tU•aM

IV tolM •aimil aufllaa toat Nolacai, tv Rurupau noapll.l, Nainhi, to'oor 0>l8rk no Wdlp h-hauarp M Hr

mTSi madiea)

(V Alriaan paoplaa. (lad (bat IV Ouraramul bu bl m IV pnaul jaar •aotapa

a-N-m (hr lakral IV tmniriilp

irtolb (10 Ubi

Dr^ to**"****p2m oil crailwr.

of aMurtod basriom and plnm

HydjMjJc (wo rtaga. pow*t drivon pomp. Rman h,T(lranlio band pnas orimptote wllb

twv, pump Md ram. oUs.. bill haring do

rgr nifmhar rif asmvtIM pnller«ibiiAtion rail lommolinD. Inns. Fair oondlUtiB. . Pfr.. Pin. ftirthor !n-

Hessra. Bird A (^. (AMea) Ltd.. No re

MOAh^imaad Vyataland SaeUm.

America'* crilicUm ol uur Iasi vear'a Annual; •'One of (he World's blandatd publlialion* '*

This Number surpasses; all previous Issues.

Poow. Bba. l/N'

UmT' _ At IV Ji

tv fto!! Ur. Cl^ad .bat wm IV

.bm 1 r.iT.!v' br•Wvpuupu Tat a I. ■■ I at thto dniiti and (bat

allamptfor niial flbr*.nuaUiu tobaed

both antotia V and to ptmta

Mr. IKonl -tod «ol..!ihil<aa (Vdw BaSaicaa. Ha it iiualtad bp

!v rrs,jad(V MarlVirrisallun. anadlnii.. Uv to

*1" 3.*, TaiifUtiV

iRpnifiiad 13.0ri> al lar*. .bill hi I'ri'-'U

oujnVr ia atoaii Oinun.laotp Momt'lkn

bu pforad of blUa nbn imirr Atnran travihlofia. ahlmrb pro-

bu bam

S.mi laptra--------oalr V mahmMa wHhatta ot« a lone p-rv-d ot pram anil nlwn ihr laVa araa naimtHr

.unlottVol .olunw and Irvrl, cat .aVUOM «r

s aad in. ahildraa. iV

£2:.'-£j"e£‘£.AotVocora ia utrotfrd v

iV mlni.Dum rl IBIS Thr avrr-

.V... a., Il .ill br arraIbat (ho roMpnin laral ma 887 („,i ,f ^

tah if IV niPira! arrrapa IbAo. I vto«

-I I# U. m. .d.w i™. ,1 .u f

SSS-'T.K..'?."— UntP nirmW rif Thron intomal .r - 'Ton* of -

All Ih* .a-i-

PriM Sba. 6/- torn* m-b .'i;Now on Sale siso* B. 4. and 8bra««, nanlnr 041•I M pier. Irm too ra«, fianl irm. Pi

be fnnporlod andat tv opuiai cf IV

I ra_A bM via V arid lo Vra 1

aioi emmirp Viwaan Ta-

TVOrder Early to Avoid FOB m/-.

lavol. pollTT of »Janl but IV towf boor IV In a nrarll.

of Tralhw IV •llaraar



ibleofeIV Ouanl aaeastUT •( tv .tuaeml.

•4TUBDAI, mara ». 1^^ £*aT imcAiriiBiHmAm.TUranAT. PBB IS.NATIVE JOBS AND TBEIB PAT


Ur..! lUBk >7ficBi Hxm »nj 1„ * "if ,0 _

'•wt. *lik Mr. BrroU ib. bttti af tbr 8o«b Afrina l.arM

.b. Dmur sf Aiiktlu ' Alu Rote.

Irto bfbnl mKonjm at

i msimaricAa Tmuistt.A •.'uateut ut btiriml

erni. Amrrit S-AyOuigi.tUmh hrfMM.

Mon Sidelighta fran the Uboor Rrtnnis.

iaio>rill tWj iba '‘•^yaaiiiall, b\»r ite ijil tte« tba MBtra .{ «bh. oMtinaest la



•( teirib lad os (aitb A atafaw ba oaeurr.4 olfbbml,

at .bou a JO p n . „ aoada,.nri tbit ih. Ar> cn.

is abieb bath■bat Ibia

Afrtra, and Ibt Md of ■sanj' of Ibr moat iaportani aortal faperiamla ia tba pirr. k (boa UelodKl hi as i■bad

rfie mrU iiaa« pnti w« of CoMte'a FW.

OOD ABD BU TEira&Ibc bajtsaiaa of iMiRoots Afrirv

tbrmaia, that wkOa lo Afrioa H b hb iattation, on btbalf at

ISJ•PKo.tb~rta fia ■ttbabod<a_

aoiban ohieb tat liaht to bi^^ ^ at baoT^aUaal

liffTECnvt UOUID It b BOt to be aotirtpatad lhal lbs Aaartea aUitn .01 bar. anb oppotte- Idtj (or arts dartre) of aanairtec

knoolaOce of tba preblnu of Afrlra and an Ihrr msf ba

eapaelad to corrp away will ba. ■a bopa. a parmaam tepro-bs o( tba rtuUty of a oosnlrr is the aabiiK and of diarnifla.] rbama aixl altrs'.Uosa froa tba trtbl of tba sraat pUiM. tba lodeal ami pnsbo o( artoAiard apfn

both Earepaui nod AMroo, sod tba bnrtiwv boacb of iba •audl tradan b tba airaM of tba bszaaie of Nairobi. Tba.r asa/ aaa aooiwh lo Indore -nor ol ibrn

o...*! Pp toSaid of kllour for faunaar Sanya doci Mt ra«nrd tsarkt traffle aa a tiea patioBal lotbcr aa sn <«d to breoiBf dent, that frooi tbol oaqaalaUlM sriara aataiun wlO Isd that Autries al- Itedy baa a tUkt In tba aenMrj.

Ik Cirito «< Bihn^ B*hni TaAnuriBUMn. tba asbitrt of Umi I>aiil>

and. If psteUf.Darold I .Vrt Mdy h psrIatM daptirad of ili rtN, oBoeni b«, a iba hi(..Mra- lion b aarroet-ssd ibera i. no

to doabt It—hoih nr> lob. Tl..-

j. .i;i.ii-Wa beSara tbtre b an

batba and tbo .

aiimb.?*o(‘'j4dr*^,M^li(btDWTHOVS riAAf

E^ei^y all day long

"Cr'.s'SK iv..r.scT.

cAea bOy II nT the alerta oenp and teir by tba No;


Tbaao hrmmuodini iinos

Tba deoisiiorj nail eausbl aliabi It waa anon roaliu.1 b, ibi.

nany balrx-n that tbr only eourar wbicb they exubl labr >iaa lo try and i Trrrni A. Rm Mrrailis« lo tba main ball Tn do tbia it wai Btoaa^lo rtiop thioMb Iba

ANTlfCPTtC< III li.IIitri maHims I'M n«. too waftt of oatiaa eaopbytd Is

WOWW Anyencsftd os tba

f Every time you move or thlnli yea uw w s . ceruin amount of er«gy.port of Oormini. in ..f2^par mnolh Tba Indiao cad (baa ba^lkl isaord it lb. aama. nsmtly Rbi. m. Tba blfbMl a?«a(a to tbia olaa of apS^tsMt b aal by lb. Indian omninu^y (.ho ^

In the Hon ; tUo.


ite^ msy ho put

M ana jiuniyoiy i

0 oinDW of poal in tba Uod lin k at for tbc proaml

Rrparty IKraetor of Asrirnlturatbslfatba

wmhmR dothra. •d tba brt) *ilb tba domilary ai aWlo pull dot lb. .rmodrt.

lo tbia bard aodt of oartb

nde good.ii-iiiS'-i,ns Itmpotn I“s',r -jewo. foal u.™.Bba 48

Hy *bn eanpVy. . ____ _____ e pay as■ ||S of Sba n and Iba doaia ■bo bare If baktn pay than at arrrafo of Rh.. 9n 'Tfea ndaof I

employ Iw) fcaiyim. hripnl (heaW RavaWd OliMti—l But tbr nlolaaiaal asliriaa ta dll per month, tba Aalatia dSlB/. amt tba Nai- nbi Goapocsties. IS Tbr Tor. poratloo biyirraar In Ihi. clan arti

41 Im *mtmU roorCKi M oatita bakan

THEPucu:~l (kan Sba. T/DO: I Callcn Slu. W)0; i eilaa bba 42)00 IS m'S'l. niTaalary of Sba M Tba iranita alartoal vafa In Rompaaio an-

' boy, a a tba aalary

poiat tf rto«. Tteta arafltoKtimbi asd tbrii a>faa«a «s«« Itsis^'.s■blob ia lamaidatrtda km tba Isdlas aronci of Bha.

lat It iboad Ibr V Tbair

■Hb tbr ahoy aomaiabat bai^

babar Iba

dairy African Life Assurance Society, Ltd.

Coart Chambers, Nairobi.Pbooe t84.


et«w •« day Jos*ByLLOWS8i^L.d,.aB.rSNA«».. fcmh. Make "Ovaltlne"

and en)oy health and ei

' k rkrjrr'sssAaias knraat ia

elarlaalrordadf. Tba OVaLTJME,

TWUC FOOD nraua /


P.O. Box 90$.

Geo. BLOWERS *TW*. ia that

ns tba atboduir oya asd •

that asdof oBot boya

S.EXfi.rK.-Tr:. es .a“«.ee aj; .rr £ ^rc»".»K-a‘S.r£

'll Ibe rm.''>yrta —•

uMwimni mm’wm poucr*0D HATB H WRIROr O TD OORUOT.


Tel Add. “Ooiunti.'- of tba Colony and Ibal tbr frail. • • •• of BaataooelMiut rwatial lo American

We aoto Ibc ilia.

WBlart. Tbouebtfal

.. providMBdldaiipBiPhone Worfc sai)

or.AT„ 5i?rKSSTOTAL dhamutt pBOTionov pnraaoK



K-.".l»aM ctsplnr-rottrnea deplore Ib. t-n looriet h ererptad fula.

the iBdlasler of tbr llfr eoQBiry from •hkb thry asd that may ba ahboiwh it Is

ertrea Sira. AO rian M ■orb an

salt wHb ol. M

arty., of theMffliii: It It a

mnoamlro rorm of ■

s'a“.sf,“2k'£.“5aatneo moolt^y ■.*■ brtB* Bba Alrots

Da deane. a fanl; ewhi. Nrtthrr ■odU

g ’"“•’--aTr^ sand tba . Tba Oo OWat Ata, Pan Mam, asd Addrms SRbi IRTt

we bare them aeaept a daaeo a. lb. aymbol ef (hr .Afrl-

to IN la be a froat ef mirrltlD-

H.D. KAMPF BEADY NOWManager^ S.jfminMtr«BitaMt«HKtoKOtmmMmr»Tw>r—f^n

.,r?.t <1.0 (laBbopa lb it part pity chat thhSainbi alao ample) • TOl

aad alera bnya. In Ibr Oorarn mast aarrioa the arrraro par eirtn

Ihia work la abi. S hlibvlib tbas lhal ol rJScr bnr.

month below lhal oAn- bn^* iloym <1 <e

alDthlly bl«h»r. Tba rbeap~i •hap aad alon boya art appal " employed by the Oo«i mid

,.*~.cs£^srva,bMirr ramaamllto.'Oran oIEm

Tmaraaptssea af vhdtoni a^ i«.The hliheal arm«a .

'Sfo'Eli'It aimidt tl She. » ••

txslsat Sb. 40 90 is Omui an-

n per moolb.emtt an sla> aaKfcyae- ol tbsB—aa sbotoenpUn

inla, all hr Rumpram nia of wsaaa <• nlalirrty

hirh asd woeka oat at an ar

>« h to ha aapaatad Aat oa asriy "• be oo««bl lo

Ite thasoo to “Jdate W, teosu hsartn that a rtmpta ^ww aa


alas toId lb.: anbn w‘SSr“-*‘ "East African StandanT”


Isdluta. .■aMe.oonrnd baakala ofIbaahaaaofpatooalsabaataiKUrds

a mraninpVaBto

Il.m of * aalH. pooplaa or»asdwfll U,lhayand

' " rt sifs


, •«l<nln.divniHnrr



ipmmpta tra brtimdi.

btlBK raplaarti by matbliw■erepemsaaH Mr. daaabW baa i 192»breoebt BcfaM * duiiaa hi Ib- coNTAiwpw raatwj


•rbont vara boO praaant at . of Mo Bn. m <b»d» batr tarm bolblar. White

•ttebabAtmad and a. them wn

Usatnl to tba SalUerto be errolrrt a late teptriteoB o( the work of Ibr Iteri'e li AMoo.

Amrrtouia dorinr Ibrtf brief rtsy lo their ante anae ef proportSoi they do ao they vO leorr Srsyt

rat" • loXabaem

m bar. rneMho

tile. Dedo Skirting, PMemnf, I), HLOCK FLOORS.T TO kailway

TOI'ictiirv K*i r. dinar. ■Tba Irwda of-------- - .Urtiett



GOOD me quote vou either in Quarry or Delivered.

Well matured CONCRETE BLOCKS in stock at SHARP PRICES.Buy of Hie Original Maker.

Delivery by motor tony at stated rates. i|

tharadrirar* of wbem 73 employ^rv ■ith tnrrtabliab

■I 0»-

y"bubsrte of AMaaa dtMaa Imt

d-Sumret'.l m hand alrartt

I. vrttd>rra and Onars Tb* hlybaid paid wallta bfltiarf ^"*7 w

is tba Tows h*a *4.8,'.Uaa. '.r «Urt> H iBlarlMTM BMtlig Skn. 4/. foattd 4/M

.«/M . 4/.. Wamra, Bouataad h Clark. Isd ,

i-ra *■ KaiioU

RunTpran RT..TO and reilv Flba rtu AgriroUn

DdpartinuiLA ft* day.

alitetion 'c 1 ______psahion rrr.irel by th* ateeae* nf Urt two tr.,v,Drtble rtUrf cfflrera la Ua ;■flhaE

■01 ba pwlOs tba^pa** ■fL.

',s-.zBt U

Standard Stationery Store;J|Jsrjsr.^t3:5 v.a ua


u e«TT7W>AT.aATOaOAt. HtKSS k, IM.tBB KMT AniICAR np. TO^KABT AfBrCAJt trrAwn*MT»

i REVIEW OF THE nStS 11 1926.

ttnu. k— ImlMiiDd Um »nne- ir-r.'

Uia Ui*T W'U Bol. bmeocnin»iin;e« i»p e>i

i» InaM (nnlJT


pntai'M ali^h a

TU Ak»a.k« ...•►II, »M

r;,rL';sr.s‘S":: ..-“rSjr^koa Ji.wne I

S"C,Im n>

m. sb»W,0»i»

1b a. KI«•WT bHA, •

ilteoteJOY IN EVERY PUFF! MMASMUUIW).i.k.<r t»


<1 <a ■r. [lan KodiTis t-i U«ibw* ttT»-

.be eu-m. M.4te Ibit U»/ bae* '«nCDaaeadc JutB.0 auiv em .a^lba

diilM. a m Iba taa .a tba -brae- W aad 4 .. baW tib caMtpna »i’l a» b'a paafla reaf


bailer^.: Here is Your .Toniciw&blEtfedIkCiiB.,.

kb h

»For they are made^ from Pure Golden ’ VlrgiiriaTobacco— unadulterated and


Trade. b Ibal

tilde Pan^allT T Ibiak .Sb b paal lli nBB.»r«iae d .t « pn* to nake the aa.ia* tail raliaat Md a blip, not a dna on aoetciT

ban aaan NaUn U»a-mak«i.

HttetWm FRBKdeal »■. ■iT

'tmukmt upon Iba Ian !l W laeainJ iba

K«.ra. tb. WINEGLASSES ■•miUbmildwill not

I^al N'alire Couaal

IWidaoea A •peaUCfTKBlWU^V' r<« «^^atna «> lhai olbMa


lat.mabea. af la ilna PRKB_, ' «''b

Badwa, to rtiob




mSING I!eyclp repaireia, r Biea liad,ai lor toi

Aatoad «{ <c Iba Bairan

i,”:Xtc* 'be9MMIV

Tba d^ MltoT ad darelMaBi

jaari a(B na^ iba aappaJTS 'b, CoBletaBo. «1 btoa. 'awL. thnenan. oTba

.. lorbiaMlI If oalr Ibaa la ApiB.II la pciebeaJ' Iba OalBberaodol IbaIf ciilara Iba

wa lie- •-l-m* ap al Iba dt Iba oa- n b.iw .jed that

AdTpoiBI oil ihi Imi at rtr-ui

”lw •aU lor

Iba aratimi

inal tad pngiamia ■niratod Srallp b;

lua la Iba1.1 nabaa araaita. ________

amlp anb Iba luxe larinaa in Ibe nambaia of oidira nluafin- )y odeitoi tbfinaelia. tor tobowe.^aid.Jb. ,«jrm dar*, .be >i«a ISS to JSK, aad aiaMdlp. ij lha uomiaUbabla iiiaa o( la-


toraudrvdUniaiiaa uc

• realnd ap to I. Enn Faraers.

?: !. traa^en »i


Aa iniiB ji ebon Iba oal.ive an pmai lanp lappliea ol dab Ihiin lh„ n-biaa aUlMOa ti nab. up Ibeii food ebaniM,

Hall a Wme makes the blood rich andoppoamoa to bucotal of SQOATTIK mOK.

\l » Iiirrli.i* ,.| 11k- Koru -r* A«o-;,i,on h-M on tfc

<ii..|.rlto, •'

llcuitead . hfsihhjr. It feeds rhe nerves and tonei up the entire ayatem. - That is why you feel the glow of health whentl . ^L>. ETSTUN & CO- NAIKOBL

r ea taa^bj Uec-impto”;

aa poniled

*11 loll*........nml iiad-r martata in I aida ban all lltS-sS

Sr. . Yur^a. Tburadapa and

Thaia’frr. IB IW bitaar aad il ban tbat iba M- laKar take. Hall's. Wine. It puts new life

'into Vou.^it builds up-itrensth —it takes away your leelinj: of depression.

trouble on ,1,,

oatiaaa and tba Lumh^a on f«™ Wban ih, .□Ihii bKaliit nan .lirai-rd .i .» toimdad tbat tbaa •hould-toni a


-Sba, LutoWa baa,


irbuK .1 h'leoi •C k Thi. .1 '.lir nat» in priB, u fat, but la I be ooluniBe p br laadr dinci frMi ralBt. f**B wd know ihe a PB» toi a pacbelor W Ih. at ■aeiaai biA li i* oairar lasr a ahSaa khu m. li u

a r>rl tuirb ul I

srS;''s’;!SIn Great Demand. neb Brin. WrJ.II I. .-uB-arBod and peibapt

•r. lu Dia gaod M tbe -- -- —a woikiof of

tU aaliar hta bilbar-


Tba Inlii

'ISX Halls Winesir R rvara* ViMr^lMrifk •‘1’Iba I.'onipaa;

— - III # —; e,porteolaYEAST-VITE TABLETS. cWel.aatlea wd ull.a

^"looUpi at<d t&(A Li«tikkln« Plek me up)

TbdwendaifoinewirMtmentotpan . YMSl-VflMnlDS. ato.

RnWanat Can, »ni ba pro. •»f-d bidaaau Monbaw .nd bora aad beaaraaa Bldarri. JIbJb •M IfamtaaiBH.

THE SUPREME TONIC RESTORATIVE W'v , Sntith doctor^ tnl sursad recomnisnd iiaaf W*"’* Wine and tike it ihemwlvet.

ClWiauI. aad SWru

a^ tar ■ DcaHIcia la lhalbrmiahlitiv.l fh.i

art™”tri-r.look alirr biniaall .1 ba ApBaf«flll<i hitbeau ha •Baud IB. bM gnai u< adueati <0 rrpd lha

b«'a^ >•^farvird

irif and hi! :be bopad a»

loban aa tba aarp is;to improva your haetth. I all Sraarli. «p

■ .ISCCoetAin no t .bar r.^., Mnt >bi>

Tba aala .ap la Bbiari 1. lu Liuf dirarl ...................pallrnll,

■o aaoliltha

T-ilTCi .1.^

to hai-l. rifhl

■ha Xalin- Aoib^

5:E'E5:™k^leanr, .ki.fc

Sola Agaota.

A. a WABDLE a Co. Ltd.Ohawliia and Drugglati.


t S«o1«l ..iSb?* ^tod'hel* “

IWrna.M «llb Ite PID-•Siirsbaa baao biddae l«•a aadad.

ivE!.0. daridad to (al la Iba OoBna PliBki.1 M

nooeiBl IdiirlB »•■Your Labour Problems Solved.

tte PtDXSAL iy« H P. TEAOTOHWiU rieueh Him.. Baud. .Weed, aad

Cultivate.Priol vltb laiplaatBtf t® o.l f_________BUIeit A C«., Dovereoiin. XHas. XaftaaA IMI^OVKII isai AFDICAN UUDHL

aad iMiaSt to eraoe la pv-oi tl’i s loB^ tllM ItBr. Ika Pm. ktoi-a. nod maralp Uila ead of 11,

tSde^n wS^ldBaSnlal avtlam lo bli

In a lefereoea to dilerr.t ia lU Iba tvporl

. bmiher ofrl<d to noui ptovinm,

tbal Baadeu. boo LaaaBa, ol

BLDORBT J ,K AameUUaa of .kauolatloai

■ hr VetooKr"rx:!

^ptraanlIl la uadanloodtb. Idimb«a •be SCiaal Pieatura .be

Ttcportcl ,0 I8ID 10 Ueru, allo.iy) dunni lb. p«r to r. lo ihr kleui ProtiBca Hr


sS SrIrjlla-aad tbrra ibu ba il

■omplalel, lo,.l ; Netiva Couaeil.' ,I U<i< «blrb ■S.i'TiS

.rala Unuo.•I In'mliaHenarss.r'p; ssr"""""” iiS™ "““'i;; Britisli Empire

standard Typewi Iter.toboolt, dlapaatarbia aed"'*itor■uppliae. A elriktoa .uunpl, oT ,

;t5S:.srf.'..:r,ESfmnr rdrr of Ibr n.ii., raaerva Ulluiual oireurnliaB?,."’ I?**,Il!

r''rSLi-jsriniiiial. fhnra vua a an.tooi

,“Kj:rKU'‘.-s:;£-KK-iad (a be ia, or aeald baXirs-^iSirs; “Ibua taaeh Ibe 1

fioo 10 Iba iirajAt liev rooililulaa Ibe boeadair belwaeu bail.. Ikdmiv and Tia(Biiplba

Terviorp fm Iblt. la eoina alaee., e,(ntis* Uad troni Ibe oalp

srsr“t.£"s„E:be Ultobetorr to alJ parllaa


.K ■'la nla-

bo.ivrr Ihrre i> re a Ih.t Ihr ttoek It Boleo hr

'ST'.'s;.:leni fern,. Wheuet. .m.d ■lorV bae been Iraeed to a bwailon n tU reearra. ftaaa e* ruber nualabmaBi uortee Ihr Coflaellve mA RIOH ohadb TRB



pHoa from Ik Vreri ealeuetoii raanda Raitnp IU1I.VB, • •• roede tiifRe Imaaida

r.rriM 1^ lo.Mdi’' Karo Moru, The aomplilion of tba ronwBT will

ol Kauvu

epaMd f«

Iribaa of tba 0 H Waatika,* .hub

rU°aI'uibutahIa to ipatbp, toeonoeirai hiad- and eeaiedUrol lark of d..

Lverr .ndiavoue ba. 1 hp lha J dual .iih

1 a ‘I'lhl

iir.r.r-'Abaat blbaa

Ih, cL^f BnrnsB capitas


f.n-aald lor;eipluia 1 baao mada OOeaia I. aSairi, aad

’!?*the "twin

.at thevB MM bp lha b^ ww la Ua caramoap ibaa

Airtoouila Papa. Faal, Dualpteot Cov* . __________ .

SX'i-Sr u'Coi'lSi Sz.°'£: Iaarrievi. trboaa

. . id'N«h"’id aad part of l)» bike dlv. Tba KIknu la lha fieitfe- ' ' ~aratlaa and Kan-

ahrmld. If (he leavon •• a.limeulie, aif..o,™ble

iBIba.mraad abopa ia (be AkikuTu $tt peabahiv ahead at

olber tribe. Ia Iba FrM BaD ifve aleaa tbarr me afmadi .W) abopa ened bp nal^.

’5”toL and

Pitesaaod do link ba -lambo" iruda

• nd >eilefpaala aai kaeva at Ike Npiau.'' and an after. liiM to lemore Ihe 10 iiicdi wrriAge | 14 Inoh urrisg*

Sbs. CM. Bhf. 700.wllb nilibt cover end tools I vrtth mbbe cover end loci*

«< aallae.U Ibe Diao

«Mih of lha K 1« aaid lo ha a Mmpli« of Ball

Diatri.-!. .hirb :> erebtel, .hVh all pofna afler lhap t.... 1-------------------------

eli A tovrb >d Ihif mri took plan la the aaateru kaattoa of to lau. ho< ba reaaon of I'll nalha el leaiaev taken bp dbnaened In it. it did rmt anna........................ I»M. nod Um ftoto

>«h aacMaioMl thmwh IbaKomho. HI to- headutaa. TW

H—, bm'IEl

.... '?..?•'Z'Z.T.


SAIHOBI. r \,l m

are aaid maalv fa biva •Bd poooa aad old baea Iv BO inuala diatalte for o> .ark.Ketn. for tl.e Cadoaln aad

to BBldaap form of proprea#. Xallvet haaa, of ia a pro- -o-ine, mueh to irarn ta lo bmi-

oo o,.u. mrib^ In too .a . 0 atietnpl k rrade to

. a rr •'» f-iefle tei rvie ihvi.

Tbair fulura '.ST

tm BSBT TtFKfCAR urmhir. Hura t. m „raa KMT AFEICAH BBAKUMPi1msoutno*OFiBE iss.'


1- *kvt ■« kM tnw n*i.

httoMteMri lEuikePniiAIN STYLE, DESIGN and FINISH iMotoring in Englandsb«nichwik»


L'. k%j Iv;>7 rlubac ok^THE WkiM c(

t-W « tb. •n.n.l W- ' NjMh

E. S«nc. of «b. IVrtkir,,

fk. I' W.sssn*>d OpmiM*

BEPUBCHASE PRICE, *•««« MfBior cmlj•uS««rt V. IdICI (hofr b«* mu» ^ «. th, BUU, tt.

!iii» |«Greatest Essex Ever Built W. tku obtiol. ih.F k„,, b, o, ^4«»orfM hr hMB. «KWi7^«


"T — t-M.,»v.i>.l

n.KroRmcb. •vvnMhiv

■• •■ BJ mitri Ik* It n>*UM I* UiMk. M, noun*. B*TK



Larger and finer

lines im|)roved, the Essex presents

advances in appearance fully com-

para,ble to its marked step ahead in performance

with exterior b.«», ................■kMbM b, «Mm OmmnMM I*. tWTcntk* or by Rvlboki vMtk o.

HIKE DEPT, '•uHTBE AND DHIVB TOUKBEUK"a b. <U*.-««»• M IJi-OfM. Mbx* of Um, Aiixrtou uE EaftWi «t i« ^ i,,. >0•miEoyM.

toll •ocMb.'oi, I. MBM thnrl*b.«r .hortMT

■nElllir fwr^-II .1 u. as-i'T.- VB DIBXm iB liB , B rnfkH. ■»** olOB

5‘=SH-^ Tke Eceleston Motor Co., Ltd.-dvod n hM

-bW lh.y .M .„pk

do tATuSL ik.7‘tkS\..i'’hl'M Ik* nUn*,, I

•dfiMbla 001 or rborp

•bow. IdorooTer.

‘Sf-SESi;•ork lor hcmMV . lood focdAiB. c*oBi C* MOBonoe voia

* Z^«ilL'“o?l2d r-;OOk., to b*

koM h«a MHoiod lor Ik.

«UI|,. or wkoik* k. okeoM to

rto. lo • »«£i"r^'brSoL*u<Me to dMid* tor bl—M S.' £EV3S S IBSJ Bolex BolexdMuHp.^ .- Ik. doty of th* Oorva.

ofaMlotT. 7k. IMPORTANTn c« iko mkuokao giI a oidor ikol k. Boy ____*»* W OWIBIIJ ibot U Ihoou !!2' *- »'•« “



'SoHiob Bod to I ANNOUNCEMENTDobbies Ltd.

HAVE BEEN APPOINTEDio/i' 4ffcn/s tor

Inwra • of 1

f-rjr, ‘=f 4r"koiw.

"W. ham b.d rWio from oom. r.1 BB wbo on> ynnlnoot <o Ik.

tb. Jolnl Kin AWot Bowd- 8k Ur of th. Brilkb'oaUoo' Otowiac

Uod. or prorMHO

•anb A. a IW OMo wlU allif-wMoir, .Bin. oa —„ ■ki* dBorptiQoi m. liBilad oo.

Willi Mil iiphi^Moty III aUstm •ia>l|.'». <iu<j wiUi BppointmoD

i'oiiiplu:<i /mil kUnkaivo, (Se I'am Siflan i- nniRhnJ In nxooMoo Mtandkrdb. Ita roooir comlKt fnlly •dMiUiTlfvMa.lBrW> BUkMcn UKiiitl ronut

ABoot.lioB; and. ifuilo rMrnl’T.

SLsr.ST'rt''*tmn. Sir Pdnrd oiiao ho Ml. lod

ho I. okoMyFa im tnkMOO


The Famous Rolex Watches20 World. Raords.


b.;, i^rrad wiSIk. pa.F>ay aaikortM. w baatin dnuala. BrtyB ^^dB*d

tky tb^ aoBiBiBicaia wiifc ika

•oaa. a lb. bouL la^iUBi bja^laid^

s.nipOwi.' bilHt of Mane

.ndrridBof hrm.Uoo b> Nw apMi.iiy lairllir

W BdlTldoak. who may b. tampUd to look upB Ih. .1Mi ram *"2 aod dlMoelenl

tk. oabjaat of narkat ikuik arAbkat

>1 OBl.laadB* Bprruooi; to 8,r nilBo y<M.,, .klah « .2!



m-n wi'lwT^raltarbcBtaadinr laetm that 17S% Bolex Bolex■I'-S-J

irllh tbai wIP , B hacBia a ao^

pBUd kn B Uamk aart W.

b^.T’k.-SS?.-J lha o.lim ■immooily. ia nil kaon, aad l« la alar imi laiklarlorT M lavaai'TTriSTa.iir:

a ^

takitakThe’ Mealy-Bug Prevenli*

DMi Am OODBIKtUUdDt bkviiur proTkA faiAoiy, farther eooBlddr^te itwhi

•toralary,JUOTA •!--------^p>n akaald boa* a ..opiy m dk^ a. no., MM uTio be

Irea ika rtav Ae«t .

-But ill Ibis anil laka timr. .md

Od 1 aonMO Ibat Ike with ooTsolaM.

,,||K.SIDES lira mom pI«kiiioR con­tour, (he Dew Eaaez coach do-

•Igo htf the advMtBKC cf additioDtl rooniDNii And comforl

who beens“* -rrof Otata. thk saw

CVwB Dolon an

ordered from Eaglutl. BOOK TOOB OBDBB NOW.


an) thal Imakalba.

Apart troiu ika

MbtSr*few adcrat JPak x,nU ba kaU B Ihtd.. _ _ Jar. MBak » aad II aod b Ik. altarMu «f BaiuHay. Uarah 10

I laaa laatUap wiU ba

“.s£sF:£ii£rfiaia. l^r,. daUa an bound to


to tba ftmaOBB to nta h k a food iln ibat to Bu.y ol tb. popukUcu haao ambnrkwl no th. toll.. Uibaaoo to. duacry I kaow Ikat la. thlltuht-rt .nTouring £290 Coupe £275 ■atiwnal. to Ibak

Ub>, Bd w* an laattbal our rkwa cu tba

SvaaltBa Ikay an aontni kata to m Into OB lha aeat wfll h. out ba toa th«B )b 11 rkar aad daeoka a

Twwn oenull.«»t hut, » ■" Ih. npioMia

. Iln. art and wt-kS pBibawawx lk!8

tl. wwnrwtn. ht Ih. tMthlrxir bond of * mn-.n ha .net *B.ntl



The South African Mutual 1 Life Assurance Society.

(Eetebliahfd l84A^I*nrely Mutual.)C. CoemoMoiikUitUhi', U.A.. f.X.A.. -Geuoral

aimtW of Fahutn a»Bw.dA

•hatCarr, LawsNairobi. Nakuru.

& Co., Ltd. Ito^ yaB-. ^ Bdktpalbi^m Ihlak. mratd wkh aornblatoan. SaMfruktlr to Ih. wbkk Ibat look 10


M ,nand B.I'afa,-<ico lha lai* lhat rww. kf •ItBlim k bkat paW to ow lUtU ODutilrt aad incraiainw to-


ptMal to Miiini Ika rek. nf ran. dnan with 'n .kmA..! k.v. .MEldoreL KampalaT

wnai k brhi( dwplaml wwi.1 and a-vnofnte rrnrr.

^d Bu.^"tto . ui Fuad Fan will ba H.


iDHire with • eoclety hevinR ■ bontis hiatory unique It Ihe hislorv of I.lfu AMiiraiice,

For hit) pertieulen apply to:—C. B. BARTON.

Watrici Vaiiauor tor Kenya.P.O. Box m. Uttte BtihS^ IfAIBOBI. PhoM

at ImM I aai aoo of Afrwa. wbkb

-n-arto pertka «« Ika oto Ihmwh

Thkala to ika 10/, double aad )«

jT*’HS."’ •k diattoad to bwwm. oar yefet «d awII iilia.Bto. n k BO wHb .!•

otfwr MMw wad I ana an riwm •krhm«MBMbetowHb (k*

2S. tkkat ^ wlU•aktotri tbakBrtMfcelMt"

■AflT AfMOAJt gtAWPuUP •annuT. lUftxi s. im»It MnniUT.lUBCSt.lBanaiAn'A]■Ainr ouNEWT TBrrois



^I^0g[L xf^ CYCLES ^

1 'itrrdif aentlAf. wMinU »T M ^.h « ,r^

^ —Wot. «)(fc<>atta U»

y«Kt fThf. M. -----tta tU—U. ttOT

ifnpliTf<t —I*b(ih nraalry. —t ba njd t« «*«. t- 1

pOaud by lirJJ «ba bat, tad aiparinw ef

lanIUUf to W-Sta^ltarUrmlai

Uihmar b* craatod Ibal Mamb—

—(lb m i^lwiM ap



~^b: '1> - —lrtn>f<-/>Tbi. .a bardb

ai^ a ilaW

Naaato- vhb ik« Kia,-, AMaa<3

C"; Jrif I ■>«! aa a i—pantaTT <««r*U War, ibe arrital .( ib, U,kt of tla Rayal U, r,„, ,haa •ai«.d«l aparttfato,pUc, MaMtna btl BiUtar} and tba axi' iot'ixj,.) to bt aa

aa laraa .ran <iaaa and tocTraUaar ba la aWo to dM towb tbtoa vharaaa tba. Nalreta

latotoplataniikir abnthar bit Mk»l tor or aei On

optotoa. rai irfTaa' i a»ihto( M a t

ivnrinil • tl eyeb** to V, Wsg » jttU It to

--------- IkM IM rider"«*«« take tt* on .ffloont Urnt ,ie« free nnd

toocton And un-»*i«aBWlinHiHy.Jurt«.ol. »moiiiii to Uto Ariel with ito «odtont entoh «d.ep«|. arwlwn uxi priw which

iptowithewi uH ahouWem»hi>tv ito hToto

Reliablehwraon. bn«.,

take-------------------------------lairsbi aUtto-oouatrr eua oo’t daala wt» tba Cualomt and ib.' I'm to aa todlral larhioo lb Hoabaaa neoto la aa; anM,

•a'a Iraab bat earaJIat at aa time

,Sl-•• ba


‘J5 S' . la r-tooM aa Iradfltoa. ao ' '

optooantiT propla tattrrtbara ai» on tba oonl ------- Alrioaa

toirrludc dorin* to, tortiee difSlfr»« Cab» to the &pe Tketo <» lx aa ewatioa af ibtir naa-

«r of to, todieaUnn tbrj prorldr that to toe atoto of mill- Uf7 ..part, ratamaibi, to, ,h. tirfrnre of to, Bopire fa, Afri«

<tf paaeafiil

ant pospla aa B>r Uwitaea. Hw ttowia tiaboaur. B>i k'ouap and Lord aod Udr

To bo alrioUr tniUfuJ. o laal aainad

otorto* aboard amp, Onrormnam

aod bra .LotoAlleobta ,i parttoularir eoial'"a

TU, aata FWar W a< <etobeoalbrtdttawaali 53: s,MS.T

th«» no bruara to tb

■toan thar,bllanbr.Fabnnrt



aJtboiub Thr ik-Timmloo on Bontoe

MoabI <.c.diS x;‘

Wn ptomloaat planiaaaSZ.-'®''rd br too

pUr ao fatrrtadDilj Urf, Wr hata alwapa roolandad

iliri pan. allba itato.• tba to lapari to taioanlOT banoU labounivs

tkotaaptttola ate .•tomdJlloni tainloc fa, ikb pan of

tb» RtoriR. aod pwtinlartF oh tba Nonken Fraotlar, ator-itabl, to deftow. far the ordl-

nnfaoda aod «e kata al- t—dj fOccwM akTOld trek eipm idtia, opon tk. paatobuitr »1 otiUitofam of •fconft to ladat to palMst

Ptbkapo tie leeoaw of

,1 Ibo aatouh toea ' in biv bom* vbora

boor lata.ha bat arrlred and. ooas ■n3> roK ojuiAhomuE totoor dayi aba amrrd on.irit aa be

b<—rw, ^ao atol BO'-.n:.. aaihaiaai.

Wiaovi nor apparaatlr ralidIB waa out do*o to caia

dar aod a bail aod. aa a raiuli. Honbato baa faX ralbw awa. Uartoiolt. It ooald

Prices from £295 aanaa. TU^IlHtoo ' ’OT alao did

tOT Im J. fi. Cox & Co.,ELDORET

at tbaof atidtTba foot tori tom

amt lor FbnuaaMr a (Ood too rnplioB of tor natWr. rcmld br Rirtai Tbo toao, waa tiiWad bfIhr rol>» and naraoto aim *«,



toot toeoa> hitobriB el

tMr ahomoa. ttokad npiriMtafb to*toto."rSd “a-b$.ta’tb.

'*1^ rrinb <t«t ariita■

. a Jalm. of tb. . tolaioM i. anaWrd 01 iS. riandr.1 u.

TH-'rnrrff-Ittm. aadtba

etidsim ntoatad baa ittottotod too l> tori Utoir laak baa bi

SAMJHI TSOFB^p**’S. Fisher & Simmons (E.A.) Hd. oratUril- Twirnlar wairiiuirfl]Than ia a tarj

haea. to tba koe« with tba talnaou Tba, br tot TMI of tot lalaodi

wikoavrRtPORT DEFT.

I, nototo*

mpMad toaia and toaa■ZG nr maeUDM


■Bd ti«7 not to as.T wa, nbim to tpaeial

tonoAsri to. oifbt « Turadat, aodViBtoriB Ptnwt. B*t

ttourt tott woak. Hr. dIhipl uid Ur. Miloar of 11»ka I G-drd luill, bj Mtor to dnrioi a oi.itor oar wbjch bi.d uot been

Ariel Works Ltil,Selly Oak, Birmingham. Eng.

toite ol much inora Importasra aU tba Ulllo, Yovna Com-

met. Tbit iplHI


Btoer tortr eo-oprtothn, ma. mon aallffarlorp and tbe nllilaryP—wntett (be, „rted irar. able l» Iday a aerira of ■■

IftrinsOUTCllOO LA. OA.1. ,1.) flord

ssw McuL ouAHUBnmrIbrr could ■tot albtrwiat bata dona. It oaa for KeoFa an <a»p portant aspeitoiai tbaaks of tkr ronani tor OotrnuLrnl. an 1*0 ainaa *be at tbmr oirn rU nmlrnook to protid, thrir

to toe BBItarr forma CT»er Uido*

OoRAtodon ia entapd to ried»- -Urirao peuUnut from

tba Urpr t|«w point. It b to h« bepad that tor

or LOSDOH’UGHT Savee Blankets tadi, Ito- aod the

Alncan Ihaoai t'lab u>d tbo

Iraq i{ ' Blanbeti need ibo fcntlcae iieaiuKiii In Mi» bin. If »aaM rh, Suoltfhi war.

wlU hate a lone Ilf* of atevkc and ‘ Kifi and aoart-

boon (oem'd in Iolto«to| arieaoto aro\ ir ^ Iha <d too ChibIt TboMAfafaB,»S.«

teno b« Wath I Iba^Chb ^B to iplies ofrt>* bUnhea

wmwoKdtikate M tonfaradL Tlwn rliue. and

r althoulOfOtlr.5 K> dor


■vri UBobun td tor Uub ihaU boof too un■s Wlrro.

an to Nairobi /aaUtdoF wll! booTwdoakod Crittotaihor tor pari ben dtoariad

oeropezattoa to d>fRwa on toe (Tosod of etpenar

‘i'mV aKintroo toe.oRim'

iilaJI be br tl Tboit tbiU br n aoaoal luU-

I onp^rrf,V-(-^abloaaeb jtar uao. » of

ootjpr Ofaaoblor nard Franrdax >pa*U ■oourip and vitboo! apreial pr,

Crttiein toe p«i bm dlrrrtrd aiaioalSrtopr......................................tbcm eritlro katr bm dnrto* thr pun fe* yran in ib-

•ffatlte wap p>adb<r—prar- daewlratlaB t« Ike eon

br voco) i*SUNUWT makes

\Qolhesand linens last longer.

SXXNUGHTmakes^ Curtaina seem to j]| last for ever.^ HI

^ ,™J-™ voco P~„*il rmliaa «k, f, ^ t^ral a

Sorik ami Era

fSpariJ)imditimM in Fust .kWra.


T^.-zRra aoalt tb* curtriat to ^ tub Ibem ril raw .M, Bonllch. Soap, aad lae* them to ectop to dean.

Illbon each tide of to* lino. Scoooefa

-- Wu^'^a'iitTk.efr*^

With «hc uae of Sunllshi Soap codiw* the kDuurlcdsc that peatr ckithn anti l<nen> Uu longer, ihiu uving vour pune.

andrtoaa dn aa poaibh

The eaM anJ quiekneu Miih tthich at the diR in clothe* OfAriel llajetle. It W

ttot i:..! W. K. ruabi P II Claik. baar be.

SutOighl Soap and dUkvipea ii make. mad. of Carpapf,OOTto. to anaar b. ahd aaaaa tr

mir iahour wvar. motor i) mraban n-rkTr/K*aja oa Iba Mmft lod

Uiinlc?^d‘1?r duombafahSunlight SA TRI/iL SAMPLES

Addma ei.jPoetOx.T^to>^Boutstea^SiClarkeLtd^

P.O. Box 50,_ hionilKMUU/irSamjties of Lerperfhsdud*,.

Xirr ^ elmltai

S^Ld. “lirsra.."cr2n. .d H- H T. Mar..v*oeHr of Loeal On,.


eebbmbon m Hambl. iba 1.1^ Naralre BImUerd rvdma tririCriTa

LTDBor all Household Uses ,.««oei«


Ua rinaM tna.

amimsi. 1< M an nfhruil of lb. Han-

to pbaa of |«^lB Ktys, 0geB<u, ThnganTlka aiid *ae>an>.T AniOAV tCESOAsms OOKPUT. IfTD.rz thmLaver iWoHxra Liniiiad. PoR Sonligtht. Eni^and.

.V-ltiH. Oatoap. to b*


frw aATUii>AT. luicB a, im.THE EAST AFEICAM tfllANDAJU)

ifincAit smkBmii.SAimnAT. UABra a, na.SI



V ANbtnrd ComdivvAndreas is a s^s twttumlcorrectmfyr cheJit^Ulsgf^^_

K.Kenja Capital Provides Something

Better Than the States.A Wonderful Plough! A H«kr Amge 1him

BEATS AERICA FM DUST AED DBT! VembMs. Ptb. aaIn roMWIk. with Iba atnmM!'

^ansofiKS New“DRAGOON”


Ehati Seb Price hee n Bvgaamg he I Cn.i

l^drewst^Liver Sait

... 4 A aMcl" ara«ln:^U,'"WXh> fTuhcn'Ii

Urv oompMte.Aocrlhet naiw, arMod Uati tbaj

IsivSJi'cit) uiflefaot paru of Altiaa. but

fh'rr-intnrsa^iSrpSrtston laaeiaau^I"

Rart Atrieana nhr, aero .is, lhar. ptivk^l gp Ibelf earo to casbb anv pacaing roirrark whin tin .n!e.Jg..~3 e,.ntniii..n.ID aimillb 1o the lateat fnrtn o!

Brviro In Nairobi and in the ewualrv dialrirt in the Ironvidiat- vieiititi I n Tu-«.ta* TV-v jnJroiltfdlv en-

s-tiiTSi"”.;'.!-:aboBdaore o( their interest having

Ills KmrlHs ten' nTw aa

«I11«| at FailarSi Is:t^'“^|thi f ac IW «n,i„ round Afrtra. IStettralroia Mmitar to the ona Intn the bsait of Kenja liaia b«sn mads

ralLar, f.nUhing at lasidoa. •^*-ooa with the naw enmfon

s.._ ™™ «... S,;'5i>v;:u;:-..';rs.tssri. ip'"I'li. SiS.f':

■ ii;. that aul Id tha laUttt.

ovniuur a ookpant,Bok too,

o^umbrolla. ^ an;tluBg wbtB iba^hiffalMWiDted^anSon

1 the lluiw—And to they mlinuad. really oviwjoytd i..«

enktad patl la ‘

ri i-sr.mpanllv^j high wage.. In th.

Kutc^ uJ ^ilnjyya- gnawero. Th. mult U that

alTa, rroo the natira’n point cf Hew Your I• rrroponil, c;. ogro- Itoning hlf own perorwial w-naot tlie other d.y, found that he paM Id/, per wiraKsi for a tmall room whloh ha aharad arHh anothai *o'ler’_ And thia. U It iwe.d. a

'bIwh- M Ula’"'^- ' ^■•oriea to ledioai; ooinlort SmtU waodar that lha dantatw •arraolt Hk high waaeal Tt..

!AOBto.Jurt befra tha parly Isll hr

S'.liobI an enierpHaing lady riaiur rvalked into the ring tatmri b] lha daneert, and approached am

SPARKING ! PLUGS, Eliminate All Engine Troubles.

dar anemrem. Thor lightad with Uia rail trip and wm suits coropliiMiilarT alvrut the limry of lha earoiafea and the „.

A European pohee eon immediately wiel to her aiaiat- aiM and lolatproUd. tha Kikuyu wa. mart enough not to her lir* ofirr—no did and the bad to run !«/■ brfora the naOve by Ua uhief. hmid«l oar. the

nataitng airaB

Special Features Si.'!: *S3:.3;'?!L?E’lU'r." TiSJlef waiting ears nd whi.k.d .”t

Kikuyu ever up to She

ordinary ac.Ttiflro is A Jlffeniiii model for every car. Evor>- tiiKli.,! Ol- tofl with Bosch SparklDB I’liigl davalops 10 (0 30 per

cent, more power. Stocked ty

m«ri>de,.-p«„'?J; foroocee roN.

thr re.« In Nal. to Kairobi.On Um rulura Wp

another Ameriraa—o ma^«ir> prtMd and aamasd lha EaM AM- ran lade who was drlirlng lha ear lit asking what che would do if ti.ev arm held up by nalleear

him that aueb a •npoaslbl. but he

High - Grade Steel Construction2 WUl Penetrate the Hardest SoU3 Almost Unbreakable4 Built to Stand up to the Pull of the

Most Powerful Tractors5 Extremely light In Draft6 Made l^pecially tor the extraordinary

conditions of Kenya.Cheapest In the Long Bim .

1n. Vnnltt.

.sfel of AmrrIoMu.'jfalrobI la nalitrjiy eatrd—inlemtad la thair tw

Walt A Oo., Ltd., Muahi and Amalia.

I’n.& " •

Aininrncs van )' rus|..rotiiig

It is hoped Inralion ailh

:;iS* riKhor & Oo., Eliloret. . Bhim]! Hassam, N'alrolil.

ImpcirlPrn A Dialribuloi

eripAira too. in (he hMI. Th. louriat Atoarican is pe. naeaily regsHed ti cum who

ria with riirioa: bol tha AmseInBa <d ywHertay'i etart, though tahhg ihomanda of pirturos, corr-d mri.v TriT few runca.

did .LroahODoc hy haelsg ptacM rsrs a! the dispnacl of tha eirimii,n,.i. '.id in haring setrd in lie . >■... tr of chaujeuti for th. Ar.,

ISt.-l’SlS’rs'l.'Slher rweiveJ. mra* than the anti. eipoled’At lha em] of lha day Mie

lUa tipping inn»<.Bl n

peaa and IiKtlen houses built with aervaou' quarkro all •omplata. This may tam lo re-

AFBICANA Ltd,-MumbMa, Nnirobi, Kampala,

Dar p».Salaam.a larye Uieb of Iba

thus ipanl aa lalaiwalingand roiTifurtahtr nftonoon a few otbrro, periiapi c.f the Price 3150.;:ii.'^ej;i.rt:Li’“-:i

biMber. On the o< hose nathrea who hare to Un> oot

are priirohllng llial tle.T do not Pt any nxae in msh ihao Ihow. al«s s«aj In nnd there may he d. relopmeola hetwen, (he two fwliona which mar reei.R k a lerrlllBf up and a leeMling down


rn^d 4^^"i!fle|j"^0^|^

CARBOLlNEUr«making nrraiiremi nta he t daali Is the Oreal Hift Yaltry. to return Is Kairobi in tim* foe Ihe drpar.^ lha y^ey.'’^Ha^tiplained

imada by raniur * Alda Ltd.,

Corara MO M). fl. to the salloa.

Fufl Puticulan And ^ enlr rmallv. Ana ttiwnai" Finidt.


.!Olhm, hosrtatr, warePoces oa Appkeatioo. '-W. ami tea H It a

knowa inal how big ii J.U.C«S,.

Diaron-erllng at eorne of r.pinlont mat ha, they wan aa-

rtr.uTs'T.n;foriing I. IhW esiuaellon to tw-.V.ol a arnUmenI by aa ‘---- '—iwho haa spent aasenteew Taara in the country. It was srtnia nvaii- lag th. I»4aa] of hit Mtow noon- trrmen at the sitliroi ca Toaaday mom’ng tbaC Mr. il

I<Alir ih'sighl il > pity 1- r v .1Galley & Roberts Ltd. amntiy Ageati wMted. i



•How for the Of eomumtod imo

For Sdniet and /’alufacltoft •thaJfc-K-’pace. Pemad tha ontotat^lng at- OMlai of lha vWt and suit. m. tnua-aitMIy Ad lb.luNtry il.

e lM(hl think. One tourirt had

ipala and London, Nakum, EldoroL Jbija^ ro«.u«.~Kow—TUt It point to he jotk

greand." etalaimad a lady tnra tha middia watt wbao lha aaitoaa leat to

(keW mtSiag a^ ^ -"Wad" Stephen Ellis & Co. iaU tha srorld. I dcai'l know pUs. mtaoi a.

dnwied nnMh^r^ quite a whOe, to coo-.•.eppinf. Wa doaH Ullwe. IIAIBOBI »id NAJCUBD. I

'Jt.. .

mioarr KnxAMmMtam. UTORDAT, HASCB t, naBATVBDAT. UABlH I. im


Private Aeroplanes Succesafull.v C(H)perate with IL4JL

prepamtoTfor raj. vBir.laiMnres Dcaovtnte DtSt; M AMt

■ Deface of the CAef.


hterest of the Tin SeketnaTrnL

it Hi



r« (-R«nAW IAt th. nirnt <mvnl UwUaf

1,n Srl~1-oB T™t tW >. Bit WiJjMm

mUMib4«k Ftbrur; U.

Hi. EiMliasr tbe Ocinotun.DV.«4, r.1,. OEl1. »


JUTTfri.It ii uid tb.l, In .pite ot «|| Uw wy gpn 0«»«una»

t. Hnm, mn.d.r.t.1. mnilh. it(to. llu.' Moo rt I'nrnmKW putod ORIGINAL I

borea. with e »« I

TutRUirika *ad Ciuds. ITo llio UU«r

tea oaity ta BIFLES. w *boTa. in the Mme 880/.. S5D/. aad 400/:.

SS-’Bvtei .

.lion. In Gnr. I lAo nonduK

■ ail-mu of (ho

' rVoIlet Snt. It 1>. »<

belence. Shi. saoi.. ^.5*7 a;Mid hMidlias ot^*Iliac of Iholi

•rMAar or eat tka Tanna.tika and Omada ar.

' to (ol8l tlw U(b hepM •hlak tba; ba.o HiapM ia eor-

A n.l inporltoiliJ to iaoolfod. aad Tory

to ha dan..

of node. Ibathe rlhaeiu min-hnayawe. Wh.l hoeliac a* horn.,

(.wtme. and athae oTila. they harr oa^nri a )en> and ctoriou. inaiam

Vcaada lUil.oy » I Rinr <«atloo.

fM ^h a.en’lJai™


nbaaeaa) - far Ibated be-imutaoUr bo raqeirad to keep Ibe IlaiiM la a Mala a( pfopar raaibA -jaa, pane. i. 09-be.BC airl-

>Hh lha Kiat'a Atneao •With a-or 84'With extra long

.is;:J’icloN «n.l Bnvo

•All nrrapcnR ('iienin

5 p«t cmt. with tMn.

ST’Jr; ■■: zZ: is;:the Royal Ait Tent, -bieb -tU ba baU doneSo— mattara are In nnderrn lararmaHoe

Uial lha aatii-aek laalMd of lha baildJnc. beinc lad la R to deaa. ^ae no .«c la la feaideeaa

radioal rbaaca. la tba lint place, lb. uaiiajl; aawed be lb.

Aca. Thii Indleidiiil -a. a cenaral faolotain to hla tdp l™«. hia dnliae feinalMiac af any. Ibine from opMiinc a daoa In bcht. In; Iba elceratta a( hla lord and maataf Oenerally dirir, drarepll

—aa an all.mmid nnlaarra

tb- .MirU) of tba >«cnii'. fan I— ballabort of lAf.nljy -ith l-a aaotlona of maeh'or

-------Aoe.b.iry a.i iloe..

.troid^bT’ ^vndT' Tvl''»■Irmrlb waa unknn«n. 1

elad to b. Unale in aat the dienraal of tba

a boiiaakrepn—eare-

:■ Hill, kopi -nl •ban flia Eireltanre ia

TWa polloe iiH. erHbo-i doubt, taea Ibe oounlre a aoMidanbla lem of moBoy In the

Ihr eliii a( tho Rot.I Ao and lb. Booth Alilua Air 'Tin/'l^.n'm -a. in roma diebi baa liooa prraealad a Cop. —hirh ia to bo ranpated Inr an. niially be ihohed Batlalion K.A.R. >0 Votro'bl and lha 4lh

am clalianNl at Tabora aad Im iwarda.! in I’l. Rattallon

a. oocpieatTin -ilb the Rneal Aj. tbirne fa inoal aaccaaifabe car-

f? ^l.r-.abMl. one.liltTba IbnaNAVY CUT CIGARETTES huildlnc ii

eanlilaled •' no batlary of Flald

thTHIZl ymorleet Ejectors 9h«. 900/. to 1.800/.

40/. upwerd*. nths btirf

tba daeaUpmael ol atrlaie of tia traaa baea ibaady peadimed lia. hotb delridtl and (mD Wlea.

fromhfn from

/or 18 liwlcd 1-baa proead to be a( niceplioiiAUe bleb gradaAfrican Gnarantee

B, & Indenuilty Co.. Ltd. Loyal

Mid lone rae- •• It ia aMaalihlnc bav a buiMinc wiU dateriarita la a aU- mite Ilka that of Marabaaa iialei.

iail; loahair. oaopM -Hh Iba

wU aarm to a dl- Irlarloiia afleet npon platlar i.ek— pMtknUrie whaa naor to lha

■■ From Ibei. Imm lhair paianl proapeoljiig richla


Chas A. iieyer A Co.(Cunmnkert, oio.)

Th. aeaIbr pedal aifmmrte a*f’'thf

Than, the tail m.n moat not a -haa driidnc a fern Ila ha oirrnmaprel in hit be.r.

me. alaan and eleil Ko tp.el..l drema of rfreumapeellnn nr riei- IIIT la Matad aad Iham. altrtbiiia. miaH. aaeailnoty be Wt to tba d*.. nralion of awb drterr and bli fare.


n. animated be lha

raeam aia hi fart at fiaaiint an. CUtM in aaaul borinii iba llral

AMDSn Ikii 687.Eet. I»08.FAFn. Tka

■ Iba aftomaoB nl 0.0, Brd K.A.B,“A. fi. L” TU AAILWAT «1

• * XFBtfmUlflS Of FAUUBMMM aOMMMM. ateiioea aa aaalaotlae

Uadar tham almunaataaMa wa thoawbt it datinble IbH tba Truat abaaild acfain abambaldlam 10. and (but raUbliab, and ba la a paalUoa to malauln, dhaat aaa. Uat with tba Ibraa afwnllBf aom- paalaa man Imintdiataly eaa- anraod in Ibraa deeeli^nent..

prinalBU abiraboldiii« ia lo Annie Tmiield., Ltd , but. u eou -ill bare HlharT.1. mir -hnle N. Irra.l in Ikli pmnp uf la nol .a lal

tallnn'of tnlaotry’^l-o maHaiaol ruld ArtiUery had bmo

irurlloam annlh'—eatajty

from (ba Ropply

^^fj^^baaTmleed Inm

!^y Itb pri^ .1 8b. mj. aod I. aamat lafORnaiiee foiomr. cxeioc offlaiai Ocutra on all laparU u< (be daerOapinnit ol the Mimdalid Ter- rtlore. taiatioa. reteaiaa and ei-

la tba praparaino te Iba leant lb* K.A.R. hi Nalfshl (raUfnlly uraiplad the eoluoUry <dlar of aa- aieianaa (man Mr. Jaha Carbarre uid Commaadar L. Mandteld Bm

mala bodyImpnelMl n(

nata" laid do«n (ar caidanr. i. that he

lo attack Nalrehi trm a na da.M. O. KAMPF.

ChW Acaal far Eaep. V|Mte. IsBMbar aad Taacaayths.


Tnatarday moaninc Mr. Carberre ruinoa baol hit hnen nmdle■?ubVepublic debt. ti«

poaillmi he dwlded to forward

tina uf Kenya FocotBallon’, rirtl-"'•■-S....... FARM WAGONaliippinc

, ertmma S3=SSS=to attack on the man

rfVro.ey 5«

of Heine*ABn.T.I.<)Ani>f[}. MAUE

MULES: DUII.T TO 1., oapaally d.nOO Iba. apa-.iy «,*ro Iba.

.Dleoded ab.ll be di'm.' il :h OXRN If bat

(11 (“.jBiealment ui a .1.’,

.So. i: S'qakk wank.


(d) .................... .HONEST VALUES malnlalard bel-ran the rmund

?5 'SL-Tt-GTiriStine -hlcb wm aiknd (rmn Ih. sreiind and -blah waa pfaland by

.11 replied to nod Ibn nerf-aare Ini'*-

hucplird -


General Motors' Products: Miipholncmpba 'wtm ta) were dnipie-d and m-m be Klaion

SSl-s'5i;“-r'tb» K. A Nlandord reprrwnlMIre

l<o«d nl‘uji‘3' flw')“^l-m d^.

-aa receaded. A ■ .........uf aairpraan -aa eauard lo a -acoB on Iba leod bel-e-a lha

Perb.p.«e • ei. Ill he lea "r'bnaraal" -aa pn.'Twl ernirlualeele -hlr’i priente t'lepl.Miea. aoi apa- ridlr 'OuJpped, uul -Hhnul ipfc rial trainlnc foe the -ark in haad, muld U ol amtaUiu* lo the military foiee- in Ihne of naed.

la a enuatiy ol to^

i. am (ce ibtioua to diwd ^



( ) £198-10-0

£265- 0-0

£340- 0-0

£575- 0-0

MaaiK'lo iir baltort ignition From

'HITE LabelVaUsaFTtat

ft .a aa intariMiai fart IJial na -bleb

*ith Ihr

of fl» erraleit lea- i Immthe ( that it

•0 -ilh99Thf Worltl's lawesl.iiricfd six.

sS«‘a"* Af^'OaklandTliti aatoiimliiig 1988 Modol

Vauxhall? id"*



9901 Otyi

FraoUaetbaBsak.A mrtioa III ah. hnnk aa tba i

riybl haad aida of fUlhba-T Baod '.“-rzrsrs.'rt'r-ebmad at this luartloe for Infto


aken plane -eea eon- Tba miaatcm -blrh had


The Motor Mart Yoi IIbalaad eh e,|


eweniia wim aa feOmn: Kmea OrWie had beam mtadod fmm lha Rauth be a mind fnar* td Bom-

aad AffXHin by K»

fhr F-tts m»1

Remnaton Typetoriter AgencyGovernment Road,


And Exchange, Ltf. NAKUBU W

paopla (OM Banfieaa and

o«t lha peemMao in -titiac of lha

Til. namalrea ol Ltd..NAIROBI DAR-ES-SALAAM. |

Box 67. “fone 25.Tkne had ta, 8b.. .


r. luacB I. im.


President’s Report on Work in the Country Districts.wiK FEU OF Acrmn.


■id MlbcrUof

K^rwhu o( (h*t

••wa in

uTHVRBD4T. ]. iM. nviKiwe csiDigi

VIBECOum. 1ft


Itkn «KJ lh» bmonb bn» b»*iB fun^. II b <«1,-3I «, nid. hill IhrTf MT IS mivb.n •Bd Ann'Kl Oftml MMiu ll.|d 111 .

fv Ihn

AfirfCmribktRid at 12 W


M in«( nitb • lev dttlnnn

IT. UoM ol Ux brtiKhtn

M i(tii<^« [.nifii. Iwid in Ntind'i 'X U'~i>Md4v. It). IWdral. Mn. R. H. Turner, printed U>. fnliuwim

*-«b.d poiX ol rx., 'wii A VIW MIJ.s:JOHN HARVET8 SONS, LTD

SfiT*1«M TVO09 Ux neUTHIm >if ika Ixu

gu in IMRr In UTiUof Ibi.

bn DMlbg ol I OuBoU ol lire Xmi AJ Ixugur It b dimAh iJm nlrjxtf .ill b. Ih. m onl; from tfae tiH burs ' 'Cuumi

k9«9 om) polwjr Tk« anim- yrx. Hn. Fairul

«9l In • moX intmtltm ud j^rr n-p^ nnd lU

Ungani, IstaMU <d ttn fe-:Es2

------ - ----------- on rhHdm. onfmw

•n.. uf. BOI

r'h.'T dono ao ovini

VlM'PiunldmU vho vrrr cXjpnal*

truufuo oiu oniM in Uw xpilal.>'•SUpptn of tht WorirMnrmuf Shnrln HARVETS BRIiTOL MILK Sl nRtSTOI. CREAM HARVBY'9 “ANITA” 8HBRRY-8HOOTINU SHERRY


llowUnd, nn lU SS^b.*^ drrd Pnbnblj Ihb bnnoh nno of llx mol «oU«t*d mt b, KOBJ*. Bomr of lb mnn(o»Mtf much kBDwbdgt of 1^ Lumto* Mx nhleh b iUell *9

^•o”' und a Lum^fM b b« tnbrd at Uir Pomittb Uatmit; Homo. Thia brunch

'Jz ‘Z.ZT., brb| toUxCourxUTXT TXbd Uat that upon tba Inneh am earrTbg on.

I liopa Uiia Council .ill niorl moa a monlh and nntll <cc Ixt« • Hairailix ol our nn lhal nther llx mbutra of Uiu rntXIng nr i report of il will ha lauad to rTrrp braoali in lima to bo nnd and db- riiaaod at their cummllte. mrrl-

lbou(b ihn nUldgiTon annually far It yrar» plMmiix

tVMaaala A*rnla fet Knn nnd Ugnndi;O. EPSTEIN .» CO.. NAIROfil tf MOMBASA Colrag M .

opo far lb. batinnnw of th.pxnlM lo «uo adc^ py

TWlo xfann cnmitiri ibnJd bt nddraiatd.


bn adiw brought under tU.

Rad me Ideal Power KeroseM for TrOefora. Oil Englaea, Kti.


nruuiid Rnirobi laUJ,Unix b iltand Ux mualJfica ot

'"tl.Tr.ilKJSto dr> Ibb^ -

fruan ha aUtlrd b Ihb CuImt, R bat aim txrn pnuoaad lo Ibt up

taihgr: (including Mubcnnl. UloiUi and Kandl) b n tburMii^ bnuxh Trith *binb Iho Craint .

nod .hich I bop.^ borTu antUtuM*. Tha Iraguo b

TITT anibui lo balp tliia bramS b rditaln a BruManl Nun. ' - Uia 7. A. Nuning Aaaorialloo.

1 haTT crerj hot. of Ihb tualing. SoogiKT had ib

tbu mmbrrahip

maaU^ on Ux ITlli

nual niMtbg b !«». X madi lor Ux npaa- braochru all one Ika

fiucn tbam,parfi. by tlx btMr body na

vmi rubariM b «aibi formatbu of Ihb nrlllaa rrporta and .wan atTnagad .far at a

Si-'XiE'i'-'”" tbr BB> mnarka tbu Ikr , of aanulu at an todatm *bbk hart baaa raaaaliud apta

that tb. abatm, fa, ioi-ini uoixUlnb «| adatuatc aafr- guard agL'W

It b IxpM ibat ia hum Ih....irs.TJiii.'sr, by Ixafaa. Tbu iiha->9= ul a nalaay pev

fa a Tulaabla halura bTba

HI u^ la^briiig Jn.iiiwtM^^

vuman of amy Brtsob. bolodlng Nairobi, and uib« mamban aba

AH over the house


far terry diatrW lo bo rrpnnanlad ■nd tbit Iho marUng mar laka Ui. fan a( a aeaTuaUaa aliia malor q^lGi ef narUtalar [alarm le annxe may ET datalad.

1 bar* today baud horn Ua eOaa ul tba Ocnuul Uanagrr of

X Ibt latu-Oolo- alal RaDaay. OodbbU bald cm Ux Mih lixiam. it iru dauided b

MiaMonUxrrt. n iSt CL

I b Uianlcing for Ih'ir bind-

Anglo-Penilan Oil Co.. (Kenya) Ltd.UraKy b....-------- part In pubik

afaln. gi... tbcm tba pomr of unity, pioTldaa a aharuxl fat Ux aipraaaion of Ih. rrinlon of th-

lion IttI moolb; b appmainalaly ^

Bldcrrr*Toibo?t2.) ^TnR^year Ihrrr urr. aepanie at Rldorrl and Turbo • nirrcT Auden ad th. branch)

JtUlMabsfa txagM.- a Bbrrrlary and aIbwaunr. Tbb CouauQ xlU ru- aura lha npcM of lU aa and trOI ba b a inailfaB lo dia- cust tba rapom on broad llnrt and

blamt whirh taatn Iba uemrn and ehitdrr


OB fuhn Inaumml. aa D.T.I'. bul holb

nt:t:’hr"'r"T7r.T'rrni, ..ffrr... al Ihb nahrr l~

iL. .i' .iiTiclri.l y itretlo)!^

bliraab parbtjx impcum,.

pan •way toMETAL POLISH bare neuAren unllad in the Tit

Irau Bntirh ullh Mra Bndjtrr-t ai D.V.P. Tbe CominHica rd

Ihia nalnrr



undrrrlood by the erraln end ajdrfl of cudMTogr ban

for impruTtintiil

ol a nmr Cnlony.Tba Bnnebta. tine a h«l|dnlbr.nrh hoa mat TrgiilaHy

(r.>nt iii....J ,4,a. o. MaxIlToir

nrhra natahlirh.

.ililatioa of the Afriran■a I p-nnita Ok or.

gouiMtino I© (Itui wHh poUlleol a. ItbacbnltUdlydlSItull ENGINEERING«1 uodruy.

"It la dudrvUB ill the of publir Bortnty tlix young «». men tbonM hr nrol.-rlad fmn Ihb claw of hebow oSmo. dnSH* Ihr fart that ib.y ora unable to

^*Uh!3''tbal tb*Eogliab lew bea gieca Ihb pro- treUon to ynog women op la ibe age of ahleee yeen hot {aaniifb as it ta bunded iMl lbs bw ss BOW ab^ sp^^to f IIs pnpoa«d 10 put Iba age Umh sl

lo dtsniBlnair b s yausgtry b« paUtlas ami

of public btemrt but wr alwiyu facUerad tbal ibt


Ibegrealeu<UsBy can render lo ibe ceoauy •bare they bare rreeud fcemto b

tbe pcUlknl eerrieo. There b ne

gixtlon ihel the le InaepeUa ef undetetaBdbg p^



71U Kjeti Enpimerif^ Strvieebf b a Tabuble i

“Lanz” Farm Tractors can be seen doing their Job without Fuss or Bother.

Get a “Lanz” and do your Farming with the minimum of trouble.

gunhu for a psirtleuJar kind e<rtlatod to tbe eoBdUSeae ef Tbe

beee-Uf. and anytblag enlmlatad In a rraotc degrer lo break

Ibe MBlert of

b deplored Therah> wfekh tbe Bast AM-

b Leeguc een be of wrtiee tu tb. letTflorlea and b

of Ihoir dlrertlonn an tfllvr Intemd haa already heeci naufutly dbpityrd hat Iberr

dieHeed of Bha. ?/■ pw tbatu (ho- tag M Ihe^ul U pg aat. pw


“ Knqn'f Enftaantat OrtuilntlOB."NAIROBI.

dardBankal .Aof lb. borne would OtktRt: "tetaur" T. 0.

Livestock.lo Urx. rrxbi

and awh impla rigklly npr'M If iW Ixa

‘CI....... 1. n. R. Sophia, b baAmialaal Dele

‘oiil>ahdi>loiird&aDb. oaUam to

he wft RTS MV ■abmilUng appli- muMDt to UtP impoiUtioD of Ppdlime Um Uoitad KiogdoiB

Mara INatrlal. XAu.u Pnrlma and to hr a U.tMnIa al Iba bad elaw. with pom In hold a Bob- ordiaale Cnrot nl H the M~ii •TTnrr, vhilx

an.Tb lu ewntl-n* In rsfiffae Ul

nv-er. KbuTu*^ DafrM; X

On a Freight Free Basiscallt forJ. R. COX pL Co.Nairobi.Nakum.


aoly ei- - To—In fiin llT-i of Livestock owDon shunld apply to us (or luJl partkulaniI. W^rllnfi!.. .

anifll-.r. In ha AHalher iar PrtoripBl Ap C A J 8.

la’aual Aad’tor: Dalgety & Company Ltd.,Head OfHce: P. O. Box 81. EldoreL P. O. Box 96. nairob:In H by

Ufwda lUnway


jAjg- iR I g -p- T’ TT^-p. :e3K»VA ACRiaiiraut * »- ^ „BORTiaiiiniuisociOT.

_ ■»: K;“'„‘',iT s• MM Ikl, Hi, Ha,

sirs-SiSSs••w taUnMnl « u,,.

Sv'S-iEviaoaM.r^ ii ji-i4 H

TU noot tXDVI

ll8 ' ■ ■■■ (Mr*""' j’'‘'''‘•~•“ #■•vs•. UI.J» H«d oam «.!

3is»;;rcj=r:lh-^-- Ih. .«« (•>^» •■•• ntmit iar

•" puf» hnd

gisa-..numbwt, uni,I ik» 4r» to U»lr Monn. n' . .rivTit^rjsi;.;

to wt«^



,s:-Hi£S£,?; ■^£7; ssr.vr: £:“ -•“'"•"-22,."."^ JS”

nilo to ior ttinir

' •*«• Th. Cnuoa! tr« cum


7^ ***

i*/ai) .wj.' a.m. Phn e07/eH *.

3;^-:rs,„;mM <if Sh.. riHiebud*KIWI

Tlu otardnfl *• ui t,--------^•t. 18*7. .U»4. .1 BhrlUW/™ “?»“** Bht. n,71»/8I .1

hn-i pMufti. iuLdJ*C

tH. mu, b. p5!rfT MBh*. tlTO/STwidlttVK? Oof

»uiJm to niM 1*0 .mo *„f»rn.. ■.bull uo i.nrrd •‘■HJi*".

Ik— .hooTO: mIk» lb. ri,

kM •nm..hMl th. It«„ £±2

(h. MuMho 'Oc.nt ..._.. kcib pnulMd If Ik. '.Icav

Wo oilh ka'*M .M , '«<«.* .1. . '■•


•o^hl. ^ •’“ ”*>^Thr.^. M.irs,s,3ri.„,™i.



Th. folio.,B, cdB..,. u» kb.

sr.ri;."'"- “■ "■•r3-?‘3:=S,:i:but to * .ork^r* I.toict lifc.

ITIM » aallor nl

lOOAI. KMBDOl noon.

t: Tit MlaiAif fw, wm

Su^‘£^7.'XZ'^ICpir.XZnZT*t.. l!t„JI,,ai I,>1 b> ifs,

ErL°:z:r:-V'zJinfcuUrt, mZ" i'.’' pUW 10 k, #|. r.ou .»k, Pp.

Utunllj plur«4 (h. ro.pnn! ||^

■■2 ■S'S-Ki.S-•,■«■,„

pXPRESSING a fresh flowering of ^genius in motor car design, the new 1928 Boick is the very spirit of fleetness, poise, power and luxury, caught in lines that reveal

mrwlf cl i, .omoi.n,. d m-iliT tn k..,, ____ , ■«se;Onl, M. ^ PU. hoM gprtng

Afriin Sim M''NlIlZw'b ^ rnl, Tbo SnanoUl >-,li may b. "TucJciH u.«.u,.., . net,rv'llt of Sfc. !JI,OI7/aS Ming

UHO:ri:L;z- Mr

. .cton .bn .lloMl nnr aho. nil al-'.il .1 Jn Ih.r H^efriol. .o.)

no compromise with the past Built upon a highly developed chassis and powered by the new direct firing, high compression, Valve-in-Head Buick engine, |t presents a combination of excellence that far exceeds anything hitherto offered in the fine car field a fact amply endorsed bv the pubtic reception accorded this car and by the record breaking sales in Kenya.

Th. lulhorcqimMhwii*A*°*'** “™**" o' “•

Ivcwlulil, ol th. BnaW I72’!T? . “*• »?'* "kuihrysTssfiTjca'i.; .iSJS;s:*34:""n»rf ■■ b«W nitina ofl Papn- Tb* u__ _ rf

-“■■■“■ “TSioSs iz^.zs.^STJi'-zs:

ejs, :r’„S2 s, ,u,n„h lollo.,d in the ^. .Mr M.r*, Tfc. .UiM„-k„

f^-iii SPIu MW anlUM. MM

Ibn Ibn. i. hM.o, ifcr erf Rinyu, TMUl.OTlk.,

Urwidfc »d SoutlW •cut in tfc. Trwi. Bwi I'nion of Remh AHm.

Pot UmI do not think it n»<«l OTi Ih.

to lb.Th* Chuinnuo.

h.-oi .n.balaii*. ib*.tlU MM

Th. r*hk'rTn.n wid tfc. Ooim*l

«r m>nd. Uwt th* mm dMlnnWiM

M Ih. uho* ' - f.tlnr Ih. ri n. Asnal ■apOTi

mW irf Ik. BWly

4 >. mn npr*.

zJi- ■’zi«Ws fM kv Ih. n

chuiht fn lb.frhot of th* c

mpblM bsliig ....huA lb. MM

U th. ^rH>nou^iIit.s-»r27j,',Vilh th. flocOTurT

hi™,,, ™,d h.In tka mil of ,

“ Ti.ft

siT£-:x£>«> a rwrw fc*m

bo,» ^"IfTo'm,*w? '“4


I f rWM»-Tk. Balm*,

. rOTPOTulbla and anythin* bappm- •• In maki gued.SerieB X15 Sports Touring

£390■ 1

UB. th* UcntnnU kaln* <rf in. V,1ws Ih. QuMliOTi el Um fa- «» Ihu mrt DrpmiaUc- - mnn. .1 Ih* .up. .cm by db- ^ >'»W oB Mai.*i Ih..* .shifcA. m. mlMd, £ ig- ‘=?P^ **“”•i svmx MAxnr. tOTfm.ft -s


nrl. ■-* AbW, b W fuol**-

I. Tkia M- *. n VaURiy MM/flO b ^V.'SlV'iic,

iriH:’"-"""BUICK S’.Bcny^ bniWi ^ In b

p«>pl. mold b* lak. tb.m and ahcOT. <m,M b. Ion.

Mr. I>..r.8h.-r I tkbib la Ih*


M,hl«i,M Jo

uttons h ^' SEEDS

GilOllan e Company Ltd.DISTRiBUTORS

tif-■b. bank rutly and N«r>» »hn rnlfr eein- pnilbai wWi Ik* nbfm of wl*.

,• rap. nm«H ba (lo, rmm.ifcb Pu

'‘Erh,'7&..‘7St,-,!r.Ic adopt*,! tn

P ■-'V


M.i. n?OTt Mr Mayra cramrdad



Ni-a, ■ '■■■, TO EAST APWCA% 2Er£-S'S£S.-x8a*My aouU hnU lb. BrarHOTy l.tally TMpOTmhl. fer tW. SONS,

THE llacisMr Ibm Pfcaw, I .m .fraU I w IndiMd ko Ibiak on.


Tnr. T..V.7 An:;:v.y gr\??DAa3. »TiniwT, luBffln________gASTAraiCAW SlANDASD.

OVBi;.SEAS ™rHOME football

UxK TiUei RnM UDtfe.





I" B. A. lUikUrt '• SpmMi


Deso^af tbi

Jij" ~tLT.p«l TOU



ISES. W. Kill Km. rt»rin* ol U>it IjT*. TIm •UOTlsf (MfWt tn <( U» M«f. ha trr*. ■ M|«l« dmf Unk la- «>n».li0R . •pacl.l roekloR wa

Orliria F.«i. fc,UnUn.

... utiUiiml

(jr. 8 VOLT

^ATl’EMES■llilu tJ>a

> au loullf diflfnnt (im ianj urul<

oulm CaiopUB will iiaii moolkat ntrt r»« A> lb. pom outpul Irinpk to muiiUIn IlhUth tnfra .r Uia «u 4W h.p >1 t.OOn t.s.m

In Ih. A.M of ipMd Iipltut v,d MS h.p >1 l.Vty , p.n. wt»bUbl« of Anri. np. Ibar^pro. noro. (hti th.

' 1., MX ihr .tJolor pn,« „t iKp titoak .nglot H u> the... . p nxk MW Um pw U * nwRhhourfcoopJ of 900 h p. Th. pm

wm ICS- buraiu^ Alia) at iK. tcrwvi

unin.■ArnB-OAHrSBU. baobx. amweViig i«dt. telnil umH mi moh i of Mcb front wbMl i. ihi Ip MClratW. .llho^ hr

Th. feUowui, n ih.FW.P.PP ip.o,u.fc ..7.^

■,C--itS.rr2?»»np>r«i nppu.

I'RAnAtS-IaI.«oi lb* APbrnoM. iDplftlMnod.


if.iii«» Iwnl.•priaRt h»f0 w.IilM.

• • li* pl>lM .nd 'I1>. fmp whopil hratp* p« OR).

L«>do.,'Vrtir*^ I

OOP.Fifth iMSd B«d»

F«lk:rk IliKxni.n. I* ”Mfouaa UAoo*.

'bl^u^O ” Miililx-





THE'NEW TYPE w. R H with all rubber case

Price Shgs. lOSI-

rm* poimcb.•i;



l!lhponf daprwpd >1Hitiirallf > r*r^ ipmal Inn

n ij-Mms hM had to b* da- ko tnairaik kb* Mxwirwpua

Dawandr* krpa of »Ola of lb* moal ooUhla dopar.

tuna from ocOindni prapllM la la lhakail ai

plan* Whfp'h

isir/pr-Roh and Caualios,;*sS:r

100/? SptI,.

Comiyiete with Lamp and Horn and all tools

£67-10-00SULE tUPUBTEBB;


f'iHlOK »ud cbArBiag |8/. aairaTha mebpH In raaint aamfOaika

In ; pow*r ol ihe aailBf ■* a olalnh of lh> irj t '• b waad harlPd lA lurfan* apaaial-

alldlap I, lioR] nilb PModo. whikil kb. P“«* I plaMa hara a tn*aa dIaraMar ol

TV au^* who admlna or«iiia- 1|| lu Th* whol* of lb* cliit.h Ilk, in d^Mipi lb. Naptar CaapbaU »|kb ' tapw it a .mrr aUmulalUK apo.. ,

Tbofouihlp ia<l*paed*nt. (jp*. th,Ukpt CMupball bM khtowB Mid* tmallr cPUDraal^ praolioa.^tb th* r«. Dambv

onlf iRpkra abonlutalj riehi. but b rorr abrioudi tha trp. bvm wbinb lha Ipmdukara of ibt lotun will ha amind Ud*ad. whaa on* loohi at Iba wbMa )<*, dadpoad bcB tUn 10 Anbb M a raal malotwr, caia hatikatM wlwthm lo mkhoM

b**a otniad oul, or ew th. la- (pMiinua and no 1m( criniul lap«at

I'orhapt K wooU b. aa woB. hn,*.... I* pin briaf dolalla of Ih* chaaaii hoforo wa Ro f into Ih* ntrilRiIara ol tha T.p. in whipih wind mp.i.n.' hat b*ao r*dun*d I* a mlnippppip.p Th*


nf aotuaj aoolioR ■a Ibdpml I SOLE IMPOBTER.S

CARR, LAWSON & CO LTD.Bottil in.

hwpS,'with tha Aatihia |oiBl il m lb. vaBkahafr and ol

iBombar at kn o8ir tinvwt oa L-itoil«apmal wind radatoBoa.

r'S. A. ttiMMd-p -riirn CI.W. .onMoJ

wrawAnojwL soccar bclBR lo

, the driro*

lit*. ihMaUio rtaiibl* t|«°k <>'

tha olotoh.' oa Uio

UnTinn World’s Record^Waadom, 0. HoddanF-rt,IP C.,.,

WpdnaodapD, Rtwaaatfa Onltaak n SaCRid DfWBaa,

tuJ; porliaoa. Tarp ctnfal icate wwt

;r.. V” WmI Dtfari,B*S*A ffiiia oroia.B«Bbt( of tha fraoM, b raaiiBtad 1 cpborloal jeiol. a then Oaatad ihatl ooonaoliiu lUa to lha oloicb. Tbo^^

bstablished byw SMbiiLa L. Malcolm CampbellATDAYTOPW.

wbadtabjaolad lo btatp

tgod undar leodi fa* In Ihote wbicb, It b naloolaltd. will ba not In aotuil rnnnioR Tbt wb.wta am Atlad wlib T>iaHnp w*II.

4t pni hr n Ina. at th* 4i ina. ba «5 Ina. at (ha

roar Rptnlall; bnill D.inipip Ijreo nf M ina h, R ina. and 3,t ini ba

am"lpilli**apiwrdln« In (h* laM RijHim Whitworth prinnipla* wilb dnubi* tpptba rima niitabl* r*dup^*d nantn-pniot attaria*. whUa

art ol tho Iripla- • I>unlnp BoMw


-Mda. rt“i^Sn?r.Sjthat tba eumpbu wboela ham ■ubjaolad As a atnea of baltncie* laola b, Momto. C P. R. Odder.

Aa toRarda (Iw bad,. (Ida >. a ir.aalorpitoa ol lo^mlp Old

“3"all"“*.0 (atta on a nuni- anual out bp Hr.

. chief loroplauo do- tm. Vi*k*n. 10 IhoB

At an initan*. d


X d*f..i,d Bedlanr'J soopidloaB,

J •■ * A Aiaoda0*bl. earrpM J i r

WraiNATIONAL RIGBY. : Victories foTEoshod and

toiat b emstod ditook oa kho freak of lha paitaarr ibafl of kho faarbei.

Tha (*ati>oioLino loolahiuilb*“ • *»*■" l;»9h

8. Pomar^iow^ and Ur. Jon^ Maint. It it of lha apiorollo trpo tad pni.dM ihre* apt-da tad r*.

Leadoa, Pah. 25 ■P PPI..PO- hr

th« undisputnl leaderAVKIIAGE SPEED

PKnitL‘AHY»l'■ss3^-,rs^i sjsir”’'”Hlackpool'gi'N.MU

'7h*lw. il. .Oontipamrinn ,n»rt*n rbii-M R, .sipd,* Ci,. j


SISlS % *

206 95 in.p.h.unilar th*Imni and

MAXIMUM .Si'I-KDIn* abaft l.*ing I'tJ^M Imsla’i ap*.d. I In OMA fp.r I lo I for tppp R*ar A pal*n>*d <i*«in* linnat Ih* 1*(*II||* *arri>*a

wilhnuk kb* l«aat frieUm.

214-79 in.p.h.r‘■pirlii fromUi*b apppciaJ

from* b uadanluoR aar axle to pmaida • • rttj. which

___________ TumufMnoM momtwm. (ha miioritT of

mad* out of tolid lont-

Vlobiot'9 ^ I ONbduLIPffiapwi' tsi:

rp.-0.e.r s;:i:zEi

.“T.:lin* of Ih* iranambakoo T-

and tha R*a* >■with n.>gm,

Tha boa Wia onnabuotsd bj MaMri. UaORl and Fil*h Br an in|na>>ma

amaJ] dnioiaa oa th* lapahafl am miowdoa up or itowad down la ord*. to anRMia th* la,ahan with th* a*-

"Cil.t 9. IWnn (-fTAapABB' M ^

pilt::ujllr •P*®***®". Itrland h*.c

'them to

MOTOR'OILSole Imporfert


whiah art R uaad. whikat th» «n(iM b teranrt.

a auh.haiD* mad* on dmllar prtnotpha to Ih. *hada and na^ p*Bd*d al khm* p*tnta ki)t

Th* polmrUnb b incnjnt*-l at Ih* mar nnd of tha ehamli and hu a oapacllr ol »> mllona. oil Unh in frrwk la of U

(•Hit.hrmiRhl tcp^r

lip* oil In-tn th* PMimp •*r*d p.nd** pr**itim thmpiijh tli* mdn ahaft anif ditirihulod to ***m IwarinR h, o*nlrifu*d action Th* beeo non»lruM*d bp

*^*-'"'"'*rhLh"tl**h (CoMhbuiWcm).

iJ*p*n-' alTOt lo U b* on- i wind nf Ih*

am khut poll Th* (vnr U TUrdndoa

Ride a 6*S‘Aand get there "^guSVo.,


" »-"■ "•A1. op,i* 1


AAippt™ p.


b-nitrd 1 Doacomb, 3.

*, Northanipwhilatlh. R*.rbn. When to Instal New

Spark Plugs................................ ...... th* unburut.abl* and rimUcaa l.ap. dmlpnad hy f^pw Bmaa. and matalu I**-, ^'°Th* whaptlhaa* nf th* oM w 12 (I ^U> tnpportod. b aa lo l| laa . th* fionl wb**! Iragt it ill«*iM by any daformitnn nf R ft. At lu . tad th* mar ln*b aluminium r«ar ait* ctalnr . f Ik 9 let. Ap,.p diPT* it pp> lha R*in'-i -

Tnr* full detaOa oaBDot at U-ia typ*. Ipoi n will b* nnfirMi tta<« b» *1*00 of the aaiRin*. !<*. th. ratio b now 1.A to 1 la aHhaanb It b baaed oa tba famoM of l.r to 1. Irece whh* Il mar tfiplM.I.lao a*Fo mciaa. Ml aaiw- b* d*duo*d that tbo n*w tnrteo d*-

;iri,rrd'trm:sSULE IMPUUTEILS.

tCC TOUR ENDED.EngKd Oicketen LeiTe


CARR, UWSON & COm LTD.makM to the aped ol lha oar, H wu found khal l.lflO h p. would b. MRu.nd if a ape*d nf 2%) m p.h wu to ba obuioad. With th* not dMlRir ill body rmltin* from Iba teali ntmad ouk ia the wind lua- nal. tba «ama apaod *tn be obub- *d with only TiV) h p. bfeanwbik, a modiReaUon ol tb of tha whaeb which b, IhM* IcaU hu I Of a luithar SO h.p.

Tha whult are alreamllMd (■«*.. tad aft. wbOo of neeptkaal b- .< lerul la tha pail nekiMl «a al kb* dcaliptod to ffra

Cbl^n^apmd, will load

3=rj?333Pilac* 1.. WalfcH I.

». Coraatrr


roar Mr/or uA •*

aa oaaBBpennr.iVaritrliurg. Pab. 21..of Iba in SnulliKlaa. .„S

I WM BuciatUdI1P.I lo 0 Miin*

ModelG.5°£70 3.49 H.P. i.ppJipK-”™*"'Briihlca J. nafUor*u.l.

'a'wiiib.m I LSAOni.

lAtiTas'cd*’ MldloIiS"*L'*’r^t**

Nowa>«d ruddM CR mor. which it Unifal ubdal*

> 8. Durbin >m«Hnv‘‘i:md to k**p rk iMt|

rt from •'yawinf" CHAMPIONandbi|h apoeda. Ctpuhia* ««tirtit*ly bnm* th* ula.

Aa repnrda th* front ail*. .CTl•1*. 'hit toU ua,aim lha Ika.tone B.ach, Fl-wi-lt. whan

Aid** tTtl.m. and bu mcnnl will h. mada. u. I b*«a mada by kh* Ot-rtee Warn pmnllina wM nil Ih* am.

FI'ART *1, ; hr Eerrv £q^tata aaaa mtat ay hSipla, and B*... I.ld

la Ha mOMUal l*it<>ra« DwnrermliM Alhlalie I. namntnn F-fki^ " nliidm 1,Illh-mlaat 0. Ottla I,Moth**-.|| 0. kcan of UMV)

pi. aulin. la a cylii^MModel as £90 4.98 H.P.


anil, th* la UwM .«OJ.F IMI'iiKTERS..i

t CARR, LAWSON & CO, LTD.thin R.Ooama radt 8, Kilm.mowV » BL dohaitoo. 0. Bt. MiiTte 0. palnl'R^tnlm"**

to Amorteo wllh


TllK K.\ST AKHK-AN fANUARHNAIROBI RACES.Urgfe Crowds in Spite of


“Amm" WiM tlie Secod Dhfim Phle aad NiroU KiOof.

SmodDi;. Ain no: Dotr K«. JIA {Ull. CUBln 10.4(MuImUuII: Craii de


mcsr AT MtuiiiLTk. wMlbti 00 DhxiI.; mm

bu one! Ui; oun- diuni ■n;l(iio| boi in f*. mv nf roMf^i. bM ononkrlm Uiir. * uipraiotir Wf •!.

urUii biirae •Moed ar.d U>id I'nn>! I B n. SI 4.9 tix*. I ToU paid: Rb. 11,'. Inr wte; . *

Rh. IS,'.. Bb. 10/., Bb. 17/. p!>m I

iiS: i ,7^ “-"Tsxvtu*! 'furtoBin vbM n'B| hv« ovrrrf up i^

’ I *u »ImM M >h« (hair raimi’AllV NUK8KHV PJarrE. ' 1: L

oon 7 7 (ca,^ 7 18) (fapl

Uia loajnd da; til Iha r>hruan iriaaHof. Ilia Euallaaa; Iba Go.- -1^ ...d llm. }M, 6nn

Tba raeiai. oadcf Ifca cirfoio Maim. U'll liltlt In ba daarad. McCormick Deering

Narrow Tread TractorsFor Coffee and Sisal Cultivation

Ua laaouriln pnttall; baaiac a

I Em?dw£d'rf”hrtil'ljla ^la o( iba biMiof tab, a ■aprUoil; latM mmt ol raaa.

aaaainbM at lha Nairobi

g‘£‘S£;t;sc£S Ila. Imij ‘'orlci ‘-■-j

In^/an.,” ’-“\’«M,dm..r4, ' ••Ain ;iaa.-Taii*i»iDa iv. io.l» I Ranja Oraod NalMal |m.

u:iA;r7?'*,ii;id‘’‘r^; irraMd^a’:^.';;^. -b«.a .iU. a baad ,

balmn aagond aod IhW.

16/-. 18/. aod Bba. 17/. : “'T* • *■">»“ nHM bona Mr.plarM. I I »»n<T, whn t .la "nai Ijufalao

Hiarlinp IMm.-6/4 Canbriaa, ' I'od tnaHI-al aUratin.,

by Bsnipoa nw Saea. 1,1.,^ ^ ' ”taaa. niVIIJKI) KIUA1.I IIA.NUICAI' M’inorr

(Sad INrialuo). || ouJaa:Mia. IJaoaUiD't Wa.i..a..

W.a llitiibainj „ ..P; • 1

»S. (Mulboliaodj Alao no. Slavery.

(ba tpaoUlnn

O obola -aa cuita pnod and iblar- •mat. whila Aa lanorllai bad br ■a tnaaot all lhair own «a;. Tha hatura ol lha da;'a mini vta Iba rnimj or Ibal oaodacliJ oU po. palw K™. Mr. ■laonioi'a "Coo- ■antra," irl« U-ai a cloaa flald alai||1il Ir. 6h n;la.

At folloiriai an ll. dalaila nf ibavMloaaraco. .- •"■

rd arlariion oonmilltpa ilnuld aln w a. ih. a.roulirr u. Ibr lliirliv arrlvn erf lha club.nO) niVISKlN IIAKimiAl-

PLATb. liulanoa 7 luiluaco Cipp H. Trpnn i ABOB (Cain.

alaaao-Caaaluia). 8O.e (Omar) ...... ................ I

Ur. O. A. AUiaadBb OlB, a.. KbI. (Wilina) .............. S

Won by { traipl,, .Hili ali laMha baioaan Mcmd aod thiirf

Timr.-I mill. 80 aaca.IlSa paid She. 14/. ior oIb. •Urlliii IVIna.—JI/4 ■m Cam

aod Aiaam, 6/1 Maalln.Antia lad (nun ilia alart. Cam

dialkmiad aliongly <oiiiln« op Ilia alraillil. bul Aaaam rataiutd Iba la«dbi«loloaaUaa Rnlah.

Vhaar laainad h< nwnar SacODd iuaa.

Sl.iMAl.l Sl'KKI’USCIIASb I'l.ATK. Ilialanct 3 rnllaa

Mr. II. Mnnifinii.ria'a Ony KM.pi, ibi. |Mr. Coahraoa) ... 1

Mt. I.tiiwrllin'a Banadas, (M

ISat. (Omrrl Alan llan—Gc

ruufLATK. rnb Baca.

SAIU.m lU.SlrlCAl'. li miba. Capi. .s. -I,..11,. da«B (Cam.

a-ai ii'-i.v,, m:, 9 ;n, lUt.

a "iinda B'iof 'iur u***u“' * ^ ® * iWallan) 3

K 'Er'b »^.Mibrrt.3‘fe

,.:rrq!,r.™;.:;,'a,",-£ Irj'.ES:''yr/rsi*yrunmy whan Sah^ -ml .>a«d. 6/1 Tioubla, 10/1 oltaria.On lha ain'Rlil Tbnyptnaa aaiw 'l-ha Bnd ran InpHhar 10 a bunch aKPin and llama,Ian imroir. J milv Urda «I Abi.l.o end Cam- ■aHli, .liilaS.h l. uaalianad. In bruaia cbowini Iba wav (« aaTao

amn waa pnMpnoad Is tha avnrutiva

1-oboan'a Wanbt,Urn lilt Fthniary 28.

lira Uia Bu|by Unlno B, U ... dacUad ,b„I bla f» the Doml.

It 6.S,(Fanylb): duinaa l'i| 6.0 (WaJlart); Orer- dnll 8 0 (nanham); Waraba 6.7 (aarriad 7.R) (MulhnlW); Cln- dart 12.4 (Mr. Ilii;d)i Tha KM

lanrth l-al.aaii aerood and IHid.Tima.—I min. 17 8/9 naan.Tula p.1.1 1ft,'. (n» win;

I8/., Rht. M/.. and flhi.

R'vMlnl IMraa.—.8/4 m bliab 3.'l WBr.h.. 8/1 rindara. 10/1 Taalolnl, irr/R nlhara

Tn a «nnd .'it lha (laid ran In. raihar wllh Mirk Snail; niiulnp aVmv bi win (atria raailv.

Wliinar Ininad by 'wnur.

StlS:In art chuiild ho ha unniila In ’ ^end . Nwmhi moBing in pn- •

sit.lvi'-air"'! 'Ih,. nugb,_ . - isal. (Capl,

Tima.—4 mina 60 8/3 bmTnuPaid HUi.48/. InrwiniHha

»/., and Rht. 47/. pltraa.Blarting IVlnw —6/4 on Chlni-

*to. araiu Owwsa, 0/1 Tlamadany

Chircwhi lad boa Gray Midgal. with Mamwlan lal. On lha back atralab naa,

OKU UIVISliiN , I’l.ATK. l)-"lana.. 6 liirtmgUra lioamB-i OrtBa Da MHlbt

.1■ ■general design ihe same as iho farm Tractor

equipped with fenders andV■•'i

KlilSepl liiL- Ired which is 48* over all. rear wheelsSixth IMA

BIUUAUD or UUAUliB OUf. Ur. ]■ C Conitonb'. PtMoB

(Bpaarwi»l~Vin da (Irara),

a-'t.-'nyj'ss-siv.. i'yra, lOB (Mr. It, Tarlton) 2

Hrt. 0. M. Alaiandv'aliBMn.8 yn. B.IO (UulMlaod) . 8 Alin Ran.-nallatpnnI. 86

(Cay Tynm); nalawlng 04 (Mr.

tVea by 14 iBiphi with two laaglba b4lwMii taennd and UiM.

TtoA-l oifn, 17 a/s area.TVita paid Bha. 60/- hr win;

Bba. mf: and 8ht. SI/, plim. martini Prior. -Farn. Hi

^Ifaiyy.II^Jli^kVd y^ToS


McCormick-Deering Narrow Tread Tractor £250 Nairobi. P. & O. No. I. Tractor Subsoil Plough

|£S.a “,aTnt. pU; Bh- 86,'. tor win;

Blek.r. ud IVtiwol C.nikn'rkart wai Irft al tha

.lart. lynwinl W.I airir in tha


HIdim want m lha fmni and nin.

Thirdi fi40 Nairobi.Tys''‘,w„ .“liKM^yy nnhinn''.'spiupi;

M)6/4 Plaman, 8/3 Imandra, da Mrnlha.

ySf-'S's:In lha final tod

natar bBai haadrd wan In a aan-

pnrit,4/1 t

ndhwpnnt I whan ba waa 1 Manihi Waal

Woo iMVlbi, with dll-'■r„“™rsi'sy'“T.da pid: Bb. 4*/. lor win,

Sh »l/., 8h, IT/., Sh IS/.-b.vOiv, Uidg., and Hick. BolbMrf

lha rmir.t by a neck. wai fmirth hr a neck.

Winner Iminad b.a owmt.

Good Equipment Makes a Good Farmer Better

(ettnad 7.8). (MuIWUndl .. 3 Alao llan.—Slrtlagy lO.O (Ur.

»oyd); ncaaua S.7 (Wallrtal. IkBa, 8.8 (Mr II. Tatllnnl: lla. ainaU. T.B (Ilaniati): RUnaadn.

Klarliag Prica. Brana i^p. fine IV; 8,1 Ungro Kly.fd.l

Winner hr TWy.



visinv Tliflanaa ,1 turkwifnOU (Capl. UwtTiira); Caaefa.

04 (Ur. tV>rhi.B,|; Ruim; Bua. Oil (llinham); Paloon 04 (Cap.

Sti.WM'.i:"™''; Tlmt.-l mhn 7 1/8 Ba..(. IWptM Rha M/. Rirfri!i;flhA i W-, Shi. 33/-. aad Rh. IS/.

”S.i.LSPCun and BrolBi U,«l i.l! al OnBtailaaiVhh'iXirao (China

r y..":.’:'’.lha llrtl juinn. On Tangann. U hmn Dalawing and iUt 1m. and an Ihrv ran until Colng .nio lha eoumo when Hnla- wlng want ihatd Tangrrina bc|iu In waakan r*i .ppasschng the •laml, aod pra pUaa lo Gay IM. w,(h Dmpn PI; a long la.t. On lha back .traick circin T.ngariiM (all ewa; and Uia^ Fir aaina dowB. whila Pnahill ynnad iiaua and ruining an p««»d B.t.wxg and In a g™»t Bnrh wrn by two lanilh. Gar Lad (rll at the lart

'“"^W^^riminad hr car.

mF ^4 rn.. 06 iDanhiinJ ........... 3

llm. Birkbeck'a UtUa BMh,4 tn. art iWaltar.) ....... 8Won hr 11 length., with ala

Icngllit bctWMD torund tad (bled.Tun.; 3 mini. 48 aara.TWa M(d; Sb. IS'-.SUrtiBf prwac' 9/4 <B

ImM, fl.;4 Lilli. Kalb. 4,1

Ob tallliiig dawn LilUc Rath ».| I'harlaUn ran Ingalhrr with Camhn.n wall hahind On lha (nr .liaiah l..iit- Baih waakrneil

......................... and ■ '

Wkaav Jo^ejs.

For further inforTialion apply to:Alan lltn.—T<Buinpui); Crala da (FWarth); Niound llbt. lOI) (Mr. MeDnaogh)! dun Oiw 013 (Mr. Umbtr). Oiy Ud. Sal. (Danida): Kniy KIta A.I8 (Capl. Irtwranaa/iDBrarTcwnT II (IlaB- ham); Tartan 7.7 (rariM 7 13) iW.Kart).

M-.B by tlx


BiBnaU waa left Ihrai IcnglhtIba lUrt. Tha mnalndar n( lha

a lutlnngU IL......... ..............•aU ran tngalbar tom hnnir tirai, fnllnwad hr BpntlighI ami P. 0. Box 68S.

LOCAL AOSHTF: Rtkuru: Motor Mart A EichADgo. Bldoret; ABd KAmpAlt' NANYUKl-YOliNCHUSBAND GARAGE.

Telegrams: “ H.VRVESTER."Can, Lawmo * Do.

Pwtb ................Mr h Wcitara .......

i'plaaalhi, with hard

orlwiwn iaaend and Ihlid.Tma.—I min. 8 8/6 aaCATola pBd BhA Ml- fiw win; Bb

Id/-. bU is/- and BhA 17/- plaraa.

Blirtlflg Prlcai.—7/4 im Kamo, B/I Vtn , d/I Wlaa Chri. 8/1

Tnwn.Cnte da Onm w IMt. Zim

I. hiam UbM Mi ..A

Wlnnar Irainad hr awn nrarlta OacA

rtiiMn^ipaJ^k and Cimhiian

Sian jnMd ■- w,lh Charl.^ and 'Bid. tham •Urea au»a on In win a wall riddan naa

Wlnnar ln.,na.| hr ,«ear.


I9T PIVIHlrtS IIASDII-AI’ rt.ATF.. nirlanm I nillr.

Mr, H. 7>. Klaninng'i Oouanam (Harn—Rwai-I Srll) a.. lOft»r«.rav.Byn-.Or (Mr. n. TAritan) ...9

lb. W. t. Btatoi'i OboMM,


(In Diriiloal. 1) it ' - Udy V. Onndum t

IIIK KA'I AIHI' AN >TAM>ARI. . i:.*.frATl-RfAV MAR. H s !i«




rafaB^j-Ar-vvic^ /A.-^ ______



^ NAIROBI GOIf aUB. MHOBIIBMIS.Whiteaways Consistently Give Good Value

Gentlemen’sSouth African

Railways and Harbours.


lad. .(Ih Uir. lUifa.

New Nse Bales Neuh n. mmiUj mtni IWta, •Gentlemen’s

Ready-to-WearClothes,Golf Hose, \(\ Cardigans, ll ' I Underwear i iEtc. Etc. Etc! !

^1I ME^5', - I


SiTiUUB* Xlli • HU SS. Ut.

ud Uta H.K?* 'ni^m*m in tht th^u..

Fm the lOM in Um nta- FMlllin, duriBf Um IM bv irmlb., 1 sm cnitia Uui lt» •Uadard irw • goU M NUrabl

Raincoats.mnuoA DirzAn

OTHDUIfAPullovers, I. N a;B«tviUi ■ M

Pyjamas,fun TtN-db A c,t Nl UAL




«2Sc'HiS;r;„.2;;SirhtJ.™ UKl rh.,lm.«i,|rl„

LiU»l. 8/9. h..l rin« sad Mmbk


Cape*Town and the PeninsularARE THE

Most Delightful Resorts

.T <1. >iua

fe'Kst^Jrri.Sfcl-« Lnwc] ud lamF<^ uxt iDiuMmu u BmUt

“Us:?*•( Um bt, tad ths ’'V^I<»aamM'’*^Lal]d ba •s-i*a:^z.z ,m a-iat^ lba nU .Idhlaan. .< EUow •!» aiuoh attaapr

Muthai,._ im '

SocksEtc. Etc.

1■pi? /THB COLLEOE- .'1 Tl.l. I. .1,.

"rLUVARlUBRAinOOAT Far partbulara apply to !—

■WON OP anmi afimoa traor comuwiomn.»nch


Nairohi Ooll --i.-Izj;:;..h.SS,..,

OItUF41,l,ad .ndit Sliaicil..,

•bo. <e/H , n.l.cueaK Hoaorial o« ilViapd Box




bLwiia^.. 1. p arm to Ihit -------- ----

nwl b/aithH*hnn tha

wooM add ,I»W ispat and ir a Aim food maltiar Iba touna-

BMBt ahmild be eaallT. Iba ninat •a ha'*a atar baH.

Md I/l“bairBlLrtJ? MdM-.^m.B™.he,,hat.aBur.,„


a 9/6

MaIaat».HiDllliS/T.MB«. ROWNTREE'SMil tad Irwin »/B Sarriaa .oahyTllaW. a<ra BwalM "B- ti. TJlOA, Ua.ia aad Bkadfa (Straiat) bu

to Ibiib.m tad llnlarc a,J|. ha.! Jojnl aad CImiitfa 11/4, haai Eau.

tl.rrivJl nii.l Itri (B«r«iaa) bwl to Dariiam uul Kariaoa B/IO. beat

baai Ihirbam .nd Hodam Jnaril nnd i'Wirh wriod aad Toll 8/7 RaniM -B" wm hr 7a U.


17/M|^.n ■■BXflitaa.Bbl. 37/80 rarbKaMo-hi .alilt Bbx 89/80 .wriiBFOBTS COATS. natab wblab ia ahriM . fixiura o> tba jaar ia^ia,

pUjad a. SoodM. UiS \ tkl.^


a>aet would ptohably loculr.W for Iba

ratutar■ha. 29/M itlr

c .1* —■"LmI jaar ll loakad bof ndda oa

■ ™ X'SSTJ"OHE8TEBB 8P0BTI The analhiy piaadrai'a aup

waa played hx on Batunia. baland ilia ac^nOf au omattriitly


A xplenJid nrwcake cliocolau: with juicy sceuleu. rablnt and crbp blanched almonds. Easy to break yet thick enougli to bite a cake to-day. Plain or Milk.

>iid iMK rliiii.l cil.kiii. Porre. irp lo ibr Ian tba Heat nantfrd to wiranibla ua wiib a win or t^wo al Iba laal, andBhi. «/- . 1..1.

Mr. D I. Bliinl and Mr b-irt wbo botJi rtiumod a nail 74 Tb» lie waa pUiad idt on Bimdaj altoraoua and kir. lUunl woo w:ib a littia in hand. Tha Hand cap- ri'if CnmniHtaa will afaio han- m annfidrr Ltu, plaiar. Hr win

eotne down t. aiafla Sairrea. .................................■ tbmwn

]ii.| iti..n.rt.|Ih,. yra, Iba H.E.P.

"r Inu DCW plavera, and wlib Ihal t.iiBdmO" wtiioh Ibo "Old Con> t.' .r/bbw" alwa.a had. Iht. an planniof fre a .ietroj, H will ha


ln/5, bral Eaat.

Tryibhana "H" krai I'aTblnnU

Dante Iba Tituparatioa no ^ HandawppJDf Ccanmlllees^, prauRMd Uioey In

l"E. A.

ba it aUU I aad will am ba

I axpaal ha win In plead (nr bln


Oatia (atTMt.]

RACDIG Hi SATEwns w soimi /micA.".s;, Ibab of RoanInu&a..

Rada of dinidoakiprnk ElSoifbl'a danaa war a

.SJ-JSi See how Ubreahs

wbji S...1.... .1. .omrira ooiiE : ::::: j'

b.“/rEban amufad that bit band ran plav <«i Sacimlait.

On BaliiHty daaoet bran Tu. popular w^*:n‘,l*y; uoflaa

Mr. ANDREW TOLMIH, P.Oi Bn »4«, Nairobi Hnnaa. Natrpbl.

JVfAY Sc Co. Latd the sports house


■hi. 1*80;>s

> p. O. Box 47. Phone 32.Of

<L The Leadlnd Houne In Kenyn,

For FIBE ABHSammunition


Every Requisitefor

Every Sport

Whiteaway Laidlaw & Co., Nairobi. Get a cohy of our new Illustrated, Our oUAlogue wm intmt JAnd at Nakuru. And at Eldoret. yiw.Catalogue

as t MUCH #,

JOCKEY CLUB OF KENYA. CUCKET AT iUJffiU....^ Rtriot Clobt « lb* tMiiir.,Tb. •»«« «... „r..

OM bnwrht f.nxrd r- •117 ecBtnilnn i, ■•natdNrra xbAnii* foia <l>r. >>v< Iv *og<i| lik« I

... .

scHooi oicsn.A WMk-od W ta


aAll.IU>*T. KUUB «, TOE EAtn- wmvAy wmwnARn.ssSM■o^<

Th* Cbilmulh«t Ow tii>«|ln(

is lU

Sfcckl le«iin| IWs Nnr SunslBf •omM. PftrUudt Teui Builj•piiii n-> ■•im III.,W iMNri — T' E *. SOi: -Mi •• IphU]

1' EAST AfKiu IN LONmI I Pwwl'S'udKm


Rdcs. iBaUa KENNEL V NOTESBBOisAnunov motiov. oixiuBs or UAMurDrifA* »< <HbH« Mp uwl A «A«.

tb* Nf> flunl*; (m '<«7 irxrniBii, •>.*»SertI pnalilMl on* ■ InrRo *lir».|

dkpoM of. Mr h P. M«7i«. m bMuir of th. Slonnll ■lunilon to (ho fonowlri, i

I h* T»S1 Nf A.lo of birth.

(1*7 IbUj

P«r. If th* tMunlephilonof o«^

" ~ -ETii •a.c■14 bt •uB.l.M vtlUn

'AsL#am.t<h of Um <*!*k*(utor lU

•4in| * MUD out lu wb* i*<anl*4 ■ 4>u-.!■« raD,p.liD| .h.1 of itwlr boil Kiar**.

pai.17 M.hDlo.1 .n«i.ato tuMf. «4 u .aim. I’uJilUKt* mml

lonl Huiiti100,

r.I Ki4V* rug


trt-^.£”'^-.5? SirSij'vr.'i-.l-rti S-;“J*-!;?"IgglP EH?;;Ss=S

nitol' lab. *rog of rsoihroknhlr.. h modlr T!MUh* ^

-417- X p^ ^tHaTSSlSMl

KV:;;.“.;Sia;SK ;“ ;z:,r ■"

■ ~s9S.

rooIlD* buaiDM. htnoi hr** (Hi A H. Bmca Piun.) fMItitiou *s4 *11 Cl

4«>f( thauld b«

)bitcIo{v. «ho*1d ■ L'firxS" uhJ '■<». Ro. 7AN.lrri4

ttao I. .ullJ*Sri'^’'*iM‘4 ^^oipnrtir. pfobtam,. wbieb 4» Del•m po.ali. wiU b* m**nl*4. Tb.. «. .11 b, M. lf.r*l, tb. ------ rwh>to-8lo»*ki*a am.

n B1 fi u«-iu£8:5'

2^b»111 KIP Ri R


Nm Dmafag loor vicb*., u 2^7 brt . nbU.

eSsSSSaT-3."3pul on

piaUn* • rMoluUoe.Mr. D.*. •publaf •* lb*

srs'K:£;.-.,‘;!L”..2t'•5 '

U1.I 4l

diiMI lȣIrwla

vbo *l>m*d

STloilor (our *h>o uo. iI'nui .uOlcirat.


nDb.*rt.„';:';;ta * Com.

■ lb. prr.

h... in h*TC 5month r

S: te.^?b*!'''.!r.:a:'’r«iiBf im. iiry. lor foal rairi.. ' ' Any tad not ntinrrr^

»|> |* llm. m.7 b.• «,p.7m-.t

b. wkHbut lb.7Mbtr 41. iricli*l

bewM. Ua

3T ib-Ha ■O' W'-n?sits*41 R—O? n x~iii 4* P.-KU

.Tl.lon. mun b.m . .tniDa.. i

> It •mold not b. po bHat tbom tofUk* .

Mr. Orury pMuUd out U tb. mutmt lliai bMii( bM4 ■ bulVUD

lb. b.ui>4.r.

.04 C.pUio


"<•) 171.1 lb* Jnabr. r|„h I,..

top V?3"=L-of 4.1* of birth

litaM Dm word2b. MTOOd

-r. mutm( llim l»to« ImM. U-r. »004 bom bmbra down or h.rlo.

li—yKtag ovi,Molno.trm I

>1 lhn.«flrT.'- I> Piwm. wroodrd.n.7BM ukwl bow thM il -JK ™

-Iditmi of .bout arty ru. Itiirhw .Id llro4«o

with ib* •iMkaf 41 Id (ood .tyl. w l.lMr tw«il7*»« Ml 0

frut I

rv.1 8;1SSi Vwnmliii.. .1. Cnm/|- theo


(lit Q—XtlMrUkie would .Brat yrWUoi. uid two.rur*>Ut who wu. not rr«M.. Mrod .1 Ih* Urn. ■

np jork.,, «,* sa/fsiE^""....Bumt, « .nd b dm ... ■ — ,!Sti-Tciis;-' ■■■= *


S'-'"t4)Th.i r.M nolnt.4 to (hi. rommiKrr to ro' Wr^t Ih, N4„,„ki nrmkl.,0.

ijiimti.n, .,( .1 lltlll wr,wriphl,., R.Trrm.rt.dM.B

«rb«S:ro.s::T?i-'" 3£.pS"ri":L'"C.“s£:

*s;,Tr“te.‘ss.ix--" - and u(4 ha diMprud witr. Id. fillaw BUwurdi oa thb tar. Tha Um. hwl nab . iMsIiilbo.

..taPSOBLDi *0. m.Br H. BMl.^PrHu.ih.n ih.^"liid "pertiijr^i

ll 1. iBirmllQi tha wicll.l. ukroMmrd ntehM b.rinp bMO ml...

Publudt hul lo 'W- Mr Ih. -»• ami tU. Btrutbi!. dU trlU

Oub. n. .1 H'aom.11

■ndid. pltn.tory." '’'iwjl “p, I with „ motion w.i rnwlvod bp

T-. ■JPZ7.:rnr;, o. nrr.,r.:^-iSl?S£a!EH£%::=eH?

M not. that aUooab M. MSWKH a a ■"

ISWaWterd! b*? Wrijbl. A Hm


igChMU. M . -QUA Ib-KI R-B» K-K4 "-IM




lUMmd lor

>7 brr«. but 'll?, owntd ■ Bsmbm Id Ilkwl . ««o4

uid . fwmM, h.dni pnl rwwt U. Partura did out nctalniUon d.U.

tf.} 'ISlno lb. mbj>«t wu quil. m.laolnt .Dd Ihm m»ld do Ihdr but M brine .bout an .r•V.=Sv™„ .H,»draw Id f.nur of th. .rrwmdmmi whVh w.. ri.r.;rd -..

Thl. raneludnd lb. IMm. on |be • rrodn. bit, I.oM Pnorl. tioK wid b. would lib. lo mrntion (hr of t njtn for'or fur (hr wronni of rrotrrrln hrid. f«i|p b. itronlarb.M Hdrri.


rr.iM thil Miilr '

vara fanof brood £53

ch.--*4Vb8»iib ::

Rcrwdm. b Ctartr ...

IS.m. h.^ •ouUn

...........................I tnom ihtn in.(lolb, hotM no.l

irr. It... („,h„

™»»'=r.S”r,.7»'£'H. It..,hi, 1, „v,™;

S:' T "js™HU!,"„’?,ra‘£r:f,r

tS| th. ml. 4. It ttood.Mr. nulpatl nplalaad that II

wa. M dllArull to prom lb. otblnh .flrratapMoflln*.

M.i Wrbh npllrd that noTom.. Uoni hod lo h. wot In For ilirDnht. ni. t*'nr. Ih« ...................Preduro niakr.. m lh.1 Ihmo mr«.WM. alrrid. rowod lb. rthrr rww. d',| not matter .o tnurh Anilr. >prr*>l with Mn| Wabb. n. tbouDhI Ib. Unmoli.

, war. MtUlrnnd of trxid. bi ■v' • quwtloQ of whioh WM Ih

ar danaw (mud or Ih. rotllnf

S5:^;64 K-84 04 K—Ktt

tarmtoeM in Ib. Arid .t. 0.%;. lilrl.e to br rntpoHm

DMi^Dun. Wbmb .bould b> th. «7. bomUtin two word. "bMlp.Ham. «■« Mtual hrmulD, of Um.

-Mbu Mrn.,." tm mm. tlm* ^-.tarMulbMWMtm,


UorioD. b

WbtMhid a M dof io (bn.


wl b'l'?’'’"*"'*


70 p-nl’71 K-BS


I 111. (uinr. for Ihj kn eht ca IhU

w.ih m muoh d..

■t i. rurprjiag lo Aod Ctpablaim: ,|„ .J

pRoauM lo. m.Int li.rn Irrmin.l.d ■;Rtlru -IW

FSES-Sirt OI in. rno.lmiim lop w. M a hTpothrliril r.w thil > rliii. hon. brini VhvI■X*S*3


TbUl.bouU omr. ofnrmd (5^ ^ pul b. mfi 00.1

SmrtinUpBda.i'*lrd and .nirrrdw«» (W (o ali.r would (Mull is Ihrr. hrioc The. b-d In roo.idrr (hit

Mr. Pawnn ..Id hr al.krap th.

bSIibo,,! Atin) awmild b. balMr.

HoftSimiwon b Pllnl Irwin b -- *>5i_M"'^^8>n»bb Fllnl ,. n Irhir b Clark. '

temCr.mour-£.r.«s“IWal (hr 7 wH, d« )

•5 IS.. •

i •'1 tm,! ..I4

„ fSr5LrF..:.„"~“,w.„hSF^'floo^o Ib-mrlr. h'l. Hab

brM.I«f(B8mllh... 3Stmihar. b Hood ............. .M

b E Midnto

5£v5i="“'Mr b K U.lon1m Bmilh . .

“,3"^Ia b K. Malaolm N.«on


IrOOTBALL tcta» b. huta.afUi.e a ttombar of

ataaa ^l°Ubr^ tbit's ml fnoo Mr~i----- "

daarourrd toOaUiagpul tloat.

uailmuiii. II aaA and uId .

wtigbl Urould b.

80m. ftabln michl And

AID ouazxT•aUrwapa.

CoBUa. Uwford .nomd

^Pitno. ■ btdb mod miitM.j'th; and bmuiUul Mtaln^ -

bar. DwnIVW

JMkm.tb.l Ib. of a OaUsway ba allarM -A Uaibtwap M . bim tSfc*"a

A nrp lalarwMip. foolballPAnd'f^iabi.^ t MW. I ...

a numbw of -tan of Mr. (

It wu nplalaad that th. Mlm Mh Wh amply Iba addiUoa of tb.

itS?""• 9?l*- Atalay aamdad aod

IVI.rmm la KantpaJa Bporta ■ numbn o(

lor. tumad op and a tot fatl *d.| •TM yam. oauiad. Tbr .-huU

rar cm* atnwi nww. appralre

-WblMA^r^ am* ssriBowline:dlAlr.,11 waiabla

Lrwd Pruala

=3~r:« ^srsi s'mmiwu. «illae«a.l

JM to, Kul

kH-x-t-'-hIluaalTwl food, by aon^'-ZS Maaiawa. Tba-aiporlw bad rmialy ao mtral mr


>":m.l. Urould

wmjUL; oot o« ......Karry. t aad b iMrky

s.-te'KT'iif!to Opaa araala and aot I

Rp.wta Club wtra raty ualuair to rqualiw ou Iwo or Ibm liont riprelally la lha woon,!

Ih. pl.>

BtoiBM ruM.

i( a B«w Rila to road: .'M albwuBoa uUI

-ST.i'Sir SS.-7J S'ltl'KiXXoa


•bra limy had (•ollM.*eo.l. ”***■

'llb. aUoHad Cipl Aaatay moradIba pmduM ul a aUllloa

'Am al or uudar, a paitind,SrLTb’TbLIuM^ ;fc£7!x.".'is'7

la-7;„:?x'7f„™3-MMiil to Iba fan of alallion.. II

■mrodmrnl u foRowa 13I lop w« ip OPM.M_h. (.n,IUd^to nat -


£ TdU fima wu•I wiB tharully Id, u Wb,i« md

KSSTiXXS'rook aad

T,Carl R.Mr rad Ibrn wttbdmr thrir mol AaMay'a amradn ibn nt.l tad diaMnllral.Jk'rrbjT

TbaMipMr. H. n Blanalai

Mr. Bulp.ll A rary waU fouidil :n .leh hiA ptar. op Buotb.y

Rpoto Club aad lam^ ~8t« Club. Tha nalafa wu playw) at not son thao 14




WbiuAfrioi Foubd. X. .. .... |U MsKniin DKTA TRAM POl



bopad thatPlot Ib. loaa dddwl wbal WM a Ttry (oodOM wliirh rrrr anon m cul up owlPA to th. lack of raip ibat had brap aipariaaead. Al lunch lima

Kaa.pala aocra raB<atarrd 107 T wickati ud a ceaUaDlBfr tbr ipirrrd lha amr. wu _________

mrriad up to lAB. Tha Ealrbb* Ctplaiu NIehnIaoa bm...l.t .xxf xxx XI rx.™ xt -sii 13 x".."s ^-ic I sx'-X'.s.'-.a t: -..s: svx.'ia ",x,K

to (Ml oo wirbri. but

Tutol.....wt-or. K. M.IMm S.nNoon S/18, Andrrw n/AT

Mm tMwu to at-SSi-'iSW,


A P-Xl

itarompdrtad lor Rmy. to ba Mated la Iba Baal fr* Ilia C Cup lor Iatar-T«rrilurul 1

"Thai la Ik. apiahm of Ib. Ianaalllulrd dou not fpO. rwpm arm Ib. raalpt, puhlia of tbr roun. Inr TId th. prmpt Jock..

tar -Fd tblop Wa

wla rmtvdlBi lau u Iba pru- Hma. .pd dlfflaallln may ba

ird when (ha propray of a •ol,l. II wmild ba bal.

P. Witwon arrnndad •erred ta.

Tup WMlblA.Hr. C. W. DulpaU eaond

KA-XBlloalHpder. IS"tootkeUof trial matoiin •Dd a Aeal Inr iriU le*ta Nairobi (or C Ihr Il lHI p.m. Inin on There are racaneira foe

‘■•--“sr SturiPfluTiittealaiWa of umpiu to eatola

!5iagm dojM


EX !£Irei.4 nau on| rdasMi wd. end bnwd (re.

n.ih of Rmra en inlo liqiiidillon, end bt rr^nwtruefed •• the Se^tob. Rire Club. a'lM •blob Ibat a r inrkry Club el




2.j.j7r. .-s >■;•ed H my ba anted thai If A .V ,*! Al B-R B.ab R B

' iiXaRiaadWbt

tata 2J!i taetabl.

M? i" ■* to Siw**tor^il Im

ir .,>4 bnd 1^ if L**? ^"■'d'f rm whrea V*a1lS «lnu

.-netorauAbumh-epnin.. «

d Ih. Md VTW tolar ‘ - - --

bom. br torui Itot bH Ibto I

oppnetoM ia Tlaw M''n^oa^ wTkC

number of l»na of Ih. tram la I doB lim. and thru tlrketa Mr. W. K i-mlr, to

-l^enji br I6t*wi

by Ml

todL«Htl?farrerd from

eiXif""(■^>4 Me. Haa^ b

nUlito reucB naa. ...UaBlK

Si' maJuiHy I

tvSigr-, win to miwtt Anaut•'I


uniao&T. M&tts 8. m8.



-Mf» IMm ' V I' tor t8< .El I ttcr from parts

(By T

. Kfrana ■ tA-M

r«s’L-ia,“ !»....• * . »;U| tw» rim, pi ^ , j,

thf •nuJlAP

I Mom* 4m VW>lh.n • .E. arif. TEu hranrE hat^EidUd^

=-i~£r~——nr-aSTii* |E» •5T.f“

i- -I Ikc'^ian- . m ..«j IMk.

“in?m»f I •rt to OMjf,

PItoMtbabu.; ■tilaalitiM

3rJ&Jr Eoni TEia ia .■urh (to Iba f'W lha Bmrth ‘’S,."K£Rail irira

lo^l-ato'thrf.^'rt r*'*'' oulM piia!,"iirr.

lia\r..xn '■ ‘L’' iW I.Bia •* !*• mIkm. in rm pKala irhirji rtouH

A biH


rsETOlllh. Si.n, dclicTO,main ^jra a i»».l

itof prtala mlW Tha Hffar;


hieface p

he used Ivan Tcnni owi oamorau.should by ever? woman who desires » create an aimasphcrc ofrelmcinLiiir-uiitinciion

8t»eB^B» W-n wiol» bulkxhola Iba caiAniia loara lha affatomi '


I’-Mx t'T W iinloeh laaoimj •to-rina r)Mb toUwhtManraa .ana ,b.< • a<lhMiMaihto.l .I'l. .1.

. .w. (I,.,-., tsnaltaa • ■■■U ^<p*aT to thr rr


Ei'^r^irs^x;al-.,a alrika a tMla of diaUMI

'•>57^.’rJnT3I not a diftrali maltor.

■a an an Ibai la •ranh maatoriw


Baorjoni. Iikaa CbottolaU IVlair*

5"-'S».Kr;AJ-a ^ a(>.toalle^ (tom

Tobonn. nowobiaina ble

A- Ho-iiyiiRoquollj imnd sitd of Ibe p

o( boltn •

to b-sir” o Lid.

I* ft .n T.l c^ratlla iritnirrd wi.h•MltoPtol dIairM

ssS»,SH-otSi CtoSnSta*J.r h

4 Water f. C.C4WrtKaaqw and abuBlaflT mfy»hrtt

Ts i."S I j"i“ “ ™r ihl if™ '‘w^!

pitar to a ana of aptolof walor: Uiki add 3 oaa of door. atltTfix till aollo tmooth. and nnnk lilt tba mirtura Irarr. •>-- •Idnatditopan flataldaio.

■"'•,&£',r.for (W-. mlmUa

rii M;-.!rore cf ihe >i-famous



hr a rala]' -ithoul tofna MT'--'-

haa douii iG^trT^Er^JaahnWrt thah*^

-^oobwwTT^^. ^

^lad ■n» drapaii lo tita hock wbara l| (UHbad MU a Ur|a ha*.

A Htoar.i nic,.,Mpanait in ihn r Ihaa.

Iroo alud; a nardanto, jni will

•.ttfSis-esiCdnaw, paiah, dltol^nrt!^ wlJr'Si'.^ ' ' aMwrd dawn ibai win tom lha rantral unwp. tap Itom on Ito hiinhan labia

Er:, plaoo 'i I .bn.

ioirw":,.''pana into tlfipa abnirt 4 l<ni«. and toka on a hull fin 40 niiaiiioa Kplit ra down tba atdaa m it ia'iiS

W aurar, 3

;.f. Jr.n “tivsr-t-■31“'..™*

rvfiuifi'n.2Phi JearSflri";; ■GTiaaUrasIh.lp a.-r■ aa» li-vnll, ■■h>ri>«i ftitoi 4ba bar pal boan aatoltad of b r*r“tboa. Mn. PwainJ

Cretrat Coo ltd idtot of I IVwldsnap

*um dulnn rt n w arraiiCT (or an anow

fraa rlanl and atrr


wiS* L'»o*diSoull to Mooblkc-M

<«< aolUo, ‘otninn h>T work aiirh bmnrbM ra IVaaidoot oa W

Vtoa- -Lirh Hra. flto m n.inoad Otar '•"'•d wlira nUtor Ito

j EAST AfTlfCA Ef lOKQS.■I (OooLn.mdft»,.^W),

fODiTRY NOTES. | r,n.;:,;r;iIk Halching and Reariif

of Turkey*.

i. Mtoaafinr liui

£5'’7,T';'to ....^.wltaj

to al'owrrt •bnwn ,n Orpine PIG BREEDERS!!!larpathatnnna Ini

a K !•(Th. ('..inn,I Niai Jannaar I.' ' '^otitor (

at Iba M;.]Un.| Ofand lintnl s'l lUI-ani^Slalir.n. N W 1

'^"’7[''n™b“r nVmWCbairin.n), Mr Wil-

(Harrctarrl Miwra W floiiUap Ooadaai

IliB ft..^K^to™di«i^

■0*»wr.- fcdlowto

gromax???ialnikt-Mm M.ltum l-t * “*°” ‘**'^'“* ""“'■'I wUiawf iMaat

top nplBlin |> mnn av. th. daw of milk uid maj^i bSil to •£ pou«j»Vtt ^•,|,||„r I bam am ivdtond anr

S' fi^'dllipPoultry Breeders

HAVE YOU TRIED OVAMAX ?)?SAfuna apeak for ' a bp aaliaJM uaara of OVAMAX

a I'a'nn

".iSS sisii.'ii^lo amiimain5ito;°cR^2i. i.a*

GAtoB rmm

ofiam ot baoktep

It."alehtoan!.• cdd.

Cti WkbaaJU.,roiunlara thn

itouJd to antur-.l rtodllioiu « raaihU

toMlealiM of Ml dom-tiaalad fowl and .loan nol tak* kiodlp 40 oondaamcix.

Where a [ai]|B U^ak u kapi. Ibnp will Umr. baUar 4 haniad to iba aama saaaar ai naaaa. allewlii( tban to raw Kp

id*"* ito fo^ Si

will ba dwcorarad .uilo aaaiip and a haa oarw aba lAaru lapto|. aauanp iara arear dap

Ui* Rtoimtlo Vioa-I’raaidnnl. Ltoir '

nap Parrir. flinw IwrT»t7 wall bom hrl.l

ahaw (V.Ham RinaPowafl.Oinnn and llrroan tVtoa-IVaaidaailal, Mian BanwH, Mn. Booldtop. Raassts.rjic,''"-

e Av.'



™ •« =™ .S^ inawl.n* i.poa hnito b.ia k'-ra di4*a

upoo il, 00 ibo' bota oarr .d n« 10 iba Tran. N.-a .nd oa lha

r-M allondnd PollandSTSIw lha braad- ln.1 lira iBoonanf mB»oaB; Ibto^oa

LCrltod uJSdTc-tli'ci^i;pan mtial Md ao tba nobbtaa. Do maap

■•'i countrp oan wlUpwt lurkap bwa

raalo.1 no In Ihnir talhor Tur-htra atow Ibo broadian Stitokor riaaa of lowl.

llou..Pd. Moaaaa.......... . Walk*, B

r. taaktoa B. 6 AVatlota. Will noolop. r Bparruw WUkiaann

-Tha rapopt from Ha. fmm r.m. lAlh. 1837.

nbn« WM hold Tba addnaa I

iTTat'1'r..X-.l'' Iba rnw. ■

poar’a work.............../ l« .S( u.,. ,Jri

iMra.14 bold u. PMuarj Mia_Oooel(oH.w booamn

wbW, I aitomM**ih^ Awlrwterp.—Tba A

snptiad for taeamitioBr R FMtoB•d Ik. tolopUon w a now brood

r..? ■ippreiun.tol,

S'7 L'lrf.:; and tokn.1^0 rrp^

euntor n< now mainbnra haaa opmtol of iba htmah In

£r£r;ssx‘r,£-i Sm'ss'j SSSfflSSiH

3nd monllop and* Mtoi..............I work of Iba

and lha aua-

m ktoflaad.


iSKlurkap Mr. R, 0 W.

'■r.f.r.*oald itoU Ik ■ew MIeiblo fop Tbo HniHra

Oial ea l^haa

nod rmnpala in Orpinploa ol t'fltflp tVaffr, JWff fiapf.

n~fd—Il waa iwportod W rowrtl-rtwPB and Mr

Rmrf bad tow wol^lboM.


A rorr impuaUnl■ of work waa

Ian mmdiHtn

‘•an':'!:*,o"^S: MoraanWI and M patol la aSM tba Auatralop

the laot Ikai 000 Ttaii mala toiaf ta.U-1 *'“» Ballwap

£'«aal 'irlin kS;^

sn ■l^


'Si:thora waa «lp OM Hob^lar topT ■bleb load to an tko Urda It a

eon-aendBouaa weak. out Iba“aual wonmnop dul-aa. It bad baan rwalatod to ibai diatnoi iboi

luikar blnod I

If poaaibla. toa abould to alfo*. «d to all wbanaar aba boa made bap naal. buk il .1 not

oot ao floo. K«*twUry A 7 and l^p Viola Cundui lake on Ito V.oa-Preaidanpp.

Kpamtoh-Mr. (I.p, lop kfm I Iw alaanen and 1' '

luiBealocl lhal now Ihti klra. 1 mar hn t(aln takan up Ito Ttow I'tpuldawCT, Mm. Ilara 1' an Hon fbanUrr. 1 bon aeappi

lOt Ulo bant sbooto hirip latira hirda. bui oolbiof oal of tko wap; 11 li beat to d.Pfod on Ito bona lor alao AU blida muat to bnllki, wall made, kmi. amt

awMMia tould DOiltor ha obtoiaod ;w tSuPdod and m houanbolda ‘at|a (an.lun of obildiw ito

a dap fron. ItoIs

■la. 14 la atatod Iktolhal kfr HAI KOBI

torcwi. f. O.R.p frtr-to-abZi'-ri^iTkto- , dmi Nmana A OommW,



IfW/fp UonnKioo wn

/iTsisi^'aHun^-t' Ito IM I

rarftor a iiioluM inw ha ppnr n. ito 1

to onnmo o' tsMIon tbal .0 lb and (luitd moimdont baa

praaora and whan herded im onnd paa'uraa wfll lad muck o>

sa.ti-.Eifs.'iLS■ a WMa wbaal and a .___I'

TUa wdlnmdflion wllb.

and •bould ba ^ > irna bo aboald to On

an hiTiuttoo Uarofa to all

aRr Isj«f"h .a H-j'a.apg,

oiiauii'Ioralood b«band 'batn cUtlo« Ibat auoh altian iaoliadad m Ito rf Ito Ktoka Stalmnt. Il ia

lhal Ibo toaad lhal wwt •aauoMilul. TbaPtoloau

dabaa woreFound At Belverdero Numertto Oenalae FnjJb Twee, Bhrub*. PUnU for coming Batni. A vUt to the Nurtorito mile 4| on Thlke Rond will MB- vtnoe you. Write for ‘ eiaewhere. Get

asd r mj i^anab arao oatola orror. Fortbar,


Va.7 t-Undm^

Sftorito*oid o=-_ ^tbar5^”lDSS^ JS*


Oraala md kfn Alfrod Rk Mr. r flnamw rd Ib.l Mr \ to mada rtai.. Mp. R. Flotri,.; Cba,, ,

tH-’to haaa Iba

nap'irofa porkad thal

Hr. n. uTpban’arHotosa.°tid

b ooooaaalod wi Ktow. bol not aa

fuDp II a rmnad br tba l>a bM Vino IVwldMt of lUr ou lhal

tor dialnto bam Julio, tran ito>

:xTi;ir;;::.57i:irio":tba nnneiaial m.mhara, who ■o foaoop of inb.rmal dim I wao MPpr ahiwft il '

ttonlp Nakutw dfalriol

■ wd dkalrlM) of II for wtiloh tbo Mvat

i<r rbt: r nr.m

orderinghr^ '■rp. iwdB at. cd M a

wperl Bdvire freeW. J. PXAXB.P O Neifobl^RUBBS-AMMONIATRY IT IN YOUR BATH Z:miwi to

rh to .am rrnm)


Odo of Ito ahha. Tollon Ito Lifebuou Sos®


BIVTA foOnT.-rBT OBVl leTBB. intol

Aotbnpfnbh^pr-Oi IVaillPT ;sMARVCLLI A Ito nn>;.

iMtofto win- Cebuv U apito.

■ ’■v't;I HwO '

to- i.auNI>R»e« (tobold Itofr fulpu ind

DopUeato on

AM. a.Ho i*



league.a letter rrem patla•h. b nuUi fe oufailiTite

(Bf rvom BMm j mIt. <• .AM to Ik

t.kto ito ^opd tai p>u^TI>tan.k*<lN

r'j:» l.t.r'B* torbv• <1. r!k.i^.


out . I BJ.

iiAUto ir“.; “d -. ■ (ji,

Jr--»». .ubA-.'ThT

«k...lm (A U UaA..

teU <RW


»-jrtrltoM kk. . la ud,».n -K u» *„rt.,

All tnum

to wmtOrto(«, tk. twin ot

N,rt, t^,s-nrS'.'r^iis;i..d

SirSf""^ tklMd Om lv|J

r>ni™« in adorable and ca Micfrtgnince !bv«


wto .U»M ),; .11 A ptot Eun. mil. -«. A»ru»d, .nd n'mn .D Ltopi.,


iSil- - srIEs-SHHZ

o«*A.. in ikllfeurI'^nn, l.'^M • iiM hM bton ihcnm

Tkoapto.-. Fill.-k M hto t .n I..1

■b. rt.u« h™«* to ........■ "-‘-eMd-ftt* ll«5lenJtto

m.A. .n hou. . iMtoh MkM lUm t(« UtH Ouidi

•W to MY c^uV„, of

tonritiil bui-kU- JAVa ucc p should be used I woman who i crc.irt an aimosplicrelinemiitikc'iii.-i-ji

d by every dwircs 10

Ai . kuti z ^?K>farJ9cwxto UM ofnwtnbtoitor-irr-d oY.olo, ok„v

ofX'?E"".EE“,K,r "OOn. !,».. f5,„ontoto Rota,to. ciion

YY, : ■ two 'YYolft rn.nnY tWific.'.’,/..ra*if« flora

:?r.T..jr:.1' TYili'

MRrloito A. BeiiHoia

4 Water I-ir.c.

<4.1 whit. ptoitoi totarw Uet bat to b. la

•oontT »«d totoiWM ■dooop^u™ ™

' Ai^fi to",T7i ,r ‘■''

"jPIG breedersITT■^'.a; have YOU TRIED GROMAX)>?<»*-».. llctow «. . to. WWW, Utoi.~-<.,

Tk, fof,„vwt r"-rliwito». will K-i'. In lb. r•.^,->n^nr <4 wwn* of.;,r7r;:'ft.m nnil r~»t«-iio ton,mod toth

riirr;OtoWl'llJto!, Mti *wJ3.' 'Tab WhlUBoto wo. -t—i to MUua,“'aJ2ii*~ •*"..^1 STMT'S SS

i>h.t I,111.

hf • rotoj "v IJb"vilhoiit b^rf unduly m

If you >lur|y • (iwYlto. iiMto. Ihit Mch of >»».dtoHrirt ridn

‘ OVM. Hr. W.i^ benw Bk.

It:;asSeTdtM^d"It axBid <

> Utbit atek

a loti* btw. j wjt fhY ■ ,l,ili Vu M Ih* f.hT» mm.."StiMVrS

•^yWito talphnOi ddia for lb. <•W.i.,-,

i%f wag .uy.r, a ,*,

ii™"7r:=r.i*i:Tat iht

A 4 Inohn. tnittonrcl lib

h.a.of»nu a. TH-STtodtX:

4 th. Banlairwad. IONS■93” I «u. an wnv rent’s■'ontinj Rbow .

a. D WD.Utoin,fYlf WY •piond

S-3H=9T3fS7 SifttoJk to br»oba n.:

ra.'Tcr"-___n«*k. a

'^iK».urto« of ^Hibtowi;: ■«» n O I Ivfto datrM on.) it

;;r9s73!r.3“"POUintV KIIIB. T-SirSTSej-:. bt h,,^ ^ ^ t'-T,'.- T,™ EMT ATO H MKon

z^ £, S.S ,r,r <;■CotninirtoY of ib, K J- r lb u.

auof dittotot It to

of Tariicyt • kfto" **tad tbY«fotollKMl'd

YWnHr»«l,nB A ^b um U utod tor hnwif.k. '• om .Itbtow,

oMalttlu WU.,

Itom 10 a, IS

i|sS?LT dnrfofre itoiMnd itoer

.“"SM:..•.^^ ,.V

IliY.on,. .-WEiUto .aUtnd.Jd,.ato wU^rr. o. I*, bin. ud ob.

Itnowrto by dtontiodoa Otw m

iSr™.Xnn ttd •.■ssrsT

rrr, „ , ^"““*7 Breeders. S,;ir.2 YOU TRIED OVAMAX !)ftiM Pnu Tla Irun .ptU. fur IhrmHl.H. .nd k.l,Y. ___________ _ .

irjri.eebr-,^pr.;..,flW JuM Ibn OsmmlItu b« rn^ ,, g^totf (Uaa| 10% OTAIIAX'“'“r.;”“r„T;r.,ici "SS::


opUlioii or buUa. o^ sulU. of

cs^Sif^ 33zs3t7 £Sx%3s3

t,rjs3'atS s£..““.Ts""ri.-:A-•aicrMUof Uwtan wm (iru. A mate of iww o IttolT bua tdM to

afm tad Ilbarfonr Cnrim. tourturn ItoY, U«u talai Mm, rial ARliur >.weut beiOff Htoul tor for l


rn. N.W I •“■I- Mr W W fltotoilr (

Mr. n nrlrhrr Hum

te;o^,‘'iv a: o^'^ri, mLJ;

HtyJrr. r Spnrruw WUki.w*

rA: To .8<tol. ud1.^; biolt UtouU be k«vt<imi,b<a«ctoanioiu ft iKMfbto

3T“TS43i“lout .WinYwiilwiY-, d U. duoM-

Ij to tcioSatiu thr,‘?" ““** toed

Itolb ibao

r .ruml.«n~lfyj

. ibe (Oblilnr tonn la tbia oeunuy flod Utl yur'i lorktT

rrltlod 10

-3lo' tbdr falbto-' TW*

llir lU rfult of tn-SuSau tfcu oay Mbw

limi di wiru .• Iborak uaa,dol

* bwri totk 10'4M.(aa)


Um Bom Afriuk ittarioe. tod-

rU* 1 allaedod. nr. to||<Mhta will lb. I>. V. P. --,7™™s, Sr .rsTSi

toOu.l >«,« m*H.i< h.U lo

SsbiSS'SYT;:;fr. 1

r R.rlu. of

n. Ik. oduCtonof lb. A.lurk.y brwtol^ M otrt lo^ roiy

•u Ibt ful thai •yoyw

.c: rSZu''s,s.".;:«^3'; ’"'''7.17^1,7 £;

W U<| Mr

aiU prabaiy mak. Ito ;s,It (iM ooron. H piA la______ 4IVI ojurmjiwnii

ctk wo. uodtruku b> 10 Uto ratty fart of lb.

>1}. Ibr iBoatooea of



bo iOowwf

a wboto autob of tol*. to.

'.iS!“:sszt ,'s‘i:„ o.* .l.y from lb. uim fao

-■- .^-'yV

Ui raoBj mUofto .bare wo. oely oet (obbiv htpl. •hM> had to al Ibt Mrdt l> ahilrtot bMwtD^ ,

tirwa of ............... ................« IlYMdut HuroinA aw.r ladr

H.SS'S.-Ss'i.rntlrd lb. 3ml imlu.c ud mH ttrrrfna ouUlMd Uw work of Ih. N.uvo* AiMoi.'inn. ud Ihr Uf- CYwtod Iwrn. on wbioh Ihr

tomld bi d>l. to lupidr IM.A UorwmRto. ...

irod -b. OVAIUI !,Yo4. udaort. torTV,o( out lb.

xa, dulu. It b.d Ml to non SreiwUrr A TrrwwiYrr, ud Ud, Viol. CooduiH would Uka oo Ih. VirY-Proddury

O.™ lor


to lb.riir H T 1

,n. to. bu. rboto. tolriy b,o].. hut iKAblni wl el ti.

to drwod o. lb.All bird, imat b>toul.. lad

Otoa ratliMd to Ui.l dttlrtet Uul •anwnn oouU owtJtor b* obuiowl <v MtoHod ud m biutobnlit wilb '*T—*^1'** “* “b'hUe Ibt lU Otelrol Uomnilto.

lb. U" ' huond

T7lb lb.’ bto Ibi <

of IWtobrt 1


-nS.toT^lb’il'br'rfI toor boa

or. to.«b.». fowa lb. ■ uMrtowdto,


*«-" it It tUM*T*«ba:- ...........-

Itortorr in l>w ilarnn udRutl b.dIf pooilblt. d>. toould bt

Od lo til wbtoWTtr lb. Km Ku n«l. but <1 a not totofiMt lion


and II It I lli.t now to.l Uo. Ilor. HtJn Uku up Ibt Vtow

IVrddun. Mri. Oora toooM am | u Iton- ftisaUry. I bato ittapbd j u bduto^^ga to Ky^ to

b^mw T’^Skt^

U.I dMP. '•I»f ri.mwilfr.__Awu oolYYf Mr ] THACKRAH'S

NAKUKU.^ 3s,ssi;7!;M.TT=iTirirtLz:,«. »'■,

InotoM‘alir:K'trs.S's?" “•

25- a*^d'lnnlllr of iMiu. TbU*^| ko^ 'KwriMa (ud Medltba wllb- --:;j lOYWI h. cueahad

(To b. eoBdoMdl KXITTA POtTT.nT OLVa

iKuo. .At to

and aulM dolawrr".f,brdtd OM ftUTluII,•i: >lu »tw*bo hroJIbr b.iwi on Found at B«lverd«ra NutMrtM OmolBa Fralt

Treat. Shrubi, Plante for oominK Ralna ; to the KanwKN mile 4J on Thika Road wlU ra- tinot yon. Write for catalogue before orderina

P 0. Nairobi

n: [towhud lb«l|,

■ ■

»«7I Will 'pu|» I

Mhod iriK-;bn»'* “Hn uIYibotn'.Mid t s? •renrttd iKot Ibe amul l>

OYWofol Th« A rMt**** L_L

'bTitoltotb.’kiiiUM l> It. tern of’w*^

r^Windniwe wornd

» rbrifYTl.n .oA dn

rr>Y P. Cofto’ '■ hi -<1«wi|ioo lod I' I au

tM” <!.rirf~''ir.tojw dMiM

eomiBunwairw, “k-Z STT. sfdhi II in rreortod br Ih hU Vio. Pnwidiwil of Ran

dimrlols.rr^ TRY IT ^


Aunw.1 Him «i)m. ■!M l■..oYl,wM. to- kAUHMV ana Dwmowkto PurtMMa. B

A. .r.ioowtaiYo. Hi»t<brirewtoltow».*wr toMCBii, t

rthml - -

s s,:el lel-tmel iPopp,

»ir - 10^ II lk.orI.iury.

IHr’irtU Keiriet. t th.l

Oo. of Ih. ptori It Lord RnrfYn of ..kriowa el Lifebuou Soap


tolSith Ihodtou rinh Hi. in-r.

-di bp aatal

tdwkit ofUiM to['.YOT SXTT.!X-r,

——X of. bb r«at <. utaUtoBd to hOB. Ha


w •>Wt|. bw*.II. bold----- thnr dwYw. asifw letM tn.*


TEmr- — wttwwT. uMck\ am._raBWT AfklOAII WA!rt)ARn ifa. luiicH »,THF. KAST AFRICAN rtTANOARU the east AFRir,\N WOMEiVS


MONSOL The New Antiseptic

' Xur'nniKiJu:;!



both[m.Wlh.C«.l«IC«,m<tta. J,r-,

•ilb Um Osuwll (q ■» tS«< tSt vnA bn M« bw* h> r” Tb< pnitbin k«b «•

>t5l P» |>f«MI»l ■ Btlnr Cup «Comalnr.


n*IUn >Mnb Wn tbw rJ.'.'JK.'fc .in Im>.. ibo ubu. .

_ 'j!£f«»Un to ib« U«,w,

S:^’zrzrs;S::nnptoT-r nndPfnv.r~t to do b«ia»<'d

^ ^ ^ Tbtouirii^ tiM uJimp ibi

- Ui obitof. -I Ih.

••• a/- per hot.- S/»pMtlll,

........a/--p«po».iiSd‘’2£*!?*S* *<m\rj didftoi; i. ““bj. Ibi. iWait,

•m ibn n«uvi Vito.


Uhnita tar flu Wnb top<nl to ««A tlul

wn* Uva laurn at a nhola whtn •iu Cbti-tow of tiu CtowpW Oct.

' aUH to Ihit mtitrr Int mar I ditniwrf ttie muibnito <4 obtalnlnr bataVi totoblub f.htor CMnn .,A Vim

^ tobartHc Hau rtoa"fhi* iha ' tha raaditnt

Indabtod to tba

>y ton: IIV-nlpruafi<« /itBni

to bn nWndan>VV, ■


•' t in Sol* A«uU:

Kodak (E.A.) Ltd.. InoorporaUng

WUlM.luainia tixl

ofunknrtabra toro«i*« nUn tooto tototo WL ban

I Uu Hura-aad itpnn bla ad took aptba •arkBaaflMi-'n. Palttol T-to-Pn. IOC Ano^atVm u

TKn I.toru ami acniiilillnai to 8> bVlaaH uto

DaahaiB on thn oMuva ot

7“makn nnodiUnnin* Wii-iiT. Bowse A McGeorge Ltd.S', btto PnpUnt. Ba Nibirni Hruab bn mibnUtoA

^nrbititlni Cnunri]'• -urt b. lb.

' !- .to Ibi;

«nMnii Ubraritotoiuft Ha nartinfl niblla and wr

Ran. J.r n fw. lor iki ne.rntnr'.l mnrb.

Uttar o'

Symington'sirr--j2.‘s^,'r=isS Soups •

h.ithnifnirnl bn.i...n a men tointto'a D V. P . ilurtot lha rmr thn hn dooMM (bi manbaiablp and bn lUandno a nin. of tbn rtutoUiua o' Iht Om'nU OanTnillna Mantotol

bnbl. nliirk I'm tlid to a form nf ano il fimo lhan m

Vilnr> :-Mn ChemiiU.


Ibi. n.ll in . ..Tbn luann

on rt.*’»«s7''’ n«to(b. ahnn flit klodir tonb Ibn Cbalr. Tbnra • aotoodid lUoniinM. and n mlb,r.l..m ... bm et Ibn '<(>Ula. ff.knra. TbiVa. Unkur'

■ nd Mhio dUlmnli aUnndnd Com

lo-bltosalrr U bafni ntrNlirtatd a.V'n.that wibab' ------------—•—ibnild b. noTT

OnmmHI totiton. f'O ' ill r.nnr th. rnlonr

II bn p.binltlnd to i>-jntollon ubnn H la bnnnd Ibnt

.nlti rlto mbdinllol anaonlil

nllablllivPopny Oep.

Thn aboil \»CM OR.,"to nwmW In toaiotaiHni)

u..n nir naan hnoorari mambrr o( Iba 'rr:WbriH naibim

d ia Rnr. nd bilhIbinf bam (obo into Iba munlrt raan ■ diurintl. and ii U ermt latiaftn. ^ „

to Imna tbU ibn. ail! „.| fc. aMand Mn fVr I. tbn p„l,|:. «

nn um nf aininr It la ~a .to.■ Ihi to:rt

Vlon.|-to ’‘Es'i.-x'ifmoi Nllrdi."S^ Sanitary FittingsOF REPUTE

ihould ba on. Ifnpnrtaal bnuwhno of I Wtob, brtoitol. ai h

ntnanr toimb allb

SU4IT CASES nr^tniM for ill'itTinl •iilint and hw hnlpart la i vu lomd dbmnm aknm


"■SiS1 bopa ibi« io ilui topral t ban

bate abU to onom; to iba otatt.a impmoioB of abil Iba

—aeon ttaodi fur. and i. dmoa. tooabto ba ^ ad'*'*^'*

will eooUoM lu pmorm. I aiili to Ibaok all Uu duUM Van. Pnaidanla for tbair aarrr tnlUu

nf tbn tha luafua'i

BoprmnrUtirn •. In lb. CWon.%"Tsr,it;'C:L-

rranrad oi aid y jMi"Cr.p-sa

pioimnd BaM,81-LIT SS" 34” 86” M^b M

’i”,UIDK 38/- 40/- 48/- Tb. Y.WJ.A. «d Ouidra Aaaom.Vnto.Tld uah

a *.7 latirt apprnciatrd nod it

■‘-•l'lAa**kr eoacrthJila iba

Mrmhnr |V- bhind mnrb aim llrnnd^a -d•t.eoi/fl/w tb.

-tnto'la HnaTrwd Tl.!,-. mnld

. wn dntlnm

eoeUm 'nr iV 0»BOM cl BrfUtt WoBte

In AuciaM. I93». '.ba >

maldnmd tbai UursSlrono yel Ro«Mn« From tho House of 8HANKS A Co.. Ltd.,

BATBB.SAONB.WATSS OlaOim,Etc., Etc., Ete..

nia. Rha now t TVaaldrnnr. wHb lln. win


of Uu ‘Imacuo waa aaM’f*iSo.of Uu drdoil.

KortbayIn. Idbn.r'to.m riniTCta Chobnnatl

nukai-Ti .nwdo raat otrVdna rmontlj no* nnlr In mrnntwubll. »«V aotWly. Hu IHolfVnI Vin..prmtd«.t. blrm. Hao. I lln O

Tb. ■nl.lBdUab I

Crloo,, d to

Huawmdrtoa a tariaiphl



^ThT,;'rara fime racr fallr lo lb. At a mrali^ nf lb. On.

mmiltna H araa nnaoc-d lo

altmdad Iba iruaUima of -.■'ai..'-n Imr.rda It ■aBA.W.L. I ir’Wi.'ur'i'Th;'^, ™watohwoni. will be Saf.ln. and

KaitBoeei. Comemab. Uu pm of Uu Bmo mom widrij bnowii tbrmmb Iba bratuhna of tk. luoru.

Sf SI.,niand Uu Womno'a and Cbildmn'a Sraliona. all Dialrtot V5on.Pim!- dn,-i< ri.-.tinrallrc in Uiii wrirb Tbnr. w.ra orar MO oatrioa and all dm.ill of Ihia moat tiKmooful

(bBmIAMoa.I, -t rnndnd fra Ihr Uln .f _ r**!. in H.lmW and up-

oouotry mrmbnm of lb. luarur ' nlrti rlaiUt* lb. naidtaJ. Armncn-

_ ban. bnno ria-la lo In... ■> r.wn tolirtnlnc Ibr Mrmorl.l tlH'l,

IK., laiam. will br . .umt-lr’ u nic , wS.i!

I monim-l In

hnr rl anmllnn. nr luepmttoBt %1 -rb ham brwn tramad b; a mrrl.

H^ThibTlIwh bad no Komi tJbmrtaa fm '

At tha Bl(tbt Prioei.It I’AyHtoIiiitaltheBedtll!gSl?S‘

loJian btmamiiy Bom,ThaE1'J\L wtih8]t«alHl(lo. I.nlpliil and

HIDK Ho iiiforood Coniori, ararr war. Tba dlanualon no (hi Onkmr iiKl tion. lira Cm allnr.lwl a m«min« P at Tl-Ora rmnotlr nod .mt. on Ibr , „ lobM nf Iba ward of Uaa f<w Ihe O

Th. IMal Itr-t'X-n.S-SlUm* Ihnr lotomil an It l,

miu.llr a maltor (nr n mfr.: thal ihn Kaat Afrira Kortinj eialicto ia BOW a poiop oi

20” 88” CojS4"- tlM-ldi ..........IDainc dfprrwia. to f2UX-10f> brine pradltore orrr in-

75/ 32/50 RO/60 87/BO B. G. Vernon & Co.■loo, aanuolH

r.m. n( WJi 0.0 Tlic-rc iinmlirr of ipn.lal

(Cooliaiind •■n

III lln n. work mitai'a Uafii. ahould

b. ritiliiia -Maxwell, Brady’sNAIROBI and ELDORET.

mportod lo tbs Tnwtfnn II indnbird In |mi^^ioTru,:

,1.1',I uv.,.i,ir'"-


of .1.

kb;- Uif Cm'u SorulT forI CrMoit^^'Ti'nlllno^


British India Steam Navigation Company, Ltd.Massey-Harris is an aii British Line


Die coiiiiiift MBdoii. Thik year ii.ake iip'your you will buy FkPfn F.(|uipmeDl which bee

ooAflTAi. mnoi.N. T. Dwiri noOi for Uns

Mil MimaiT. Wk Ktmk. tend Aprii and kbk Uoy.

M. V Dmr«. aolk for dani. I«tb Korek. a»h

'"'iffir""Sliiiidtoi: Kffindlol to MU-a*>>ondtaokMa«*lo lldoja oranoM. Uarck lo Mar lit Ham only. Pbre Iba. pH/. Tb. Krwya and UfiaAt fUUwiy win abn

—, tIAMi «t idn«I« farm

OpiHtm giHnHini Zniibbr, Dar-ee-SduBi, B^n/WkifObBAy, fortnichtly. Also Moutm-

WflM^Uily OniwenU and Inwards.’mnwtori

lONDUN to BEIRA, tIa HerMUtei, Port Seid. I'nri Sudan sod Aden. Outwards sod lowkrds

ArrIvN KUindloi Soils from Klllndinl (or Loudon About

mindthal thefrom Londor


IflkiB.Mwth MASSEY - HARRISinr. inr. Nor



ITU:____tdUi Astfl1^ ■anb tCoUa Seyf^eilos Md MsrmsflOk

*Via Poretmnder.To Dnibta:

ll The MnascvUnriis l.ine Iniplcu ■ ■ ■


ipriecB a full ranoe of of which oro maoo in

AprilMn<-i liiiiprv nil

Coniimny's crcal Canadian Fac-Ttkdsas«k

r of ihi-JsJylUb Mkrch.Mth March.


ViMdPhi iibUkRy arrive day prior io aailinR date To LONDON and MARSEII LES via BOMBAY

Vb. Van*•AKar^eU

XhandaUam ost.MkNsv.OsdDssIMkFaa.


flon you ^«J^ir^ will you wriie to us dlrectl

Bov.wa outB A ■' BkM

MkltNk. CtOt UarararttuXao4WB*

ThbM Steamars are now achednied to arrive In Romhav nn Baliirdays m as to ronneci wilb tbs P

Mail t^ner. thiio sivfng pnaitonmr* an B.A........ ... :...... : n and aoH “wah.

Iirint'in# MonihoM wlihin 24 rtava nf MArneillw Al! Date enbjeet to aUeratlnn vtUtonTnUee, SAsra n^ts Unsd at Two Single Tarw Lacs

Smith, Mackenzie & Co. Ai^nts

Homewan! steamere call at Plymouth affording Ihe opporiiinlly o( dlaemharklng there.

N II All Steamere will call al Ma ' bilwarrl arrd Hnm.ward Vovi

pai SA UtolW IIAA O.altematire mute to lAtndnnrselllea on Ihe


Smith, Mackenzie & Co.,iNAindBi.P. O. Box 390.oaly Nsksei a nwpals. Tels. “Haclifflizfe.**pamatat oatri

•OT. Etsri T.

unmoAt. luBCB *.EAfT AHUCAK ffTAItBifD. ■atpidat. MABra >. tmM T»EKAyrAFmrAX staxdaro.ttniK HAST AmiCAN WO>fEN*S


t-.»d .fmoni o® ifc* d.*W»lhj I livnwnf • hrantfa la Krnja

hli- <h<' M rnuTM In1^ Il>r l.rM.01 <

Stan Seymour tn r.p-1 .v, y,,

d«H fc,« t«nDr itaa aU-l t..rE-ssi,“„-;rc

i-i >kw «f ilif rtDli hH tm $tm. Hut lU

•cU-l br to

•«* lu JUj•"•pitVH-p -n..

th« r'epiilar Brltith r’>'FeotbiUI Pkyer wTitMi— tKO u

<h- H-b I.b^t 0 ~1 I® riplala tb* l«a>U yaaiikai

' to Kran uid lb. Bad Cro RA'Mr. Hb> bad Im in .>mai<aik.t>m «Hh th. fWly .nj <K~ld mak l2v puaitbs ebar

Tha mante^^aad Is tUa


£;pardiiurr tofb ■> ruprnian and rnpa eunarriad wilb lb« vonca'a and rltlklran'i •rrlram at 'br NaJratH aboar. danallna. la Ito antiral fritlral tbd Oirl (hiidr rairp fatal, •*!». Ito library ri­

al) athlete, 1 have found Phoafcrine

beneficial ft an cmazini Himaliting

“A= a. tbair Hon. I>«a) adrlaar Oill and '

mttltnnr AodHcn.

•-'511- dJd am laa

^ Cb. »Mdla-nt ,S.

pmlilara no boslu am C7-I5-0 in riMof rrrrIpU.At Iba md of ]*M Ihrra '■•i a

nrplu raib b.lanrr of CTJ-S-O «Mrh baa torn radnrtd lo £ffl-I»-0 at Ibr rid of im aftd ■to Traanrrr rreiarkad that ma­llei. In ..pandIMur -nold na-d m

I Ito prmrnt

[f‘to"dillSIlal*porttloo bMa r»-

effect, and prevenB any*atale- ae«’ whilst traininr, and luepa me splendidly hi right through the seaKw.Fhesferine is A. l.-SSftrr.ut^S'r.-

gruelling game I hare of that 'punished feel-

iag, rather the other way in Act —freih and in good emtdiiion. I am quite sure TEoaferine keeps the lysiem sound and strong enough lo lake care of itself ufely against influenza, chills, crain{^. or any other common disorders athletes are liable tc if a bit oveni rained, so you will quite uadeniai^ that in

rgcncy 1 employ Phaifcrine as the kest and best metfti of gtl(in| back to normal health vigour."

A-bMMi. aaama<nMati«raaM.

U litaa ns mto fast iMaln ta ibi caobas.

rootar toin*Mi> Jlradatraal, r III. nmaob,

fIririJy m Ibr Bnaa •m iNt. and lhal noM flt Ito n- •dtftkal

In rrpi, «.'JTtol H a datIraUa lo (coo a tnnrb of Iba BrMto Rad I'fm floelMy in Bmya."

- Bbr aaid lhai H >aa (anwally Itmebl dhaS Iba Rrd Craaa Bo-

■busa tbair^lndi ul

frantad lo Iba Had Craaa Bo- , ita primary ohjrela warn

_ a eomika from tk>

______^ t^nr Ra <Hd Bol baoo it Ito ear "»d foar oltor wilnrws to

maalaetadnlii—ras^ja.!?*" '» Ito «»naa of hi. work mlltloa Ito ofmc, wouU larr aIto Bor ttr^^an, H**-.'T*'"’*-r l"*"* »»bn mal dr.1 of itor.

»«. oanwd Battnto.

®y«*« 0® Ito,1-1 to Biel to Iba and lo Ito WaoStoto

^ aoppoai- AMSHaHM.

Mra^ Ua^ i^td IbM

t,ranrhm should {orvard to Or ((. .rramrol laUmatoe ul Itob oplpio® tlisl ••

in Natobl

*•«-» bl. arktom.anmant mllaelrd by

an Ito leirhoTtM for lha Burl Dal* Ftirwl .rtoilly r.eerdrd Ito

shoim on lb" balanre - IB/-, ao thal Ibr ar-

lo ha rrmittrd lo waa £).ail-«4S.

Tto n..«lDf dlaBw«l lb. diui Ito I

aobaerlpllon frata Sha. */• lo a mlninian of Shi. B/. and it wa® ■«rre.l lhal Ito hranahm ahoetd

otlfd hr/orr any airp arii

ol t-adr


Mt* ^-

lak/.lowD-lo furalsb aid lo Ito tok and .ouodrd It. limaa of srar

inlary ebarlar■’"cd^Sto^toT-

PURE AND MATdSt^iai lo Ito Colony b.s

half of lb. bfr. t. SI-1

Uare. . utlra rmplo^ ba M* *' itt^ UrdJ^BdsSooliMamalor mr ‘k* •>®tor-ytle.

:^£MbRL^iiTi I kr Tnapaelot ^SSs sri lhwa'» to'lb®

par boor at Ito fim. of |ba aarld- * !•«?•-

ran d ir ot Iba roet .nt *„ to ib. left

lUirrl by Mia. toil IfflrllntIroodon

Mr J IWttam, a.iH ibn to ws.drawB^^ia'‘'’{8t0

-Tmlio® ol dianaa® and Ito mlUK*- ■km of .uBarmp Ihreueliout Ito nrld. flkr Ihotiihl lhal a Bad

Borirty arooU ba ioTaloabU In amisrctlnn wilb Ito oomlof da- lancr farm Id Xnnya. BpaaU®! of lb® many otbar rttpaela m srMob Ha •rrrfa®. sroold to id II® rmlmi rdoa. aba .aSd il. 'o-n bars eould do rauefa usalu] etrt farsTid-s;trralninit ne Iba adtiea of lha

fan-. Irminad amm. Tb® ml sraa <®ys<iis<d Mrt Ito Rmplra aed aba

undMnmd Ibsl Kenya sraa Utr oiW par* wllhoul a branch.

Mrs (?arerpfa saoondrd.Mr*. Turner mantfaned Itol on.

dtnm, s.iH ibm hr w.i

•rd Ibla hmlhm wbllm ^ Ito Hulhsin Hill

Itifa eedi *M fa nwey fast.

anrra Hto'farlaaoad a daapioabfaraa. ol Ito "Veapfa* ItoB" aa-tim vblcb bad oreomd at Ns- huTV rmiJIfaf fa a So® ol Sha. >/-

poM oe a nallva. Unlras .......


,7,jTi.-MSSii;dgbl l.sod .y. of Ibr car Tb®

Ib^owirimm. nni m

brisa impo lh«y look

ssx'iiL v,^,■ha (Vxmnl, Tbs lolfasriiui earn rleolrd »->.>

a. ‘

ssrsehUdno Just Arrived.of *^ ^°Sis'lSjs.i'SrJL't

Urn. Turset aid ito via aura

Tto rraululioB vaa i «faplad.

PHOSFERINE Mr*. Vitrirws'd I niTdiisn,IlM CoOrre.

liaUan^^a^ im

35.'^’"“"''Is Iba


......H. ROSENBLUM A Co., Ud..

Tbo Greatest of all Tonics forSr,?Srs:5no aecManl. bat tb. fin that ito

*to tomlne at es ail®, p„ boor lalihl to anfflrlMi i„ nike

KX 222:*.arorrtory bad

who b«d vr r.pacily of for Pcitl

I’ricps al loumbbifaii

(ron.^oord «, p.,.. 40) P.0, Bos ut,

February 19th. 1928.Capt Malcolm Campbell at Daytona Beacb 1rt r


Should be roofed with RUBEROIDnuklums. iinmiiae... shops.

If}- hoiisps. guBuipa, Arm Lm.......b' uuuiuii-o acnooia

prolvciion for very long period*—ibadt nob rovenvl iMih R.ilsemia thirty year* ago an.tiS gieJng efflcfan

206-96 M.P.H.ON

DUNLOP RUBEROIDROOFING(fired l-.dr.\l.,rr ^

4TYIKES fflmd WELL»BR§E ElMS Thk is the experience built into YOUR TYRES

THE DUNLOP RUBBER COMPANY LTD.Ki.ll |.»MiniInrr, sa.;iples «t,.l prir.-, ,,,-. ..ppliraUon lo

Boustead & Clarke Ltd.,k NAmOH•QXNO.T1*.*.—nw A/mmrn MeMmitOe Ctt.

DAr-ed-SsOMm. naihobi.NAirobi. MuiiiluiM. Kiauuiu. TAngA. Uwi

jj•- -

TH«llA»r<ii||CAH«ll>iBATUItn«T. HADITB »,THT »1ART AFRICAN mnWblA40nwvlUTBm KDX CASL 0< tb«

i4 wh'-n f.thfTDeli.ESPONDENCE »k» nln; U»

•t. hiiiitk ^ (.mdfki It to fltv-IW M «•

•rnodiU^ot iIk

r„«S_^S-TT™^mf g t*. 4«.H >o »<*• lA. Sm <tf tA«i br y>^. 1 A.- MU.t 0,

(•tilt Ilf J'l tr^u-t.Ilf lh» kLad

•ttMl hHlimti'r'Ir- Thh flt«»

xlka tet«fag Bn.

Ucto to •»; wmlMtocjSmmGM/xrufi£\PACKED IN n ni«j W Mil thtt te IrlsivaRt wu S|>f>n«i0iin« U • rvM tral il fall sit )ms ntf

' Ilsunrasn;. T1» mlWM' or iL InJarlM tbooM

We b« TnuNM «ert.U»*giT»»i»t

r««.aoz o 40ZAIRTIGHT TINS


■ IWI).- roqit.M, 8. B ICOMTAUU.

dWH-T.m'tufalloiM troB Htint )i« VM M os '.ftbt rood.

Fms 0» .TidraM haron r-a •w. aiP b. utth dosM II..I k.^ tbs setIkMd hot sMAi <n „ isbn > inebl tun Is kin olds, tbs scsidset wmM bars

'FatosBjr », m.mpsaalMa forH.isBiisr -iMb-r to anubrr 8 «* fer' W -ftSl

rsdosT -toohst ud

Ih' AiuS/ln» sf fraitrsnl S*r»l ClOT In rrplr in ■asiMrsti' thr

kr kad (•rrs ' irr fnt alxnit rl.nul,- iWjrn

k'T-p to lh( ricbv

'icratton truB Iba arrwM saJil Ibst

dfirtot Is Tm* un LOBS O0OBD.I'lniinlsr .nioltrr. lKTs proTod tkat il

r. tnd bad par- In Pa^ In

KdnVATiBv.n■ anioo’K. cool tlsnkr vllb anofbllr. Oarr>«IW*'‘»M“* g Ta Ikr Editor, " E.t. Slaadord '

Kit.—Map I drao n tba dam tbu Ui >wr os Iba Ufa of Lord Oiford nsilb. poo maba i miaiska In up- 111 that bb bst silo VM Ilalaa tffllUama al H>>Mua«aU. Hit

of iht.ii.nbiT, and u- Bsrrl Crap * b bnsOTB liBla Ibat ran ka said afsbiM tha aaosard airrpi Ihm ho wu iBnoniMdrat irloB ha >»ad—It it Bd tanatlnd Uiti ha wu not in a at onsdWbn tn ditrr !k. oar or saa ditrino K ollirr

-h of iho amanl. hoi (hit dors <M a him from tha ckarsr Tho

inlillml la a

bp is tcBnotnl;4III jo-piilanlp. VOU Ir) a tinIBKirlUlt B Ih. Colosj ^ Naiuto to Lwahar. ^'kan «.

sbtal. . .Ub ombor a Tovr

Al l.umk.1. sh«la„.

or bars tha

drlirranJ b. Mr .in Ih. r . .

Mamtlraui a Com rat Tvaadar to shieh ” - • • at Mulbi

THE* aad"d* Balas XibaJI Mai-

Vrslrraak 1Cnrrllrd

‘'TtJ”KancbD la


lii",uwbUr o(

I of Cliih. ilrlriiig I. Ibr Tk. r -

■f tn aooidosi on ih. , _Bill rrban Mr Balami, who aaa ridlKf a Barlap.IHaidai* motof cprlo lasairad

uid to Quality a WorkmanshipJo,”.Urilasd'hoitw, and IMr SKond me Ar­thur n tuaad HrUasd. afur Ua uMlhrc'a msidiai namr

I absald bt |tod U JO. irosld rorrort pour lUlomrol. u tba Im

diarrml aad tbaa dossrau aroM lha UutE


aajthls, to ba‘'Sittod“tain‘’lK

thr aiMbfT |i«a^ Kiaasiu


dope’s steel Casements and DoorsiS PERFECT

tba ascinad rdllp of Ibr Undrr all lb.

ffcr-MiirE;;,-a d-irms lii. o.r dorm tbr h™T TJ":


A Sheer Dense Massnot ('of bia

(art Ibal tha dM lira to aaa hustotha fall Uda

" '^olb^ Biidra

'"icr'Sr.rCaa ihb aoBOBt l<o_7aB ' '

Toun ale-. "OILOIto"

<4 il not a saaa for a hatrp pm. I (bBTha armaad »/- cr 7 dart

It la bnsrrar a staa fcr lha tua- oaion id tba aoenaad'a dririmt

mr I ardor tba turpondrd for IS r


<u VUlBlua-d rr ol p^tp if. to Ihil oroor

Hlatod to ooaaoltAU tbroo —

aboad R^UbJ

•Iba eoDi lurthrr to hit

It t<da arrrrTtd to tlio riiht ol III. r.iml rriib Ihr rrroH that a brad on rslliaion ailb tho rooi-r b;rioI.i ooou.rrd on tba none alJr

Bit oor alr-iTfiss.'r Slocka Held In Nplrobl.

PrloM on Applioetion to the Sole Afeate.1;^ it oaU *nUnPohmarp 18.

If <ra look doir. oo look at mad (||«B Nahom to Kiaa PU|aUto| ila aortvn aad . n IM a fact Tba trip map ba Jcor now to Itoa •aalbrr bp oar (to oomforla^

^l-<rrathrr road, and

tod-r^id-ni u .0 m.”ll!h to bTol rulwa.r capmo. No upital Oipondllun. Ol . roona oMrntrp bnne. cnolar Mom thin oapon- dlliii. on makiof fnl mod. tboods;.-' ~

fOnrof Ihr mod TV- rimi-d of IV n

lull Ik-b -•tiioal-d alBEALES & SMITHSONyrtr Anumj tbs airirala of O'lrrra.

-tfi mant oOcdalt in Kanra, IntimalH to lbs Of/itU Ooaafia art tU kL

1 otu Io«1p| W. a RlVa, EuRitorr rd rilhrr ooeounta andii, frora loa|v, and

V. ShllcB, Inipoelor Lotal os ftm appoisImrDl.

1 alio iBtioiatrd IbrI lb- f -llo— iii( hata dmarrd on Uar---J. C. nuailMti lio*.. Ciatriel nfrun-r.

aatiaf Iba bio* to IL> taeo ' bp lit Hamm andra-dr&c

sfrom ROPhone 108 NAIROBI. Box 3S0

Vforr irrnn -V r>Mrn-r Iliadrd Ibal tba

pashif auCaimt alimloto E IB dHHnp wtiilr talklnp I" Vlr 0< bmIb-T. or h,- Inal hi. knol on |V-

1 r.f Ibo mirt.-r orrir an!V. ll„. ripbl.

Ttif aoeuard ia-an I bu drirrn ai Iba eonlinaol ali-n Ih. rule ol tv road la IV ,.ppo..i. lo IV Colonp

!!j ^S-poai 0^

aad om««nc rarlatp?

K. A U

nhoUp an Iho. to

LAKB BArrmA.ilton

MilOira OBBIBB COItraen hard DT 4 0AT3 mot laUU»»07Lld-.MalmUAMnBibaaa-llaaBfaMaran RaprarmtoUrn

f« narora of Slo.'lii’lt tU'l

Ihtn. K nunill nl lalt on lha UrI |«uiUotnl

General En){lneerln|{8.t-dord,"r Hr BdiloT. ■■ g A Sir,-I boor mad

}oiir artfel. to io.dap'a !h. lubjut of • ■

Hailnp It ,1 icKrnpa?

Xi-iS'isvSL: ar.icSiiH'iiill Tbr rflMI of tlHaip>.(M TV aUrrolimi. If'ltoa In

ihe rlirualo uf palAa of iV Colonr if IV rrapuadro oapaoMp of tV

ia roMirrd:—(a) In ttia rolnp araar». a mn-

udrrabla toliima of drlrHnl mnol

amphatia OtttVula A Bapoim UaohiDarp A Paotarira arootad. CoaUnca iB All Ifatalo.

rd^lablo map V rrfardod bp mcia at a rpinplaB Uul IV rallnp to makinp iu diapoaitbmi for aTHEt'^-rssssr,-;'r.-’iESiCE.TElS'haarta •» knon that no thaO tVapo aard a mllwtp adtptod to Ik- arririsM irr ref)iilm Wa drill.nj Ibal adapUoo


BlaoMoal Bapairo.naaraioea, datopt with lha liom: Iborr

r la obloisliipJiTTlauppbaa and madOVERLAND 'TBUIDA1BB-- Enoihold Ba«pcalln( Tlantl.£;h Utoughlnf

IV alr*p atopu •Ida of Nairuh.

a imlina nlaea

ilto. LoiiUiea8 IHoora A Boy, Ltd.m tv vraUrn

■ ■sr;.- laV A

frera lha a. M w, ■■ on tha laka

tbaro. -to Ibo

duo to contain icradit lain IV

ImH of Ibr Ol. tir. will V cDBaWaiiiod lamio: iomo I tor maatii

Futorj SlkB.SAIRODIt- r o. Boiu from tv 'T5B: Kcm.ONE AND A QUARTER TON TRUCK V d-nooitrd •r -tViltto

rtfumM of bouldmoAs Supplied to the P. W. D. and Prominent local Tradesmen lowinir at Ibroa ralra, on^l ■ktl tba tnniol lorramc —A dririlut to IV laa CkOSS


U/L3£225 FORtba lord oi iV rtnfaro

,1^ USE ONLY TBACTOBS-toar i.eilin* op ol tv IcoV bM.5 Detachable Steel Wheels Arr (bar. ao oaloolatinna to

A Deer wrllM;

No Split Rims irvE'Sany other, whclhor for hAullng or UAUonAiy work.

worit.v-a -,f Ibr lakr OBrfaes. .nil thna. kp mdwin* V oraporaOrr etpa- rilp. dimlnlah IV mnWnm to tV iir ffowins owr llo .nrf

r altor IV mlnftll lo rMato r-atrirtad arraa Tbit l«. pmkahlp

Bodies Made for aU Purposes to Your Own Specification. We find that 'CROSS ' KeroMoe U the only fnel which ariU «Aad up to the hOAry load witboolFrom £20 ' liinklng.'id*v

aid' The Shell Company of East Africa


mipblIt ia a qumtion of ■Birraal.

A IbM cpMattoa owoa to onto ami JAM h t WM apHom am W

It -TMoulton & Morrison Ltd. IIVmpHra'to

6lh Aveour, KalrObL Hall'. Guago, EldoniL- Kaaam Ebitbim. Kampala.


jgEEAOT wFRrr.AW tnmtftA»i>"1 do everything easily now' REYEUtlES OF MIAOU mKlfflli ' ' ”

JOOV K aUKEASCFOIAREdPE. lAKAimtAs moAi I wr heedos soan

WEAimc« iWir dutm Ur ths ssnir

H'Aen children play ' a>«y mtw be wein

WheoUngoofuHl ■ ■iillade it Is

that the child's

TWH^MAfria, ■ IMlA/ricuAWieifa

Rd^FntiriLtemiidi.Asmsot Wb ban GaR tmnmk. 1b

Wki VliRtai UL•r:!Z ■ Way. appear

^V.•bCaaL a waminfnlifhu IwtiTsI A>a>;e.<rfi.Ur^

Ivms wWeh «, being lha atandare hu Ims ih, ^

psM hy ibt Ooawnnwe, w Ilm., ^


n* o<In wnrvvi vHh lb. ia«i n( ib.

Cam sna. Itobw. k ra««tnr tb* a&Mn m FUmstbu.

-' -I or a>mu*B •• the rmrt ..a.,

U. PW.,realaiaocehwitikr need

lent withl^S.«»T ITk H«»«r Ifr JwUoi ^•.n^ G-tmilw «t Dwk.-S.tt4n. um lb.

Ah. t-g.

may. sod lonbin lb. rfwel of lb« twH n.» wbM Ibe <wh th. (Wi nu Tcrt kill tethnot. w .II

- (tad i»IsUtwiibM.. *»wUy or

Mir) d.« 'h* lUnawniM w.-, k OT.T fiT Mhrr yw

XhortdM Km. BvgMd. utr

Hn; ‘KEPLER’Cod Uver OU mo. Malt Extract


liT'bktor. eP lb. mum. by ih, ik.1 lb. hiohm pMid n,ti..« Nohnbi k ■ normmnii .n,-.l._

S,T.' ' Mr M-<V«sby. M.lfl, ,pp^ b, Uk

■Mtm ootiT.rm

<lmwa CooBWl,Mr U

Hw!' n'kwdly ib.iri by ma. of iukUoaw. Tb, dwout MMeia..

hilly tmidi .n »MM On ib. oihw IM Ilk rub ui4 tb.

rM hMt. rip.r ■ kwr (j *34-10'.ml. r-dgri by tb. ^

■pMyribyth- Atrku. Uh

briy. Boriw wjiii, oj) bowta. tik SrbkU. js'or’‘ *- bMrwUy

kUlk: UUwrthe gainea “Wy mow

Aim » much

aid id ■rmfo riwatoi] ft fULCPMB • Co , LONoorrb Ue Oov? redunri to

I “ tba tboy pbkdriwl«, rreuld .ppror. in .ytkt.

::i‘« ^sbr.pi. bort wd ftilly Tb,A atf vn-^. unj I Jo ooenf-

tetilv. It it invahaUe.''(Min) AE. P.


A Boots Al«.„ 8„,„BUir. luDaow* daiMy opportunity to bsw n glorioun imnd of ntdrury bim-dniffl lif.,sTukTla •wSr'^f M»«y, ud Ihoy nub. tb. eigblsmid mih (ludr pwdwnaahim.


Rm lb. forluil.W luliT. i. mi,

ix.tbn b. Im lb

taiori Uri. Mmrind of rrn....

■hntnc’or riom b. owMd Uw do...

ia bktrrir. haotyp. epoM, lad


Vadr. Ibo in Ug.*.

A aMiw. it it tUtcod. bM bwu murdond M KMdfeu- 1W hmd of^llk bod^kw t^y fiMturri.

Iiuii Combo.Tan. Iintbw


fOn/schen Sa/is •*““ “ho rirmi «j^kjrila H m. tItoMtmri Ho. tb.^ Cwd Hmlib tw . Fonhi., . d.,. Boa.Furta rorioM.. dny o r-i lb.-n u obi" la oom no tbrir oH'onrr lion nad ibo bnmunxd bouo-vlfr

to Urn abm b. rs.‘;rs'!rjs«* nra tnnUn.Vmi „.

Ba ia BOBO olbar fcrida Ma oa tb, bank of tb.

nald that Ak



wbo laBeoti tbo giM-k, gwurnlly. nl bw otto' nud to tlk.. in n Inok of finh nt tbit

owiril ta lb. din. fltbwmwi (0 (0

nlW Ibntr dnOy rntob

•ri pomibi. ofkhi lb.rt*.bniig msb cd lb. Mrfy rakaimn.'* rkn.~<or H may not b. gi k»omi tbai dinmiy k Ibt

d d<M.>b.B

ol muiAari by Ok

Tomra bod . abet gus thiafatto’okkbialbauuuai

vwtlobe byBiabapTaM,'Dry ClMBlng A Dyeing Worhi I*™w th. iitaad It _^aa. K tar atiDWBBAOdTlB* Oflet;

tBf Sbimb, Botu BnUdlB^Afrira ritb tha mkataury. Hk

• Pta. ot

- 'I*, ta Iba tar “.“cTi^i,

Rtonat ?“ *™" Dtawad

S'".?£T‘.H'L'i ■ =“’3V7,.3,.*“ri

TialIblo k.■owoai vifl abortjy hnrrm la tb. mVtaiukoa Sd 27*’^ '' ^

Pioaldael::rz, PiiaatuoB MikKa

atBaatbay. Hr7 n aal laoaolyp.inti-

c^'.Jla.'^runSSS’b.i::;kdin M SoabDi. Anbk aad h.1! . dmm oibn Balka Imgii

At Ibt noml Mombam SjBod Md ia KairoW. b. talrr. prmri lb. addrm riwn ly Hit

AfWWriTiBr thk kvf i af lb. Mpaid aaBtr k N-diob:

--------iinJi^m'2^rndri an fntuiiat. ia luTiet i

' mtb^k ....plicn.l

an MRpIr In hk pmrlr.

bji 27Uilnl»24

ISth in 1925DK preptred, (or accldeab hAppen when leui

expected. A burn from ihohol oven doof-M-aa.., a

• oni-iy p«iufiil

from B knUe or a can opener -tibnitse a apnUn. Tbeae ara afl

Buk'a aDt)aai>tlcli.wllnd.B««ardaig iba___ ___________

lb. prcoiutioa (mdunri .k.

-„ .uT^- hiw«w. dankd bar. . Tha ana .( th,'B^doaa to. / Said b« bam a.taBdribVr

hi r- mkatkia ■lamag-d, hr IharDaghly to

JCC^IpSli^bSSSw naaT

k laranlrd m' 9th In 19264th1n 19273rd In 1928

7Z iltll.inmaltan tad rwrfling li i.lArYM |a<. anil <h ki 11 'ilint alB.t Iniini

Ifwoodly, Zam-Kob k a■ ■ aaiutplb : U

and ttcIndiH <li..iji

E;“£?:;3 ■Za».thU

Barav imHi aad Miwairi tUa. whichi Mbklo biO. kom ibr air ■pqqkbJy.

la Ibt caoitae.

i;lunoiy aaj ugy, bnrdrriag

n Ikibal chaiirlw. Itsat

to-Bab h thabbiaV

iag“■"’iiSSE"*”” _ __ Lkri firrdort fram __

a am M Ibr “*’> '"'“wM dm*«

■r. jy: ..ti-jiSA-iir''wairn. rrwar mt trmdm rtfmmirr,. ».« amlirmt ^

oatoral e..1tril?7hlU ■boughi toot Ok .«!, _ _tg bimakf IkMmg ih. aomid "" Tanguy,bs

a.rL'a.i:dr“^^|miS' «ral blew

Tk Dit Stum.ISf.

'aoI^^U* 2ow****h«««i!£n*'* New ■ tfae^reoeg yoar't vnigmeot Chiyrie* nhlbltad

imda in Uu tbaHorlhnm

ry Tha ootainbwa. talari ri

of^Ipa d>

BBWBBoanr at both as»

-aa MJ

«ss“- HAH t=rs,r:;‘wrTria 'am-BiikTh. IMpartatW at A^irelMW


In four yeare, public prairreace ban enabM Chryalar to overtake and paan in Tolume of Sales 94 other


Th. Ibbd mtkw, b.,Ik.ri

tiisrS'Hi'...y.f~.ii"r-",««.n. ............... I k

IB tbolotra. ri bd.


An '“a'obSSS 01 22•L**'


hX'KUavlBwkbo SM>,i-rA2'oS

I* bsa bWk mH tonr*. Ib«t» MtkiBa.



of orlkta.S-rtS-l.'u ■“j.K

sr!£::-.S“.22S'™.rvi'ly and watmeri biai


Ho 1

Only the Best»ss:;cr.,.S;

IIOM.At fina 41 moneF can boUd.

I ^Nfam s BosS!Dlstribntors: nr . .li 1.11YORK GARAGES Ltd. n.

tAIBOBI. Tbi Iwt opddsn ood tho ho,, .twom oro no*I'"' •I'-I ."»S

DOBBIES ltd. Nairobi


■ «■s s sHfc.


w44 m nvnojLM ■tmiuf. KUOS f. tmrt wi«A»rA?igeAy vTAnuunmuBUAnn

ROUNDiL r>«t: rrfrfk KBnU ROAD BOARD.r 1 SPf SIMMB' jEBi tfiiCM omwi.Try ^..BOVRIL and Soda

i »B»n iM iVi funner pru

PrCa^eBsQWnn ODT MVIUMO iiwouiroiD A 1V«gA Oe i Sctrci Me(% tbe

' SercMesPkHuciLis this

itEitetM.u Iks «

by (be peerU— IVisn] in a Tpadsa dslfdinr.*4(bar ndsMiaa

Ike WIk April, n pr»- s ftrr

- -tks*-io TS»« M um (kal are the Worid's foremost NEBVE TREATMENT. IfecR contain fust ttiose IngredMb wiach enrteb tbe Mood. boM np a beatlby nerve systeim and correct aetdily and Oats- fence. They Improve appetllfc


Tae Meal Sommer Bevera^

! Miiety. Ram-o Abn-a. Tmd, ood lolnema-

no Mrmry M brao.

, ------ JUavaa »»• • CoooeJ laaetiiiaIW, tke mil.,,, b. mW V. »» » rid. -• ^. no.'uw'i a leral arMs.atitMonlJ

tin sirWal

repnmoiUUon.'’ tfca fealloe <.f lb. aaaal-

Tbe fbil hvaJoaaa io Ike tin. OOa. la J.,,*, ^Load. httSkiri Ike orfly

U. laM—Cokola) lUilviy Com- d The tWdaai (Hi C P

*" kko p^.•“-W by k^fa dean

■ oitiaaaa Tb,, a, B tba Ciamaii Cbatnbee. . plma-

anih kuala

• H A HuSIMy I mn.iBS lb. eimgalua. aaad.i c. i.S".aalMaa*

bariiw sbabiad waa Ml batlar to pm-

1..0Jbom ra-tuU... paopoaai p,I .pUk. I’ainMT. and Captain Uaia. .


■ -

«ba lb.

of tb- *’>”>*N*a aad pineaA. et lb.

■amaiac aed fka Adnnn.Kmi,, e, oomnw varn (kJ A C >; “ Ckn'r*... tbe d ts-uhe ri

ibrvutl. >ka l^d^

- 0-1 out ipanaiatTk. mudisi .setroaM Un

Hoo. aecraurr i« vrii. fmtbolib

■allTky ■anaya

Hr. Michael Um... Bsdrnlood lb. BallPay pane kavhii wBipIeteOj

l/b.''!nw’urfw,bt.d IW.flV laHr a fariW niary im

The Boa :and Mr C

Hr A

mU Ihal ba abiakpriata


cataaU, .paaad,;-illsater PMaaad .r reipb^WInna Jlnja to d-partni. . Be

A1.SO GOOD POH■■Kunpato

Oanikt Ibal akUal tli.y bar. they mhrtil have don,


. ----“nM tncaJ loarkd la It £rp,. ritb a I

bam* tnbaidlajy

,3W. G. fiEID.a o^mu^maeet. Lie.,

tBaaeiil roMraata wane eJi’ d pnoevlicn id lb. BMmlMldM

i'^uom. OetRlnitom

aoiae lot Ht rallwar. m that h waa left uti . Sn<m they wotiicl all be

, , .IlreotJoi. fron Kamjala

lrv»v-le;n waa be (ba table at all -1/0 A 4/.

chrmlelH A per iMw.- -itiZ:..,., „

tta iUtaHmi ad a ibTiHifh Ucaada wHb aeufAw .mc

."S Kmya «Ibr-rold.lanclnp atMoi ilw proper for an ettendoei Tbe aoon-r Iter ntnib. abnni Ii trnnld Sal IL

Mr. Faihra aald he waa vary risd tbe pslol had been mbed by

There waa a rt ' Io Iba rSerl tbal

Iba nHvty raoebed M (« rovirit In

fjeiw or mMa**’ *'’* *" rbe wa.ebcH.e.LOKDON. E k.wei. Mile I*

tofnlanMaoee. Miataled baios abb H. pitahioa imitiadulely flmi lha cgp.(eoe------ ---- --------- • ■ -Iralm, without My pits! Ha bad atiowtr nrudoewd aad *tppad

qu^Uy, ^_bb

'Sivs.r-stb. nwrrrrioa of

Mr IteranI Wdliiina.n the

, aUtad in a i >1 Iba 100 ton of

to data iwproao.-I—ihrwnl MT on I

Mr Wilhutw tart ihal ihie b.Tl


ainl. CoffM, Maise, OoUod. Oil SMda.Ibay•hooftal Iba edd

•r b«l Iba iraai

£?‘rZ^r* ““oloo Id oolj Maca wwa rwM

P«*ri»d al Unral. Ibaa in

a ape.'iaJ railVn ■N 17.' wbMb baa twen d.i.elnpadrt Iba Oomromaat ataUnoal

*5 ..D-«,lh.^i

Hhl M^

t>»»9He5ectedPlanl, RtoKa lha

•.ytng RDd Co Orders and I

5'r... -e.,™,,. ......J-e

«u. Witbdra.1) rould ha trroamPurib«.

s:■ ■ piiet

I Ml. no*alTMdv hill H. J

e:: iao..-! t'fl/pnjTldaihara waa alao the autwli(>n of r... Inro fmlihla >s eedd abwaf. anda w«a diaifba if»i Ibai. waa. aar^ huH. Is U^nda wUeh

to Ufanda ibe tt»ec loken lb. tnsni ride ..I

BMsa sifiaa away frmn He Ihasibt It «

to have a romnuretal

Mr.''MZr^l<hri'iKal I aeiitbiRnt that pifait id s-inr' Tliu.itrj aK<n bi «-• :.i ]Usuda and that b. bad .eraed I Iba: ‘tore >1i >uM roBi.iervlal ti mJIa-ay Mirvey

Mr Fstkrw •bad alTMilT idprvui.bulecl rf n eernplirirri ralU.iy

• In reanda tbrv 'II. ih.ueh! Ihe niamlur


PO fioxMt, UUMBA8A

mmMabs & Vaudine.. w. n,»j of oanyias HsVsa dlen OeOai.Mrs Gailokbll.

Special Display of Model Kac«Stiga. 900,' , Kvcniuif l■rQlg<oH ShRM 90/1 Wanhinu Silk KrocliR. .'^t<H-kinKt'; Ktc .Pioneer Hold, Kldoret. during ibe

ILDOBET SBOW front Monday March hlh. k' Thursday March 8lh iDOluSivA

MAllS & VAUniNK, will show a Prockji


had .-tr 'tiri |r-im Mtllb. .*bw Mite

' I th. .nnartlitie

M.|1>11I TlraahMl mr>wHH a email, i..» riaff it wradd M .thaoal^ Ui. r

InfnidiKiriai;;.:.- UAJIWTABUTfeM

alTba isRway oad m .weaMuasw

Aiw-I ki.JMjary toiluwed Ib-t and

HsEtEE:™I.rmaarri ensirm. b-S!5»r^sHan Hr.

at..ul l.cnil frr bmncMPMolo Timber Company.iPropriskir. W. J Uasaton)

EataMIshed lOlS.Haad Offles; RJOBO.

Tihyacii: Loodrla*. N)oro Crwio: A B C Stti Bdltton

b^mth. auifae.SZd“ n *" Th, Innl^sol that pneb.

ISa Hoe Dr £ be Ad sot ibtDk iidM. nnUI they I ratln trank Unr e

>-L,| Peps■'tn,. treliea reecnatruebocDontar aakl bi'i I they eonld d.i

eotiie til he. wbeis Kenya awrad. ibe

knew where ^ trank linage


tor aand t

a 31 ...I..., ...col -.11.1,.*., r„J,, rtiU r.,n..iuldiflleull. m view .f ih. iirtln...

rrwncy cnndilau rawilUoa tnm paM ..actradinf." |

owins Io Iba lorn Dial

MW JS■aolra Iba Xa(v^ Ib. bemdary

jo^ Ibairand a EkdalJ Ocmer wao

.leclad U.. fWrel pwlad.CEDAR Urr for fka

ba Vftn^doetded

topnali I to write and nik tb.

MOO, M'KAO, M'SKABAQI. aad KOXU, M4»m, floorlBgt, and Munldlng a ^iiidiHty.

DOCS6 AJfU ^1X>WS licm ssasansd Umbtr).

01 am‘eS?’-5.T3ba tt aiWanw Ib.

tradrwA fattar froB tba read m faUosai

mitblpotanoa. aa it tediaatod that Ib. Monte Carlo’s Motor Car Rally

FIAT’S TRIUMPHkriier daud Iba'u'i


or mads to ipstUeMICB. ^witai oepcBB

ad. Wlib reraed to A. >«Ur»t <d

lb. .MM. faU b»l bran. * ' ' temnerary ran.,, would ba 1 Heady

**"* U» ” '

Older Toot Ooftss Trays and TuUa So*.

YOKES, nuns, FELLOWS, B». Prices on AppUoaUiM.

Urr Board I

»4.Ihma lloatda la a

s-rifc.~TwiS''rf WUrwm' tt Xt^ri.*:

to WBilsUa. and

Tba Kaoya OffwU Samila sti

'.SSm'IS iS te,'!:;« r-best tarn to ctim(ieu- in tin- vitv hAnt li.'«I 'nif iinfavciiir«lilr soasou^tho raiiT tno'w^”Ti""^ ?k'' ‘ir“wu upiooalitios hsd b«-D InuintDnncJ int.. ,nKdii. Mihailkd »hs^assera tost Forty flvo caw. sfler hntinu ovotcoms all ‘h* rtrtrsni to a ....FIATS which had left the mosl ilintaatlocaliiias of Euf^ snro Tory mi^ nH^plj s’


•. W. r>tkfonl, u.wdwBB, H Aodan

'!L'3J ill Hie -‘■IlL'tUinirr,?

iMaCma. B. AlBnbnraach, W ginaar. PWD. Niburu

Th. dirmt'wt hidwhbm...

___•tmoUas dsUas binlW la bondilp of tba flemd

'■Th. peiriooa floard aod lha Hoard both ooaairiad of

'SiKTirBriiT. . :_____ __ that In tba

hrateMBmrd IM Diairiet CaB-

wnSwritt Ona fat praetira •« Iksf In I

id*"-tbona s*n

QUAUTT not. tnioi im.


) oT 10 t>v iwnl. rd lb. neriM I.

SI. ISST, .1 wbieh d.le th* Jd. OlfU wi-v -I p-.-r=

miMlIsol lb. Ba* Indie. drun that II.M.a "BaafA

Io aarivo Is Bontibar on iima HHb

8nd-Malarrt on Fist Mod.—Km. M.«M.

ard—Vetirigny on, atariing from Bukarraf a " Comfort " CompetlUcm

•Bd. illTTuril.t.l, ■!IS. «K nm riehlaka

-‘■J-S,.109 ,U«lm, tara Kornlib,™. rt.B.,ri„, nra»I,. Prt,. a.bwy BBdaeMsada

fdT'renticB d ^

riZoTW-rs i,"!i beW in Uonln^nrionmonAfter (hetacriberForolossdMBoMRf

CM nots; » fa onTAUigR. Opsn ran:

THE EA!*T 'PfllBAK irAHflABD. UTC^T. MUCH I. UMlUTtiimxr. uucjii 1. tm.


MiRGUffS ncm DIES ........ I I -___raw KNIFE ffOUNDi |j

foAiiiwi^aup Sore Throat?•fWBst Nalhtl




n> k. hid

ss-ini isssi'isiM «rdrr

RbxaMli tf-tikl. jri. Tciru> .< jtM diBt ln*l U propirlj. ird ulMn out iinn Mem juu r.>W tuM of kumiul iIcQUiiL trM

The ler. MiU mom

eirrJe ud • denfer.lTiii”i?i *> elop ^ peia

(oli (mweuoo efeiam chretta •eiditT and ■rtomaeii uJmra raa theold u» Aeturaled' UapnaaiL I» O'uknlien .-id inaUatlT, and

■•f Iba

No. 5.

TBE ISI£S OF GSEECLIBPMIAI U "I. A I ■■ br - UHon mwm.") . Rattled {rad Ihea frama

Ukt-e f:!h Ttm, tain tmmaJialaIr

ForniamintFom.«mlD< JartrB)a Ike hannfut to mouth oad Ihrool •nd to curot Sen ThroO. It pretocU - - f.mH, wiatl

IV^r* ■a r-W >br H R. ■hooi to taara for :h. i.luMk o( the

tivniu. .ikl a. dH'L-md *iih Uw

•ea, *bra U>a &. aODim. I'lreeu. i-uraa«r plaoa

m. mod juiidiad Lafiiad iba bUh vhara I'lyeM aooa alood tad vataliad hit alitp tvapiat M ««««• ni HllITA.

Item t«fd«i» -4 eaoard:to aoeourafe

daUaiiaaiitt. W. all drita daa-

Nobad; IU:‘:itiB, bp rafflotint (haedTnkeri. r« Ua Bdil„r. ■■

fc,—The prMMit lUtr of alabito K*,p,, whiah i, u» clram. a

treebU. (tna (piiek dfaadardXVJSi'iTink c,| XIV. I.

rated' Mtflwau i. aafr. bin

vz‘^xr 'atonaah bniB|i.

L.nolp trathaa aod

■Hdd.aK a 'eaihrr at That luikt aad .tv. •irpi w drak. uid in alKei- pvnriilarlT •eaul lul aa t-Kiicd a




p y-vvEs^iaii nKsTixcK.ha. . rl,h, ,c hath„

r;S:£n“^ f. ~:bs^to W. attonipt u

a.tfm attarbed lha anii, -»a


IllfiSL-S tmnv um uona S?m r-. c^.i

Sold at all aheodal.*NI ba rrp^piant t’A toothilnbi(oldr

Ideal Coffee Property...

aod beagugUt

lto“i t'alel >■ AO roB -• her. Mr Part] got lOi Ion from i. 1 ctamlr did i»«


A^inRiDAtely 949 Mrae. o! which no Acres plAntod with good-boarlDg OoSm.

ruing could be urugwl.Price £20,000.

For Full perticulers end Arm offer, epply; teDalgety & Company Limited.Bo* H.

loi.iira, and (lie I'aieo

r<r Cheteriaa an nualaa, and luv Ibair .■tittnou. bnania of g.4d aad pra- c«ua Maaaa baa aanped tba ‘ ntalnua ajaa of tba Buriat. I aaa.

modi at a fmller'a wlsdnir. la (ba ftnt plan, ila walla and plllaia wrre hun; wlih raunllna pnrtntU

rat h> b«a lb. ,

.n «al mm faaiUi, ------- n<lmr, hanrk


•noroTHsm, unoui ud sdilim.

Rural, oBough. (bn waa the nodal of (ba abip wiih a Sab'a (ail abahiif oul of the aldal " Nov


9/^^: lONOOraA'iirnusa aad a Fhiginl munun. Ran Appolo waa lioRi, and iL'Iaopte bred here. Um, aw. it thn inal and Iba faUea oolunna of tba

l,i<arda aeuttar ahiog the

■ma«t waa broughl up for diaeunioo al that Hot wbal n>«»to». Neilhm did I oppo« II

hr naa» u.M b, Ur I«al.l,

• hat w. do bo, ,1 periih.hl., .nd

liihhel wiatMa

J. H. Farley, Ltd.rain -^7?^ If-rrtV 'a^J .hnald Ub. a Inaon Iran. il. ran.

I admil frr- from

pnrtnlU not framed In MOTOR ENGINEERS.

P.O.Box 22.saill;

01-Chaim.atrdM alNAIROBI. JINJA (Uganda)VI, Avenue.

on Bund.,.ll .1 a p,i, (h.l Mr. Pii-I

not m^e .ora of hia iabnn

0, »AVI8


Hut'ill, r

FRED RARER ■ rr eonirart lo our in •hould p’r.d for our rlghla in i AGENTS FOR

Bufek. Hup, ChevroIeL Oakland A OldsmobUe

Motor CarsC. M. C. Service Station.

inn r and plaU- «rr« bound la with dlamooda


K, X^^^jlolel, “oa. toekand ill-fnling ila nur lermit

itin (ha aaaDaa M n lie rountrr. IV.pi ■f there apprm no remwf, b, the rul.oj ^-or, the oon-ra.op«rmb«

dm dhoradit 00*211. p^*^ **■.. . rno


and. Compm., « Unnb... ****

35^ '35-each. each

oMoai’..iraw BToco of ooLDimjAr. camp poldino rHAiBa^SeSh : Ss^o^^A^tV

w I

Eopuf Saba nanaTopaa. 7..nsil..r! The^poadaaoe on Ih- .«b,.ri u,Nfrrbi,

Pebruar,. M, imIt wu aOBMtfaiBf ot a aboeb to co into tba rdivtor, aad And (h.a. •, both l.mporat .nd epinlutl. eating aoup and .ad nhirae bread, wnb to .ppla (or doatert. At a gM. I am





mOLM’HBUIU fxcmnarn.

bnmful .f inl-n.iiijBe .nd In- t.irm.lir, te.lur. . toe thn.- ratid.

a.ii- >inirai> aentiment MUr CKivers ; Jams


.'-.•uourt of whit. Illie. and mu..


Tn Ik. P..Sir.-tl

■•BA. Sta nuiuRrEldama Bavlne Hotel FUKIIUNO IJNINO OB

CEDAR AND POOO. to^aSl* IbT**^ a^Uad^yon .Ign.luta lo tba eiaitm' ...A, lleinemberiog iny own imp.v pckida, an,l iha fdd and da, Tni»l«d piwtnit hamra wattina tbe'-r fre^oee In (be drarrt cr, 1 .lin.ll !■) put. • »rll irh.lraeT.’r lli'tu itiiJ cite lo Ih. prar and tbni .ball baea Intaun to t—-n,” but tnmebow it didut

lo atnba juia tba rghi Beta ot lactlulBMe. v> 1 pnaad il by,

Vo m AIhra. it i. a d.y't run to Mirra, whrra »jj»e aarient h-eo -hir putpraea beat known to bln, ml(-,mrra.l in dluralae an lady-io, • ailing 1,1 •nneborty a oourl, nsLl ba aa, dlaaoewad be bit obooa <i a t>onl and abiild bna a i-t..h ,.r pja, lestabi^y

ilawSo m.t that Innl iaa't duratloo; But tbaio 4 a bUl.

bae .n> the other aid. ol thn ialand, and a (e> hundred yeria back hoan .!• Jwei. ia the pf«»a olllupi-n Bu-oke Anuad lha tine. <1 a itire. invnplira. and nerr it an olire trea bova ila hranebe., I mirvt that bit unn niicoilkeel epitaph la not eogravrd «*m:

When 1 am deed, Ihmk oalj (hit of mar

Thai lher*-a au fm'im Bald

That la fnaevCT KngtoaA. t wa. ihiBkiai bow ba

ptm arteraaUj waabad Ibo


Teta ' "MarO^. UmlW.


^T^ttdTfntb m the atonory "I ooait of in that a dhvar who had had piueioua oonriatioat aad The M of Burgatto Liaol Coi.

liu.ra Uoapiul, M- - Itni.rrail. bed,aal Durham to look tin with gold laadal. AftaraoiHyM

te; Ezs.'-JS'iauoOMivelT aa apeataiiat rn -*■ ■, of lha laboratory at LuabooiTiS

^o«mj>f tba Bttinm

many rieelleol gualilina of tbit annual it the edioctloa of itluMrn,

9Thie hotel bet been taken over by D. A KldsoD lata ol Eldont and wiO ba cpcb tor bnrinen fnm Uia IMb January.

Ec.vpl .aii Ihii Fiid in. of nl

AjteoU -B. 0. HAJCLTON, lAd., ^IROBI.oBwitha

the eeeala ol out-

o-. I. ?:record of King Fuad 'a vlaii lu>d. aaratnpmiied by an iRi rhanoiar ifaetob '

la yoiiT Ihii cnonuog 1 adjiioe alo meet all old trienda andvlail to Rita.

I latefTtl. a Ifaetob of lha -Ra- Moaareh- by PhPIp

nTam-n and Imprraakma Kin.-a P/urnpean tone by fharo -Tweedy.

IWlea- lifaaad i

maay new.Mr

D. A. KIDBOV. t-aptato“i u. »- STuS^iS.oa a raah ’ job aome dart ago

rutoang to let him paaa. and parUy owing to an tdrained trror of indgmiet oa ha pan. ' cut In" awaidad lha DB.O.

oan'in vbat waa no Limit .Cokmet Bl-nrn wu OC ~T7, al- Hoeat narbarl HoagtaL Woob

had hh h- l«M. a^ B H.O naaia wapaadad for thm. IPS to ICOe. wbaa ha waal oa aontia Ha waa act atoppad at laliiad pay Ba acatiibnladSJrsKHL-trr'i:: s:£7zzsi:^"s.£ KTiLEss;? tat;

Gommaad aad Surma Diriaioi. la ISIf ba toinad the fureaa in

,“mM 0 c.®i!lliiiiSamlary BaoUm In UIS ha vai

mantioead la dmlelun loor t-mea. orraM , uH

Kri, mn notoeaf lh» raagratnU.Kenya Investment Co. ltd. bemabaaM reaafea dia.

rnptire nutiea, thn ranetv of arti- rha ranging Ipmi Hnaraphbtl

i^lbfVetNed ■aanhaile wh^actieiiy rwa e, thn rariety

i- )■■•of Ibair many MandaSAdlar StTMt. p 0 Do* mnai toft 5^-* eS^^NjtrJrta

S;,*L:rTba brida-a gotog away dreaa

ISAAgvnle for:- KIHmanlArc Saw Mills, l.ld '-Fiimiluro Hardwiodi, .. WsBl Kenya Saw MllU. Ltd.:—Caiiinhor, Podo. aod

Rardwooda,Walptimiir Paint A Dialompers:—Unod in the tedeoo.

ration of St. Jamea'a Paliwe, London.WillinEna A Williatnii. Ltd.:—Reliance Steel Wlndowi. For Sale about 9 mlJea Tram Track 14lbfi. aoetlon oom- itate M-ilh FIrii Platoe, Bolta, and Dogeplkea.4081 arrived Fete* Roof and Iron Paint,

eOOD TAILORING BUp your Coffee to Meaart. I. H. Allan * Oo., Landoo. Uberal advanoM gtTen ^atoit oOB-

■iffniiianti or agaiut ortip by arwagamMl.

.Sv?.... , h- Sir-e Canal--

HOOSE.doubt a I though h.


arwiwhil*upaeiM tolarM raelaw the premnt F dearrlbaa tlM.noermment raiN^n aadtfatmreuxBd the maay tltTM. . Ikmi lha aoDilry bohft farthe ten. •

M.P.deMcllo,nl n _______ laigaly of w

wnn.' tod akaa, thto ^ lha ha£-“SrT.sri:s?Sgar. tba briia a pUiaMMM •vtoh tat wHh dtotojadt. Iba hrfhaiufda gold brraaMa aad tto ta*lw.a.|SM(nMm«a.ha

Agmia; «. 0. MOKOKTM * Oa.,P.O Bog 4IA

■AiaOBL Bos 919. RAnon,hava heed

fi tnr •• • >" ' IlfrAN MTAMUi




DU KSNYA.t Look//Picturesque Appeals to British Authorities for Their “Property”. Rqwwhlive Conaiueto. (, Pfepm


[ CUBl BBT SUNK asuiisn M ami n ramnifcwe* Refqn li« OmvM U Bdn

to Shmy. &rsms?is i»vTHe/tamesf tfiing, in the fume


Ciw^ iMdi k in*i a«*„ I,IbbWnIt*.

e^;^i Some wMk* ago • brlel(wUonotialerMtins ^_________tlon of Abyuinian 3Ut«». wh Bcrois Ibe border in Uie Sadu.

the robli- to Uie pofli- Couaiilng at NIGHTJOHN AND JAMES

PUCH/^ANLiqueur Scot§ Whisky

\FW oeer h»rTbe Aoti-BUeer; oiul Aborii

r>uUclk>s SoelM, Im toot (bio. ......... -» I ui otBaiBC ni

Si. -r«*.

SSI* «i


prounrt ''w»a ________

V> IkM (topoMkl. .. *.>ll<KI M tM OlWll g ¥>

BVorto D) .0 PM of *■ bo renorkoA. '

CQOmi HSMIOTbtooMlof Into (ram Bir CtoBbMl., «,•koo* oMopiof OBESMcTTAPTAai


WEED It reBewa ■ ikkiinc Ihn*.s',.ijrr»ir£

W bieWoAl CANWOO Ito OMBUte totoi^

..“.Xi-jss-rrs:__ SXxirTX'-s;^ rr« .xir-I £jrru£?iirr:f«Ml » ^ »>o«o.* ;u.. oo«ik, .,l,« oea w. «« I,, a ** ih,

sj-rrisr. wiij NaaI-

•knh » .OHWP....W.. b, ..ut. ^ MboBXo lor kho «:nwlolMi Wbook. 1. UMt port. P U»

.".=•,rs'JxH10 holp ouritJrto

VIM\// it


tyre chainsCkoaiberlola ■D MuM 00 uoUniu ibo tod:*. iBd ho >0.■•Th. Mwd. ol Urt p«^ of ^

I boelto oe!{(M>) tOfotlto wilb IRS Xllw. loUlod. bort«n doftMt. TU Oooolthoitlrt.

-b« .l,,« tow Weopod loio th, th. rMiooH ... rofuto). 1 tt«,. Rudw of whom no resold uirts.- b»t ttoD U (nUful If too will

khidJr doUore tto piri W-renJ

Eooool. dww ttot dtod ’* “Til/'



VH“Bsfi^re. bom Ab^reim.“«>« •!>>“ is Ito Rooriro. M Ksrmuk dislrtn. ol ih, Pm« Pre- Tinre. As 0 rolt

>» P-«ss ol two o, Ibre. ^ r)osb, but (ton tore tea

Pt^’ins. from A^




" The more you whip me, the better I am—and so I keep on smiling.'*

Bird's Custard

IBIXOSAmrw aoo Pmttoo Ptsaps

Tihi* won SMTtodl -' “-■ Xsst Afrire and tto dklrfets I wUl (<t> ploture post ----- '1 of tbe (Irret W»r. or OritU

pin «e. b^s'rK^ Kk Ore!

OBlolt (SU At >bs tok ». «u

s ixlli""-" r rjirrA"=-;.s™ »'xs.-s„x *■•■ zrd.sxTi.'.j-S’S

Oodnref ^ Srtit to }Dln » »»«Vt ib«„ . wooanX i. our- -- “S--r<sart:-r-.a-srx

■jrx.SoXXXiyX- “- “•“■■ks. .0, orespsd bo^ 3bsob to Ab^olo.''

^b otoito eotoo tobno bm ' ' reqoost roo to rt sftor ttom

here Itouod p.;<b>s ofbw th. bto- «ot Oofor - ^ * ' *•n relere to Abr^o If |W _ to do is. pfOTldTd UT lino *n n>or btoiirrod v4 not 1,” rent- caslsio oM

bllowon sad womo om Ia, ik. worttosrsbs k Uu world u

ibo Lortoration

a dcliafallul change, and is tOTTl ol Ol;tst: thoT tore u

two. ^Krej, poHup. Odsn eioa”of t'bw**^S^'3tT ^

-ib^btond. -b

.«,Z.'wmCoManl tte.BBT”


HYBAX FUBS£?Treadle Grinders. iw.,r----------^‘Tsya t^soTc:

re... M rxiiw. .4 lor todlrt'OSii

noToaAi mm iBrm rw,

BMAB B. ■>

BLWT. AM lAjv naoBMtodsnf .tool OUR

SSIS;^ Snapshot CompetitionWEEKLY PRIZES.Hand Grlndm.

*T *h*»^ Beadboa DiaUiai. ^-O. 1______ ’ totom T. B tkab brerer .fe> Nton -All- . ^3; ^ B«^>t Uo-



~ ’nssiTsjiF”as al.wM, and <r«l boflaotoo. ol alhw hoohi -boa. tJtto ww. dtO..* to to>-

•nd, ^ mare diaatolto

lAt Prito Bh(«. U/.. *itfa Prlae 8hp. 10/. (U Bbp. >;• lor tvuj Ptotnii

*-7»Mtohud '«• BiBUdoa

to boa* book, to too itoaA H ui W“UT- W. aro tonU, h.kiad-

.^.3*kSlSLIiSiL"tor whick oa; man .w .

a^1£5,"o.wr too, witoi to r^d. not

mB.vUBib-orU i|Dlo« louod Ito rewMw to ' “ **^*wr to —irlihi wtol oUw

ssrisfkitot teak, to Utointoto..^rwts:*kto'^to^3CEDAR POSTSj

•Ul thtob (f)sfcl^sj’J,; s,-™'“ “ V; * 'Ij.-0. yto>

AT IIIJMBM to prina baj ka ant bp Tn unlirWo'IS ”* ^^'*?* '**"• ^ * !hFnk^^ i,*KjJ Md*nwwI^Slld


iinii'^:■ :;S ? ! :to 4- a to

hti THM ■' nrApiBor ” oohpetittoi,-.N.LXLJffEfS'.n KXTzri.x'i:'?-'-H no. m*,|T iu «„

, WUk toi bkid•alV-

•’•al" IM AMrea SlattUrd.P.O. 8«i m. IfMt

-WLTIIH toADtd"«l"

W- If ram, wr

Tim flto, or pUito wni bo ntoiMdI Bssn'KuM•>1*Wi-WINGRAM A Co. ^-."•“*,.2^’ I'

i*Glades Estate

P. O. HOLO.CtoHr...‘ii,. tor w,»H refrirrd2:t:

M par. to* to Ito .totonm.

.ref: Atoordlto.

r.o.B.n.S"“‘‘"T"S,SJ?r,b-«T; SN»?:r“- >mtagQtotod. (ConHotod ae Fto. «>.



Comes only from the tender India’s finest tea gardens


JHIOBLtUBUBDri fa, P.y Uj,Your Blood

thatMKt be Cleansed


•U) leaf oftlMt


t* Ih* tiinhmmM ol m«t 4.1 to lb. Udi«. OM, ol Bhotn >w. I. k. Iwl to *W ---------1 Uw EmI MrWu WniBMI

br 4

bicbBi .,T “•


fQNLY 'from ,he ,„dM

leaves of the finest tea lardeat in India ■cndtrful flavour


B»J>frto| l^.'eM^aa I7 TjmI; rettrietloo 00 Ih. (umfew ol u>

C^.ucm] Ib.t

suchruik. of---------------------------------------------- ------------------- ^ M_»,

lUm. 33. ilut to to mj m\j 4 suitor n) 14. mil ii------- - ^ The momoMlyoutaacit,

rt»a the aufunc Werrf of .choicest leas is diflrrwt from any have

before. And how you’S enjoy »- *> rich in colour,

Red Labd n the kind of «a >oij long to make a habn of—and an. •


Offset the Strain Study

youe> -m «i vhti.itoJ’i.tot*

inTbs Bn. J. P 0. On, .to, «.[•

r- T cm. TWr- I hep. K, B*, Tto. Hon llto EHnetor of Ed in-I unibntoa} rr. to•poko ol 144 Wbn. Col

■4 mods towofdt tbs Jooiwlii^ol 4 lehsnM.

boon 44at to tJotesy to


4l (bnn *"flhs 87 b’Tto I,trt Mttr.onit mm. 1 n»p» h,« ■niinln Tbo 4

Indisn rnnoto..'

2=4*=*is? fi

f- ''a^Snri-rnm too RHtb. tons, .sd Ln-toato (Ui«kto.l

iP»nniAr pdeto-. h..!,.,. of Rood bsXU. 1.* to. r«SBli of ■ cmrafnl doily din dnriac

^Kfaooltog p«Iod. Thoto formodo. y.«, hriai

potoUso Clarke's t Blood I

MijrSureft ■^nw MJ Mn SBUmf nvto

Ho wcftotod tool CoL Tito iJP' ' I ax-w! drinn

nurir oil <i» .hnn I

Rto. tto 11'i.l.op cd bfoodni,,.

onto4S.biu..•totod tbot proMind

sd oolraM

iw.-rto.s-nojrBCm-^,m4.Ui<i.d_by olsb. told to.

,1O'oa on..

IS . Mbsfontod. >bldb •»

ebUd tobe I, Mrkh la iht' olracna of^stoa

I ^- «toe*y imatorai^.

?¥ii Bln.■Mlirlindlanrititi TV. to'TlwOn. Copo 0. Aodtoioa. Conon

ITiT *Ur. BolplM, ■ Hi J. c’Sho., Oops. Dnam Boo-


. 'On sole in i-U,. Inhcl Itodsy.

osola tomm. RtoMot. ddsym ond !.«> Wr.xr-r.'-jS.'X

mH to wo«oo to IIITIbv bos. too dMiMItoo

biritoU. mM -J.MJj

pi*IMSrnromoU*.toW br=old. lUnoo.

it^nod•Mcgton oad rofiloalibet too body, wordioriUano. llbdoUcioni.otoy tod 0

00 IB “Sr^llhrtrloo.

Quaker Oats I oirt tbii Hr Hodo . It 'hr lotontos nr too .

Ub^ .hito at leimtm.

WM tool tooy to Sorwoloto o

•mU bo Ohio

or oB.nlo.lne boy-n psr , to. MobMl


Hi oukj Bond'

RdooH pAMod WIwo U olacfiok. aadyuar bowalo _ olipolod. appelil* varinbla, yon ’«-.d a coufM

*'’.an.l..rlaln’. l'd''rU. rf-

frel o>, .(omaclw liver aad bowoh I. ju4l

JiStook too

•towU oHoo tool asrobto

U«» I nut with on l »l « ond Ih. Pomiuu.

iij'Sa.-..roM to 0.^ to. hhmirB m th. AiOBteoD ond En.lW. htoo oT ran]

•nn.Biryh.. a

Ask for oad osttl.

Brooke B^dRed Label Tea

lidmn. foi torn, umuidi Th.y hod ODsMBvd lb moot ol 0 diolrilnitinii —Bo .sptfl«DeBd ilbn^on j nww

S'KSCiit.'Ztiir",;..■•l it-irt.Uw.tooi. s Khioiy tad

!n—t or >UI ihU'', l!"


tjr:;:no too potol or---------.tiMO rram tbo oollylfip distrv-u ot uvarol dbUMo had ««-. to too

dis- 1« Ih.

ConfectioneryIHESH PROM lONDON

.■nploTmut. i». on owoo*. nr Sb. IT.IO

•• Rh. R I.U .toil. ’S^” ta I.., ii, ,hn -mplnim-.. nl Hojnbi rooWUUno KH. • i2f

'"."l.r'.Z.Xi",lb. In-U. M

«ny ■•e.uio.i fiBiw—Rb. 4

■ ntuhl. ond .II-SM finoutMiii.. to to« m.vUi«to.-, nu iM, u».o, -hr tooihtot toouU h, .Blsdod 'nil plaao


tidee. SsROnd Atonoto ^ Putod ' .(Uptolo Dnmaa

d »b.Jd.j,^ 1

ur™‘'^Jpftws4od to

as uMMate

T Baotrd- Tboin to no quo lod toBomh,.to totor i»m

Nohsbi Town Couaoll bod 'asjiw

Seel this new Sports■%stoS-v>' li; anoUlira I bm or too lla'lni|ht h. «u rtebt lo uyto( 1

tool to. Cvwodto LIbiBBO tor.^ osl to. wotM WB. inoioloto.d by 1

woUh or noH to^^U^MBP-Ud to.

-J iw i™i..*L. .11 °****** Tv™r-“ ‘b«‘^^i>P^Id.-------3;r_^:fh^r!t

bsM by to. iilB <d H. sBiBtoood toot to.

rrvaW oumUr'* bni^^'Toj.

Trade Etmuiriae to- MdMn.HOWSia

»a*»i,SiMbi ud«B 4the elarao ol •hold bo bB

MeOROSOE LTD.,Hr. R. P U.;b-1 to ou tooto Mto. who bo.o oums


'I'p.iloiroi. nwn. ■ of Rhs. Hoilnb; To.

bsiMin*. n..U_vi ____ FOUNDKD IN isaa..f SouthQIfriutolBtood to too ttoor Mot. I -

toosfbl toulo’to "III1 h"^ ^ tolll"* ~of to. Ilbiwy oBRbt to he 4 nharfo too BMolsry of tor on to. ralu. I nuiiiiaujiil tonJSftSi'sr.'tr-s

*90 with tb. lodtoo, Atoh .Bi

nbUdiM tniT ms, Pri«Ii*r—rry

■fr-iz .7,T.GOODLASS, WALL & CO.’S “Triumph” Brand Paints.

Genuine White Lead. Varnishes, etc.


SniiL KEBFOf Touai

CAN APVAiaaColooy toHUot IhRB to .p upnontottou to art oa to. 1

ntordoa hod buo to appoint 0 B-ni, WB ho poitad diran tar SQs- -I wnr* win h, .ooiyud

'*5.''^to^^ I B*ik!"rud*<ith* anoBBlcn: Rwaa^o rautood Em »r.

; CoppM ototiat Ibat ih. Cmtoha ChrpiwilkM. cd whtob b. to IV

Ooputa •••aith afrfc." Ht.q.pte.wbtoh

to aoeartoto whol sutotoOM tboy aowld livo. IbouRh to. m«iU.S . wouh) b. oanMnie.1 .Ito lb. Ioirb ... n^ioa s( lihrnriu lor Ki«yo m a . titm

.“>•1 fnf-r Ils. do-Of/wiaf

a-siiS’Sirs^ r/.tnfinkaM. Aeaoto far Koop. Cfa. «ilr..Aand Ueand..-

BULLO>VS & ROV, LTD. Naikuhi a Kami>ax.a.

Or you. Local atoi.a. ^.oppoiat a-----------


srrsh.n^"‘.j‘srJ2‘tbTNTBfcHH. tohs w!Sajm (Ro'l ritoto P.wi) ^

romploiMvETefTlsdys keep a bo* io the howi

lihmniM KoranKncBl thoW BbdymiUo. ol 81. ntL.! < w. th.

ife powB to e» • OBfaurChoBfau asJ Stem mM smtSHH/ar1?. y. BM^warir rjx «

untoAT.THl Bxsrr Amiootft », IWMTUKDaT, MABt-H t

TPE EAai AimCAN gTAWnfc»nz nrWDAY, MAlUll X ia«

Nid ihA Sodaa!

•f • d-"-*!* '

d-d B„p, ,


i 1^1*■■1^ *«• ha oMm. •■»! r,a A PLAN TOR NUOmoTECIBBy




■kt ttUrr i»n **i «fwf> ritfm- KMMf /- lh< tira* >»ywM.d

rVaaM cad m aS Caan lAa aaaa cad addraaa af Oa tfiDr • cal ctaca»f«c| a tadrr. aa«..acaacHlr fiTpahWI- ha<at a fMnnln «( foad laiih BrnUf It alaa taaaai’ ’

_____ Lt___u_

Ir Iht Ih.

<111.1.:rt ^t.RKri

Vtuoa Mt ia Inpaiial alltiii

OGDENS » Sovitl Propmab f„ Complete Disamament

»Hn OR « OA luvAi nwxonMac S«cb It lape .( Nrim, ,

If GaAlim

■ssar■ fanatitad Wr-ktw^

oonor uvuiii,A'laadaej "bl »*« h-n lakin« pU« bn„„„

lb. l) ud K«yplUB Ooraro. Brua retanUac ibt fui«n itataa

Waltiajfca, Naw : It, ■ tapeaM

r—'^ -tail-e

r.i_iiit *af iha Unlbh*«rin. ____ll«liJ><«. of tb^ paJltkal fit« ' tlon al iba

r la appandt fna.


i-X::'.!'"*'''' ■■' t#;

nt In Cain that w kan natM a

a daOnlla

in Idm aci«r*»tu bWticMIlban tbaa bnpaa- ^^>ba



ha aoaiaa ahool (IdBO a ;<w'h<^.•—N ate.. 4 b, WbiB ^

*bo ttata ,n4aatad ha an—tal Icna M.m Iba^mT l'™d>ireH l.BOO n.oh.i.eiM" ■«

4,iloaae of Oo»ni«„ ^ n, ■• .................. Phrdan

AlIalia-iihiBair«*. liwUik,•lie ui ihc oieanlfaiia (o dab,

1 Hrt-

r: • ihar a, thn aapm

dj'iJ .1. atblnl *

“>4 alao apBaatd n» .

« BOdlfplBa I eaarniial loodMiiffd-fI KaonU.

P<*catr, », im a far anad, breg«li» iaiai ■'

criUriiai of ao, ttenf tbdi pollr. In Bcpi

ia Bad. and________ ,fata of ihf necoUaUma fa knoire. The draft eoiurtlludoo of tba aav roKime in S«7pi

aitlalaa of food

H.k«a '/aabnaKMom Km« inaer, z\Raifwi, frafabb if rx",£ajra“““'S

pabifabadin April im U dariarad E(7pt to be an Independnl SUta, |b ttoiartk, haradKar, and Iw ifoa- anuaant rTpraanuiiaa. Britain aonfemd on Ui. people of Spypi b, that an a-flbari, «blah

boon Ibain £« nas, paaia Iba aaoBlr, a

Itrtadbmlufaap tba IVanlanrsi.,“5rnl. •1^

Tba Oebs, aa a >adr, hit b, (ha

wteb fau

bha’i 1928 Bifan. nnuT Of 1 toup rnswiiLKLIfaBmaiFhalorr acd it

thal (ha ht-S. - Thai. Hootri?!.ba aUo “iJS??;!!.?'*"*aaleaa nRi tatfa acna n« evra marar*and •urmiT'la ban^rjfa^'nSJST. d!aJlw'tI.I whith It had ioal. Kina

h'uad mieraadad hai had tba ae

briud CmnnimIbiiliilSWK.s.'S'irei's;-no, I. Mii..“M"I"

craao and that it ia i


b.v Ua Aitmlrall, fwee aatimato nil „

tba Throne am]tool anppon of

nreal Brfirii) in bb dUBaoIt poai- Iba Tbcrt bara baen oeeaalimal"iilbnrab ap) Iba maiirtananei of UHlbh aotiirol Lai R ba, been

iditUiut to Ibciar aeoiiBi!it..| Cbe iiitrii-aei..a of 1,^ p.i|iii.

I’m I'*'thi {erulltrl, ern«)|!i. of Ihe .liluolloii.

La ai|vrtcil of • penpl- •il.ldenlT ipfrerail the

pmapaat of frcadoBi Thera bara been Ino ,fat» of tin eicreW of patiaiioa aod no oaendon ir.i

whan tba oi-an a: premnra frea Briuln

Dorinc tba that InDpomry pariod Ufa aapin tiona of tha

,7tiK“rr.K's:^> **• Pt—arrinn ol

miooi are . Iba fault af a«tant fuatdt.

othar rataloed luTTied

and :7r-a-tb^: *wrda thanid ■S'a" That.aa Uw, kaea 4an- rvd faialnal ihor


■ r"’ivSlireUhllih. ■iEHkSStba (Kwaiuiiitiit n

•eoiirle paata with otb-i fiUfaa in Iba acme aeocrap’i ini .nm a, the '’"I’^P^riieal and tnaaihla fortn of

piaen'K a la^e import dot, on ai: loodaiufl romiot inlo Kauri fbl. data I rnoidra *«>ld Iw

■loUlil, wharaear rapiciEa)miodak)rila'.'’^iK

Ba tolniadpeodiKaa ,aa>l/ l.dinai(. .9.1 oeUa ..e

Sis; m tb. R.non poUoafa Amorirnto n

iKaoTHX Ukac omn. u ..A.MOT ,Wb, 'abould

inoh palceawbfab

“S S'r."•J.,.:-; M .MM

r£S .,-£iL£

rp ii.e "Sri.—Inaltenli.

fence ia irnrrellv ranaldaaari i in.litiduait. inafBnbmt

diaadae.. "±_,„^pranma oibnfic fa on Ika IbreKA^TTiMiav2^Uinaa

Hon Saanrt^CmrniUaw baa abas <lon.d tb. idim of a (an..] Itatinn taaal, in fa

radnae fiaf(bt BpIHIa. aa hx


Zd'“. •Al a WAirmWvDehLItol ra^i that I bae^i

nt .jJt ^ptaaa to

■ paatar fraadoi. bora raaclrt.1 fi^aat lad h In DOW trilUn tb. botiBda of prartknl poUU. that

iwUoh. wta an.

tbf. Britain w wRhdnw from bar the iiilama] adtnlnfa.

to eeer^ono to protect end <•> aw [■TVIUUN.I Imad Aakwilk

ST’btJIZ^ - It I. to fawnp, dnw op b adaoMi n Ifal of m

■ ■‘'eKSTUi'lia .boot in few hwal fiafa

Es.-ef1 irant, wlU ba drown whb rarinlB raaemitim

WBWTAnitaiamplaI n tfw Ifllh af IW

tbaRni*.paan atoiawr I am Uabc wilbfa 15 nilM of ona Sucar l>anloe,10 milM of tiariher and Iba D wi, ia abaut flan miVn aa Tba 9<wor Cnoipanian oLainc

Iba Laatn. Coaanant soatad a Apreblm-amo nf aaevil,, that lla tali. Iba Laafoa aoaU morn oaaUa anri

(ha IM waa not iha Oth of Pabrev,..haa, aa I will ahow. doec it

Iha rvpnrfarwnt a H '' Uiiaa fa ala nmethi moaa or liwa da> In, b ontlnuT lootliM wrab.

fiOt aanr tba Tend Oflln. ma la Fabannr, n nntlao *w on n pboa ol loni ' waa toafalatod In ^ bad efad it and tha^bya. «airo'-.rsii-.S'S

S5”S: larmtfen of tha ronnlr, tha Bnptlan people paatar fra*, dom In Iba diraatlon of Ibrir own alFalri. It fa aSriaqa of aoorc* that Iha popaphleal dtoilion of ■itTPt

"eSSStSall b ___I tba prolocol or a^lfad

7e37,'2-M"2."-„wla|mbl^to ^^uwmnlo b ibfa

looflaan and a balf mlllmna wblU

J«nj-Brttfafa CUkiri WnnlM

Tb. Bt.tha>pound for aunr Ibnl fa Ibo pio. Kvranann eL.r

ahn b tb* pnrbad I a ^ aada of proaadnra I.

Um^-ttlanteni of an btanalkma)(■■;

Dm pita '"r'.^*fnd‘"bn"V hpibounhiiba



SdmkwiwW.Tha prepert. IbUw.e

baaa to par flafai

Britab of a^flab aapaata >4 RtTpHu daw-

' 'lopaeat In Iba btaraib of the Eopfra. Tha trad#

bmtwa. OffO-ti.A aantavr. limia) Iraatiaa far

not find adspiau iaoorit, wHbta Iha CoTonut and blimalad that

who no Paw. to bad tinlM

of raliMoa tba amn tfah fMkbt

aa bareto ba prolaatad. BrtUah and baaifB fartartMa b EcTPl

^a «BumI,ad in mv lertm and 1

afnded Ihri ISa re loelod aceordlnala.ill On Uu rih


PEC US i:il€srsss-.: SI. Ba wonu ba raad,' mil (yatltiibfa aaaaa b •* and aaBaated Iba .aatb» af a Cnremgim of (WBatfan an thaW.MMi-------------J a----------------------MJel Cm

hala ilKwf. Rot a hit Jonn lh> T.

I lam el-ile panolllaa far

nowuiAanelroUad asd ikcb to prvaam tho pana-

tntbB of asti Britfab ferepi Is Tba pmllion of tie

Ihnnut noknaa bamamt tna a aamatd

Z-.TL ^ 1'*^— af Ratfaaa Saa.%VJTi; offIha*” ' ‘..Kman, .tl

of tupp'e I a ranwii!

Iha aaltlafnani of poBUeal' “<aUSpint Kueal.

TSS.Si'XLXX.-MSodas fa of Alitaa an a aoa of Ibv tarritariaA An, tanda-


»SKAl l^b kina OieRtnlFiEer.SIri Auguifa I wsa

rapir that a wHh Iha

to tha pwaaalb. at poabn,, M^tH. that (h. etaiM rinmldtwoelrin* a

upna_____> OF N ’tm toLxsemWaakbpott. PWhra.T

Th* n.mae tf Brpaaaaiitaliiea

liooa----------- ...tong aa the, rnsahi.* —• Import dnt, im famtotu* lam! li'n!r-I-.o>ii Of ^ • of Iks pcopart, niOil lie oaUead, waa i

(thh. it net dhweil. > to enra, out of IbaOonn-, rii

n Ihatn kfa Iha edena to Ihnit Iha ^_wf (b. wan, I. -Aara*.

tifa* Tiiprni to

ninnthB, after I had (lean Tha bom , B at th. Leap. I,

tcnraalkim aad aatanAfriaa Ut Ikepolfaj

rhhoi vnkw.


nt Iha ninalal, paid Iha pinilUrt aa I (has wtMc Iha TTaad of fan

timt (he

Liwd (ha Brttiih*a^I*haaili.••rity wfaOa b. Paal«bjA) wmdfaknmu, faamwad


(Tba fab perbffa U>* Oob ofIJrUu waa lhal 0 c*ft weak bad baan rafwrrf Y.

month Itbrl tUtfaUafas far Maa a^ fab that Ih* «m>iltalln<..-frd * *■ »»

Aab, ia painwnt w«a pore), rimpla doe In hfa ncflert In

and ariraf I. S ab^ 3o"tl»^irrt3ajatatn nf Reftfah prntrafloit andnati to Kura. DgaiKiA. Tan«tiqrUA fn.AimioAK imoAimLi for Tb. -a b briUnc Its!,,

ab and Oemso, to ensriderOOMFABT. LTD. : MOSHIi WATT ft CXrtfPANT. r: DAI/SKTV ft COMTANY Lt»

Pih.tha ratum of (ht panali,

WM-ClTSt-tbri, jasan and onjnpm de-r aMparaifea b tba ..battrwy I' and lu Btich.

at T74 wW> 1


““•le.s!si,3r“,“tfalad a maMiHid t ,fan a Hr.

tott ■«*w tha porpoaa af

dAwnnt reiwadof**foabMs..


■fg--WBE EAST ITBICAN tlAlfDAlD. UTuaDAT. MAM'-H g. m.M MO^ TowiCBff QU, cDiDE loniBrr M IttlROBl

Kitrid AtteddiN tobe F«wi

cwKi. fc, .71 — rr*- ««. j—fit

<DBa •.!« pul fruniTl la



1. A.

ABJAL C(M)PQlATmi R cap»:airo lom RDR.

PMetf Aptod iiai SileCiiAM. AMDrWft. Wfta 03rai’i r«bt

fv a Hied IrekiiMrietoSorPimir •I »Ml

Shoes & Boots

['Js.crwMI fiMi M« s,w. «»r* rBftufv

(M tiuirkl.

SSriSl?*^rwirtl aarf Dr”

* acHoot DtanAT. CMritylMkCl LdrHeiih iMTeab far Affable.

nrau nntU thr OoTrnmAl SrjuW /a TimiU, Urt.

Ml lt» Srrralarial JliU.

Mr. OaaVk taid hu bod tk«l •mmi hMi M Arirra «)u raC' deal eti*.

«*i> a rmuniKA * on—-mt MnoT:Lofxtoa. PrI. M

uccun.d at W>1 ?S4l|-sgvtfri.'-.iir;

•!« roamnal, ih, ,pp)u^ tl<« >» tte I.M1I OOer agi «.rtt .•»«„. a-Ufari^

K St,”..,glf>AL!'a'"ss:

OipUto; Un U*».. Da.

gawral axrdboM ^IL..i”iIha^ loagaetor flimil. «(m i

I»« U a tiauJar aSMM m Ik*'SwiaHu Hill tait j»ar.

—antibun. Pab 9* IaAt Baalh (btlta taiowe *

Mr. feUinJ-I.™) Mi .l^baM,,.:l allbHrra (mii Partia Hr Ural, aad Ihr r*«

I lrrlanH ' .^Iragura Slarlnci tn ItlB

10 adfu

.-ssjtirsa^ara tbal Iba SaM>i-Ar,>dia ^

')»» el mp mai^ lafcmaA

r.’.TS'xrrr,'^ma..* from Kajia.le. and lhal k* «ai nx to bp aod dig Ihrm n«l.


aaca aefi aul bm

to IDI0 an.)tad rrrMird thii ai ButAing. Palter br thtrr* a'l Ibr dil-

tiid dilBculUat el tkr rr Ha ..oaMad inaltaada

to the Publii mmTmm.Aaianbtrel*,


rlz,. -b*eb”?25i~w5Sl‘%iS3' ot *»/..

rZS’iTshaO€ r«c«n(/j, ittn •^^^“apfoinltd Aum* ftr iht «*/«&r«W K Boot* and Sf^ fat Laiiu. GantUman and Yamt Taopla.

W, hold a nUd tlaek of ihk mrlaalltd Food^r. and art In oon- $Unt Ictiah wllh the K Factory fet •ny olA^i^t or oiM which may

K Shou hear a 50 yean' raeard far axailltnta. wear end worth.

Eadles Footwear

•d U. AjBoeiaUn Ladj Dnbam

cd aa tddMa. *faini Inr (bab 1lM*tn^IHa^ at UiUng

to gat P»rit or tba Oarmao aUHoaa tad tb. tbmad lb. Xiag

» tta^^aath ha. aMnd *^*S352S?w..lTmtdt.. la reauMlJoD

IHihao ttooeatdr»" as'£diSMiHlaa-iBrtiik Oe.ial Wiii. Irma Baratoa.

Balawape, .0,, amaM m ’> aiUi Iba

a nuiotm tad im

•Ur WibuBi»arf,- 8ltj

tionki briirnrn

dMaUa ^ Rof lb.. /lead IM, Mail.

iJ' ’doiSnSb" •*aighv to ib. Xtt « ^


t^sx-isssshi;HoU. bp U. poung biMa

vaa for paan oei of Um ..I Irfab inlllief.

•god la atraaitoea


rlifiithoa. ol

pete. h. bapprafl to he raootnmeDd-


euUr I al Ib.

bread el/ .r’Spmitfa to rbamfiof, of

.T‘p.5£"'8n;."U:'^ruled niae llmea for pjittoa]afaoMa aad agaei l«o pMra la priaoa n« me* ham, a^aet, la lb* lattw tip^iMto «*a Ihal of bit bnaebaa. >Ueb baciata hr

fr‘ft!ir.inT|!l rZoiilcl Bmiarp?! Uia Hj’ I'ariM Ur. u;^ &L domaa dia. t-^^s&rt.ii.'Sjs

NAmOBL Utriiaburr. Pab Uarpadl’m

to Cam bat arhndOB Ib. Uapula Rirat

la NaatbMa Bbndada .


aOlatoalapanllala tto> BMtor rwto a far a*

fr.T'vas^-lSZitoNtJieU. Tb. oulor Mob figa

«a tba olhar haad. nM

sr's.tiiSf- "■

AtUattoB >a. daa dran to ppliaaoaa ariih Ib.


bCr. O'BHaa'a

fWrrI.,, lb, CTpandllnr. id . ----- .• “hlM Mai

hjdruia With RgaH to R^iiHiiaa ia

r.3e,l7®,iIbtt rfland. la a

>b1r ia llirir latolfraltltoea admHiMlp .inrrrr A. a

tlial Iroia Kla toutb iin. and lundar nf lb' DaK-d Into

Uagti. Ur. O'ltrte -u aa. ol Ib. moal aetira llrim la 'rioL pnlltfea for on. IbMp p*in

Excellent Opportunity. r-rrp lb.rtrerr aureiffd Iribiito to hli teal H.lrh

Caaablaara, Prbrairp .e.' ' n of Ibr Comaaetil

bato beaa ai- b'uableoca aod

Tbna laadr. Parlp ia Mon raaud al Rabat.

fra a

ooerrod b, air and two >baa lAdp ntolb

Abeitoni lb. toll loaMitigala Iba

with Iba ton

"iTSior AOQinmiKo two teueold oormItTATH, hllubled Ruweneori Higbitndg.

i Owiii« to[ eiUtMi en-to tM'aold at reel bergein prioee.

I KetiiiiRaEiUieSOO aerwt appro MeeronikiUlQg L.Kyakatomn Estate 3S0 Rcroa approx lOBeoreeb teolet...^

r-qto Englend. thee* LmDmvM-eraiuepitf.

lb. Uouaa ol Comii»c< iiDpr...rd bp bla (Pialp roka embiog at limaa HbUoni whbpM aad to aa uamrlodioua actotobwild ---------atretobid oul

Ia (b. aiaal ol tbia praalag ira. pnelioabio. aba wiU arraaga. fioa lima to lima, to dp aaat cd bar

alel ocmaiuDleaMcoffee. ■.wo

•eilb Ibaaaiorgmep to drop tnod aappbM «E,.‘"*»rirsus STUDEBAKER’S

Tortnn can be arranped. T For partlculan applyi

Tk» laualtba total aa I.IM.TOO Ibaa thn «r laaa tbaa a pear ago . oial WlRlm eweloa

'= SrSaTj EKSKINE SIX"S! Thti ■ X.OT* below aad W,

—BnUth OfB-“r,^'

aadSStoT ^11 torrTto'rSlSIh. fUeia aad pioliuea ukK bp 0.

MANAGES, ia RKoaw tovarda wbrlbor ol hit otol

iTfmti!b. tot. board

. ...'.ute arold all bie b» bad bwn rrtpna.

riaatod Chahmao.‘t^ar/«Jta£r Wins Many Laurelsor aooUar

PwliainoBtarr b Ibaalrieal. bat

, Dtssolutlon of Partnership' lor Ibo mwiin*

‘r Nobla. tba npait aiaamatogn

JS'lainJrto’Mi btotll^TtETlfH- Ma Pno. PAda.U«ti.. I.haltod

Box IB, Fort Portal. Toro, Upaoda>1 a rallaagiH'e atple

ol oretofT a. ' epRadiag a Hood of wofda oear n Herorl of ideaa." aad 11 >ea eaiJ |.I a hnnk of hie dtoi Ibat^l would I... Ultor il e huadrwl ) tbeuaead adiartitiaparfar;.; ,t £

end hie Vila ■> deabiod ft* publir otbetpintolihawDrid:^Thackrali wat aaaaimrana’

ft. lb. O.J, IHOriot CommAtoa

Boart: •' -Uul be

Six-AKiKlcaMMD^il" tbo

nreiM. it i._««.i,.w'SOS!

Neiim b banbp glnB that ika aarti kat-roa fUrhard Fimlag Warrea Ba^ aal MiPcbaeiU Rtrala aarrpiae m imOnm oadtr iba sM tr torn at TRANS NSOIA nAHSPORT OOMPAITT baa bm dmlnd by ■«l«al mtael aa fieoi Iba Ptm du ol dtaowy im aa br AS

hat rMlieil (ram t^i aM

of lb. land fuUInc fti lb* aarRiiienl i whK-h Mr Oeora* Wpndbem tbIa to toln Ibat 1oBg.aUadiag


jUddibDaoi^ BapI* Taraatta tbit owlaa to iwoOtb brohea brldgra. or t;

■aadMi ------ncoiJ aiw

biaa of baaielf . wdui'ReadIba Chrpttar I go'll ninlil iwud ,a wd bp Ih. R.a,| Anuarahila Uab.

Ur ntookrab «spoLltoU obMasIm. Ur.

Ibal b* «** tor tamauum >hta kb cuUa^oaa wan lea tar. aad •h.K *tot ft* 'RH-Hbiton h' wu roadj to SMKmaw Ih'i -

b. wa. oBaUa to tdiif.^jlSrrXlBS.”«iSi a"^ ,‘.5l£U.“1!Sth3

ao uaa for aa Iri^ Ptriitmeal vboaa wtH doM ant niB Ihraugb Bn vhola Uaad. Iboiigb al aa nrtire alaga b. wa. ra"SS-3»f'e‘SJ‘Srt=rid. Ib. ebtobloa. of nnw to w.te ret* Ur. O'Brba'

Abn-enkiae Six I bom titdei ^SHHHSSaib'rf/ig.ori.a

“■■“““■“•“.“"■’'TSayss; ■M-t •«


M;Rk+M. Ladp Htolb atralgbl

thaiBudeWtft* M7J md, _____ebio. rf*e Sra h AuEomobib Club. n» Endcioc Six ramg for you in

— and

S.5.‘ plKein digod; coairDi uu| m»d (aaiMktoaAHAMW.Adoaral. a BiUtaaa

Tim USB Aiiiia. Six ( tooMietor Care ana- b no*. .BOTH AVBnn OAiACI. <Pn,^ iTwV. Db.niw,.~R “**’•

u tciu. s li.uyiQK UJiORET.OEST y.iLVi: FOB

them today. Yoa «U1 btpbta are auMImd and wHI ba brought beCieo'he ImcharoOim.

'he TBldHp of th. eyaton, .Ws_-5^n-s-s.-sft* Iba eaty xUe ' I Ike

nebiellipn. 'Mt flit el drmntoa ' O-Brira tanouiwnd

to aelll' In rale*_______he*, hh mnriel remeiatburtod at Jmeatom But baft*.


STATIONERY 'vrsr..rr.i;tiae aad he*

p. .al end though tl tri-titod to be e wrHe e total leak .1 the

ba lOBO flLyOX^IlUUIIlllH

Call and see them at our Stand at the Uasln Gishu Show

STbriSb-!^tot* ia lib to

Mm InSTiaSaiuii.

Watlrine {gar.)'•ftp h' had gaidtd Iba AmoA-

TlnfAreb mu) ,*n)ad omaf-


Dire knew hanw- h

I lS>\.b' I .Mbm Ibnuab b. *ea lli _i kt era. akaep la Bit

aad teka* » aarat to


tot* of bb

Iba Bria aa Iba benarbaa beta atat*rhmeb (t«M-

tlxUi A««u». HAIBOBT. pn at laad •• ba iM.d«;;;a*'.nii


CHDSCBBEin&l-^clad o«t Mtb- Mr. U,» MCSEASE n PRn OF



“Stunned’' by the Splendonra of the Kikoju “Ngoma”


Trv Lotdfr Fatcnrted kr Ac PonAilies it Ae CoImj.

-a s.TOR EAST ' ■' 'IrtNUAiD.

• idlrrtu *rOmi IMm. UDTAINKS OF (BIVA UOTHStimv.

* a*UJ Srtloi

JT a.?.■shllT. htthI M

»<- 1» r*^CMfreptioid MeoAen of AoNowCbptv.

Dronht ui CrcA1 VAm.4VOS

“■'"Sito Ol »

"" **“ “•...‘■■’'I u«..:oObv. to prrn fcT

bF B W ______

Ar, Y*115“ lb. T, •Wi IWpfpM lor lb. tod ibla •bn*vl la MrmirafiDf Mot* of

A >I.I<inoot <J rorriio.h*4 We Hr-

b’j' in

^ i. lleWM *■« n. i.euMn

IS, ft-tS10 I ■> R Tort

Tbr mel foiv~l mectiao <i ibe eiwfi«(nl0^ H AU SUato Cb- tbelnl >u li.u In (be Ibal Ue-

I HeO on VeaMdej efUr- tbe BMbo <4 Uotobeto pie-

tKeut. .

r' i' iJr-One Blom MrnOeo OWen


•nW rfool of (be 4mo«bl Ibie ww*. lae


r^o. n, ,h,

■' ihr teboq, wppi,

'hoe .o '

Co '1 ib«ad ripoBilihinnloM prift lo thn mi» (ArwolibtTreMurer'e VM bnrotolble to in

m U»H Yii** (hrMii«.

C»on WrtoUmj the ldk»l«« - tor (be rw—

the beour to mil Roport al o! Nehob..

(be rear 1 vie on toirr. I HnoUed

tbe florfe. m» nttoW to to eieepi Um etotboneka. la

epM of the upbeinl Hiiiobi ». im. lad I looeil ertorthtoo

ee ■monihlr leO ireO.

to.tori.ll> 'iTu r aadii .dKi.i, is1 'r!-Jiri»i

10 . Um. Ahi. IHtI*3 S', STi-..™‘<oa « ti


lb. TiMeuiw tor .U b).n.t lAnf.- iptoWto rar#^“3 AU. lAimud <.<V d.«llrd epoB. H ie

toiM. •( • ntoHiaO d land

Ur. !'rs<==OBVBOB.«be h... alteedp bed

Biktof iBotbar trip iao Oib.r eeULai

Uilloe I Formia.ol Cbicipo. re- lirvl Cootauailu u( tbe Otod Diri-

imllerpfsisia-sSSkSSl'iafaL. U. Her., ol Botloa: Ur. eaA

mo .b’tlM 'limk

■ Ibil of (he

. i»o.alTj Sir R<t««d Not. e .r. tVai ’n

Kto.Mbtitobm ud totoilae h> Ki

The btrtcbup tn2> hi. We ri- Wirnraiit lacnuod diSrult)! ol Iile ia M<una« .npplira, Mixk-

>1 brlsc rrvl) tu toll il IjDirr «).•« is ii.or ..( <1.. rip idTirto roadltrni of

trr.r.( nrcki end tbr pirli.. acre bn.uitht toftlhir Id u rfli.M to

DtoiiW bilf The OetbeO^

iidiop of ibra t bli pl*i«r. It prr.i(.n. m-*a*. Hr nul Ib.t.-

(rtee nu or two ntdi.n be wi.b«] toduraltoB.

ta tbi miButo. cl Ibi liH in. il bid brM u d ihil lb. diep. Irr vciiU pret.blp l>i ippaail.d ia

Ik.l'il. .p^tiniDl •hooU bo ntde .tot. •• roMbk ‘Dm ocalUtul^ ill Ibo tbiplrr w« (btoefor. iporaowl It) Syaad lad it vu iMwd to pH vuhUi wip le quirkSy u pcibl. Rvrrp. IbtBf WM aow ta ordrr led *hm Ibn eonfrr«.tioit but iwotod tbelr Or. KMunbofi md ftpiBd bid

Hr., work ibould


*M a Uo,J-JOeoi. Holy On,u„u„,.^

•S I S ■*- - -

.Ptep-r k»-

eacoiBU d a

.?( S itr*Tb. B

ZT.t^n. I

- 'iwto’.tiL’r•bto. th. Uiu, aLS

Kwobi lUtoto.^,

T. U 1fir h.,.-nd ‘brp- who .

p"r"i< f *”

bnnd, Ibm h.v.1 Wi> >1 in other qunrlrn thil


with 11(11. or :H b. .aiUrd

13SnkwiR.. R II rtill I'd U- II

10 U». Rmaklta 10 Umw Killvd

is S'..;

(bt rr.okl.BU-Ptotp in lad ripdnl "I

Dr. (hr(nt dtilT. tlHmb ll.Mkth.Bi.hoe.Bd lUt. A. t., l-Kt-Pitto oirr et th.aunt. I ton muto tba Utol toB do Hifftolito U. o. lot Mov Ito th. EoropMa rmuMp. nto BUhep le «fOla« to AU eep ir.r. and b. tbM I. ohlri vnonr iM b lb. towoeal d b. ill.

(o, „ (,(rn

to hrn,.«r,al | oJb«

I- rrnpInrrT renHIu


srs.....w t wriabt

«ii. Mr. r. <-,rr■.......... .1 thr Mr. an.r Mi..Kn.lIbcM. n K nrolrr.

BniMl'.*!. ’hj ! b'T Tmi’'. v<tD. Oqrrmmnil drpArtrnent or P Bint hr 1RiBk in (heir .uip d.r. ’ 'nf wllledMI. I >m .lid to notik.

preLS’to Ih'lf'pSp.itol bT'to™o' lb* IWM.BI odonirl. Ihr.o.

It %nm I •> wi» ;

dWafne '

frw Ibdr Iihribin-Mut,

Pwiih in lb. Inlme- '132S'!. k::

prior.. Ibouqta it i. pohilrd lb. buUbto

iM Mrlll WnrbiTnUl ftb. IMtiler. S.r



Aastber pwtr ere raikm* the up to >.-.rrDb< (KBS - ■ - BM^I^^WWB re-

p^p£F£k-^truned tb* rlelbn with » K

whBlrMl. bujl^.

ibctit'll e hrM) ritm to brute paid (or btaica.. h. wUl rofilB bp tb. toetoMU to lb. totoil prtoto


lOUW} u beto bp j


WbU. w% tpiwtolel. tbh. pou ■0 ar*. Ib.1 Utto. ^Bd. too rad. end I im ^rp pled lh« k eiRtoO repnwmtotlT. MoBtoBtneappouitod kp lb* Spend I* onln*Iste lb. metier of prerldlao ere- wire, when Cbipl.'ae en --n loBei. Bad nddni lunialiooa (or (be



Hr feroum of lal

hr. beeu MWod

/'BbOBt Rh. 13 I cil d Bhi. T.U

nlbiB would Kill hero . ol tbo worb to do.

£a«:r».s,“"TC• • a wurlbp pleer Ho wee

bare would U bo diSeultp la edfiwtlB* inr wbidi mi^t .tiro

After toter*!

S';|.h.; Ur. .ad ilrt. C Ua.M-SiT.!..-; perlBE'* ■ryrs; ■ the


Stock Sale.Buimod I?Ip for Ihi. rito ta

COM d IIM*.Oea d th* trade aletod Is

Ofandrrd pevterdes tbit butehere anebl bare bwB ablr to tBBM the dIfAetritp wlihoui U. riarlBi III. pKroi. ta thi. riteat at Inal, if Ibtrr bed nsl 6rtn tech * Irani d rude cab.

"II Silrohr ptoH* bdt leUB.od lo p*p nceouBi. tofu- lull (hep i<Rl>ibIr w..uM B..I bar. bad to morl ihU iBcmewl

r'.sHfsS?..!■« nenoTod a. balraeine 'lo Iblnatlr., ,.„d fcr whll. wBlIn-med to aU^ j. nf rnew.KI. .<» w.l~.!.d in •

3£,Tk. OWttleo'd fltanh.At lb. IM aaaue) nadlia<

bppMlod for hd* to tmOd a rhU- Aree'i rhnreh at«*bd.Bead. nad

2Sr.'.=t;iSsjaa^ad I tnmf.t«lBto lb. Com- toMaw ihM IbM. to Mtto ■ -dd« o! Cdfl «ii It t ikuU bopvtoaaV. tnm aol bar. hod . dito* In furatohiae the Chntnh aa wall M ;. bolidine it. Tbaae wffl be Olbrr. wba will fcel Ihn a. end (hJa rem la nd likrlr to .p- pe.r In -h, nrrt Bdann. Sheet. Our Ihir'jt am duo to Kra. 3t Mm lor-f utd Ml. Vrllar amon*

• bdn and sill, in one- narllon n 'h II;.. I»|'»P'0'nl ol Ih- IIHV ohnmh ASnre all I dould nk. to aar how Ihtokful w. »• to IV Part IhM ha haa

niteburfi Ur ud Uta. Barn JoOM, ol .Sow York; Ur. I-

Kraak Ihiaburi;

Mn. aad to New York,

Trmm. M, «d


I prshmiivtrp n>a»l. itul.c E ol the I'hap-

in'itins cbutob.

IofS'—J the rlelbn


Mr, Bad Un. W. 1. d UauobMtor. Uita:i

U UobMPaMr. d I'midcat of aerrral


bj 1 abort BModltom.Nr. suircea d lb Crato.

jNa^uru.Saturday, Hifcii I'pito ib-SOa.m.


-ho WM MMapteiafw„ • .luaaiBi"

■“Tw'rw.'’orfKl“iiWa apraad b) ib-wr p^hosto

bdora . .pMlal ureentinn d tb.


boon oaailduwd kp Brned and

^4a nn with ol Ible

o,_Mm no

Inrq. water tower I. l; llipi-o, of

and Mr K. rlusmn •t. '"r-ss::■durdap


d w.IbM «.M»fh.d

t-nn, brobrr,Srw York; Mr., .tnl .Vr l'i1r.;wr, Praaidral of St Louii

...I Compnnp. M,., W. 1. I'hetpa. d Cbinfo. aad Un. vid I'r J S l<aer, of L'torrlaod,

I'we who f.inr op.ui tbw Wnk andhMl book

JAI Hig, wan (faineJ Immune Dson Wjihoul B*.Sir,tnr lb* raMlws to .it*, to tbto It wadd bo mritrmborrd that tbr Boo'or of tbr rtiurnb w... t • hr an

'TBtll'h r- ll..n 1.MI- t.l !.,r ahnrp loi*iDdiap'e<B(oltb*|.,<a. ei^utotaa wrre (nllpqunrtrn, a . H.a ol mrnl I r lad mia. „( th. lugri.i,wh.rh th.r.' I. tf. d.-inaad aonuj '♦'J 'b" Aeal d/o.ju .-k..i.o.| .i.,,ruroprnn ^^pto.i^ .d

kwrato. »«<>l« d tb. top. Tbrt, -rnnil thii iiM.t to •••»! buadrnl aalirr. prmnt uods„-"sr;«;“,.‘*ss s>."r:.3;S3

n. Saw DttoM.

lb. ' in'^houndirin

nr, nbtmt lamut 20 VoimgflriHjf.

•'(''.d bi ditod Ow

iintrainotl Iiiiuiuno Oxen firju^jjjJfidCot^nrf RoffBi* 't-a»>*,!


ti< lonmhrt36S' "•^.SSSoSS™ (,W Stimiifi I'oniM"

Dispersal of Fi

lo. .f-'innti.i-i ih,. r.ihndiol .D Niio.!iir.t

na.l tbo

at Uombaii •l•cTv ixi non hold th. pMIton ad "<tor. Tb. B'lbop lh.l it wotild h. T-rr munh letter tf aa hwl hoea aussntod- '.-dErin


Tb. DItaelet d BdaeaiMi.

p.1 and IkiB of tb. ..-raoicat lnd_a Rotonl. K.,r-

npprr«i.tlaa ol the work ol Utf

Ramr butobae.~ut ruaobn Z'^AZ,

“•iS s.. CHTHBEilT B.'nYBRI ^ Bmous Friesland 'Ibn I

and taat the rhlMnai'k rhomb. VllbonI Mr TPiT'am. on tbto i '

no that. m.BT I of the Aorb woaM

dm like to iKattk btiaa I Mr. Bdl tor Iba*

- - r nobenl.


ptod thiM af bit Bliia.etoibto lb. (.udilp

?' Ui« WBll kiiirwu LORA-


UlO (iMlh I

Majad "Th. oTinr. aut of I

N .^ -Tb.

SXi'iSSiS;(Irr wan atade br Mnnc*. Pbidkr, lltmeiubbtl S. Vnepo., ud On. who. tb. Petamp.! md aad pra-

aa addrrai 'rom lb. Bta escl.Md la . aihrr rare.


A dd.p to tbiM'enbitaa.S'iiodji 00 Wrdo.tdut

i (man bi. often frT>m

torn laU tWT -• E'“" fsMr tiaato ud btr. Mem. "

bad dto 11,UMto—a. toap

BbLdp io bmdilWdkrr

Ihi work «uU *0

S£££''S.''.r.'i'oiHip iDora Im. dmitod ■r In Iho poeu- tl

of tbi. CVW I m.'n...............

■m pimi.l and Ihankhit to mo that ooMItutloB r


Id whintiof tho UI la Ur bo

■(b MrAft a mcit hxoenwfuj wwtii^

irriwork to to. IbaWarta BABTVKi apom- oun

rrccdur Tb. Ilwhcqr

It and I , ham horn untirtoe

and (toweturb nrqnn- and to.

Mr. «*B pIJT wta HIof tb. mti^at, t^dtil tb.

«™H to b.• ■ with tk.

oan all .1 -am, reolnm lr<b.l dlmipllno

The 1‘iiuu Ccnunitlo. I<r IDIH tbm apporalod nan r.iu)^

(otolilas Iwraooi tomf .Mr. Wade, Mr. B.diioa. abr, Ur. Morse. Un.

in Ihrir

in th,riteird

tot Ur

ilreadp to luuid’tol^»^3^r toir aeit pmr whoa il was hopad that it would b. poiaihlc to (i*. fhMlrr

‘^r.'piribmclen lb. rMi are* delaptd (or .bout


bol..-S.t, Mna. I.padr. Mr Mr Umabln. Ur«. liiasa, L>r. C'utnai

e oltBJkltp.CUUfBV BldniOt

In tbo two. I bn d-r'r I

If Iber. to MsttBl (hut ansi tiir tdfOnmil.Boaw


Clpt nopd. Hr. Billon, Mr' ‘.pssrr:'“"■JtliS.-nStt'.IS:

E.Kjs.v.&'str.:bm-Mr«., Mra. MaiUuad. Hr Mtd Mm Morinaoo Mr Mr. Nrabil. Ur. Orr. Hr

Ihtoe. Ur. Philipa. Mr.. P«. I Mr. RepnoMa, Ml. BtmI. '

Sim. Mr.'S2nr3-“I'i

then prrmr-od wto d-t that Ihr wiow.oe riV nomlo .nhmr map

Vwtshl in Ihr biatorr ol a r cl ia to bell (he eawt nf (be I toll iMifiUto ehinrtor "

sra-Tto.” I"'

., CiTtnWurliHlgo, Mr fkainlniriajn

Birtb nod Mr H.cpn.slilb. dtlip'bid'*

Sands & Co.’■'a'’

(Cbldno will neocm owa



redo ol toaika »ai pnam-d to rtoUtae CeiBoutUe tnd Srr. T and TkaMunr ud M'lnUai.

too. to trnIBc.

8A 'TtoanBa'^f^der lb* iub|<et ol "up otom buiise." (Mson Wrtobt waid

...........................drk of flOKutn. Bnuairad i CtortrHeto*.

Hto BroMItflor la bto tpmrb >t Iba to'OBiBg of ntapbatoirflb. taport^ o^H .li^

ou tawim Hit Raorlloarp tbit we an hSr ewtr* of too Deed tbel •be •et-nur ud ihe daiMniBaiot

*^,2.1". in-,'la Sisomruaeot to toll Cnloar

of ea bl{b ud loflp a ' ibU la (altolullr aecrpinc Ihrm oM Rlr Maud arid cu relp on tbo

^al !d^*nlnbod Xatt."* I rrwtwr. to Ikb

Ibtt It 1. (W ud tod^ut Prap br ui, bmtoteo. OcaplitB. ud Mimtomm ticks. ttU *«

•M ee a (air prw.Ia onnoliaii» raer 1 Hj

Auip «,• an to bwo lira IM « ear ConerepalW. whn

Uiutoa tad Hot}*r

That tbto rtow WM ihetad bp

rr ™'.cV?sii,'Sf»'S .'f; S'-'iEs

on tlin bat otherIt luad Uea Bed,


ihildiu <4

. bai-e rani

AT OUB BALB?AaD8enq (mt/r in th. hm of toe wnanlrp Thoiarb

to. toUl aombm of ..Hrm-mu, ud .hiWm-to rnilr

akoal l.a-ind-i.b.lf mimnwe. hnad tonMed (rw wbil.

™ ——. b* U-. b.ll .

ohildrui like u u a( to* moc

war to otou tola aiur(r.lrd Hull e MinuM be held I moalhi Uae at which

pirn nhibttirn. ud Lidv •• •

~ id lb< we


the pe'imuTm were eipeciri '«Imrr Mnclnao cn t’lo ihcrwoW ud tbr bd.Dce <« Fridap.

The Ohareh RiUdlM..

tb* aukjrct cl Ecw*to pn.-Md with Ihe buildlag. the

ikr.ufbt (ho chiplor ahould clwt 'cth ilia ud if rwlikle i .-r.-.i .•u. dmceuei abould to mnred

,'K Naivasha**!•Oardrouaaolred problem to a tomt wba f One aeeHj did

What bei^eae'bu> Monday letli March.

I (’unrbrbd SborUiimi Boll. 16 IM 81i««p. '«» f.r«(tr aoij .V»Mve Goto*

*> Pig.M StMrs.

Ponluy uci Suodries.

OdyA KtBdaU Tkanee.S'. iMaSrirs.,lb* r>-B*er*toip th* Coktocee to^tto

tt:TtoBfUjo aaad

.mtriO.p BW do

Holfan GotrnuorBl. enda mrmhrr cl Iba Lr*|na

hindip oBcradtUto oM.nmaE br

-rt toal • law Bier (•■«- V for llBiaetol

lit I'm in tor

amrml r.oUne of tbismorl- rre-..I 'll bn Ikat e Ointon

New YorkIhes ep- paeaml lhmu|h Zalu.bir wtr to Der.M-Saliem.M ead Ledp I

Irnt asd Udr

a*timr|n* toal ita«H. mM. or

■ •■or oirclf. in lb Yoo; Mr. Iren Baototto*. Him I

T* un lb. oh Mr Wrilor Ceater. Ur. 1

K"’"lvS ■J.i of

lellint with hie wile, ie,B u,n,.._ Bclj Liu

to Jtnu; Mr. m ia alao noocm*

l-nm the-i.alatmoo nbirh wt-uH tronml -borrh.

lha Ippe Tw< e-fl.—tnod ud .i| TOWihlr a

fmthallnl tetKWtLAn.ipnoinl~l

S:, UicUe.

Itiv.r. ro'Ctr'a Watdim

T.'HrbI paid 1 Iribid. t

bl^ >•»rreulUn* dWnturto

'si-roi sssrsAs-. temporu} .iia in »*•*''J rSf'**' “V

np mpib. to^b. Pilem. • f ' Be'eT?. t’oH

I AU. aAlbfTB- (CM ,

Jnmm Boartoo, who la pBMrd far hi* erd*. at lb*AIahcmi8ia.lC«.. kitowa to Ml ' '

Hr. Tbomi. TiambuTl. o( Piiia bu^ ueompeaied . bj Ur..

’vS; Mhal hlh. TV emwtb of nail— imowamtoT wn to tmoed to Ito aim. ewuw. The I

the work of Mt. der. Ho had 1

Br. r priwBtbly 4 weiy nlos young in*ito Ihel to.pal to lha flweKwfl A * (o 8 ym. Old.

lha Renr. Irlbe., Tm Krmln. of emw-inia ownaa rato-1 h th. trfVl.irrm md iraBoVI, for .mmt

k We-'*—* ■- —W mmtawl j^wrtii ITTim iTiiitlii

SANlFSa Co.AUCnONKKBS.•Ah .ke'f ■stod-l-Ba


Fetlhm Rqiort.

aimnlij ^.■urs.VgoI..

rt B-Tk.rtr-i» umtM*

Pearson’s Disinfectants and Dips The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd.If Slipping Beits

Made a Noiseiii ........nMB.n4<j tslM le w iD KM rate te> ''•itak- A-iJ Pw (IHCORPORATIII. IK ,

BTB-omaios Of L*in>, ':5^rsS;^ ™.rr. Jr sr.p.'^ “ • “*-.p

rStata*" '°“ “"* “"'' ""*’ "“ '"” “P* l» ™«r b«l " """"”—” I- •.»" <1-.

b.d*to uk.Of ontirao ho rtooo--

Uwyiilip- ' no muoh•■nl -.p i> fu M •aai.pi itei mA. sIrSsiS:


r ¥•lu a( Carta) U M If ikSHa

.H Ik.) a moeli hiaher •If.iiH I* And fnr Ihe puffra nd 'l-Ari.n; the ttibellrlalnna nvrr wh.fh rkiCIrcl ahobiM U* eioprlaad Th-v tPim-Ioi. rannobMeM Ibi-

new PtII admwia.' InX



Raate. rrt S Btewt UI akilh •ilh-.K hkw tl naSti ttsx..“='k.'.ai.rirf;

THfS-igg-:Sp!tSi= iss.

;■ fet-tei;'”"'" pr-a>»d ba ■P.- Retawt r>ddM

PUUO!l • UQCIC‘“'Stt:;- - -ten r


<oS2: “WSSalalZTi^-

It - a Pert-J •euwH tr.«e rpwpnMna u4 AUia, lad lawiaaa fen lW AtmUf paaaaw d afclU tee ■ ateS ■ fTsFai"";''?;,™

Two «k Ibrta hoflJrel laetei ban

’ » UiaTsk Itete *^'*~*

Bolt He 8 likely to «*T hp ««omeHinee.-bdt an aeldoin IbM b* fomto H !•:Hi


ana fteref t.. linn "m fteJi ahbn-irtned >dw,b,TtU in

Try one Rainbow Belt.LAMBERTS. Ltd, NAIROBI.

•lAvona D ■ACT AfBIOA;Xaafs Oaiteir*»*<8tha

rn'Hril wie.te. raahrte^_»te Expert Vulcanizing nutob* ■■. laiar

Megj^•nlutloa rl ;H.a) niUaa

Tka Raw latidrm tha |.iir|-<tre ..( Ihf. Ordin.

shall ba .lUblialiad a Ii.i.l..n nl leuj.)

...n. 52...

saiaeaa than ahPiibir Ilrslil.Board

THIPaneogcr LbU.v‘.. HEINTZ



Phone »7. SixUi Avenue. R.O. Boi r . >1I’ obair Aanalbaa.

liM Lteal |l.|.uu VICES: iiTd r a:'

M'elaaa?. BABBT, Baa

™ss* tgss ^aa. ,« s*5 _

n« 00m «/ Ika RaaE era trad a«f la (ranaaaClaBa cf aiy «i lie Owtarat

on IfU HOirUIA.r fabnisri wr a a Kaal Alrk.;-

Ailtiaa l>o aluldian aud kli I) r. Unail. Mrs O.

flaiuurv tWrleae.


aseb othai than ibte.

IM.Ililaal, Ul M. Uradali LegPabilr Wwkiate. j'Tsrrsia

I. tara te tk. tetriB•liaw. Mr O 11. Brasa A. n Bloarar, Hiaa R.

Mr. B. A Chariae, Dr.Mr.

BenehHandAll xisfes and Descriptions.

.L-ffi-S'Kaill aorna wiih'.it ibf onor aoD*

. aeat .1 the BmitI. App1e»ie«baa I aln lo ba mada to tha ili.rd l.a-

lora Iha ..I in.a. Ilian laa balldinf y.

Mra Disk aoii tnv cliilunn, Mrs 1. Uatoapcn, Mr. c. II Uink BO. Mr M’ M. Uultna. Mr. f 1’. L. Dvniu-n. Mr. M. f. Dark Mr H il.i Ti.flm.L lla. J 0

' I. KdwaHa. Ml. S buiaii

Ml . r. T

Uplands Bacon.Reduced Prices

erv ;,f r-T

....;r 5:; "S’";

mmi gilSis...........

>.l~l Ihel h. II..I

BaivilUad and ilia on.iiseKi |r.i i^aKiafa hsil mtar abnwo

f’\. 1. nr|i|.i'il Iis I’laN be rtbi ■ilUd^^ Iba Ivaai aL.T.minaiil tty hr Iht area




SnbariptioD Bate*!In Africa A Abroad 40h »*t

LONDON‘'^l‘*^l“o?rDON!*'E.C. S.

WUi. wilb'n

tillsIS to 20 cents per lb.tend la eiMwlino n wi

Bilea ul a l/ noabip nrBly, aimltar nfrmite. Have been quoted to the Trwie

Ask Your Grocer for his emended pi Be Sure to

See the Holered Brend

doboaco. .Mr A l.ambia. Hr B N tfullitein Mr A II MsDii- Bii. Mia h Mcltehlao. Miaa f:”ru FtSt's ..FMrl.arhl.n. U K M Ml C.E.. Mw Urlrn. Mra H mann and lalsnt. Mr Piiaa_Wri Vann amt lafaM. Col H. N H. 1‘rlfir, Mlia (I. PtartlH. Mra W r. thterlBn. Uita naoilisa.. Mr • I <1 Awanaoo. Mra B M SmalbuiU. Ml H W Truinn. Uri Trimr aad ohilil. Mra W P Thmnlon. Mlaa II Tsybir. Mra. K D. Valaotlaa, Mr C. J YMan- Uaa. Vi f Viigm-flluart. Mr Mat. hira Vial, Haste Vial. HIti I.. S While. Mr WUklnBo, Mra WMte.Kawrtr, Mr H P

sr-si-.. eaat to anma bafota

; eraidrra that b.i'Miay on Uia plot L.. M undaairabla may lafuaa it.

f .K3?2: altebara.|uIiad'nthalBtaiaali(i

Edays tmn the dreiabni ul IbaBaMd.

Witboat it




The Uieet Feete. Figure*, etc., •• to SeUIemeal, Msonfecturer*, Indiutriei end CuIUtbIImi

It ii lovelueble to the Fermer. Merttui Heoufeetum.

Betee ot SubKription: 90/ - per can UOoe.-e Ortlee.--

OVERSEAS MAILS.! taj parwa who dlftda lead a lem Ibaa twenty

Ime Ibaa tan hr al purpoaaa baa W Iv appUnUoa to Iba Oon- far Uoal a.iTTRimral

I Beard a *tiM that



Mr**H ^fcowiob^

Aitama. Mr H I. lUlea. Mra . Mr n U. Ballry. Mia and obDd. Mr C .1. Daria.

Eaailber:aad il Iba .Iba ub-diaia

An^pattte X*’fa.irk> acoiply wllk tba piartara ol tba Ordmaam

■dfM OalaeM baHtatah* agriauli

Tanptayilca frlbtei aad AaaotMa arra alarwd: Chat. R rT.tifa) aad Blaairr P Waibwnk (Ihir aa.Balaamt

1.. 5-OmBAL Aauout. L'iii.

P.O. Box 94, NAIBOBI.

E.O. 0.eruui. _. Daria.a. R. ntii.

Mr T. T niim. Mr R trail. Urr I Lorrriifaa. Uia. R Bur (lea Briar tafain aad mra. Mra

SfTMr (Vrard.

I SiTrSiS’KSJifIH||LI ef *baia Ibata baa bra e

..............................-tebjia llabie I

Har 4Oraatiill.aaeneUaad and two .rJtMaraMHaaKatiaa9W" ITKS. ‘ AHPAK”:S.•ficul returns for Xyambu aad fort HaU araaa oo Iba brnh

laeidT IbTII^______duairy. Varteua bodiaa bare bra appnaottel—iba C. P U. DhMhl Amocdalioii sir., aod Uiar art eo-

! :: •:%lr. ^Srabite “'mTNo Revokefsaally la imimaad


C. Cbawa-Raad. I

k. Mra Bul-T^R^DeS£r2:.'.;5r.‘:;2f;s

peea ar h^lhr raapalfaa el any Playing Cardsaha) la-dall. Miaa B Itaraatl. Runlia. Mia. Ksr. Hr. n IsKthsad. Dr. K a

bh IMPERIAL DISC HARROWeparatmt. KUalibl Hiitb.aUa a. i5l*’2btnj(to.

rtswt baa

Id tbi -3; Luiti SLVBe erata. ■SARTS Bad. SUHOBDedn Wide, in&j Ditce. 8401be. weight

ion. wide. ISins. Diecs. BUIbe. weightLESS 10 PEB CENT. FOB CASH

Si:powrt to ini|i»ita Ibr I Hath Otoae ! Dj** iTruifartt. Mra 1. Tbonte,

oiJO* '■aWi I atgB. Tba -Arpak” Playia* Owdi wteb wwe

AB U. •TMipaUy Tmt" aaa be wad te aU attaUae (ted OraW)Walloo. D (Mead. Miaa KM 4 Iba beinplb in aeoord.a Board od

w^ih the n J. W. MILUGAN & Co.Berdiage Bt.,

Ibouad" 'r«m’rrva, Mr a HO. Hitahall, Via. Hhrholl. Dr. B M TICra Vaaaaia.



«» Fretham Oomi tV^ad M^telraly

jirirapairad II Bitniad hr a

had arid Hte 4 i P.O. Box 140.Umtadt Ueta !“r*. HaUeM.OrarVm, Mra. 4. Uahoa.^eblH and mtaal. Mte R^. Hr 0

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The Clan Line. Limited The Ellerman Lines, Limited The Harrison Lines,

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.rWIANK ... worautAXN

SAIUKOS RUJUK t TO -AUTUWTIf.X Ihneilh..i« ih . -..

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T~*»r» .......... r» ..>U<brmU Walwnmih IROO rack

niul DXOTOKB OBT-APUKA-UNIB, OBNEBAL AOBVOT CftblH 08TL1NIB ” !■ O It..^ aid, MonilMjea.

Vrali (ran to 27.00Taaait Shiria M.OO ..

Lonii Briiuh Wacmrat 10.00 rack Felt RaU 'AodIIu?S7r=‘~"^-'

......>-• Um I..ra.r <„ ,K.

Ira—1>, I-.. IJ4.

Compagnia Italiana TransatlanUca .. 1000CoRlirant

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xl that Car for poor Leate troai

LEAVE CABS Lid. Aera rara >TRM or »«-.v .k. auw »


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AO rMVaadwnOtaduika. n ................... ........ .

RADIO lend eraakera end perfm bleVWiM nNRKATOORAPII b kU elawM ererr emilnc. Deck OaM. Rar. nwlrie Unsdr]. cte.JIRAUR - -

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aCAlT RAdOAnR lalwIM an.i booked • br tea fncn l-Drl Said la •iiblB on. rrar ...........


h:ind drapatchK! proapUr IxiiKlon. If irainlrMl.

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rondderalile n>ralal Rodnelles, to OoreraBimi't and tbrlr DtpniJnU

MOTPAr urJs:*U".ilI'la.K

Rrinrn lUlure whbln l«o Veara


last. lAJMWlN. WP£ »-ie.4 'o.^lkl.r n latra kr >e,al IM Alraaa AMI ik*

■amAAA AStim: leirpoa . PALA kVIAbtn: ■Ailou nPAant;Iin. Tal,. -WIUnjfWB TraoK BBimiRw, r,niiTRD

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