VET Toward Ecvet

Post on 26-Jan-2017






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Erasmus+ | KA2 Strategic Partnerships VET in the tourism sector

State of the art


Project n. 2015-1-FR01-KA202-015007

Intellectual Output - 01

State of the art of VET in the tourism sector

1. Introduction about the VET systems in the countries of the partnership:

France, Germany, Italy, Portugal andUnited Kingdom

2. Overview of vocational training inFrance, Germany, Italy, Portugal and United Kingdom

Professional Field:

- Seller in touristic areas

- Hotel receptionist


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

1. Introduction about the VET systems in the countries of the partnership:France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and United Kingdom:



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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.




Lower Secondary Vocational* Upper Secondary Vocational** Post-Secondary Vocational Non Tertiary



Length Qualification Access


Length Qualification Access


Length Qualification

Germany 15 3 years Dual: Level 3 15 and 16 3 years Level 3 19 3 Level 4

England na na na 16 2 years Level 3 na na na

France na na na 15 3 years Level 3 na na Na

Italy na na na 15 2 - 3 years Level 4 18 or + 1 year Level 5

Portugal 13 1 and 2 years Level 2 15 2 and 3 years Level 4 18 or + 1 Level 5

Source: Eurydice 2012

(1) na - not applicable, i.e., doesn’t have this educational route.(2) Qualification levels correspond to ISCED (CITE).(3) Vocational Education in the Lower Secondary in Germany consists of the dual education that develops between 15 and 17 years conferring in the end qualification level 3(5) The vocational education in basic education in Portugal refers to dual certification courses and basic vocational introduced in 2012, although for this route is still unclear the qualification predicted for this this training.(6) Virtually all countries under review have entrance examination at the end of vocational/professional courses for progression to Higher Education, with the exception of Portugal.* In Portugal corresponds to the 3rd cycle of basic Education

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** In Portugal corresponds to secondary education



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The Ministry of Education is responsible for education policy as pursued through vocational training

in schools and through apprenticeships. The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries has a parallel

responsibility for vocational training in agriculture. The Ministry of the Economy, Industry and

Employment is in charge of continuing vocational training for young people and adult job-seekers

and for the vocational training of employees in the private sector (it can thus make rules and

regulations and set training fees, etc.). Other ministries, such as the Ministry of Youth and Sport, are

in charge of training and vocational diplomas in the areas for which they are responsible.

With a view to coordinating vocational training policies and measures, regional employment and

vocational training coordination committees (Comitésregionaux de l’emploiet de la formation

professionnelle or CCREFPs) have been established. These committees – made up of regional

representatives of the Government as well as representatives of the regions, trade unions and

employers’ organizations, and regional chambers of agriculture, commerce, industry and trades – are

tasked with promoting cooperation among the different agencies involved in vocational training.

They ensure better coordination of vocational training and employment policies at national level.

Specifically their functions include policy analysis, research, monitoring and evaluation.

The National Employment Agency (ANPE) and the National Union for Employment in Industry and

Commerce (UNEDIC) merged in 2008 and created a new structure, “PôleEmploi”. This body is

responsible for registering and advising unemployed people and paying out their benefits.


In Germany, the state’s functions are shared out between the Federal Government and the 16 Länder.

The Constitution (Grundgesetz) provides that competence for school education lies with the Länder

Ministries of Education and Cultural Affairs. Therefore the Länder are also responsible for public-

sector schools and education, and hence for vocational schools, themajority of which come under the

responsibility of the Land and a local authority. All legislation on schools, including that on vocational

schools, is Land legislation. The Ministers of Education and Culture of the Länder cooperate in a

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Standing Conference (KMK) to ensure a certain measure of uniformity and comparability, especially

in school and higher education policies. Decisions of the KMK are recommendations and only become

legally binding when passed by individual Länder parliaments. The Länder have committees for

vocational training, with equal representation of employers, employees and the highest Länder

authorities. They advise the Länder governments on vocational training issues in schools.   In contrast,

the Federal Government is responsible for in-company, non-school VET. The Federal Government

designs the content of training for the occupations (in the dual system) it has recognized unless

training is school-based. The nationally binding recognition of the training occupations ensures that

the basic principles agreed with industry and the Federal States (Länder) are taken into account and

that training for a recognized occupation is only provided in accordance with the training regulations

adopted by the Federal Government. The Federal Government’s responsibilities are not limited to

implementing what was jointly agreed. It also takes measures to promote dual training. In addition

the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is responsible for general policy issues of

vocational education and training. These include for example the Vocational Training Act

(Berufsbildungsgesetz, BBiG), the drawing up of the Annual Report on Vocational Education and

Training, the legal supervision and funding of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and

Training (BundesinstitutfürBerufsbildung, BIBB) and the implementation of programmes to improve

vocational training.

The core institution at the national level for consensus building between all parties involved in VET is

the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB).The BIBB is recognised as a centre

of excellence for vocational research and for the progressive development of VET in Germany. BIBB

works to identify future challenges in VET , stimulate innovation in national and international

vocational systems, and develop new, practice oriented solutions for both initial and continuing

vocational education and training. The BIBB has taken part in the methodological preparation and

evaluation of the European Continuing Vocational Training Surveys (CVTS) being conducted in

enterprises and has thus beeninvolved in providing and analysing key data on in-company continuing

vocational training for German and international vocational training research.

Owing to this division of responsibilities, a procedure has been developed for the field of vocational

training that ensures close coordination and cooperation between the Federal Government and the

Länder, with the involvement of the social partners.

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Once the full-time compulsory schooling (general education) has been completed, students from any

pathway (including students who have acquired university entrance certificates) may enter

vocational training (full-time vocational schools or apprenticeships) for two, three or four years.

In the area of VET, the Vocational Education and Training Act (BBiG) is of crucial importance. The Law

of 1 April 2005 reforming vocational education and training comprehensively amended and

combined the 1969 Vocational Education and Training Act and the 1981 Aid for Vocational Trainees

Act. The aim of the reform was to safeguard and improve youth training opportunities and high-

quality vocational training for all young people, irrespective of their social or regional origin.


As far as Social Partners are concerned, the Framework Law 845/78 gave social partners a major role

to play in the vocational training system, recognizing them as partners of the Regions for the planning

of training, as well as potential providers of training schemes. There are three levels of responsibility

for VET in Italy: at national level, the institutional framework is defined, at regional level, a direct

intervention in the process of defining, planning and provision of VET strategies is implemented, and

at enterprise level, training activities and the elaboration of training plans are defined. Roles at all

levels are advisory.

The ‘Department for the Education and Training System’ of the Ministry of Education, University and

Research (MIUR) is responsible for the generalorganisation of the school system, for defining

educational and training objectives and the legal and economic status of school staff.

Regional three-year vocational training courses are offered by the relevant training agencies.

For three-year vocational training courses, the Institute for the Development of ProfessionalTraining

for Workers (Istituto per lo sviluppodellaformazioneprofessionaledeilavoratori,ISFOL) is the

reference body for research and monitoring, policy and guidance to theRegions.

The Regions have a joint legislative role along with the State on issues related toeducation.

Conversely, they are solely responsible for the planning, managementand provision of vocational

education and training through recognised institutions.Through the State/Regions Conference, the

Regions work closely with the Ministry ofEducation and the Ministry of Labour, which define the

minimum national standardsfor the education system and the vocational education and training


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Education and training issues within the jurisdiction of the Regions are handled byspecific education

offices (Assessorati).


The education and training system in Portugal is centrally administered with reference to the

definition of major policy lines and curricular, teaching and financial guidelines. The Autonomous

Regions of the Azores and Madeira have some independence in this area but are subject to the key

national guidelines.

The major actors in the administration of the education and training system include three Ministers:

Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science, Technology

and Higher Education.  Their intervention is made predominantly by three Directorates: Directorate-

General for Employment and Industrial Relations, Directorate-General for Innovation and Curricular

Development and Directorate-General for Higher Education. Additionally, the National Qualifications

Agency and Institute for Employment and Vocational Training performs an important role in

Portuguese VET system.  

In general, the VET providers include public, technological and professional schools; universities and

other tertiary institutions; training centers of direct management and training professional centers of

participated management (both related to the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training);

nonpublic operators).

Additionally, the Comprehensive Law on the education system institutionalizes the social partners’

participation in vocational education and training. The partners are involved in the general definition

of policies and in their pursuance within advisory and social coordination bodies: Economic and

Social Council, the National Vocational Training Council and the National Education Council. 


In Northern Ireland: the Department for Employment and Learning is responsible for developing and

implementing policies relating to further education and training programmes.  

The Northern Ireland Executive and its departments have acknowledged the critical importance of

a skills based economy, through the Economic Strategy for Northern Ireland (2012), the Skills

Strategy, ‘Success through Excellence – Transforming Futures’ (2011) and the Innovation Strategy

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(2014), all pointing to the growing need for higher level skills, with a focus on the subjects of Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

In June 2014 ‘Securing Our Success’, the new Northern Ireland Strategy on Apprenticeships was

published. It aims to help provide the skills needed to rebalance and rebuild the Northern Ireland

economy by the provision of apprenticeships from skills level 3 to skills level 8.  Universities, further

education colleges and other approved providers which meet the required quality standards, will be

able to deliver the off-the-job training element of an apprenticeship.

In June 2015, ‘Generating Our Success’, a new youth training strategy for 16-24 year olds focussing

on the provision of level 2 training was published.  Young people will follow either an employed or

non-employed route to achieve a baccalaureate style qualification that will prepare them for work or

for further study or training.  The importance of work-based learning for this group of learners is

strongly recognised and, like the apprenticeships strategy, a driving role for employers and other

social partners is formalised through the creation of a strategic advisory forum and sectoral


Following the successful implementation of the ‘FE Means Business’ strategy from 2004 onwards, a

consultation was launched in July 2015 for a new strategy for the further education in Northern

Ireland. This strategy aims to build upon the previous strategy by further promoting the importance of

the further education sector to the economic success of Northern Ireland across the full range of

activities delivered by the sector.

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2. Overview of vocational training in France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and United Kingdom




Tourism and leisure agent

Tourism and leisure agent (Dual VET)

1-Touristic Marketing and Welcoming Services Operator

2-Expert in Promotion and Touristic Marketing

1-Travel Agencies and Transport Technician

2-Information and Tourist Entertainment Technician”

3-Tourism Technician

There are several qualifications available in the field of tourism (Hospitality) including:- Entry Level Preparation for Travel & Tourism- Level 1 Introduction to Travel & Tourism- Level 2 Award/Certificate/Extended Certificate/Diploma in Travel and Tourism - Level 2 Award in Principles of Customer Service in the Hospitality, Leisure Travel and Tourism Industry- Level 3 Award/Certificate/Extended Certificate/Diploma in Travel and Tourism - Level 4 Advanced Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management- Qualifications aimed at Management level include:

-Level 4 Diploma in Hospitality Management

-Level 5 Diploma in Hospitality Management-Level 6 Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management-Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism-BTECs/NVQs/HNCs/HNDs in Tourism are

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also available at the various levels.

Seller in touristic areas(Cont.)





AFPA, AFEC, INFA...a large number of Vet organizations propose this certification in France.

27 1-In Piedmont: 8

2-In Piedmont: No active courses in the year 2014-15In Italy : there are 12 VET Centres active in the field of innovation technology to promote cultural and touristic services: almost 4 Vet centres activated in the year 2014-15 the course : EXPERT IN PROMOTION AND TOURISTIC MARKETING

1-4 schools, 3 of them are Escolas de Hotelaria e Turismo (Hotel and Tourism Schools)

2-17 schools: 4 in Lisbon, 3 in Algarve, 6 in the centre, 4 in the North

3- more than 200 schools

In Northern Ireland there are approximately 180 secondary schools and colleges with a high percentage of these offering VET courses in the Tourism sector up to Level 3 (the Learning Communities ensure that all students can access their preferred course even if this means travelling to another school or college for lessons). The 6 Further & Higher Education (FHE) Regional Colleges (including North West Regional College (NWRC), Northern Regional College (NRC), Belfast Met, Southern Regional College (SRC), South Eastern Regional College (SERC) and South Western Regional College (SWRC)) all offer courses, at the various levels and awards throughout their campuses. There are between 15-20 private training organisations who also deliver up to L2 qualifications and apprenticeship (up to Level 3 & 4) courses in hospitality & tourism. There are a number of distance learning courses available throughout the UK.Those already working in the industry can

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undertake higher level courses aimed at Management positions.

Seller in touristic areas(Cont.)



6 months in VET schools.

3 years 1- 3 years (basic vocational training)

2-1960 hours - 2 years (post-secondary vocational training)

1-Technological training – 1.250 hrsDual Certification Referential:

-Adult Education and modular training – from 1.530 to 1.610hrs (depending on the secondary level at the entrance) 210 hrs of work-related training included-Learning courses – 2.625 to 4.125 hrs (in which 1.500 hrs can be work-related training)-Professional Courses – from 3.350 to 3.590 hrs (from 600 to 840 hrs of work-related training included)Duration: 1, 2 or 3 years

2-Technological training – 1.325 hrs Dual Certification Referential:

-Adult Education and modular training – from 1.545 to 1.620 hrs (depending on the secondary level at the entrance) 210 hrs of work-related training included-Learning courses – 2.700 – 4.200 hrs (in which 1.500 hrs can be work-related training)-Professional Courses – from 3.450 to 3.690 hrs (from 600 to 840 hrs of work-related training)Duration: 1, 2 or 3 years

3- Professional Courses + than 3.100 hrs

Courses will generally last 1- 2 years

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Duration: 3 years

Seller in touristic areas(Cont.)



level V CAP/BEP in France+ secondary schools = EQF level IV

Secondary level, ISCED 3B, DQR/EFQ level 4

1-EQF 3

2-EQF 5

Level 4For Portuguese NFQ (national framework of qualifications) and EFQ

Entry Level – Level 7




-Ministry of National Education-Ministry of Employment.

Chambers of industry and commerce

1-Region through its authorized VET agencies.

2- Region through its authorized private foundation managing the course

-Ministry of Education -Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security-Institute of Employment and Professional Training

main awarding bodies in the UK:-City and Guilds -Pearsons Edexcel -OCR -OCN-There are also a number of specialised/industry specific awarding bodies who also qualifications including:-Institute of Hospitality-The Confederation of Tourism & Hospitality

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Seller in touristic areas(Cont.)



According to recent figures, over 80 million tourists are welcomed every year in France. 200 000 establishments specializing in the restaurants, hotels, leisure employ approximately 860.000 employees. This leads us to believe that the profession of leisure agent knows some development. In fact, amusement parks, regional parks with the house of the park, adjoining restaurants, and range of proposed excursions, holiday villages, cruises, camping, clubs of any kind can be one their recreational staff officers.Or they are there to welcome, inform, direct, animate and, in fact, be of service to visitors,tourists, holidaymakers who have chosen these places and

-Travel and tourism agencies-Tourist accommodations -Tour and travel companies-Organizations of tourism promotion-Leisure facilities

1-Travelagencies;Touristic marketing services; Tourist information offices

2- Public Institutions responsible for touristic marketing and planning;Big tour operators;Private institutions in the field of touristic marketing.

1-Travel agencies, tourist offices, museums and monuments, air, road and maritime transport companies, reception in tourist units, commercial promoter in hotels.

2- Travel agencies, tourist offices, museums and monuments, reception in tourist units, commercial promoter in hotels.

3- Travel agencies and tour operators , tourist offices , museums and monuments, hotels, campsites, aparthotels, rural and nature tourism, tourist air, road and maritime transport companies, local development associations and tourist animation companies

The job possibilities after undertaking a qualification in tourism are unlimited with excellent progression opportunities. Jobs include:-Air cabin crew-Airline customer service agent-Airport information assistant-Cruise ship steward-Leisure centre attendants-Leisure Centre Manager-Events manager-Theme park workers-Leisure/Sports/Fitness/Health trainers –

more specialised training would be required

-Hotel manager-Hotel porter-Hotel receptionist-Hotel room attendant-Housekeeper-Museum staffResortrepresentative- Tourist guide- Tourist information centre assistant- Tour manager- Travel agent- Visitor Attraction General manager

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their attractions.

Professional Field: HOTEL RECEPTIONIST



Specialist in the hotel Business

Specialist in the hotel Business (Dual VET)

Operator of touristic hospitality

Hotel Receptionist There are a number of specific qualification for Hotel Receptionist – mainly Hospitality Supervision or Front Office Services. Learners can also work towards qualifications in Business Administration, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality and Customer Service and undertake specific units in Front Office services/operations. Some of the courses available include:-Level 1 Certificate in General Hospitality -Level 1 Award in Introduction to Employment in the Hospitality Industry-Level 1 Award in the Principles of Customer Service in Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism -Level 1 Award/Certificate in Business Administration-Level 2 (NVQ) Diploma in Front of House Reception -Level 1 & Level 2 BTEC Front Office -Level 1 & Level 2 Customer Service-Level 1 – Level 3 General Front Office Operations-Level 2 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Business Administration-Level 2 Certificate/Apprenticeship in Hospitality & Catering (Front of House Reception)-Level 3 Hospitality supervision -Level 3 Award in Principles of Supervising Customer Service Performance in Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism -Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Reception and Front Office Services -Level 3 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Business Administration- Level 3 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Administration (Business Professional)-Level 3 Diploma/Extended Diploma in Business-Level 4 Certificate/Diploma in Office and Administration Management-Generally higher level course (Level 4) are in Hospitality Management.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Hotel Receptionist(Cont.)




AFPA, AFEC, INFA… a large number of Vet organizations propose this certification in France. It is also proposed in Initial training.

Approximately 48 Piedmont: 4 61 schools: 16 in Lisbon, 3 in Alentejo, 6 in Algarve, 10 in the centre, 26 in the north

In Northern Ireland there are approximately 180 secondary schools and colleges with a high percentage of these offering VET courses in the Business Administration & Tourism sector – up to Level 3 (the Learning Communities ensure that all students can access their preferred course even if this means travelling to another school or college for lessons). The 6 Further & Higher Education (FHE) Regional Colleges (including North West Regional College (NWRC), Northern Regional College (NRC), Belfast Met, Southern Regional College (SRC), South Eastern Regional College (SERC) and South Western Regional College (SWRC)) all offer courses, at the various levels and awards throughout their campuses. There are 22 Private training organisations who also deliver up to L2 qualifications and apprenticeship (up to Level 3 & 4) courses in hospitality & tourism. There are a number of distance learning courses available throughout the UK.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Hotel Receptionist(Cont.)



6 months in VET schools.

3 years 600 hours (200 internship in companies)

Technological training – 1.125 hrsDual Certification Referential: Adult Education and modular training – from 1.345 to 1.420 hrs (depending on the secondary level at the entrance) 210 hrs of work-related training included Learning courses – 1.900 – 3.400 hrs (in which 1.500 hrs can be work-related training) Professional Courses – from 3.225 to 3.465 hrs (2.625 hrs theoretical + from 600 to 840 hrs of work-related training)

Courses generally last 1 -2 years



Everyone holds a diploma level V CAP or BEP or equivalent

Secondary level, ISCED 3B, ECVET level 4

EQF 5 Level 4For Portuguese NFQ (national framework of qualifications) and EFQ (European framework of

Entry Level - Level 4 (Higher level courses for Management Level are available)

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Hotel Receptionist(Cont.)




-Ministry of National Education-Ministry of Employment.

Chambers of industry and commerce

Region through its authorized VET agencies.

-Ministry of Education -Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security-Institute of Employment and Professional Training

Main awarding bodies in the UK:-City and Guilds -Pearsons Edexcel -OCR -OCN-There are also a large number of specialised awarding bodies who offer qualifications in Business Administration.



Young graduates rarely remain unemployed. After 2 or 3 years in office, they can become the first chief receptionist or reception(Managerial duties).After a few years of experience, they have access to management positions or sales representative. Hosting

The majority finds work in hotels,in inns and guesthouses.In addition, some are working in restaurants and cafés,in catering establishments, in health clinics

-Hotel receptions-Tourist information offices

-Reception and Costumer Service; -Assistant in the Communication and Public Relations Department -Hostess-Reception and Costumer Service in Hospitality Establishments -Other touristic accommodation

-Hotel Receptionist-Front Office-Head Receptionist-Supervisor-Front Desk Manager-Duty Manager-Hotel Manager-Other departments within hotel including Events, Accounts, Reservations etc.

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Manager functions or even higher schools are possible, provided you have acquired solid management trainingand management.

services. -Other Receptionist, Administration and Customer Service positions.

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