Vidyanjali s · 2018-05-07 · music by Jasleen Royal also adds a nice spark to the proceedings. It’s just the right

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Volume 3, Issue 6 28th Apr 2018

Vidyanjali’s Bugle Page | 1

Light to Light

Your child isn’t giving a hard time…….

– Mrs. Gauthami

Vidyanjali’s Bugle

objects from areas your kid can reach

are essential steps in toddler-

proofing your home. But don’t rely too

heavily on these physical barriers or

introduce them without discussion, as

many kids might disregard them.

Be consistent:

Once you’ve established

safety rules with your toddler, be sure

to consistently enforce them and follow

through. “You can set your child up for

success by reviewing rules and

expectations, and keeping those

expectations realistic,” says Yazbek.

So, if climbing the bookcase is a no-no

(as it should be), don’t laugh if it

happens when Grandma and Grandpa

are visiting. You put in the methods,

you get everybody on board, and you

give it some time to grow.” Let us put

our minds together and see what life

we can offer our


“Children are not a distraction from

more important work. They are the most

important work”. Children are bestowed

with quick reflexes and thinking. Kids

who are labelled as spirited or highly

energetic, who have a fearless streak

may be more prone to putting

themselves in situations that can quickly

turn from adventure to misadventure.

“They tend to have this driving force of

wanting to do everything, touch

everything, see everything and hear


“All toddlers are like that, but these are

the children with whom that drive is sort

of over and beyond the norm.”

Safety first:

With fearless toddlers, safety is the most

important issue. When kids with

this temperament become mobile,

they’re into everything. “At this age,

children do not have the reasoning skills

to make the best or safest choices for

themselves, so it’s up to parents to

provide guidance. This can be done by

changing aspects of the environment

and providing supervision always.

Installing baby gates and outlet covers,

and removing potentially dangerous


• Mrs. Nusrath Begum

• Mrs. Gauthami


• Light to light 1

• At Vidyanjali 2

• Tete-e-Tete 4

• Movie Review 5

“Be Happy

Not because everything

Is good, but because

you can see the good

side of everything”.

Volume 3, Issue 6 28th Apr 2018

Vidyanjali’s Bugle Page | 2

At Vidyanjali

Going Out

Ganesha Homa

Ganesha Homa is conducted every year for the

benefit of Grade X students who appear for the Board

Exams. This year Ganesha Homa was conducted

fervently in our auditorium on 23rd February 2018.

Students of Grade X, parents, teachers, and non-teaching

staff attended the programme. Ganesha Homa was

conducted in the presence of our honourable Director Mrs

Rekha Reddy and humble Secretary Mr. Lokesh Reddy.

The priest who performed the Homa spoke about the

significance and benefits of the rituals. Eventually it was

followed by the distribution of hall tickets to the Grade X

students. Our Director Mrs. Rekha Reddy addressed the

gathering and wished the students success in the Board

Exam. She also advised them not to disregard their

parents and to uphold utmost values in life. Ganesha

Homa spread the spirit of divinity amongst the gathering.

It gave a platform to parents to express their gratitude,

opinions and their association with the school, which has

contributed to the overall development of their children.

All parents felt blessed and happy.

Pre-Primary Montessori and Preparatory

children visited Hebbal Lake on 19th, 20th and 21st of

February 2018, accompanied by their respective teachers.

They started at 9:45 a.m. and reached Hebbal Lake at 10

a.m. Children entered the park with lots of eagerness and

viewed the lake. Teachers briefly described them the

difference between a lake and an island. The children

spotted a few birds, and the teachers briefed about the

names of the birds and their migration pattern. They also

reinforced the olfactory activity by smelling the leaves and

pods of different trees. They also collected leaves, pods,

and some seeds. They observed the lake and birds’

movements for some time which was a visual treat for

them. They enjoyed running on the green lawn, laughing,

and enjoying their day out. Children also got to encounter

a few foreigners who had come to visit the lake. Our

Children wished them Namaste and interacted with them

very happily. Foreigners appreciated the children and

teachers. Children happily returned to school refreshed

with some new insights of nature.

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Vidyanjali’s Bugle Page | 3

Holi Celebration

Pre- Primary

Montessori celebrated

Holi ‘The festival of

colours’. Each day was

related with a colour and the children came to school

wearing colourful clothes. The children enjoyed the

narration of stories and singing of rhymes, based on the

various colours. Children explored their classroom by

identifying the colours and had great fun. They learnt that

each colour had its own significance. The teachers

explained to them about

the usage of natural

colours to celebrate the


Parent Observation

Pre-Primary and Primary Montessori had

classroom observation for parents. Each parent was given

a time slot to come and observe their child’s work and

also to observe the working environment. It was from 9

a.m to 10 a.m. in the morning and 2:15 p.m to 3:15 p.m.

in the afternoon. Parents came to the environment as per

the time allotted. They observed the children in the

environment working independently. They had the

opportunity of observing the child collaborating with

other children of different age groups. The children were

happy to display what they have learnt. After the

observation, parents gave their feedback online as well as

in the parent observation record book. They also

expressed their happiness regarding the harmony and

discipline maintained in the classroom by the children.

They extended their appreciation to the teachers as well

as the management for offering such an opportunity.

Pre- Primary Montessori Graduation Day


primary Montessori


Ceremony” was

held on 7th April

2018. Mrs.Bindu Subramanaiam was the guest of the

ceremony. The ceremony started with a melodious

invocation song sung by the children, followed by

welcoming the gathering. The program began with

activities like recognizing shapes, colours, and numbers

through different materials. The senior children

recognized various shapes, countries, and flags. This was

followed by a quiz session which had interesting

questions on various subjects. All the children

enthusiastically participated in the quiz session. They

enjoyed interpreting the commands given by their friends.

The program was a blend of music and activities.

Children displayed their ability of singing and playing

instruments on the stage with lots of enthusiasm. The

Director, Guest and Parents wrote few words on the Black

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Vidyanjali’s Bugle Page | 4

Board which the children read with great confidence.

Certificates were given to all the senior children by the

Chief Guest and the Director Mrs. Rekha Reddy. The pre-

primary children expressed their happiness by singing a

graduation song. The graduated children were warmly

welcomed by the Primary children. Parents shared their

experience and gratitude towards teachers and the

institution. The program was concluded by thanking all

the people who helped in the grand success of the


Primary Montessori Graduation Day

The program was

held on 8th April

2018. Our beloved


Mrs.Rekha Reddy

and Administrator

Miss.Swathi Reddy were the chief guests for the event.

The program began with an invocation song, followed by

welcoming the gathering. The children sang a

harmonious content song with beautiful gestures. Our

admirable Director and Principal distributed the

graduation certificates to the outgoing Primary

Montessori children. The graduated young scholars

shared their experience and sweet memories about their

time spent in the Montessori environment. Following

that, the fourth grade CBSE students cordially invited the

primary Montessori children to the CBSE classes to

explore the traditional way of learning. The Director

addressed the gathering and shared few valuable insights.

The program was concluded by extending a vote of


Tete-e Tete

– Mrs. Gauthami

Taking Care of mouth, teeth and

gums is a worthy goal in and of


When I Interacted with

dentist Dr. Mamatha Nataraj

MDS Prostho-dontists Oral Hygiene, I questioned her

about the disparities in children’s Oral health. Then, she

briefed about Dental care and added that the Primary

Dentition plays a vital role.

Dental care is the most prevalent unmet health

need in India with wide disparities existing in oral health.

The foundation for healthy and permanent teeth in

children is laid during the initial years of life. Therefore,

it is very essential to establish a proper oral hygiene.

Doctor elaborated on the importance of Primary


Primary teeth start to erupt in children from the

age of six months. The primary teeth also play a vital role

in the proper alignment and spacing of permanent teeth.

It’s therefore imperative that they are well cared for and

preserved until normal exfoliation takes place. As much

as possible children should be limited in the amount of

sweets intake between meals, especially in the night.

As parents there is a vital role we play in the dental

care of our children. Here are some important guidelines

that can be followed:

• Children should be encouraged to use their

toothbrushes independently after the age of three

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Vidyanjali’s Bugle Page | 5

but should be constantly supervised until the age

of twelve.

• From the age of two years, teeth should be

brushed twice daily using a pea size amount of

tooth paste.

• From the beginning of the eruption of new

permanent teeth children should use a low to

high fluoride content tooth paste (1000 ppm to

1500 ppm). This ensures best caries (decay)

protection for the permanent teeth.

Movie Review (Hitchki)

-Mrs. Nusrath Begum

A teacher can be a mentor, guide and in rare

cases, even a friend. Hitchki is the story of

one such teacher. Naina Mathur (Rani

Mukerji) is an inspiring teacher who suffers

from Tourette syndrome. After several

interviews and numerous rejections, she

lands her dream job as a full-time teacher in

an elite school. The class she has been

assigned though comprises of defiant and

impish students who can’t seem to keep out

of trouble. But still she overcomes all

challenges to help her students realise their

true potential.

What makes Naina (Rani Mukerji)

different from other teachers is her Tourette

syndrome. She makes noises due to a

neurological disorder that she explains with

spirit and wit. It’s a fresh concept, especially

from the perspective of people with

disorders. Just because you’re not normal,

that doesn’t mean you can’t fit in or you

can’t succeed. That thought fuels the drama

of the film.

The movie still has plenty of freshness,

insights, and emotional intelligence. It can

make us nostalgic about our school days and

remind us of our favourite teacher. The

music by Jasleen Royal also adds a nice

spark to the proceedings. It’s just the right

amount of fresh joy and fun.


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