Venezia5 Details of a sunny day: in giro con il vaporetto

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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The Grand Canal forms one of the major water-traffic corridors in the city. Public transport is provided by water buses (vaporetti) and private water taxis, and many tourists explore the canal by gondola.One end of the canal leads into the lagoon near the Santa Lucia railway station and the other end leads into Saint Mark Basin; in between, it makes a large reverse-S shape through the central districts (sestieri) of Venice


Hotel Monaco and Hotel Bauer, Palazzo Ca' Giustinian Morosini, Headquarters of la Biennale di Venezia

Grand Canal Hotel Europa Westin

Grand Canal Hotel Regina and Hotel Europa Westin

Grand Canal Hotel Regina

Grand Canal

Palazzo Ferro-Fini and Palazzo Manolesso Ferro

Palazzo Ferro-Fini and Palazzo Manolesso Ferro

Gritti Palace Hotel and Palazzo Ferro Fini, the seat of the regional council

Palazzo Ferro Fini (Regional Council of Veneto) and Palazzo Manolesso Ferro

Gritti Palace Hotel

Gritti Palace Hotel

Rio di Santa Maria Zobenigo

The Grand Canal (Canal Grande) is 3.8 km long

Fermata (station) del vaporetto (water bus) di Santa Maria del Giglio

Palazzo Barbarigo-Minotto

Palazzo Corner della Ca' Granda - Province of Venice and Prefect seat Palazzo Corner & Casina delle Rose (Antonio Canova and Gabriele D'Annunzio worked here)

Palazzo Chiodo

Palazzo Chiodo

Palazzetto Pisani hotel

Palazzetto Pisani hotel

The Grand Canal (Canal Grande) is 30 to 90 m wide, with an average depth of five meters

Palazzo Barbaro-Curtis

Palazzo Barbaro-Curtis

Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti

Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti, facade on Grand Canal and Ponte dell'Accademia

Ponte dell'Accademia

Ponte dell'Accademia

Ponte dell'Accademia

Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti, Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti

Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti, Chiesa di Santa Maria della Salute

Palazzo Civran Badoer Barozzi

Rio di San Vidal & Palazzo Civran Badoer Barozzi

Palazzo Civran Badoer Barozzi

Palazzo Civran Badoer BarozziPonte dell'Accademia

Palazzo Civran Badoer Barozzi

Palazzo Civran Badoer Barozzi

Palazzo Civran Badoer Barozzi

Palazzo Civran Badoer Barozzi & San Samuele belltower

Palazzo Giustinian Lolin

Palazzo Falier Canossa

Ca del Duca

Canal Grande

Canal Grande

Giardino di Palazzo Malipiero

Giardino di Palazzo Malipiero

Chiesa di San Samuele Palazzo Grassi

It is said that the Palazzo Grassi,

now the headquarters of the

Foundation of billionaire and

contemporary art collector Francois Pinault, is haunted by the ghost of a young girl who allegedly threw herself (or was

thrown) from one of balconies of the courtyard of the

palace after suffering violence.The custodians of the palace have

repeatedly said they have heard

someone call them by name, as if the person were just standing nearby

whispering in their ear…

Palazzo Balbi, the seat of the President of the Veneto region (right side)

The Palazzo Moro Lin, also called the palace of 13 windows

Palazzo Erizzo Nani Mocenigo & Palazzo Da Lezze

Palazzo Contarini delle Figure & Palazzo Erizzo Nani Mocenigo

Palazzo Contarini delle Figure & Palazzo Erizzo Nani Mocenigo

Palazzo Mocenigo detto il Nero

Palazzo Mocenigo detto il Nero

Palazzi Mocenigo & Palazzo Contarini delle Figure

Palazzi Mocenigo & Palazzo Contarini delle Figure

Palazzi Mocenigo

Palazzi Mocenigo

Palazzi Mocenigo

Palazzi Mocenigo

Casa Barocci and Casa Tito

Casa Barocci, Casa Tito and Azerbaijan pavilion 18th Century Palazzo Garzoni Moro Canal Grande

Ugo Rondinone 2007, aluminum cast, painted white Palazzo Garzoni Moro Canal Grande

Azerbaijan pavilion 18th Century Palazzo Garzoni Moro Canal Grande

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Gabriela Cristescu InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foiş

Sound: Rondo Veneziano - Rondo Veneziano; Giochi d' acqua; Andante veneziano Rondo Veneziano - Rondo Veneziano; Giochi d' acqua; Andante veneziano 2015

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