Vasant Valley Vasant Valley Today AGE · Vasant ValleyVasant Valley Today AGE today OCTOBER 2016 1 On the 18th September in Uri near Baramullaha, a disputed region ... -Armaan Kumar,

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Vasant Valleytoday


On the 18th September in Uri near Baramullaha, a disputed region on the Indo-Pak Border, 23 Indian jawans were killed by infiltrators from Pakistan in what is being called the worst Indo-Pak clash in two decades. Though the Pakistan military government has denied all ties to the event, there is high suspicion of the militant outfit that could have carried out the attack. One frightening headline has boiled the blood of an entire nation.

On the smoking muzzle of a gun, India was put on a back foot. Without provocation we had lost 23 of our bravest men. So on the back foot, In-dia initiated retaliation measures. The attacks set in motion three simul-taneous phenomena all which arrived with their own set of questions…

In 2001 after the Parliament Attack, India was assured that it would re-ceive Pakistan’s complete cooperation in eradicating all militant groups on its soil. Observing a lack of effort on the promise, Modi himself au-thorised “Surgical Strikes” on the Line of Control in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir 11 days after the Uri attacks. Illegitimate militant base camps were set up to extract the parasites Pakistan harboured which were posed a grave threat to the security of the Subcontinent as a whole. Pakistan, however, denied the occurrence of these surgical strikes and confirmed only cross border firing, labelling it as India’s bluff.

On the political frontier, the SAARC Summit, which was to be held in the month of November in Islamabad, was boycotted by India. The official statement India released expressed concerns about cross border tension and how it was felt that visiting Islamabad wouldn’t be the safest course of action. Subsequently, Afghanistan and Bangladesh also pulled out, jeopardising the occurrence of the event.

tracing through times of terror.

-Aditya Chopra, 11

April 4th – Mehbooba Mufti becomes Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir.

July 8th – Burhan Wani is killed. Curfew is implement-ed in Kashmir.

August 19th – Pakistani spy who was scouting the bor-der areas is caught in Jaisalmer.

August 29th – The curfew is lifted, but restrictions and suspensions remain.

September 18th – Terrorists attack an area near Uri.

September 28th – 29th – India allegedly makes surgical strikes against militant bases in Pakistan—territory. Punjab is on maximum alert due to the recent surgical strikes.

September 28th: India boycotts the 19th SAARC sum-mit, followed by other nations’ withdrawal.

October 5th – Pakistani troops violate ceasefire thrice.

October 5th: UN Security Council declares ‘no plan to discuss Indo-Pak relations.

October 6th – India publicly slams Pakistan for block-ing Indian trade with Afghanistan.

October 7th – Rajnath Singh announces India’s deci-sion to completely seal off borders with Pakistan by 2018.

October 8th: Debates and discussions upon the Indus Waters Treaty commence.

October 10th: Tehmin Janjua blames India for South Asian instability at the UN.

Back home occurred the third event, the bilateral boycott initiated by Indian Motion Picture Producers Association (IMPPA) prohibited the screening of works of all Pakistani actors on single screen cinemas. BCCI ruled out all possibilities of facing or hosting Pakistan tours and also requested ICC to not pool together the two nations due to political hostility. A nation was struck, the nation recoiled, structured its way forward and braced itself to bite. However, this nation is also built on the cement of Non-Violence. Is military retaliation really the solution? The debate rages on.

What we as responsible citizens need to understand is, questioning every move our military makes is detrimental to its functioning, not fruitful. When Pakistan denied the surgical strikes, Narendra Modi’s opposition started demanding proof of the strikes. And as it always has, India once again faced both internal and external threats to its integrity. The bilat-eral boycott imposed by IMPPA strengthened its stance when many Pakistani actors refused to release a statement about their nation of birth, when put up on a pedestal and handed a mic by the government. But why are we banning artists who have no relation to the terrorist nature of their homeland?

It’s natural for any warm blooded soul to be infuriated by attacks on his homeland, but reckless decision making and point-ing fingers in ALL the wrong directions has been India’s hamartia for far too long, its time for a change.

“A day will come when the people of Pakistan will fight against the homegrown terrorism.”- Narendra Modi, September 24

-Armaan Kumar, 10

Vasant Valley Today // PAGE 2

The war on drugs has been hard fought across all nations. But we haven’t really seen any real results. The United States National Institute On Drug Abuse has a success rate of only one percent. This is solely because the United States of America have taken the wrong approach to tackling drug addiction. They have gone ahead and adopted a supply demand policy where they locate and destroy cartels, use deterrent policies against addicts and dealers as well as increase the price on chemicals used to create drugs to shut down home operations, hence cutting off supply. But they failed to realize that shutting down supply only increases the demand due to the bodies of addicts ferociously craving them. Hence they now have an even more rampant drug problem and most drugs are now flowing in from Mexico, where they possess no control.

Although recently we have seen an inhumane approach that has stemmed from the ideology of Rodrigo Duterte, now President of the Philippines. His campaign was widely successful as it promised to completely eradicate crime and drugs and his speeches, often comical [a real Trump like character] won over crowds. And so his brutal reign began. He has come out and made a state-ment that essentially allows anybody to shoot any drug addicts or dealers on sight. This is especially dangerous in a country with a large population of gun owners.

Duterte often compares his move to the holocaust and claims that he will not rest until Manila Bay is filled with dead bodies. In a murky and violent world, alleged drug addicts and dealers are found dumped by roadsides with only signs around their necks identifying them as “drug user” or “drug pusher”. These individuals are identified as having been killed in unknown circumstances or EKIA [Enemy Killed In Action], letting the killers roam free. This vigilante experience has now led to the killing of over 4000 individuals. Although he claims to be one of the smartest men alive, Duterte has not yet realized that his war isn’t against addicts, it’s primarily against the poor who turn to drugs since they are socially excluded and perhaps depressed or emotionally unstable. To understand the best approach to fight drugs we need to look at what causes addiction and what cures it.

Social disconnection and emotional instability leads to use and abuse of substance, whilst healthy relationships and social contri-bution leads to a break of habit. To further explain this we look at the Vietnam War. 20% of the American army was using heroin when they were in an unfamiliar jungle that they despised. But when they returned home from the campaign to their families and resumed normal jobs away from violence 95% of the users never used heroin again. Rehabilitation and reformation is the way to fight drugs, not a full-scale war.

This sparks thought. Switzerland has cured its drug problem by opening free and well maintained drug rehabilitation centers and on the other hand Duterte’s inhumane and violent approach has done nothing to large operations in the Philippines and has sparked an international debacle. One is clearly the better option.


कक्षा १०,११ और १२ के कुछ छषात्रों ने ४ दिन के आई -पषार्लियषामेंट मैं भषाग र्यषा । आई-पषार्लियषामेंट एक कृत्त्म ्ोक सभषा है जिसमे िेश के अनय त्िद्षा्यरों से २२५ छषात्रों ने भषाग र्यषा । एक महीनषा पिूलि ही हमें अपनषा चनुषाि के्त् ि पषाटटी दियषा गयषा थषा । कुछ छषात्रों को मीदियषा कषा कषाम दियषा गयषा थषा ।

पह्े दिन ही ििषाहर भिन के सभषागषार में उते्िनषा कषा मषाहौ् थषा । परूलि रूप से िह एक कषायलिरत दिन थषा. पषाटटी के सिसयरों ने अपने नेतषा और पषाटटी उपनेतषा को चनुषा, जिसके बषाि कषंागे्स की संरि यपूीए ने सरकषार बनषाई । दिन के अरंतम चरर में भषारत के भतूपिूलि गहृ और त्ित् मंत्ी श्ी पी.रचिंबरम ने संत्ििषान के अनचुछेि ३५६ पर चचषालि की,जिसके त्िषय पर हमषारी यह ्ोक सभषा िषाि त्ििषाि करने िषा्ी थी । हमें इसकषा संशोिन करनषा थषा । अनचुछेि ३५६ भषारत के कें द्ीय सरकषार को ऐसी शत्ति िेती है, जिससे िह एक प्रिेश में रषाष्ट्रपरत शषासन को अरिरोत्पत कर सकतषा है । श्ी पी.रचिंबरम ने हम सबको ्ोक सभषा के कषामकषाि के बषारे में भी कुछ बतषायषा ।

िसूरे ि तीसरे दिन प्रश्न घंटे ि िीरो घंटे से शुरुआत हुई । प्रश्न घंटे में संसि के सिसय मंत्त्यरों से कोई भी सिषा् पछू सकते हैं और िीरो घंटे में सिसय कोई भी एक मदेु् को संसि के धयषान में ्षा सकते हैं । िषाि त्ििषाि के समय में हम सब ने अनुचछेि ३५६ के समसयषाओ ंपर तकलि की और उसके संशोिनो पर भी चचषालि की । अतं में ्ोक सभषा ने इस त्िपत् को परूलि बहुसंखयषा के सषाथ उत्ीरलि दकयषा । एक पनै् चचषालि के र्ए श्ी कत्प् रसब्,श्ी स्मषान खशुशीि,श्ी एस िषाय कुरेशी,श्ी संिय झषा और श्ीमती मषा्त्िकषा मषा्षा रसंह ने भषाग र्यषा, िहषँा उनहरोंने भषारत के त्िषय पर अपने त्िचषाररों को प्रसतुत दकयषा ।

-Aryan Sadh, 10


अदितयषा कपूर, ११

Vasant Valley Today // PAGE 3

-Kamya Yadav & Riya Kothari, 12

We never realised the magnitude of pressure that our seniors spoke about when they said, “Class 11 and 12 are going to make you discover who you are under pressure.” As our school life comes to an end, we’ve grown, we’ve changed and defi-nitely discovered ourselves (or mostly) over the course of these last two years. And as we prepare ourselves to graduate into the ‘real world’ we want to leave a few tips behind for those who are yet to receive battle scars from the trying years of class 11 and 12.

1. Don’t stress. We won’t lie to you, the next two years are going to be tough. But stressing and worrying isn’t going to get you anywhere. So just breathe, and enjoy the ride. 2. If you want to reduce that stress, plan ahead; a day, a week, a month, whatever helps you. Having a roadmap will clear out your head and give you goals you can work towards. 3. You’re going to complain. A lot. So find people to do it with. We’ve found that tagging each other in memes on Facebook has certain heal-ing properties you won’t find anywhere else. 4. People are going to push you in a million directions. College, the nightmares of standardized testing, extra curriculars, exams, school pressure, and those dreaded ‘what do you want to do with life, beta’ lectures. Listen to them, do what you have to, but don’t lose yourself in the process. 5. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Being excessively sweet to teachers October onwards isn’t fooling anyone. Continue being yourself and people will recognise you for your worth. Eventually. 6. Failing a review or one terrible grade sheet isn’t the end of the world. What’s most important is doing things because you love doing them, even if they won’t look good on your resume. 7. Life isn’t a race no matter what 3 Idiots tells you. It’s more of a joy ride, if you can see beyond exams, grades and colleges. Don’t forget to have fun and hold on to the people who matter the most.8. Work hard, but don’t forget to have fun. Don’t take it all so seriously - we all need a break sometimes. You’re 16, live a little.

Above all, smile. Even through the worst of days. These will be the last few moments you spend with friends who have become family and the bricks walls that have become home. No matter how much you “can’t wait to get out of school,” some part of you is going to miss it.

I entered the Mind Rocks summit eager to listen to what some of the most eminent people of our country had to say. I left fearful of what the future had in store for our country.

The day started with wrestler Sakshi Malik, followed by ac-tors Amitabh Bachchan and Varun Dhawan. The star-studded lineup sent the crowd into a frenzy. However, the change in temparament of the crowd as Kanhai-ya Kumar approached the stage left me astounded. As he began to speak, the atmosphere became frigid. He was ‘booed’ by the audience, his voice drowned out by chants of “Modi” and incessant whistling. While Kanhaiya Kumar remained unpeturbed, impeccably answering one hard hitting question after another, the audience turned chaotic. No one was willing to listen to what he had

to say. Ultimately, his session had to be cut short and he was forced to leave the stage.

This is exactly what our country has become. It is a society so intolerant, that we can’t even be bothered to listen to a dif-ferent point of view. Accepting it is a far cry. The audience for the summit represented educated youth studying at some of the top institutions in Delhi. This amplified my fear. If some of the brightest minds in the country could not see through the political haze and lend an ear to a simple conversation...The situation definitely looked grim.

I was further disgusted when the debate between Asaduddin Owaisi and Subramanian Swamy commenced. Just like Kan-haiya Kumar, Owaisi too was shut up by chants of “Modi”. Yet, he maintained a calm exterior and continued to talk. Swamy, on the other hand, aggravated the climate in the room by spreading Hindu nationalist propaganda and referring to Owaisi as “Anti-national”. Why does refusing to say “Bharat Mata ki Jai” make one an anti-national? Why does the number of Twitter followers determine one’s political strength? Why do constant clashes still occur between Hindus and Muslims? It seems as though we are at a dangerous point from which there will be no return. And it’s disappointing to see that we, the youth are mindlessly cheering to tip the country over.

Intolerance : noun, unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect opinions or beliefs contrary to one’s own.

-Asees Kaur, 11

-Aryan Sadh, 10



अदितयषा कपूर, ११

Vasant Valley Today // PAGE 4My Family

My mom, she travels the worldIn the air she is as swift as a birdShe chatters like a parrotAnd her favourite vegetable is a carrot.My Dad’s as funny as a jokeHe loves to entertain folksHe takes us along for walks in the parkBakes cakes, and sings like a lark.My sister brightens the houseBut she is never as quiet as a mouse!She sings out loud with a wonderful voiceBut sometimes I just think it’s noise!My Dad’s as silly as a clownAnd my mom’s as sweet as sugarMy sister’s as cute as a teddyAnd I’m all of them put together!

Devaki Menon V - A

The Little ChefHere I was, sitting in the hotel kitchen, slapping my forehead in frus-tration while my brother was splashing around in the pool outside. You must be wondering how and why I got here, so let me start at the beginning . My family and I had taken a holiday to the beach . After we finished unpacking, I went to take a look at the hotel. When I reached the kitchen, there was a chef ’s hat and coat hanging from a hook outside. I always liked cooking and often cooked at home, so just for fun I tried on the coat and hat. Suddenly, the kitchen door burst open and an impatient French waiter came out hurriedly. The moment he saw me , his face broke into a huge grin and he said “Ah bonjour ! You have finally come!” He took my arm and led me into the kitchen and said, “We have been waiting for the chef’s replacement for hours.” I thought really hard about how to get out of this mess. I finally decid-ed to sneak out when no one was looking. As soon as I reached the door, it burst open again and in came the real replacement . I quickly handed him the coat and hat, and ran to my room. Rayyan Kidwai V - A

The Girl Who Married A SnakeIn a village far awayThere was a brahmin who daily prayed,He and his wife were really sad,Because they had no children, wouldn’t you feel bad?Then suddenly one day, oh for heaven’s sake!The child that they gave birth to was a snake!When the snake grew up, they called him a man,But when it was time for his wedding, the brahmin ran,Who would marry a snake?The friend’s daughter said, “It’s a piece of cake!”A man came out of a snake’s skin,His wife could hardly recognize him,The same thing happened the next night,The snake’s father came into the room and turned white!He sees his son change from a snake to a man,And destroys the snake skin as fast as he can.The man thanked his father, now freed from a curse,The snake skin destroyed without asking him first! Nylah Dhawan III - A

The Three FishThere once in a lake were three fishThey were best friends but ate worms in a dish,for one was nice and wise,and early he would rise.But the second one was cunning and smart,I believe he could do any art.The third fish believed in fate,And had not stopped it till date.One day, leapt the first fish in the bubbly bay,But suddenly heard the fisherman say,“I caught one big fish, lets come back tomorrow, oooh!”He told his friend and said, “ Let’s go to the canal, I’ll tell everyone else too”.The second one said, “ I’ll save myself on the attack day.”The third one said “I lived here my life, let’s stay, what do you say?”The first one didn’t want any danger,so the canal to he went, even though he was a stranger.The other two should be sorry, they were so rude,The second one said, “There is danger not, my dear dude.”Suddenly an attack came and the fisherman ate them for food. Inika Gour Tirath III - A

Together we made this story..On a farm there lived three chicks named Dio, Pio and Tio with their mama hen. One day the three naughty chicks left the farm and got lost. Mama hen was very worried and went looking for them. She found the three chicks and brought them back to the farm. They were very hungry so mama hen gave them worms to eat. They promised not to be naughty again. Nursery - C

Life Cycle of a ButterflyButterfly, butterfly where do you lay eggs?On green leaves here, there and everywhere.Eggs, eggs what happens to you next?

We hatch into creepy, crawly caterpillars that never rest.Caterpillar, caterpillar what do you do the whole day?I crawl around eating green juicy, leaves all through the day.Caterpillar, caterpillar what do you become?After two weeks of eating I spin around myself a co-coon.Cocoon, cocoon what do you become?I soon become a colourful butterfly and fly all around! Aarav Chandiram, Yuki Miyashita , Kushaan Kochhar,

maorI maa^Mmaa^M haotI hO sabasao nyaarIpr maorI maa^M hO sabasao PyaarI.kaoyala saI maIzI Aavaaja, hO ]nakIcaIMTI sao pirEmaI hOM vah.pUjaa paz krtI hOMbarf saa zMD,a idmaaga rKtI hOM.

duinayaa maoM AnaaoKI hOMcauTikyaaoM maoM proSaanaI maorI dUr krtI hOM.maorI KuSaI doKtI hOMidla hao jaata hO ]naka baaga - baaga.maa^M haotI hO sabasao nyaarIpr maorI maa^M hO sabasao PyaarI. caOsanaa mailak pa^Mca - e

Vasant Valley Today // PAGE5

भषारतीय संगीत कषा संबंि प्रषाचीन भषारतीय त्िज्षान से है। भषारतीय संगीत कषा जि्ंत उिषाहरर िेते हुए हमषारे त्िद्षा्य के छषात् -छषात्षाओँ ने संगीत प्ररतयोरगतषा के द्षारषा मनोरंिक और मनमोहक प्रिशलिन दकयषा। एक् संगीत , युग् संगीत और सषामदूहक संगीत के द्षारषा पतथर में भी िषान भर िेने िषा्ी उतकृष्ट क्षा कषा मंचन दकयषा गयषा।

िहषँा िीयषा त्बसिषास के द्षारषा प्रसततु रषाग िषागेश्वरी एक् संगीत से श्ोतषा मंत्मगुि हो उठे िहीँ अरग्मषा रषाय के द्षारषा प्रसतुत रसतषार की िनु और िरुर िषासिेुिषा, कषामयषा यषािि की यगु् सरु-तषा् से श्ोतषाओ ंके मन मच्ने ्गे। क्षा-प्रिशलिन के बषाि दि् थषाम कर प्रतीक्षारत प्ररतभषारगयरों में ्षा् सिन को सिलिश्ठे प्रिशलिन कषा परुसकषार और हरे सिन को दद्तीय परुसकषार दियषा गयषा। इस संगीत प्ररतयोरगतषा की शमषा आि भी िशलिकरों के मन में ि् रही है।

(Shoojit Sircar’s recent film, Pink, deals with the sensitive issues that loom over our society like dark clouds. The ideas of power-play, gender roles, and consent are strongly brought out through the course of the film)

“Tujhe pata hai main kaun hoon?” There is this strong sense of authority and arrogance with which he repeats these words. His voice is loud, strong, a symbol of power, echoing around the room, the house, the city, the country and the world.It’s not just him. The others say it too. They all do, in different colors and words. These words are a representation of his power, a message to any one standing in front of him. The message that clearly tells them that no matter who they go to, they will never get justice for the wrongs he has put them through. And so of course, when he assaults a woman no one can do anything to harm him. No questions asked, no FIR’S registered, her voice is drowned by the loud laughter of his friends. And why would anyone listen to her in the first place, after all it was all just some ‘banter’, ‘boys will be boys’, especially the sons of such influential entities. The girls should learn to be careful, they are the ones who ‘bring it upon themselves’, and hence there are some rules that they must abide by, or else stop complaining about how ‘unsafe’ Delhi is. The Rule Book of the Girls Safety Manual:1. Don’t stay out late. (‘Hamare yahan ghadhi ki sui character decide karti hai.’)(When you do something like that you are bound to get harassed.)2. Don’t drink with boys. (This shows your loose morals and brands you as being available.)3. Don’t spend time with boys or go out with them. (I mean religious places are an exception.)4. Don’t be independent or live alone in a city. (These independent women confuse our boys today.) 5. Don’t smile while talking to boys. (Of course this can be seen as a hint, you are bringing it upon yourself) The fact is that knowingly or unknowingly these so called ‘rules’ have been embedded into each one of our mindsets. No matter which strata of society you may belong to, the notion largely remains the same. When a girl stays out late at night, drinks, goes out with boys, lives alone/independently or smiles while talking to a boy, she is looked down upon and branded as being available. She is said to have loose morals, a loose character or is accused of confusing the boy by giving him misleading ‘hints’. And that is absolutely sad and ridiculous. If a boy does the same, he is considered to be an independent and a matured ‘man’. In fact men who live with their parent after a certain age are looked down upon. This skewed notion of gender roles needs to change. The idea of consent needs to be understood by so many people in our society. The fact is that no matter who she may be- your girlfriend, your friend, your wife or even a sex worker- when a woman does not say ‘yes’ it means ‘no’. And nothing except that loud clear ‘yes’ can be taken as a hint for consent.

परैषार्रमपक खे् महतिपरूलि अतंरषालिष्ट्रीय प्ररतयोरगतषाएँ है, जिनहें ओर्मत्पक खे्रों के सषाथ आषायोजित दकयषा िषातषा है, परनतु इसमें भषाग ्ेने िषा्े जख्षाडी शषारीररक रूप से कुछ अ्ग होते हैं। उनकी मषंासपेरशयरों में कमजोररयषँा होती है, ्ेदकन इनकी आजतमक शत्ति प्रब् होती है । यही कषारर है दक इन त्िशेष ्ोगरों कषा आतमत्िश्वषास िषागतृ करने के र्ए पैरषार्रमपक खे्रों की शुरुआत हुई थी। परैषार्जमपकस कषा मत्ब बहुत सपष्ट है -परै िो सषाथ-सषाथ है। मेरे दहसषाब से भगिषान ने हमें अ्ग बनषायषा तषादक िीिन में त्िरचत् तथषा त्िरभनन प्रकषार के िीि, आिर और समषानतषा महससू कर पषाएँ । मझेु यह भी ्गतषा है दक हर मनषुय को एक मौकषा रम्नषा चषादहये, जिसमें िह आगे बढ़ सके और अपनी प्ररतभषा को िशषालि सके। इस सषा् हमषारे िेश के प्ररतयोरगयरों ने चषार पिक प्रषाप्त दकए और परेू िेश ने इन पर बहुत गिलि महसूस दकयषा । अगर हम एक जख्षाडी से भी बषात करें तो हम समझेंगे दक खे् तो एक दहससषा ही है, इनकी अस्ी िीत है- इनकी दहममत और इनकी जजनिषादि्ी है. ये सब शषारीररक मजु्क्रों को अपने मनोब् से िीतकर, सर उठषाकर िीिन िी रहें हैं ।

संपरूलि परररषाम

१. ्षा् सिन २. हरषा सिन

३. नी्षा सिन ४. पी्षा सिन

-Ananya Jain, 11


इंटर-हषाउस भषारतीय संगीत प्ररतयोरगतषा परैषार्रमपक खे्-2016

-िषाररनी चंढोक, ९

-िकशयषानी चंद्षा, ६

Editor’s Note : Read Mr. Kapur’s open letter to students titled #LetsTalkAboutRape in the Hindustan Times.

Vasant Valley Today // PAGE

Anoushka Clays, Darinee Chandhok, Tanvi Bahl, Sanah Kapur, Aryan Sadh, Saahil Armaan Kumar,

Rabiya Gupta, Aditi Singh, Arushi Bhutani, Ishita Malhotra, Zoya Hassan, Aditya Kapur, Asees Kaur, Jay Jaganaath,

Ananya Jain, Kamya Yadav, Nikita Dhawan, Riya KothariEditor- Sarina Mittal

Send all articles/suggestions to newsletter@vasantvalley.orgOnline issue available at


Jay Jaganaath, 11

Editorial Board

THE HUNGER GAMES- CLASS, POLITICS AND MARKETING - American University This course examines the interplay of class, politics, ethics, and marketing. Topics covered include oppression, feminism, food deserts, rebellion, the publishing industry, and social media mar-keting.

GET SERIOUS ABOUT BEYONCE-Rutgers University The course attempts to position Beyoncé as a progressive, feminist, and queer figure through examination of her music coupled with read-ings on political issues- both contemporary and historical.

SURVIVING THE COMING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE - DISASTERS, CATASTROPHE AND HUMAN BEHAVIOURMichigan State University Students in survival groups will face multiple challenges and tasks as they attempt to survive catastrophic events, escape death, and preserve the future of civilisation. The ability to survive ultimately rests not with the individual, but with the group.

‘OH LOOK A CHICKEN!’ EMBRACING DISTRACTION AS A WAY OF KNOWING - Belmont University In this course, students get to doodle while listening to music and also get to write reflections about how they overcame distractions to accomplish their original intentions.

THE SOCIOLOGY OF MILEY CYRUS- Skidmore CollegeThe child star turned pop diva has been used to study the interplay among race, class, and gender, as well as develop a feminist critique on media.

JAY-Z AND KANYE WEST- University of Missouri in Columbia, Mo.In this course, a comparison is made between what rappers do that make them different or similar to poets .

#SELFIECLASS- University of Southern CaliforniaIn this course there are certain guidelines which have to be fol-lowed to perfect the task of taking a selfie. Student have to write an essay on how a selfie helps in identifying one’s true self.

WHAT IF HARRY POTTER IS REAL- Appalachian State UniversityIn this course students examine the issues of race, gender, time and place after reading various novels. Then, they try to get the most out of their readings by imagining what life would be like if the novels came to life.

TREE CLIMBING -Cornell UniversityIf you were too short, too scared or you just never learned to climb a tree when you were younger- this is the class for you. From beginning to end, the students are taught how to climb trees step by step.

ELVISH-THE LANGUAGE OF ‘LORD OF THE RINGS’- University of WisconsinFor those interested in chatting with Legolas and Thranduil, look no further than this course taught by the leading expert in Sindarin (the official term for elvish, for the uninitiated.)

The next time someone tells you Superman doesn’t exist, just forward them this article, would you? There are several uninteresting, yet ex-traordinary medical phenomena floating around the Doc’s lair, but myostatin- related muscle hypertrophy intrigued me so much that I fur-ther researched it.

To be concise, it gives you super-strength. Your body fat reduces by half, and in place of that, your muscular mass doubles! The best part about this ‘disorder’ is that there aren’t usually any cons; even though patients of this genetic condition are born physically superior, their cognitive functions remain unaffected.

In a particularly interesting case, a toddler named Ben, of about 1.5 years, was able to lift 2kg weights in each hand simultaneously. That’s more than I can do! However, people of this genetic design who wish to pursue a sport are sometimes discriminated against. It is argued that their hypertrophy gives them an unfair advantage. What’s your opin-ion?

The Nobel Prizes, one of the world’s most coveted prizes, were recently announced for this year; they celebrate the progress of man-kind in various fields.

1. Physics - Won by David J. Thouless, Duncan Haldane and John M. Kosterlitz for “ for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transi-tions and topological phases of matter “. In translation, this means that they have discovered ways to manipulate matter in unusual states of existence.

2. Chemistry- Won by Jean-Pierre Sauvage, J. Fraser Stoddart and Ber-nard L. Feringa “for the design and synthesis of molecular machines”. This means that they created nano-machines that can operate on a mo-lecular level.

3. Physiology or Medicine- Won by Yoshinori Ohsumi “for discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy” Autophagy is a process by which cells are decomposed and recycled.

4. Economics- Won by Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström “for their contributions to contract theory”. Contract Theory is a field of research that deals with the intricacies of contracts.

5. Literature- Won by Bob Dylan “for having created new poetic ex-pressions within the great American song tradition”.

6. Nobel Peace Prize- Won by Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia, “for his resolute efforts to bring the country’s more than 50-year-long civil war to an end.

-Anoushka Clays, 9

-Arushi Bhutani, 10



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