Video Case Study - Dispersive Technologies

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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What We LearnedWorking With

The Problem

Cyberattacks on U.S. businesses are an ongoing threat

These attacks cost businesses millions

IT Managers want to deliver network performance to their users

30% of IT Managers• Disable key

security features for users

• Open networks to cyberattacks

Performance upgrades create security holes

The Solution

Dispersive Technologies’

Dispersive Virtualized Networks

Individual streams of data are vulnerable

splits packet data dynamically into independent packet streams

Packet streams are:

Packet streams are:Smaller

Packet streams are:SmallerNon-duplicated

Packet streams are:Smaller


Packet streams are:Smaller


Based on:Bandwidth availability

Measured time delayLine quality

Prevents attacks during transfer process

Data is reassembled on the other end

This is faster

Dispersive Virtualized Networks give higher throughput rates than previous VPN’s

Delivers all 3 necessities for a healthy network

Dispersive Technologies is about

With Dispersive Virtualized Networks

With Dispersive Virtualized Networks

Securely transfer files Connect users to multiple subnetworks Maximize performance of client-to-client transfers Improve the ability to view network statistics Less expensive than MPLS VPN technology

Founded in 2010

Founded in 2010

20 licensed Patents

Is the best solution to safeguarding your company networks

We took all this information

We took all this information

And made a from it

What do you think?

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