
Digital Marketing Webinar Learnings from SlideShare- How to get 75MN

monthly visitors on a zero marketing budget!

November 14, 2014 | Amit Ranjan (Co Founder, SlideShare)

100 Million Monthly Visitors on a Zero Marketing Budget


To empower the world’s professionals through knowledge


Sorry for the all-caps:)

• The Science of Virality

What is Virality?

- Virality: ability of an object to self-replicate

- Think pathological diseases

- Often mixed with WOM, marketing, buzz etc

Virality ?

Virality in Web Applications

- Single minded focus on acquiring new users - Increase width (not depth) - Half art / science: psychology & web analytics

Putting it differently...

“Virality is marketing BUILT INTO the product… if the product is viral, it will market itself”

Ways to go Viral

- Social Graph: Facebook, Twitter

- Network Effects: IM, Skype

- Emails: LinkedIn

- Widgets: YouTube, SlideShare

- SEO (backlinks authority): Wikipedia

Viral Coefficient – The secret sauce

Viral Coefficient is the number of additional members every new member brings

Viral Coefficient < 1 • grows initially but hits ceiling

Viral Coefficient > 1 • growth unbounded • think perpetual motion machine

Why viral coefficient > 1

All figures hypothetical

Viral Loops: Distribution Channels

- Invite a friend

- NewsFeed

- Embeds / widgets

- Notifications

- Emails

The Mathematics of Viral Growth

User Call to action to invite friends

x = invited friends

Accept? Yes

y% = invite accept rate

x * y > 1 gives you viral growth!

Flow A

Flow B

A new users

B new users

X% user dropoff Y invites sent/user Z% invites accepted

- A/B test entire user flows - A/B test calls to action

Using metrics: CTAs & click flows

Viral channels NOT EQUALS features

- Viral channels bring new users - Features keep existing users engaged - Features not necessarily viral

Viral Channels LifeCycle

-Viral channels eventually decay (saturation, user conditioning) - When channel exhausts, explore new ones


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