VB89 Health

Post on 17-Jul-2016






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Established in 1996, Den Eye Clinic is one of the first private medical centres in Bulgaria specialising in diagnostics and high-end treatment of wide range of medical conditions, including cataract surgery and laser vision correction. Situated in two buildings of the Sofia centre, the clinic is equipped with state-of-art technology for diagnostics, surgery and treatment and is staffed by a dedicated team of professionals.

Ophthalmologist Assoc. Prof. Dr Andrey Andreev has been the manager of Den Eye Clinic since its foundation. One of the most competent and respected professionals in Bulgarian ophthalmology, Dr Andreev is a member of prestigious ophthalmological organisations in the EU and the USA, and is the Vice President of the Bulgarian Ophthalmologists Society.

Medical technology is not enough, believes Assoc. Prof. Dr Andrey Andreev from Den Eye Clinic


trust, compassion and loyalty

Sofia, 21 Rositsa St | phone: + 359 (2) 983 2028 | mobile: + 359 885 747 325 | www.eyeclinic-den.com

What is the secret of Den Eye Clinic's longevity?

Reputation and professionalism. Medicine is a special discipline – in it, trust, charity, honesty and willingness to help are the most important things. Modern equipment alone is not enough – the patient should know that he can trust the physician.

Which procedures and treatments are the clinic's strongest features?

About 20 years ago, Eye Clinic Day pioneered in Bulgaria the modern treatment of cataracts – phacoemulsification. Today, with this operation we are able not only to restore the patient's vision, but also to improve significantly its quality. Surgery treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, corneal transplant, strabismus and vision correction are also in the foundation of our success. Den Eye Clinic is the only one in Bulgaria where lamellar keratoplasty is done – a new method of corneal transplantation with many advantages.

When surgery is urgent?All emergency and chronic diseases in which

the doctor has made an accurate diagnosis and has chosen surgery as a method of treatment, are urgent. Urgency has different time equivalent, depending on the diagnosis.

What kind of methods do you apply on children? Which children's conditions can be corrected?

Surgical treatment of children is a big responsibility. The success depends not only on the excellently done surgery, but also on the efforts for the development of children's vision afterwards. We have one of the best children's eye physicians and the results we are having are of a very high level.

What requirements should the professionals in Eye Clinic Day meet?

They should be excellent professionals, and hearty and compassionate as people.

seeing clearly

да виждаш ясноОчните клиники в България са на световно ниво като качество на работа, екип и апаратура

Стандартът на живот зависи от здравето, а намаленото зрение създава сериозни труд-ности в социалното общуване, работата и всекидневието. За щастие, съвременната медицина дава решение почти за всеки офталмологичен проблем, при това без болка и без стрес.

Офталмологията е една от най-бързо развиващите се специалности в българското здравеопазване.

The standard of living depends on the health and decreased vision causes serious difficulties in social interaction, at work and in everyday life. Happily, modern medicine provides a solution for almost any problem, without pain and stress.

текст Антоанета Баева

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Eye clinics in Bulgaria are at world level in terms of quality of work, staff and equipmentby Antoaneta Baeva

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In 2001, Prof. Dr Iva Petkova created medical centre "Zora", in Sofia, as a place striving to achieve the highest quality of health care.

Later, the centre morphed into a hospital for treatment of eye diseases. In 2010, at "Zora" was created a sector for laser vision correction equipped with an excimer laser Allegretto WaveLight, a feast of technology. Prof. Dr Petkova is a specialist in vitreoretinal surgery and lectures in the Medical Academy in Sofia.

She has specialised in Cologne, London and Brussels.

Are there procedures which are done only in "Zora"? Tell us more about them.

For example, the removal of cataract with a femtosecond laser is done only in our hospital, as well as photodynamic therapy of macular degeneration.

How do you keep your team in touch with the rapid development of ophthalmological technology?

Ophthalmology is indeed a rapidly expanding medical subject. The physicians at "Zora" are all very ambitious and continually attend courses, seminars and congresses, they also write scientific publications. Some of them have a degree in the field in which they are specialised.

How did the diagnostic in ophthalmology change in recent years?

The diagnosic in our subject goes hand in hand with the development of the engineering technology and it noted a sharp development in recent years. The constant improvement in the physical parameters of the equipment and

keeping sight sharpOphthalmology is developing with the speed of technology, says Prof. Dr Iva Petkova from "Zora" Eye Hospital

the increased resolution of the image helps us to diagnose conditions which until recently we weren’t able to.

How did laser treatment improve the eye care?

Laser treatment is extremely effective in the treatment of eye diseases. The excimer laser used in refractive surgery is continuously improving. The new generations of lasers allow the safe correction of higher diopters and faster recovery. The femtosecond laser entered refractive and cataract surgery, allowing extremely precise execution of these procedures.

Which conditions can be treated with laser?Which are the most common surgeries?The most common laser procedure is the

refractive surgery. In recent years, femtosecond laser is getting more and more used in cataract surgery and so the operations are safer, more accurate and secure, avoiding the development of post-operative astigmatism. In cases with severe myopia, the correction is possible with artificial lenses and here the femtosecond laser is very efficient.

What is the risk in these operations?With the sophistication of the procedure the

risk is now minimised. Of greatest importance, however, is the examination of the patient in advance. The decision depends on the thickness and the individual characteristics of the cornea. When it is thinner, the risk of complications is higher, but we have a sound diagnosis of the disease and we can find it out in its very beginning.

Sofia, 191 Maria Louisa Blvd, floor 2 | phones: 02 931 2281, 087 999 8414 | svetlina_zora@abv.bg | ww.bolnica-zora.com

Ophthalmology is one of the fastest growing medical specialties in Bulgarian healthcare.

"We can proudly say that many eye clinics in Bulgaria are on an European level in terms of quality of work, organisation and equipment," says Assoc. Prof. Dr Andrey Andreev, Vice President of the Bulgarian Ophthalmologists Society and a member of prestigious ophthalmological organisations in the EU and the USA. Dr Andreev is also the manager of Den Eye Clinic, one of the oldest and most reputed eye clinics in Bulgaria, which specialises in modern treatment of cataract, glaucoma and vision correction. "The reason is that ophthalmology is one of the medical subjects with a great number of private hospitals and medical centres and the competition is very strong. I think that the development of ophthalmology in Bulgaria goes several steps ahead of health care reforms," Dr Andreev adds.

Good diagnostic equipment is crucial for quality treatment and the Bulgarian ophthalmological clinics are equipped with the latest technologies for fast and precise diagnostics. There are performed procedures like early computer diagnosis; treatment of glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy with modern lasers; cataract surgery with implantation of an ultrasound and soft intraocular lenses; laser surgery of a detached retina; treatment of vascular and inflammatory diseases of eyes; operative treatment of squint and care for children vision; trabeculectomy; keratoplasty.

Professional team of specialists, who are constantly updating their knowledge and skills in ophthalmology, is also important. Bulgarian physicians regularly attend international forums and develop their own scientific researches, and clinics put an effort on organising international experts exchange programmes and visits from world renown ophthalmologists.

Traditional methods of treatment have

"С гордост можем да заявим, че много очни клиники в България са на европейско ниво като качество на работа, организация и апаратура" – казва доц. д-р Андрей Андреев, заместник-председател на Съюза на очните лекари в България и член на офталмологични организации в ЕС и САЩ. Д-р Андреев e и управител на очна клиника "Ден", една от най-старите и реномирани клиники в страна-та, която специализира в модерно лечение на катаракта, глаукома и корекция на зрението. "Причина за това е фактът, че офталмоло-гията е една от специалностите с най-много частни здравни заведения и конкуренция-та e много силна. Мисля че развитието на офталмологията в България върви с няколко крачки пред реформите в здравеопазване-то" – допълва д-р Андреев.

Добрата апаратура за диагностика е реша-ваща за качественото лечение и българските клиники са оборудвани с най-нови техно-логии. Прави се компютърна диагностика и лечение на глаукома и диабетна ретинопатия със съвременни лазери; оперативно лечение на катаракта с ултразвук и имплантиране на меки вътреочни лещи; лазерно и оперативно лечение на отлепена ретина; лечение на съ-дови и възпалителни заболявания на очите; оперативно лечение на кривогледство и грижа за детското зрение; трабекулектомии; кератопластика.

Не по-малко важен е професионалният екип от специалисти и постоянното актуали-зиране на познанията в областта на офтал-мологията. Българските лекари редовно посещават международните форуми и развиват собствена научна дейност, а клини-ките полагат грижа за международния обмен на специалисти и организират гостувания на офталмолози с международна известност.

Традиционните методи на лечение са дока-зали своята успешност, но в офталмологията все повече навлизат нови методи, които

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Resbiomed-Vissum Sofia Eye Clinic is the first clinic outside Spain from VISSUM Ophthalmology Corporation. Vision involves quality of life. Today, our societies demand high quality of life and excellent ophthalmic results, particularly from surgery. Conventional techniques are adequate but we are interested in raising the limits of ophthalmology to the highest standards possible. From this vision and perspective, our cooperation is based on a longstanding perspective of clinical application of the most sophisticated, innovative and effective surgical techniques and medical treatments for eye diseases and optimising the clinical results for our patients based on innovation and clinical research.

Correction of ametropia, e.g. short-sightedness (myopia), far-sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism by means of the state-of-the-art femto LASIK is one of our most important special fields. The new technology ReLEx® Smile provides a better way to improve your short-sightedness and the professionals in Resbiomed-Vissum Sofia Eye Clinic know how to make the best of it for your eye condition.

if you want to see... the difference


Sofia, 144 Aldomirovska St | phone: +359 2 808 1888 | mobile: +359 879 600 290 | sofia@resbiomedeye.com | www.resbiomedeye.com

Resbiomed-Vissum Sofia Eye Clinic applies revolutionary technology for minimally invasive laser refractive surgery

ReLEx is a trademark of Carl Zeiss Meditec that stands for the so-called All-Femto-LASIK procedure ReLEx® Smile, which is only performed using VisuMax – a state-of-the-art Zeiss femtosecond laser.

How does ReLEx Smile work?Step 1: The VisuMax femtosecond laser

creates a refractive lenticule and a small incision of less than 3 mm in the otherwise intact cornea.

Step 2: The lenticule is manually removed through a very small incision in the cornea. There is no need for a flap cut and the disruption to the biomechanics of the cornea is minimal.

Step 3: The removal of the refractive lenticule changes the shape of the cornea, permanently correcting the refractive error.

The result? No pain, no flap, biomechanically much more stable cornea compared to LASIK, better sight with faster recovery and less stress for your eyes.

proven to be successful, but new ways with better results have been rapidly introduced into ophthalmology. The laser has completely changed the standards allowing more precision, faster and painless procedures and faster recovery.

Diagnostics in ophthalmology has seen a rapid development in recent years, and is moving in line with development of new technologies, explains Prof. Dr Iva Petkova, who lectures in the Medical Academy and is the founder of Zora Eye Hospital. "Laser treatment is incredibly effective in treatment of eye conditions," says Prof. Dr Petkova. 'The excimer laser for laser correction of dioptres is being constantly improved and new generations of laser allow the safe removal of high dioptres and the faster recovery." However, there are cases when more radical treatment is needed. "In severe cases of myopia, like 9-10 dioptres, when common laser correction is helpless, there is an opportunity for correction with replacing of the natural lenses of the eye with artificial ones. Femtosecond laser is very effective in achieving the optimal result of the surgery. In our clinic we have very good results with this type of procedures."

There are specific eye conditions where laser correction of dioptres is not recommended, such like keratoconus – the conical thinning of the cornea. "We have an apparatus for diagnosis of the condition when it is in its early stages and yet has no symptoms," says Prof. Dr Petkova. "That is why thorough examination in advance with specialised equipment is extremely important for avoiding complications."

The best Bulgarian clinics apply brand new procedures to ensure the highest standard of treatment.

Resbiomed-Vissum Eye Clinic in Sofia applies the revolutionary ReLEx Smile technology for minimally invasive laser refractive

дават по-добри резултати. Лазерът напълно промени стандартите и даде възможност за повече прецизност, по-бързи и безболезнени процедури и по-бързо възстановяване.

Диагностиката в офталмологията през последните години се развива много бързо, в крак с развитието на инженерните техноло-гии, обяснява проф. д-р Ива Петкова, препо-давател в Медицинска академия и създател на очна клиника "Зора". "Лазерното лечение е изключително ефективно в лечението на очните заболявания – казва тя. – Ексимерни-ят лазер за корекция на диоптрите непрекъс-нато се усъвършенства, а новите поколения лазери позволяват безопасното отстраняване на по-високи диоптри и по-бързото въз-становяване." Има и случаи, когато трябва по-радикално лечение. "При много високите късогледства от над 9-10 диоптъра, при които не може да се извърши обикновена лазерна корекция, има възможност за коригиране чрез премахването на естествената леща на окото и поставяне на изкуствена такава, при което фемтосекундният лазер има голяма ефектив-ност за получаването на максимален резултат от операцията. В нашата клиника имаме мно-го добри резултати от този вид процедури."

Съществуват специфични заболявания на окото, при които лазерната корекция на ди-оптри не се препоръчва, каквото е кератоко-нусът – конично изтъняване на роговицата. "Ние разполагаме с апарат за диагностицира-нето на това заболяване, когато то е в много ранен стадий и все още няма специфични симптоми – казва проф. д-р Петкова. – За-това щателният предварителен преглед със специфична апаратура е изключително важен за избягването на усложнения."

В най-добрите български клиники се прак-тикуват нови процедури, които осигуряват най-висок стандарт на лечение.

Очна клиника "Ресбиомед-Визум" в София прилага революционната технология

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Sofia, 8 C. Grigorovich St | phones: (+359 2) 951 5037; (+359 2) 951 5655 | lazervision@abv.bg | www.lazervision.eu

Modern equipment and dedicated professionals are equally important for good eye care, says Elena Kumbieva, manager of Eye Laser Centre Vision

seeing the light

For 11 years now, Eye Laser Center Vision has earned a reputation as one of the top ophthalmology clinics in Bulgaria. The clinic works following the highest international standards in prophylaxis and treatment in a wide range of conditions in children and adults, and has an extensive social activity. Elena Kumbieva, manager of Eye Laser Centre Vision, tells more.

What makes Eye Laser Centre Vision special?Vision is the prove that in Bulgaria it is possible

to have world-class modern medicine. We have top-class equipment for precise diagnostics and adequate treatment, but also an exceptional team of professionals.

Tell us more about the people who work in Vision.

We chose excellent specialists and then give them the opportunity to continue studying and enhancing their skills. They participate in international events where they catch up with the latest developments in ophthalmology. For 5 years now we have been bringing to Bulgaria leading foreign specialists who

provide free medical examinations. A good clinic means having nice and helpful customer service and administrative staff, so every employee in Vision knows that the patient's comfort is paramount.

What are the main treatments that Vision offers?We conduct examinations and highly specialised

medical analysis, laser procedures and treatment of all types of eye conditions: early prevention, computer diagnostics and treatment of glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy with modern lasers; cataract surgery with ultrasound and implantation of soft intraocular lenses; laser and surgical treatment of detached retina; vascular and inflammatory eye diseases; surgical treatment of strabismus and care for children's eyesight; trabeculectomy, keratoplasty.

In which conditions does laser treatment help?In all pathological conditions. We can predict and

diagnose all types of severe conditions and propose appropriate treatment.

Can you treat myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism and how?

We have the most modern laser for laser treatment, yet it is important for the patient not to have serious chronic diseases. Correction is not recommended for pregnant and breast-feeding women, too, and the cornea thickness is essential.

What kind of social activities has Vision developed?

The centre is socially engaged. We visit nursing homes and offer free examination, covering the whole or a the bigger part of the price of the lenses after cataract surgery. From 2013 on, our mobile teams have been examining for free adults outside Sofia. So far we have helped dozens of people.

ReLEx Smile за минимално инвазивна лазер-на рефрактивна корекция на късогледство с или без астигматизъм. Технологията има значителни предимства пред конвенцио-налните лазерни корекции – биомеханично интактна роговица, без болка, без капаче и необходимост да се прилагат овлажняващи капки месеци наред. При процедурата се пра-ви съвсем малък разрез (под 3 мм) в перифе-рията на роговицата. През него се разслоява мениск в дебелина от 10-30 микрона, който се изважда. Възстановяването е значително по-бързо в сравнение с конвенционалните лазерни корекции. След корекцията паци-ентите могат да упражняват всички видове спорт без риск и без ограничения, за разлика от другите лазерни корекции.

Единствено Очна клиника "Ресбиомед-Визум" предлага на пациенти на възраст над 45 години лазерната рефрактивна корекция Laser Blended Vision (микро-моновижън), която позволява да виждат на всички дистан-ции без очила.

Катарактата е една от най-честите причини за намаление на зрението при възрастните хора, споделя д-р Анна Петкова, специалист по очни болести във Vision, реномирана кли-ника в София, която предлага пълна грижа за възрастни и деца и широка социална дей-ност. При катаракта, пациентите започват да виждат замъглено, влошава се контрастната чувствителност, цветовете променят нюан-сите си. Когато пердето стане много плътно, зрението силно намалява. Лечението е 100% хирургично, а златен стандарт за операция е факоемулсификацията. "Под микроскоп с по-мощта на много фини инструменти навлиза-ме в окото през изключително малък разрез от около 2 мм – разказва д-р Петкова. – С ултразвук раздробяваме на "ситни парченца" помътнялата естествена леща на пациента и на нейното място поставяме нова изкустве-на леща, която е индивидуално изготвена

corrections of myopia with or without astigmatism. The technology offers significant advantages over conventional laser vision correction – mechanically intact cornea, no pain, no flap and no need to apply moisturising drops for months. During the procedure a very small incision (less than 3 mm) is created in the periphery of the cornea. A lenticule with the thickness of 10-30 microns is dissected and removed. The recovery is much faster compared to the conventional laser vision correction. After the correction the patients can practice all kind of sports without any risk and without any limitation unlike the other laser vision corrections.

Only Resbiomed-Vissum Eye Clinic provides to patients of over 45 years of age the laser refractive correction Laser Blended Vision (Micro monovision) that allows seeing at all distances without glasses.

Cataract is one of the most common causes of reduced vision in elderly people, says Dr Anna Petkova, an ophthalmologist at Vision, a renown clinic in Sofia which offers complete care for adults and children and has a vibrant social activity. The vision of cataract patient becomes blurred, contrast sensitivity decreases, the colours change their shades. When the so-called clouding thickens, the vision is seriously reduced. Treatment is 100 percent surgical, with the golden standard being phacoemulsification. "Under a microscope, using very fine tools, we enter the eye through a very small incision of about 2 mm," says Dr Petkova. "With ultrasound we fragment the "small pieces" clouding the natural intraocular lens of the patient and replace it with new artificial lens which has been custom made. Our clinic applies lenses of incredible quality which improve vision and contrast, correct corneal astigmatism and provide excellent vision without glasses. Most importantly – the cataract surgery is painless, quick and sparing."

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за всеки пациент. Нашата клиника работи с изключителни по качеството си лещи, които подобряват зрението и контраста, коригират роговичния астигматизъм, осигуряват отлич-но зрение без очила. И най-важното – опе-рацията на катаракта е безболезнена, бърза и изключително щадяща."

Друго много често приложение на лазера, е корекцията на диоптрите. Пациентите не мо-гат да повярват, че една процедура, която трае няколко минути, ще им върне доброто зрение.

"Докато шофирам по магистралата към Любляна, където е поредният международен конгрес на рефрактивните хирурзи, не спи-рам да тествам зрението си за далеч" – раз-казва д-р Светослав Дойчинов, специалист по лазерни корекции на зрението от клиника Vision. "Шест години след като си направих лазерна корекция на зрението, още се изне-надвам колко добре виждам, без неудобство-то на контактните лещи. Преди време самият аз имах съмнения в дълготрайността на този метод и това е нормалната реакция на всеки пациент. Сега съжалявам, че отлагах толкова време преди процедурата, с която премахнах 5 диоптъра."

Д-р Дойчинов сравнява начините на корек-ция на зрението с видовете транспорт през времето. "Очилата са конският впряг, а на контактните лещи отива сравнението с парен локомотив – казва той. – Радиалната керато-томия е като трамвая, а лазерната корекция е като съвременен автомобил. До Любляна стигнах за 9 часа, без да търкам очите си и без да капя изкуствени сълзи, както се случваше преди, докато носех контактни лещи."

Дали ще останете при "парния локомотив" или ще предпочетете "съвременния автомо-бил" зависи от вас. Важно е да знаете, че в България имате много възможности за корекция на зрението, най-съвременна апаратура и професионалисти, които ще направят най-доброто за вас.

Another very common laser application is in bifocals correction. Many patients still are reluctant to believe that a few minutes procedure will restore their clear vision.

"While driving on the highway to Ljubljana for the next European Society for Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, I am testing my ability to see far," recalls Dr Svetoslav Doychinov from Vision Clinic. "Six years after I had a laser correction done, I am still amazed with the quality of my sight without the discomfort of contact lenses. Once, I was sceptical on the long term effect of this method, but this is the normal reaction of a patient. Now I feel regret that I have postponed the procedure, which removed my 5 dioptres."

Dr Doychinov compares the methods for vision correction with types of transportation. "The glasses are like the team of horses and contact lenses are the steam locomotive," says he. "Radial keratotomy is the equivalent of tram and laser correction is like a modern car. I reached Ljubljana in 9 hours, without rubbing my eyes and using moisturising drops, as happened before while wearing contact lenses."

Whether you'll stay with the "steam locomotive" or will prefer the "modern car" is up to you. What's important is, that in Bulgaria you have a number of options for vision correction, top-end facilities and professionals who will do the best for you.

high beam XXX

Vagabond Media is happy to announce its cooperation with Penguin Travel, the travel agency based in Copenhagen and Sofia, to provide a new service to our readers: experience for yourself all the places, sites, events and everything else you read about in Vagabond, Bulgaria's English Magazine.We now offer highly customisable, tailor-made tours to just about anywhere in Bulgaria (and of course through the Balkans) that you have read about in this journal during the past six years. Just go on www.vagabond.bg, find your destination, and drop us an email. We will provide you with a quote immediately.Our new service includes anything from half-a-day tour of Sofia to a week-long journey off-off-off-the-beaten track through Bulgaria. Some examples of what we have to offer:

Jewish Bulgaria Once Bulgaria was a major Jewish centre in southeastern Europe, which did not deport about 49,000 of its Jews during the Second World War. Now the Jewish community in the country is small, but the heritage remains – sometimes well-kept and maintained, but often overlooked, ignored and abandoned. With a highly-qualified guide, who has authored many articles and a book about Jewish heritage in the Balkans, you can now visit some or all of the Jewish-related sites. Expect to discover some surprising gateways to a forgotten yet potent reminder of a world that no longer exists.

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Eccentric Bulgaria

Incentive Travel

Communist Bulgaria In 1990 Bulgaria was the only Warsaw Pact country to re-elect its former Communists in a multi-party election. In 2013 Bulgaria is the only country in Eastern Europe that has not demolished, dismantled or at least put in context its hundreds if not thousands of Communist-era monuments, statues and architectural complexes varying from monstrosities such as the Founders of Bulgaria monument in Shumen and the flying saucer building at Buzludzha to the menacing Red Army monument in Central Sofia. Many of those have been left to the elements to wither, just as the ideology that once inspired them. In a generation, they will be gone, so now is the time to see them, experience them and see for yourself what Eastern Europe looked like 25 years ago.

Ottoman Bulgaria Did you know that until the late 19th century Bulgaria was a part of a powerful empire spanning on three continents and incorporating lands as varied as what is now Egypt, Greece, Israel, Turkey and Iraq? Modern Bulgaria is dotted with remnants of the Ottoman Empire – bridges, mosques, public baths, residential architecture, water fountains... This is an exciting tour that will give some unique insights into why Bulgaria is what it is at the beginning of the 21st century.

Our tours are highly customisable and can be done for anything from a few hours in central Sofia to a week-long trip in the country. We provide convenient transportation, hotel accommodation, good food and wine and above all expert guides who will tell you all the stories that will help you make sense of what you see in one of Europe's least known lands.

Just send us an email on travel@vagabond.bg with a specific inquiry and we will be happy to oblige.

www.vagabond.bg www.penguin.bg www.penguin.dk

the correct answers to the questions on p10:1. – A; 2. – C; 3. – A; 4. – B; 5. – B; 6. – A; 7. – A; 8. – C; 9. – A.


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