Vernacular architecture of Nalwar Yadgir district

Post on 09-Apr-2017






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Vernacular Architecture

Environmental aspectsMitalee .M.V (3pd12at022)Khizer (3pd12at023)Tanzil Faraz(3pd12at025)Nisha .M(3pd12at027)Radhika.S(3pd12at029)

Nalwar (Yadgir district)

Introduction Location : Yadgir district lies in the northern part of karnataka between 16˚11’-16˚50’ N latitudes and 76˚17’-77˚28’ E longitudes, with a geographical area of 5234.4 the district is bounded by Gulbarga district in the north , Bijapur district in west, Raichur district in south and Andhra Pradesh in the east.Population : Population of the district (2011 census) is 1172985 with an average population density of 224 per km ².Drain : Krishna and Bhima rivers drain the district. They constitute the two major river basins of the district . Kanga and Amarja are the two sub-basins of Bhima river ,which occur within the geographical area of the district .


Yadgir town lies in the dry and arid zones. As a result of which the climate is generally dry and the mercury level rises to 41˚C or 44˚C during summers and goes as low as 12.0 ˚C or 13.30 ˚C during December – January in winters. The hot summer begins by the middle of February and extends up to the mid June. The town is classified as moderate to low rainfall- receiving area. Consequently, drought and scarcity conditions haunt the people of the region. The average annual rainfall in Yadgir is 728 mm with 55 rainy days, as against 720 mm of annual rainfall with 48 rainy days in Gulbarga district. The wind generally blows from south west to north east direction and north east to south west.







WEATHER CONDITIONS Weather Condition: The total amount of 5.0 mm

rainfall was received. The maximum temperature recorded was 30.8 to 33.1oC and minimum temperature 22.6 to 23.1oC was observed. Average relative humidity was 81 to 86% during morning hours and 51 to 90 % during afternoon hours. The wind speed will be around 14 - 17 kmph.

Temperatures during the different seasons are:Summer : 26 °C to 39 °CMonsoon : 23 °C to 32 °CWinter : 4 °C to 31 °C

Geological aspects The northern part of the district

represents a plateau, typical of Deccan Trap terrain and is deeply indented with ravines. The southern part represents

undulating terrain with sparsely distributed knolls & tors. The prominent hill ranges in the district at Shorapur and Shahpur have an altitude of 567 & 604

m amsl respectively. The ground elevation varies significantly from 340 m amsl in southeast to 620 m amsl in the

north. The regional slope is towards south and southeast.

The soil types in the district are deep black, medium black soil, shallow soil and lateritic soil covers practically the entire district's area, except a small

portion towards the northern part of the district.

Black soil has been derived from basaltic rocks and varies in colour

from medium to deep black. Its thickness varies from 0.5 to 3.6 m. Infiltration rate of shallow, medium and deep black soil is moderate to poor. Infiltration rate of medium

black soil recorded in the district is 2.5 cm/hr.

Lateritic soil occurs in small extent towards the northern part of the

district and its thickness varies from 1.0 to 5.0 m. It has moderate to good infiltration characteristics.


There are 2 Rivers flowing through the District to the advantage of the district making irrigation possible for parts of the district. Yadgir is characterized by small hillocks near the centre with its top at an elevation of above 539 m. From the foot of the hill, the ground slopes in all directions. However, the town slopes are towards the direction from west and south. The ground levels in the inhabited areas of the town range from 390.53m above mean sea level to elevation 362.65m above mean sea level.

Land Town are mainly divided into old and an around railway station area. The total developed area is 647.00 ha of which 43.27% is the total municipal area. Nearly 20% of the total municipal land is under vacant land and 5% of land is under hillocks and water sheet.


The predominant soil in this town is silty-clay in nature. The top layer of soil, up to 2 m of depth consists of silt/silty clay followed by soft disintegrated rock and then hard rock.

In some areas the soft layer extends up to 4 m, followed by hard strata. The size of clay is less than 0.002 mm in this region. The depth of ground water table extends between 7.5 m to 35 m below ground level. The physiochemical properties of Yadgir soil is drawn in following table: 1. K ( ppm) 178 152

2. Zn (%) 0.64 0.60 3. Fe (%) 3.80 3.55 4. Cu (%) 3.81 3.15 5. Lime (%) 6.3 6.5 The physicochemical condition of soil is

not very productive. Organic component is moderate but soil is mainly acidic in nature. Moisture content is very low. The NPK value is on lower side. Even micro nutrients are almost lower end.


In response to the harsh climatic conditions ,numerous vernacular practices and styles have been evolved with local materials and indigenous techniques to fulfil the need of the people ,which cause minimal damage to environment and are sustainable having minimal impact on environment.

Vernacular Building materials :

Due to the ample quantity of locally available material that is the Shahabad stone , is used in construction of all the building elements.





1. Foundation: foundation was built basically of stone and lime mortar.

2. Flooring: Shahabad stones were use for flooring.

Polished Shahabad stone

Unpolished Shahabad stone


Roofs: roof was constructed with the help of wooden logs and Shahabad stones for the covering, metal 'I' sections were used as an alternate material to support roofs and lime mortar as weathering coat.

Wooden columns and beams

Metal beams

Wooden columns

Roof made up of lime mortar

Roof covered with shabad stones

   4.Wall thickness: 60cm walls made of stone, here huge wall thickness supports climatic responses.

60 cm 30cm

Stone wall


  Doors and windows: doors and windows were mainly constructed by wood having metal holders for locking purposes.

Main door


Lintel - stone

Frame - wood

Wall - stone

Batton - metal

Section @ AA`Elevation of window


Section @ AA`Elevation of shelf

Lintel – stone

Wall – stone

Shelf- shabad farshi

Window frame – wood

Window panels - wood





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