VEFC Winter 2014

Post on 06-Apr-2016






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Quarterly News Magazine of Valley Evangelical Free Church


Winter 2014-15 |







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By Pastor Mike Sindelar

The Pain of Goodbye

Goodbyes are rarely easy. In fact, in my own experience, they mark some of the most difficult moments of my life. The hardest goodbyes have included standing at the gate of the airport and saying goodbye to a large group of family and friends as we headed off for Romania, not knowing when we would see them again. Then there were the days when we left our kids at boarding school and headed back to our home a thousand miles away.

You have your own moments and memories. Perhaps your difficult goodbye came when you left home yourself or your kids stepped out into their own future. Perhaps the goodbye was at the bedside of a loved one in the last moments of life.

Goodbyes are hard. They tend to trap us between the life we have known together and the uncertainty of a future apart. They force us to look into a future that seems full of change the unknown that comes with it.

In the gospel of John, Jesus said that God, His Father, loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. Jesus left the glory of heaven to come and dwell among the people of His own creation. Christmas celebrates that giving of

God, the incarnation of Christ. And there it is, the collision of the joy of life and the pain of goodbye.

I wonder what the goodbye was like between the Father and Son of heaven? We can’t imagine the depth of their relationship, their joy of being with one another. Take the deepest and most loving relationship you know and multiply it by, well, a gazillion, and you have some idea of the richness of the love shared by the Trinity.

When we say goodbye, the one who remains knows the certainty of surroundings but the deep absence of one loved. For the one who leaves, there is the uncertainty of what lies ahead and the pain of leaving the familiar behind.

Perhaps I’m adding too much of our own human feelings to the story of Christmas, but when I think of that goodbye among the Trinity, it gives me a sense of the love the Father must have. It is a love that would send His own Son away to a harsh and brutal future. While our goodbyes come with uncertainty, this holy goodbye was said in light of a known and painful future.

That’s a love I can’t comprehend. The next time we hear that familiar passage of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world…”, let us think of that nativity scene with the promised Christ-child come to live among us. But let us also remember that goodbye that they willingly suffered for our sake.

Brothers and sisters – may the love of God be seen in our lives and worship this Christmas season. May the depth of His love for you be your embrace and your refuge as you celebrate his life among us.

As this goes to print, Pastor Mike and Sandy Sindelar are anxiously awaiting

the arrival of their new grandson, Zeke, from China.

Justin and Molly Sindelar hope to bring him home in time for Christmas!

We have all heard the old axiom, “The church is not a building, but the people.” Finding consensus on that principle is not difficult, yet when it comes to making decisions about resources, passions can run high. But, at the end of the day, resources need to be utilized for the needs of the ministry. Sometimes those needs change over the years. Our sister church in Pitesti, Romania is a good example. Back in 2001, it became apparent that the young church needed a facility to meet in. After much research, it became apparent that there were no viable, existing options in the city. The decision was made to build. What a project it was to design, fund and build a church building in Pitesti. It was a faith adventure for all involved. Several teams from Valley have poured much energy and enthusiasm into making that building what it is today. Many have blessed the ministry and been blessed by the ministry in Pitesti. Over the years, the Lord has made it clear that the ministry is moving in a different direction. The bulk of ministry work is in another part of town, away from the building. Add to that significantly higher utility expenses and taxes in recent years and the building has become less of a resource and more of a burden for the people of our sister church, Adunarea Speranta Vie.

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After much prayer, fasting and consultation, the decision has been made to put the building up for sale. As of November first, the building has been on the market. Though there have been several inquiries, no serious buyer has yet stepped forward. The decision to sell has been, for all involved, a fairly clear decision. The building simply is not sustainable for the ministry as it is today. But when the banner was hung on the gate, the emotions and ownership of the building became a reality for everyone. Pastor Cristi said it was a difficult day when the For Sale banner was hung. This decision is not the end of the ministry. In fact, the building is still a resource in that it is a huge savings account! The cash from the sale of the building will allow for the development of other, more practical facilities for the ministry. The ministry of ASV will actually be much more sustainable and efficient when the building funds are put back into the work.

Bibles for Missions Thrift Center, through the efforts of dedicated volunteers, funds the

Minnesota Coalition for Eastern Europe and Bible League's ministries in Eastern Europe. Volunteers are needed. Donations of quality furniture, households items, media, toys and clothing are accepted Mon-Sat. Visit: or call: 763-522-1786 for more information. The center is located at 4713 36th Ave. N., Crystal (near North Memorial Hospital). Valley Free Missions is partnered with the Minnesota Coalition for Eastern Europe. Through this partnership, the ministry of Valley Free missions is strengthened in Romania and also extended into other parts of Eastern Europe. Your support of the Bible for Missions Thrift Center is integral to the outreach of Valley Free in Eastern Europe.

Re-Prioritizing the Resources of Ministry

in Pitesti

Valley's Upcoming Commitments

DECEMBER: Peanut Butter

JANUARY: Peas & Corn


Get your kids involved!

By Pastor Mike Sindelar

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O ne of the legacies that my mother left me is that she read through the Bible each year. She told me several

years before she died that she had either read through the Bible or listened to it on tape over 40 times. I realized that this is what made her the godly woman that she was, and I resolved to get started. I have a lot to catch up on! Recently I Googled “Bible reading plans” and found a lot of great plans to help read through the Bible in a systematic way. Here are some of them: 1. – There are several plans to choose from. My favorite is one designed by Discipleship Journal. The magazine is not being published any longer, but they have left their one-year Bible reading plan. I have done this one several times, and I like it because you read something each day from the Old and New Testaments and the Psalms or Proverbs. It is available in a PDF format that you can print out, fold up, and keep right in your Bible. The other great thing is that it has little check boxes for us Type A personalities! There are 25 readings per month, so there are built-in days to catch up. 2. – There are a lot of plans here. They offer a 21-day challenge, a 90-day challenge, a six-month challenge, and a one-year plan. There are chronological, historical, Old and New Testament together, Beginning to End, and other plans featured. You can click on them and read the passages right on your computer screen. 3. Another good plan can be found at (click on “Daily Bible Reading Plan”). It is a 52-week plan that features

Thank you to the area churches from our E-Free family that provided the bulk of the 14,000 pieces

of candy. Candy was our currency and we were able to share it well, thanks to you.

2nd Annual Buffalo Creek Community Church Trunk or Treat was a success. There were 500+ people who came through with some even traveling a great distance to enjoy a family focused event. Numerous people expressed interest in the church and were wondering where we were going to be meeting. Others who were shy towards the event last year were very grateful for the event also. We found it to be a great connection point as we laughed, played, face painted, handed out candy, and served over 300 hot dogs.

-Pastor Marc Rakow, Buffalo Creek Community Church

readings each day from the Epistles, the Law, History, Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy, and the Gospels. 4. Other plans can be found at,, and Bible Gateway. Another way to read through the Bible is by using the Chronological Bible. It is fascinating to me to read through the Bible in the order that the events happened. For example, the book of Job is placed very near to the beginning of the Bible. If

you read a story about King David where he wrote a Psalm, that Psalm will be included right after the story. Many times you will read two accounts of the same story, one after the other, and you can compare them. I have done this reading several times, and I think it might be my favorite. Paperback NIV Chronological Bibles are only about $20. (A great Christmas gift.) If you want to look at other Bible reading plans, just Google “Bible reading plans,” and you will find an

abundance of them. Many of the web sites will even e-mail you a reading every day, in the version of your choice! After I had read through the Bible a few times, I mentioned it to my Mother, thinking maybe I’d get a little pat on the back. Do you know what she said? “Maybe now that your children are in college, you can read it twice a year.” She had a deep love for God’s Word. You can begin your “year” of reading through your Bible any time, but January is a great time to get going. Go ahead; get started!

By Barb Crider Thanks, Mom!

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Every Operation Christmas Child shoebox is a gospel opportunity! Why is that important? While a gift of school supplies, toys and hygiene items is a blessing and exciting, the Eternal Gift offered to a child who receives a shoebox is the Greatest Gift of all! To hear of the Holy God of heaven and earth Who created all things, loves them, cares for them and knows of their greatest need…to be forgiven. That is why we fill shoeboxes and help them reach their sovereignly planned destinations. Ministry partners around the world use them to build relationships for the sake of the gospel. How did Valley Free participate this year??? Families and individuals packed shoe boxes…for some children it was easy to think of what another child might like and for others it was the opportunity to be stretched to see beyond themselves. Yes, this is ministry right in our own hearts. One member even hosted a packing party to celebrate a milestone birthday. A LifeGroup put together a packing party where 119 boxes were assembled by preschoolers, grade school students, parents, 2 foreign exchange students, grandparents, a Crown college young man, and a woman from the area who just wanted to be a part of the project. Sweetness filled the Fellowship Hall that night and it wasn’t just from the sugary treats that were consumed. Our Power Up students created boxes online. These boxes uniquely designed via the Operation Christmas Child website are used to reach into limited access countries. Such countries are

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places where you can go to jail for being a Christian or even speaking about Jesus, yet for this time, the Lord has opened a door for OCC shoeboxes and the message of the gospel to be delivered to places like Iraq. Valley Free Church opened our doors again to the community to be an OCC Relay Center receiving boxes from area churches, organizations and individuals. In the course of Collection Week, November 17th-24th, we received 1152 shoeboxes. Couples, friends, a homeschool mom and her children took part in greeting and helping community members unload their cars. Our church family pitched in to load the trailer at the end of the week so these boxes could continue their journey to the arms of a child in Tanzania, India, Uganda, Belize & Trinidad & Tobago. Finally, a fortunate group of volunteers spent time at the Minneapolis area Processing Center, checking boxes one last time (and getting some great ideas for next year), taping and packaging the shoeboxes into cartons. Their role was to make sure the gifts were filled with appropriate items and remove anything that could ruin a carton ( like liquids, glass, chocolate) or send a wrong message (like war toys). As these boxes travel over the next several weeks, continue in prayer for the recipients to receive the box that is special for their needs and their hearts to be open to the Greatest Gift of all message…the gospel of Jesus Christ!

By Candace Wisely

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O ne of my favorite parts of scripture is found in I Corinthians 12. It talks about spiritual gifts and the body

of Christ. There is one theme that comes to mind when I read these verses:

Our God cares about details Pastor Mike has been doing a great teaching on creation. The more I study, it becomes evident how truly awesome our God is. He is a God of order, not chaos. He cares about details and nothing “just happens”. Last, but most important is that He created this world to bring joy to His people and Himself. We are each uniquely made in His image and equipped with special gifts and talents to be used to glorify Him and carry out His plan. And, we know His plan is perfect.

In I Corinthians 12 verses 4 – 12 it says, Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons, but to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Verses 18-20 and 25-27 continues, But now God has placed the members, each one of them in the body, just as He desired. If they were all one member, where would the body be? But now there are many members, but one body. So that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it.

As the body of Christ we are given gifts, talents, and the power of the Holy Spirit to bring hope and healing to those who suffer and to rejoice with one another in good times. At Valley Free, I’ve witnessed a strong desire and willingness by members who want to learn to be more like Jesus, reach out to others, and then disciple others to do the same. Faith Community Nursing is just one “peg of the stool” that gives hope and healing to many. Let me share a few things that have taken place since this ministry started in February. The list provides a few examples of how God used a variety of gifted and giving people to unite and do His work through this ministry.

The Health Advisory Board was formed. It is composed of 12 volunteer members. The group is comprised of health care professionals and lay persons who have gifts, talents, and a passion to serve others.

Blood pressure clinics are provided on a regular basis with individual private consultations.

CPR/First aid training was provided to all staff.

An AED was purchased and is in the foyer of the church.

Visitation Training (with an intentional focus on spiritual assessments and care-giving) was given to 15 people which included 2 representatives from other churches.

Hospital and home visits have been provided to several.

Grief Following Trauma, a 2-day workshop, was attended by 28 people from Valley and a number of other churches and ministries.

Health Education has been promoted in a number of ways, which include an emphasis on monthly topics such as Stress Relief, Flu and Ebola, and Domestic Abuse to name a few. Information is provided through handouts, a display table, and one- on- one conversations.

Referrals and resources have been made available to those seeking assistance. Some examples are potential nursing home placement, assistance with mold removal, financial planning, mental health referrals and other areas that have been a concern for individuals and families.

Prayer support to those who are experiencing health related concerns, surgeries, and sudden, traumatic death or loss.

Visitation to a local assisted living facility to provide weekly Bible studies and individual prayer and spiritual counseling.

By Marcia Flom, Faith Community Nurse

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These things became possible because God provided a vision, called and equipped His people to respond through prayer and a willingness to submit to His plan, and then went to work. His perfect plan is evident throughout many ministries within the church and through individuals with a desire to give glory to God. Needs have been met, at times miraculously, through prayer, compassionate action, and willing hearts. There is much work left to be done. But God reminds us that it is all in His time. Often, it begins with one person being obedient and touching one life. FCN has agreed on an important principle: Build slow and build strong. We seek God and then proceed accordingly. In July, the board agreed to identify and prioritize needs or gaps in services. They organized as a group and elected a chairperson, Barb Crider. From that point forward they divided into three teams with team leaders for each.

Education – Megan Mayo Visitation – Pat Struck Prayer – Dennis Flom

These teams meet regularly, work on short-term and long-term plans, and pray together for God to reveal where He wants them to go. They are now in the process of recruiting volunteers to carry out their vision. If you would like to be a part of this ministry please contact Marcia Flom, Barb Crider, or one of the team leaders.

How can I get involved? I’m so glad you asked! The education team is looking for those who have special interests in health-related issues or have an expertise they’d like to share. For example, if you have an interest in nutrition or have an interest in working with the chronically ill, or other health related issues, please contact them.

The visitation team needs assistance with assembling gift bags, offering administrative assistance, people to provide transportation to those in need, and spiritual care resources that can be given to those who need encouragement. The prayer team is looking for people who would like to pray for those in need and assist with a “card ministry”. They also are considering a “prayer and healing service” sometime in the future. Much help and prayer will be needed for that. In addition, there are a few things everyone can do right now without getting formally involved:

Pray for the ministry.

Pray for what God may be asking you to do.

Be aware of those around you who may need some type of assistance through this ministry.

Provide financial assistance to help with purchasing supplies, informational resources, devotionals, and other items necessary to help promote well-being.

Assist with blood pressure clinics and the monthly display table. If you or someone you know needs assistance in any of the following areas:

Health-related issues (chronic illness, disability, surgery, etc.)

Need resources and information

Suffer from loss and grief

Need encouragement, hope, or prayer Please contact the FCN ministry by either calling the church office, completing a written referral (available in the foyer of the church), or emailing

Coming soon: Website resources and links to assist you with information and

opportunities to serve.

An FCN brochure with information and a form to request help or to serve.

A class offered during the Adult Education Hour in January concerning advanced directives, estate planning, and wills.

Honoring our parents with a fun-filled morning for their children as they do errands, finish Christmas shopping, or just have time alone.

In closing I’d like to leave you with this thought that came from the Parish Nurse Ministry at Fredenberg Chapel in Duluth.

Our well being is tied to our emotional, physical and spiritual

health. Many illnesses originate in our personal struggles, including grief. The key to preventive medicine may lie in picking up on people’s cries for help and being available to intervene and

help before they become seriously ill.

On behalf of the Faith Community Nurse Ministry, we thank all of you for your dedication and service to those around you while glorifying God for who He is and what He has done for each of us.

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Creation Book Winners! These brave young ladies accepted Pastor Mike’s challenge to recite 3 verses by memory in

front of the entire congregation. Way to go Joelea, Greta and Addie!

We exist to bring glory to God by calling all people into an abundant life with Jesus Christ

150 Engler Blvd

Chaska, MN 55318

Phone: 952-448-6144

Fax: 952-448-5119

Whether your marriage relationship is in crisis mode or simply needs some on-going investment, the upcoming marriage study series, Embracing the Vow, is for you.

Beginning in January, this discussion group will be based on the Prepare/Enrich Marriage Assessment tool. Each couple will be given an access code to the survey and will receive a personalized assessment of their marriage relationship. This tool measures 12 different areas of the relationship, including communication, conflict resolution, roles, sexuality, finances, spiritual beliefs, family structures and more.

During the group discussion, the general categories of the assessment will be studied and practical tools given for each couple to use in strengthening their relationship.

Pastor Mike and his wife, Sandy, will be leading this discussion group. Watch your bulletin and weekly Valley Free emails for more information on specific dates and details.

More than just an escape from your busy schedule, it’s your chance to discover exactly how incredible your marriage can be. Featuring engaging speakers, as well as special one-on-one time for the two of you. Learn to connect with your spouse more intimately, understand God’s blueprint for a wonderful marriage and draw from the experience and advice of leading marriage experts.

Registration is $200/couple. Accommodations, parking

and meals are additional.

Register at using the Group Name “ValleyCouples”.

Contact Rhonda Weber,, for more information.


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