Video cassette VHR-150 recorder mqI+m

Post on 17-Jan-2022






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Video cassetterecorder



FEATURES ............................................................................ 1

PRECAUTIONS .................................................................... 1

AUTOMATIC FUNCTIONS ................................................... 2` H̀OW TO'' REFERENCE GUIDE ......................................... 3

PARTS NAMES AND Functions ...................................... 4REMOTE CONTROL UNIT ................................................... 5Connections .................................................................... 7

Power cordAntenna/RF connectionAV connection

Adjusting THE WRECEiVER ......................................... 8CLOCK SETTING .......................................................’.... ..... 9

Resume function

TUNING CONTROL ADJUSTMENTS ................................. 11Channel fine tuning

CASSEITE LOADING AND UNLOADING ......................... 13PLAYBACK .......................................................................... 13

Tracking adjustmentPicture sharpness adjustmentTV monitor function

SPECIAL PLAYBACK ......................................................... 15

Forward searchReverse search

Still pictureFrame advanceSlow motion

RECORDING TELEVISION BROADCASTS ....................... 16Quick Start Recording (QSR) timerBlank search function

TIMER RECORDING ........................................................... 18

On-screen assistanceCOUNTER MEMORY ......................................... .................. 21INDEX SEARCH FUNCTION ............................................... 22

Index scan searchIndex search

HOLD FUNCTION ................................................................ 24

Endless playAll-key lock

COPYING A TAPE ............................................................... 25

REPAIRS .............................................................................. 26TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................... 26

SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................ 26

About this Instruction ManualThis instruction manual covers for use in both Australia andNew Zealand. The main differences between the two modelsare shown below.

country video channel selector TV channel

Australia CHO/CHl Oorl





SP/LP mode playback and recording systemSynthesized tuner with 39-channel memory capacityBuilt-in 1-year, 6-event timer with everyday recordingfunctionMulti-function infra-red remote controlQuick Start Recording (QSR) timerOn-screen assistanceBlank search functionTV monitor functionFonvard and reverse colour picture searchStill picture playbackFrame advance playbackSlow motionLinear time counterIndex search systemHold functionResume functionVarious convenient automatic functions


This VCR is based on a VHS-PAL signal system. Only videocassette bearing the ~ symbol can be used.

Video cassette recorders bearing the “I-IQ”markincorporate VHS high picture quality technology. Note thatthere is interchangeability with former VHS video cassetterecorders.


[ASO1 (Active Sideband optimum)

VCRs with the ASO mark contain a special picture-

enhancing circuit. This circuit reduces picture noise duringplayback and automatically compensates the playbackimage to produce the best possible picture quality. It isespecially effective for playing back worn rental tapes.

ASO is a Nokia patent used under license.

[ New Zealand ! cH2/cH3 I 2or3 I

The illustrations in this instruction manual show for useAustralia. Any difference between the two models areindicated.

I Operating precautions I

•I Removing the cabinet and touching the inside of the VCRwith your hand, a screwdriver, or anything else, is not onlyharmful to the unit, but is also dangerous.TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOTEXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE.

❑ The unauthorized recording of television programmed, videotapes, films and other such material may infringe uponcopyright or the rights of third parties.

•! Be sure to use this VCR only in a temperature range of 5°Cto 40”C and at less than 85% humidity.

•l This VCR is sensitive to magnetism. Do not expose it to amagnetic source.

❑ Place the VCR on a flat, stable, level surface. Never subjectit to violent shaking or any other shock or impact.

•l Do not block the air vents that are provided to prevent thetemperature inside the VCR from rising excessively.

The POWER button of this VCR is a secondary circuit, anddoes not disconnect the unit from the AC power source, even ifthe VCR is in the stand-by position, as long as the power cordis connected to an AC electrical outlet.

Note: Stand-by is the condition in which the digital display

‘) becomes dimmer and the date and time are displayed.

‘If the power supply cord of this appliance is damaged, it mustbe replaced. Return to a SANYO authorized service center forreplacement of the cord.

I Caution concerning condensation I

Be careful of condensation

Condensation is the moisture that forms on the outside of aglass when you fill it with cold water. Condensation can alsoform inside a VCR when it is suddenly moved from a coldplace to a warm, humid one, or when a heater has been turnedon to quickly heat the room.

Particular care must be taken with your VCR because waterparticles that form on the video head drum, which is the mainVCR mechanism, can cause the video tape to stick to thedrum. This prevents proper tape travel and may damage bothtape and mechanism.

Follow the procedures below the first time you use the/CR, and whenever you use it in places which are subjectto condensation:

1. Connect the antenna cable and make all other necessaryconnections.

2. Plug the power cord into an AC outlet.

3. Turn on the VCR power to warm it up and speed up thedrying of any water particles that may have formed on thevideo head drum.

4. Do not insert a video cassetie.

It takes about 1-1/2 to 2 hours to completely eliminatecondensation. Wait at least this long before using theVCR.

I Direct power on and go I

When the VCR is in stand-by, press any one of the controlbuttons to turn on the power and perform the respectivebutton’s function.

Note: This function is not provided for the REC button. This isto prevent the VCR from being inadve~ently put intovideo recording condition. Normally, when only poweron is required, press the POWER button.

[Auto power on I

The power is automatically switched on as a cassette isinserted while the VCR is in the stand-by condition.

I MEP (Mis-Erasure Prevention) eject I

The cassette will automatically be ejected if recording isattempted on a video cassette without an erasure-prevention tab.

I Auto rewind I

The VCR automatically rewinds the tape when it reaches the .,,end.


Note: This function does not operate with timer recording or “~.QSR timer recording.


IAuto play I*

The VCR will play back the tape automatically when a videocassette without an erasure-prevention tab has been inserted.

I Auto eject I

When a video cassette without an erasure-prevention tab isplayed to the end of the tape, the tape will be automaticallyrewound and then the cassette will be ejected.

I Power off eject

The video cassette will be ejected when the EJECT button ispressed even when the VCR is in stand-by condition.

I Auto-timer stand-by I

When timer setting is completed, the VCR’s power is

automatically switched off and the VCR remains in the timerstand-by mode.


low to set the clock is on page 9

flow to preset the broadcasting channels is on>age 11

How to make sure a recorded tape doesn’t geterased is on page 13

How to play back a tape is on page 13

How to remove interference from the playbackpicture is on page 14

How to make a recording is on page 16

How to record a programme while watchinganother is on page 17

How to find a recording or a programme is onpage 22


I Front I

0 Eject button (EJECT)@ Cassette loading slot@ Remote control detector@ Digital display@ Playback button (PLAY)@ Stop button (STOP)0 AV input select switch (AV INPUT)0 Summer time adjustment button (STA)0 VTR/lV select button (VTl%l_V)@ Data confirmation button (OK)@ Audio input terminal (AUDIO INPUT)@ Video input terminal (VIDEO INPUT)

@Channel UP button (A)

@ Channel down button (Y)@ Channel preset button (PRESET)@ Fine tuning/Tracking/V-lock controls

(FINE TUNING/lRACKING/V-LOCK)@ Dimmer button (DIMMER)@ Record button (REC)@ Pause/Still button (PAUSEETILL)a Forward search/Fast-forward button (@I/FF)@ Rewind/Reverse search button (REW@I)@ Picture sharpness control (PICTURE)@ All clear button (ALL CLEAR)@ Power button (POWER)@ Protector

Remove the protector when using the front AV terminals.

\ Rear I~ Antenna input terminal (ANT IN)@ Antenna output terminal (ANT OUT)

~ Channel selector switch(CH1/CHO) ...for Australia(CH3/CH2) ...for New Zealand



@ Audio input terminal (AUDIO IN)@ Video input terminal (VIDEO IN)@ Audio output terminal (AUDIO OUT)0 Video output terminal (VIDEO OUT)@ Power socket (AC IN)

1 —1 , -— — —rnm1[AC14%



I Digital display I0 Function indicators @ Cassette-in indicator (-)

0: Playback @ Tmer indicator (~)o : Record @ All-key lock indicator (~)

* : Fast-forward @ LP mode indicater (LP)44 : RewindD +00 : Still

O-kufl : Record pause

B + M : Forward searchD +44 : Reverse search

@ Multi-use displayChannel position numberIndex search (Id)Blank search (TO)Error indicator (ER)On-screen assistance (PR)

@ Multi-use displayClockTmer ON-time (ON)Index number (P: O)Full memory indicator (FULL)Lock mode indicator (Hold)

@ Multi-use displayDate17mer OFF-time (OFF)Counter displayCounter memory indicator (M)QSR timer indicator (QSR)VTR indicator (VTR)

This remote control unit is a multi-functional unit equipped withan LCD panel.

Clock setting and timer programming operations can be setupwhile looking at the remote control unit LCD panel, thentransmitted to the VCR. In addition to timer programming andtime adjustments, convenient special functions can also beengaged with the remote control unit. For details, see separateentries for each operation.

IBattery insertion I1. Open the lid.

2. Insert 2 “AA (IEC R6)” 1.5 volt batteries according to the (+)and (–) signs.

3. Replace the lid.


Operate the remote control unit within a range of approx.30° from the front of the VCR.

Operate the unit within approx. 6m (20 ft.) from the front ofthe VCR.

The battery life under normal operating conditions is aboutsix months. If the batteries become weak, the operatingdistance will decrease; when this occurs, replace thebatteries.

If the remote control unit is not to be used for a long periodof time, remove the batteries.




I LCD panel I

When programming any type of data to be sent to the VCR,

the display changes according to each mode.

@ Programme mode indicator (PROG)@ Date mode indicator (DATE)@ Clock mode indicator (CLOCK)@ LP mode indicator (LP)@ Programme data transfer indicator(~)@ Data confirmation indicator (OK)

I Parts names I

0 Power button (POWER)@ Clock set button (CLOCK)

0 Programme set button (PROG)@ Programme check button (CHECK)@ On-screen assistance button (OSA)0 Cancel button (CL)@ Key lock button (.--)0 Index button (INDEX)@ Auto-tracking button (ATR)@ Rewind/reverse search button (44 REW@)@ Record buttons (OREC)

To record press both buttons.@ Stop button (mSTOP)@ Tape speed select button (SP/LP)@ Programme data transfer button(7)@ VTFUTV select button (l/TR/TV)@ Numeric buttons@ Channel up button (A)@ Channel down button (V)@TV monitor button (MONITOR)@ Data confirmation button (OK)@ AV select button (OIAV)@ Counter memory button (MEMORY)@ Counter reset button (RESET)@ Forward searct_dFast-forward button (@@FFM)@ Playback button (PLAY>)@ Pause/Still button (llPAUSE/STILL)@ Slow motion button (SLOW)@ Slow speed select buttons (-,+)







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I Power cord IPlug the power cord into the VCR power socket before usingthe unit. ~nsert the plug straight and firmly.

I Antenna/RF connection I● unplug the antenna cable from your TV receiver and

reconnect it to the terminal marked “ANT IN” on the VCR.

● Connect the antenna cable supplied as an accessory with

the VCR to the “ANT OUT” terminal on the VCR. Connectthe other end of this antenna cable to the TV receiver.

Insert the plug of the power cord into the wall socket.

Both video and audio (monaural) signals are fed to the TVreceiver and can be viewed by setting the TV receiver to yourpreset video channel. (See page 8)

I AV connection 1

If your ~ receiver has an video/audio input terminals, thefollowing AV connections are also possible. The cable is soldseparately.

. Connect the AUDIO/VIDEO OUT terminals on the VCR tothe video/audio terminals on the TV receiver.

. Both video and audio signals are fed to the TV receiver.

. The advantage of this connection is a higher quality ofpicture and sound during playback.


I!lr J


Particularly, the result can be seen on big screen TVreceivers.


\ I


The following procedure is only necessary if no AV connectionis made. With an AV connection, simply switch the TV receiverto “AV mode when using the VCR.

Set the TV receiver to channel O or 1 (2 or 3...for NewZealand). (Choose the channel that is not used forbroadcasting in your area.)

Then set the channel selector switch, on the rear of theVCR, to the “CH O“ or “CH 1”(“CH 2 or CH 3“...for NewZealand) position, corresponding to the channelselected on the TV receiver.

Press the VTFUTV select button to display “VTR”on theVCR display.

Select, on the VCR, an active channel by pressing the

-. (A or V) button, or with the numeric buttons. Or, playback a prerecorded tape.

Adjust the channel tuning control on the TV (or finetuning control) to the point at which the picture andsound are best.

When using the VCR, set the TV receiver to this channel(channel O or 1 ...for Australia, channel 2 or 3 ...for NewZealand). This will be the video channel.





❑ The videb channelAustralia...O or 1

EiNew Zealand...2 or 3


Cl The VCR clock setting is made using the remote controlunit. There is no clock function included in the remotecontrol unit.

O When a single digit number is going to be set, press theO/AV button first and then the desired number. (ex.: In caseof “9”: press “OIAV” and then “9”.)

❑ Each setting should be made within 2 minutes or the clocksetting mode will be cancelled.

O Before setting the clock refer to Summer Time Adjustment.(See page 1O.)

Note: When setting the clock during summer time, (eg when

the clock has been put forward) the STA button must bepressed once before setting the time.

Example: 9:30 December 10,1992

Press the CLOCK button to activate the clock setting

The “DATE” indicator will flash.

Set the date using the numeric buttons.Example: December 10, 1992 (10/1 2/92)Press [1] + [0/AVl + [1] + [2] + [9] + [2].While the “OK indicator is flashing press the OK buttonto confirm. The “CLOCK” indicator will then flash.

Set the time using the numeric buttons.Example: 9:30Press [0/AVl + [9] -+ [3]+ [0/AVJ.

While the programme data transfer indicator(%) isflashing, press the ( ? ) button.

Note: Whenever the programme data transfer indicator(%)flashes, it indicates that the setting can be transmittedto the VCR.

I Seconds adjustment I

On the VCR side, the seconds counter starts from “00”seconds immediately upon transmission from the remotecontrol unit. To adjust the seconds counter accurately,coordination between the minutes adjustment and thetransmission period is necessary.



In case of mistake...● Itis impossible to program illogical settings.

(For example a day setting higher than “31”.)

● If one of the programmed settings or if the clock setting is

wrong, press the CLOCK button to erase the clock settingsthen start again from step El


ISummer time adjustment I

•l By using the STA button on the VCR it is possible to changethe setting of the time to the ‘summer time” by adding onehour or “standard time” by going back one hour.

One more press of the STA button will return the clocksetting to the “standard time” setting.

IResume function I❑

This unit has a backup function that saves the settingsfor up to 60 minutes.

If there is a power failure while it is used, everything stopsbut will return to normal if the power is restored within 60minutes.

As the power is re-established ...

The play, record, fast forward or rewind mode will continue.The clock and timer settings will remain as they were.

I Dimmer control I

The dimmer control is valid only when the VCR power is on.The DIMMER button is used to change the brightness of thedisplay.

When the power is turned off, the display is dimmed, and whenit is turned on, the display is brightened.

1 All clear function I

All settings can be cancelled by pressing the ALL CLEARbutton on the VCR.

The digital display will then read “88:88”, and the time, dateand recording programmed can be reset.

‘n”” ‘QIQa-LBy pressing the STA button

!(Standard time) (Summer time)

1, )

(Power on display)

W 3/’

y“ -/ n“ :. /’/

/-/ /7 /-/ /7;; L/ LI LI L/HVTR M s

(Stand-by display)


The tuning control adjustments are made using the buttonson the VCR.

This VCR has a built-in tuner capable of memorizing up to39 television channels.You can select any position from 1 to 39 to preset thechannels that can be received in your area.

Before Wafling

Set the TV receiver channel to the preset video channel.

Example: To preset UHF channel “30” to channel position“2”.

Press the VTFUTV select button to display “VTR” on theVCR display.

Press the PRESET button on the VCR.This will activate the channel preset mode and theposition number will start to blink.

Select the desired channel position number

(Example: 2) by pressing the (A or V) button.Then press the OK button.

Select (L), (H) or (U) (Example: “U”)using the (A or T)button, then press the OK button.

Notes:. .. . . .●

Select the band (L), (H), (U) or the skip function (S) by

pressing the (A or T) button. Each time you press one ofthese buttons the indicator will change between “L, “H”, “U”and “S”.

If “S is selected at this step, the selected position numberwill be skipped.

I r3 Skip function I

For all position numbers where no channel has beenprogrammed select the skip function (S). These positionnumbers will be skipped when tuning a channel on the VCR.

o M ~ y“ :/ n 1/- “ J /-1

)-/ )-I )-I nLl<:.1 ~ .,LI M u u“ ..,~~ :.:.: M s,:., ., :.,,$::>

Autodine tuning indicator ~ Position number

Band indicator d Tuning’ indicator

m M -/*-



I(Skip fu~ction)


Press the (A or 7) button to tune the broadcast’youwant to assign to that position number.

The (A) button will access the following broadcast.The (V) button will access the previous broadcast.

The image of the selected channel will appear on thescreen.Example: Select the desired broadcast (channel 30) bypressing the (A or V) button.

When the broadcast from channel 30 is received, pressthe OK button when the channel auto-fine tuningindicator (IX) comes on.

Channel 30 has been preset to position number 2. At thattime position number will change from 2 to 3.

To assign a channel to another position number, repeatsteps 6 to El.

When the tuning control adjustment is completed, pressthe PRESET button to return to normal operation.

● During normal use a position number can be accessed by

using the (A or V) button or by composing the desiredposition number using the numeric buttons.

I Channel fine tuning I





The reception is automatically optimized for the presetchannels.

If the signal is weak or if the broadcast is disturbed byinterference, the reception can be improved by manual finetuning.

Press the PRESET button.

Select the unsatisfactory broadcast by pressing the (A orV) button.

Press the FiNE TUNINGflRACKING/V-LOCK (–, +)controls to obtain the best possible picture and sound.The auto-fine tuning indicator (WI) will go off.

When the best picture and sound are obtained press the OKbutton.

Togo back to auto-fine tuning mode1.



Press the PRESET button.

Press the (A or T) button to select the broadcast to returnto auto-fine tuning mode.

Press the OK button, then press the PRES= button toreturn to normal operation .

The auto-fine tuning indicator (CKI) will light and fine tuningfor that broadcast will be returned to the automatic mode.

Goes off during tuning opeations,comes on when tuning is completed.

The number of indicators increases as the channel numberincreases.Example: Channel 28 -]

IChannel 69 --- -]


I Loading I

When a video cassette is inserted, it will be loadedautomatically and the cassette-in (-) indkator will illuminate.

IUnloading I

The video cassette will be unloaded when the EJECT button ispressed.

CAUTION:Do not put your hand or other objects in the cassette loadingslot because of the risk of injuty or an accident.Be sure to keep small children away from the VCR.

Erasure-prevention tabIf the erasure-prevention tab on the back of the video cassetteis removed, the cassette cannot be recorded on. This tab isdesigned to prevent the accidental erasure of recorded material.

Note: The tab should be snapped off at its base, and removedcompletely.

To record onto the same cassette again, place two layers ofadhesive tape over the space where the tab was, so as tocover the space completely.

Before starting

Set the TV receiver channel to the preset video channel.

Insert the video cassette.

Press the PLAY button.

Note: The VCR will play back a tape automatically when avideo cassette is inserted whose erasure-prevention tabhas been removed.

To stop the playback, press the STOP button.

. To rewind the tape, press the REW button.

● To advance (fast-fotward) the tape, press the FF button.




I Tracking adjustment 1

❑ Auto-tracking adjustment

If the playback picture is disturbed by noise interference, pressthe ATR button. Adjustment to the optimum point will occurautomatically.

H Manual tracking adjustment

If the playback picture still shows interference, manually adjustit with the FINE TUNINGflRACKING/V-LOCK (-, +) controls,on the VCR, to minimize the noise.

Note: If you wish to return the tracking adjustment to itsoriginal acentre position” after having changed it, pressboth the FINE TUNINGflRACKINGA-LOCK (-, +)controls simultaneously.

I Picture sharpness adjustment I

Set the PICTURE sharpness control for the picture quality thatsuits your taste.

1TV monitor function I

This function lets you view a TV programme during videoplayback.

● Press and hold the MONITOR button during playback.The programme of the channel that was last selected will beshown on the TV screen as long as the bunon is held.

● You can also monitor other external input sources. To do sothe input should be set to “fly by pressing the CVAVbutton.

I Automatic head-cleaning system IThis VCR is equipped with an automatic head-cleaning systemwhich automatically cleans the heads every time a cassette isloaded or unloaded. However if during playback noise appearsin the picture, it is recommended to use commercially availablehead-cleaning cassettes to completely clean the VCR heads.

Note: Be careful not to use head-cleaning cassettes too often,as they may damage the video heads.

-Noise Interference





} {

J&b@Tracking condition will be displayed as follows:

(-) + Centre + (+)



IForward search I

❑ Press the FF button during playback or fast-fonvardoperation. The picture can be viewed while the tape isadvanced at a fast speed.

D Normal playback will resume as the PLAY button ispressed.

I‘-Reverse search I❑ Press the REW button during playback or rewind operation.

The picture can be viewed while the tape is rewound at afast speed.

❑ Normal playback will resume when the PLAY button ispressed.

Note: To search for a particular scene you can switch fromfast forward to forward search and vice versa by simplypressing the FF button, or from rewind to reversesearch by simply pressing the REW button.


I Still picture I

•l Press the PAUSE@TILL button during playback. A stillpicture can be viewed.

•l Normal playback will resume when the PLAY button ispressed.

Still vertical lock adjustment❑ If the still picture moves up and down, press the FINE

TUNING/TRACKINGW-LOCK (–, +) controls to adjust thestill picture.

❑ This adjustment should be made for both LP and SP tapespeeds.

Note: The vertical lock needs to be set only once unless thepower to the VCR is off for more than 60 minutes.

IFrame advance I


Press the PAUSWSTILL button during still playback toadvance the picture frame by frame. Each press advancesone frame.

Normal playback will resume when the PLAY button ispressed.

I Slow motion I



Press the SLOW button during playback or during stillpicture.The picture can be viewed while the tape isadvanced at approximately 1/1 O of the normal speed. Thetape speed can be set from 1/5 to 1/25 of normal speed bypressing the (-or +) button.

Normal playback will resume when the PLAY button ispressed.





101 I I

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During special playback modes (forward search, reversesearch, still picture, frame advance and slow motion) thepicture may contain some noise or vibration. But this is nota malfunction.

If still picture or slow motion playback is continued for aboutfive minutes, the VCR will automatically change to stopmode in order to prevent the tape from being damaged.


Before startingSet the TV receiver channel to the preset video channel.

w Insert a video cassette.

Press the VTRKV select button to display “VTR” on theVCR display.

Select the desired tape speed using the SP/LP button.When you select the LP mode, the “LP” indicator willilluminate on the VCR display.

Press the numeric buttons or the (A or V) button toselect the channel to be recorded.Example: Channel “30” (position number 2)

Press the REC buttons.

•! Video recording starts. This is the normal video recordingprocedure.

To stop the recording, press the STOP button.

I Quick Start Recording (tlSR) timer Illmer recording is simple.

You can start a recording and then program when the VCR isto stop recording and go to stand-by mode automatically.

1. Press the REC buttons to start recording.

2. Press the REC buttons again and the “OFF --:- -“indication will start flashing on the VCR display.Within 10 seconds, set the recording end time by using theREC buttons. Each press of the REC buttons will advancethe recording end time by units of 30 minutes.

3. To stop the recording at any time, press the STOP button.

Checking/ChangingWhen the REC buttons are pressed during QSR recording, therecording end time will blink for 10 seconds.The recording end time can be changed by pressing the RECbuttons during this 10-secund period.









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0 M:/ y“ :/ 1-1

b’- “ -/ /’/


o-c ---- .LP VTR

0 M :/ y“ :/ n/’ “ J /-/





I Other recording possibilities I

If you wish to avoid recording unwantedmaterial1. During recording, press the PAUSESTILL button.

The TV picture and sound will not be recorded.

2. Press the PAUSE/STILL button or REC buttons, and therecording will resume.

Note: If the record pause mode continues for about fiveminutes, the VCR will automatically go into the stopmode in order to prevent damage to the tape.

Recording one programme while watchinganother1.



Start recording the desired TV programme selected on theVCR.

Press the VTR~ select button to erase “VTR” from theVCR display.

Select on the TV receiver the programme you want towatch.

IBlank search function I

The blank search function automatically searches for thebeginning of the next blank (unrecorded) portion of the tape,and stops the VCR at that position. This is convenient whenyou want to continue recording at the end of a previousrecording.

In the stop mode press the INDEX button.

Press the PLAY button.The Blank search function will start.


If starting in a recorded portion of the tape, the VCR will lookfor a blank toward the end of the tape. (The end of therecorded portion.)

If starting in an unrecorded portion of the tape, the VCR willlook toward the beginning of the tape for the beginning ofthe unrecorded portion.

The stopping position may vary slightly. Play back a fewseconds of the tape to make sure it is at the position youwant.

This function may also stop the VCR during slight pauses(unrecorded portions) between taped programmed.


❑ llmer recording enables you to setup to 6 programmed tobe recorded upon a period of up to 1 year.

❑ Timer recording is preset using the remote control unit.

❑ Before setting the timer recording programme, be sure thatthe present displayed time and date are correct.

Example: To record a programme on channel position 5from 21:30 to 23:15 on December 24,1992.

Press the PROG button.The timer programming mode is then activated, toreturn to the normal mode press the PROG buttonagain.

Note: Steps ❑ to El should be performed within 2 minutes ofeach other or the timer programming mode will beautomatically cancelled. In such a case please startover from step il.

Set the channel position number using the numericbuttons, for single channel number (example: 5), pressthe O/AV button first.



Set the date on which the recording has to take place.Example: For December 24 (24/12) press the numericbuttons [2] + [4] + [1]+ [2], when completed the“OK” indicator will start flashing, press then the OKbutton.

Any illocrical date or day will not be programmed, or willbe ~an~elled when tra&mitted to the V-CR.

Select the tape speed.By pressing the SPILP button you can select therecording speed 5P or LP.When in LP mode the “LP indicator is displayed.

Set the time at which the recording has to start.

Example”: For 21:30, press the numeric buttons[2] + [1]+ [3]+ [0/AV], when completed the “OKindicator will start flashing, press then the OK button.






I 1 2 3

0004 56






Set the time at which the recording has to end. (OFF-time)Example: For 23:15, press the numeric buttons[2] + [3]+ [1]+ [5], when completed the(?)indicator will start fiashing.

Notes:● It is not possible to set the OFF-time to the same time as

the ON-time.

. By pressing the OK button it is possible to check thechannel position number, date, ON-tirrte and OFF-time.

Press the (?) button.The preset data is sent to the VCR and it will bedisplayed for a 3-second period.When the preset data has been transmitted to theVCR, the (El) indicator will light and the VCR goes into

timer stand-by mode.

. By repeating steps El to ❑, up to 6 different timerprogrammed can be preset.

Notes on timer settingWhen recording from an external source ...

. At step ❑ of timer programming instead of programming achannel position number, press the O/AV button twice. Theindicator “fill” wiil light.

When recording in the everyday mode ...

● At step ❑ of timer programming instead of setting a date,

press the O/AV button twice. The indicator “Ed” will light.The selected channel will be recorded everyday at thesame time.

Timer setting is not possible, if there is atransmission error because ...1.





The data has not been properly transmitted from the remotecontrol unit to the VCR.Press the ( S ) button one more time.

A channel position number superior to 39 has beenprogrammed.

February 29 has been programmed for other than a ieapyear.

In such a case the error indicator “ER” will flash on the

display for 3 seconds.

If after having preset 6 timer programmed, some moreprogrammed are transmitted to the VCR.

in such a case the full indicator “FULL”will tight on thedisplay for 3 seconds.

If on the remote control unit the programmed ON-time and

OFF-time are both past, they will be cancelled whentransmitted to the VCR.

Notes:If a timer recording with the same ON-time and channeithan a previous setting is transmitted to the VCR, thesubsequent setting will have priority.

if a timer recording with the same ON-time but with adifferent channel than a previous setting is transmitted tothe VCR, the timer will record the channel that wastransmitted first.

Iml1 J

uA&bnc%+lOIAV OK




1~)1 ----.

I/L/ 5 ;-d. . OK I

/- /-/ / n “ /-/ /-/

/’ /r / /’/ ● M /’1

n n n /7 /-/u L( ~! L1 L4H M s

(Error indicator)

L t(Fuli indicator)


The timer recording doesn’t operate1. If no video cassette is loaded when going into timer stand-

by mode.

The (El) indicator will flash.

2. If a cassette with no erasure-prevention tab is loaded.The (a) indicator will flash and the cassetie will be ejected.

3. If 5 minutes before the ON-time of a timer recording, theVCR is not in timer stand-by mode (the power is ON, instop, play or record mode).The (~) indicator will start flashing, YOUshould then Pressthe POWER button.

Programme priority● If several timer recordings have overlapping recording

times, the recording with the earliest ON-time will berecorded first, until the end.

● If the ON-time for a second timer recording is reachedbefore the OFF-time of the first recording, the secondrecording will only start after the first recording iscompleted. If several recordings have been programmedwith the same ON-time, the one that was entered first willhave priority.

Notes:. To stop timer recordings, press the STOP button.

. In the timer programming mode pressing the CL button willerase all displayed data.

● If there is a power failure during a timer recording, the

recording will stop at that point. If the power is returned tothe VCR within 60 minutes the recording will resume if theOFF-time for that recording has not yet been reached.

Confirmation of timer recording data● Press the CHECK button to display on the VCR, for 2

minutes, the timer recording settings.

Note: If less than 6 settings have been memorized press theCHECK button twice to display the timer programmingdata.

. With each press of the CHECK button the timer recordingdata for each setting will be displayed, then the displayreturns to the timer stand-by mode.

Revising timer recording data1, Select the programme you want to modi~ by pressing the

CHECK button.

2. Press the (A or T) button to get flashing the data to bemodified.

3. Modify the data using the numeric buttons.

Note: Always press the OIAV button first when entering asingle number setting.

4, When finished press the CHECK button.The VCR returns to stand-by mode.

Erasing timer recording data1. Select the programme you want to erase by pressing the

CHECK button.

2. When the desired setting is displayed, press the CL buttonto erase all the data for that programme.

I n ● n n/ /’/ “ /’/ LI

19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00


1m I Programme 2 I

These Po;itions will not be recorded


n m




On A&lel



I I,


I On-screen assistance I

You can display on the TV screen the timer recording databy pressing the OSA button. To cancel the on-screendisplay press the OSA button one more time.

Each timer recording setting is displayed in sequence bypressing the CHECK button, and the data for thatprogramme will flash.If the CL button is pressed while the data for a certainprogramme is flashing on the screen, that data will beerased.

When the data for a setting is erased the followingprogrammed move up one step.

This convenient feature for finding the beginning of a specificrecording etc., is made possible by the “Linear Time Counter”that indicates the tape run time in seconds, minutes and hours.

Notes:● Whenever you load a cassette tape, the counter will be

reset to “OHOOMOOS”.

● The counter operates using control signals which are

recorded on the tape, hence if you play back a tape orportion of tape which has nothing recorded on it, the counterwill not operate.

Press the RESET then the MEMORY button beforestarting recording or playback. The zero point of thecounter is now memorized and the memory indicator“M” will illuminate.

When the REW button is pressed at the end ofrecording, or playback, the tape will be rewoundautomatimlly to the memorized position and then stop.

Notes:● When rewinding further back from position “OHOOMOOS”the

counter shows figures beginning with ‘-”.

● The tape stops at the memorized position even when using

fast forward when the counter reading begins with “-”.

Channel, position Tape ~peed

H TIflER-------------------------- II

F“”o c

5 26.1Q

21:88 28:15 LP

OFF-timeDate ~~ ‘D 20 00 2e:s@ SP

18.01 18 S0 19:45 LP2 15.02 21 @@ 22:00 SP

-.--..- ON-time--:. - --: .-. .







u REW/@l @/FFF&

~ c1


When a recording is made an index signal is automaticallyplaced at the beginning of the recording. This index can beused to search for the recording you wish to watch.

❑ While the index is being recorded, the “Id”indicator flashes.

•l The index search function can be used in the two followingways.

Note: Index signals are not recorded after a recording pause,and cannot be recorded manually.

IIndex scan search 1

As instructed the VCR will go into the rewind or fast forwardmode, look for an index signal, play back the first five secondsof the corresponding recording then continue onto the nextindex signal. It will do so until the beginning (or the end) of thetape.

Press the INDEX button while in the stop or playbackmode.

Press the FF button to search toward the end of thetape or the REW button to search toward the beginningof the tape.

● When an index signal is found, the VCR will play back 5seconds of the corresponding recording.

When the desired recording is found, press the PLAYbutton during that 5-second period to start playbackfrom that position. m-







I Index search I

If the index number relative to the search start position isknown, it is possible to instruct the VCR to go directly to thebeginning of that recording and to start playback.

You can search for an index of a recording located as far as 99indexes away from the search start position.

Press the INDEX button while in the stop or playback

Using the numeric buttons, program the index of therecording you are looking for. (Example: 5)

Press the FF button to search toward the end of thetape or the REW button to search toward the beginningof the tape.

● The VCR then starts searching for the index you

programmed. Every time an index is found the displayednumber will decrease by one.(Example: [P: 5]+ [P: 4]+ [P: 3]+ [P: 2] -+ [P: 1])When the desired index is found, playback of the recordingyou are looking for will start.

Note: When searching toward the beginning of the tapealways count the index of the recording from where thesearch is started.

-_ Press the REW button.Index search operation

Press the FF button. ~1 I

98th ; 3rd 2nd 1St Present 1St 2nd 3rd ; 99thprevious I previous previous previous programme ‘o’’c’wing following following I followingprogramme~ programme programme programme program me program me programm~ programme


? ‘tttfttt f[P:99] [P:4] [P:3] [P:2] [P:l] [P:l] [P:2] [P:3] [P:99]


Two functions, “Endless play” and “All-key lock”, can beenjoyed by using the hold function.

Endless play 1

This function will play back a tape to the end, rewind it, thenreplay it again, and again until you stop it.

In the stop or playback mode, press the (~) button.The “Hold” indicator will flash.

Press the PLAY button.

● The”~ indicator will light, and endless play will start. Thetape is rewound to the beginning and then playback willstart.

● If the counter memory function is used in combination withendless play, the VCR will play back the tape to the counterreading ‘OHOOMOOS” then start again from the beginning.

To stop the endless play, press the (~), STOP orEJECT button and the endless play function iscancelled and the VCR goes in the stop or eject mode.

I All-key lock I

When the all-key lock function is engaged, all the keys on theremote control unit and on the VCR become inoperative.

Press the (e) button.If you wish to use the all-key lock function duringrecording or playback, select first the function you wantto use before pressing the (c--) button.

Press the PAUSWSTILL button.The all-kev lock function is set and, the “v and “ALHold” indi&tors will light.

To cancel the all-key lock function, press the (A)button.



Example 1: Without using the counter memory.Playback



Example 2: Using the counter memory, the “M” indicator on.

Playback HOOMOOS”position- ------------ ---

End-+-------------- -



H PAl&SllLl



Copying (dubbing) a tape can be done using two videorecorders, a playback VCR and a recording VCR.

● When using the AV terminals in the rear, set the AV INPUTselector to “REAR”.

● When using the AV terminals in the front, set the AV INPUT

selector to “FRONT”.

Notes:● The AV INPUT selector does not function unless the VCR is

set to the “IW” position.

Setting the VCR to the “/?0” positionThe setting is made as follows:

● Press the O/AV button twice to display “RU” instead of a

channel position number or,

● Press the (A or 7) button to display ‘RU” instead of a

channel position number.

Connect VCR A and VCR B.

Insert the pre-recorded tape into VCR A (playbackVCR).

Insert the blank video cassette into VCR B (recordingVCR).

Set the input for VCR B to the “l?U” position by pressingthe OIAV button.

Set VCR B to record pause mode. (The record pausemode is set by pressing the REC button then thePAUSEC3TILL button.)

Start playback on VCR A by pressing the PLAY button.

When the desired starting position is reached on VCR A,

start recording on VCR B by pressing thePAUSELSTILL button or the REC button.

When the copy is completed press the STOP button onVCR B then on VCR A.




VCR B -,.


Camcorder (VCR A)



, Jfiii!all,, Cliiiiii?LJqD

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This VCR is a precision instrument and, if treated with care,will provide years of satisfactory performance. However, in theevent of difficulty, the owner is advised not to attempt to makerepairs or open the cabinet. Servicing should always bereferred to your servicing dealer or Authorized WarrantyStation.

This VCR is highly sophisticated. It is shipped from the factoryafter having been checked and adjusted under the most rigidquality control and inspection system. Should problems occur,check the following points.

No power

The remotecontrol unitdoesn’t ooerate

No TVprogrammedreceived

Off the airreception on theVCR is poor

Playback picturedoas not appear

Interference inplayback picture

No recording

Timer recording isnot possible

Check POit’lk$

● The power cord is disconnected.

● The batteries are low.

. Are the connections between yourVCR and TV correct?

● Was tuning correctly preset?

. The video channel setting of the

TV receiver does not correspond tothe video channel presetting of theVCR.

. The video channel setting of the

TV receiver does not correspond tothe video channel presetting of theVCR.

● Adjust the tracking control.

● Dust or dirt on video heads. Take

the VCR to an Authorized ServiceStation or dealer.

● The erasure-prevention tab on thecassette has been removed.

● The starting day and time have notbeen set correctly.

● The clock time is not set correctly.

● There has been a powerinterruption of more than 60minutes.

GeneralVideo format:Television system:

Recording system:

Video heads:Audio recording system:Tape speed:

Recording time:

Tuner input:

RF converter:Converter output:

Timer indication:Power failure backup:Tmer recording:

Power requirement:

Dimensions (W x H x D):Weight:Power consumption:

Electrical characteristicsVideo input level:Video input impedance:Video output level:Video output impedance:Audio input:Audio output:Video SIN:Horizontal resolution:

Remote control unitPower requirements:

VHS PALCCIR: 625 lines, PAL calour

signalsRotary tvvo-head helical scansystem4 headsMonauralSP: 23.39 mmlsecLP: 11.70 mrnhecSP: 240 minutes with E-240

cassetteLP: 480 minutes with E-240

cassette● Australia

VHF: O-11UHF: 28-69

● New Zealand

VHF: I -11UHF: 21-69

Built-in VHF converter● On channel O or 1...for

Australia● On channel 2 or 3... for New

Zealand24-hour indicationAcmrox. one hour1 “year 6 programmed witheveryday recording function● 240V AC, 50 Hz... for Australia● 230V AC, 50Hz ...for New

Zealand360 x 103x 335 mmApprox. 5.8 kg30W

0.5- 2.0 Vp-p75 f 5 ohms1.0 * 0.2 Vp-p75 k 5 ohms-8 dBs, more than 50 kohms-8 dBs, less than 10 kohmsMore than 43 dBMore than 240 lines

3V (two “AA (IEC R6)” size,1.5-volt batteries)

AccessoriesInstruction manual ...................l

Power cord ..............................lAntenna output cable ..............1Remote control unit .................l

Appearance and specifications are subject to changewithout notice.


IAC6P1 OB29000SP41A, NZ (0791 -M-SYO1 )

S* oSANYO Electric Co., Ltd.Printed in Japan

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