



ISSUE  2  

Kevin Teo Vice-President of the 8th VinE Committee, Studying  Economics  and  Economics  History  at  LSE  



Shawn  (centre)  is  now  studying  Civil  Engineering  at  UCL.  He  

travels  frequently  –  no  buddy?  Still  on!  Here,  he’s  at  

Preikestolen,  Norway,  and  met  two  friends  along  the  way  –  

construction  workers  on  their  day  off  from  paving  a  new  

hiking  trek.        


 Trekking  up  Ben  Nevis  (UK’s  tallest  mountain)  in  probably  the  worst  weather  possible  with  strong  winds,  poor  visibility  (I  couldn’t  see  past  10m)  and  rain  lashing  at  me  incessantly.  What  made  it  worse  was  the  initial  decision  to  stray  off  the  demarcated  trekking  route  and  walk  along  a  narrow  ridgeline  for  that  extra  “challenge”.  My  friend  and  I  were  trekking  in  literally  no  man’s  land  for  several  hours  and  even  toyed  with  the  idea  of  calling  a  rescue  team  should  we  fail  to  reach  the  summit  before  late  afternoon  (that  is,  if  we  even  get  a  signal  up  there).  Thankfully,  a  brief  clear  up  of  the  skies  gave  us  just  enough  time  to  regain  our  bearings  as  we  took  the  opportunity  to  identify  key  features  around,  and  a  fortunate  meeting  with  a  pair  of  climbers  subsequently  provided  the  much-­‐needed  assurance  that  we  were  on  the  right  track.  

Tell us one moment that you will never tell your parents about (e.g. most embarrassing, most dangerous…).

Shawn Goh

What do you think you have learnt through such a “YOLO” moment?  The  very  lesson  that  we  only  live  once,  so  careful  planning  for  any  risky  adventure  should  not  be  overlooked.  Ironically,  I  have  also  learnt  that  spontaneity  leaves  room  for  surprises  and  detailed  planning  may  actually  kill  the  joy  of  travelling.  So  my  conclusion?  Plan  well  for  the  first  trip  of  any  sort  (eg.  hiking  /  backpacking  /  going  solo),  so  that  with  the  experience,  there  can  be  more  room  for  spontaneity  in  future  trips.    

How difficult, or how easy, has it been to make friends? (Please indicate if you are referring to Singaporeans or non-Singaporeans) I’m  the  only  Singaporean  studying  Civil  Engineering  in  my  year,  so  I  definitely  had  to  make  friends  with  non-­‐Singaporeans.  It  helps  that  my  course  is  very  project  intensive  so  I’m  constantly  working  closely  with  my  fellow  coursemates.  In  general,  London  is  very  diverse  culturally  so  people  are  open  to  meeting  others  from  different  backgrounds  and  making  friends  with  them.  

Tell us some of the places that you have travelled to (if there are too many to recount, please tell us your most memorable ones)    Prague  (Czech  Rep),  Salzburg,  Vienna  (both  Austria),  Preikestolen  (Norway),  Snowdonia  and  Cornwall  (both  UK)  count  among  my  favourites.  

Which was your favourite trip and why?    Prague,  Salburg  and  Vienna  –  because  the  company  was  unbeatable.  It  was  a  weeklong  trip  with  my  hallmates  back  in  Year  1,  and  more  than  just  the  beautiful  scenery  and  finer  things  which  those  places  offered,  the  company  made  the  experience  so  much  more  memorable.  

Any budgeting tips for travel? (What did you spend more or less on? Any particular budget carrier or hostel you would recommend?)    Save  on  the  accommodation,  save  on  transport,  grab  a  walking  lunch,  and  then  spend  on  good  dinner!  

Tell us your most horrific travelling experience (e.g. missed your plane, lost your wallet, or maybe you even got yourself lost…) and tell us how you solved it.  I’ve  really  got  to  thank  God  for  this.  This  happened  as  I  was  leaving  for  my  solo  trip  to  Preikestolen  in  Norway.  My  train  to  Gatwick  Airport  was  badly  delayed,  hence  I  had  to  take  an  alternative  route  from  another  station  which  I  did  not  have  tickets  for.  It  was  the  evening  rush  hour  as  well,  so  upon  reaching  the  station,  there  was  an  insanely  long  queue  for  tickets  at  the  purchasing  machine.  Pressed  for  time,  I  decided  to  gamble  and  jump  over  to  the  empty  “ticket  collection”  queue  to  collect  the  ones  I  had  originally  purchased,  in  the  hope  of  getting  through  the  barriers  with  them.  Guess  what!  I  found  those  very  tickets  I  needed  for  my  new  journey  already  dispensed  at  the  machine.  Someone  must  have  left  them  behind  by  accident  but  well,  I  had  a  flight  to  catch  so  I  gladly  took  them!  


Ranita Yoggeeswaran

Currently  in  her  final  year,  Ranita  is  doing  her  LLB  Law  at  the  University  of  Manchester.  She  graduated  from  VJC  in  2011  and  was  also  a  Redshirt  in  the  27th  Students’  Council.  

What are some of your craziest moments abroad? Is there anything you won’t tell your parents about? Having  a  surgery  to  remove  both  my  big  toe  nails  3.5hours  before  my  flight  to  Manchester  and  having  to  deal  with  all  the  treatments,  doctor  appointments  and  not  to  forget  the  pain  far  far  far  away  from  home  where  my  family  and  good  healthcare  is.    What  I'll  never  tell  my  parents  about  -­‐  if  I  wouldn't  tell  them,  why  would  I  write  it  here?!?  Haha  but  I  went  cliff  diving  in  Croatia  and  I  didn't  dare  tell  them  until  after  the  drive  because  I  knew  they'd  probably  panic  and  not  let  me  do  it   How is it like making friends in this whole new environment? It’s  easy  to  make  and  easy  to  click  with  Singaporeans  because  of  all  the  common  overlaps  (friends,  culture,  food).  As  for  non-­‐Singaporean  friends,  it  definitely  is  harder  to  make  friends  with  them  but  it  is  worth  the  effort.  Interacting  with  them  is  amazing  and  I've  learnt  so  many  things  abt  their  countries  and  cultures.  I  feel  that  I  learn  a  lot  more  from  them  because  of  the  different  perspectives  

Where are the places that you have travelled to, and any tips?  Travelled  to  Rome  Venice,  Sicily,  Baden  Baden,  Munich,  Copenhagen,  Brussels,  Prague,  Helsinki,  saariselka  (Lapland),  Croatia,  Dublin,  Edinburgh.    Some  tips:    

• Plan  in  advance,  the  earlier  you  plan,  the  cheaper  your  trip  will  be    • AirBnB  is  the  way  to  go!  Affordable  accommodation  for  groups  of  any  size  and  the  

hosts  are  usually  always  nice    • If  it's  an  all  girls  trip,  be  extra  careful  about  safety  and  always  don't  go  asking  for  

trouble  (e.g.  Don't  flaunt  your  iPhones  and  Prada  wallets  in  public)  Prague  is  gorgeous!  Definitely  recommend  going  there  and  Croatia  as  well,  especially  the  city  of  Dubrovnik!  It's  an  old  city  that's  been  preserved  with  amazing  beaches!    

Tell us your most horrific travelling experience (e.g. missed your plane, lost your wallet, or maybe you even got yourself lost…) and tell us how you solved it.  Dubrovnik  is  currently  my  most  favourite  city  in  the  world  and  ironically  it  is  in  Croatia  where  I  had  the  most  horrific  encounter  whilst  traveling.  A  group  of  8  of  us  travelled  together  to  Croatia  and  we  had  dinner  together  on  the  first  night.  After  that  we  split  up  because  6  of  them  wanted  to  go  to  the  supermarket  and  my  friend  and  I  wanted  to  see  the  harbour  at  night  (we  thought  it  would  be  lively  as  there  were  many  restaurants  and  cafe  lining  the  harbour).  However,  to  our  disappointment,  everything  was  closed  and  it  was  dark  so  we  decided  to  walk  back  to  our  accommodation,  which  was  a  3-­‐5min  walk  away.  But  3  guys  started  to  follow  us  and  started  to  wolf  whistle,  catcall  and  the  works,  so  naturally  we  panicked!  Didn't  turn  around  and  started  walking  quickly  and  continued  to  talk  between  ourselves.  Saw  a  tiny  convenience  store  open  and  walked  towards  it.  But  thankfully  as  we  turned  the  corner,  we  saw  another  2  of  our  friends  and  the  guys  just  turned  around  and  walked  away!    


Glen Ang  

Glen  is  now  in  his  final  year  at  UCL,  reading  Economics.  Having  graduated  from  VJC  in  2009,  he’s  someone  whom  you  might  want  to  approach  for  some  spontaneity!  

Tell us one moment that you will never tell your parents about.  I  suppose  there  was  this  one  time  when  I  was  on  an  Economics  trip  to  Brighton,  my  friends  and  I  were  crazily  enough,  on  a  sugar  high  due  to  some  candy  we  bought  along  the  streets.  A  series  of  bad  decisions  followed  which  culminated  in  us  skinny-­‐dipping  into  the  sea.  It  was  2  degrees  Celsius  that  night!!  Skinny-­‐dipping’s  nothing,  but  2  degrees  waters,  that  killed  me.  

How difficult, or how easy, has it been to make friends? Please indicate if you are referring to Singaporeand or non-Singaporeans.  Well  let’s  start  with  the  easy  ones,  Singaporeans.  I  suppose  coming  from  the  same  background  makes  it  so  much  easier.  It  is  great  to  have  a  close  knitted  Singapore  family  overseas  as  they  understand  you  best  and  are  sharing  similar  experiences  with  you.  With  regards  to  the  other  internationals  and  the  locals,  I  suppose  it  was  not  exactly  easy  kicking  start  the  whole  friendship  building  process.  

Tell us about some of the places that you have travelled to. Well  some  of  the  places  I’ve  been  to  so  far  (not  including  my  travels  in  Europe  prior  to  university)  are  Amsterdam,  Edinburgh,  Belfast,  Iceland,  Croatia,  Portugal,  Morocco  (yep,  we  decided  to  go  to  Africa),  Malta  and  Turkey.  All  these  trips  are  unique  in  their  own  way,  it  was  a  really  great  experience  just  travelling  around  Europe  in  the  companionship  of  close  friends.     Which was your favourite trip and why? I  suppose  the  most  memorable  trip  for  me  would  be  Iceland.  The  country  was  just  so  incredibly  quaint.  Juxtapose  it  with  the  intensity  of  city  life  and  you’ll  understand  why.  Not  only  was  the  scenery  impeccable,  but  it  was  also  the  trip  with  a  couple  of  firsts,  such  as  seeing  the  northern  lights  and  riding  a  snow  mobile  on  a  glacier.  No  trip  is  complete  without  the  company  of  great  friends,  and  that  was  no  different  when  I  was  in  Iceland.   Any budgeting tips for travel? What did you spend more or less on? Any particular budget carrier or hostel would you recommend? Well  in  terms  of  accommodation,  if  you  are  travelling  in  a  group  of  around  3-­‐5  people,  get  airBnB!  You  get  amazing  private  apartments  in  really  good  locations  at  a  fairly  good  price!  It  is  so  much  cheaper  than  hotels  and  it  way  more  comfortable  than  living  in  hostels  with  strangers  (unless  you  are  there  for  solo  trips  and  are  ok  with  it).  With  regards  to  flights,  there’s  Ryanair,  Easyjet  and  so  many  more.  To  get  the  best  deals,  just  use  Travels  in  Europe  are  fairly  cheap,  except  for  exotic  places  like  the  Nordic  countries.  Eventually,  how  much  you  spend  per  trip  is  down  to  the  food  you  eat,  the  stuff  you  buy  and  the  lifestyle  you  lead  while  travelling.     Tell us your most horrific travel experience and tell us how you solved it. I  think  my  travels  have  been  fairly  smooth.  If  there  was  one  incident  that  came  close  to  being  anything  near  horrific,  it  would  be  nearly  missing  my  flight  from  Istanbul  back  to  London.  We  were  unfortunately  caught  in  a  massive  jam  through  central  Istanbul  with  our  flight  taking  off  in  less  than  2  hours.  It  was  terrible  as  we  couldn’t  really  do  anything  about  it.  However,  we  did  call  the  airline  to  explain  our  situation  and  tried  to  make  arrangements  for  us  to  be  processed  as  quickly  as  possible  once  we  arrive  at  the  airport.  In  anticipation  of  potentially  missing  our  flight,  I  had  to  call  my  friend  in  London  while  I  was  in  the  cab  to  check  on  the  next  available  flights  from  Istanbul  to  London.  It  was  a  mad  rush  once  we  arrived  at  the  airport,  with  just  30mins  before  our  flight  was  due  to  fly.  We  managed  to  convince  airline  service  staff  to  process  our  check-­‐in  first  and  we  managed  to  get  to  the  gate  just  in  time,  thankfully.        

Introducing… Gavin ChanDra

Tell us one moment that you will never tell your parents about. I’ve  had  crazy  moments  with  my  housemates  who  just  can’t  seem  to  stop  drinking  and  made  unbelievable  loud  noises  while  I  was  studying  for  my  finals,  but  I  would  have  to  say  the  most  YOLO  thing  I  did  without  telling  my  parents  first  would  be  to  book  flights  in  the  year  spontaneously!  I’ve  booked  flights  to  Barcelona,  the  UK  and  the  Netherlands  without  my  parents’  knowledge  (though  eventually  I  would  tell  them)  and  this  gives  me  the  thrill  of  spontaneity  that  Singaporeans  rarely  feel.  Many  a  times  Singaporeans  have  the  mentality  of  travelling  in  groups  and  are  afraid  to  travel  on  their  own,  but  I  decided  to  break  from  this  general  stereotype.  Thankfully  I  have  some  Singaporean  friends  who  do  trips  on  their  own  and  they’ve  told  me  how  wonderful  the  experience  is  to  travel  by  oneself  to  a  completely  foreign  land  and  meeting  new  people  in  the  many  hostels  in  foreign  land.  The  most  YOLO  moment  for  me  was  booking  tickets  to  the  Glastonbury  Music  Festival  9  months  before  the  actual  festival!  I  had  to  book  it  then  because  tickets  were  sold  out  within  an  hour  and  a  half,  but  I  have  no  regrets  buying  them  first  because  the  festival  lineup  was  amazing!    I  think  the  best  part  of  all  these  YOLO  moments  would  be  trying  something  that  not  many  other  Singaporeans  would  naturally  do  and  getting  the  best  out  of  these  experiences  to  share  to  the  many  friends  back  home  saying  “hey!  This  wasn’t  as  bad  as  many  people  think  it  would  be!”  The  feeling  of  making  full  use  of  your  time  abroad  instead  of  just  studying  and  getting  the  degree  would  be  the  best  feeling  for  me,  and  I  hope  others  can  embark  on  their  own  travels  or  YOLO  moments!    


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VinE Freshers 2015  

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The  8th  VinE  Committee  would  like  to  thank  everyone  who  has  contributed  to  this  newsletter.    Feel  free  to  email  us  at:  Upcoming  Events:  VinE  Day  Trip  25th  October  2014  Whitstable  and  Canterbury  

How is it like making friends abroad? For  me,  the  thrill  of  making  friends  that  are  non-­‐Singaporeans  is  wonderful  to  have  because  we  start  to  realise  what  a  small  world  we  live  in  Singapore  and  how  our  perspectives  can  change  for  the  better  after  meeting  inspirational  people  along  the  way.  I’m  lucky  to  have  many  International  students  in  my  college  from  the  States,  Canada  and  Ireland  that  I  can  make  friends  with  and  hang  out  with,  because  the  experience  is  completely  different  from  hanging  out  with  my  Singaporean  friends.  Also  in  Ireland,  I  was  forced  to  make  friends  with  the  International  students  due  to  the  small  Singaporean  community  and  the  experiences  I’ve  had  with  them  have  been  worthwhile.  Although  I  hang  out  mainly  with  the  Singaporeans,  I  do  not  have  to  hang  out  with  them  all  the  time  (if  I  really  like  this  band  that  are  performing  in  Dublin  and  none  of  the  Singaporeans  want  to  go  with  me,  I’ll  ask  my  American  friends  and  they’ll  be  up  for  it!).  Also,  joining  societies  would  allow  you  to  expand  your  social  circle  and  make  many  other  people  other  than  your  coursemates,  so  I  highly  recommend  that.  

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